Saint Joseph's University Chapter Plan (2014-2015)



Learn how SJU AMA will "Inspire to Soar Higher" in the 2014-2015 Chapter Plan

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INSPIRE TO SOAR HIGHER 2014-2015 Chapter Plan

Saint Joseph’s University – Haub School of Business
























SJU AMA MISSION: The AMA chapter of the Saint Joseph’s University is devoted to helping its members, student body, and community make great strides in teaching, communicating, and connecting with plethora of marketing resources. These resources include alumni, faculty, career services, and experts in various business fields. It is the greatest hope of this chapter that its members will enter into the business world with the wisdom, resources, confidence, and ethical values for a successful future.

The Executive board works together to establish resources and plan events for Saint Joseph’s

University student body. They implement chapter plans throughout the academic year and also hold committee meetings for students. Committees are made up of SJU AMA members who are

looking for a more hands on level of involvement within the chapter.

Overall Goal and Objectives: - Increase member engagement at SJU-AMA meetings and events. - Lead a consistent club that offers a variety of events which give students the ability to continue

to grow and learn outside of the classroom. - Implement a brand theme this year, Inspire to Soar Higher, and use it to structure our Goal for

the upcoming year. - Host our second annual regional collegiate conference with 90 student attendees to build

professional relationships with corporations and network with students from other universities and colleges.

- Organize 8 professional development and skilled-based events and corporate speakers with 20 student attendees in each session.

- Attract 15 incoming business students to AMA and retain 50% current members. - Increase our social media presence by utilizing effective promotional campaigns. Attain 20+

likes/followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram individually.

Executive Board Giuliana Carella – President

Kelly Patterson – VP Communications & Advertising Christina Lampert – VP Fundraising & Programming

Tehetna Gabreamanuel – VP Membership & Finance Colleen Cruice – VP Community Service



Target Market Primary: Current members and marketing majors

Secondary: Haub School of Business students across all majors Tertiary: Students with business minors, communication majors, and marketing faculty

Strengths: - Strong brand awareness on Saint Joseph’s University campus as a professional student organization that provides advantageous marketing focused experiences. - Committed and active executive board. - Experienced and dedicated advisor with strong connections with professionals in the industry. - One of the most active and distinguished professionally oriented clubs on campus with frequent, varied, and beneficial marketing related events and educational opportunities. - Positive member experiences that advance club’s reputation for professional and personal development and experiential learning. - Tradition of success, which has led to a distinguished reputation. - Member of the Dean’s Business Leadership Council which helps connect other top business school organizations to create events for all HSB students. - Well recognized, consistent branding across all channels of communications and promotions (e.g. social media, apparel, fliers)


- Challenges in attracting non-marketing majors to events because is perceived to be exclusive. - Difficulty delineating general membership benefits against committee membership benefits. - Maintaining member involvement throughout the academic year. - Some students are uninformed on the benefits of AMA and perceive the dues as too high. - Many campus organizations hold events at the same time, conflicting student’s schedules and level of involvement. - Limited number of Junior and Senior members.

Opportunities: - Growing relationship with the Philadelphia Professional Chapter and other local AMA Chapters. - Continue recruitment across SJU programs, including non-business majors, to promote membership growth and interdisciplinary networking. - Increase alumni involvement to help bring in relevant speakers and sponsors who can share experiences and relate to student interests and Goal. - Continue to co-sponsor events with other Haub School of Business Clubs - Maximize impact of social media tactics to effectively promote AMA programing, engage current members, and reach new potential members. - Haub School of Business Administration is very supportive of the chapter - The surrounding Philadelphia area provides many opportunities to network and interact with major local companies.

Threats: - Students time-many involved in other clubs - Perception of AMA as resume filler - Speaker not always appealing to every student/member - Many other marketing industry clubs (FMA PILOT) - AMA membership fee starkly higher than the $15 standard of other clubs on campus, resulting in difficulties attracting new AMA members - Larger number of competing student organizations on campus, including organizations that offer class credit - Due to the growing number of students and organizations, there is a lack of rooms available to book for events



Professional Speakers Goal: - Host one professional speaker event each month. - Have at least two speakers be recruiting for their company each semester - Have at least 20 members in attendance at each event Strategy: - Find guest speakers who can bring value to our members. We will find these though personal connections, adviser’s connections, other marketing professors, the career development center and LinkedIn - We will promote these speakers though internal and external communications

Company Visits Goal: - Provide one company visit this year - Have at least 10 students attend the visit Strategy: - Use personal contacts, professional relationship, faculty and alumni contacts to connect with companies that members would like to learn more about

Student Blogs Goal: - Let our members be heard - Provide blogging experience to members Strategy: - Encourage members to write one blog throughout the 2014-2015 academic year

2nd Annual Regional Conference Goal: - Attract SJU AMA members as well as other local AMA chapters - Have an attendance of 90+ students Strategy: - Create promotional needs to place around campus and send to local chapters - Create an online registration program for students - Find the correct speakers to address our student’s interests - Promote conference though our chapter’s and personal social media sites

Annual Case Competition Goal: - Establish a core team to create a report that will be selected to present at the National Conference - Surpass all previous SJU case entries Strategy: - Promote the Case Competition at member meetings - Work with the Marketing Department faculty to find students they feel would add value to the team

AMA National Competitions Goal: - Enter at least 3 AMA National competitions - Place in at least 1 competition Strategy: - Provide members and the board with all the information for each competition - Create a calendar with all timelines and deadlines

Overall Goal: We want our chapter to be an integral part of student’s college experience and enhance the students’ professional development skills by providing marketing insights through workshops, competitions, and professional speakers.

Overall Strategy: We will utilize our resources and knowledge to provide students with opportunities to network and prepare for the marketing industry through a variety of professional events.



Overall Goal: Raise enough funds to help sponsor the board to attend the AMA International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans, LA. In addition, raise any funds needed for events that cannot be funded through the Student Budgeting Allocations Committee (SBAC). Overall Strategy: The VP of Fundraising and Programming will work to plan events that will help raise funds and promote through traditional and social media. She will form a committee to help with the execution of the below events.

Marketing Week Goal: - Hold co-sponsored events with other HSB organizations to highlight the various marketing industries - learn about the experiences of marketing experts through a panel - Have at least 15 AMA members at each event - Have an overall attendance of 30+ students at each event - Increase overall awareness of AMA on campus and increase membership Strategy: - Connect with other HSB organizations - Seek professor’s involvement in finding speakers and promoting in class to students - Promote our events through traditional and social media outlets - Host an event every day of Marketing Week

Co-Sponsorships Goal: - Strengthen the connection between AMA and other Haub School of Business (HSB) student organizations and clubs - Increase event and speaker attendance by 50% by appealing to student’s interest in various marketing industries Strategy: - Team up with other HSB organizations to hold speaker sessions, workshops, and events that target a larger audience - SJU AMA is involved in the Dean’s Business Leadership program, we plan to use this connection with all HSB club Presidents to create new co-sponsored events for students

Consulting Goal: - Provide marketing services to other student organizations on campus Strategy: - E-mail blast of our services - Place SJU AMA logo on promotional materials for other organizations - Use board and members personal connections with members of other clubs to establish professional relationships FUNDRAISING


Local Retail Location Fundraisers Goal: Raise $50 at each location/event, host at least 2 Strategy: - Reach out to Landmark Americana, Ooops Frozen Yogurt, and California Pizza Kitchen about allowing this fundraiser - Promote events through traditional and social media

Ticket Raffles Goal: Raise $150 Strategy: - Raffle tickets to the student body for Eagles and Flyers games - Promote raffle via traditional and social media - Reach out to MKT Department teachers to make

announcements in class


Overall Goal: Saint Joseph’s University has many opportunities for campus service events. Our goal is to get our chapter members more involved in these events, in addition to helping other clubs market their philanthropic events effectively.

Overall Strategy: Students cannot get involved in anything if they are not aware. As AMA members we will use marketing techniques to promote and engage fellow classmates.



Final Exam Care Packages

Goal: Raise $2,000 Strategy: - Send letters home to all freshman SJU families - Promote Final Care Packages through e-mails, letters, and social media

Regional Conference Corporate Sponsorships

Goal: Raise $200 Strategy: Establish a team of AMA members to reach out to local businesses for support

Hand in Hand Goal: - Help promote annual SJU event - Establish relationship with one the largest community service events on campus - Encourage students to participate day of event Strategy: - Traditional and social media advertisements - Executive board will volunteer day of event - Announce event details at general meetings

Community Day Goal: - Encourage members to participate in one of the largest community service events on campus Strategy: - Traditional and social media advertisements and announcements at general meetings

Sorority & Fraternity Events Many of the Fraternities and Sororities on campus are looking for assistance in promoting their individual philanthropic events. Goal: - Leverage membership in other Greek society’s to team up to co-sponsor events - Boost attendance of non-Greek members at these events Strategy: - Promote though social media

Cal’s Cupcake Challenge – The Calliope Joy Foundation Goal: - Raise awareness about children’s neurological disease - Help fellow SJU professor spread awareness about her foundation, in particular the 2nd Annual Cal’s Cupcake Challenge event held September 20, 2014 - Raise money and gather donations Strategy: - Donation from Wawa Inc. (500 ½ pint juice boxes) - Executive board to volunteer day of event - Promote event through traditional and social media - Speak to students about event at AMA information session held the first week of the fall semester

Be The Match Goal: Participate in at least 2 of the competitions and raise awareness on campus Strategy: Sign up to be part of the program and follow instructions given. We plan to enter for best social media campaign, fundraising, and find other ways to raise funds for the cause


Overall Goal: To recruit 50 new members that will attend at least 2 events hosted by the SJU AMA. In addition,

we would like to improve membership retention by 30%.

Overall Strategy: Build awareness and engage business and marketing majors emphasizing the chapter and its


Retention and Recruitment Fall 2014/Spring



- Increase membership by 50 students - 30% member renewal - Committee involvement 20% increase - Dismiss the image that AMA is only for marketing majors - Increase attendance at speaker meetings and marketing week to 20 people Strategy: - Create clear definition of benefits of membership to be shared with all business majors - Attend fall/spring activities fair - Attend Admitted Students Day - Discuss Executive Board positions and how members can by further involved - Plan entertaining and informational events

Class Presentations Goal: Have our VP of Communications and Advertising give a 4-5 minute presentation about the SJU AMA Chapter during Marketing 201 Classes Strategy: All AMA members and faculty are encourage to promote upcoming AMA events in order to increase business student involvement

Online Recruitment Goal: Post all AMA events through social media accounts to keep all members and prospective members informed Strategy: Make regular posts and messages about AMA events and opportunities as well as how to register or be added to our email list

Membership Database/Membership Participation Goal: - Keep database updated - Have 50% of members attend at least 4 professional development and 3 committee meetings Strategy: - Record contact information, record of dues and payments, major, academic status - Update database regularly - Have sign in sheet at meetings - Plan events to target various marketing industries that appeal to a larger range of students

Mentorship Program Goal: - Assign new members to current board members to encourage involvement Strategy: - Have mentors contact their mentees twice a month to update them on current activities via email, texts, calls, and in person - Allow interested mentees to come to Executive Board meetings to learn more



Overall Goal: Reach 70% of our primary and target markets weekly though internal/external communication channels.

Overall Strategy: We will leverage our traditional, non-traditional, and electronic media communication channels to relay information about SJU AMA

Calendar of Events Goal: Have all attendees of events be informed of future events Strategy: We will distribute a calendar of events at every speaker meetings via hard copy and attach in event follow up emails

Flyers Goal: Distribute a minimum of 50 event flyers for each event Strategy: VP of Communications and Advertising will design informative and creative flyers to be distributed around campus and displayed in the Haub School of Business

Bulletin board Goal: Redesign the bulletin board for the academic year and update it weekly with upcoming events Strategy: The AMA bulletin board is located outside of the Marketing Department located in the Business School. This will serve as a source of information for students to find out about meetings, events, general information, and will be updated weekly.

Letters to faculty Goal: Distribute letters to faculty before upcoming events Strategy: Letters will be sent to faculty members in the Marketing Department a week prior to events so that they can announce to their classes. We will also follow up with emails to the faculty a few days prior to the event

Email Blasts Goal: Release Weekly emails to both students and faculty Strategy: VP of Communications and Advertising and their committee will send out emails regarding events, speaker sessions, and internship and job opportunities


Alumni Networking

Goal: - Work with SJU Career Services and utilize LinkedIn to reach out to SJU alumni for shadow program and speaker sessions - Create a database of alumni working in marketing industry and reach out to them about opportunities to work with the AMA Strategy: - Meet with SJU Career Services - Reach out to alumni

Member T-shirts and Officer Polo’s Goal: Have 75% of officers wear AMA apparel on meeting days Strategy: All members will be given the 2014-2015 member t-shirt during marketing week to help create a brand awareness on campus. Officers will be asked to wear their officer polo’s on meeting days

AMA “SWAG” Goal: Utilize past AMA “SWAG” as giveaways to promote AMA and increase brand awareness Strategy: Past boards have ordered a surplus of promotional items that we would like to continue to give out this year in an effort to save money. These items include, beads, pens, mugs, car magnets, cups, tattoos, etc. We will give out a few of these items at speaker meetings to students who engage and leave smaller items like pens or beads around the business school for all students to see.

Social Media Goal: 20+ new likes/followers on FB, Twitter and Instagram individually Strategy: Stimulate members to post and share content that will be updated on a day-to-day basis



Website Goal: - Implement a blog section for members - Update content regularly - Provide resources for students - Update content from events/speakers - 25 unique website visits per month Strategy: - Have members write blog posts after events - Work with the university web design team for innovative ways to update the website - VP of Communications and Advertising will be responsible for updating the ride regularly and researching new ways to appeal to students

Hall monitors Goal: Submit one event to be displayed every week Strategy: Each event will be submitted to the hall monitors through the business school and will be seen around the building in high traffic areas

SJU Events calendar Goal: Have all AMA events posted on the campus wide events calendar Strategy: Work with faculty to have events put on the calendar for all SJU students to see and register to attend

Public Relations Goal: Create and distribute press releases via traditional and social media about events, achievements and co-sponsorships Strategy: - Have Communications and Advertising committee design press releases - Utilize Saint Joseph’s University resources, Marketing and PR Department and alumni contacts to connect with local newspapers and TV news stations

Board Communication Goal: Use a variety of methods that allow board members to be in contact with each other and work together collaboratively Strategy: - Group ME Texting – will allow board members to send and receive messages to each other no matter what the device - Private Facebook group - One on one meetings for each board member with the President to review project updates and details and address Goal for chapter and as a board member

Overall Goal: Design and implement a successful chapter management system with guidelines and evaluation strategies to hold each other accountable.

Overall Strategy: Maintain accurate communication of deadlines, events, and meetings with all officers to

efficiently carry out the chapters Goal.

Officer meetings Goal: Hold weekly meetings with chapter officers to plan and carry out events Strategy: Communicate with the officers about when and where the meetings are and have a prepared agenda for the meetings. Meetings will consist of officer reports on the progress of their projects

Transition of New Officers Goal: Incoming board members are able to confidently prepare the incoming board and provide all the necessary resources they will need Strategy: Have a designated meeting for officer transitions where we will also review board evaluations and goal setting for new officers. Officers will also have a transition binder that will aid in training the new officers for their position





Chapter effectiveness evaluation Goal: Distribute surveys to officers and chapter members at the end of each semester to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the chapter operations Strategy: Work on developing a survey at the beginning of the year and then distribute, collect, and analyze responses at the end of the semester and work on making necessary changes

SBAC Meetings Goal: Connect with all university affiliated club presidents and learn the universities budget objectives for student clubs and organizations Strategy: Attend SBAC monthly meetings and create precise budget to be presented to ensure funding

Chapter Plan Goal: President and board will work together to set Goal for the upcoming year Strategy: Use the Chapter Plan as a guideline and evaluation criteria and focus on creating Goal that are quantifiable and obtainable. We will make sure the chapter plan is accessible on the website so members are aware of the chapter’s goals

Annual Report Goal: Achieve 90% of Goal presented in the Chapter Plan Strategy: Complete the annual report on time and have each officer update the progress of events as they occur CALENDAR OF EVENTS

DECEMBER ‘14 2- Guest Speaker Kristen Marcell 3- Hugh G. Wales Faculty Advisor Award Due 4 – Executive Board Meeting 1-5– Final Exam Care Packages 17- AMA Collegiate Case competition Due

JANUARY ‘15 15, 22, 29 – Executive Board Meetings 22 – Guest Speaker

February ‘14 5, 12, 19, 26 – Executive Board Meetings 18- Annual Report Due TBD – Company Visit 19 – Guest Speaker

MARCH ‘15 5, 19, 26 – Executive Board Meetings 5- Guest Speaker 14- Annual Report Due 19-21- International Collegiate Conference New Orleans 19- Chapter T-Shirt Competition Due TBD – 2nd Annual Regional Conference TBD – Admitted Students Day

APRIL ‘15 11 – Hand in Hand 23 – Guest Speaker 25 – Community Day 27-30- Final Exam Care Packages

*All events listed are tentative and/or may change. In addition, due

to the nature of hosting events at Saint Joseph’s University policies,

the Spring 2015 calendar has not been finalized.


7 – Executive Board Meeting

28 – SJU Activities Fair


4, 11, 18, 25– Executive Board Meetings

18 – SBAC Meeting

16 – Speaker: Tim Davis

20 – Cal’s Cupcake Challenge


2, 9, 16, 23 – Executive Board Meetings


6- Guest Speaker Chris Malone

7- Starbucks Case Study Challenge

8- Marketing Professional Panel Dinner

8- Chapter Plan Due

9- Guess Speaker Jessica Scott

10- Marketer of the Year Award Breakfast with SJU Board

of Trustees

28 – Guest Speaker Rose Hamilton


11- Guest Speaker Alyssa Aaron

12- Outstanding Marketing Week Due

6, 13, 20 – Executive Board Meetings

10-14 – Executive Board Interviews





Professional Development

Professional Development

Regional Conference Registration $500 Marketing Week Catering $700

Regional Conference Corporate Sponsorships $200 Regional Conference $1,000

Speaker Fees and/or Food $520


Speaker Gifts $110

Ticket Raffles $150 Office Supplies $30

Local Retail Fundraisers $100 Marketer of the Year Plaque $40

Final Exam Care Packages $2,000



T-Shirts $1,345

Dues $8,125

NOLA Conference


Travel/Accommodations $6,900

SBAC Grant $8,000


Total Revenues $19,075 National Dues $5,625

Total Expenses $16,270

Expected Profit Gain $2,805