SAHS Annual Report 2013-2014




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ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 – 2014 Mrs. Sharon Reid, Principal


Board of Management The Board of Management led by Mr. Radley Reid, kept a watchful eye over the affairs of the institution and provided good support to the Administration. We were pleased to welcome to the Board, Mrs. Jacqueline Walsh-Davis the new Principal of St. Andrew Prep School. Mrs. Walsh-Davis replaced Mrs. Karlene Buckle Fraser who resigned at the end of August 2013. We also welcomed the new Student Representative Marissa Webber 13 A President of the Student Council. Retirement of Vice Principal/Appointment of Acting Vice Principal Mrs. Paulette Logan Vice Principal in charge of the Lower School proceeded on Leave Prior to retirement as of September 1, 2013. Her effective date of retirement was March 22, 2014. Head of the Modern Languages Department Mrs. Georgia Roper was appointed as Acting Vice Principal for the Academic Year 2013 -2014. We commend Mrs. Roper on her excellent performance in this new post and look forward to the contribution that she will make to the development of the institution at this level.

Retirement - Miss Iona Gordon Miss Iona Gordon proceeded on Leave Prior to retirement effective January 1, 2014. Her effective date of retirement was March 6, 2014.

Salute to our Retirees Today we salute four members of the Staff who collectively have given over 90 years of service to this institution. Mrs. Paulette Logan–former Vice Principal, 34½ years; Miss Iona Gordon, Mathematics Dept. and Mrs. Allison Bowes, Vice Principal, 20 years; Mrs. Pauline Morgan and Mrs. Ruth Gooden, Language Arts and Literatures Dept, 10 years. We thank them for their invaluable contribution to the development of the institution. With the exception of Mrs. Bowes, these persons have now proceeded on their retirement and we wish for them all the best in the future.

I pay special tribute to Mrs. Logan who has been a tower of strength to the school’s administration for the past fourteen years. We both worked together in the History Department before moving into administration and her attention to detail which is second nature to the Historian has served the school well. Her firm yet fair management of discipline in the lower school contributed tremendously to maintenance of a well ordered environment that allows for effective teaching and learning to take place.

Condolence We extend condolence to all members of the St. Andrew family who lost loved ones during the course of the year. Several students and staff members lost family members, some of them under

Student Enrolment 1562

STAFF Teachers 103

Academic – Full Time 77 Part Time – Non Govt 26

Administrative 19 Full Time 13

Full Time Non Govt 4 Part Time Non Govt 2

Ancillary 15 Full Time 14

Part Time Non Govt 1


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very tragic circumstances. It is notable that in many instances the students lost their fathers. Members of staff and students attended the funeral services.

Distinguished Old Girl Mrs. Ethlyn Norton Coke passed on in May 2014. The Principal along with four members of the Prefect Body elect attended the funeral service which was held at the St. Andrew Parish Church. Numerous Old Girls were also in attendance.

Congratulations Distinguished Old Girls, The Hon. Miss Justice Hillary Phillips, Mrs. Ethlyn Norton-Coke, and Mrs. Elaine Commissiong were named among this year’s recipients of National Honours. The Principal was among the recipients of awards for Outstanding Contribution to Education which were presented at the Ministry Of Education’s 60th Anniversary Banquet held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel on Wednesday June 4, 2014.

Balanced Scorecard This was the third year of the school’s five year strategic plan the Balanced Scorecard 2011-2015. Mrs. Paulette Logan agreed to come on board on a part time basis to assist the Principal in monitoring the implementation process as it is important that stakeholders are kept informed of our progress. By the end of the Easter Term a review of the Balanced Scorecard was prepared and circulated to members of the staff and Board of Management. This greatly assisted the staff in identifying the initiatives that needed to be addressed to ensure that the targets set could be met by 2015.

Update on Fay Simpson Property Acquisition The school took possession of the property in July 2013, at the request of the vendor and necessary renovations to the house were completed in time for it to be occupied by three female members of staff in October 2013.

The vendor’s lawyers informed the school that the request for the modification of the breach of the restrictive covenant had been lodged with the courts. The disbursement of the loan from the National Housing Trust would not be effected until this process was completed.

The property was added to the school’s property insurance inventory and Stakeholders were encouraged to make their contributions to the Fay Simpson Property Fund as we needed to have the $5.6 million dollars available to complete the sale as soon as we were notified by the Vendor’s Lawyers.

Collections by the school at the end of the year amounted to $11,117,312.44 inclusive of the contribution made by parents through the Operations Support Fund. Of this sum $5,789,475 was used up on expenses related to the purchase of the property while $2,500,884 was spent on renovations. The sum remaining of $2,912,920.10 inclusive of interest was therefore not enough to pay the closing costs and we thanked God for the additional time to secure the necessary funds.

Security Concerns From the start of the school year we became even more aware of the vulnerable position that we are in as a result of the school’s proximity to the heart of the Half Way Tree Commercial district. On

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two occasions during the Christmas Term, the campus was visited by Policemen in search of persons of interest who they believed were on the campus.

In answer to prayer, the Mitsubishi projector that was stolen from the Audio Visual Centre in November 2013 was finally returned to the institution in May 2014 . The thief was captured by the police in December 2013 and confessed his guilt.

These incidents within the context of the high crime rate in the Corporate Area led us to take a detailed look at our Critical Incident Management / Emergency Evacuation Procedures.

Chaplains We were blessed to continue to benefit from the inspirational Ministry of our Chaplains, Rev. Astor Carlyle of the United Church and Rev. Stephen Mullings of the Methodist Church. Both staff and students look forward to hearing from them at devotions on a Monday and Tuesday morning each week as their messages are always relevant and instructive. Both Chaplains also participated in the Leadership Development Programme for Grade 12 &13 students.

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Effective October 1, 2013 all students in the institution were permitted to bring their own computing devices to school. These devices had to be registered with the institution before students were allowed to use them on the campus. The Technology Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP) which was developed after extensive consultation with staff, students and stakeholders was discussed thoroughly with the students at the beginning of the term. The document was then sent home and parents and students were required to sign and return the contract on September 30, 2013. Only students who had returned signed contracts were permitted to register their devices on October 1, 2013. Registration which is conducted by Form Teachers and Grade Coordinators was therefore ongoing.

This BYOD policy facilitated the process of moving the institution from the Technology Integration stage to the next stage of Technology Immersion which we are convinced is a vital step if we are to successfully engage these “digital natives” who constitute the 21st Century student body. Unfortunately, the request for inclusion in the Government’s “Tablets in School’s” intiative was denied, hence the school had to press forward on its own by finding creative ways to ensure that our students are afforded the opportunity to maximize their potential through the use of technology.

A robust wireless system was installed on the Main Classroom block to facilitate the increase in traffic via the internet. Teachers were encouraged to use the Educosoft lessons to deliver instruction in English Language, Mathematics and Science. Grade 7 students were strongly encouraged to purchase the Educosoft flash drives as there is a special emphasis on restructuring the Grade 7 Curriculum. Unfortunately the programmes were not compatible with Tablet Technology. The suppliers were informed of this deterrent and they promised to rectify this for the next school year.

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BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (continued) By the end of the year, the percentage of students who had registered devices at each grade level was as follows:

Grade # of Students # of Students with

Registered Devices % of Students with

Registered Devices 7 243 205 84% 8 246 129 52% 9 245 168 68%

10 246 128 52% 11 237 119 50% 12 177 74 42% 13 156 76 59%

Total 1558 899 58%

Phase one of the programme was completed. All TAUP contracts were signed by parents/guardians and students and placed on the students’ files. All members of staff also signed and submitted their TAUP contracts. The BYOD experience is therefore no longer a novelty and for the most part, students had settled down in this new environment

In Phase two of the programme, the administration expects to see a gradual increase in the number of lessons being taught with the use of technology. Several Staff Development sessions have been held over the past three years and our teachers are at different points on the learning curve. Staff development is ongoing and we expect that at least 80% of the Academic staff will be comfortable and competent in the use of technology by the end of the Academic year 2014-2015.

One major challenge was the provision of adequate internet feed to support the increased demand for service across the campus as the 10 megabytes of shared service provided by Lime through eLearning was grossly inadequate. An agreement was reached with Columbus Business Solutions for the provision of 20 megabytes of dedicated data connection which was expected to be sufficient. The agreement with Columbus Business Solutions also included the installation of a new cloud voice service for the institution. This process proved to be a very long and tedious one. The total change over from the old PBX system was finally achieved in the first week of June.

EDU 365 SIMS Pilot Project The school accepted the offer from the EDU 365 Company to participate in a pilot project using the EDU 365 School Management System. This Pilot phase was conducted by the Provider at no cost to the institution. At the end of the period in March 2014, members of staff were pleased with the new system and recommended that the school retain the services of EDU 365.

Up until that time the school did not have a comprehensive SMS and it was considered high priority for the institution to acquire such a system in order to improve its efficiency as we equip ourselves sufficiently to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learning Environment.

The SIMS Programme has the capacity to facilitate efficient management of various aspects of the operations of the institution eg. assessment, analysis, behaviour and communication with all members

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of the school community. We are very grateful for the hard work carried out by Spanish teacher Mrs. Tamara Phillips who spearheaded the pilot project at great sacrifice. Other members of staff were subsequently trained to assist as System Administrators.

LearnPads The school was fortunate to receive a gift of 15 LearnPads through the instrumentality of EDU365. LearnPads are Tablets specifically designed for the delivery of instruction. The company has a good track record in schools across the world and we were grateful for the opportunity to pilot the use of LearnPads in Jamaica to determine its suitability for our students. In order to be able to conduct this trial effectively, the school purchased an additional seven LearnPads so that they could be used as a class set with two students being able to share the use of one Tablet. In addition, with the assistance of the SAHS foundation, the Old Girls Association, and the PTA, two teachers, Miss Collette Lemard and Mrs. Tamara Phillips, attended a LearnPad workshop held in Cayman October 8 & 9, 2013. The teachers also visited schools in Cayman that are currently using the EDU365 SMS programme.

Administrative and Ancillary Staff After many years of stable staffing, three new members joined the Ancillary Staff in November 2013 replacing our three retirees. The Administrative staff also experienced a few changes. Our Bursar Mrs. Carrol Handy remained a tower of strength not only in the area of financial management but also in the countless other ways that she offers her assistance to all members of the school community. Senior Secretary Miss Julene Umraugh and Operations Manager Mrs. Janyce Hearne complete the supervisory team and they are to be commended on their role in guiding and motivating the rest of the Staff whose support is vital for the smooth running of the institution

Christmas Function This year The Annual Christmas function for the Administrative and Ancillary Staff hosted by the PTA was held at the Waterfalls Restaurant on Saturday December 7, 2013 immediately preceding their Annual Christmas Fiesta. The Guest Speaker was Miss Glen Lee Chair of the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Management. Long Service Awards were presented to Miss Julene Umraugh, Mrs. Arlene Burrell and Mrs. Sherine Francis-Henry from the Administrative Staff for ten years of service to the institution. The highlight of the afternoon’s activities was the presentation of the Employee of the Year Awards. The awardees were Miss Julene Umraugh of the Administrative staff and Miss Janice Thompson of the Ancillary Staff. The awardees received cash prizes and gifts while the first and second runners up in each category received tokens from the Old Girls Association. Mr. Nicholas Swaby and Mrs. Arlene Burrell of the Administrative staff and Mrs. Edna Hall and Miss Grace Moyston of the Ancillary staff were first and second runners up respectively.

Administrative and Ancillary Staff Seminar The theme for the Administrative and Ancillary Staff Seminar held on March 6, 2014 was “Prayer- the Key to the Abundant Life”. This focus on prayer within the context of a Christian institution seemed prudent at this time. Many of our employees are facing serious challenges in their personal lives. The economic downturn in the nation and the attendant problems that we now face as a people which are also played out in the school community give serious cause for concern. Our Guest Speaker Mr. Donovan Reid reminded us of the privileged status that we have as Christians which allows us “to

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approach the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need”(Heb. 4vs16). Following this presentation the staff spent time in prayer in small groups, focusing on topics assigned. Prayers of confession and repentance; of praise and thanksgiving as well as prayers for the nation were also said corporately. Members of staff expressed their appreciation for this practical perspective on prayer which was presented.

Concessionaire As per their five year contract with the institution, Juici Beef Ltd continued as Concessionaire for the third year. Mr. Brian Chin, manager is ably supported by his mother Mrs. Cecile Chin. There were again increases in some prices this year. Unfortunately there is little that can be done due to the economic downturn in the country. The decision was taken by the Finance Committee not to exercise the school’s option to request an increase in the rental, with the expectation communicated to the concessionaire that any increase in prices would be kept as low as possible in the interest of the students.


Visits by Old Girls Several old Girls visited the institution during the course of the school year. The Emrie James Museum continues to be a source of interest and they are delighted to spend time there. Among those who visited this year are: Mrs. Rosemarie Inglis (Tate) the 2nd ISSA Scholarship Winner in 1956 and her husband. Three Old Girls Jennifer Fox Black, Kaye Fox Evans and Julette Fox Hosang, visited the school on February 12, 2014 to deliver a gift of $32,000 from their aunt Mrs. Beryl Haughk, who celebrated her 100th birthday in 2013. Instead of gifts Mrs. Haughk had requested that her friends make a donation to the SAHS Foundation. Professor Ann Hickling -Hudson and her husband also visited the school in January 2014, and made a donation to the SAHS Foundation. Valerie Oliver from the Georgia Chapter, visited the school on May 24, 2014. She was very impressed with the improvements that had taken place on the campus since she had last visited some years ago.

Other Visits to the School At the request of eLearning Jamaica Ltd. Ms. Claudia Rita Herrera from the Ministry of Education in the Dominican Republic and Mr. Kim Meng Chan from Dell visited the school on March 25, 2014 to view first hand and discuss the experiences of the school in the implementation and use of technology in education. They were accompanied by Mr. Robert Gardener and Mr. Izett McCalla from eLearning.

Four Principals from the Principal’s Association in St. Lucia visited the school on May 21, 2014 they were taken on a tour of the institution and held discussions with the Principal on various Best Practices in which they were interested.

Emrie James Museum On December 3, 2013, another in the series of Literary Evenings was hosted by the Museum in partnership with the SAHS Foundation. On this occasion Curator of the Museum, Mrs. Margaret Bernal

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launched her book: “Island Reliquaries, Voices from a Jamaican Past”. The event was part sponsored by The Jamaica National Foundation who sponsored the production of Mrs. Bernal’s book. Selected poems from the book were read by Mrs. Bernal after which she made a presentation of her book to the Principal. Other Old Girls who are authors shared in the event by setting up book tables displaying their books. Among them were, Dr. Kim Robinson-Walcott, Jacqueline Young, Diane Browne, Valerie Wint, Melanie Schwapp and Blossom O’Mealy Nelson. The MC, Dr. Blossom O’Meally Nelson, skillfully guided the audience through a most delightful evening.

On Friday February 21, 2014 Miss Emrie James visited the school on the invitation of the Museum. Students were able to meet with her in the Museum between 10am and 12 Noon and they listened intently while Miss James shared memories of her years at the institution as well as gave them advice on how to live wisely.

At 3:00pm the SAHS Foundation and the Museum jointly hosted a Tea Party for Miss James whose birthday would be the following day February 22. Miss James was simply delighted at seeing some of the Old Girls whom she had not seen for some time. She has expressed her gratitude to everyone who played a part in making her day at St. Andrew High such a memorable one.

Refurbishing of former “Idler’s Rest” A committee of Grade 13 students convinced Project Manager Mrs. Maureen Chang to embark on a project to renovate and refurbish the Sixth Form Lounge. $300,000 of the profits from their Graduation Ball was donated to seed the project and the students embarked on fundraising activities to raise additional support. The PTA and individual parents gave generous donations to the project and the result was a beautiful addition to that area of the Campus. The building has been strengthened and a Portico has been added. On Wednesday February 12, 2014 the newly refurbished facility was blessed and handed over to the Grade 13 students.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 – 2014

This academic year we continued with the theme from the previous year: “Children Learn What They Live, Children Live What They Learn” and the Focus continued to be on strengthening learning skills and life skills, with particular emphasis on a more interactive and integrated approach to education as we worked at improving performance in all areas.

Senior Staff Retreat This year’s Biennial residential Senior Staff retreat was held Thursday August 22 - Friday August 23, 2013, at the Jewel Runaway Bay Resort. The theme for the Retreat was “Moving from Ideas to Implementation” and the main focus was on lesson Planning. Within the context of this year’s theme “Children Learn What They Live, Children Live What They Learn”, the selection of the above focal point as the theme for the retreat was seen as prudent as “the battle is won or lost in the classroom” and good lesson planning precedes the effective delivery of instruction. Time was spent at this retreat reinforcing the key elements of a good lesson plan and sharing among Departments, strategies employed to make lesson planning more effective and less onerous for the Teacher. The

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Technology Acceptable Use Policy was also examined in detail and adjustments made, based on the recommendations from all stakeholders.

Academic Staff Development Seminar This year’s seminar was held on August 30, 2013 in the AV Centre. The Theme was “All Things Technological”. The first Session facilitated by Ms. Collette Lemard Head of the Information Technology Department, was spent examining the School’s new Technology Acceptable Use Policy (TAUP) in order to ensure that all teachers were fully aware of all aspects of the policy and to receive any additional input from them before finalizing the policy for presentation to the Board of Management and then to the students and their parents. The staff also had a presentation from Mr. Damien Satterthwaite from EBSCO Publishing which is an Online Database source which provides students access to a vast variety of academic resource material online.

During the Second Session Staff Members were introduced to the new School Management System EDU 365 that was being piloted at the institution. The presenter was Miss Catherina Patterson, Systems Administrator at Irwin High School a user of the EDU 365 system.

Commemoration Day 2013 Commemoration Day Activities were held on Friday September 20, 2012 starting with the 88th Annual Commemoration Service which was held in the Garden Theatre. The theme for the Day and for the Service was, Children Learn What They Live, Children Live What They Learn. What are we Learning? How are we Living?

The Guest Speaker Miss Heather Lyn gave a very inspiring and thought provoking message which held the students attention and kept them engaged throughout. The presentations from the Performing Arts Department in Speech, Song and Dance were of an excellent standard. At the end of the service the members of the congregation were invited to form part of a Prayer Circle created by staff and students which encompassed the entire campus. Once the circle was complete, the entire school family and guests held hands and we were led in prayers of thanksgiving and rededication by our Chaplains Rev. Stephen Mullings and Rev. Astor Carlyle. This symbolic exercise proved to be a very moving experience.

Following the service, our parents, Old Girls and other visitors were invited to have refreshments and view the Fay Simpson Property as well as the other areas of the campus that had been refurbished.

In the second session, the focus was on Christian Missions and Old Girl Ruth Ann Taylor, Mr. David Campbell of FUSION and the Brothers from the Missionaries of the Poor, shared with the students on the work that they were doing among the less privileged persons in our society. The objective is to sensitize our girls to the needs of others and the importance of reaching out to help as it is more blessed to give than to receive.

As is customary, the proceeds from the offering at the Commemoration Service each year is donated to institutions in need of support. This year four institutions, The Missionaries of the Poor, Youth with a Mission, Plowden Primary and Infant School and the Padmore Primary benefitted from the $200,000.00 that was collected.

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Grade Level Meetings The first meeting for the year was held with the Parents/Guardians and students of Grade 13 on Monday September 2, 2013. A major focus for this meeting is the importance of the role that these students are expected to perform as leaders of the student body. 96% of the Parents/Guardians were in attendance.

Orientation for Grade 12 took place on Monday, September 9, 2013, 97% of the Parents/Guardians were in attendance. The meeting with the Parents/Guardians and students of Grade 11 was held on Tuesday September 24, 2013. Matters pertaining to the external examinations as well as expectations re the conduct and performance of the students were discussed. 97% of the Parents/Guardians were in attendance.

The Grade 9 meeting was held on Wednesday November 6, 2013. Parents/Guardians and students of Grade 9 were provided with information on the courses offered at Grade 10 in preparation for the subject selection process that would take place at the end of the year. 93% of parents /guardians were in attendance.

The Grade 8 meeting was held on Tuesday March 4, 2014. The meeting went very well and the time allotted for parents/guardians and students to meet in form groups with the relevant Form Teachers was appreciated by those persons who attended. 92% of the parents/guardians were in attendance.

Grade 7 Social The Annual Social with parents/guardians students and teachers of Grade 7 was held on Wednesday October 2, 2013 at 5:00pm. The purpose of this social is to provide the opportunity for new parents/ guardians in each form to get to know each other and also to get to know their daughter’s new friends. The Form Teacher also gets the opportunity to meet the parents/guardians and to discuss with them and their daughters the expectations of the class for this year. Areas of concern are also discussed and solutions suggested. The strengthening of the partnership between home and school is crucial to the successful development of each child and the overall success of the institution. This year’s attendance at the social was 72%.

Department Planning Workshops The first Department Planning Workshop for this year was held on Thursday October 3, 2013. Time was spent on analysis of the results of the recent external examinations and the development of strategies to lift the standard of student performance in all areas. In keeping with this year’s focus time was also spent on Lesson Planning and Unit Planning. Department Planning Workshop #2 was held on November 4, 2013. The focus in most departments was again on lesson planning.

Heritage Week Presentation This year’s Heritage week Presentation organized by the History/Sociology Department was guided by the National theme, “Our History….Our Strength”. The Department held extended Devotions in the Hall using the theme “Dare to be Like Daniel”. This was followed by a brief video presentation on four

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of our National Heroes. In the afternoon the Department held its annual Heroes Day food sale which featured authentic Jamaican dishes.

Evening of Culture This year’s Evening of Culture was held for the first time at the school’s Garden Theatre on October 27 2013. The theme “Praise Let it Rain” had been selected before the decision was taken to use the Garden Theatre for this year’s venue. We are grateful to the Lord for not taking us literally. It was a wonderful evening and the concert which is sponsored annually by the PTA was very well attended. The tradition of excellence in the Performing Arts was exhibited in all areas by the 150 students who were members of the cast.

Parents Month Presentation/ Parent Forum This year’s Parents Month Presentation organized by the Guidance and Counselling Department was held on Friday November 8, 2013. The theme was “Parenting the Right Way: Leading by Example” and the Guest Speaker was Dr. Aggrey Irons one of the Caribbean’s leading psychiatrists. Many of the approximately 120 parents who were in attendance expressed their appreciation to the school for hosting the presentation.

On Tuesday November 19, 2013 the Guidance Department held a Parent Forum for the parents of Grade 10 & 11 students. The facilitator was Karen McGibbon former Head of the Guidance and Counselling Department. Although the attendance was small (approximately 20) the feedback from the parents was very good.

The forum for parents of Grades 8 & 9 was held on Wednesday March 26, 2014, in the Middle Landing Lecture Theatre. The Department was encouraged by the turnout of thirty five parents who gave very positive feedback on the presentations and discussions. The final Parent Forum for this year was held on Tuesday May 13, 2014. This forum was targeted at reaching parents of Grade 7 students. As in the case of the Grade 8&9 Forum, The presentations were done by the Counsellors from the department. Approximately 80 parents were in attendance. The session was well received.

Jeans Day The Annual Jeans Day fundraiser organized by the Student Council was held on November 14, 2013. The sum collected was $107,396.

Awards Ceremony The Annual Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday November 26, 2013 in the Garden theatre. Chair of the SAHS Foundation Dr. Deanna Ashley, Director of the SAHS Foundation Miss Jessica Jones, Former Head of the Guidance and Counselling Department, Mrs. Allison Hawthorne and Past Parent Mrs. Aisha Mulendwe presented the awards. Four Retirees – Mrs. Hermel Evans, Former Head of the Science Department (23 yrs.), Mrs. Phillipa Skyers (40 yrs.), Mr. Lionel Thompson(35 yrs.) and Mrs. Camrietta Mills(22 yrs.) of the Ancillary Staff were honoured by the school for their many years of dedicated service to the institution. Presentations were made to them by the Chairman of the Board, the Principal and the Student Leaders. Prior to the Awards Ceremony, the retirees had also been feted by their respective departments.

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Christmas Service The theme for this year’s, Christmas Presentation organized by the Performing Arts Department was, ‘Draw Closer This Season”. The short play presented by the Drama Club was written and produced by Suzzane Cousins of 13N. As is customary, the students presented their gifts which were later sorted and distributed to several Children’s Homes.

Old Girls Carol Service On Wednesday December 11, 2013, the Old Girls resumed hosting their Carol Service at 6:00pm in the School Hall after taking a break for a few years during which time they had joined with the school for its November Christmas Service. The theme for the Service was “Celebrating Christ at Christmas” and the Old Girls and other family members who attended were truly blessed.

Christmas Term Examinations The Christmas Term Examinations were held for all students during the period November 28-December 13, 2013. The period ran quite smoothly. Relatively few students were absent from any of the sessions.

Grade 7 Field Trip For the second year in succession, as part of the new thrust to make the learning experience of the students more meaningful and relevant, the students of Grade 7 were taken on a tour of some historical sites in Kingston at the end of the examination period. They visited the National Heroes Park, the Institute of Jamaica, Liberty Hall and Headquarters House. The students and teachers who accompanied them found the trip both interesting and enjoyable.

Grade 7 Sports Day The Grade 7 Sports Day was held on December 13, 2013 which was the final day of school for these students. The day’s activities were most exciting and Form 7D came out victorious at the end.

Staff Activity Three (3) members of staff spent one night and 32 members of staff spent two nights at the RIU All inclusive Hotel in Ocho Rios on December 17 – 19, 2013. The staff enjoyed the time of relaxation and fellowship.

Opening of the Easter Term Members of staff reported on Friday, January 3, 2014, while the students returned on Tuesday, January 7, as scheduled. There was an extended time of prayer at the start of the first staff meeting for the term. Members of staff indicated their appreciation for this period of corporate prayer as there is the need for divine intervention in these challenging times.

Academic Staff Development Seminar The focus for this term’s Staff Development Seminar was again Technology. In Session A Mrs. Tamara Phillips brought the staff up to date on the status of the EDU 365 implementation project. Staff members were taught how to navigate the recording of student attendance and final instructions were given regarding the completion of the Christmas term reports.

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In the second half of Session A, Miss Collette Lemard introduced the staff to the Microsoft Certification programme that the eLearning Ltd. is now requiring teachers to complete online.

In Session B of the seminar Mr. Patrick Smith of the JTA delivered a most interesting presentation on the Association’s perspective on the draft Jamaica Teaching Council Bill. The staff found this session very informative.

Students Performance Reviews Students Performance Reviews were held January 30 – February 1, 2014. The turnout of parents and students on the review day was very good for Grades 7-12. However, at all Grade levels apart from Grades 8&10 the percentage of reports collected was a little lower than last year. The majority of reports were subsequently collected.

% of Reports collected on the review day

Grade 2014 2013 2012

7 92% 99% 98% 8 96% 94% 96% 9 91% 95% 94%

10 93% 92% 89% 11 92% 95% 88% 12 83% 87% 87% 13 56% 63% 55%

Grades 7-9 also sat their Semester 1 examinations during this period.

Leadership Training Seminar Grade 12 The Leadership Development Seminar held on January 30, 2014 was attended by most Grade 12 students. The facilitators were Mrs. Joan Davis Williams, the New Generation Organisation and Grade 12 Coordinator Miss Alicia Bernard. Based on the evaluation exercise the seminar which was very interactive was well received.

Grade 11 Seminar The fifth annual Examination Preparation Seminar for Grade 11 was held on January 31, 2014. The Guest presenters were Mrs. Joan Davis Williams who focused on the Academic aspect of the preparation process while Miss Heather Lyn and Dr. Hixwell Douglas focused on the social and emotional aspects. The students found the sessions informative and interesting.

Jamaica Day 2014 The theme for the day Friday February 28, 2014, was “Celebrating Jamaica: “Sporting Greatness in my Community” and the planning team led by our Culture Agent Miss Marcia Rowe organized very meaningful Devotions in the Garden Theatre. The School Choir and the Dance Troupe performed and Visual Arts Teacher, Mr. Christopher Norman gave an inspiring exhortation. Two Old Girls, Toni-Ann D’Oyley and Trishawna McGowan who were outstanding athletes during their High School years shared their experiences with the girls and encouraged them to make the most of their high school years. There was Story Telling on the Field during both break times and in the afternoon a concert

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was held in the Garden Theatre. The students were allowed to wear black, gold and green school shirts with jeans to school.

Entrepeneurship Day 2014 The Business Department held its first Entrepeneurship Expo on Wednesday February 12, 2014, under the theme “Making the Transition….from Concept to Reality”. All Business Education students from Grades 10-13 were given the opportunity to meet and interact with local Entrepreneurs whose businesses were at different stages of development. The students found the expo to be most engaging.

Career Week and Expo The annual Career Week organized by the Guidance and Counselling Department was held February 17-21, 2014. The focus is on the Grade 9 students, however during the course of the week, students at all Grade Levels were given some exposure to the wide range of career choices available. At the Career Expo held on February 20, 2014, the Grade 9, students spent the entire day in seminars as well as visiting the 18 exhibition booths set up in the Hall by tertiary institutions and other organizations. The day concluded on a very inspiring note as Motivational Speaker, Mr. Alvin Day shared a most insightful presentation with the students.

Trip to Cuba Twelve Students and two parents, accompanied by Mrs. Marva Smith-Carthy, travelled to Cuba March 3-7, 2014. This annual tour is planned by the Modern Languages Department however, in the past three years there has been a decline in support from the students due to the decline in the economy. We are therefore very pleased to see an improvement in the number of students who were able to participate this year.

Modern Languages Days The theme for the Modern Languages Days March 13 & 14, 2014 organized by the Modern Languages Dept. was Unity in Diversity. The staff and students led worship in the hall on both days and Spanish and French music was played each morning during the week. A Language Café was organized for their club meeting on Monday March 10, 2014 where students were able to meet people from different countries and practice their language in a relaxed environment. In addition to practicing Spanish and French, students were exposed to Brazilian Portuguese, Korean and Japanese.

Leadership Development Programme The Annual Awards Ceremony for the Grade 13 students who completed the Leadership Development programme was held on March 21, 2014 in the School Hall. The Guest Speaker was Old Girl Ms. Sharon Diana Williams, Head of the Service Quality Unit, NCB. 155 students received certificates. Old Girl Mrs. Marie Clarke continues to coordinate this programme with support from the Acting Grade 13 Coordinator Mrs. Karen Miller-Notice.

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School Spirit Week Each year during the week of the Boys and Girls Championships a special emphasis is placed on building school spirit within the St. Andrew High School community and students are allowed to wear promotional paraphernalia with their school colours. March 24 –28, 2014 therefore saw the Grade 13 students organising various activities. On School Spirit Day Tuesday March 25, there were pep rallies at break time. The week culminated with the annual school trip to the National Stadium which provides the opportunity for girls who otherwise would not be allowed to go to support the Track & Field team. Approximately 271 students attended. They were accompanied by members of staff.

Social Interaction Day The theme for Social Interaction Day held on April 4, 2014, was “Maximising the St. Andrew Experience through the Mastery of your Art” and in Session A which is the motivational session, students of Grades 10-13 attended workshops led by eLearning Jamaica Ltd. and Microsoft Jamaica which focused on technology, while students of Grades 8 & 9 had presentations from the Edna Manley College School of Dance and an Executive Chef from Jamaica Broilers. At all three workshops the students were also delighted to hear from Old Girls who had excelled in their chosen careers by the” Mastery of their Art”, a process that began while they were students at this institution. The focus for the Grade 7 students was on strengthening Life Skills and a team of external counsellors facilitated these workshops.

Session B which is the fun and entertainment segment constitutes the school’s major fundraiser for the year. Despite the slight disruption caused by intermittent drizzles throughout the day, the event was a successful one. The day ended with the finals of the Miss St. Andrew High Competition. Trishauna Prince placed 1st while Jelaine Pheonix and Iyana Stewart-Gaynor were 1st and 2nd runners up respectively.

The level of camaraderie and teamwork exhibited among staff and students was very inspiring. The school was given a target of $2,000,000 profit which was quite ambitious, taking into consideration the current state of the economy. We are very pleased with the profit from the day’s activities which stand at $1,723,583.45

Trip to Quebec Twelve students and three parents accompanied by Actg. Head of Department, Miss Paloris Palmer, travelled to Quebec April 16-21, 2014. This is the first in many years that the Modern Languages Dept. has been able to get the support needed for a trip to a French speaking territory. The students enjoyed the experience.

Grief Management Workshop This year, the Guidance Department held two Grief Management Workshops. 12 students attended the Upper School Workshop which was held on April 10, 2014, from 12 noon to 2:00pm. The Lower School workshop held on May 15, 2014 was attended by 29 students and one parent who asked permission to attend. The workshops were conducted by the school’s Counsellors and the students and parent who attended were most appreciative of the sessions.

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Education Week May 4-10, 2014 The National theme was “Celebrating the Legacy: Activism, Service and Patriotism”. On Teachers’ Day May 7, 2014, the students assembled for worship in the courtyard in front of the Main Building. The Student Council led worship and paid tribute to the teachers. Every member of the Academic Staff received a token. Classes ended at noon and each member of staff also received a token from the PTA.

This year the PTA’s Teachers Day Celebration for the staff took the form of a luncheon at the Terra Nova Hotel. Master of Ceremonies, Ms. Elaine Wint, guided the proceedings with her customary “touch of elegance”. We were beautifully entertained in poetry and song by our students, Britanie Latore 11W, Chavel Ford 11E and Jelaine Phoenix 10W.

Long Service Awards were presented to the following teachers who had given ten years of service to the institution:

Mrs. Taneisha Ingleton Modern Languages Mr. Franklin Burrell Science Mrs. Zelpha smith Mathematics & Technical Drawing Mrs. Cheryl Jones- Brown Mathematics & Technical Drawing Miss Cherylia Bhoorasingh Language Arts & Literatures Miss Kyisha Patterson (PT) History/Sociology

The highlight of the afternoon was the announcement of the Teacher of the Year and Form Teacher of the Year 2013-2014. This year’s Teacher of the Year was Mrs. Abigail James of the Business Education Dept. Miss Alicia Bernard of the Modern Languages Dept. placed 2nd and Miss Cherylia Bhoorasingh of the Language Arts and Literatures Dept. placed 3rd. In fourth place was Mr. Carlton Bradshaw and in 5th place was Miss Noelle Hoskins. These teachers along with the others making up the top ten received cash awards and other prizes.

The Form Teacher of the Year for the second year running was Miss Noelle Hoskins 7E, Mrs. Marva Smith Carty 7A placed 2nd and Miss Georgette Thompson 11A placed 3rd. These teachers along with Miss Cadean Clayton 10E who placed 4th and Miss Nicole Evans who placed 5th also received cash awards and other prizes.

Representatives of the Old Girls Association and the SAHS Foundation who also made contributions to the prizes for the Teachers were in attendance. The majority of the members of the Academic Staff were present as well as a few representatives of the Administrative and Ancillary staff who were invited. The staff is most grateful to the PTA for what they all agreed was a most pleasant and enjoyable afternoon.

On Thursday May 8, 2014, Mrs. Thalia Batchelor of the Information technology Dept. attended the Helen Stills Professional Development Day Workshop held at the Riu Hotel in Ocho Rios.

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Grade 13 Farewell Service The Grade 13 Farewell Service was held on Tuesday June 24, 2014 at 6:00pm in the Garden Theatre. The theme for the service was “Maintaining Our Legacy: A Culture of Excellence” and the Guest Speaker was Rev. Dr. Alvin Bailey, past parent and Minister of the Portmore Holiness Christian Church. Before the official start of the service, the students made a special presentation to Mrs. Maureen Chang for the significant role she played in the renovation of the former “Idler’s Rest” now called “The Palace”.

Grade 11 Valedictory Service The Grade 11 Valedictory Service was held on Thursday June 26, 2014 at 6:00pm in the Garden Theatre. The theme for the service was, “Inspired and Confident-Reaching Boldly into the Future”. The Guest Speaker was Rev. Dr. Gordon Cowans Principal of Knox Community College. His message was thought provoking and the students as well as the rest of the congregation were fully engaged. The performances of the Graduates in speech, song and dance were of a high standard. The Valedictorian Caphanae Harvey spoke eloquently. The attendance at this Service was in excess of 1700 persons.

Summer School The annual Summer School was held from July 7-25, 2014. Approximately 303 students were in attendance.

SUMMER PROJECTS Renovation of School Library At the meeting in June 2014, the Members of the Board were assured that there would be no major construction on the campus as there was the need to take a break from the many years of hard work during the summer months. The Library roof however needed some repairs as it was leaking in several areas. Unfortunately when the Project Manager and her team inspected the roof it was found to be so rotten and termite ridden that it was beyond repair and therefore needed to be replaced. The Board was informed and approval was given for the work to be done however funds had to be raised for this project as there was no provision in the budget for this. The PTA put their project to replace the hall flooring on hold and immediately came on board pledging the $3million that had been earmarked for that project. Project Manager Mrs. Maureen Chang spearheaded a massive fundraising drive making good use of the electronic media. Members of the St. Andrew Family rallied to the call and contributions began to come in. Once again we had embarked on another building project in faith believing that the Lord would provide.

Project Manager Mrs. Maureen Chang and her Team worked tirelessly during the months of July, August and September to ensure that the Library was ready for use on Commemoration Day September 22, 2014. The initial estimate of 10 million dollars did not take into consideration the electrical work as well as the additional furniture and fixtures which were required. In addition the sliding dollar contributed to sharp escalations in the cost of materials. Contributions so far amount to approximately $8 million . Overall expenditure on the project however is in the region $16 million. We therefore need to raise an additional $8 million dollars to cover our costs.

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The PTA held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday June 1, 2013. Mrs. Janet Allen former Chair of the Spiritual Development Committee was elected as the new President of the Association while the incumbents Mrs. Judy Benjamin and Miss Michelle Henry were re-elected as 1st. and 2nd Vice Presidents respectively. Mrs. Terry Heffes was elected Treasurer and Mrs. Janyce Hearne Asst. Treasurer. Mrs. Karen Demetrius was returned as Secretary and Dr. Denise Chevannes Vogel was elected as Asst. Secretary. The other members of the Committee are a good mix of old and new parents.

The PTA continues to be very supportive of the school. The level of involvement on the various committees is highly dependent on the leadership provided. Most parents are willing to assist but very few are able to take on the responsibility of chairing the committees.

Prayer Supper The Spiritual Development Committee of the PTA held its Annual Prayer Supper on Friday November 22, 2013 at 5:30 pm. The theme was “Let Your Light Shine” and the parents, teachers and students who attended were truly blessed.

Christmas Fiesta The PTA held their annual Christmas party at the Waterfalls restaurant on December 7, 2013. The support was good as usual.

Walkathon Approximately 1000 persons including students, parents, teachers and Old Girls attended the Annual PTA sponsored walkathon held on March 15, 2014. Most participants walked the full distance of approximately six miles from the round a bout at the Norman Manley International Airport to the Port Royal All Age School. The day was very well organized and all participants had a wonderful time. The top twenty students who collected most funds received prizes. The top student Shanice Allen 12E collected $100,100.00. She received a tablet. Twelve other students received prizes for collecting $10,000.00 and over. Prizes for the top two staff members went to both Vice Principals.

Forgiveness Friday This year, in an effort to get more support from the students, the Spiritual Development Committee of the PTA decided to make a change from its annual “Forgiveness Run” usually held on a Saturday to an event dubbed “Forgiveness Friday” held on May 30, 2014 . The support was much stronger than in previous years and those who attended were very blessed by the message and the other related activities. Chair of the Committee Mrs. Lisa Stiebel is very committed. She was also involved through the Guidance and Counselling Department in conducting a course called “Designed to Shine” with some Grade 9 students.

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The Old Girls Association (SAOGA)

The Annual General Meeting of the Association in Jamaica was held on Saturday June 22, 2013. This year the AGM saw an increase in the number of persons attending as it was preceded by a Luncheon with entertainment by the current students and some Old Girls. Elaine Wint was the MC. The new Executive was elected at the AGM and at the subsequent retreat held on Saturday September 7, 2013, Mrs. Nicole Marshall-Walker former VP Finance, was named as President. The Three Vice Presidents are, Mrs. Debbie Livingston VP Finance, Miss Karen Henry, VP School Affairs and Dr. Lanie-Marie Oakley-Williams, VP Membership.

The Association led by Mrs. Nicole Marshall-Walker kept in close touch with the institution throughout the year. The Old Girls staged their Annual “Andrewz Idol” Competition on November 22, 2013. The winner of the competition was Britanie Latore 11W. They led Devotions for both the Upper and Lower School and are present to enthusiastically cheer on their houses at the various competitions and on Sports Day the girls are excited to see them participating in the Old Girls Race.

The Association held their Annual Valentine Dinner/ Dance on Saturday February 15, 2014. The theme was “No Ordinary Love” and the main feature of the evening was the presentation of The “Saint” Awards. The award is intended to pay tribute to outstanding Old Girls who have earned the respect and appreciation of current and past students, parents and staff by contributing time and resources to the development of the school and the wider society. This year’s recipients of the award are Dr. Deanna Ashley, Chair of the SAHS Foundation and Mrs. Gloria Barrett-Sobers former Chair of the Foundation.

We benefit significantly from the contribution of several Old Girls who sit on committees that support the work of the institution and we are very grateful for this. The Chapters in New York, Washington, Florida, Atlanta and the UK have continued to keep in close touch with the institution and the Old Girls are always pleased to visit the school on their visits to Jamaica. Old Girl Ms. Cherita Girvan from the Chapter in Toronto visited the school during the Easter Term and pledged greater support in the future.

Student Leadership

Head Girl –Tamois Reid and Deputy Head Girls – Oni Palmer and Genielle Williams worked together to motivate their prefects and Sub-Prefects to work together as a team. The management of the Student Body was taken seriously and duties were carried out in a responsible manner.

Student Council The Student Council effeciently led by President Marissa Webber was highly visible within the school community. On their initiative the Miss St. Andrew High competition has been revived with a greater focus on students exhibiting the school’s Core Values.

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Student Behaviour The Grade Coordinators for the Academic Year 2013-2014 were:

Grade 7 Mrs. Cheryl Jones-Brown Grade 8 Miss Cherylia Bhoorasingh Grade 9 Mrs. Keisha Bogle-Sewell Grade 10 Miss Nichole Smith

Grade 11 Mrs. Abigail James Grade 12 Miss Alicia Bernard Grade13 Mrs. Karen Miller-Notice (Acting)

The management of student discipline requires a constant re-examination of strategies to be employed in order to get the required response from students who need to comply with the school’s guidelines for appropriate behaviour. A well ordered environment is necessary for effective learning to take place and Vice Principals Mrs. Allison Bowes and Mrs. Georgia Roper along with our Grade Coordinators and Form teachers are to be commended on their tireless efforts to monitor student behaviour at all levels so as to ensure that any possible causes of disruption within the school community were dealt with promptly. We would also like to commend staff and students for maintaining the family like atmosphere that has been characteristic of the St. Andrew High School community. In most instances the relationship between Form Teachers and students was a very positive one and the classroom was a caring environment where teachers were able to identify and assist students at risk.

During the course of the year the staff expressed particular concern about Grades 7 and 10 where a larger than usual number of students were unsettled and this affected their performance. Interventions were carried out at the Grade Levels and through the Guidance and Counselling Department with some success. At the end of the year the parents of Grade 10 were invited to a meeting to discuss strategies to be put in place to ensure that the students returned to school after the summer holidays more settled and focused on achieving their best.

Health & Guidance This year permission was granted by the Board for the employment of one additional part Time Counsellor to assist with addressing the growing needs of students and parents for psychosocial interventions. Approximately 240 cases were seen by the department and of these cases 20 were recommended for external clinical assessment and psychotherapy/crisis intervention. Group counseling sessions were held on a weekly basis for students experiencing common challenges.

In addition to their duties as counselors and teachers of the Personal Development Programme the members of the Guidance and Counselling Department were also kept busy with the numerous seminars and workshops that fall under their portfolio.

The PATH programme and the school’s welfare programme are also administered through this department. During the year under review there were 107 students on the school’s welfare programme and 65 students who were PATH beneficiaries.

Nurse Lorriane Hutchinson reports that there was an increase in the number of visits to the Health Centre. The 5716 visits from students reflected and increase in the number of asthmatics as well as

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those suffering from seasonal influenza particularly in the Christmas and Easter Terms. Several students were treated for headaches resulting from stress, improper food intake and lack of sleep.

Greater demands are now being placed on the health Centre to provide medication for students who along with their parents seem to believe that it is the school’s responsibility to provide whatever medication they need without charge on a long term basis. Parents continue to send students to school who fall ill over the week-end as there is no one to stay with them at home.


The Academic staff complement was 77 Full Time and 24 Part time teachers inclusive of 2 Full time and 2 Part time Guidance Counsellors.

The Heads of Departments/Teachers in charge for the academic year 2013-2014 were:

Business Education Mrs. Patrice Bowen Geography/Social Studies Miss Michelle Rhone Guidance & Counselling Mrs. Christine McCook History/Sociology Mrs. Diane Nelson Home Economics Miss Ouidamyrl Williams Information Technology Miss Colette Lemard Language Arts & Literatures Miss Debbie Harris/ Miss Daytona Campbell (Asst Head) Library Miss Joan Brown (Acting) Mathematics/Technical Drawing Mrs. Dawn Thompson- Clarke Modern Languages Miss Paloris Palmer (Acting) Performing Arts Miss Marcia Rowe Physical Education Miss Paula Thompson (Acting 4 mths)/ Miss Jennifer Brown Religious Education Mrs. Stacy-Ann Zodge Science Mr. Franklin Burrell Learning Enhancement Miss Ingrid Newman Visual Arts Mr. Norman Smith Elearning Centre Mr. Godfrey Taylor

The academic Staff operated within a dynamic environment where teachers were energized to improve their pedagogical skills so as to be able to strengthen the learning skills of their students. We commend all Heads of Department along with their staff who worked ardently on completing the creation of Unit Plans in all subject areas along with the establishment of banks of lesson plans which had reached a far way by the end of the year.

There was renewed focus on developing learner independence as too many of our students are still expecting their teachers to provide all the resources needed for their education. In this knowledge age where access to information is readily available, students must be taught and inspired to seek information for themselves. The emphasis has to be on improving students’ ability to think critically, analyse and interpret data so that they can successfully conduct research and be able to discriminate between that which is valid or invalid. The body of knowledge globally is now so vast that gone are the days when the teacher can be expected to know everything there is to know

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about their subject. The teaching-learning process has to be a collaborative one and the approach must be more integrated and interactive. Our teachers are conscious of the fact that efforts must always be made to help students to transfer knowledge across subject areas so as to enrich their learning experience.

The first set of Theatre Arts students sat the CXC-CSEC examinations and performed at an excellent standard gaining six of the top ten places in the Island. We congratulate these students and their teacher Miss Marcia Rowe on this notable achievement. The Home Economics Department piloted Food and Nutrition at the CAPE Level and achieved a 100% pass rate. We congratulate these students and their teacher Mrs. Audria Barrett Doyley for accepting the challenge and doing so well.

Special commendations are extended to newly appointed Head of the Science Department Mr. Franklin Burrell, Acting Heads of Department Miss Paula Thompson- Physical Education, Miss Paloris Palmer- Modern Languages and Assistant Head Miss Daytona Campbell- Language Arts and Literatures, for the effeicient way in which they carried out their duties. Mr. Norman Smith resumed leadership of the Visual Arts Department after two years study leave and we congratulate Miss Georgette Thompson on a job well done as Acting Head during his absence.

External Examination Results CXC-CSEC

The pass rates for the subjects sat at the CXC-CSEC Level are as follows:

Additional Mathematics - 91% Biology - 99% Caribbean History - 98% Chemistry - 100% Clothing & Textiles - 100% Economics - 100% EDPM - 100% English A - 99% English B - 97% Food & Nutrition - 97% French - 97% Geography - 100% HS Biology - 97%

Info Tech - 100% Integrated Science - 100% Mathematics - 98% Office Administration - 100% Physics - 100% Principles of Accounts - 95% Principles of Business s - 99% Religious Education - 100% Social Studies - 96% Spanish - 95% Technical Drawing - 100% Theatre Arts - 100% Visual Arts - 96%

CXC-CSEC The overall pass rate is 98% with 52% of the passes being at the Grade 1 level. We are very pleased with these results. The 1% increase in the pass rate and the 3% increase in the number of Grade 1s marks the continuation of the upward trend in both quantity and quality of passes as projected in the Balanced Scorecard. This is commendable as it indicates that the strategies for excellence required from our staff after each examination period, are bearing fruit in several Departments. We expect

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that through the sharing of best practices this improvement in the quality of performance will be replicated in all areas.

87% of the subjects were passed at the grades 1&2 levels as against 85% last year. Distinction levels of 50% and over were achieved in eleven subject areas : Theatre Arts 86%; English A 86%; Information Technology 84%; Integrated Science 69%; Technical Drawing 67%; Mathematics 65% English B 61%; Principles of Accounts 55%; Human & Social Biology 52%; Biology 51% and Clothing and Textiles 50%. Physics 48%; Food and Nutrition 44%; Principles of Business 44% and EDPM 43% are also worthy of note.

21 areas registered passes 80% and over at grades 1&2 which is five more than last year. The subjects that registered passes 90% and over at grades 1&2 are: Theatre Arts 100%; Technical Drawing 100%; Info Tech-98%; English A 97 %; English B 95%; Physics 94%; Human &Social Biology 93%; Religious Education 93%; Biology 91%; Mathematics 91%; EDPM 91%;

Of the 26 subjects sat, 12 recorded pass rates of 100% (9 in 2013), 14 recorded pass rates of 91% -99% (14 in 2013).

98.7% of the students passed 5 or more subjects (95%in 2013) while 85.5% (77 % in 2013) passed 8 or more subjects. 1 student received 10 distinctions; 9 received 9; 15 received 8, 28 received 7, 27 received 6, 24 received 5 and 31 received 4 distinctions. This reflects a slight improvement over last year’s figures. The top Student at CSEC is Melissa Douglas. She received 9 1s with 9 straight A Profiles. Another student Sianne Gilman (10 subjects) received 10 1s with 8 straight A profiles

It is important to note that the top student is determined by performance in the best eight subjects. If there is a tie at this point then the placements in the subjects in the school are considered. Melissa had the highest number of 1st placements in the school at this level (six of her 9 subjects).

CXC-CAPE The pass rates for the subjects sat at the CXC-CAPE Level are as follows: Accounting Unit 2 - 98% Art and Design Unit 1 - 100% Art and Design Unit 2 - 100% Biology Unit 1 - 98% Biology Unit 2 - 100% Caribbean Studies - 100% Chemistry Unit 1 - 98% Chemistry Unit 2 - 100% Communication Studies - 100% Computer Science Unit 1 - 100% Computer Science Unit 2 - 100% Economics Unit 1 - 96% Economics Unit 2 - 97% Environmental Science Unit 1 - 100% Environmental Science Unit 2 - 100% Food & Nutrition Unit 1 - 100% French Unit 2 - 100%

Geography Unit 1 - 94% Geography Unit 2 - 100% History Unit 1 - 100% History Unit 2 - 100% Information Technology Unit 2 - 95% Literatures in English Unit 1 - 99% MOB Unit 1 - 100% MOB Unit 2 - 100% Physics Unit 1 - 100% Physics Unit 2 - 100% Pure Mathematics Unit 1 - 92% Pure Mathematics Unit 2 - 100% Sociology Unit 1 - 99% Sociology Unit 2 - 100% Spanish Unit 1 - 100% Spanish Unit 2 - 80%

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The overall pass rate of 99% at CAPE reflects a 1% increase over last year’s pass rate. We are very pleased with the 12% increase in the percentage of grade 1 passes which stand at 31%. 28% of the passes were at Grade 2 (26% in 2013) while the passes at grade 3 were at 17% (29% in 2013). 76% of the subjects sat were passed at grades 1-3 (73% in 2013). 34 Grade 12 students (26 in 2013) and 30 Grade 13 students (20 in 2013) got two or more distinctions at the Grade 1 level. (Grade 2 is also considered a distinction at CAPE ). The pass rate at Grade 12 is 98% (97.5 in 2013) while the pass rate at Grade 13 is 99.3% (99.6% in 2013).

98% of the students at both levels passed three or more subjects (97% in 2013). The top student at Grade 12 is determined by performance in the best four subjects and at Grade13 by performance in the best three subjects. It there is a tie at this point then information concerning placements in each subjects in the school must also be taken into consideration.

The Top Student at Grade 12 is Jorjan Dolphy with 4 1s with 2 straight A profiles and 10 A’s overall in her profiles. The other student with straight A profiles in 2 subjects and 10 A’s overall in her profiles is Crystal Duncombe. However, Jorjan had the highest number of 1st placements in the school at this level. (1st in three subjects). Arielle Ashley, Rochelle Muncey and Stephanie Myrie also had 4 1s with 2 straight A profiles.

The Top Student at Grade13 is Marissa Webber with 5 1s with 4 straight A profiles. The other students with straight A profiles in three or more subjects are Leanna Dyer 4 straight A profiles) Lia Chin-Yee, Toni-Ann Ledgister , Angelique Mullings and Ahyun Park.

However, Marissa had the highest number of 1st placements in the school at this level (four of her five subjects). The other students all had placements in the top 10 in the school.

Of the 33 units sat, 22 recorded pass rates of 100% (25 in 2013), 9 pass rates of 92 - 99% (6 in 2013). Spanish Unit 2 with a pass rate of 80% is the only subject in the 80th percentile (1 in 2013). Only five students sat this subject, four passed (grades1&2) and one failed.

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Based on their performance in the 2014 CXC examinations, fifteen students placed in the top ten in the island in CSEC (19 placements) and twenty (20) students placed in the top ten in the island in CAPE (26 placements). We are very pleased with the steady increase in the quantity and quality of placements over the past three years.


NAME FORM SUBJECT POSITION TEACHER Anique Brown 12R Int. Science 1st Mrs. Stacey Palmer Shari-Gaye Soares 12N POA 1st Miss Nichole Smith Sarah-Lee Phillips 12A RE 1st Mrs. Khadene Guyah Chavel Ford 12A Theatre Arts 1st Miss Marcia Rowe Melissa Douglas 12R Biology 2nd Mrs. Monique Nelson J’sent Fyffe 12D Theatre Arts 2nd Miss Marcia Rowe Melissa Douglas 12R Physics 3rd Mr. Phillip Davey Lauren Silvera 12R Visual Arts 3rd Mr. Norman Smith/

MissGeorgetteThompson Melissa Douglas 12R Info Tech 4th Ms. Colette Lemard

Marissa Foote Theatre Arts 4th Miss Marcia Rowe Tori Haber 13D Theatre Arts 5th Miss Marcia Rowe Brittany Hodges-Marshall 12R Theatre Arts 5th Miss Marcia Rowe Aniki Lindsay 12A Biology 6th Mrs. Monique Nelson Melissa Foster 12N Economics 6th Mrs. Abigail James Emma Walker 12N English B 6th Mrs. S. McCain Kathryn Darby 12E POA 6th Miss Nichole Smith Melissa Douglas 12R French 7th Miss Paloris Palmer Melissa Foster 12N RE 10th Miss Khadene Guyah Abbie-Gayle Clarke 12N Theatre Arts 10th Miss Marcia Rowe

CXC CAPE 2014 Jamaica NAME FORM SUBJECT POSITION TEACHER Jamé Watson 13E Economics Unit 1 1st Mrs. Abigail James Marissa Webber En Science Unit 2 1st Miss Michelle Rhone/ Mr. Noel Walder Kimberly Soares Computer Sci Unit 2 2nd Ms. Colette Lemard Angelique Mullings Geography Unit 2 2nd Mr. Noel Walder Leigh-Ann Edwards Info Tech Unit 2 2nd Mrs. Thalia Batchelor Derica Gardner Economics Unit 2 3rd Mrs. Abigail James Marissa Webber Physics Unit 2 3rd Mr. Phillip Davey Jorjan Dolphy 13A Art & Design Unit 1 4th Miss Georgette Thompson/

Mr. Norman Smith

Kathryn Lawrence 13A Spanish Unit 1 4th Miss Alicia Bernard/ Mrs. K. Bogle-Sewell

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Stephanie Myrie 13R Comm. Studies 5th Mrs. Sasha Schaaffe-McFarlane Jorjan Dolphy 13A En Science Unit 1 5th Mrs. Karen Miller-Notice/ Mr. Noel Walder Tiffany Wiggan 13E History Unit 1 5th Mrs. Diane Nelson Brittiny Bruce Spanish Unit 2 5th Miss Alicia Bernard/

Miss G. Lindsay Danique Cargill 13A Accounting Unit 2 6th Miss Nichole Smith Kathryn Lawrence 13N Art & Design Unit 1 6th Mr. Norman Smith/ Miss Georgette Thompson Kimone Townsend French Unit 2 6th Miss Paloris Palmer Brittany Coke Art & Design Unit 2 7th Mrs. Georgette Thompson/

Mr. Christopher Norman Trishaun Blake En Science Unit 2 7th Miss Michel Rhone/ Mr. Noel Walder Taj-Marie McFarlane History Unit 2 7th Mrs. Diane Nelson Shadae Miller Art & Design Unit 2 8th Miss Georgette Thompson Beth Campbell 13E Sociology Unit 1 8th Mrs.KarenBrown-Chambers Saran Wilson 13R Comm Studies 9th Mrs. Sasha Schaaffe- McFarlane

Danique Cargill 13A Economics Unit 1 9th Mrs. Abigail James Jorjan Dolphy 13A Geography Unit 1 9th Mrs. Karen Miller-Notice/ Mr. Noel Walder Kathryn Edwards Lit in English Unit 1 9th Miss Daytona Campbell Annderine Hendericks Accounting Unit 2 10th Miss Nichole Smith OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS 2014 – CARIBBEAN

We are also very pleased with the increase in the number of students who have placed in the top ten in the entire Caribbean region.


Shari-Gaye Soares 12N POA 1st Miss Nichole Smith

Sarah-Lee Phillips 12A RE 1st Mrs. Khadene Guyah

Melissa Douglas 12R Biology 2nd Mrs. Monique Nelson Chavel Ford 12A Theatre Arts 3rd Miss Marcia Rowe Melissa Douglas 12R Info Tech 6th Miss Colette Lemard Lauren Silvera 12R Visual Arts 7th Miss Georgette Thompson Emma Walker 12N English B 9th Mrs. Sydonna McCain

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Marissa Webber En Science Unit 2 1st Miss Michelle Rhone/Mr Noel Walder

Jamé Watson 13E Economics Unit 1 2nd Mrs Abigail James

Kimberly Soares Computer Sci Unit 2 2nd Ms. Colette Lemard Angelique Mullings Geography Unit 2 8th Mr. Noel Walder Taj-Marie McFarlane History Unit 2 9th Mrs. Diane Nelson Derica Gardener Economics Unit 2 10th Mrs. Abigail James

Other Achievements

Honour Roll Ninety (90) students in grades 7-9 and seventy two (72) students in grades 10-13 qualified for the Honour Roll based on their excellent performance in the Christmas Term 2013 Examinations

Scholarships/ Bursaries Old Girls (Jamaica) Scholarship - $136,400.00 Ophelia Houslin 11N Shiloh Waite 11W Shaneke Johnson 10N Jhasanne Stewart 9E Ronel Jones 8R Old Girls (Georgia) Scholarship - US$1,000 Nacilia Hall 12R Tavia McNaughton 12D Wade B.Green (Old Girls New York) – US $800 Jodeen Smith 13A Old Girls (UK) - £1,200 Najra Smith 12R Ariana Duggan 12D Jheanel Stephenson 13E

Old Girls (Florida – US$1,500 Marie Taylor 13 A Alicia Morris 12A Sallena Samuels 12R Faustine Sharp Bursary - $45,000 Gail-Ann Hamilton 11N Old Girls (Washington, DC) - US $2,000 Vanessa Ricketts 11A Peter-Gaye Gordon 11R Odesha Taylor 11E Desanna Watson 11E Tassan Stewart 10N Megan Grant 9A

Commonwealth Countries League Education Fund (CCLEF) Shellica Blair 13R Shanice Jackson 13R Shelece Hudson 13D Chantanae McBrown 13A Phillipa Ritchie 12A

Shantelle Harvey 11A Kimanie Prendergast 12A Shanae Wright 12E Ockera Moulton 13A Kimone Townsend 13R

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Shirley Richards Bursary - $85,000. Sherika Powell 7R

Noel Harris Scholarship - $50,000 Trichana Hines 11A

United Nations Women Group Bursary - $80,000 NKonza Stone 9R

Sonya Hayden Scholarship - $80,000 Tashura Burrell 13A Jamalia Taylor 12A

Lorraine Golding Emmanuel - Temera Duncan 12A

Tertiary /Scholarships (Grade 13 - 2013-2014)

• Lois Sherwood (Burger King) – Annderine Hendricks • JPSCU – Michellae Walker • GraceKennedy Foundation Utech – Nicolene Reece • GraceKennedy Foundation Rafael Diaz UWI – Taj-Marie McFarlane • UWI – Geneille Williams • Princeton University - Marrissa Webber • Oxford University – Angelique Mullings

Athletic Scholarships

• Decoda Simpson – Fernleigh University New Jersey

Methodist Church Essay Competition Daneil Palmer 10D placed 1st in the Methodist Church Essay competition held in the Christmas Term. Mr. Winston Jackson Director of Methodist Schools attended prayers on January 14, 2014 and presented Daneil with her prize of an MP3 Player.

United Nations Theatrical Workshop Davia Blake was selected by the Jamaica Tourist Board to represent Jamaica at a theatrical workshop sponsored by the United Nations which was held in March 2014. Davia acquitted herself well and was casted to act in several leading roles for the culminating performance. She met with Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United Nations and was interviewed by the UN Radio station. She was also interviewed by local media when she returned home.

OCA Uanimate Poster Competition Akacia Forbes 9N placed 2nd in the poster competition organized by the Office of the Children’s Advocate in May 2014. She received a trophy at the awards ceremony held at the Knutsford Court Hotel on May 21, 2014.

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Inter Schools French Vocabulary Competition The Senior team of T’na Renee Johnson 10D, Venessa Daley 10W, Deborah Thorpe 10D Iesha Blair 10W, placed 1st in the finals of the Inter Schools French Vocabulary Competition held in May 2014. The Junior team placed fourth. The coach was Miss Noelle Hoskins.

2014 Jamaican Mathematical Olympiad A total of 138 students from 28 High Schools in Jamaica sat the final round examination of the Mathematical Olympiad held in March 2014. The following students earned an Honourable Mention meaning that they placed among the Top Ten students in the country in their grade:

Latonya Clayton 7D - 5th Ariel Dyche 7W – 9th

Kharece Lloyd 8A - 9th Zahra Benkeblia 9E- 4th

Grade 9 Mathematics Problem Solving Competition Over 50 schools from across the island participated in the competition which was held on March 27, 2014. The St. Andrew High team of Zahra Benkeblia 9E, Jade Demetrius 9W, Derica Gilroy 9W and Kasheema Graham placed 1st among the High Schools that entered and 2nd overall. The 1st place went to a team from Halls of Learning which is made up of students from various High Schools. The coach was Miss Alicia Robinson.

Speak Up Competition Grades 7 – 9 Forms at St Andrew High School took part in an exciting new competition, designed to develop the girls’ public speaking and conversational skills so as to master the art of speaking Standard English.

“The Speak Up Competition” was initiated by Old Girl Marie Cunningham-Clarke, a Director of the St Andrew High School Foundation, in collaboration with the Language Arts & Literatures Department of the school, as there was concern that many students were not fluent enough in speaking Standard English.

Form Champions, who won book prizes, are expected to be exemplars to their classmates and to encourage more frequent conversations in Standard English on the school campus. Form Book Clubs to be initiated by the Champions will commence in September 2014. Grade level Champions, Yavielle Murphy Gr 7, Lindsay Harley Gr 8 and Andreanna Jackson Gr 9 received cash prizes. The overall 2014 Speak Up Champion - Lindsay Harley, received a winning trophy and cash.

The judges were so impressed with the level of conversational skills displayed by the competitors that a special prize for “Best Conversation” was awarded to Rhea Studdart of Grade 8. Chief Adjudicator was prize-winning author Diane Browne, a former Head Girl of this institution.

Grades 7-9 School Citizenship Awards Ceremony One hundred and ten students in Grades 7-9 received Certificates of School Citizenship at the Awards Ceremony held in the School Hall on Tuesday June 3, 2014. Guest Speaker Mrs. Pat Sinclair- McCalla held the students attention with a very inspiring presentation where she encouraged the

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students as good citizens, to build on the right attributes given to them by God as this would lead to right attitudes which would lead to right actions.


Coordinator Mrs. Sydonna McCain reports that 44 clubs and societies were active during this academic year. A club training workshop for Presidents, Secretaries and Faculty Advisors was introduced to ensure that all leaders were aware of the requirements for effective management of their clubs. Clubs were also provided with lockers to allow for the proper storage of records and materials.

In an effort to provide more opportunities for students to be exposed to the clubs and societies that are available and to strengthen the bonds among club members, the decision was taken to allow clubs and societies to have prayers once per month in place of house prayers which are normally held once per week. The first of this activity was held on the 20th and 21st of March 2014. On this occasion the students in the lower school met on Thursday and the students in the upper school met on Friday. Members of staff and the students felt that in spite of a few hitches, this first attempt went quite well and that it should be permanently included in the school’s calendar. The decision was taken however that instead of replacing House prayers, all students would have Club prayers together on a 3rd Thursday and House prayers on a 3rd Friday

Key Club The Key Club continues to be one of the most vibrant clubs within the school community. During Key Club Week, November 1-8 2013, The Key Clubbers participated in several activities and on Sunday November 3, 2013 Fifty five members of the Key Club attended the District Church Service at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

18 members of the Key Club attended the 29th Annual District Convention held at the Jamaica Crest Hotel in Portland from March 7-9, 2014.

The club received 22 awards including: Distinguished Club at the Diamond Level Outstanding President – Ashli Daley Outstanding Vice President – Shanice Tomlinson Outstanding Treasurer – Shelece Hudson Outstanding Bulletin Editor- Arielle levy Outstanding Faculty Advisor- Ms. Nicole Evans Outstanding District Kiwanian Advisor - DP Paul Miller Governor’s Award for the Most Outstanding Key club Governor’s Award for the most Outstanding lieutenant Governo - Shadae Bingham

Other awards won were: 1st in the major emphasis programme

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1st in the single service project(silver level) 1st in the annual achievement monthly reporting 1st in theClub Scrapbook They also placed : 2nd in the Impromptu Essay- Lorianne Edwards 2nd in the Oratorical Speech- Veneisha Dixon 2nd in the video Competiton 2nd in the Non-Digital Poster Competition

Two members of the club were elected on the District Board: Kadeisha Brown - Lieutenant Governor for Division 6 and Kimberly Blair – District Governor for Key Club Jamaica. In addition Renisha Daley who served as International Trustee this year, was endorsed for the position of International President. Old Girl Candice Neil continues to be very supportive of this club. The 71st Annual Key Club International Convention took place in Anaheim California rom July 2- 6, 2014. Kimberly Blair 13E and Renisha Daley 13N attended the convention representing the school and the Key Club in Jamaica. St. Andrew High’s Key Club received two awards – 1st place for the Single Service project in the Silver Division and also Distinguished Club at the Diamond level. The SAHS Key Club was the only club outside of the USA to receive an award.

Ijah Brown was awarded the Distinguished District Secretary- Treasurer Award. Renisha Daley was elected as one of the 11 International Trustees for a 2nd term, making her to be the only person outside of the USA on the 2014-2015 Key Club International Board.

Peer Counsellors Association Under the Guidance of the Guidance and Counselling Dept. The Peer Counsellors Association held their Inaugural Brunch on Saturday May 24, 2014. It was a very good effort and the Association gave an award to Mrs. Janet Scott former Head of the Guidance and Counselling Dept. for her contribution to the revitalization of the Peer Counsellors Association in the institution. The Guest Speaker Miss Krystle Daley, a former Miss Jamaica Festival Queen, was most inspiring. Inter Schools Christian Fellowship Eight students attended the Annual Leadership Conference held at the Moorlands Campsite December 27-31, 2013. The theme was “Christocentric - Out of the Box” and the students found the experience both inspiring and enjoyable. A small group of ISCFers accompanied by their staff Advisor Mrs. Khadine Guyah, attended the SCFSU Annual Fellowship Breakfast held at the Pegasus Hotel on February 1, 2014. The theme for the breakfast was “Rise To The Occasion”.

The ISCF held its annual week of activities March17- 21 2014 under the theme “This is me; I am His”. The activities were well attended.

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Photography Club The Photography Club led by President Tori Haber 13D hosted a very successfully photography competition and exhibition in April 2014. Several schools participated and the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education was present. They received sponsorships from several companies.

Tourism Action Club During the summer 2014 Davia Blake 13A participated in the in the Local Round of the Caribbean Tourism Organization Tourism Youth Congress organized by the Jamaica Tourist Board. She placed 1st in the competition and now holds the title “Junior Minister of Tourism 2014” for Jamaica

Junior Achievement Club Students form the Business Education Department embarked on the Junior Achievement Programme this year with much success. Although not placing first the students garnered a wealth of experience and had commendable returns on their investment

Physical Education & Sports Physical Education remains a very important component of the school curriculum. All students from grades 7 -11 are required to participate in Physical education classes. At the grades 12 & 13 levels students are encouraged to include physical exercise in their weekly schedule. Teams from the Physical Education department participated creditably in eleven (11) areas of competitive sports.

Badminton The under 15 team placed first in the Corporate Area for the 2nd year in a row in the Inter Schools Badminton Knock Out Competition. While the U19 team finished 3rd. . Esther Reynolds 11 was selected to represent Jamaica on the National Junior Team. The coach is Old Girl Miss Aliya Lewis .

Swimming St. Andrew High placed 3rd in the ISSA swim meet held in November 2013. Gold Medals were won by Llori Sharpe- 12 -13 Freestyle, Jada Newell – 13-14 50m Breast Stroke and the 17 and over Freestyle Relay Team of Rashida Shurland, Marissa Webber, Chanelle Rainford-Campbell and Justine Braham.

The team placed 3rd in the Mayberry School’s competition held in April, 2014. We are pleased that 50 students participated in this meet. The coach was Old Girl Mrs. Jacky Walter.

Water Polo The Water Polo Team made it to the Semi-Final round of the Inter schools Competition held in December 2013. They placed 3rd overall. In the Inter School’s tournament held in May, 2014, the team placed 2nd. The coach is Mr. Marlon McIntyre.

Table Tennis This is only the second year that the school has participated in the ISSA competition. This year the team did not make it beyond the preliminary round. We will continue the building process. The coach is Mr. Peter Daley

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Hockey In the ISSA Inter Schools competition, the Under 19 team had a wonderful season and remained undefeated right through to the finals where unfortunately they lost 1-0 on penalties to St. Hugh’s. Coach Dr. Michelle Holt an Old Girl of this institution continues to be an excellent motivator for the teams.

Basketball The team performed at an excellent standard throughout the season defeating almost all of their opponents. Unfortunately they were defeated 23-21 at the semi-final round by Holy Childhood High. The team placed 3rd overall. The coach is Mr. Franklin Burrell.

Netball The U19 team placed third overall in the ISSA Inter Schools Competition. The coach is Miss Jennifer Brown.

Cheerleading The Cheerleading team placed 3rd in the All Girls section of the Semi –final round of the JamFit Cheerleading competition held April14, 2014. They therefore secured a place in the National finals which was held on July 5, 2014 at the National Indoor Sports Centre. The coach Miss Lauri Ann Richards is an Old Girl of this institution.

ATHLETICS Digicel/MVP Grassroots Athletics Programme Afiya Dacres, Cheriqua Mason, Moesha Thomas and Athena Clarke participated in the training programme held on January 17, 2014. The Athletes were exposed to world class training methods presented by some of Jamaica’s best coaches.

Gibson Relays All five relay teams entered for the Gibson Relays in February 2014, however only the Class 3 4X100 team made it to the finals where they placed 3rd.

ISSA Boys and Girls Championships The St. Andrew High School Track and Field Team performed creditably in the Development Meets leading up to the Championships.

The team scored 34 1/2 points to place 11th out of 103 schools which participated in the Championships held March 25-29, 2014 at the National Stadium. Our top athlete, Rushelle Burton was injured at the start of the championships and so was unable participate further in the competition. The team is in rebuilding mode with the majority of the athletes in classes 3&4. Of the 39 athletes who participated, most of them did their personal best times. The Coach was Mr. Leacroft Bolt.

Penn Relays - The decision was taken not to participate in the Penn Relays this year as the team being a young one was not yet ready to compete at that level.

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Cargill Cup for Best House As the series of competitions progressed throughout the year, it became increasingly difficult to predict which House would be victorious, the placements varied with each event and no one house remained dominant. The deciding factor would therefore be which house was able to gain the most points from the combination of placements in all competitions. The house that was able to achieve this was one that displayed excellent House spirit throughout the year regardless of whether they won or lost. We extend heartiest congratulations to Stockhausen winners of The Cargill Cup for Best House for the year 2013-2014.

Gillies Cup for Work The recipient of the Gillies Cup for work is determined based on the results after the aggregate of points for detentions, demerits and suspensions is subtracted from the aggregate of points for stars and merits. Anderson House is congratulated for retaining the Gillies Cup for the second consecutive year.

The Interhouse Competition results were:


Gartshore Cup

October 31, 2013

Netball Athletics

January 24, 2014


February 14, 2014


April 2014

Junior Senior

November 22, 2013

1st Arc Anderson Anderson Arc Stockhausen Stockhausen 2nd Darling Cavell Darling Darling Cavell Arc

3rd Gartshore Stockhausen Cavell Anderson Darling Gartshore

4th Stockhausen Darling Stockhausen Cavell Anderson Darling 5th Cavell Arc Arc Gartshore Arc Cavell 6th Anderson Gartshore Gartshore Stockhausen Gartshore Anderson

Gartshore Cup - The focus this year was on the Home Economics .

Interhouse Netball Most Valuable Player (Juniors) - Khalise Campbell (Anderson) Most Valuable Player (Seniors) - Tiffany Lawson (Anderson) Dress Parade - Most Uniformed Team - Stockhausen Interhouse Athletics Class Champions 2013 Class 4 Rosalee Cooper (Darling) Class 3 Lorean Murry (Anderson ) Class 2 Rushelle Burton (Arc) Class 1 Chennel Palmer (Darling)

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The initiatives undertaken during the 2013-2014 Academic year clearly underscore the school’s determination to provide for its students a learning environment that will meet the needs of the 21st Century learner and so adequately prepare them to take their place as leaders in the global village that now is our world.

The introduction of the BYOD policy proved to be quite successful. At first there was a lot of excitement, however by the end of the second term the novelty had worn off and tablets/computing devices just became one of the learning tools that students take to school. Overall the staff agrees that the advantages of having introduced BYOD far outweigh the disadvantages.

One very important aspect of the programme is the monitoring and management of the use of the internet. The Technology Acceptable Use Policy gives clear guidelines on internet use by members of the school community, hence students who disregard these guidelines have suffered the consequences. Additional filtering had to be installed so as to minimize the possibility of students gaining access to inappropriate sites while at school. The bigger concern however lies with finding ways to so impact the values and attitudes of our students that they recognize the significance of making right choices as they learn to cope with the “freedom” that they are exposed to through access to the “World Wide Web”. In this fast moving, rapidly changing society, it is vital that there is ongoing collaboration between teachers and parents to ensure that the training in life skills which takes place at school is positively reinforced at home.

The school community is now strategically poised to take advantage of all the opportunities that this technological age has to offer. We are however conscious of the awesome task that has been given to us to ensure that our students understand the responsibilities that accompany this privilege that they enjoy as members of the St. Andrew High School Family.

As we begin preparations for our 90th Anniversary celebrations that will take place in 2015 -2016 we are confident that with the divine assistance of Almighty God, this institution will continue to grow from strength to strength so that all who enter herein will forever experience the blessings of the “Life More Abundant”.

Thank you.

Sharon Reid (Mrs.) Principal November 25, 2014
