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Transforming Transport and Infrastructure Systems for a

low carbon future

Cameron HoffmannPrincipal – Planning – RPS

Board Director – Australian Green Development Forum

16 June, 2011



Transforming Infrastructure Systems – A Demand Management Approach

Increased efficiency in resource use is a core foundation of a low carbon future. This involves a cultural shift.

Currently, we tend to use resources inefficiently, and design our infrastructure systems to cater for extrapolated growth of current usage patterns

Focus today:» Role of demand management in infrastructure systems

» Role of lightweight electric vehicles and car share in urban transport systems.


Lessons from the SEQ drought

Projects Cost $M %

Dams and weirs + groundwater

2591 31%

Recycled Water Projects 2505 29%

Water Grid 1825 21%

Desalination 1209 14%

Sub Total 8130 96%

Demand Management (incentives, water audits, pressure + leakage reduction)

362 4%

Total 8492 100%

Qld government undertook a $8.5 B response to increase water security. 96% Supply infrastructure. 4% Demand Management incentives and community

engagement Ultimately, Demand Management ‘saved the day’ Per capita water use more than halved - more than doubling the effective capacity

of the dams Community has still maintained low consumption, despite dams being full –

increases the effective capacity of the entire water pipe network Behaviour change is possible, provided the need and benefits are clear.

Water Investment By Sector – 2007-2012

Source: SEQ Infrastructure Plan and Program 2007 -2012


Maximize utility of existing infrastructure

Pattern of placing a heavy bias towards expensive supply infrastructure investments, whilst doing little to control demand, occurs time and again across infrastructure sectors.

If behaviour change is possible for water use, then why not energy and transport systems?

Reduction of demand maximises the effective utility of existing infrastructure, reducing pressure for capacity upgrades.

Provides budgetary space for a greater strategic prioritization of new infrastructure investments.

Where significant behaviour change is required – infrastructure investments need to be supported by facilitory policy as well as community engagement to maximize the societal return on investment



Current transport model

Over reliance and over investment in private cars and related land and infrastructure. Private cars are typically designed to carry 5 people + luggage, whereas average commuting

vehicle occupancy is around 1.1 persons / vehicle, limited luggage Vehicles sit idle for long periods waiting for their owner to need them again. Majority of the vehicle fleet is oversized for the required mobility task, and spend a relatively

small percentage of time performing that task. This 'redundant utility' burdens all the downstream systems:

» vehicle costs, » road capacity and » car parking land requirements and costs.

Considerable negative amenity, health, urban design and economic impacts. Current model is ineffective for the mass movement of people in urban areas and provides

diminishing returns on both new public and private investment. Need to change both the predominant vehicle mix, and ownership models



Fit for Purpose mobility

Clear potential for E vehicles to improve the energy efficiency of the car fleet

Replacing the current car fleet with e cars would not reduce congestionor assist the international competitiveness of our cities.

Manufacturers trying to prove that e vehicles can match what cars can do.

Scope for e vehicles to demonstrate what cars can't do.

In wheel motors and rapidly improving battery technology provide design flexibility to create new vehicle platforms

Increase the range of 'fit for purpose' vehicles appropriate for the majority of trips - commuter and local single and two person trips.


Christchurch mayor on a Yike Bike

Tesla Model S


E bicycles design objectives review Review the transport objectives and design measures applicable to e bicycles

Australian design regulations classify an electric bicycle over 200 watts as a motorbike» limits the utility of current legal models » excludes many excellent existing e bicycles from the market

Design Regulation review could readily result in a new generation of e bicycles » significant direct commuting role» extending the effective catchment of trunk public transport routes.

Provide a network of pathways and designated ‘shared streets’ to centres and trunk PT routes

7Volkswagon Bike e Matra MS 1 Optibike


Vehicle share

Gradual shift from predominant vehicle ownership to ‘shared mobility’ access

Substantial benefits from the use of car share vehicles as the 'missing link' in transportation systems» Car share is convenient short term vehicle hire, providing

mobility benefits of car ownership, without the hassles and costs.

Car share access increases the ability of households to shed a second car, or live without a car, significantly reducing net car ownership and net parking demand, whilst increasing public and active transport use and achieving cost of living reductions

Surprisingly crucial role in housing affordability when viewed from a cost of living perspective. Avoidance of basement car parking can reduce construction costs by $50 000 / space and increase densities, whilst transport savings help increase mortgage access» allows a greater proportion of society to afford to live in

accessible locations



Car Share Coverage

Over 300 Car Share Organisations operate in almost 1000 cities around the World Source: World Carshare Consortium http://ecoplan.org/carshare/cs_index.htm

Sydney Melbourne

Car share well placed to incorporate next generation e and e assist vehicles as they become available.


Future transport – Personal Transport vehicles

E bicycle and e vehicle technology advancement is already being used to create range of efficient and safe ‘fit for purpose’ e and pedal assist personal transport vehicles

Provide an intermediate category which may require licensing


Twike - UK

Sinclair C5


Future Transport – Transit Lanes Google automated driverless car has

clocked up over 140 000 miles roaming San Francisco, using RADAR, GPS and and google maps.

Harness technology to design vehicles to use spare capacity in transit lane use

Vehicles could link or detach as pod trains Purchase mobility services, similar

to telecommunication services?

Communicar – pod trainHeathrow airport driverless pod



The current private car dominated transport model is reaching the end of it's economic life, whilst new models are emerging rapidly.

In addition to climate change issues, Peak Oil looms as an additional, but complementary, threat which may force the need for accelerated actions.

Australians need strong vision and leadership to ensure that our regulatory and research environment can keep pace with technology and to engage the community in in this potentially exciting and profitable transport transformation


Transforming Transport and Infrastructure Systems for a

low carbon future

Cameron HoffmannPrincipal – Planning – RPS

Board Director – Australian Green Development Forum

16 June, 2011

