Roster of the survivors of the battle of Gettysburg living in the...


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ROSTER-of the-


GETTYSBURGLiving in the







In September, 1912. GovernofOiborn delesjated me with author-ity to prepare a Rostrr of the survivors of the Battle of Gettysburjrlivinir within the State of Michi<ran, without regard to the statethey enlisted from.

In order to do this, and have a Roster anywhere near correct, I

had to look up ev^ery applicant's war record, who went from thisstate: those who enlisted in other states, I took tlieir word for it if

they said they pirticipated in that battle. I made a list of everyRe<:iment, Infantry, cavalry and Artillery, both Union and Confed-erate, that was enjjcai^ed in that battle, in ordrr that 1 mitjht verifyany statement of those whose names I have placed on this Roster.

You may know what an undertaking" this has been, when I saythat it has taken me six months to collect these names. I adver-tised in many state papers and the soldiers" paper (National Tribune)and many other ways, that I miirht secure the names of Gettysbur>rsurvivors, living- within the state A o;reat many applicants I hadto reject for the reason they failed to comply with my requestwhich was, "Were you in the battle, or a prisoner, or in a hospitalat the time of the Battle? Was your Company in the Battle? Givename, Company, and Hej^iment. Six hundred failed to comply withtne request, knowing^ that thtre never has been an accurate recordof the Civil War veterans made yet. I wanted to g^et this as nearcorrect as possible. I have taken the word ot many, whose record I

was unable to trace, believing^ that no veteran would say that he par-ticipated in the Battle if it was not so. If any misrepresented, it is upto them. I had to do a ^re;.t deal of correspondence w'th the veteransand my postage was considerable, as very few would enclose a stampfor reply, which ail wanted.

I will not say that I have the names of all the Gettysburg- sur-

vivors now living- in the state, or that their names are spelled cor-rectly. Many of them were hardly able to write, and it was difficult

to decipher their names, but I done the t est possible, under the cir-

cumstances, and I think this Roster is as near accurate as can beprocured.

To those comrades whose names I did not place upon this Roster] will say, I only wanted the names of the G^'tti/sburg Snrrirors. Theline had to be drawn, or take the whole of the twenty thousand vet-erans living: in the State of Micbig-an.

Comrades, this is our last Gettysburg Semi Centennial. Wenever will see another. We can bid each other Good Bye, when wemeet on the Old Ba+tlefield. Think ot the past, but hope for thefuture. God bless you all.



Co. F. 4th Mich Inft'y.

Zbc ©ppoeing jforccs at (Bctt^eburg

^be XXnxon Brmv

CONNECTICUTInfantry-o, U. 17, 27: Artillery- 1, 2

DELEWAREInfantry— 1, 2

INDIANAInfantry—7, U, 10, 20, 27: Cavalry-3

ILLINOISInfantry -82: Cavalry - 8, 12

MASSACHUSETTSI.ifantry-l, 2, 7. 9, 10, U, 12, 13, 15, 1(5, 18, 20, 22, 28, :J2, 33, 37;

Artillery-1, 3, 5, 9

MAINEInfantry-3, 4, 5, 6 7, 16, 19, 20: Artillery -2, 5, 6; Cavalry -1: Co. D.

2d U. S. S. S.

MICHIGANInfantry— 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 24; Artillery Battery I; Cavalry— 1, o, 6, 7;

ist U.S.S.S. C. I K; 2d. U.S.S S. B.

MINNESOTAInfantry-l: Co A. 2d. U.S.S.S.

MARYLANDInfantry -1, 3

NEW HAMPSHIREInfantry -2, 5, 12; Artillery—l:Co. E. 1st U.S.S.S., Co. E.G. 2d U.S.S.S.

NEW YORKInfantry—10, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63,

64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 94

95, 97, 102, 104, 107, 108, HI, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 134,

136, 137, 140, 145, 146, 149, 150, 154, 157:

Cavalry-2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10:

Artillery— 1, 3, 4, 6. 13, 15, 1st. U.S.S.S. Co. A. B. D. H.

NEW JERSEYInfantry -1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15; Artillery -1. 2: Cavalry—


OHIOInfantry— 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 25, 29, 55, 61, 73, 75, 82, 66, 105, 107:

Artillery— 1; Cavalry—


PENNSYLVANIAInfantry -1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38,

39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 49, 53, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 81.

82, 83, 84, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111,

114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 139, 140. 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150.

151, 153, 155;

Artillery—1st Reg; . F. E. C. G.

Cavalry - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16, 17, 18, 21: Co. C. 2d U.S S S

RHODE ISLANDInfantry -2: Artillery—


VERMONTInfantry—2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16;

Cavalry— 1, Co. F. 1, U.S.S S. Co. E. H, 2d U.S.S.S.

WISCONSINInfantry—1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 26, C ». G 1st U. S.S.S.

WEST VIRGINIAInfantry—7: Cavalry— 1, 3

U S. REGULARSInfantry—2, 3^ 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17;

Artillery—I, 2, 3, 4, 5; Cavalry—1, 2, 5, 6

^be Confederate Brni^

ALABAMAInfantry—3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 26, 44, 47, 48, 51:

Artillery—Jeff Davis and Hardaway, Art.

FLORIDAInfantry--5, 8,

GEORGIAInfantry—2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 1(5, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 24, 26,

31, 35, 38. 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 59, UO, 61:

Artillery—Pulaski, Troup, Milledge, Sumpter, Batteries;

Cavalry—Cobbs Leg-ion, Jeff Davis Lej^ion, Phillips Legion

LOUISIANAInfantry—5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 32, 14, 15, Madison L. A., Washington, L A.,

Donaldsonville, L. A., Guard L. A.

MISSISSIPPIInfantry—2, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 42, 48: Artillery—Madison

MARYLANDArtill ry—Chesapeake, Cavalry 1st.

NORTH CAROLINAInfantry—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21. 23, 26, 28, 30, 32,

33, 34, 37, 38, 43, 45, 47, 52, 53, 55, 57.

Artillery—1st, Cavalry— 1, 2, 4, 5

TENNESSEEinfantry— 1, 7, 14

SOUTH CAROLINAInfantry— 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 24;

xVrtillery—Geiman, Palmetto, Brooks, Ashland, and Pee Dee

VIRGINIAInfantry— 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,

27, 28, 31, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61:

Artillery—Richmond, Howitzers, Bedford, Parlor, Taylor, Fanquier,

Hampton, Richmond, Fayette, Virginia, Charlottesville, Courtney,

Staunton, Allegheny, Pohatton, Lee, Salem, Clanahan, Letchers

and Purcell, Rockbridge, King William, Morris, Orange, Amherst,

Flavanna, Hugars, Lewis, Chrenshaw, Nofrolk Blues, Fredericks-

bur <j:

Cavalry— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,16, 17, 18, 34, 35, 36, 62,

Mounted Infantry, .Jackson's Battallion, Partizan Rangers.

Roster mtcbigan-Qettysburg $urvii)or$

Akley, Gilbert, Co. K., 86th N. Y. Infantry, Deerfield, Mich.Allen, Wm. H., Co. I., 4th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Armstrong, W. F., Co. L, 5th Mich, cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Armstrong, James, Co. D, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich.Andrews, W. S., Co. D., 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Anible, C. W., Co. H., 5th Mich. Infantry, White Cloud, Mich.Alchin, Frederick, Co. D., 4th Mich. Infantry, Ovid, Mich.Abbott, F. B., Co. I., 16th Mich. Infantry, Fowlerville, Mich.Boies, A. H., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Bush, B. F., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Bilderback, John, Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Dowagiac, Mich.Boyd, J. J., Co. A, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Lexington, Mich.Bard, C. H., Co. F, 7th Ohio Infartry, Coldwater, Mich.Branch, S. S., Co. K, 8th Ohio Infantry, Mears, Mich.Beedon, N. D., Co. B, 126th N. Y. Infantry, Homer, Mich.Blanchard, Wm., Co. C, 4th Mich. Infantry, South Boardman, Mich.Becker, Jacob, Co. A, 70th N. Y. Infantry, Grand Junction, Mich.Breuningstall, H. J., Co. A., 4th Mich. Infantry, Petersburg, Mich.Belcher, C. W., Co. I, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Manistee, Mich.Brown, J. R., Co. K, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.Bunyea, C. .)., Co. K, 16th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.Barden, Alonzo, Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, Fairgrove, Mich.Barclay, F. W., Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Hartford, Mich.Bailey, Eli, Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Morenci. Mich.Eurgo, Hov/ard, 5th Mich. Irfantry, Pontiac, Mich.Bartletle, G. S., 5th Mich. Infantry, Ovid, Mich.Berger, Otto, 5th Mich. Infantry, Franklin, Mich.Boothly, Noah, Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Howell, Mich.Borst, W. H., Co. H, 5th Michigan Infantry, Gaines, Mich.Burns, Michael, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Budd, J. W., Co. K, 5th Mich. Infantry, Saginaw, Mich.Barlow, Adolph, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Boyer, Wm., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Zilwaukee, Mich.Boyer, R., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, West Bay City, Mich.Butterfield, A. B., 5th Mich. Infantry, Mayville, Mich.Brooks, W. G., 5th Mich. Infantry, Vernon, Mich.BoUes, Seth, Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Grand Rapids, Mich.Bull, C. H., Co. B, 124th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.Brown, C. F., Co. D, 157th N. Y., Detroit, Mich.Brown, C. P., Co. F, 4th Mich., Spring Lake, Mich.Brabeaw, Michael, Co. G, 24th Mich. Infantry, Monroe, Mich.Benderitter, F., Co. A, 4th Mich. Infantry, Monroe, Mir^h.

Bailey, Lorenzo, Co. C, 16th Mich. Infantry, Lapeer, Mich.Babcock, L., Co. A, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Rapid City, Mich.Berlin, Paul, Co. K, 61st Ohio Infantry, Waldron, Mich.

JJuter, C. H., Co. E, 7th Mich. Infantry, Richville, Mich.

Bird, R. C, Co. D, 24th Mich. Infantry, Romulus, Mich.

Barnes, A. G., Co. B, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Benton, A., Co. C, 12th Illinois Cavalry, Frankfort, Mich.

Burtch, R. W., Co. F, 16th Mich. Infantry, Grass Lake, Mich.

Barden, W. C, Co. G, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Battle Creek, Mich.

Babcock, E. D., Co. B, 59th N. Y. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Barry, M., Co. F, 140th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Bright, W. H., Co. E, 80th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Bradley, H. C, Co. B, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Baird, Wm., Co. K, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.Banska, A., Co. B, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers, Home, Mich.Blair, David, Co. C, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Brady, S. S., Co. A, U. S. Engineers, Luzerne, Mich.Bogue, Henry, Co. I, 142nd Penn. Infantry, Harrison, Mich.Brown, E. G., Co. F, 50th N. Y. Engineers, Detroit, Mich.Beach, Oliver, Co. H, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Adrian Mich.Beach, Edmund, Co. H, 102nd N. Y. Infantry, Flat Rock. Mich.Burtch, T. B., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.Baker, A. H., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Clare, Mich.Boylan, J. D., Co. C, 5th Infantry, Brighton, Mich.Burnett, Joseph, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Boyer, Joseph, Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, xMt. Cl'emens, Mich.Barney, Joseph, 5tn Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.Bryan, H. D., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hillsdale, Mich.Burnett, C. V., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Jonesville, Mich.Barnes, H. A., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Grand Rapids, Mich.Bradley, W. F., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Adrian, Mich.Banker, J. A., Co. A, 17th Regulars Mich., Battle Creek, Mich.Bailey, E^li, Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Morenci, Mi'-h.

Burroughs, S. W., Co. I; 7th Mich. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich.Bishop, F. A., Co. C, 57th Penn. Infantry. Blanchard, Mich.Brokaw, Geo. W., Co. H, 108th N. Y. Infantry, Athens, Mich.Bowen, O. B., Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Addison, Mich.Berray, J. S., 64th N. Y. Infantry, Adrian, Mich.Ballard, E. L., Co. I, 1st U. S. S. S., Somerset, Mich.Bigelow, E. B., Co. B. 5th Mich. Cavalry, Jackson, Mich.Brown, W. L., Co. L, 1st N. Y. Artillery, Lansing, Mich.Bigelow, J. A., 5th Mich. Cavalry, Birmingham, Mich.Bartlett, J. A., Co. D, 24th Mich. Infantry, Wayne, Mic'li.

Bates. Geo. C, Co. K, 122nd N. Y. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Burgess, J. H., Co. K, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Vassar, Mich.Bell, J. A., Co. K, 1st Mich. Infantry, Diamonddale, Mich.Barry, C. E., 65th N. Y. Infantry, Tecumseh, Mich.Bigelow, H. M., Co. A, 3rd Mich. Cavalry, Williamston, Mich.Bennett, Nelson, Co. A, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Pellston, Mich.Ball, W. F., Co. D, r2th Illinois Cavalry, Jackson, Mich.Benson, Homer, Co. G, 1st Vermont Cavalry, Coldwater, Mich.Bonney, J. N., Co. K, 107th N. Y. Infantry, St. Louis, Mich.

i3criin, H. R., Co. H, (JSOi N. Y. Infantry, Hillsdale, Mich.

Burdeck, C. W., 145tli Penn Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.

Brink, C. A., Co. B, 7th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Crotty, D. G., Co. F, .3rd Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.vCooley, R. C, Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Cluirch, C. B., Co. G, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Bath, Mich.€obb, Frank H., Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S.. Hudson, Mich.Coughlin, James, Co. B, 108th N. Y. Infantry, Kalmazoo, Mich. .

Cook, Eli, Co. I, 1st U. S. S. S., Eaton Rapids, Mich.C.ark, A. O., Co. A, 1st Regular Cavalry, South Boardman, Mich.Cussick, Fii.nk, Co. H, 108th N. Y. Infantry, Leroy, Mich.Case, Marion, Co. E, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Fowler, Mich.Crawford, Isaac, Co. A, 5th Mich. Cavalry.vChidesier, G. H., 1st N. Y. Artillery, Tecumseh, Mich.Cushin?. John H., Co. F, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Dexter, Mich.Colby, F. M., Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Traverse City, Mich.Conley, E. M., Co. K, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Corunna, Mich.Courser, Wm., Co. H, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Coleman, David, Co. G, 16th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Cole, J. H., Co. E, 154th N. Y. Infantry, East Leroy, Mich.Coffin, G. W., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Jonesville, Mich.Carpenter, E. G., Co. K, 4th Mich. Infantry, Pinckney, Mich.Colwell, C. C, Co. C, 1st U. 3. S. S., Hudson, Mich.Clow, J. N., Co. D, 140th N. Y. Infantry, St. Louis, Mich.Cushing, J. A., Dexter, Mich.Chidister, G. H., 65th N. Y. Infantry, Tecumseh, Mich.Castle, H. S., Co. K, 1st U. S. S. S., North Branch, Mich.Chaunsey, C. H., Co. C, 3rd Vermont Infantry, Coldwater, Mich.Cjles, Theodore, Co. B, 6th N. Y. Artillery, Grand Rapids, Mich.Chappe-1, A. F., Co. E, 6th Ohio Cava.ry, Detroit, Mich.Crane, A. B., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Owosso, Mich.Cassaday, J., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Fowlerville, Mich.Casey, John, Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Romeo, Mich.Chubb, P. S., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Salem, Mich.Card, A., 5th Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.


Carl, Henry, Co, C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Armada, Mich.Crandall, P. A., Co. A, 5th Mich, infantry, Mayville, Mich,Cole, A. R., Co. L, 8th Illinois Cavalry, Townley, Mich.Carr, James, Co. E, 16th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Conklin, W. H., 121st N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Deems, James, Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Hudson, Mich.Dillon, J. A., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Drake, C. G., Co. C, 55th Ohio Infantry, Adrian, Mich.Drake, T. F., Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Morenci, Mich.DeBarr, N. J., Co. G, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Eaton Rapids, Mich.Dunn, L. H., Co. E, 141st Penn. Infantry, Harrisville, Mich.Davis, H. A., Co. G, 1st Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Dier, Levi, Co. H, 149th N. Y. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Dubois, Francis, Co. A, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers Home, Mich.

Dennis, C. W., Co. G, 5th Mich. Infantry, Decatur, Mich.

Davis, Peter, 5th Mich. Infantry, Freeland, Mich.

Dickerson, J. R., Co. A, 4th Mich. Infantry, Dundee, Mich.

Daniels, H. C, Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Tecumseh, Mich.

Duston, C. M., Co. F, 29th Ohio Infantry, Dundee, Mich.

Dunlap, J. R., Co. F, 140th Penn Infantry, Lansing, Mich.

Davis, R. B., Co. G, 122nd N. Y. Infantry, Dundee, Mich.

Dillon, M., Co. I, 97th N. Y. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Duston, C. M., 29th Ohio Infantry, Dundee, Mich.

Disher, John, Co. A, 4th Mich. Infantry, Carleton, Mich.

Dillon, M. M., Co. E, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Milan, Mich.

Deming, John, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home", Mich.

English, H. C, Co. D, 12th U. S. Reg. Infantry, South Lyons, Mich.

Easton, N. B., Co. E, 20th Indiana Infantry, Three Oaks, Mich.

Eldred, J. G., Co. E, 1st Mich. Infantry, Quincy, Mich.

Ellison, H. Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Chesaning, Mich.

Eastabrook, C. A., Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Eagan, Thomas, 5th Mich. Inf.mtry, Otesville, Mich.

Egan, Peter, 140 N. Y. Infantry, St. Johns, Mich.Ensiling. E. E. Co. A, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Hillsdale, Mich.Eldred, H. H., Co. G, 16th Mich. Infantry, Allen, Mich.England, W. E., Co. G, 2nd U. S. Artillery, Detroit, Mich.Fales, V. P., Co. K, Gth Mich. Cavalry, Wayland, Mich.Fleming, M. L., Co. M, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Manistee, Mich.Ford, C. A., Co. M, 5th Michigan Cavalry, Grand Rapids, Mich.Frear, F. M., Co. K, 1st U. S. S. S., St. Louis, Mich.Fuller, D. H., Co. E, 157th N. Y. Infantry, Chelsea, Mich.Foote, .J L., Co. H, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers Homa, Mich.Ferrith, Sam'l, Co. A, 5th Penn. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Feister, Wm. F., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Bellevue, Mich.Fuller, Wm. R., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Napoleon, Mich.Fleming, John, Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Marian, Mich.Farleman, A. P., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Adrian, Mich.Ferrall, B. F., Co. G, 16th Mich. Infantry, Waldron, Mich.Fitch, W., Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Sparta, Mich.Fairbanks, F. A., Co. G, 16th Mich. Infantry, Coldwater, Mich.Fisher, G. W., Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Detroit, Mich.Fielden, Judson, 140th N. Y. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.French, E. T., 35th Penn. Infantry, Millington, Mich.Follett, Francis, Co. F, 2nd New Hampshire Infantry, Charleston, Mich.Gaffney. Charles, Co. K, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Grass, Joseph, Co. A, 17th U. S. Regulars, Grand Rapids, Mich.Greusel, I. L., Co. E, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Gardner, Clark D., 8th Ohio Infantry, Manistee, Mich.Goodrich, C. H., Co. M, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Grand Rapids, Mich.Gray, S. A., Co. E, 139th Penn. Infantry, Lake City, Mich.Goodrich, J. H., Co. F, 16th Mich. Infantry, Nisbet, Mich.Geasor, J. E., Co. B, 84th Penn. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Goodwin, Elijah, Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, Kalkaska, Mich.

Green, O. W., Co. 1, IGtli Mich. Infantry, Grennville, Mich.

Garrison, H. C, Co. I, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Homer, Mich.

Gauntlett, R., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Gustin, S. E., Co. G, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Battle Creek, Mich.Gafney, Patrick, Co. K, 24th Mich. Infantry, Por^. Huron, Mich.G:-ay, Benson, Co. F, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Ja>.kson, Mich.Gilbert, H. P., Co. E, 1st Mich. Infantry, Albion, Mich.Hess, M. W.. Co. K, 5th Mich. Cavalry,' Napoleon, Mich.Hamlin, Edgar V., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Morenr.i, Mich.Harvey, E. H., Co. A, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Paw Paw, Mich.Hanna, T- A., Co. F, 104th N. Y. Infantry, Sparta, Mich.Hosmer, S. P., Co. I, Gth Mich. Cavalry, Tecumseh, Mich.Hornby, R , Co. G, 1st Mich. Inrantry, Clayton, Mich.Helseli, John, Co. A, Gth Mich. Cavalry, South Boardman, Mich.Hariingtcn, N. W., Co. B, 12lh U. S. Ir.fantry, Traverse City, Mich.Houghtor, James, Co. K, 4:h Mich. Infantry, Oak Gvove, Mich.Hallarar, J'^hn, Co. B, 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich.Hughes, Peter, G9th N. Y. Infantry, Otisville, Mich.Hirman, Peter, Co. A, 61st Ohio Infantry, Lake City, Mich.Hyde, Harvey, Co. H, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Port Huron, Mich.Histeel, H. E., Co. I, 9th N. Y. Cavalry, St. Louis, Mich.Halbert, J. B., Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cavalry, St. Louis, Mich.Hampton, C. G.. Co. H, Sth N. Y. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich.Hawks, E. P., Co. K, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Milan, Mich.Halter, Ignaz, Co. A, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Hale, G. J., Co. D, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Hersey, Mich.Hulsapple, A., Co. B, 2nd U. S. S. S., Soldiers' Home, Mich.Hackctt, Joslah, Co. A, 17ch U. G. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Hughes, H. W., Co. C, 24th Ilich. Infantry, Harrison, Mich.Kalsced, O. F., Co. H, 5th Mirh. Infant' y, Owosso, Mich.Hamlin, St. A., 5th Mich. Infantry, Saginaw, Mich.Hains, W. J., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Millington, Mich.Herrington, M. D., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Fenton, Mich.Haley, R., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Owosso, Mich.Henry, H., Co. F, 5th Mirh. Infantry, Decatur, Mich.Hoag, Benj., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Fowlersville, Mich.Hoard, Edwin, 5th Mich. Infantry, Bancroft, Mich.Hadstate, R., 5th Mich. Infantry, Birch Run, Mich.Hartson, C. F., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Eaton Rapids, Mich.Hamlin, Harrison, Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Birmingham, Mich.Heath, Chauncey, Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Owosso, Mich.Hoagland, T. V., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Britton, Mich.Horton, R. P., Co. I, 4th Mich. Infantry, Addison, Mich.Hance, Harrison, Co. I, Sth Ohio Infantry, Hillsdale, Mich.Hall, Cheeney, Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Montgomery, Mich.Howe, J. M., Co. B, 136th N. Y. Infantry. Sanford, Mich.Hoagland, H. P., Co. K, 111th N. Y. Infantry, Marshall, Mich.Hollenbeck, W. Co. H, 46th Penn. Infantry, Pierport, Mich.Hass, G. C, Co. H, 13th N. J. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Hendley, J. H., Co. A, 96th Peiin. Inlantry, Detroit, Mich.

Hutchings, B., Co. B, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Athens, Mich.

Haynes, W. S., Co. B, 136th N. Y. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Hall, Wyman, Co. H, 4i'ih N. Y. Infantry, Plainwell, Mich.

Hartson, W. I., Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Detour, Mich.Hodges, R., 7th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Hodges, J. E., 6th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Hiller, Ira, Co. A, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Ingersoll, O. P., Co. G, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Eureka, Mich.Itsol, Paul, C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Howell, Mich.Issacs, David, 5th Mich. Infantry, Saginaw, Mich.Joy, Asa, Co. C, 24th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.Johnson, Eli O., Co. F, 3rd Infantry, Pentwater, Mich.Johnson, Daniel, Co. H, 137th N. Y. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Johnson, Wm. F., Co. G, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers Home, Mich.Jackson, E., Co. A, 17th U. S. Irfantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Jacobs, Chas., Co. G, 51h Mich. Infantry, Brighton, Mich.Jordan, Frank, Co. C, 5th Mich. Infant^-y, Howell, Mich.Jones, T. T., Co. B, 4th Mich. Infantry, Crystal Valley. Mich.Jagger, J. H., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Coldwater, Mich.Johnson, A. H., Co. A, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Greenville, Mich.Johnson, Ezekiel, Co. K, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Milan, Mich.Johnson, L., 29th Ohio Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Kinsey, Neri B., Co. C, 1st Penn. Rifles, Saginaw, Mich.Kinne, H. C, Co. G, 111th N. Y. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Kilgour, W. D., Co. E, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Sparta, Mich.Kinney, Joel D., Co. F, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Port Huron, Mich.Kingsley, S. R., Co. D, 24th Infantry, Romulus, Mich.Keefer, G. W., Co. K, 102nd N. Y, Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Kidney, Chester, Co. H, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Marshall, Mi^h.Knott, St. W. B., 5th Mich. Infantry, Pontiac, Mich.Kinters, W. H., 5th Mich. Infantry, Shepherd, Mich.Kemp, J. B, Co. F, 5th Mich. Infantry, Ann Arbor, Mich.Kingsley, E.. 5th Mich. Infantry, Ferrisburg, Mich.Kellogg, B. P., Co. G, 5th Mich. Infantry, Algonac, Mich.Kent, A., Co. D, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Reed City, Mi.^h.

Knox Walter, Co. C. 5th Mich. Cavalry, Pontiac. Mich.Kingsley, Guy, Co. G, 16th Mich. Infantry, Osseo, Mi-h.Kellogg, E. L., Co. K, 4th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Linman, W. A., 1st Mich. Cavalry, Elsie, Mich.Lynch, N. J., Co. I. 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Vandalia, Mich.Lobdell, Abraham, Co. A. 6th Mich. Cavalry, GrardviMe, Mi.-h.Lyon, F. V., Co. H, 7th Mich. Infantry, Leonidas, Mich.Lockwood, W. C, Co. B, 5th Mich. Cavelry, Wilmot, Mich.Langs, E. F., Co. G, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.La Clear, J. G., Co. C, 94th N. Y. Infantry, St. Louis, Mich.Lamkins, O. C, Co. K, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Milan, Mich.Lezott, Julies, Co. G, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Looker, T. F., Co. G, 8th U. S. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Lashing, A., Co. E, 14'Jlh N. Y. Intantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.

La Croix, G., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.

La Croix, N., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.Livingway, D., 5th Mich. Infantry, Downington, Mich.Land, Chas., Co. F, 5th Mich. Infantry, South Lyon, Mich.Lindenbower, W. B., Co. C, 4th Mich. Infantry, Medina, Mich.Lane, James, Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hoiioway, Mich.Lohness, W. H., Co. H. 121st N. Y. infantry, Hillsdale, Mich.Lewis, J. R., Co. G, 241h Mich. Infantry, Belleville, Mich.Lee, C. A., Co. G, let N. Y. Artillery, New Haven, Mich.Loveil, A. E., Co. C, Gllh N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Long. James, Co. C, 10th N. Y. Cavalry, Osseo, Mich.Lee, H. G., Co. B, 16th Mich. Infantry, Oxford, Mich.Linnell, John, Co. B, 7th Maine Infantry, Blanchard, Mich.Liiions, 51 h N. Y'. Cavalry Soldiers' Home, Mich.Moody, John, Co. D, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Manly, C. XL, Co. A, 1st Mich. Infantry, Jackson, Mich.Moriey, J. W., Co. D, 17th Penn. Cavalry, Grand Rapids, Mich.Meriness, S. B., Co. T, 102 N. Y. Infantry, Ypsilanti, Mich.Morrison, A. W., Co. I, 24th Mich. Infantry, St. Johns, Mich.Miles, James, Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Moreland, J. R., 16th Mich. Infantry, Romeo, Mich.McNaiight, R , Co. E, 5i;h Mich. Cavalry, Captlc, Mich.Miller, Simon, Co. C, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Port Huron, Mich.Milbourn, F., Co. D, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Potterville, Mich.McKee, F., Co. F, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Cedar Springs, Mich.Moyer, E. F., Co. E, 7th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Moulton, D. W., Co. F, li;h U. S. Infantry, Jackson, Mich.Minard, J. P., Co. G, Cth Mirh. Cavalry, St. Johns, Mich.McDonrJd, G. A., Co. A, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Mentor, J. W., Co. F, 5th Mich. Infantry, Ovid, Mich.Morrison, W. H., Co. A, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Corunna, Mich.Multhaup, N., Co. F, 24th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Miller, Henry, Co. L, 12th Penn. Cavalry, Soldiers' Ilome, Mich.Murry, Alonzo, Co. A, 146th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.Martin, Chas., Co. E, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.McCreery, H., Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Ma-sh, S., Co. C, 107th Ohio, Infantry, Marshall, Mich.Monroe, John, Co. A, 5th Mich. Infantry, Royale Oak, Mich.McWithey, R. H., Co. B, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Albion, Mich.Moore, J., Co. K, 94th N. Y. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Miner, Irvin S., Co. F, 4th Mich. Cavalry, Reed City, Mich.Meaker, W. H., Co. G, 5th Mich. Infantry, Linden, Mich.Madden, H., Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, Grand Rapids, Mich.McElroy, F., Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, Lapeer, Mich.Morse, Wm., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Yale, Mich.Mallory, Ster)!!--'!. Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Lake Odessa, Mich.Morseman, A. L., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Tipton, Mich.Morris, W. J., Co. D, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.

,. H t? To F 121 N. Y. Infantry, Clarkston, Mich.

Tolh J H Co. D, U. S. Eng'rs, Sidney, Mich

Jpwton C A 2nd U. S. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich

e son F b:'co. B, 4th Mich. Infantry, Monroe, MuV^.

5nes Walter Co. A, 24th Mich. Infantry, Croswell, Mich.N^ues. wauex, V.

, ,. ^Iry, Chelsea, Mich.

Se' Edgar Co. K, 4th Mich. 'infantry, Howell, Mich.

5hns F A. 6o. C, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Monroe Micli^

Sn A Co. B. 6th Mich. Cavalry, Stockbndge, M ch.

kjZ^u' t ro D 66th N. Y. Infantry, Coldwater, Mich.

Monvood,' W R Co' H, 16th Mich. Infantry^Soldiers' Home, Mich.

Noah OP Co D, U. S. Eng'rs, Gregory, Mich,

nmwater H Co M, 1st N. Y. Artillery, Ann Arbor, Mich.

son o'c^'co F, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Holton, Mich.

Orth Adam; Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers Home, Mich.

Otto, F., 5th Mich. Infantry, Saginaw, Mich.

Parish. 'b., Co. A, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mic^i.

Purdv J B, Co. F, 24th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth Mich.

Pomei'ov, Wm , Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, Hndson Mich.

Pottir J J., Co. B. 122nd N. Y. Infantry, Detroit Mich.

Pu en S. H., Co. K, 1st U. S. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Micl .

Perry OH., Co. C, 7th Mich.^-'. Whitmore Lake, Mich.

Parshall," R. E., Co. B, 6th Mich. l^^fantry,^HowelI, Mich.

Prophater, M., Co. A, 62 Penn. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Potter, H., 5th Mich. Infantry, Pontiac, Mich.

Pritchard, O. M., 5th Mich. Infantry, Decatur, Mich.

Patterson H. J., Co. F, 5th Michigan Infantry, St. Johns, Mich.

Finer A R Co. B, 4th Mich. Infantry. Kalamazoo, Mich.

Paul 'j D., Co. A, 4th Michigan Infantry, Monroe, Micli.

Perrine, J., Co. E, 4th Michigan Infantry, Albion Mich.

Plummer W H., Co. G, 4th Michigan Infantry, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Potter C E Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Ousted, Mich.

Potter' Wm.,' Co. 1, 1st Mich. Artillery, Jerome. Mich.

Partridge E H., Co. B, Isi Mich. Cavalry, Plymouth. Mich.

Parks e'w Co. D, 121st Penn. Infantry, Bad Axe, Mich.

Pence G W ' Co. K, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Milan, Mich.

Pardee, H., 6th Ohio Cavalry, Petosky, Mich

Person. Geo., Co. D, 12th U. S. Infantry, Belleville Mich.

Parr, J. W., Co. E, 104th N. Y. Infantry, Jackson, Mich.

Russell, A., Co. G, 5tli Mich. Cavalry, Eureka, Mich.

Robinson, J. W., Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Manistee, Mich.

Reid, Francis, Co. C, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Flat Rock, Mich.Rice, Sherman, Co. K, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.Roe, V/illard, Co. C, 24th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.RDoks, Charles, Co. A, U. S. Eng'rs, St. Louis, Mich.Root, R., Co. H, 140 N. Y. Infantry, St. Louis, Mich.Rice, F. M., Co. I, 1st Mich. Artillery, Morenci, Mich.Rider, R. J., Co. H, 108th N. Y. Infantry, Paw Paw. Mich.Raften, L. G., Co. F., 126th N. Y. Infantry, Decatur, Mich.Reigle, David, Co. E, 7Sth N. Y. Infantry, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.Rosenstiel, J., Co. F, 139th Ponn. Infantry, Croxwell, Mich.Rooney, C. A., Co. B, 1st N. Y. Artillery, Detroit, Mich.

Rooi, Jason, Co. A., 4th Mich. Infantry, Monroe, Mich.RcGd, \7m., Co. D, 5th Midi. Infantry, Lansing, Mich.R3ed, Alf.ed, Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Ritter, C. H. Co. F, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Race, C. N., Co. D, 5th Mich Infantry, Owosso, Mich.Robinson, D., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Howell, Mich.Richardson, S. M., 5th Mich. Infantry, East Jordan, Mich.Russell, Calvin, Co. E, 5th Mich. Infantry, Yale, Mich.Reutz, John, Co. B, 41h Mi'.h. Infantry, Blissfield, Mich.Rouse, John, Co. K, 4th Mich. Infantry, Lansing, Mich.Roberts, J. B., Co. A, 4th Mich. Infantry, Monroe, Mich.Rupp, John, Co. I, 29th Ohio Infantry, Dowagiac, Mich.Rickard, Levi, Co. I, 1st Mich. xlT-tillery, North Adams, Mich.Reynolds, P. M., Co. M, 5th Cavalry, Belleville, Mich.Reynolds, N. A., Co. A, 10th N. Y. Cavalry, Co.dwater, Mich.Rjberts, W. H., 107th N. Y. Infantry, Hartford, MLh.Rau.on, James, Co. D, 24th Mich. Infantry, Balleville, Mich.Richmond, G. M., Co. A, Sth Mich. Cavalry, Pontiac, Mich.Randall, E., Co. K, 1st Mich. Infantry, Palmyra, Mich.Smith, S. F., Co. K., 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Shier, F. F., Co. F, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Shetterley, C. W.,.Co. G, 55th Ohio Infantry, Lake Odessa, Mich.Strohn, D. W., Co. A, 3rd V/isconsm Infantry, Mullet Lake, Mich.Spillan^ J. T., Co. K, 7th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Stephenson, G. W., Co. K, 111th Penn. Infantry, Cadillac, Mich.Strewing, Chas., Co'. H, 42nd N. Y. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.Smith, H. M., Co. K, Sth N. Y. Eng'rs, Flat Rock, Mich.Showers, O. P., Co. A, 16th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.Sheldon, F. A., Co. H., 46th Penn. Infantry, Epsilon, Mich.Shrozer, G , Co. D, 107th Ohio Infantry, Clarksville, Ohio.Soule, Levi, Co. K, 1st Mich. Infantry, Traverse City, Mich.Sawtell, Amaziah, Co. A, 2nd N. H. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Stout, Oscar, Co. B, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Cedar Springs, Mich.Steffy, Henry, Co. I, 16th Mich. Infantry, Eaton Rapids, Mich.Snook, J. G., Co. D, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Lansing, Mich.Stew^art, J., Co. K, 16th Penn. Cavalry, Croswell, Mich.

Stevens, R. H., Co. A, 1st Mich. Infantry, Greenville, MIeli.

Stevens, B. F., Co. K, 6tli N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Midi.

Sample, H. D., Co. H, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.

Shotwell, S. B., Co. G, 102nd N. Y. Infantry, Marshall, Mich.

Sweet, A. K., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Sharp, W. S., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Ashley, Mich.

Schofield, A. W., Co. K, 5th Mich. Infantry, East Chocta, Mich.

Spink, Warren, Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, New Haven, Mich.

Shock, R. D., Co. G, 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Midi.

Stevens, A. D., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mi.^h.

Stark, Sumner, Co. E, 5th Mich. Infantry, Downington, Mich.

Sutherland, S. A., Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Oakley, Mich.

Stanbach, P. H., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Battle Creek, Mich.

Smith, N. S., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Lansing, Mich.

Sadler, S. W., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Osseo, Mich.

Stuffev, G. W., Co. E, 148 Penn. Infantry, Stanton, Mich.

Strong, Andrew, Co. D, 24th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Saville, C. R., Co. A, 147th Penn. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Spears, D. C, Co. B, 104 N. Y. Infantry, Dundee, Mich.

Strong, H. R., Co. E, 16th Vermont Infantry, Detroit, Mich.

Sumner, J. E., Co. K, 5th Mich. Ccivalry, Saline, Mich.

Stults, Seth, Co. M, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Olivet, Mich.

Sleight, J. D., Co. H, 150th N. Y. Infantry, Laingsburg, Mich.

Schwab, G. P., 94th N. Y. Infantry, Jackson, Mich.

StiKvell, J. P., Co. H, 4th Mich. Infantry, Jonesville, Mich.

Saunders, G. W., Co. C, 2nd U. S. S. S. Infantry, St. Louis, Mo.

Springsteed, G. M., 104th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.

Schmidt, John, 82nd Illinois Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.

Tewksbury, A. A., Co. I, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Middleville, Mich.

Taylor, L. S., Co. G, 4th Mich. Infantry, Jackson, Mich.

Thorpe, G. W., Co. K, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Leaton, Mich.

Thompson, S. W., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry. Marshall, Mich.

Taylor, J. H., Co. G, 72nd N. Y. Infantry, Big Rapids, Mich.

Towers, R., Co. C. 7th Ohio Infantry, Rapid City, Mich.

Thompson, S. D., Co. F, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Newaygo, Mich.

Thompson, W. H., Co. C, 140th N. Y. Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.

Taylor, David. Co. B, 4th Mich. Infantry, Harrison, Mich.

Thompson, J., 5th Mich. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Tupper, L. C, Co. I, 5th Mich. Infantry, Howell, Mich.

Trask, Henry, Co. H, 5th Mich. Infantry, Benton, Mich.Tucker, Wm., Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Mt. Clemens, Mich.Taylor, Geo., Co. B, 5th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Tuttle, Chas., 5th Mich. Infantry, Wayne, Mich.Taylor, M. U., Co. I, 3rd Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Terwilliger, Thomas, Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Addison, Mich.Treadweli, J. M., Co. D, 55th Ohio Infantry, Wildwood, Mich.Turner, J., Co. D., 12th Illinois Cavalry, Osseo, Mich.Terpening, J., Co. I, Mich. Artillery, Addison, Mich.Tracy, B. F., Co. C, 7th Infantry, Soldiers Home, Mich.

TroYv bridge, W., Co. E, IGth Mich. Infantry, Inlister, Mich.

Thayer, E. E., 17th Penn. Cavalry, Detroit, Mich.

Tanner, L. H., Co. B, 3rd Mich. Infantry. Sparta, Mich.Tiilman, D. M., Co. I, 24ih Mich. Infantry, Durand, Mich.Underwood, J. M., Co. B, 121st N. Y. Infantry, South Haven, Mich.Upright, G. P., Co. B, 8t)i Ohio Infantry, Charlotte, Mich.Van Riper, J., Co. K, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.Vannetten, W. H., Co. G. 147lh N. Y. Infantry, South Boardman, Mich.Valrance, D., Co. G, 24th Mich. Infantry, Flat Rock, Mich.Van Wort, G. S., Co. B, 1st Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Veeder, Chr.3., Co. G, IGth Mich. Infantry, Hillsdale, Mich.Voorheis, B. C, Co. K, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Belleville, Mich.Van Houten, J., Co. D, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Weston, L. J., Co. G, 8th Illinois Cavalry, Clifford, Mich.Wood, J. P., Co. E, 24th Mi,ch. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Wells, O. G., Co. F, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Transient, Mich.Wagoner, E., Co. K, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Warren, H. R., Co. D, 1st Michigan Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.

Wauham, J., Co. C, 29th Ohio Infantry, Plainwell, Mich.Weir, A., Co. E, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hanover, Mich.Wagner, J., Co. G, 70th N. Y. Infantry, Mayville, Mich.Wood, J. D., Co. E, 140th N. Y. Infantry, Corunna, Mich.Wilson, W. J., Co. M, 17th Pern. Cavalry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Welsh, G. R., Co. C, 24th Mich. Infantry, Rockford, Mich.Willet, Levi, Co. C, 5th Mich. Infantry, Soldiers' Home, Mich.Williams, H. C, Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, St. Johns, Mich.Wells, N. S., Co. D, 5th Mich. Infantry, DeWitt, Mich.Whio.raf;:, ]\1., Co. C, 2r.d Dolaw.ire Infantry, Jones, Mich.V/atson, W. C, Co. A, 4th Mkh. Ir.fantry, Carleton, Mich.White, F. S., 146th N. Y. Infantry, Detroit, Mich.Westfall, B. E., Co. F, 4th Mich. Infantry, Hudson, Mich.Wormell, J. S., Co. I, 5th Mich. Infantry, Wildwood, Mich.Welch, Geo., Co. D, 29th Ohio Infantry, Rogersville, Mich.Warner, C. S., Co. E, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Flint, Mich.Vv^ood, H. L., Co. E, 24th Mich. Infantry, Chelsea, Mich.Wrighlman, T., Co. L, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Romeo, Mich.Wells, Richard, Co. G, lOSth N. Y. Infantry, Hastings, Mich.Westfall, O., Co. C, 24th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.Weed, M. S., Co. C, 24th Mich. Infantry, Plymouth, Mich.Woodruff, A. O., Co. D, 16th Mich. Infantry, Saginaw, Mich.Windover, G. B., Co. H, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Port Huron, Mich.Welsher A. W., Co. K, 10th N. Y. Infantry. Port Huron, Mich.Wall, A., 5th Mich. Infantry, Fowlerville, Mich.Wilcox, D., 5th Mich. Infantry, West Branch, Mich.Wilcox, C. L., Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S. Infantry, North Adams, Mich.Wheaton, J. M., Co. B, 1st Mich. Cavalry, Carleston. Mich.Whalian R S., Co. E, 7th Mich. Cavalry, Gregory, Mich.Webb, R., 5th Mich. Cavalry, Monroe, Mich.Wirts, R. H., Co. C, 1st U. S. S. S., Hudson, Mich.

Ware, D. M . Co F, 14th Vermont Infantry, Camden, Mich

Young, Israel, Co. I, 94th N. Y. Infantry, Bay City, Mich.

Yates, C. W., Co. B, 5th Mich. Cavalry, Romeo, Mich.

Young, N. T., Co. H., 6th Mich. Cavalry, Wayland, Mich.

Young lov W. A., Co. H., 86th N. Y. Infantry, Bad Axe, Mich.

JUN IS t9\3


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^The Gazette Print, Hudson. Micli.