Renier Diaz de la Back to...Miami-Dade...


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Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair

Perla Tabares Hantman, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla

Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan

Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson

Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D

Principal Carmen M. Garcia

Assistant Principal Barbara M. Garcia July 9, 2008

Assistant Principal

Georgina M. Koch

Dear Parent or Guardian:

We are very excited to welcome you back to Ada Merritt K-8 Center for the 2008-2009 school year and look forward to another year of academic achievement. Thank you for entrusting the education of your child to Ada Merritt K-8 Center. In order to ease the anxiety of the first day of school, students will be reporting directly to their homeroom classrooms as assigned. Thereafter, students are to report to the cafeteria until their teacher picks them up.

To alleviate the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up process, we will continue with the following practices: • Drop-off begins at 7:30 am in the Circular/Parent Drop-Off Area. At that time, children should be instructed to go directly to the

cafeteria and remain there until their teacher picks them up, with the exception of the first day. • Parents may opt to park around the school and escort the children to class. • During afternoon dismissal, parents are recommended to pick-up their children in the Circular/Parent Pick-Up Area (exit doors

facing SW 4th Street) or use the Walkers’ Pick-Up Area (exit doors facing SW 3rd Street). Parents specifically picking up children in the Circular/Parent Pick-Up Area must remain in their cars, single file and their child will be brought to them. This will ensure that traffic is continuously flowing and other parents do not have to wait for a parent to return to their car, which is blocking the flow of traffic. The form to be placed on your dashboard, is on the “Back to School Packet” on the Ada Merritt K-8 Center website, in order to identify your child with the correct car, for Circular/Parent Pick-Up Area. Parents will not be allowed entrance to the building through the Circular Parent Pick Up Area during dismissal.

Please be informed that the number of students in the After School Care Program will be limited in accordance with the personnel and resources available at the school in order to provide a quality and safe program. Registration will begin as of Monday, August 4, 2008 through August 15, 2008. The hours for registration will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

School will begin on Monday, August 18, 2008. School hours are as follows:

K - 1 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Mon. through Fri. Gr. 2-7 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Mon. through Fri. (except on Wednesdays dismissal time is 2:00 p.m.)

Parents will be given the opportunity to meet the homeroom teacher on Friday, August 15, 2008 from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. (for Grades K – 3) and 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Grades 4 – 7) during the “Meet & Greet” event. In addition, booths will be set up outside the Media Center during this time for parents to sign-up for the various extra curricular school activities. This will provide an opportunity for the students to meet with their new teachers and bring their supplies for the 2008-2009 school year. All students will report to their assigned homeroom teacher with the exception of our Sixth and Seventh graders. All middle school students will report to the cafeteria for their Meet and Greet Orientation.

Once again, breakfast will be available daily, free of charge, beginning at 7:30 a.m. through 8:10 a.m. Please be reminded that Ada Merritt K-8 Center is a peanut/nut free school. Please review the attached letters. We hope you had a wonderful summer break. We are excited to begin the year and look forward to working with you and your family. If you need any additional information, please feel free to call the Main Office at (305) 326-0791. Please note the additional letters and attachment to this letter have been placed on our website at Please ensure to download the entire Back to School Packet. In the event that you do not have access to a computer please contact Ms. Juana Gutierrez, Data Input Specialist at (305) 326-0791. Respectfully, Carmen M. Garcia


Ada Merritt K-8 Center 660 S.W. 3rd Street ⋅ Miami, Florida 33130

(305) 326-0791 ⋅ Fax (305) 326-0927 ⋅

Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair

Perla Tabares Hantman, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla

July 9, 2008

Principal Carmen M. Garcia Assistant Principal Barbara M. Garcia Assistant Principal Georgina M. Koch

Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan

Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson

Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D

Dear Parents/Guardians: I wanted to take this opportunity to review the Uniform Dress Code for the 2008 – 2009 school year. Our school has a mandatory uniform dress code. The polo tops will continue to be a choice of gold, white, and navy for both boys and girls. The bottoms will continue to be khaki, to maintain schoolwide consistency. As a reminder, it still remains that no navy bottoms or plaid skirts will be included in the selection for our uniform dress code. Additionally, the Oxford shirt and the long sleeve polo are now optional to purchase.


GIRLS COLORS BOYS COLORS Polo Polo White, Navy, Gold White, Navy, Gold Polo Long Sleeve (Optional) Polo Long Sleeve (Optional) Oxford White (Optional) Oxford White (Optional) Shorts Khaki Shorts/Bermuda Khaki Pants Khaki Pants Khaki Skort Khaki Skirt Khaki Please remember the students are to wear their uniforms daily, with the exception on Fridays only, in which the students will be allowed to wear the approved school t-shirts with the uniform bottoms. In the event, students dress to school without their uniforms, they will be sent to the office to contact their parents to bring in the students’ uniforms and/or a donated pre-owned uniform can be provided for the day. Please assist us by ensuring your child wears his/her uniform daily. Students need to wear shoes that will be comfortable and appropriate for daily activities at our school; inclusive of physical education classes and recess. The students may not wear open-toed shoes, sandals, clogs, skeeters, or shoes with heels for their safety. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has established a Uniform Bank of donated, in good conditioned pre-owned uniforms. Please be informed that uniforms may be purchased from Ibiley School Uniforms, Apple Uniform Company, and other sources that carry the same bottom colors such as department stores; Target, Sears, etc. Additionally, for your convenience we have also added Lands’ End Catalog Uniform Program that may be purchased on-line. We expect our students to take pride in their daily appearance. Students should wear clean uniforms and maintain a neat appearance. Additionally, we are asking students to wear their shirts tucked-in. Thank you for your continued support, each day building together a stronger foundation for our children. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 326-0791. Respectfully, Carmen M. Garcia Principal Ada Merritt K-8 Center

660 S.W. 3rd Street ⋅ Miami, Florida 33130 (305) 326-0791 ⋅ Fax (305) 326-0927 ⋅

July 9, 2008 Dear Parents: Welcome back to the 2008 – 2009 school year. Please be informed that one of the students in our school has a severe life-threatening peanut/nut allergy. As a result, this school is a peanut/nut free school. Please refrain from sending to school any peanut-or-nut containing products. In order to avoid accidental contact I am urging all parents to discourage their children from sharing foods, utensils, and containers. In an effort to provide a safe learning environment to all our students, we need your cooperation with this request. If further information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 326-0791. Respectfully, Carmen M. Garcia Principal cc: Mr. Freddie Woodson Mr. George A. Núñez Ms. Twila Grandchamp

Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair

Perla Tabares Hantman, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla

Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan

Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson

Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D

Principal Carmen M. Garcia Assistant Principal Barbara M. Garcia Assistant Principal Georgina M. Koch

Ada Merritt K-8 Center 660 S.W. 3rd Street ⋅ Miami, Florida 33130

(305) 326-0791 ⋅ Fax (305) 326-0927 ⋅

Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair

Perla Tabares Hantman, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla

Evelyn Langlieb Greer Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Principal Carmen M. Garcia Assistant Principal Barbara M. Garcia Assistant Principal Georgina M. Koch

Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan

Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson

Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D

9 de julio del 2008 Estimados padres, Bienvenidos al año escolar 2008 – 2009. Por favor, tengan en cuenta que uno de los estudiantes de nuestro colegio padece una alergia severa, que puede llevarle a la muerte, a los manís y nueces. Esta escuela está considerada como una escuela libre de manis y nueces. Por favor no envíen a la escuela ningún producto que contenga estos alimentos. Para evitar contactos accidentales les urjo a que hablen con sus hijos y les persuadan para que no compartan comida, cubiertos y envases con los demás. En un esfuerzo por proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro para todos nuestros alumnos, necesitamos su cooperación en este asunto. Si necesitan más información, por favor no duden en contactar conmigo al (305) 326-0791. Respetuosamente, Carmen M. García Directora cc: Mr. Freddie Woodson Mr. George A. Núñez Ms. Twila Grandchamp

Ada Merritt K-8 Center 660 S.W. 3rd Street ⋅ Miami, Florida 33130

(305) 326-0791 ⋅ Fax (305) 326-0927 ⋅

Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair

Perla Tabares Hantman, Vice Chair Principal Renier Diaz de la Portilla Carmen M. Garcia Evelyn Langlieb Greer

Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Assistant Principal

Dr. Martin Karp Barbara M. Garcia Ana Rivas Logan

Dr. Marta Pérez Assistant Principal Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Georgina M. Koch

Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D

Miami, dia 9 de Julho de 2008 Prezados Pais, Bem-vindos ao ano letivo 2008 – 2009. Gostaríamos de informar-lhes que em nossa escola há um aluno com um grave problema de alergia a amendoim que pode ser fatal. Por esta razão, em nossa escola é proibido trazer qualquer produto com amendoin, nozes ou seus derivados. Para evitarmos um acidente de contato, estamos pedindo a todos os pais que instruam seus filhos a não compartilharem seus alimentos ou utensílios. Precisamos da cooperação de todos para mantermos um ambiente seguro para nossos alunos. Se precisarem de alguma informação favor contactar-me pelo telefone (305) 326-0791. Respeitosamente, Carmen M. García Directora cc: Mr. Freddie Woodson Mr. George A. Núñez Ms. Twila Grandchamp

Ada Merritt K-8 Center 660 S.W. 3rd Street ⋅ Miami, Florida 33130

(305) 326-0791 ⋅ Fax (305) 326-0927 ⋅

* Study Tip: Make sure you understand the plot, characters, setting, conflicts and themes of all summer readings, prior to the beginning of the school year in August.

Required Summer Reading Books 2008-2009

Entering English Spanish Portuguese Kinder I Like Me

Nancy Carlson El Patito Feo Luis Orihuela

CD Palavra Cantada Musica “O Rato” (Faixa 4)

1st The Kissing Hand Audrey Penn

Ya se que te quiero Billy Cristal

(Call school for a copy)

Alfabeto Online Book -

2nd Ramona’s World by Beverly Cleary

Frida Jonah Winter

O Grande Dia Online Book -

3rd Chocolate Fever Robert Kimmel Smith

Aventuras en Boca Grande Roberto Alexander Perez

Beto Brazil em A Partida dos Vencedores Online Book -

4th The Sign of the Beaver Elizabeth George Spear

En alas del Cóndor Alma Flor Ada

Muito mais que um jardim Online Book -

5th The Fighting Ground Avi

Diego y el barco pirata Verónica Uribe

Professor Boris em Zeca, o Dono dos Direitos Online Book -


Freak the Mighty Rodman Philbrick

All About Me Teenage Edition: The Story of Your Life by Philipp Keel. (for gifted classes)

Quiero ser la que seré Silvia Molina


Professor Boris em Democracia Online Book -


Nothing but The Truth Avi

For gifted class:)finish reading The Crossing, by Gary Paulson

The Kid Who Ran For President by Dan Gutman

El color de mis palabras Lynn Josef Lectorum

Um mundo de ideias Online Book -



Pencils must be sharpened 1 box of wipes 1 dozen #2 pencils SHARPENED 2 boxes of crayons (24 color box) 1 pair of Friskars scissors (not plastic) 2 packs of kindergarten handwriting paper 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue 4 large glue sticks 1 disposable camera (24 exp.) (Labeled) 8 primary journal composition notebooks

(with blank drawing space; Office Depot) (Labeled)

4 pocket plastic folders (2 red, 2 dark blue) (Labeled)

1 pack of washable markers 1 pack of dry erase markers for the board 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags 1 box of brown paper bag (lunch size) 1 pack of large index cards 1 box index card holder (Labeled) 1 pack of colored pencils (24) 1 box of 25 sheet protectors 1 reams of white printer paper 2 pack of multi-color construction paper 1 reams of assorted color printed paper tissue box 2 rolls of paper towels Erasers (Paper Mate® Pink) 1 box manila file folders (letter size) 1 liquid Soft Soap 1 pack of wiggle eyes 2 packs of tennis balls 1 pack pipe cleaners in assorted colors 1 box popsicle sticks


2 box of wipes 5 composition notebooks for English class (1

Primary composition notebook for journal, 3 for class work, 1 for home learning).

3 composition notebooks (1 for Home learning and 2 for Math/Spanish or Portuguese) 3 plastic duo-tang folder with 3 metal-prong fasteners 1 Yellow-English and 1 Blue-Spanish/Portuguese

1 bottle of glue 2 glue sticks 2 boxes of 24 crayons 1 box of chubby pencils (Sharpened) 2 boxes of 24 regular #2 pencils (Sharpened) 1 box of markers (broad tip) 4 big erasers 1 pack of construction paper 2 reams of paper (1 white and 1 color copy paper) 1 box of colored pencils (12 pack) 2 packs of wide-ruled paper 1 pack of handwriting paper 1 pair of blunt edge scissors 1 pack of index cards 1 pack of Zip lock bags (1 gallon size or 1 sandwich

size) 2 sharpeners w/covered lid Sheet protectors (pack of 20 per child)

* Arts & crafts materials (ask individual teachers for details) * Post-it notes * Sticky tack (available at office depot) * Masking tape

Please label the notebooks and the bag where

materials are brought in.


2 dozen sharpened #2 pencils 2 boxes of 24 count crayons 2 blue pens 4 large erasers 1 pair of scissors 2 reams of white printer paper 1 pack of dry erase markers 4 folders with pockets (2 red, 2 blue) 3 packs of wide lined notebook paper 8 composition books 1 ruler 2 highlighters (any color) 1 English/Spanish dictionary 1 pack of washable broad tip markers 1 box of file folders (letter size) 1 pack 12”x18” manila drawing paper 1 pack multi-color construction paper 1 pack of sheet protectors Post-it notes 2pk index cards – lined 2 glue sticks 2 regular school glues 1 box of tissues

* Individual teacher wish list items for students.


* Individual teacher wish list items for students.


1 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper 1 white binder with clear overlay (1”) 10 composition notebooks (not labeled) 2 plastic pocket folders 6 pocket folders with prongs 1 12” ruler – inches and centimeters 1 pencil pouch with zipper 1 red pen

3 blue pens 2 blue erasable pens 24 #2 sharpened pencils 2 Pacon Multi-Program Handwriting

Tablet ½ “ Ruling 1 sharpener with cover 1 box of colored pencils 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons 1 pack of Dryboard markers 2 packs of 3x5 index cards 2 yellow highlighters 1 pack of 25 sheet protectors 4 large erasers 1 pair of scissors 1 pack of post-its 4 glue stick 2 reams of copy paper 1 box of legal size file folders 1 pack of manila drawing paper 1 pack colored construction paper 1 backpack


2 one inch binders 1 packs of dividers (5 tabs) 12 Composition Books 7 Pocket Folders (with prongs) 1 12” Ruler with inches and centimeters 12 Sharpened Pencils 1 Sharpener with a cover 1 USB Flash Drive 1 Pack of Eraser 1 Pack of Red Pens 1 Pack of Highlighters (Assorted Colors) 1 Pack of Colored Pencils 1 Pack of Magic Markers Post-it notes Pads 1 bottle of liquid Glue 1 Pack of Large Glue Sticks Index Cards 1 Pack of 25 Sheet Protectors 1 Pack of Transparencies 4 Packs of Wide Ruled Notebook Paper 2 Packs of white Printer Paper Colored Copy Paper 1 Pack of Multi-Colored Construction

Paper 1 Pair of Scissors Overhead Transparency Markers 1 Backpack

Please, no names on materials.


1 Pair of Scissors Overhead Transparency Markers 1 Backpack 1 Soft Pencil 1 Box of Crayons (24) 1 Compass 1 Protractor 1 Pack of Dry Erase Markers

Please, no names on materials.

Note: Additional supplies may be requested by the individual teachers at the opening of the school year.



*NO TRAPPER KEEPERS * Please note that many of the above listed items will be used as shared materials. All students are required to have an

English/Spanish or English/Portuguese dictionary at home. * Mucho de los materiales de la lista serán guardados y usados solo en los salones de clase. Todos los estudiantes deben

tener en casa un dicionario de bolsillo inglés/espaňol ó inglés/portugués. * Muitos materiais da lista serão guardados e usados somente nas salas de aula. Todos os estudantes devem ter em casa

um dicionário de bolso, inglês/espanhol ou inglês/português. All supplies must be replenished as needed throughout the school year. Please write your child’s name on his/her supplies and their book bags. No toy erasers, mechanical pencils will be permitted. Backpacks with wheels will be permitted.

Todos los materials serán reemplazados según sean necesarios durante el año escolar. Favor de escribir el nombre de su niño/niña en sus materials y su bulto de mochila. No se admiten borradores, de juguete o lápices mecánicos. Mochilas con ruedas si seran permitidos.

Todos os materiais devem ser repostos segundo sejam necessários durante o ano escolar. Favor escrever o nome do seu filho/a nos seus materiais e mochila. Não será permitido borrachas que sejam brinquedos ou lápis mecânicos. Mochilas com rodas serão permitidas.


* Individual teacher wish list items for students


1 1/2 one inch binders with pocket cover 1 packs of dividers (5 tabs) 8 Composition Books 10 Pocket Folders (with prongs) 1 12” Ruler with inches and centimeters 24 Sharpened Pencils 1 Sharpener with a cover 1 USB Flash Drive 1 Pack of Large Erasers 1 Pack of Red Pens 1 Pack of Highlighters 1 Pack of Colored Pencils 1 Pack of Magic Markers Post-it notes Pads 1 Pack of Large Glue Sticks Index Cards 3 X 5 1 Pack of 25 Sheet Protectors 4 Packs of Wide Ruled Notebook Paper 2 Packs of white Printer Paper Colored Copy Paper 1 Pack of Color Construction Paper 1 Pair of Scissors 1 protractor (math) 1 compass (math) 1 Calculator (math) 1 Bilingual Dictionary (Sp/Por) 1 Backpack

Please, no names on materials.


1 Duatang folder with pockets and clips with 20 white copy paper inside clips

4 sharpened pencils 1 good quality eraser 1 sharpener (with container case for

pencil shavings) 1 large box of baby wipes (not travel-

size) 1 roll of paper towels or 100 paper

plates 1 gallon-size zip lock bags 2 black, ultra fine point Sharpie Old magazines (appropriate for

elementary school students) Suggested: 1 soft pencil case (no plastic boxes) Suggested Art Supplies to Complete Home Learning Activities:

1 set of markers (10 colors minimum) 1 set of crayons (16 colors minimum) 1 set of colored pencils (12 colors

minimum) Scissors White Elmer's Glue and Glue Stick


3 ring folder

Note: Additional supplies may be requested by the individual teachers at the opening of the school year.

SUPPLIES LIST Middle Years Programme

Shared Supplies List:

Students should have at all times with them, a zipper pouch (no boxes) containing the following items:

o #2 pencils with erasers

o Glue sticks

o A ruler with metric and US units

o Highlighters

o Scissors

o Red pens

o Colored pencils (good quality, portable set,

maximum 12 colors)

o Pencil sharpener with receptacle

o Markers

o Post-it notes

o 1 good quality Hi-Polymer eraser

o 1 USB drive/memory stick

o 1 package a 50 plastic sheet protectors (to leave in your social studies class)

Other supplies required in each subject area: Mathematics, Language Arts,

Social Studies, Spanish, Portuguese, Science, Arts, Music, PE, Technology,

and Gifted Resource Class.


o one very thick spiral bound composition book

o one compass and protractor

o graph paper

o no mechanical pencils

o index cards

o For seventh grade only: a basic calculator

(graphing calculators may be used but will not be required)


o 5 Subject notebooks w/ pocket dividers

o 2 Duo Tangs w/ pockets

o 1 Box of tabs

o 1 #2 mechanical pencil w/ extra lead

o 1 Roll of paper towel*

o 1 Canister of Clorox Wipes*

*Bring items to science class at beginning of school year. A Science Fee of $4 will be requested of all students for purchasing lab materials.

ART CLASS o 1 black hardcover sketchbook, at least 100 pages, 80 pound quality drawing

paper, approx size, 9X12 ; paper should be heavy enough for both wet and dry

mediums. It should be portable so that student can carry it from and to school

(Suggested locations to purchase sketchbook: Utrecht, Pearl (both on US1, near

Sunset Place, SW Miami) and Michaels

o 1 large box of baby wipes (not travel-size)*

o 2 black, ultra fine point Sharpie

o 1 color set of student's favorite combination of ultra fine colored sharpies.

o 1 roll of paper towel or 100 paper plates*

*Bring items to Art class at beginning of school year.

LANGUAGE ARTS o 1 ½” 3-ring binder with paper and divider tabs labeled:

Reading Log/Reading Response Projects Literature Vocabulary Grammar

o One mini stapler o construction paper- variety of colors* o college ruled paper o 1 ream of computer paper* o required novels *Bring items to Language Arts class at beginning of school year.


o 1 composition notebook o 1 Duo Tang w/ pockets

Gifted Resource: Sixth and Seventh Grade Supplies:

One five subject notebook

Five Plastic Duo-Tang folders with fasteners and 25 sheets of college

ruled paper inside each folder.

a red, blue, orange, yellow, and green Duo-Tang folder for a various in-

class and take home assignments/projects.

Summer Reading List

Sixth Grade Gifted Resource: "All About Me Teenage Edition: The Story of Your Life ", by Philipp

Keel. This a journal type book where students can write about different aspects of their personalities. It is available at for $10.36.

Seventh Grade Gifted Resource

Finish reading the second half of the novel, “The Crossing”, by Gary Paulson. We will tie the novel to the first unit of seventh grade, “Making Choices, by exploring the presidential candidates’ stance on this issue.

"The Kid Who Ran For President" (Paperback), by Dan Gutman. It is available at for $5.99.

TECHNOLOGY (6th grade only)

o one 2” clear view white 3 ring binder o one pack of 5 dividers o one memory stick/flash drive


o Worldatlas Notebook –RANDMcNALLY- o 2 subject notebooks / 10 ½ x 8 inch / 3 hole punch o 3 ring binders 1½ inch (175 Sheets) o 1 pack of protector sheets (25) o 1 pack multi-color construction paper o 1 disposable camera


o Synonymous and Antonymous Spanish Dictionary (Larousse) o 2 subject notebooks / 10 ½ x 8 inch / 3 hole punch o 1 composition book for journal writing o 3 ring binders 1½ inch (175 Sheets) o Index cards 3 x 5 inch o 1 USB flash drive o required novels


o 1 composition notebook o 1 Duo Tang w/ pockets

June, 2008 Dear Parents! Saludos Padres! Prezados Pais! To our returning, as well as new Ada Merritt families, we hope your summer is off to a terrific start. This past year, your PTA contributed much to our tri-lingual school community. We hosted many events that enriched not only our school’s fine curriculum, but also helped bring us all closer together as a community. Events ranging from the International Food Festival with over 800 participants and food booths representing over 13 countries/regions; Book Fairs, Black History month activities; Earth Day special events, Festa Junina, and many more. In addition, we helped launch a “green” initiative introducing the recycling of electronics as well as paper at our school, culminating in a fun “shred fest” paper marathon on the last days of the year. Lots of fun for the students – and the teachers too! We funded programming within the school including mini grants for our teachers to subsidize expenses for materials for the classrooms; incentives for the Accelerated Reader program; Strings musical instruments, Butterfly garden support, Student of the Month, and more! These contributions couldn’t happen without the support of all of YOU – thank you! Be a part of the PTA and help us in our mission to enrich our children’s experience at Ada Merritt K-8 Center. Enclosed is a registration form which we invite you to fill out and bring to our table at the Meet and Greet on Friday, August 15th. Registration is $10 (checks should be made payable to Ada Merritt PTA). Finally, did you know you could order your school uniforms in a hassle-free way and benefit the PTA all at the same time? See the enclosed order form. Looking forward to seeing all of you in August, and as part of the PTA all year long! Lisa Kauffman, President Nely Martinez, VP Fundraising Floriana Martinez, VP Membership Bruce Barham, VP Communications Monica Duran, Recording Secretary Toni Anderson, Corresponding Secretary Tim Orrange, Treasurer

Date: _____________ Parent - Teacher - Student - Other: _____


Registration Fee $10 - Checks made payable to Ada Merritt PTA


First Name Middle

Initial Last Name

Mailing Address

City State FL Zip Code Phone Numbers Day: Night: Best Time:

E-mail Address

STUDENT/CHILD INFORMATION (If Applicable / For Local PTA Use) Grade/Team Student’s/Child’s Name First Period Teacher Relationship


a. Have you been a member of this PTA/PTSA within the last 12 months? YES - NO b. How many years have you been a member of this PTA? c. In general, how many years have you been a member of PTA? d. Are you a member of PTA/PTSA at another school? YES - NO

(Optional) Please list other PTAs/PTSAs you are currently a member of: 1. 2. e. May PTA email you notices about projects/issues the organization is working on? YES - NO

(Optional) Ethnic/Cultural Information: Please check the category you best identify with I do not wish to furnish this information American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander Black/not of Hispanic origin Hispanic/Latino Multi-Ethnic White/not of Hispanic origin Other (Specify):

Country/Region of origin: Preferred language to receive information:




Pre-order your school uniform shirts Dead line for Pre-orders July 15, 2008

110000%% ooff tthhee pprrooffiitt ffrroomm yyoouurr sscchhooooll uunniiffoorrmm ppuurrcchhaassee wwiillll bbeenneeffiitt tthhee PPTTAA

Uniforms ordered by July 15th will be distributed to you at the meet & greet on

August 15th, 20008. Order online with PayPal or by mail – see


Youth Sizes Adult Description Color 2/4

X-S 6/8 S

10/12 M

14/16 L

18/20 XL




Total Quantity

Total Price

Short Sleeve White Polo Shirt Yellow

$18.00 Navy Long Sleeve Polo Shirts


$20.00 Navy Sweatshirts with Zipper


$25.00 Only T-Shirts Tye Dye $10.00

Friday Shirts

Sub Total Total

Payment Method Student Name: __________________________

Teachers Name: __________________________ Cash Parent’s Name: __________________________ Check Email Address: __________________________ Paypal Phone Number: __________________________

• Make checks payable to Ada Merritt PTA and send to: Kelly Portuondo - 85 S. Prospect Dr., Coral Gables 33133 - (

• PayPal: click the Paypal icon

Boy Scouts WEBELOS and Cub Scouts

At Ada Merritt Who Can Join?

Boys in 1st through 3rd grades join the Cub Scouts

Boys in 4th through 5th grades join the Webelos Boys in 6th through 8th grades join the Boy Scouts

What Do Scouts Do?

We Camp

We learn new Skills We do Extreme Games

We bring the school together We do community service

We have lots of fun

When Do We Meet?

Every Wednesday at the school cafeteria 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Find Out More at the ‘Meet n Greet’

August 15, 2008

Scout Contacts

Alex Labora

Cub Scout Pack Master

Evan Marks Ron Kauffman Webelos Pack Master Boy Scout Master

Join as a Girl Scout

Join as a Volunteer

Alumni, Join again as a Volunteer!

Volunteer Information & Forms

Welcome back to a wonderful Girl Scout Year at Ada Merritt K through 8 Grade. Come by the the Girl Scout table during the August 15th Open House event to register for the School Year!

Join as a Girl Scout (18 years or younger)

G i r l S c o u t P r o m i s e The Girl Scout Promise is shared by every member of Girl Scouting. The Girl Scout Promise is the way Girl Scouts agree to act every day toward one another and other

people. On my honor, I will try: To serve God* and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Make friends, go on field trips, go camping and learn leadership skills that can help you in school and everywhere! See you August 15th!

The word "God" can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on one's spiritual beliefs.
