REFLECTIONS - Cocoa Beach · 2019-02-06 · I begin with a story. An oldie, but a goody: On a...


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February 2019 OUR MISSION – To welcome and lead all to Christ

REFLECTIONS Lutheran Church of the Resurrection 525 Minutemen Causeway, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Phone: (321) 783-0852 email: Website: Follow us on Facebook

I begin with a story. An oldie, but a goody:

On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur, there was once a little life-saving station. The building was primitive, and there was just one boat, but the mem-bers of the life-saving station were committed and kept a constant watch over the sea. When a ship went down, they unselfishly went out day or night to save the lost. Because so many lives were saved by that station, it became famous. Consequently, many people wanted to be associated with the station to give their time, talent, and money to support its important work. New boats were bought, new crews were recruited, a formal training session was offered. As the membership in the life-saving station grew, some of the members became unhappy that the building was so primitive and that the equipment was so outdated. They wanted a better place to welcome the survivors pulled from the sea. So they replaced the emergency cots with beds and put better furniture in the enlarged and newly decorated building. Now the life-saving station became a popular gathering place for its members. They met regularly and when they did, it was apparent how they loved one another. They greeted each other, hugged each other, and shared with one another the events that had been going on in their lives. But fewer members were now interested in going to sea on life-saving missions; so they hired lifeboat crews to do this for them. About this time, a large ship was wrecked off of the coast, and the hired crews brought into the life-saving station boatloads of cold, wet people. The beautiful meet-ing place became a place of chaos. The plush carpets got dirty. Some of the exquis-ite furniture got scratched. After this incident, the seaside club decided to get out of the business of saving lives.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are a life-saving station. It is our mission and joy to reach out and rescue those who haven’t experienced God’s love and the joy it can bring to life. That means getting out of our comfort zone to reach them. Yesterday evening, the council entertained a unanimous motion from the Worship Committee to introduce a contemporary praise service at LCR. The motion passed council with one no vote. The new service will be held on a trial basis beginning on the first Sun-day in June of this year in the 11:00 a.m. time slot. This service will feature a band playing contemporary Christian music in a more relaxed format. I promise you that it will be worshipful and meaningful, and I am one hundred percent behind the council’s decision. Give it a try sometime this summer and see what you think. The 8:30 a.m. traditional service and Saturday night Café services will remain unchanged. I pray that, as we make this change, you will remember our mission, pray for the service, and support it for the sake of those struggling beyond our walls. We are a life-saving station.

In His Service, Pastor Jay

Council Members Debbie Rescott, President Linda Jones, Stewardship Bill Bond, Vice-President Marilyn Sorenson, Social Ministry Ann Fosburr, Secretary Kathy Lueders, Evangelism Jenn Billingham, Fellowship Jim Stark, Christian Education Mike Kennedy, Property Dr. Michael Miller, Treasurer (Advisor) Libby VanZino, Worship Michelle Davis, Financial Sec. (Advisor)

The Church Council meeting was held on January 8th and here are some highlights of discus-sions and decisions. Pastor Jay opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved. Agenda for the evening was set. The pastor gave his report and praised the excellent Christmas concert organized by our Music Director. Several families and individuals are being prepared for membership. Financial Secretary’s report – our attendance for December was up over last year, and giving for the last month of 2018 was very generous. Treasurer’s report – is posted in the hall and available upon request. The mortgage on the Min-istry Center stands at $319,580. Evangelism Committee – the new church t-shirts will be available after 8:30 worship this Sun-day, and after 11:00 worship on the 20th. 72 burgers were served at the Burger Bash in Decem-ber. Nathan is working on updating the church website. New car magnets will also be availa-ble soon. Worship Committee – Thanks was expressed to the Christmas decoration team for their excel-lent work in preparing the church for Christmas. Libby shared the good news that we will be having a Good Friday cantata this year. Fellowship Committee – new signup sheets for the social time after 8:30 worship have been posted in the hall. There are many openings. The kitchen door is not to be used during fellow-ship time. Property was asked to put something like a “no entry” sign on the door. Social Ministry Committee – the Christmas party for our pantry guests and homeless friends was a big success. The comment was made that all the food served was delicious. The pantry has an abundance of canned vegetables of all kinds. They will be donating baked beans to the next burger bash menu. Card Ministry extends an invitation to anyone who would like to help them make greeting cards. Christian Ed – no report. Property Committee – Mike reported that he will use the time and talent sheet results to build a committee. He emphasized that we have wonderful volunteers working on the property, both inside and out, and wants to continue to rely on their talents. Old Business – - Our president, Debbie Rescott, reminded all committee chairpersons that annual reports for 2018 are due by February 3rd. -An Audit Committee will be assembled soon to review last year’s books. New Business - - Debbie read thank you cards from our church employees, thanking council for their year-end bonuses.

Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page. - The Worship Committee brought a motion (which was unanimously approved at their meet-ing) to begin a contemporary praise service beginning on June 2nd in the 11:00 a.m. time slot. The purpose of this change is to promote variety in worship, growth, and outreach. Pastor Jay explained that he has “felt called” to offer such a service for some time. The committee re-quested a trial period of 12 months. After much discussion, the trial period was modified to pe-riodic reviews by council every three months during that 12 month period. The offerings from that service and attendance will be closely tracked. It was emphasized that 8:30 traditional service will not be changed in any way. Due to the start-ing date, 8:30 traditional worship will be maintained throughout the summer. That will be nec-essary since the services will be so different. Approval for additional funding for this service will be sought from the congregation at the Annual Meeting. After much discussion, the motion passed with one no vote. - The need for church keys for new members was discussed. Keys will be sought from those who have completed their terms. Others will be made as needed.

February Birthday

2/1 Eric Pauley

2/3 Stephanie Butera

Nola Copeland

Lorrie Quilling

2/5 Marlene White

Criss Green

2/6 Arlina Fosburr

2/7 Judy Rose

2/8 Helen Susko

2/10 Sue Hall

Bryce Schrecengost

2/11 Rylee McCoy

Mark Noegel

2/14 Russell Bensen

Phyllis Dyrdahl

Ali Redd

2/17 Cooper Janke

David LeGoullon

2/18 Paul Clausen

Alfred Domschke

2/20 Deborah Wells

Michelle Kirkpatrick

2/21 Steve Roney

Sue Roney

Anna Stark

John Stark

February Anniversaries

2/3 Rick & Lou Ann Janke

2/10 Myron & Beverly Musselman

2/13 George & Gail Bell

2/14 Ray & Lynn Taylor

2/15 Bob & Sandra Whittle

2/21 Keith & Sharon Lard

2/23 Bill & Diane Pryor

2/22 Yaeta Crowell

Stan Jones

2/25 Carol Jongebloed

2/26 Dean Kellogg

2/28 Lois Brantley

The Saturday morning work crew keeps our property safe and beautiful. The time of ser-vice runs from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. If you would like to help out, just show up at the maintenance shed on the west side of our property. The morning concludes with donuts and coffee. You may also do tasks on your own schedule – just call the office for details. Thanks!

Open Invitation to Join Our Prayer Chain: The Prayer Chain is an excellent way for you to serve those in need, by praying for them. The duty of a Prayer Chain member is simply to converse with God on behalf of the person the prayer is requested for, and pass on the request to the next person on your Prayer Chain List. If interested please call Marge Hinds through the church office.

Healing prayers with the laying on of hands and anointing is held immediately follow-ing 10:00 am worship on the third Sunday of the month for February.

Ladies Fellowship will meet on Thursday, February 7th at 9:00 am. Please plan to meet us at Southern Charm Café in Cape Canaveral. All women of the church are invited, bring a friend! Please email Libby VanZino at to RSVP or if you have questions.

Resurrection at the Beach Clean-up. On February 23rd the Resurrection at the Beach Clean up will be held from 8:00 until 10:00 a.m. This beach clean-up meets the 4th Saturday of every month. We begin at the Minuteman Causeway beach access (near the tikis). Buck-ets, grabbers, and gloves are provided. Service hours also can be earned with this project. If you have any questions please contact Bob Whittle through the church office.

High Noon Knitting: The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be held on Sunday, February 24th at 12:00 noon in the Ministry Center. with their “High Noon Knitting” instructional class. Contact Lynn Gray or the church office with any questions.

Eat, Pray, Love! Women’s Fellowship Group will be meeting on February 14th, 21st and 28th at 9:00 am in the Ministry Center. We will be discussing “30 Days to Understanding the Bible” by Max Anders. If you have any question please contact Libby VanZino at

Adult Bible Study Beginning Sunday, February 3rd at 10:00 am in the Volkmann Room, Pas-tor Dan Lambrides will be teaching an Adult Bible Study on “A Love Affair with Jesus” - a study in I John. “We love him because he first loved us”. Please attend.

LCR T-Shirts have been given out to over 100 parishioners. If you are interested in getting a LCR t-shirt please contact the church office or Kathy Lueders. Those who have them already, please wear them around town to show your love in Christ.


The annual congregational meeting

will be held on Sunday, February

24th at 9:45 am in the fellowship

hall. Please plan to attend.

First Holy Communion

If you would like for your child to participate in the

classes, please let the pastor know. The course con-

sists of four short sessions directly after the 8:30 am

worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, March 3rd, 10th, 24th, and 31st. This

class is for any child, 5 years and older, who has not yet received Holy


The season of Lent begins on March 6th with the imposi-

tion of ashes and Holy Communion. Worship that evening

will begin at 7:00 pm. Due to diminishing attendance, we

will be trying something new this year for the weeks of

Lent. Instead of the soup supper and Wednesday evening

services, small group studies will be set up based on

geography. Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral, North Mer-

ritt Island, South Merritt Island, etc., will all have a

small group that will self-determine its meeting place

and time. Pastor Jay will provide a short discussion /

Bible study to be used each week. Stay tuned for

more details.


Compassionate Friends Location: Community Room Tuesday, February 5th Contact: Church Office 6:00 p.m.

A Special Occasion Music-Music Lessons Location: Ministry Center Afternoons-By Appointment Contact: Joe & Lynn Gray 321.544.4062

Greeting Card Workshop Location: Ministry Center Saturday, February 9th 10:00 am

J-Walkers Youth Group Location: Ministry Center Saturday, February 16th (10:00 am to noon) Burger Bash Contact: Sarah Davis EFSC Lab School Location: Ministry Center Tuesday, February 12th & 26st Community Room / Breakroom Wednesday, February 13th 6:00 pm

Eat, Pray, Love Women’s Fellowship Group Location: Ministry Center Thursday, February 14th, 21st, 28th Contact: Libby VanZino 9:00 am

Tiger Scouts & Weblos Location: Ministry Center-Rm #3 Wednesdays, February 13th & 27th Contact: Church Office Thursdays, February 14th & 28th 6:00 pm

Women’s Monday Morning Bible Study Location: Breakroom Mondays, February 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th Contact: Marge Hinds 10:00 am High Noon Knitting Location: Ministry Center-Rm #3 Sunday, February 24, 2019 Contact: Lynn Hughes 12:00 am Girl Scouts Locations: Ministry Center-Rm #3 Tuesday, February 12th & 26st Contact: Church Office 6:00 pm


Food Pantry: The featured items for the Food Pantry are listed below: (Please bring them to the shopping cart in the Sanctuary or basket in the Fellowship Hall.) 2/3 - Canned Chicken 2/10 - Canned Fruit 2/17 - Spam 2/24 - Canned Stew or Hash Thank you for your gifts. We are in need of razors, deodorant, sunscreen and toothpaste. Please give from the heart.

PANTRY HOURS: The first 4 Saturdays of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

BIKE MINISTRY: 2nd and 3rd Saturday of every month. 10:00-12:00 noon.

Have an overflowing piggy bank at home? Share your coins with the Laundry Ministry at LCR. Each month we give the gift of clean clothes to our homeless friends and pantry clients at a local laundromat. Your coins bring smiles to many faces! We never realized that the home-less see their clothing as disposable, but it makes sense. Imagine wearing the same clothes in the heat for weeks at a time! Such clothes get to the point where they are unwearable. Now, the home-less, and those in economic distress, have a chance to wash and renew that clothing. One less shirt in a landfill, and good stewardship of God’s gifts!

NEEDED: The Bike Ministry are in need of new and used bikes in any condition. We can pick up your donated bike or you may drop it off. We repair them and give them to those in need in the community.

LCR is doing GREAT things!

Thank you for your financial support now, but have you thought about leaving a legacy in your will after you leave this world? Contact your financial consultant or church office for ideas.

If you would like Resurrection to be remembered after you go to be with the Lord, be sure to name us in your will. Sadly, we’ve seen survivors not honor the known wishes of the deceased. Its hard to imagine, but it happens. Thank you!

Luther Springs Ministries

Luther Springs Sunday, the second Sunday of Feb- ruary is rapidly approaching. Lutheran Church of the Resurrection sets aside one Sunday each year to recognize and celebrate LUTHER SPRINGS MINISTRIES as an official mission of the church. Luther Springs is a place set apart to inspire and empower all in Christ’s love.

Luther Springs is not only a premiere summer camp for boys and girls but, through it’s year-round operation, it also serves as a venue for family camping, group recreation, Christian conferences, confirmation class re-treats for emersion in Catechetical study, church council, synodical board retreats, and more. Last year, Luther Springs Ministries provided over 450 camper scholarships for children whose family and/or church could not af-ford the average cost of $450.00 per camper. Motel-type facilities can now accommodate 125, and in five cabins, another 100 campers. There is also an RV park, many sites providing utilities hook up. The large swimming pool, canoeing on Lake Vause, tent camping are-as, indoor and outdoor worship areas, and hiking trails, provide activities for everyone with the added joy of Christian fellowship. Staffing and operational cost are significant. Luther Springs operates on a strict budget and is owned and operated by Novus Way Ministries, Inc. Its Board of directors are representatives from several Southeastern Synods including our Florida-Bahamas Synod. It is gifts to the general fund that make it possible for campers, counselors, and guest to enjoy and benefit from the experience that is Luther Springs Ministries. For our celebration of Luther Springs Sunday, Sue Mendenhall, the coordi-nator for Youth and Young Adult Ministry, will be our special guest along with a camp counselor! We will invite you to donate to this meaningful ministry. Please make out your check payable to “Lutheran Church of the Resurrection”, but be sure to put “Luther Springs” in the memo line. Donations received through March will be matched dollar for dollar. Thank you. Don Rathbun

Upcoming Events Saturday, February 9th – 8th Annual Pioneer Day, 10 am – 4 pm at Sams House/Pine Island and St. Luke’s Episco-pal Church (north end of Trop-ical Trail in north Merritt Is-land). Several from LCR will be volunteering at Sams House/Pine Island. Lynn and Joe Gray (and students) play 10 am – 12 pm behind the 1888 two-story Sams House. Many exhibitors and volunteers will be in 19th cen-tury attire. Students can earn community service hours by volunteering that day. Email for more information. The Sams House at Pine Island is a historical complex owned and operated by the Brevard County Environmen-tally Endangered Lands Pro-gram. The 1875 Sams Cabin onsite is the oldest standing home in Brevard County. A larger 1888 two-story home is also onsite. John Sams, a cit-rus-grower and the first Superintendent of Brevard County Schools, built both houses. Sams House & Cabin is located at 6195 N. Tropical Trail, ½ mile west of SR 3 and 5 miles north of SR 528. The Pine Island Conservation Area includes about 1,000 acres of county-owned land with 8-9 miles of hiking trails for public use.

Upcoming Events (continued)

Sunday, February 10th

– Lagoon Friendly Fertilizer Seminar and Rain Barrel

Workshop, 1-2 pm (fertilizer seminar, FREE) and 3-4 pm (rain barrel workshop,

$55) at Rockledge Gardens in Rockledge located at 2135 US 1.

Dr. Leesa Souto from the Marine Resources Council

will discuss the harmful effects of fertilizer on the La-

goon and the local fertilizer ordi-

nances in effect to protect our

groundwater & waterways. Grass clippings, when blown into the

street, sidewalks, and driveways, are picked up by stormwater

runoff during rain events and

washed down storm drains

into the Lagoon. Once in the

Lagoon, they begin to decay

and contribute to the accumu-

lation of muck in the bottom

of the Lagoon. Learn how you

can help the Lagoon through

better yard maintenance and

fertilizing practices. Learn the benefits of collecting rainwater, the positive impact it

has on the Lagoon, and how to construct your own rain barrel. With the purchase of

the "build your own barrel" ticket, you will receive the materials necessary to create a

55-gallon rain barrel and assistance in building your own to take home. Go to https:// for a link to registration for one or both of

these events.

Saturday, February 16th

– Florida-Friendly Landscaping Seminar, 8:30 am–1 pm,

in the Eau Gallie High School Auditorium located at 1400 Commodore Blvd.,

Melbourne. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

(IFAS) Extension Brevard is presenting this seminar with the following talks: 9:00-

9:45 am: All About Bats - Sherri Blissett-Clark of Bat Belfrys Inc.; 9:45-10:30 am: All

About Bees - Larry Wilson of Pappa's Backyard Honey; 10:45-11:30 am: Indian River

Lagoon Update - Kathy Hill - Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program; 11:30

am -12:30 pm: Question & Answer session with Sally! - Sally Scalera - UF/IFAS Ex-

tension Brevard County; and 12:30-1 pm: Door prizes and plant sale. Go to https:// and search on “Florida-Friendly Landscape” or call (321) 633-

1702 for more information.

Saturday, February 23rd

- LCR Beach Cleanup, 8-10 am. Meet at the tall tikis at the

end of Minutemen Causeway. Gloves, litter grabbers and buckets provided. Contact

Bob by phone at (321) 613-3098, or email for more infor-


Saturday, February 23rd

– 10th

Annual Florida Scrub-Jay Festival in downtown Titusville, 10 am–3 pm.

Downtown Titusville and the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

are hosting a free family-friendly festival in the Julia Street parking lot

in downtown Titusville. The festival includes guided tours, education-

al presentations, prescribed fire demonstrations, live animals, chil-

dren’s activities and face painting, live music, beer with a biologist,

nature vendors and exhibitors, an art exhibit, and food trucks. Call the Merritt Island

National Wildlife Refuge at (321) 861-5601 for more information.


Saturday, February 16th (10:00 a.m. to Noon)

J-Walker’s Burger Bash / Service Day Come out to support our ministries and help serve those in need. We

meet under the trees near the Ministry Center. We’d also like some

of you to help in the food pantry, bike ministry or in the card minis-

try. Let us know your interests, and we will plug you in!

Please check out our newly updated Youth, Children, & Family Ministry page re-

designed by Nathan Montgomery at

Thank you Nathan!

For your information: J-Walkers Instagram:

Evangelism A Connection Message As I sat in church on 1/20, singing the hymn, You Have Come Down to the Lakeside, the lyrics, ‘Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes, kindly smiling you’ve called out my name’ struck me. I thought about the number of smiles the team providing over 72 burgers and 16 hot dogs during the 1/19 Burger Bash and how the Lord was smiling through them. Along with the bike ministry folks who handed out eight bikes and the pantry folks who hand-ed out groceries to a multitude of people. In addition, I thought of the smiles that will be brought to the faces of the recipients of the card ministry’s products. Every day we have the opportunity to see the Lord in other’s smiles and provide a conduit to the Lord in our smiles. And in those smiles, someone could hear the Lord call out their name. We at LCR are blessed that we belong to a church that provides connections for both the com-munity and the congregants. Every day the building is used for community events and for congregational activities. Every weekend, you can see members both working on the church through lawn service, morning coffee hour, participating and supporting worship services, and providing a service to the community. Right now we are looking for both new members to join us in our family along with finding a way for our current members to participate in our family activities. We recently handed out over 100 free LCR shirts to our congregants. Wear your shirt out in the community and at our events so that folks can see ‘We are LCR’ and recognize the Lord in our smiles. Thank you for what you do every day to share the Lord’s love to those around us. Kathy Lueders (

I am proud to be a member of LCR! Yes, I’m the pastor, but I am also a member. I feel good knowing that I’m a part of a congregation that makes a real difference for the needy in our community. We are also actively involved in cleaning up and preserving the environment. It’s great knowing that we have worship leaders who constantly strive to “up their game” with ev-ermore moving worship experiences. I love being part of a congregation that really feels like family, and being surrounded by fellow members who genuinely care about me. And, behind all that, a council leadership team that tracks and responsibly oversees the life of our congre-gation. I’m proud that we are always seeking new ways to serve Christ in Cocoa Beach and beyond. Whether you here for just a few months or live here year-round, I invite you to join me as a member of our great church. We will be receiving new members at all services on February 16 and 17, and we’d love to have you as a regular or associate member. (Associate members are those who maintain their membership in another church, while aligning themselves to LCR when they are in town). If you come to us from an ELCA congregation, membership class is not necessary (though I will give something to review). If you are not from a Lutheran background, I’m happy to meet with you to prepare you for membership. Just let me know if you are interested in joining. We’d love to have you! Pastor Jay