\'OLDIE STUOtNTS HtAR ROSt HtRt Of N 5 t A MEtT 11. 1 Montana D e I e gate, Bernard 1 Dean Herrick I nstructs Actors. Brown, Gh·es Report. All Rehearsals nd er Direct i on of , 't ud e nts Get Benefit of As· Hansen. Play Writ l e n by gociation . Bowden an d Th u mμ- Barr ie son Talk on Intersc holastic To urnant ent Four \1,-eeks from th'.s time, Febru- -- I ary 17 and 18, is to be another red . letter cay in the history of amateur Th(' a::>1'cmbly Tuesday opened w1t.1 d:airatics at this school. These are the l.nlitc . tuoent sing-ing he date:; !'et for the second Tormeu- r 1al lOl.(' ... l' .nrcded by L1zz1e tu· play of the year . '":\lary Rose'·. L< c. •J.: "! ,. Rcse" is the. In test nnd mo..: narJ Brown a report _on ra1n. 1 inp: al plays w1 ittcn by that 1 h ' .:\au nal Fedei·ation of A.menca (Continued on Page Three) <·cnn•ntinn ,1,-hich he attct:ded at Palo .\no. <. alif. Bcnmrd, as ol th_ \s odated Students, tne <lele- gz.le from :\lontana S:..ate College. of thH mo"-t in!c.•re"-tinJ? feature=- o:· tho l'Onn:nticm the open dis- u kn f r a.I .. ·ent problems. Any t Ct.'nt could cite the problem on his pn:."1.:u:OJ!" c:nnpus a1ul any other dele- ate could t('ll how that problem was tHatt,I on his c:11111 us. :\early ail problems were di!"'eus"cd in this mnn- nu· :rn I this method prove>l vei·y suc- C'SSful. (Gontinu<'rl on PaJ?e Two) I OTA P I SPON S ORS SUCCESS FUL PARTY First Party Given by Chemistry Fraternity. First of Series_ . Mrs . Mendenhall Hig h Scorer 28, ]9:l0 Proposed "Iris" Garden Be ing Sp onsored By A. w. s. One secs in the above picture a may be further enhi. e.J b\· the I paig-n or irect plc:i., if the alumni ('are Nt.:l\lBER 16 BOBCATS DIVID E SERIES W I TH BRIGHAM YOUNG U . lonla na Team Takes First (,ame I: y Wide :\landn. Frank Ward Takes Indh i dual Scoring Honors lo Lead Co nfer e nc e. Buz- ze,ti Second lndhidnal Scorer lOl' ,,\It . SFC'O. 'I) G.UIE S( ORE OF 15-12 L bh Teams Lead 1 hrough Entire Game. Worthington Ejected F t·om Game Eariy in Second Half }.Ir.ntana State < 1 l<ge ba ket- ! 01 a two-)'?amc whieh 1..hc Bob nil tc·a.TJ1 trouncPd Bri,i;{ham Youn.., c:at played the Couuars at. Prove>. nt e1s1ty la L Friday, January 2.t, l he Rocky .\lountain .._'onfeien e 1 ) a ol 5!.1--t .. IL was the first I riiatn1:ici:is fJa .. hcd their usual form ar.d mamtaned a commanding lead MONTANAN t t c j<l'eawr part of the I The Bnbcats a 17-4 lead 1 'arly iu the f,!amf! but. :\la!!'leby anrl Now PROGRESSING Romne:; scored senral j?oals in rapid ... •tder to give the Cougars a t<mpor- 21-20 :ead. The Cats rallied . 1nd 1an uo a. afe lead ;n quick order . eet mg of Staff Held. Dewe) Frank War" cazel ten goals from Gives Talk on Dc,·elopment of ;he iic'd to continue. his record as the Boo k. Editor Set. Dead!' e scorer in the. conference. scor- , . :; ' In .r over GO po·nts 111 h1.., i. st three for Copy and P ictures Due ""°'· "Cn" Tompson wa· able to C rontinuerl on Page Four) Team Shoots First Match Iota Pi, lol'al women's chemkal view of the Iris gnrdcn!='i, dtn°ication of the gardt 1 - to donate some money towaid th£. frateinity sponsored a benefit b1idgC' looking from the Ridewalk con- The ga1den:s will prO\c very furthuancc of this projcc:t, ehc:.:'' The stafi for the 1030 :\lontana11 patty, Friday e\"ening in the Chemi:s- as well ornamental 1 the campus. 1c.d a :5hort meeting at t!lc hap pa Co unty Age nts Concl ude Meet Score of 3423 Tops First core of La.<;l Year bv Eleven Point s. College Team .Competes With Best Schoo l in R 0. T. C- Area try buiLing to help finance Dr. necting Hamilton and Herrick halls. Band concerts, outcloo1 of may be made payable to :\lartha Ue.t.1 house Sunda1r a!tejnoon at ll\t- Howe·.s trip to ;.\lontana State collcgi:! The Associate.I \Vomen Students arc lhe student bo 'y and of r ·,.:anizations, Ha.wkFworth, of A.\\·. S. .>'clo..:k. 1he pL.rJ,O!ie ot the ineetin'.! as a lecturer on {i. the rnaking of the gardens gro;;p pi nics, and da!"'.., ieunions will The fa.ulLV has alreach· :::.hown was to talk ovt!i plans !or the n"-xt 'Ihe party, the fir:-;t oi it::; kind to as their main project for the ye:.ir be held the1e. interest and fn the pro-:.- .nonth"s a<.:.tinties. be ::;ponsott:<l by a che.nistry orgam- 1929-::>0. .-\. \Y. S. is contributir made I c<"tiYe garcienz. in the mo,.,t tangible A letter was rE:a<l from Tht: . ·ae"?cle zation on this campus, pro\ed to The center of the gardens will be by each memt r 50L", to the wa:-·s, which will be widely in evid nee r r.nting ccmpany stating' that \"CI").' The high-scot"e the sun dial. Around it will be placed "purs are gh.tr 1 SlOO to buy when the gardens are completed. a1e ··no\1,-· iea<iy to start tne Lall roll- prize for the nming was won by benches . an 3bundance of shrl.ibbt:ry, two of the benches on hich '' Spur'' Ec.ycnd a doubt the iris ga. 'ens will .ns.:.", ana cop:r for the book wilJ b1.: :\hs. :\fcndenhall. At the close of the lights, tables with large umbrellas. will be in!"'cribed. be a mm•t atllactivi: addition lu the them as fa=-t as it. tan be mad<: c\·ening, light iefrc:;;.hments were and bird baths. On either side of the Since the gardens wil )C a perma- campu::i and a._ the S? 0 \\alk leadinj? to the sun dial will be nent fixture on the cam us, t!"le men. memories of honob speit :n l·tanklin Dewey, a.:--cciate ejtor, Annual Convention Will Close Satmday. Delegates Visit Bozeman MiJJing Company's Plant and Inspect New l\lethods ::\atalie president of the or- blue and gol.i iris of a rare variety . individually or as oq!a zatinns, an<l 1b a_tmosphe1e o.f beautv anti will (Id of tht: e\·olutwn o.1. a page of the g-anization. announces "\Ve are plan- It is the earnest hope of A. W. S. I the faculty are welcon 1 · to bE:t.:ou;e e:n!.rcnc::cd fort·\•er 111 the: _, r..L; 1 r..an. J-lr. Dewey pointed out_, ning to make this an annual affair in that the gardens will be completed by too. and ha\·e their nam ins:1;bed on of every man a1.1d \'iOlllall I the page of V.,"ith a score uf 3 .i 2 : 3 for their first order to help bring speakef!; of note \Voman's Day so that the already rnme fixture in the gt rdens . come:s to )lontana State College matter goc:,. at ltast five The co- .. nty agents convention held atch of the year, which is 11 points to J-lont.ana St beautiful ceremonies of that program While A. W. S. is ingo no cam- c·ampus. before it is to g'O to the at ).Iontana State lOllege, higher than the first score of last Iota Pi established here last Fi I tTlic manageif .Jh will come to a close th.is wc.ek. This year. the Bobcat rifle teams began year in order to promote a clo.ser eed1°ng Tri·ats H 0 N 0 RR 0 l l 15 C' ngs Pt " edge to 0 meetinj?fis held c.ach year for the pur· 't .. ·t I mp t' tion with the other .:mon. among women stu-ienls ta kmg r la how tne busmes.-; stalf WilS unable to pose 0 acquainting t.he extension l s ac ua co e. chen11stry, and to further the projness ' .l! k . h th f I workers with new and better Colleg-es and nnlitary teams of the/of the department in !!'eneral. Officers A c d t I I .wor. o1.;1t c u l c?opeia- tmal methods which they m turn put ·- re on UC ed I 3J · .ion o, the emto.na1 staff ano made before )iontana farmers. country. The teams that they met of the organization are: president. Q n J Q n U Ur y an a pr ea I for this co. Ber- The conventrnn opc.'Jle<l Saturday last week are all \'ery strong. but[Xatali.e Se\:als : Arlone Now ANN 0 NG r 0 -- n:?.rJ B 1 wn, rnanarnng e<htor. spoke Janua1v 2:), w1th a demonstration ht- actuul ,._re wiU not he k .... rm £tane, :\fargarct :Gecf l!idlt.;tr_.,. Q°' ,e of .. lcf the nattcnal } a""Ol'lat•o11 l-:amr·ifll? 'l lot<:. of whPat A.t th until the end of this week. Chnstma Rothius. I L Int ercollegiate Knights Sponsor 1:1_ •• iuu.1 \\on a J.h: ... l8ozeman rauroad raHb . .f'ollowin; The present squad of 20 men were SO. -G CO:\TEST WR ITERS! Phases of Mont ana Far min g. I . C f PI d . as< iatmir rn t e ro•cnt In I' this e.>10n,tration the men repaired selected trom about 80 Fro•h and R esearch Co ndu cted as lo . ew us lom o e g Ing. ' <.c to keep this ratrnz, theo_ILJ30 to the Bozeman }fiilml? Company'< upper-class men. Each week 15 men _.\re you " orhing on your col- Profit Fro nt Ce r ta in Typ es of Est h er Bo :vinan an d Fnthoff Dance at G\m. Pegra m's :Jtwk " 1 ll ha\e to ... a out a-:> pet \\here t.hev nev. methods shoot and the 10 highest scores are lege for the A. ,,._ S. con- Feeds Joh nso n 1\Jal\e uA" Flush. - tnt>hP 1 t'·c·:l:ei 1 · 1 1 "h·a" 0 1 :1 .for .n cleanmg biendrng and m11lini:r U 'cd to make the final score. If any t (st? Don't forget that are .' 1·1 11 1'n H1'JJ Places T h 1'rd on Orche::;tra t:,. ,.. a c, e o e.:(., mt a nae: wheat for floU1 . Tne afternoon wa:; - due in fo:.ir '' eeks, on Saturda.", _ -\. .c.•te-.. are s:io\\ In"' h ·m mterE: ... t I I of the men who a1e not on the s.qua:l . · "' - · I emp vre< rn a study of mechanical one week. but during practice of that O':\'eil's Thu beef c:attle indust ry is a major List . . t!it .u.ntest that the of en- '.!rn'.n c-radintr metho:is. : week raise their score abo\·e any man in..:ustnp in the state of Montan1. ,,fl res rer ct•rt a )londay was spent in f;;rther study on the team, he is immediately put SIX ARE 1 N 1 T 1 ATE D RealiziOg this fact . the experiment Two students Esther Bowman and (Continued Two) r·: whtat me ho s .. Today the r\'eek's shoot. In this way there is cf 192b. pe11ment.s or three points per cred it, according will be iriven in the gymnasium TI('xt j B BROWN DOES GOOD . ·hip es o.. he t t .. ken car- on the team and competes in the next s tation .conducting a _series I Frithiof Johnso;, made an "A flush'' fiJ 1 st a1rnual Fan!!--Pledl!e which -- - are b; sigh_t some very much competition at all times . BY M s c TORMENTORS ar lll connection w1th fatten- to Professor Tallman, who recently Frida\'. Januar" :n, immediately 'ft. . out this year. 1he schools with which the team of are arranged th<' roll li st. One after ·the game ·between Il<Jbcato; ! WORK AT CONVENTION rr:nn the fired this week are some of the o:er a pe11od of f1v.e )':a1s. I hundred and thirty-one students' and the l'.tah Agi.,ril·S. or- I ualitv 0 thew that are com- $trongest of the country. They arc, td1redct p .. lJ?OSc. 1 of the . e.xper11nents ISf names appear on the fa ll quarter roll. I chestra w'll furnbh the musk. Ad- wit'h 1[ rorluc Ohio State Univer!';ity, Cornell Uni- H ansen , O liv er, Veazey, 'Vinn , o etermmo econom1c1al means o Th h 11 f th t I · · ·n b l ,... · • P. "' P e. versity, Uni\•ersity of )!aryland, \' Fl t d 1\1 C II 1\1 d fattening beef cattle in this st.ate. The It ef or e au umn quar- w1 . t an I \i'ord Receiyed From 01'ficial;; .\s a fittinz rln>e for the c01wen- Conn. Aggies, Univer ity of I daho, an ee ' an c a a e interest in this of the I er o - ---· is: . is gomg o : . . 1,.. s . . ;on an of daneinl? and and Orej?on State College. The 10 Mem b ers. ' .Yi nn E I e c l e d livestock im!usr1· is e\·den<ed by the I. Es.ther Bo" man, 19 Credi.ts. J aance of ;cai l?d of l '. '. F. . \, Compliment ha he, n ' he•lule<l for at the en of the Bobcat squad who ha<l the Busine l\-1a na ge r ";Umber of ktte1 s bY: t_he sta- 19. arg tate Delegat e on Hctd Baxter. ighest scores this week and their lt10n to a markc extent m gl\·mg the 2.1•> to 2.9.)9 pomb pet credit. l ., lx· ' .- --· . . . I -.-.-- -- cores as as follows: Erb 356, Eh- sto:kman inforniation he desires. 3. Armin Hill; 4. Hobert Wells; 5. _Ice!!•• a1e t? be t t" near I l11s Conlnbullons to" ork . 01JCE. . . an 353. Fall man :{51 1 Nevins 349 1 The Tormentors of )[ontana State Fer example, various feeds arP used Henry Eagle: 6. Philip Ehmanj 7. of the t mt.; .c ,.that <la --- The :\lont:man office v. 111 he . . 33" I h · . I . • . I . f' f Earl s·lwk· I Pt:'ar1 Hirsch · 9 Robert S?l<Ll PY crrhf' ti.\ (an Jl lu ·( an . _ rnt>n from 1 to 1 <'n Thursday stey 341, Holst .340, Johnson 1, co lege m1ti.ated six people 111to th" and t etr ts te 01de<. Pio it. o !. < 1 ,. la .• bu'" llflt ht;) th e to l'njoy Tnt: foll lt-t.l•r wa::, rcce•\l'H f . 1 f ti · ·. aley 3:l5, Kauffman 331, and Buck- crgamzat1on evemng, Janu- (Continued on Pa g-f' Two) (l mtinnNI l"ln Paf!'•' Thr("f'l D\ tt1e Exponent edito1· trnm Cro.:.<'l l.J unit ur ier notice is and 3:;0. ary 20 . . .\.ft<1r whicn a banquet was •. 1-. · '' < 1 ·l. •· OI:-- :\'arw:'r. ]!1.W pn·--idtnt of tnt• :\a- ,... e · S To hall in Conl\l1'11g Wo1·ks For Fl. Corp mants W IN RE D l\VILSON TALK Tnose initiated were picked from' Edwin Eagle. YIU ff "lhe past officets and e,c,_ti\'e 0 l GE CLUB H1'ghway Depa1·tment Co ll eg-e Graduates C ROSS INSIG N IAS C LLE AG House'_', and two who took leading f 19. Grace Anderson; JO. Am?n Andes; dents of )fontana State Cocleg:e to parts in the busmess of the play . ___ 22 . ;.\lelbourne Pnrk1.· r; 2.t H attie know that vour <ltle2'ate, Be1 ncHd C. -- who make. tormentors m i.:st I . . . Long; 2;3. Gerald - 25. . - ' f' Brown, roOk a prominent. I :trt and l\ .< t' t Sh . t M t first ha1e the unanimous vote of the 1 1v 1l En gm ee n ng Hea d Makes James Copelan<l. 2». Wilbur Jurden; Rese rve Officers of R01 ( \\ tll i 1.na:lo caluable contributi.ms at the Campbe ll to Give Examiners Test iO ion IC u res a ee ·I active members .. Jn this way. those Tests of Stee l, Concre t e, and Helc.n Com well· LeRoy Good; I Be Given Pre in Se lect- rc'e 1t Con1?1e's at Stanford t.; nher- mg, Ta lk on Russia By Eco n - wo set.m most hkely to benefit the R d E i t f S t t 21. Edwin Lasscttrc 27. Ruth Lowe; . f C d ,;\,-, on Hcturn Trip. Twenty-fi"e Try omist Feat u re of Eve ning 1 01?'anization are selec.te_d : I oa qu pmen or a e 1:1iz3:beth Seit:z, ·7._ Flora Davis; ion O a ets ·"rn ad{lition to J?I se>ntin.!" campu5' I .. J hose who were m1 t1ated are as --- ... \ erme Ballyntlllt Earl Doney; r1cbleni.;. and findm:! the1: pt :->silk , . -. -- ...... tallows : ,::i.lr. Bert _H ansen, who as . D. of 33. LO\\ . Charles. I Cdle,..rn gradu.ttt•s of Re t•r.e Of- _in tdne.s ay _mght at t .:30 m. the head of. tne clepa 1 rtment c1v1l engmeermg departnH ;1t dunng- mett; j6. .A1 thlP :Sandenow , 36. ficcr's l' rps units will be set ·t g1a1!1 ?• eng-meezmg the Agncul- A Dolls House, the past year has made 5;, tests of (Continued on age Two) pnfc·enl·e lOr appointment a for Federation .. tu1al Club sponsored a program. !Blll 11cCa_ll! Jr., was at the head 1steel. 98 tests of conrret(>, and testcl Flyinz Cad<:t..:; in cru tht•1e are more I a Two reels of moton p1ctu,re comedy lcf ac1,-ertismi:r busmess of the eight gra<ler blades for the ).lontana qua.ified tlian \ai.:ancic·..-::;, an ""eCrttar) anu pni\·ide v.•ere shown :\!. L .. \\·uson, heaa an t,he cast, Ohver,, Sta.· te. Commission. The. te.::;t - ARMY AN D N AVY according to word. rett•h·cd f• 0111 t!tc or l' eat ion o_f a hl ··t. >:. S .. F .. .\. of the spoke on S_tock;on am \Vmn , and Ray mg is done through a ('OOperai1ve ... \Ynr D('partnH•n .. b,· Cart L. D. Ze<.•k, ommatee on ea. 1 This ' \\ hcat :a1s.mg m Russia . \an I leet . . . . . . ag-1eement with the State Il ig-hway / of the :Jlilitary Sti• !ll'e & t!cn make::. possible obtammg- "Russia is a \'Cry large country, th 1nitiat1on a s.hort.busmess Com mission and the to do MEN H AVE BALL of tl1e College. It iable out'." id:.• support, thl' bl•m fil of lorn prising near ly one-sixth the was held at wh1ch. fame Sam <_.uch testinP' f or tho C-Ommission. "'hih· it i:. understood that c: r adu- which will be folt. on. campus ot of .the srlobe. The ' '; 11 .n was to be man- The spet"imens a.re used in I ate,. will be giYen 1·1 elercnc·l" this O<'. I ·'' e-ry n insti:.utt.>n. ,eople a1e Slavs 1A"th some 2\longohan ... er of the 11 1.ext Tonn entor s re-en.fore.mg of the cement used m not prevent st dl nts, in g'()')d :--tand- Smtett""ly yours, Iooc.1 mixed in. These people are Mary Rose It :vas construction work and tests inc ma<le Each year, in Jl emLer, at the in'.!'. who completed thl·ir so11ho- C. ra.tly tespvmdble for the condition that the cnl1ro business oq:ranization on stocl rods to detel'mine their Aunv and Ba held ai i11c1e \T·ar ni thl" College from mak- H12H prr--ident S. P.A. 0 , Russia for. the play be made up of strength . The ccncre te specimens are ciack infanti1r unit of th e m1lit!lry inO' aPnlication. Cue type of government, and that the Stag-e or- made durinj? the co nst ructi on of the 01ganizations in com· n be at tlw time 0 NOTICE Last :\londay. anci 'W 'ed- nesday, January 21. )[r. Camp- bell of Utah j?al'e Red Cro's lnstru"· tion to aJI of :\lontana tate College that desired to win a Red Cross emblem. '\Jr. Campbell heing- sent out by the Red Cross Org-anization to hold test$ throui.rhout th(' northwest. He is now in Butte exam- inations. On hi.:; rl'turn trip, :>Ir l :rn pbcll \•;ill again come to Boze- man to give the examiners test to Pat Dolan, Kathryn Kellett, Erma :\lonroe, Cap Griffin . and any one who has already wen a Red and has ambition to berome piactices are in a very backward con- Hansen 's play det.ennine t.hC1 stre ngi. h of the con- Dir cl<>1s of. thL· Su and and 27 of exl·e!lent eharacter. practirf'·• in b<'frre Fth. li. The an cxnminer. Ru . ..;sia. had years ago, agi;cultural /: Qamzat1on should be from 1 concrete structcTeS and ai·c btoken to pete for a 5iJver l'll .-Ol'Ulte<l by_ the applkaticn bt'tWL·(.>n the :l.!c of t.irls he "' Ur e a nd gt•t yc,ur Some of the methods are over I'he Tormentor:; who have parts !n j --1·ete at the encl of 28 and 60 days. Clubs . lhll lllf.!' th ast co:npdillon ..;:ournl ilhrsi<iue and in l'XC'ellent I a.re in the 1um. Tourna- The ed Cross exami nation 00 years behind the times. The land · .\1ary are Lora Brown, and The blades. were tested to de- in the Balln11 n of the Cople;'- )iralth. · ' muit l>egin:-; Fl'h. 17. .\II pr:tc- :rnch e,·cnts as the proper approaches wneci by the nobles, and the serfs.I F rcd Benmon. The rest of termme rolallve weaii ng quali- Paza Hotel. vv Platoon. i_n The first whi(·h th·s tire.; must he rcconkd b) that toward a person; the ived on the land and took care of it. are not members of the organization. (Cont mued on P age Three) Command of L!L•utPn nt .0. J. Gullick- (Continued on Two) dal('. strang-le holds and their cnr- Vhen the Czars went out of power. U. 8. .1rned off the and th(' methods of artifil•ial re- h' !and came into the hands of the COLLEGE LIBRARIAN R£POR honors. . EK PLA '!\TS su<itation. Of the 2;, per<ons who c.-asant.s, anJ conditions TS ThC' Xrt'Y Plat ll was FAR M AND HOME WE .lYi the onlv the a wheat 1 1 / N c RE As ED BOOK CIR c ULA T10N Na\'Y ( ice R A p I D L y B E ING COMPLETED ducmg- country. The deep black soil --- . --- Doroth\' Dou ... las. Ruth roduces good wheat when properly 1 . · 0 I F. ---- Riddell, Kenneth Clarc Freeze areci At present . T here a de.ci '.eel ltcry, \Vorld's work and Harpe rs ma y 1 ThrrC' "ill lw an a 1::se mhlv :\Janv of the innumerable 1irt."'"e:-- on t;nation b) <'hailt•" E C'lar.encc Keifor, Jack ent lS mtroducmit modein agrieu l- ,m the c1 r.ulat1o n of the books of now circulate fo three days i T hu rsda .' rnornin .J anuary 30 asked 'tw farmers nnd shckmen re- p1t::-it't·nt. of thl• lc>wa Fam Erkilll, and Bill ''alker. t'T<1l method-:. . qn a 450,000 acre :\1ontana State \.ollegc Jibrarv accord- An inter esting- Or ·the libr -I at t he Gnn na!'ium fro m 10:2a to the Ft:ckral Farm f'nar,l nn I 1 ll'a•1 · · 1 •rt;etiltun1l <·omn<:ition bY I -- ai m, the largest m. the world . n_1od- ing- to 1\Iiss Stout, lib rarian . who arv is the (·asc in which new 11 :Hi o;clnd .... , 111• usual fin• its oi,('·ation,. will he> flll"i''<'l'l'cl at f. I.. hl':t.!1 of th<• (lcpaiiment . XOT!\E . ·rn useJ; Little I quotes the fi g-u r es: Novem- boOks are placed· t cn ll the studf•nt s' J >Cri nd J»ysfl'tn "111 hr u"ccl and Parm and Home \\'erk at :\lontamt of :un-i ultural el·onomi. s at :.\[untanu .\11 .Jumor <1chnty is r!Jt m fh e nee- be r, 1H28. 746 books (not including attention to them. On holidays bookt; aJI classei:. "ill ... ccl dur- Bozenrnn. St .. te and l°"<'l'nt et·nn<mtic h(' _called for a_t the rC"J,!1strars . buldmgs are built on wheels so I rcPerve hooks), 'ovem ber, 1929, 1110 pertainin..,. to the occasion 3re dis- in g t he a ssemhb to g, ae ording- to .]. C'. di- and their dfl":t upon az1i- off1c.c and μut Ill thi" bnllot h.ox 1at the.y tan be moved. about. Work 3-1 52 reserve books.. Tho sta ff plaved. Th ere is also a , helf for new The sof'ah<•r "ii he .J . \Yilliam re-etor of the )!onh1i:i Extl'n:>io11 t·ulture of tlw .:\1.1·thwt"· .. t by Curt:s L. I ou ts ide of the :\lcntnnan office s c.one by tractor hatallions, made up cf the library this year is composed books on the desk. · Terry, Edilor rtf •he L<'np:uc of 1 \Y. _.\, Sehocnfrl I ie"':ional )fc-;h"l' of 1he bank hrfore f tractors and the necessary .('.f Stout. head li brar ian , i\fiss l\la nv new books have beern, pur- X at i 011 s ('hronk lc. Tl c h as direttor 1>f the Farm Bo:tr I, will be at \lmnPapolis. :\1cn and women ha".e I Preston. Mrs. and 1\fr:-;. Crew, .hagc-J bv the Jibrnrv lhis V('1r amontr tran•lcd in 11E' and is an l'l'C'<;l.Cflf nt the Rozpmnn lllt><:tin[?'. . pr01trams l"or whr-:1 g-row XOTICR ual r1g-hts and much or the work .is librai·ians, and J a 111 ea which the l4. th edi ion of <Encv- ;i uthor ity 011 in lcrO'Lf ional affairs. \\"hi}(' the addrl'ssl'S and ch:-wus::.1011:-; Prs. potato an I There will h<' a Senior C'lass by women. The th1·ow m student tlopeclia Brittanira is probablv th(' Stud ents ma) reml·mh(' r th a t la st of Fa1m Bo'Hd mattt•r:<; will occupY a frir1'' are li-.t<•d for t>aeh day mceti ni:r l''·eni nl? a t five O·•ether anl ea<'h r"'cen·e n share S I h h b I . , h I Jl E' k II ,,J,•·n o[' •. ,, •• i··,1! i11'0111i'11·n·'c• c11 th<' i1f th" WCC'k. ..\t the"t' j."'roun mN't- o"clock in Oean ll nmilton'"' l<' tl ure R . <. c. '"' .- ev('ra t ant:i:es ave ec-n ma<C' imnortant . Bulletins are sent to ,·e:1r th l',. i•arr r .... 1c ·e ,..·.._- "'··· .- us-;;ia lS to m5t1tute the the rules. Books are now checked for I the facultv nnnouncin(! the new at .that tim·· occ 111>ied th<' Fann and Hon1l' "fe('k pron·ram. o h<>r inl?'s -:tatC' anrl ff'ttiunal authoritips will rocm . \II St•niors are ur {!ed to fa('tor S\"Stem m pla e of the old one Wf"ek only hut may be renewe·J. Two of the"o Jiave nlreadv been sen t same 110siti on H.., '1r . Te rry do('s fr11t11res whi<'h will b(' of I atiil'ul;n < :..,('ll"S n'"f'llt <lC'\elop- be pr e!:'e nt importnnt eac.ant farm sv tern and so far the Th' 11 'd D I' · I · k ti 1 ,.ntei·e·. t to f,• 1 ·niei·<., sto•k11•en am! findinP"s of exneriment will be · is a ows a w1 CT trt: rn- over. up i- and a third will soon be ready. al the 1>res<' nt tun e. spea · on tc " " ' esults have been successful." cate copies of Atlantic, Current His- (Con tinued on Page Two) sa me su bject. women of this coun Y include ad- (Conti nued on Page Two) Orland Ward. Pres i de nt

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Page 1: OLDIE BOBC ATS DIVID E SERIES - arc.lib.montana.edu

\'OLDIE -~X I.

STUOtNTS HtAR MAR~ ROSt HtRt Of N 5 t A MEtT fE~RUAR~ 11. 1 ~ Montana D e I e gate, Bernard 1 Dean Herrick Instructs Actors.

Brown, Gh·es Report. All Rehearsals n d er Direction of , 't ud e nts Get Benefit of As· Hansen. Play Writ l e n by gociation . Bowden an d Thumµ- • Barrie son Talk on Interscholastic Tournantent Four \1,-eeks from th'.s time, Febru--- I ary 17 and 18, is to be another red

. letter cay in the history of amateur Th(' a::>1'cmbly Tuesday opened w1t.1 d:airatics at this school. These are

the l.nli tc . tuoent b~rl,· sing-ing .se~-1 he date:; !'et for the second Tormeu­r 1al lOl.(' ... l' ~lln~s, .nrcded by L1zz1e tu· play of the year. '":\lary Rose'·. L< c. •J.: "! ,. Rcse" is the. In test nnd mo..:

B~1 narJ Brown ~ave a report _on ra1n.1inp: al plays w1 ittcn by that 1 h ' .:\au nal Fedei·ation of A.menca (Continued on Page Three) <·cnn•ntinn ,1,-hich he attct:ded at Palo .\no. <. alif. Bcnmrd, as prc~ident ol th_ \s odated Students, wa~ tne <lele­gz.le from :\lontana S:..ate College.

01~c~ of thH mo"-t in!c.•re"-tinJ? feature=­o:· tho l'Onn:nticm '"a~ the open dis­u kn f r a.I ~t .. ·ent problems. Any t Ct.'nt could cite the problem on his

pn:."1.:u:OJ!" c:nnpus a1ul any other dele-ate could t('ll how that problem was

tHatt,I on his c:11111 us. :\early ail problems were di!"'eus"cd in this mnn­nu· :rn I this method prove>l vei·y suc-C'SSful. •

(Gontinu<'rl on PaJ?e Two)



First Party Given by Chemistry Fraternity. First of Series_ .Mrs. Mendenhall Hig h Scorer

~xponJtnt 28, ]9:l0

Proposed "Iris" Garden Being Sponsored By A. w. s. One secs in the above picture a may be further enhi. e.J b\· the I paig-n or irect plc:i., if the alumni ('are

Nt.:l\lBER 16


. lonlan a Team Takes First (,ame I:y Wide :\landn. Frank Ward Takes Indh idual Scoring Honors lo Lead Confere nce. Buz­ze,ti Second lndhidnal Scorer

lOl' ,,\It . '~I: SFC'O. 'I) G.UIE S( ORE OF 15-12

L bh Teams Lead 1 hrough Entire Game. Worthington Ejected F t·om Game Eariy in Second Half

Th~ }.Ir.ntana State < 1 l<ge ba ket- ! 01 a two-)'?amc ~erie!-i whieh 1..hc Bob nil tc·a.TJ1 trouncPd Bri,i;{ham Youn.., c:at played the Couuars at. Prove>. nt e1s1ty la L Friday, January 2.t, l he Rocky .\lountain .._'onfeien e

1) a ~<:ore ol 5!.1--t .. IL was the first I riiatn1:ici:is fJa .. hcd their usual form ar.d mamtaned a commanding lead

MONTANAN WORK 1~1:1.~~~ho t t c j<l'eawr part of the

I The Bnbcats ~rabbe1 a 17-4 lead

1 'arly iu the f,!amf! but. :\la!!'leby anrl

Now PROGRESSING Romne:; scored senral j?oals in rapid

... •tder to give the Cougars a t<mpor-n· 21-20 :ead. The Cats ~n rallied

~I . • 1nd 1an uo a. afe lead ;n quick order . • eetmg o f Staff Held. Dewe) Frank War" cazel ten goals from

Gives Talk on Dc,·elopment of ;he iic'd to continue. his record as the Book. Editor Set. Dead!' e .cadin~ scorer in the. conference. scor-

, . :; ' In .r ~ over GO po·nts 111 h1.., i. st three for Copy and P ictures Due ""°'· "Cn" Tompson wa· able to

C rontinuerl on Page Four)

Team Shoots First Match

Iota Pi, lol'al women's chemkal view of the propo~cd Iris gnrdcn!='i, dtn°ication of the gardt 1 - • to donate some money towaid th£.

frateinity sponsored a benefit b1idgC' looking ea~t from the Ridewalk con- The ga1den:s will prO\c very u~eful furthuancc of this projcc:t, ehc:.:'' The stafi for the 1030 :\lontana11 patty, Friday e\"ening in the Chemi:s- as well a~ ornamental 1 the campus. 1c.d a :5hort meeting at t!lc hap pa County Agents

Conclude Meet Score of 3423 Tops First core

of La.<;l Year bv Eleven Points. College Team .Competes With Best School in R 0. T. C-Area

try buiLing to help finance Dr. necting Hamilton and Herrick halls. Band concerts, outcloo1 nweting~ of may be made payable to .:\Ii!'~ :\lartha Ue.t.1 house Sunda1r a!tejnoon at ll\t­Howe·.s trip to ;.\lontana State collcgi:! The Associate.I \Vomen Students arc lhe student bo 'y and of r ·,.:anizations, Ha.wkFworth, tieag~rer of A.\\·. S. .>'clo..:k. 1he pL.rJ,O!ie ot the ineetin'.! as a lecturer on Februan~ {i. spon~oring the rnaking of the gardens gro;;p pi nics, and da!"'.., ieunions will The fa.ulLV has alreach· :::.hown it~ was to talk ovt!i plans !or the n"-xt

'Ihe party, the fir:-;t oi it::; kind to as their main project for the ye:.ir be held the1e. interest and ~enthu!'ia;;m fn the pro-:.- .nonth"s a<.:.tinties. be ::;ponsott:<l by a che.nistry orgam- 1929-::>0. .-\. \Y. S. is contributir ~t50, made I c<"tiYe garcienz. in the mo,.,t tangible A letter was rE:a<l from Tht: . ·ae"?cle zation on this campus, pro\ed to b~ The center of the gardens will be by asscs~inl?' each memt r 50L", to the wa:-·s, which will be widely in evid nee r r.nting ccmpany stating' that {ne~ \"CI").' succe~._ful. The high-scot"e the sun dial. Around it will be placed r~oject. "purs are gh.tr1 SlOO to buy when the gardens are completed. a1e ··no\1,-· iea<iy to start tne Lall roll-prize for the nming was won by benches. an 3bundance of shrl.ibbt:ry, two of the benches on hich ' 'Spur'' Ec.ycnd a doubt the iris ga. 'ens will .ns.:.", ana cop:r for the book wilJ b1.: :\hs. :\fcndenhall. At the close of the lights, tables with large umbrellas. will be in!"'cribed. be a mm•t atllactivi: addition lu the ~ent them as fa=-t as it. tan be mad<: c\·ening, light iefrc:;;.hments were and bird baths. On either side of the Since the gardens wil )C a perma- campu::i and a._ the :year~ S? 0 ~y read~·· ~en;ed. \\alk leadinj? to the sun dial will be nent fixture on the cam us, t!"le men. ~heri~hed memories of honob speit :n l·tanklin Dewey, a.:--cciate ejtor,

Annual Convention Will Close Satmday. Delegates Visit Bozeman MiJJing Company's Plant and Inspect New l\lethods

::\atalie Seval~. president of the or- blue and gol.i iris of a rare variety. individually or as oq!a zatinns, an<l 1b a_tmosphe1e o.f beautv anti r~st will (Id of tht: e\·olutwn o.1. a page of the g-anization. announces "\Ve are plan- It is the earnest hope of A. W. S. I the faculty are welcon1 · to ~ubserfoe, bE:t.:ou;e e:n!.rcnc::cd fort·\•er 111 the: _, r..L;1 r..an. J-lr. Dewey pointed out_, ning to make this an annual affair in that the gardens will be completed by too. and ha\·e their nam ~ ins:1;bed on heart~ of every man a1.1d \'iOlllall \~·h.~ I ~hat the a\era~e page of ~ubjH:t

V.,"ith a score uf 3.i2:3 for their first order to help bring speakef!; of note \Voman's Day so that the already rnme fixture in the gt rdens. come:s to )lontana State College matter goc:,. throu~h at ltast five The co-.. nty agents convention held atch of the year, which is 11 points ~~ll~~=~~istry to J-lont.ana St at~ beautiful ceremonies of that program While A. W. S. is n~ ingo no cam- c·ampus. ta~es before it is 1t-ail~ to g'O to the a~nually at ).Iontana State lOllege,

higher than the first score of last Iota Pi wa~ established here last Fi I ~1eil~tt:.is. tTlic ~u~~e:->~ manageif .Jh will come to a close th.is wc.ek. This year. the Bobcat rifle teams began year in order to promote a clo.ser eed1°ng Tri·ats H 0 N 0 R R 0 l l 15 C' ngs Pt"edge boc>kn~. ~· to



pres~n.r~~;1"~~p~ai~c:i meetinj?fis held c.ach year for the pur· 't .. ·t I mp t ' tion with the other .:mon. among women stu-ienls takmg r la how tne busmes.-; stalf WilS unable to pose 0 acquainting t.he extension l s ac ua co e. ~ chen11stry, and to further the projness ' .l! k . h th f I workers with new and better a~ricul-Colleg-es and nnlitary teams of the/of the department in !!'eneral. Officers A c d t I I ~?Is .wor. w~~ o1.;1t c u l c?opeia- tmal methods which they m turn put ·- re on UC ed I 3J· .ion o, the emto.na1 staff ano made before )iontana farmers. country. The teams that they met of the organization are: president. Q n J Q n U Ur y an a pr ea I for this co. >pcra~11.m Ber- The conventrnn opc.'Jle<l Saturday last week are all \'ery strong. but[Xatali.e Se\:als : ~ice p:e~ident, Arlone Now ANN 0 NG r 0 -- n:?.rJ B

1 wn, rnanarnng e<htor. spoke Janua1v 2:), w1th a demonstration 1~

ht- actuul ,._re wiU not he k .... rm £tane, S~ Jet:ar) -t~ea~m.er, :\fargarct :Gecf l!idlt.;tr_.,. Q°' ,e of lntpO~tant .. lcf the nattcnal } lt:~ent a""Ol'lat•o11 l-:amr·ifll? 'l lot<:. of whPat A.t th until the end of this week. ::s:n~dl; hi~tonan, Chnstma Rothius. I L Int ercollegiate Knights Sponsor frt.le.:_~ fn~ 1:1_ •• iuu.1 \\on a J.h: ... l8ozeman rauroad raHb . .f'ollowin;

The present squad of 20 men were SO. -G CO:\TEST WR ITERS! Phases of Monta n a Farm in g. I . C f PI d . as< iatmir rn t e ro•cnt contc~t In I' this e.>10n,tration the men repaired selected trom about 80 Fro•h and R esearch Conduc t e d as l o . ew u s lom o e g Ing. ' <.c to keep this ratrnz, theo_ILJ30 to the Bozeman }fiilml? Company'< upper-class men. Each week 15 men _.\re you " orhing on your col- P rofi t Front Ce r ta in Typ es of Esth er Bo :vinan and Fnthoff Dance at G\m. Pegram's :Jtwk " 1ll ha\e to ... nc~ a out a-:> pet o~ant \\here t.hev ,;ewc~J nev. methods shoot and the 10 highest scores are lege son~ for the A. ,,._ S. con- Feeds Joh nson 1\Jal\e uA" Flush. - ht~r>t- tnt>hP 1 t'·c·:l:ei 1·1 Th~ 1"h·a" 0

1:1 .for .n cleanmg biendrng and m11lini:r U'cd to make the final score. If any t(st? Don't forget that the~· are .' 1·111 1'n H1'JJ Places T h 1'rd on Orche::;tra t:,. ,.. a c, e o e.:(., mt a nae: wheat for floU1 . Tne afternoon wa:; - due in fo:.ir '' eeks, on Saturda.", _-\. .c.•te-.. are s:io\\ In"' h ·m mterE: ... t I I of the men who a1e not on the s.qua:l . · "' - • · I emp vre< rn a study of mechanical

one week. but during practice of that :re~i~ai~· ll~~·ricakt h~~ :~ O':\'ei l's Thu beef c:attle industry is a major List . . t!it .u.ntest that the n~Jm!lers of en- '.!rn'.n c-radintr metho:is. :week raise their score abo\·e any man in..:ustnp in the state of Montan1. ,,fl :ir~·e! Hc~rye!PT~; r.nn~ lhap~er: res ~c e.~"e ~shout.~' rer ct•rt a )londay was spent in f;;rther study on the team, he is immediately put SIX ARE

1N1T1 ATE D RealiziOg this fact. the experiment Two students Esther Bowman and f~ ~~~i~c;llt~1=\~~r~;~;h~~ ~~~~~~s th~ (Continued ~1 ~gQ Two) r·: whtat .~·adin'.?' me ho s .. Today the

r\'eek's shoot. In this way there is cf ~ests sm~e 192b. T~ese e~ pe11ment.s or three points per credit, according will be iriven in the gymnasium TI('xt j B BROWN DOES GOOD . ~ ·hip es o.. he t t .. ken fu~m car-on the team and competes in the next station h~s be~n .conducting a _series I Frithiof Johnso;, made an "A flush'' fiJ

1st a1rnual Fan!!--Pledl!e dnn~c which -- - l~~c!~~ are l!~a~:n~ b; sigh_t some

very much competition at all times. BY M s c TORMENTORS ~1,-·h1ch ar lll connection w1th fatten- to Professor Tallman, who recently Frida\'. Januar" :n, immediately • 'ft. f~, . .P~d out ~f .:n.o~tana this year. 1he schools with which the team m~ of h~~f cat~~e are t~ be,co1~clucte: arranged th<' hon~r roll li st. One after ·the game ·between thl~ Il<Jbcato; ! WORK AT CONVENTION rr:nn the ~,~;.:f 1~-r~o.:.~<1~: irfue;tr~~~h~

fired this week are some of the o:er a t!.1~11 pe11od of f1v.e )':a1s. T~ . I hundred and thirty-one students' and the l'.tah Agi.,ril·S. Pt·:,{ram'~ or- I ualitv 0 thew h~ats that are com-$trongest of the country. They arc, td1redct p .. lJ?OSc.1 of the . e.xper11nents ISf names appear on the fa ll quarter roll. I chestra w'll furnbh the musk. Ad- 1!f'tin~ wit'h 1[ :itana··~ rorluc Ohio State Univer!';ity, Cornell Uni- H ansen , O live r , Veazey, 'Vinn, o etermmo econom1c1al means o Th h 11 f th t I · · ·n b ~ 1 l ,... · • P. "' P e. versity, Uni\•ersity of )!aryland, \ ' F l t d 1\1 C II 1\1 d fattening beef cattle in this st.ate. The It ef lo9~~\'o·o. or e au umn quar- m1T~.on. w1 . ~ t ~e1~h~l~~;,"~e·t an I \i'ord Receiyed From 01'ficial;; .\s a fittinz rln>e for the c01wen-Conn. Aggies, Univer ity of Idaho, an • ee ' a n c a a e zrowin~ interest in this pha~e of the I er o - ---· is: . i~ is gomg o : . . 1,.. s . . ;on an evenin~ of daneinl? and card~ and Orej?on State College. The 10 Mem b ers. ' .Yinn E I e c l e d livestock im!usr1· is e\·den<ed by the I. Es.ther Bo" man, 19 Credi.ts. J ~est aance of ~h~ ;cai ~!lo. l?d ;o~~ of l ' . '. F. .\, Compliment ha he, n ' he•lule<l for toni~ht at the

en of the Bobcat squad who ha<l the Busine l\-1anager ";Umber of ktte1 s recei\'~ bY: t_he sta- 2._~r1th1of( John~Ol1.' 19. cred1~s: tl~:~~ arg ~~et ~~·lrna\h· ~ew :-;,Fan~ ~lontana tate Delegate on Hctd Baxter. ighest scores this week and their lt10n to a markc extent m gl\·mg the 2.1•> to 2.9.)9 pomb pet credit. l ., lx· ~.. ' .- --· . . . I -.-.----cores as as follows: Erb 356, Eh- sto:kman th~ inforniation he desires. 3. Armin Hill; 4. Hobert Wells; 5. _Ice!!•• a1e t? • be t ".1 ~ t" near I l11s Conlnbullons to" ork . 01JCE. . . an 353. Fall man :{51

1 Nevins 349

1 The Tormentors of )[ontana State Fer example, various feeds arP used Henry Eagle: 6. Philip Ehmanj 7. ~o~ie of the :11.~P;lJe. t mt.; .c ,.that <la --- The :\lont :man office v. 111 he . . 33" I h · . I . • . I . f' f Earl s·lwk· I Pt:'ar1 Hirsch · 9 Robert S?l<Ll PY crrhf' ti.\ (an Jl lu ·( • an . _ rnt>n from 1 to 1 <'n Thursday stey 341, Holst .340, Johnson 1, co lege m1ti.ated six people 111to th" and t etr 1e~u ts te 01de<. Pio it. o !. < 1 • • ,. • • • • • la .• bu'" llflt Jen~~; ht;) th e to l'njoy Tnt: foll w111~ lt-t.l•r wa::, rcce•\l'H f .1 f ti · ·.

aley 3:l5, Kauffman 331, and Buck- crgamzat1on ~lond~y evemng, Janu- (Continued on Pag-f' Two) PBol.lo~·k.'. ~\,R~~iol_ph l;~.k):l·l·l.!Clht)~~ (l mtinnNI l"ln Paf!'•' Thr("f'l D\ tt1e Exponent edito1· trnm Cro.:.<'l l.J ~i~e~noon un it ur ier notice is and 3:;0. ary 20 . . .\.ft<1r whicn a banquet was e!m~i •. 1-. · n~te '' <1 ·l. •· OI:-- :\'arw:'r. ]!1.W pn·--idtnt of tnt• :\a- ,... e ·

S To

l~~:~o/~r~~~k~~~~l~;~el~~~i~.et hall in Conl\l1'11g Wo1·ks For .i~:t'~~~llel..1: 1,;:aR;l~l I~):t~i~i i~: Fl . g· Corp mants ~.i~~~;~d~~7.;Federatrn11>;..\111eri.i;' STUDES W IN RED l\VILSON TALK Tnose initiated were picked from' Edwin Eagle. YIU ff "lhe past officets and e,c,_ti\'e ~

0 l GE CLUB ~~e IJ:d'~~~~~cn~i.~ ~i:;'.n~~·0~~1 i·~ H1'ghway Depa1·tment i8~01i~r;~!~.~:~:~~'i§.e~ 1~~:~i~11 en; C o lleg-e Graduates 'F~:1~,:~t~i~~, ~f -~~;.,i~-,~t;~~'~£ t~t~H~~'. C ROSS INSIG N IAS

C LLE AG House'_', and two who took leading f 19. Grace Anderson; JO. Am?n Andes; dents of )fontana State Cocleg:e to parts in the busmess of the play. ___ 22. ;.\lelbourne Pnrk1.· r; 2.t Hattie know that vour <ltle2'ate, Be1 ncHd C.

-- ~hose who make. tormentors m i.:st I c· . . . Long; 2;3. Gerald - \Ve~1tworth; 25. . - ~ ' f' Brown, roOk a prominent. I :trt and

l\.< t ' p· t S h . t M t first ha1e the unanimous vote of the


1v1l Eng m ee n ng Head Makes James Copelan<l. 2». Wilbur Jurden; Reserve Officers of R01 ( \\ tll i 1.na:lo caluable contributi.ms at the Campbell to Give Examiners Test iO ion IC u res O\~ n a ee · I active members . . J n this way. those Tests of Steel , Concre t e, and 2~. Helc.n Com well· ~7 LeRoy Good; I Be Given Pre f~rence in Select- rc'e 1t Con1?1e's at Stanford t.; nher-

m g , Talk on Russia By Econ - wo set.m most hkely to benefit the R d E i t f S t t 21. Edwin Lasscttrc 27. Ruth Lowe; . f C d • ,;\,-, on Hcturn Trip. Twenty-fi"e Try omist Featu re of Evening 101?'anization are selec.te_d : I oa qu p m e n or a e ~~· 1:1iz3:beth Seit:z, ·7._ Flora Davis; ion O a ets ·"rn ad{lition to J?I se>ntin.!" campu5'

I .. J hose who were m1t1ated are as --- ... ~. \ erme Ballyntlllt .~.3. Earl Doney; r1cbleni.;. and findm:! the1: pt :->silk

, . -. -- ...... tallows : ,::i.lr. Bert _Hansen, who as . ~ofess_or ~- D. Conklin~ of ~he 33. }.la1:y~ LO\\ ~l('y . ·~ Charles. Em~- I Cdle,..rn gradu.ttt•s of Re t•r.e Of- solutio~,._ _in confertn<.'t'~. ddezate~ "· tdne.s ay _mght at t .:30 m. the head of. tne .~ramat.1,c clepa


rtment ?,~ c1v1l engmeermg departnH ;1t dunng- mett; j6. .A1 thlP :Sandenow , 36. ficcr's Tr~ininir l' rps units will be enthu~1.a~t1cally set ~n ·t P~ g1a1!1 ?• eng-meezmg a~sembly, the Agncul- t~ecol.e;gc , d11ected A Dolls H ouse, the past year has made 5;, tests of (Continued on age Two) ~ivcn pnfc·enl·e lOr appointment a 1 c~~a.nswn for th~ Federation .. .fht~ tu1al Club sponsored a ~hort program. !Blll 11cCa_ll! Jr., w~o was at the head 1steel. 98 tests of conrret(>, and testcl Flyinz Cad<:t..:; in cru tht•1e are more I prc~ram ('st;;.blbhe~ a c~nt1al of~ll'(' Two reels of moton p1ctu,re comedy lcf ac1,-ertismi:r busmess of the ~lay; eight gra<ler blades for the ).lontana qua.ified ~andi<l1tcs tlian \ai.:ancic·..-::;, an CXL'C~ti\e ""eCrttar) anu pni\·ide v.•ere shown a~d :\!. L .. \\·uson, heaa an i.iho~e f.ro~1 t,he cast, ~elen Ohver,, Sta.· te. Highwa)~ Commission. The. te.::;t- ARMY AND N AVY according to word. rett•h·cd f• 0111 t!tc or th~· l' eat ion o_f a hl ··t. >:. S .. F .. .\. of the E~t~ns1?n Serv_ic~. spoke on S_tock;on \\eaze~, am \Vmn, and Ray mg is done through a ('OOperai1ve ... ~ \Ynr D('partnH•n .. b,· Cart L. D. Ze<.•k, ommatee on ea. 1 l'amp~s: This ~c-' \\ hcat :a1s.mg m Russia . \an I leet. . . . . . ag-1eement with the State Il ig-hway / of the :Jlilitary Sti• !ll'e & Tactk~ t!cn make::. possible obtammg- Cl~1 "lll·

"Russia is a \'Cry large country, Af~er th 1nitiat1on a s.hort.busmess Com mission and the Colle~e to do MEN H AVE BALL Ct't':l!tmci~t of tl1e College. It iable out'." id:.• support, thl' bl•m fil of lorn prising nearly one-sixth the l~nd m.~etin~ was held at wh1ch. fame Sam <_.uch testinP' for tho C-Ommission. "'hih· it i:. understood that c: r adu- which will be folt. on. th~, campus ot

~urface of .the srlobe. The Russ~an ' '; 11.n was e l e~ed to be busme~s man- The s~i?J spet"imens a.re used in t.~e I ate,. will be giYen 1·1 elercnc·l" this O<'. I·'' e-ry n u11b~r insti:.utt.>n. ,eople a1e Slavs 1A"th some 2\longohan ~ ... er of the

111.ext Tonnentor s ~lay, re-en.fore.mg of the cement used m not prevent st dl nts, in g'()')d :--tand- Smtett""ly yours,

Iooc.1 mixed in. These people are Mary Rose .· It :vas al~o ~ec1~ ecl const r uction work and tests inc ma<le Each year, in Jl emLer, at the in'.!'. who hnvl~ completed thl·ir so11ho- er~t~l C. ~ar:cr. ra.tly tespvmdble for the condition that the cnl1ro business oq:ra niza tion on stocl rods to detel'mine their Aunv and ::\av~ Ba held ai ~o~ton, i11c1e \T·ar ni thl" College from mak- H12H prr--ident ~. S. P.A. 0 , Russia tod~;. for. the play ~ h ould be made up of strength . The cc ncrete specimens are ciack infanti1r unit of the m1lit!lry inO' aPnlication.

Cue ~ th~ type of government, To1~nen.to1·s and that the Stag-e or- made durinj? the constructi on of the 01ganizations in ~ ,En~land com· f'andidate~ n u~t be at tlw time 0 nASl\ETH~\LL NOTICE

Last :\londay. Tue~1lny. anci 'W'ed­nesday, January 21. :!~. ~·~. )[r. Camp­bell of Utah j?al'e Red Cro's lnstru"· tion to aJI student~ of :\lontana tate College that desired to win a Red Cross emblem.

'\Jr. Campbell i~ heing- sent out by the Red Cross Org-anization to hold lhr~e test$ throui.rhout th(' northwest. He is now in Butte eondud·n~ exam­inations. On hi.:; rl'turn trip, :>Ir l :rn pbcll \•;ill again come to Boze­man to give the examiners test to Pat Dolan, Kathryn Kellett, Erma :\lonroe, Cap Griffin . and any one cl~t:' who has already wen a Red Cro~~ t~mblt•rn and has ambition to berome

piactices are in a very backward con- ~1r. Hansen 's play JH"O~uct10n cla~.s. det.ennine t.hC1 strengi. h of the con- Dir cl<>1s of. thL· Su er~ and Sa~l?rs and 27 \'l'~rs, of exl·e!lent eharacter. practirf'·• in b<'frre Fth. li. The an cxnminer. Ru . ..;sia. had years ago, agi;cultural /: Qamzat1on should be se l e~ted from

1concrete structcTeS and ai·c btoken to pete for a 5iJver l'll .-Ol'Ulte<l by_ the applkaticn bt'tWL·(.>n the :l.!c of ·~O t.irls he "'Ure and gt•t yc,ur

~iticn. Some of the methods are over I'he Tormentor:; who have parts !n j --1·ete at the encl of 28 and 60 days. Clubs. lhll lllf.!' th ast co:npdillon ..;:ournl ilhrsi<iue and in l'XC'ellent I team~ a.re in the 1um. Tourna- The ed Cross exami nation include~ 00 years behind the times. The land · .\1ary Ro~e" are Lora Brown, and The ~rader blades. were tested to de- h~ld in the Balln11 n of t he Cople;'- )iralth. · ' muit l>egin:-; Fl'h. 17. .\II pr:tc- :rnch e,·cnts as the proper approaches wneci by the nobles, and the serfs.I F rcd Benmon. The rest of t~e ~ast termme th~ rolallve weaii ng quali- Paza Hotel. ~}w vv Platoon. i_n The first ln~g whi(·h th·s year·~ tire.; must he rcconkd b) that toward a drownin~ person; the ived on the land and took care of it. are not members of the organization. (Contmued on P age Three) Command of L!L•utPn nt .0. J. Gullick- (Continued on p~lg'e Two) dal('. strang-le holds and their rL~leased; cnr-Vhen the Czars went out of power. ~on. U. 8. ~:l\-') .1rned off the rie~: and th(' methods of artifil•ial re-h' !and came into the hands of the COLLEGE LIBRARIAN R£POR honors. . EK PLA '!\TS su<itation. Of the 2;, per<ons who c.-asant.s, anJ a~ricultural conditions TS ThC' Xrt'Y Plat ll was dres~cd . in FARM AND H OME WE .lYi he~an the Jeg~ons onlv the followin~. e~~~~t~ ~~~i~~~~ipaily a wheat pr~- 11 / N c RE As ED BOOK CIR c ULA T10N Na\'Y ( ~~~l~in~~t;ton p~~~l;!=~~e:)T\ ice R A p I D L y B E ING COMPLETED t~;~ p7~~~~ th~dtc~~x ..;.~~~~~~~-~~i)ya~~e t~~

ducmg- country. The deep black soil --- . --- 0 x~rniner: Doroth\' Dou ... las. Ruth roduces good wheat when properly


. · 0 I F. ---- Riddell, Kenneth Ffepz~. Clarc Freeze areci .~ai:. At present t~e ~o'·.ern- . T here ~as be~n a de.ci '.eel increas~ ltcry, \Vorld's work and Harpers may

1 T hrrC' "ill lw a n a1::se mhlv :\Janv of the innumerable que~tion!'> 1irt."'"e:-- on t;nation b) <'hailt•" E C'lar.encc Frce>~e. '~·cslt•y Keifor, Jack

ent lS mtroducmit modein agrieu l- ,m the c1r.ulat1on of the books of now circulate fo three days i T hu rsda.' rnornin .J anuary 30 asked 'tw farmers nnd shckmen re- lk~r~·t. p1t::-it't·nt. of thl• lc>wa Fam Erkilll, and Bill ''alker. t'T<1l method-:. . qn a 450,000 acre :\1ontana State \.ollegc Jibrarv accord- An inter esting- feature~ Or ·t he libr- I at t he Gnn na!'ium fro m 10:2a to ~ardinf! the Ft:ckral Farm f'nar,l nn I 1 ll'a•1 · ·

1•rt;etiltun1l <·omn<:ition bY I --ai m, the largest m. the world . n_1od- ing- to 1\Iiss Stout, librarian . who arv is the d i ~p l ay (·asc in which new 11 :Hi o;clnd .... , 111• usua l fin• its oi,('·ation,. will he> flll"i''<'l'l'cl at f. I.. '''il:;,~n. hl':t.!1 of th<• (lcpaiiment . XOT!\E . ·rn me~hods ~re b~rn~ useJ; Little I quotes the followin~ fi g-u r es: Novem- boOks are placed· t cn ll the studf•nts' J>Cri nd J»ysfl'tn "111 hr u"ccl and Parm and Home \\'erk at :\lontamt of :un-i ultural el·onomi. s at :.\[untanu .\11 .Jumor <1chnty li st~ mu~t :~ney is r!Jt m build~mrs. fh e nee- ber , 1H28. 746 books (not including attention to them. On holidays bookt; aJI classei:. "ill h· ilismi~ ... ccl dur- ~tate Collt~~w. Bozenrnn. l·l'h!"lla1~· :· St .. te Ctill"'I!<~: and l°"<'l'nt et·nn<mtic h(' _called for a_t the rC"J,!1strars . .sa1~· buldmgs are built on wheels so I rcPerve hooks), 'ovem ber, 1929, 1110 pertainin..,. to the occasion 3re dis- ing t he assemhb to g, ae ording- to .]. C'. Ta~~lor, di- han~e-: and their dfl":t upon az1i- off1c.c and µut Ill thi" bnllot h.ox 1at the.y tan be moved. about. Work j bcok~ , 3-1 52 reserve books.. Tho staff plaved. Th ere is a lso a , helf for new The sof'ah<•r "ii he .J . \Yilliam re-etor of the )!onh1i:i Extl'n:>io11 t·ulture of tlw .:\1.1·thwt"· .. t by Curt:s L. I outs ide of the :\lcntnnan office s c.one by tractor hatallions, made up cf the library this year is composed books on the desk. · Terry, Edilor rtf •he L<'np:uc of

1 ~('n·ice. \Y. _.\, Sehocnfrl I ie"':ional )fc-;h"l' of 1he F~~lC'11l Rr~l''\"C bank hrfore Saturrltt~

f ~wehe tractors and the necessary .('.f Mis~ Stout. head li brarian , i\f iss l\la nv new books have beern, pur- X at i 011 s ('hronk lc. Tlc has direttor 1>f the Farm Bo:tr I, will be at \lmnPapolis. QUlPm~nt. :\1cn and women ha".e I Preston. Mrs. Pav~oni and 1\fr:-;. Crew, .hagc-J bv the Jibrnrv lhis V('1r amontr tran•lcd in F.ur~ 11E' and is an l'l'C'<;l.Cflf nt the Rozpmnn lllt><:tin[?'. . ~pecial pr01trams l"or whr-:1 g-row XOTICR ual r1g-hts and much or the work .is a~si~tant librai·ians, and J a 111 ea which the l4. th edi ion of th~ <Encv- ;i uthor ity 011 in lcrO'Lf ional affairs. \\"hi}(' the addrl'ssl'S and ch:-wus::.1011:-; Prs. ~totkm('n, potato i:rmn~rs an I There will h<' a Senior C'lass o~e by women. The p~ople th1·ow m ~evins. student as~istanl. tlopeclia Brittanira is probablv th(' Stud ents ma ) reml·m h(' r tha t last of Fa1m Bo'Hd mattt•r:<; will occupY a frir1'' w~mlcn are li-.t<•d for t>aeh day mceti ni:r Thur~ay l''·eni nl? a t five

O·•ether anl ea<'h r"'cen·e n share S I h h b I . , h I Jl E' k II ,,J,•·n o[' •. ,, •• i··,1! i11'0111i'11·n·'c• c11 th<' i1f th" WCC'k. ..\t the"t' j."'roun mN't- o"clock in Oean ll nmilt on'"' l<' tl ure R

. <. • c. '"' • .- • • ev('ra t ant:i:es ave ec-n ma<C' ~ n rno~t. imnortant. Bulletins are sent to ,·e:1r th l',. i•arr r .... 1c ·e )('r~er . ,..·.._- "'··· .- ~ us-;;ia lS tryll~!?' to m5t1tute the the rules. Books are now checked for I the facultv nnnouncin(! the new book~. ~'ho at .that tim·· occ111>ied th<' Fann and Hon1l' "fe('k pron·ram. o h<>r inl?'s -:tatC' anrl ff'ttiunal authoritips will rocm .\II St•niors are ur{!ed to

fa('tor S\"Stem m pla e of the old one Wf"ek only hut may be renewe·J. Two of the"o Jiave nlreadv been sent same 110sition H.., '1r. Terry do('s fr11t11res whi<'h will b(' of I atiil'ul;n < :..,('ll"S n'"f'llt ;l'!tin~ltural <lC'\elop- be pre!:'ent n~ importnnt husine~s eac.ant farm sv tern and so far the Th' 11 'd D I' · I · k t i

1,.ntei·e·. t to f,• 1·niei·<., sto•k11•en am! mcnt~. findinP"s of exneriment ~tat.ions will be diHu~sed. · ~ • is a ows a w1 CT trt:rn-over. up i- and a third will soon be ready. a l the 1>res<'nt tun e. s pea · on tc " " ' esults have been successful." cate copies of Atlantic, Current His- (Continued on Page Two) sa me s ubject. women of this coun Y include ad- (Continued on Page Two) Orland Ward. President

Page 2: OLDIE BOBC ATS DIVID E SERIES - arc.lib.montana.edu


U-"::::::=:::.-::.n::::::::!l:.:::t:::::::::r.:::::! ::.:.::::::::::.::-:.::.r.:.:::!1.:l.:!::::i:!"'.!t!:l!::t::z

i TULIPS fl g This lo ' el) spring- Fltl\\ er mal,t's beautiful rt'n lcrpieccs I

t---'J\L\TI'ERIXG FROJ\l HERE .\.i'ID THER~---1 · w ATTERS Is HEAD OF ! IN OUR J\llDST l ENGINEERING COUNCIL +------~-~~~----~---~--~-~--~+

Estahlished l!HO Continuance of the .\lonthly Exponent, Established lt-:~IS

Publbihc..·J ev<•ry Tuesday of the coll<'~e year by the staff chosen from the Associated Stud4Jnt. oi )fonrnna "tatc Colkge at Bouman. :\lontanu

Anything- tu foll hnt:k on -a rct·('nt is~ut.· of th1t Kaimin ~ay:; "if thl' Bohcnts t·,·cr win a tral·k Hll'cl we'll ~h·e them )Jain ll all."

... f\lr dinner parties - ~ Orga nization l'o111110:-cd of Re- ii tl prc_enlati\cS of . \11 E ngincH- f! ---'·--- ii ing Departments on llill. Dean il M L h F/ ?. Cobleig h Is Facult) _\d,isor fl angO r Orist ~

.lnmos II nlkrs "°'" dt'<ll'<I prosi- r.:.· 1 9 ~- J\ lain ' Phone \)j V:

Ft.•v\•t•n's sakt.•, don't lt'l the ··hig-her-ups" here gl't lwld of this, hut at the 'ub:..criplion Rate ;$2.00 p<.•r :..chool ) t•ar l·ni\"l:t·~ity of l'tah ~tudcnts tmdcr cig-hte<'n )"l'nr:s of ag-~· will ht;.• nrn•stl'<l

-----------------------------:-:- J if they Uh.' ,1ut 011 th'"' :-;tn·~·ts of the town aftt.'r ~ p. m. Acceptf.>d for mailing nt special rate of po~tarte 11N\"1ded for m ~ection 1103,

Art oi Ot tolirr :J, Hl::?7, authorized Fl'l)ruary 17, 1~119 :'IIayllC' thl' Jwsp1tal will ha\·e a little pence and quictnt':-:-- now thut ;\l:irtha Flynn and hl'1· nwb ha\"e mo,·ed out.

dt..•nt of lht• t ni.rirH.'1..'rin~ 1..·ounl'il at 1ls i.! 1 ir:-;t. r1..·~L lur 1nt·1..·1i11z- vf th~ yf':1r, r:::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::.::nt:::u:::::::::::-::::::::::...""::nu::::::::::::n:::::::::i::u::::::.::u hC'l.I la::-t. Fridn\· :1ftC'rnoPn. llt


11ry -----------------------------­Eag-le wus ell' lt:d ,·in• pn·.·idl'nt and Telephone: J t7-A .. J\ fur J;;\. pomnt. On .\lont.la) s after :i :00 P. 1\1. SO

Editor-in-Chief .. Business i\fonagcr ...

Uid "Pl•tt>'' and ",J1..•ny-· pro\"idl• <ll1 extrn fi\"e pounds for Lill' Alpha 0 Lcon:inl A. \\"ing, '31 g-ue:-:ts or did they all just t u"'h in with a ~TY "dih~ on till' big- drnnks ?''

HtlLl--rt J)ull, :-<l('rt.•l;.\1').'-ll"t'll"lll1..'r. ,... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I e I I' I I I I I I I I •• Tlw t•n.dnL't-tini.r l·oum·il 1s n11n1H1:-.cd

of the pn•sidl'lll :111.! llllc othL·r tm:m­bC'r cle1..·tt_•d at lart..:.l' from t•ad1 l'lld- • HC'erin!!' 01gani7.ation nn lhL• hill. Thl' mcmb1..•rs ot the <'1 1 :.riml'rin~ tound athi tht' ilJ..•partnll'nts th<.•y 1·t•p1·t·scn1 nre: l'lt•d1it··1l. Erir \\"il.;:,on and Enrlt.• Rudher:.::: <.•n).!i1H<.•rin1.; physit-s. :\i<-h11las Butt i ancl ( l·irt•nn- (, nnt•ll; l'i,·il. lkm~· Ea~lt.· and llen1·y 111.'lland; nwchani~a!, .lim \\'a: tt rs and Clt'llll x, 1Tutt: lwmi1.:al. .Ja,·k Comnd\' and \\~111. \\'a ll; and indu:-t~ ial, J?1)ht.·ri: nu~I and Edwin Eag-k. ll<·an (\lh}('b.dl j.;:. ~·:wulty nd\"isur for th<' t•ng-int•t..•lill!! t•mrn r il.

i\Ianoging Editor ·······-······ ·· Assistant Editor •

i\ens Staff

Assoriate Editor ··-·-······- ····-······-·-··-·· .,.............. ... .. . ..

.... Carl \\' nil, '32

William Flynn, 32 Ruth Platt

)I ichael Deevy Sports Editor ............ ___ .,.. ........ _ .. G<'org-e Hart.

Assistant:-, \\'allate Harrity, Harold Gremer, t.'hct Jluntll~y, Pat :O.lcEiliott Feature Editor . ······· ········-····················· ..... ....... ... )fary Hnkulu \Yomen's Sports .. , Uuroth~· G:irrett

A:ssistnnt Frnnce:s Fogler Socicty Editor .. . .. ·············-············· ................ . -· ·· •.•••.•.. Alit:e \'andenhook

:\I is~ Brt'\\""-'1": \\' ht.'l"l' W;ls Llumpeii ·: ! lilly \\'i:-11('1". I t'l.1n't tell y11u :-Oli:,;:- Brewer. .:'11. B. b it u Sl_'lTL'l !

The odds url' now to l on the :\It· \rthur-Bt.•nnion hcnll. ll1lpesll•rs ::;ay it will be a push-o,·er for ,\k..\rthur.

This t•olumn is thinkin;.:- ol ~pt111soring a petition to ask for uphubtcring in '.ht• wi11d11w.; 111 )l(lnt:rn:l llall. Thnt W(IU!d l!O t11 tlw ;:rounds t•ommittec wouldn't it'!

Valentines • • 1 ho,c Old I'ashioned Comirs

and Some With La!'e and Frills

HAIJSEMAN & McCALL t East J\lain

As:sistants, Elizubeth Seitz, Bcrnil'e Norris, GrL1 lchC'n Lehrkind, .:'llildred \'"evins J lekn Olin·r, Tl're~n O'Dvnnel. Louit>c S:\Undt..•1·s, .losl'phinc :'lliklich Typing-~ Eli7.alwth :-;eitz, Hetty :\k:\"cil, llcil'n Snudt.•rs, Eliznbeth Graham Ick C'ranC'.

l tOtlk onl) i<'11k at the line g1)ing into the Rialto Su1uln) nilt.' and tlwt to nt)st•lf "~lcl"cy. nll'rcy!'' ( \\" hnt n thot to ha\'c of a Sundny l'\"t•ning-1.

Tht> Jllll'JlO!-it' of tlw l'lll?illl'rin;: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I r I r I I , I , I I I tOUJll'iJ is tn fo~t<'l" ht•tt.tr tel:1tion-shiJ :-< ht•twt·n llw tlit'ft•n·nt t.'llJ.{iJWt•r­inC" l!ro:·ps on tht.• hill. lo J!"O\t•111 tlw )' O}it-it.•s COIH'Pl"llill).!" t'll '"ilWt'l'ill~ in g1 m•1:.il, and tll ad in nn atlvi:-.m·\ C"apnc-ity to the Dt.>an of t'JH!"illl•t·1·ing..

'\'c think LU\\lllun ouf!"hl to lwld a publit l'<'l.'it:1l :1ftl'r lwnrin•!" ~l ilitary Editor L'harlei:; llle rendition of "The Fal'1.• on the Har-rotim Floor'" at tht• 0. B. party.

Business Staff tohan·o cht•\\lllg h;.s Ad,·erlising ~fanngcr ... . ..............•...

The:,;1..• !:'nowy pnths W(1uld st cm to Jll'O\ ~ thut . • ... Al Greiner inl.'J·ea:,;ed .i:dHI 11cr t't.'fll in the l~ist :::ix months.

) IOXT. \ X.\N WORI\ XOW PROGRESS I:\·; Assistants: Earl llan~on. Bob .Jonc.•s

Business Assistant·······- ·····- · .Frank :\[acCormick wa::; t1l cll>ct a nutional CXCl'Uti\'c ~u:-' F .\Hi\I ~\ND JIOi\lE \\.EEJ\. 1l\1nt..nuc•fl rom P:ti!~ tlnc) Circulation ~lunag-er .. .... . .. .... .Jack Erkkila r~t~u·y, Form~·rly. the :seu·ctnriul work PL \N --.

1, \ I> I ]) L y ..-l•ar.

of thl• vrg-u111zat1011 was done by a • "' • "'"'~ra .\nn CY~<·il, (•11itor, made the Re1>orter~ woman who :.pent ~er time and BEING COJ1PLETED 3~sil.!"lllll<'llt-. for tht• nu.:t month's Ead Rudbl'rg-. :\111rgard Rowmnn. Franklin D1..·wl'y, Lol'l'a1ne Thomp:son, / monl'y to.' i~~t ~a~·~. ol the :-hhools I W< rk. 111 aw in I! n <il':hf lit:t• of J·\•hru-Armin Hill. \'in.di Hurlburt, Chris Schlechten. Gladys Elliott, .\rthur ~h<'ldon, 01111.:L~ e\c

11; t_"

1o )e·~~~· . B ,k .

111 • . . nry 1:1. tor pi c: turt•" and to;1~·- ".\ll

, . , lay ltHHt.'n, -'t.11ni.t l'c.: ~1 1 (C-0nt1muJd trom pngc One) fraternit\- an(l si~ro. • :~ piduit.·s must ( lar~ \\ hth•. • . T?mmy ThomJbOlt g-a\."t' .. ~.ho rt ta.k:; <iuring the pa~t. , l'ar, an.I the outlot1k bf' ta kt' It bt. fon• 1·\•i n. 1~.t\· 1 :l, tlln't' Proo! Reader John :\orlm ":1th n•g·cntl to posl"1b1lil1cs of the It.-i· crops and. · lt\t::olul'k lor l~J .. 0. gl't>UJH havin!.!' ntt·ml1t.•r:-; who hnn•n't

Couri" Print Boooman, Montano l::~\~1 1:':~~! ~~;.~~~~::'\i;i~u~:~~:llen~i 1~~~ {,~~~~C i~~s~~~~~c1'.::;~/~:;~"7~'.\c.~~ r,:,~~ ~;;11~>1;,~~!'." ,','1\1;/'~l::~ ,~,\';t\~." llll1' " ' 0

GR_\ DES tho appea1 an_ce of ou_r "wonder Ll'am 1 ;;,ible infonnatJon to lll'h them witn :'11 r. Pl•xtcr. advi~or for thr .:'llon-tho intcr<'~t m .the h1,1.rh ~chool µ-~unes their plan~ lot• the coming- ~ea::-un. tanan. ~pokt• a ft•\\ Wt. nl s of t nt'llltr-

1 ~as tic-~·reast•d s~l the _the }~unurn~e~t .\rrangemcnts abo h~n1..• bet•n made :tJ::"t'ntl'nt to tlw st-a ff :rnd ap:wah·d tr. . 1s hn~·nh· a_ pcl)rlllg-.

1nopo::-1t1on .. 'Ih~~ wheieby l\li·. SclHlenlcld will mt:!et thun to n~t their work in l'<-1.rly. I The grades for last semester are a~l rcpos.1n~ on_ the record qu~.:,;t1.on ;'·1~l bt:

1• :-e.tt;f~rc~~~1: 11 ~~11 ~: with each group to _ti.rn~idl•r wa:.·:,; Ll"'<>n:u1l \Yin!.{, :ls~ <'c~ah• {·dito1-, np- 1

:\heet i11 the office. The n1arks that w11l stand for tm10 to con1e d~Hkdb"h1 cnll tle c.:m Ir an.! m.eans for ma~u~g thl..' fedl·ral J"C'ah•d to th 1• ~t.aff t.\ c-t•t b~hh1d the . ~ .. · I tlll• to e let· market mg act ns adnum:-tt.>rcd by the htll an' ~l't thPir work don<• ln- F"'·b-are down 1n black and red . 1he toll has been taken and the ~ - . ----- }arm Board apply .to .Jlontaru1 pro- 1~1nr» I:l, and tlwn th<.·~- to~J.1 han• a Youths of the i1rnlitute classified. HO:'\OR ROLL I ducts. . . _ . ,,,callon., f' 1 ·0 \i1lin~ that t.ht• <'.aff ' I In add1t1on to th1:s tcnture :--pccial J!l't-; Uu•1r (' tlJl'.'-' into the> printer" on Just what these grades n1ean. no ??c ~an really ~ay. .T.hat NO'V _\NXO NCED p1:og-rams ha:·~ been ai-rtrngc~l. for 1 ~i:11e. th_<' 11_1-ime-1~ p:·omi~t·s tn (i"'·lh·er the,- are a just mark of a ,;tudenb' ab1ht ,. 1s a matter of op11110n. II cdne•da,-, J hur,da,- :md l· rnlay, he book ln. ~11, J,,_ . .

· . . . ' · · · d<'aling with Jin~stock m•velopnwm.s The lll<"t't!ll!! C'lldl•cl with informal That they are fairly gn·en i:::: another matter of op1111on. How- (Continued from Pa~<' One) in the state. Tht..• result:- of rt•cent 11i~(·u:-.;~iflns nf th .. \"arinus p1 1hlC'1ns of e\"er. this nH?thod of pa;-;sing pupil fron1 one cJa,gs to another Stockton \*razcy; :rn. lri.!ne Leach; :~9. sheep <'xperimrnts t!nd modl•rn ty1~s tl11..~ diff<'rl•nt ilt.•11nr nwnt l'(h1 lJ"~.

. . . . . . rl Lowt..~11 Kurtz; :H.l. Otto Van Horn; ..J~. of h,·cst()(.'.k will be l'Oll~idC'r!!d \\ ed-

;-, ............................................................. , ......................................... _ .. _ .. _ -...................................... _ .. _ ........ , ............. ........

~ WIN HER HEART WITH CANDY ~ ~ The Sweetest Yalcnlinc .; \ ~ ~ SPEC!.\ L \\"1111\\1.\.'"S BOXES !• \ - al - ~

~ THE BUNGALOW ~ ~ "\\"Jwre Quality Reign~·· ~ ......... -........ _._ .. _ ............... -..... -.......... -................. -..... -.-.. -..................................................................................................... ..:.

Notice. Students! l'idurC'~ mu,;t lie taken and proofa returned immediately

if they arc to be in the )fonlanan


has been the i.a,1s of Amenca s education 8yslem s111ce it starte - Gail Fi,ke Awry; t~. Je•'e Bequette; nesday morning-. \l"c><lnos<lay after- COLLFr.B J,IBR \RT. \X P•amE::;::alii::=:!•;:::::s..:= ;;:::::a!lie::::::3-!So:::=:i-..= And as thert' an' no better ways introduced into this educational -t2. :3ami de.Jani. 12. \\" ilfrcd Stock- noon will be g-iccn "'"r lo Fedcrnl HEPOI 1 s IXCRE \SFO l - - ~--=~

. • .. . .1 Id~ ~ . . ley; .J.6 . .Jlurgarct Choate; 46. Robert Farm Boar<l mattc..•is. Thm·,day nwrn· BOZEM 4N MEAT MARKET system, the habit of g1<1d111g slt I ho s S\\a). Edwards; .lH. Elizabeth Franslrnm: ing J"C<"ent eXtl<'l'inwnts in the feeding I BOOK C'IRCl'L \ TJOX !,1 . ' . / Is this system fair to lhe student and is il fair to the Prof? .JG. Curtis Jlanson; .lo .• \rnolcl ;11it- of steers and swino will be• con,idc•rt•.I. - t - ~

, d b }. I b I 'h k th t t l l l chcll : ..tti. Lnlia Hom('ro,·; .:i2. Paul Thursdav aft<-n1ol~ll U,t! .Jlontana <Contimwd from P· ,.<' niwl \" No ou t t 1e niar \S are a$e{ on t e wor ~ a a ~ uu< en urns \Yennas; 5a." Bernice Anderson; 53. Shortho1~n Bi-et•<lt·r:>' a~~ot· iatiun will RccC'nt adclitinn~ to the lihr IT in- '' e ~pecia.Jize in the best of Dre..~.;:.ed Meats, Poultry in during the sc111cster and a good deal of the grade de1)ends on Frank Ball; 33. Ted llannant; o:L hold a pureh1t.·tl 1:onsig-nnlL'nL ~ale. <.:lud<' th'.~ fnllowinf."!''. · ~ and Fish

l. ·h. h ! ~ d t . "t). h .. f" • 1 .. . r Gl.'Ol'.l!(' ~farkin; n:t Kathll?en \"au~hn; Fri.!ay morninj! the prog-rum will rkal '.\"a~un.• ot' th<' Pln·.;;ica \Y 11 \ ' the mannel 111 \\ lC t le ::-tu en \\11 t;::; l~ ma exanlma lOll. 5~. Kathn-n Kellct; 3!J. Norma Beck; with thl• 1'('-)ertion of focding- dairy I>rilli:1nt <"xno .. iti n · th Ftll;;~·.!t. ~n

paper. As the fair:1e~~ and merir of finals are now undergoing~ S~I. A~hwort!1 Tl~?mpson; Gl. ~ar~h cat-tle •. and Fr1lwty nfter:noon l~as lwcn nC'wcr th<'oril•:-.; in 1

h\'SH · · i t 1 ~ b . d . d t . ·t ·. . . .. . b· bl th t . d . Bnrrmger; 11:!. \ IJl('l'nt :\Jorgan; 02. ~et aside for a to:.:r ot the hvt·~t.tX:k :\fozil, I:-:land, ~t ahroilk. \ tuih· n"

a l"IS]'1

l S UC ~ > 1110 e1 ll e uca 01 ... ' 1 l~ \el) pl O a e a gl a e:s Homer :\Iorton; 6·1. Ralph Andesj 6-!. ~C'Ction of th • Experiml'nt .Station. the n Ji.c:iou~ nnd <>irotit n.al Jif • of the

\\ ~ Cat~r 1..0 .F1·aternllH:_•s mid Sornnuc::-

Phone 161 1;3.) E. :\lain will be taken up in their turn by the n1en that are directing the Glen Frisbie-; 6-1. L~ll' .\lartinell; G·L .:\!ember:-:~ the Experimt·nt Station proplp of Haiti. d t . I · ·t·t t· . f th ~ t.. .Jieh-in .:'llat~on; '3-L \Yilliam :\Ir:Kay; staff who w t I u~~ist with the..~ Jin:sto:~ The F:ffu·th·e ( nlle.!"l'. Kl•llv . Four Delin~rie.s Dail)

e uca 10na lib 1

u tons 0

e toun 1 ~ · :?.:?3 to :!.·ln9 points p<'r nedit: mectin!?'s arc..• \\' . 11. \'aug-han, hca I 01 :-;ant' ~- n·<·\' ,.f tht• ht•"t thnu~ht of ?'"9;;;::::::i;-.:;::~.,,,_:::::::..-=:=-•::::::.1E::::=:.;o;:::::;.s::;:as::::!•~:::!!llE!:!:I.,; But as we are not n1aking up the ~tyle~ for the schools of the 69. Georgt· Ha,rt·s; 70. Constance the lhc~t1 <- (iep:irtm<'nl; \\'. J::. thl• tlay on t hP .\ml·r ·"'~n colll·g-"'·· >:.-""

country, and •\·en if we were. condition~ wil1 probnbh· remain ~rewcr_; 71:. " "illium Anderson; 71. Joseph in .~ ; .. c<' of ~h~·1..·p .l:xp~ri- Prl'fan~ to .:'ll" al". Lip•m .. 11111. '\lr. c ' · Kathenne l<i.her; 71. Allon ;l!e llhal- ments; Lnu> \inko whi>" duec\tng; Lippmann applit'' a 1>hiln•nth\· o' +---·---· - ---·----- _ ----- ------------~+ the same. ton; 7.J.. Clinton Baker; 74. Edward cattle and h fr{_\din:r triuls. and J. humani"'m to c1111tt·n11·ora 1:,- 1 robll~m'. Fhdier; 7..J. Charles Greenfield; 7..J. 0. 'T'rehven :l•n:-;ion dairy speciali~t, lhml!l'r Fic-ht('r~ . Dt• Kr('Uf. .\ honk ! I


Colleges make good news. Liquor parties and raids, fights be­tween faculty :rnd athletic barons, paint-slinging parties, or poker parties in laboratories are gobbled up and splashed on the daily press in black hearllines.

James Halloran; 7·1. Edward Hu estis; Promim•n1 nong- tht.• l'lltt.•11.ainml'llt about th<' ~11cn who :-<tmq• to make thC' J 'YE'LL TH.\1'1\ YOl' _\ .. ~D YOl'"LL TH\_ 'I\. lr~ I /.t. Alfred Lundquist; 'i·I. Arthur feature:". of f' week i:::. the "anm11l world'~ fond suppl)· kC'cp 1

a((' with I j Roberts; ~l. ll orni.:e Bolster; 81. Jos- fun fe('(.l''. "1 he ~uled for \\.<'dn1..•sday its population incn:tH'. eph Delaney; 81. Earle Rudberg-; 81. eYening, 1' 1 ··ua1·y :l. a dns:-;ic of :\IC'n and :\fn hin<''. Chas<'. An nn- l - IF - I Herbert Zwisler; 8;). Gcnc..,\'ie,-e Gam- •·not.hing s om;" whil·h ha~ alway::. ab·~i~ r-f th('> cultur,, of th('> ma<'hinC' I f hie; 86. K enneth Cople~·; 86. Louis be('ln one (•f t• hig-h !"Jmt~ of th~ an- an·e,_· an1i of thc nrol·nhlC" futur('- trt>nd \ C H Tl'tie; 88. Erwin Amick; bi3. Wesley nunl g-alh1 rm.~ at l\lont:inn ~tate 0 ~· life in n ma"hinf'-tidlizrd world. J ou 1 ("t -our air Cut at the 1 Funk; 88. iilnry Hawks; 8 .. J ohn lollef!<'. ~m·et,~"f. l "tunt". Rol11hotu:h F1fh· j I Lightfoot; bS . • James Watters; !J3. Ri.ulroatls l:l\'C ~ran.t.('cl tht• u!'ual "11''' t. imp ·omptu stunb for ~odnl : B

1~ x T E R B A R B E R s H o p 1 Htinry Ncrbo,·ig; 9·1. .:'llargaret Ander- far('·a~1d-:1-t h rd cxcur~10n. ratl' from occ·1~10n~ J 1 j .Newspapers juslif~· themse!l·es by saying lhaL the\' are not

publicity organs for the colleges, and liquor parties, when inter­rupted by the law. make readable news. Their public and reform leagues about the slate like lo be :;el agog by these collegiaLe imp1·oprieties-they eat it up.

son; 9.J. Llo~·d Good; H-1. K enneth all pomts n th<'_, sbt<". T1t'h•t-: may Stag-t• ('o .. tumin!.!'. Youn"". Tlit <'X-i j I .:'lloore; 9-1. Tcn•::-a O'DoLnell; 98. be boug-ht tr 1

)1 l•cbrunn· I to ·1 • nnd I f'Clien1·e.::-. in co~tumin!!' antl dC',il!ll of Harold Gunderson; HS. l'lc..•mcnt PJ..•ck; nre l!t)()l unt F'ebruary UL the eo"-tunw tl;n·dor of tlll' Ck\"<'l:tnd 100. Vktor Bauer; 100. Eric Blnnnin; - - l'l:1Yhou~e. +------··-------·--- - ·-------- -- -- - .. -+ lUU. Leomtrd E::stey: 100. Irene Jen- 'OTICE Thl• \lnd1•rn lb~Pn. \Yt•i.,and. _\ sen; 100. HC'nrv Helland; 100. Ycrnon ~tt1.1,. of lliscn'._ twph·f' sflo i.11 1lr~1m!l~.

The late.-t iniquity to t'l"ecp into public prine was a poker party at the lJni\'ersily of )[innesota. It was held in an engineering laltoratory. Poker games, as such, arc nol strange and unhPard of things an,·"·Jwre. nut when a college man sloops to such unechtc:1• i .. !1al pas limes like playing cards, taking a drink of an intoxicant, or throwing- paint lhe e1·er-ready press ope1rn its maw and swallows the 1ie\\·s with a1·irli!y.

.Jlay; 100. Ecl~nnd :\kPherson: 100. Thl'rl• h:1s heC'n for '-0 111 <' lim e \nthol~ !!\. of \\"(_)rid Pod ·y, Yan ·wallace \\"cndti 100. Elw~·n \\"hi te; a ('Olll'!.!l' t radition rC'latiH' to Don~n. !Ott. Carolin<' Delaney: 10!.J. Benjamin I smokin!! in the colkl!"e h:iilclhi:!"- :\11 Onil•t on the' \\',._;ft•rn Frcint. Ha~kopfj lOV Vincent Stunit:h; 11'.!. ln rC'ccnt 'H'<'k.s there Im.., lwl~n Re>marou(", A story ("If th1• P"lt':'it wnr. Che:-.tcr Good; 112. Frank Rtcrnmitz; con~·id<'rnhlt• ~mokin!! in I he hall~ ThC' O<l~·'~<'~· of n Xi<'C' (';irl. Sul·k,.w. 11 l. Alice Yandenhook; 11.5. Helen nnrl corr'clor-.; of thC' C'n!!iswering l. rhai·u_·tC'"" ~l· 1 1h" of n ~l'll'-'ith·(', nm· ::'\la)·ficld; 116. Gludys Elliotl; 116. bui lding-. \I a recen t llH'C'tin!! of hit;ous f"i .. 1 inn ~inall Jow:1 town. Janws Frnnklin; 116. Korman llo\"ey; the enl!inN·ri ni.r coum·il. th(' coun- r.1·t "ll(" .\lurdt'l' ra··<', \":m Dinr. llli. ~lary Jluntj 116. John Kaiser- <"ii 'H' nt on rc-rord ns f:n orintr the Cannn· :\lmd<'r rn:-:J..~. Yan Dint•. man; llli. Mary Lymnn; 116 Gern!U 1..:1 holdin 1r 1,f th i~ trnd ition a..; it Pc:->sman; 116. Elmer Rothfus; 116. a ffcd.; th<' ha ll " :i nd l'on•dor ... of C'ucntin Ruiter·, 11G. Jlclcn Zortman ·, th<' en1 . .dnt'l'ri n tr huildin'!'. l'nless a person knows college life in reality, through some i'2o. Kathorinc Bohart; 126. ll clcn

intelligent medium or experience, he is like!)' lo be prejudiced Eade; 12~. Caroline t'ochrnnc; 129. by ~uch news.' just ~s l'c is likely to Yi~ion colle_ge as a madhouse I'.f~d E~i~"\~l~f;~~. i:io. E'·el)n \\"att ; of Jazz dancmg, w1sc-trackmg and gm dnnkmg, after ha Ying\ seen a collegiate mo11c. FEEDING TRL\LS

Xaturally he does not want lo send his son or daughter a1rny .\RE CO.NDUCTED to a school 11 here such human failings are allowed lo breed or I 1

be contlonetl. Son and daughter, reading the papers and laughing c t -f--0

) at the n1u\·1es, also get the wrong in1prcg:-;ion of college. t11u1;L l:~ ~1~1u~,~~P~~~~111 t'1~~~tetor,":~ well

Gnil·ersitie~ cannot be blamed for nut gil·ing out full delaii 8 of '"' ulcncling of feeds, amount' .nece>· . . . . . . . . . . ~ar:.,•, and son on. The:-;o cxpenments parlw~ bemir Jound out or of other youthful tntl1screlt0ns w1lh1t1 aro he.cl o\·er a perio.l vf years so as

the iuristliclion of the 8thool. Such publicity is non-constrnclii·e to eun•1· as many chang-ing- conditions · . · . . , .. 1 :.is p<i,~1blf'. Sl•\·era.l Y"-'ars ag-o a large

and ll"OU!d better be kept IJchmd the dosed doors Ol tnner Of11tes. am"unt 111 fro>en or inferior wheut -Oregon Emerald. \\as a\ailablL\ as feed. This dqrnrt­

llll·nt (·xp<"rinwntcd with tht:' whe.al affo ti tt"i('m. This also C'nables nnd. found that it t·o~·hl he> u;.;ed to un Et ropcan stuill'nt" to toui the lJnitC't.I a;l\antatre by the fnrmer .. A t•om-


OF :-. s F _\ :11EET State-. p clch new \ ra has ut•en mtroduccd

(l-0ntinued f, on. l'age OneJ I he t.O't (It ll't.•!llLl'I shql 111 :\ S. 1:. fol' l Thi.., \\Ork is ht:'lllt!' l'Onduded . . . . . , 1111 lht.· us" of fa·ld bt•ans and i><'U:s .a" ~

Fo1• <'n.·1·y t)]W ot'


For amon~ no,elty 011e of thl• bt nl'fit <lcrin·d from me-mhc>rship in ~ !'\. I•~ ...\. i · trip:-: abr 1ia.d whkh may h(' ta kl n by the stutknts who could not otherwi~('

.\. " t \\ o l'l'llb Jll'r • t.u l'lll but th1c:, 11 nil('r th<' su !)l'l"\ 1s10n of Professor I ls not ad1l1t1on t1.1 thl" r' ~ul.1r ll'gts- Loms. Yrncki. ~ trntwn tN•, so 111 Jt.•.tht th<' ... tudu1t... Q I

It is the ltou>chold fa, o•·· ite in'\ riling papt•t•:;,

1'hey are New ]Htpt'r:s \\ith ti ...... 11(' lint•tl aie under no f nanc 11 obh~.1twn.. FLYIX-G~C'ORP ,,. \N 'l'"

..\ nt.•w stt•:) tak\..•11 hy thl• l'Olln:nt1on • 1 ..:i J\llLLE FLEUR ORTll~IE en, · lope~ in ct)lor~ Faton\.;

g lliglilantl Linl'U b tht.• ,(..; ..

WD NEW TITLES in the wonder ful • ·tar Dollar Line of Book'

Wells Outline Ilis l or~. Tradt'I' Horn Etr. al Sl.00 per YO!.


1 COLLEGE GIUD lf .. \TES .JEWELRY O tiul't i"· c-lwi"'"

Ambn• effect, fine rctl, atl-1 J.'lo,clt) Bu'"' - >' l .Ol' <t'ont.inu<'d from Pa!!'o OnC') orned with tiny rose but

R. 0. T. C. ;:ra lt1nt1•s ""n l'nlt•r •• l\Io tifs in Pas te l s hacks flying t·:ulet.. for- tr:lininl! al tlw Air I EATON' l'orps Tt''linin" C'entt"t' ,[art trainin~ Brac~lc-ts, Broaches, n GHL ID .Julv 1, lH:lO. C:raduatinc stutlC'nts de-~irint!" to start with thi~ d:iss should Necldaces, Earings suhmit applil'ntions immc-diatC'ly. !

\rcPplarn·t• cf appoinlmt'nt as fly- 'i 1.00 Rnd 1.25 L in'!' tadets and !-:lll'n•ssful t·ompletion

;:;. th/-~:"7::;·~:.;g :~,'~li~~r ~·;.:J~n~~·a;~; CHAMBERS- fiALLATIN DRUfi co :11 Pointml·nt a-.:. Sl·i·ornl Lil'llll'IHlnts in I Q tlw ·\ii: Cnrps R~·~t·r:·c with Jll'i\'ileg-e FISHER CQ £ I

( takmg- C'\'.anunnt1on for Regular I • (; \in1y nppointn1ents. tH:)-0-0.QD-O-~t::HXJ j =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

TUXEDOS in both l't'ak1 tl ::1Hl >:"ot h


11' .1-tlu cltln't \Yant to bu) a Tu" Wl) \rill 1·l1nt Yllll <Hll\



Page 3: OLDIE BOBC ATS DIVID E SERIES - arc.lib.montana.edu

~tud('nl,.. an• bccomintr mten:=;cly interested in ski ing , tobaggoning, skating nnd oth·r outdoor actiYities. Sa tu l'day and Sunda:i.· afternoons found many h iinl! 011 the numerous hills smTounding Bozeman.


FriUay, Jan. ::11-Utah St.ate Game ; Fanir Dan ... e.

Saturday, Feb. 1- Utah late Game; Pi Beta Phi Formal.

F'riday, F(;b. 7-B. Y. U. Game; ' '.:\1" Club Dance.

Saturday, Feb. 8-B. Y. U. Game; Amigo Part.y; Pi Kappa Party; Beta E ps.ilon Party.

v1t.y; \\ 1Lirec1 .\i1Uer, Han e ; harry .OL .... r.., .l>U.t.(:!111an; JOllH i-a1Kei·, J..JO<tt:-

111an. lAH'l i·~terson was a b rioajo· dmne1

gue:::.t. ai.. tue ..1."\.appa .;::,1gma nou~'-!.

--i. 011111'-r wa~ 11e1u ,:,un..iay at t.hc. t\.appa •. ngma house !Or i..11e mot.bet s vi. nu.tt:.uetn 111e111oc t !:i. J.uose pre.::.en~

wc1e ~\Le!:il.a1i.1:;:; 1Je1aney, latl11tan, 01ewe, , .LJclin, 11 1'1..e:)e, ra.i-Ker anu L..~Ol'lli.

.::> U1tuay dmner guests at the Kappa $ig111a lloui:;e '' eJ e J..ur. ana .1.u1s. J un11 \' aite,s 0.1. ya1·K Ln.y, 1110111:.ana, ann Vari 1 etti.,:son or Lew1.":>t.Own, .1.u untana.

A~ w<."11 as outdoor acti,·ities occ11pying a place in last weeks pro~ra m, hlre ,,.a~ mu<·h artiYity of a more solemn nature. Alpha Gamma Delta

lleld f(,rmal initiation ~aturday afternoon for fiye ~ir i s . After initiation a .. lea!"-f of ros('s' dinner was held at the Baxtc>r Hotel. The tables, arranged Sigma Cni • ·ote~ in the ~hape of a horse-shoe, were rlcl:orated with red and buff roses. The I .1..he n11.:1111.>ers oi the Ut.ah team that n~d. buff. and ~n·(·n l'Olo1·~ \\e~·: further c:a.rricd ~1ut in the candles, nut "~~s1L~~ \.ti~. no-.se a.rUll' t.Jle -~~sn.etoall cup~. an<l plal'e cards. Kappa S1g-n:a fraternity also held formal ini tiation. game!:) mCJuoect t...apt. Jell) ~mito,

. , . I . , , . \., .. ., · l . 1,.JarK1 (i. \\ atknts, hap L yooert, 1rny At tl~1:-- t~me c eHm m1.:n \\clc 1n1t1 ~1tu. Kappa D~lta hel<l Second Degree 1 ... nce, ~onne, ~aunaeis, !{.O.se, .re1.oe

<"'r HX gl!'l~. l.Jow, an<l L. \·mcent.

Za<lok Hudgi~ . a senior in ag-ri-1 (Contmued from Pa,ge One) cultural eclui;at1on 1 ~ teai.:hmg attn- lie!) of th.1.terenL make:; 0.1. g1adc1 cultu1e and farm s h'?.> in Billings I blades. When t-ne L1vm1?ston road. was h1g-h school . subst1tut1!lg for the re~w being sur iaced last yca1, P1 ofessor ular teacer who is ill Iludgin left Conknng ran some tests tor the Com­\Vednesday and will be m B1llmg-s for m1:-;s1on on rock \\h1ch wa:s to be usc<l about. two weeks. llud irm is the sec- fo1· surfacing mawriai. Ail materials on 1. Ag. Ed. Sln ior t.o sub~titu t.e for u~e<l by the Stute H ighway Commis­agril'ultural teacliers m nearby towns. :0;ion musL m~et the ~peci[i<:ation:;; J:; Gt!orgc Hart subsli t.u t.ed for \Valdo 5et fo1·th by the Commission and the Zil'nstcin at :\l anhattan for a few tests run on the various 111:1 terials


L. J-1. Means. Re1iresentative of Electrical Company, Y i s i t s Col lege During Months Trip to Select Employees for His F irm

day~ after the holidays. I p1 ovc:- as to whether or nr t they meet )1 r . L. H. }leans, per,;onnel l:ir-:ct.ir the spec:ifications of UH· Genual f<~lectric compan\· of

~O'l' I CE . .. · Schenectady. '.\cw Yo1·k, was ·her~ FAN(~S PLEDGE \\'edne:::day of last "eek intcn 1ewm~

\11 ire r ~ons other th an " ' 1.. . the ~cnir:r electrH.:al enginrenn:.:- ::>tlt-men or me mbers nf n1risitv ON .] ANDARY 31


dent:-;. He was accompani{!d hr B. L t~a1rt.:: 111ust ,·ac:\11'." from the "\I:. ___ :'noddy of Butt.c, di~trict. s:tl~" man-c: ub lc·c " er room~ or leeks will be a•~er for the General Electri c 1 sn ii~ped and lo t ke rs clea'1ed. All (Continued from Page One) p;ny. · c on-na.mb ers 11\casc p1t nam es on yourself at one o[ the be.:;5.t dances ;\lL :\leans before leaving- sel<'cted yc ur Jucke r~ . that you c.ver at.tended. six of the g-raduatinC' seniors for worK

Ea rl S('ming-sPn. presidenl. Tht! f·anu:; s~ppo1t. tne stu 1ent b•>ti\.· in th"' Gen< .~!l Elc- tric comp.any. Tl '' holef.t .. m ti!dl~· in even· untlerwkin:~. mrn selected arc: Fi;thiof .J ohn~on, 1 :\ow is tnt! diancc for the student:> t.o lklcma: Ilome1· >tortnn, Broa "view; NOTICE

I show t.hi;ir appreciation. The plan-; Lowd! Kurtz. Puplar; Vin'"·<'n:.. .\i > • are to make thi:; dancl an .annual gan. Bozeman; Eric \\"iison, CoffN· affair. an<l if thi~ one ii:. 5u_cessful, Crrn•k. an·l Earle Rudberg. Gla!'.'g-ow. the annual F ang-pledge dance will Thl• Eleet1 ic Cl uh t.<.>ncle1 eel a ban­takc its place nm on~ the other t1 adi- quet in honor of Mr. :\leans at th._ t ons o[ }f. S. C. Blue and Gold Tea Room at noon on


Tuxedo Suits $24.45

Thats a low price for a nice Tuxedo and these are ni e1• ones.

Holloway's Two partil'~, the • .\lpha 0. fmrnal dinner dance held at the Baxter Hotel, .'.\ns. \\i. Lee .1.Ha ins was a dinner

~"'''Ill t.he Onu.•g-a Beta il<rn ery dance h~ld at their chapter house. were of irue~t at. thfj house on ~un<l.ay" C'Utsta1;dint? interest tht> pa~t week. Table decoralions for the Alpha 0 \\'e~~1,u:~~-.6~~~tsl\~:s~ 1~~11~~ ~1:1cii~~~f1: ft rni<.?1 WC!C of a mod(;rnistic de:-;ign. Sih·er anJ ebon~· were uRed for l cte .Bu11oc.h anu Harryman 1H a 111s.

The next meeting of the A meri­tan Federation of Ar t ~ ·s to be Tuc~dav. F't-brua1 y 3. in the l"ire­r: lacc r;.)Olll of Herr ick hall. The ~~i: bj ec t of th e meeting- will be the .. ll end uf modern art in Europe·•. bv :\lrs . Hann on. .\ 11 m<>mbHs are invited.

:'\OT!CE wmJE:-:

·r he feature Ol l~rn evening- will be \\'edne~<lay. Tho~e present bc!':ides ).fr . · he announeen cnt oft.he Fang pledRes .:\lean .. and thr .. ~eniors were: Prc---i­trnm amon(J' the f1e~hmen men. In <le>nt Atkin~on. Dean Cobleig-h, Re_!!is-1der that ihi:-; can be c:onc, it i:; very trar :\!,·Call, B. L. Sn··ddy, and Profs.

impurtant that c\·ery frc~hman man Thaler. Bowman, and Heath. After The Park· place car<"!s and prog-rnmnlc~. and white carnation:-- with white tapers 1fr.- 1 - -c1•ratcrf the tables. .Ami go.

Sime of ) ou ha,·c not yet paid the :-\. " ·· ' . assessment for the Iris Gardens. Please pay your .)Oc this week to .:\l iss 3la rtlia H <tn ksworth or to :.iny other member of the A. W. S . Council.

.n.tmgo announces the pledging o[ fhc Omes:!a Ccta hou.-:c was trnn~formed into an old time dance hall with Rruph w il.son of Columbus .

a liar, roul~tte wheel-; and crap shooting. The atmosphere of an old time· _\.ir. J. G. 1-'a!.Sley was a wuek end bar was aehien'tl b:.~ the lighting- s~·stem which congisted of candles placed guest o ... Anugo. H e is attending t.ne

in the tops of lwttlcs. The walb were co,·ered with drawings and ca rica- coy~:l~~a~g~i~~b~o~~:t'1~~f:.~11:garet Crest ture:;;. So well was ever::-· rletail planned that the effect was extremely were :::iunday c.u nner guests of Amigo. realistic. Mrs. U1·einer and ciaugh.te1·, ot

.\l pi.a Omicron Pi. Alpha Omicron ent.ertained Friday

en·nini.r at. a formal cdnner dance at th·• llot.t 1 Baxter. Chaperones were: . \h s. I. ~a) r~. Prof. and .:\fr:;;. L. D. Conklin ..... , .:\lr. and ::\lrs. \Y. S. Da,·id· son . .:\In:. E. Broox .:\la1tin. and '.\lrs. ;\"\" . ::'\. rmdy. Repre:-cntati\eS from other sot< ritle.:; were: E.izabeth Gardiner, ).li:-:s Hekn Schultz. :\li:-~ Rln.a St·o,·il. :\Ii~s Ruth Grush. Out of town aLmnae were: :\It:-.. .\.. R. .Jorgensen. :\!is~ Ruth Bolinger, and l\liss BPrnke C1 ane. The g-uest:s we1 e. Al':--.tin DeFrate. Gardner \Yaite, Hart, Rutlecl~e. :\able Eo:-lcy. B1uce Gar­Jingh u~e. Harold Crane, IlomcT Lamb :in, Paul \\'inner, Bobby Lon!!, '.A<'olph Ro:-eneau, Dexter :\loser

obert Gjuillin, Carl \Yall, Ted Rowc.>, Han~·man .:\laine. Sam Kirkes, ,Jamc.o:. Deeney. E1ic Blannin. Lany Lyall, Franre-5 Ca-hmon. Harrv ..\.dams, 01 \"ille Bauer, Edward :\lL"Phcrson. nean II au s e man . .Tohn Tol:-on.

itiation Saturday, January 25, for Butte, Yisite<l at t.hu Amigo hou .::e :Sunday.

f.~~;1~;·~~ve p;~~\~~~ ~i J11~:~ i ~to~k11s: Delta Tau. Hc,en Fechter of Bczeman, Kathryn L'a1l 1->et.e rson was a dinner guest


The fine s nap s hot pages for th e feature section of the 19:l0 Mcntanan a rc bei ng made up. Please drc p the newe!".t snaps in the ballot box outs ide the ;\Ion· tanan office.

.Norman Osw ald. Snap Shot Editor

l yon oi llozeman, and Xan Cole of of Delta Tau Thursday evening . Fairfield. A banqult '''as held at the D~an and .:\lrs. \V. ~1. Cobleigh and HoLel B<lxtc:r followin.t; the initiation. )Ir. and .1\L1s. John l\lorrison were en­L11e out of town guests attending the te1ta1ne<l at dinner Sunday. initiation ann banquet were Mary l·har.es ;\ialt1La of Reel Lodge, a HENRY EAGLE LECTURES Ebe1son of Lewistown and Irene ~lac:- fo1111cr stcdent here, visited the l!clta ON GREAT MIA:.\II FLOOD Dcnald of Park City. lau house Suntiay afternoon.

Sun ay dinner gi..;ests of Al pha I Gamma Della Wlrt·e Dr. and ::\lrs. Beta Epsilcn. 1-T cnr~· Eap:le, a senior in civ il en-(_ innon :\Ir d :\1 Ch ::\!' Sunday dinner guests at the Bet.a 1 ginec-..ring, gave an illu ..,trath·e lecture J~lia l ~,;·er~. a .. ~1d ·}./~~·and e~~-1~;:· Pi~!~ Epsilon house we1 c Raymond Daniel- en ''The ~liami. Ohio Con!:>ervary

Minnie Kit kes was a weekend guest son, from Ltvmgslon, and Bert .:\le- , D1 stn ct11 before the ch il engmeenng of A pha Gamma Delta. Grove of Ca:i.cade. group last Thursday mornrng.

:\orma Smith, '28, spent the week . Beta Epsilon annom~ces th<: ple<lg- The nictt:Tes cons1sled of lante111 end in Bozi..man and Trident ha,·in()" I mg of Lawrence ::\larv1n of Simms. slides ~how mg- news of the floode I been lallcd home by the death of he~ . -.-


ar€:a eaused by the !'l~t.'<.ls o[ 19.25 mother. She is leaching this year in S ig ma Alpha Epsilon. and also the large 1·etamm~ re'."ervo1rs bmay. :\Iontana. Dr. an.ct .:\lrs. R. E. Seitz were Sun- which ha\·e been built to .. ontrol the

· ___ day dinner gue::;ts of Sigma Alpha flood waters of future floods. Hamilton Hall. Epsilon. . .

NOTICE .\1rs .. \kl'ta\· and l\liss J.laTgaret . ;\1onk Cas.hmor~1 who has b_eer; ns1t­Gallager \Vere -d inner gumt.s at Ham- 1_ng at the S . A. E. house, lett Sunday ii ton hrul Thursday e\·ening. for H elena. A 11 freshman fool ba ll men who

'.\li.s.!$ Agnes ~lonahan from Living-- p· r \l h earned numerals las t quarter are ~ton was the week en.t guest of Paul- 1 \.~PP~ ... P a. . u rged lo report at Tlauseman·

.Juciith Belden and Cathle(.fi H enkel ] ~red ~~pru~i.ger o.f Llnng::;ton wur~ s" eaters before \Ycdnesday eYen-

I be there. Often it is the one who i.:; the lun('heon .:\lr. :\[cans gave a talk ita~· e~l)ecc.ing i t. thnt receives thi-. on work with the Genet al Eledrir' distin<.:tive; so whether you ha,·e any <· cmpan~·- Lunch hopcs of becomin,.,. a Fang- or not, it J.Ir. Means is on a thr('(-mnnth.~ i.s best to play safe nnd be there. trin and his intincra1-,,.- ca'. ls for a Fountain


T he ";\l" C luh will sponso r a dunce, to he held a fter the Boh­cat· Brigh am Youn~ Lnh er .. ity J· a sketLall game, February 7, in th .(!Ymnasium .

Earl Semincrsen, µresident.



Ii ~~ ~\lary E . Stone, who for more than th1rty-fh·e :rear s s<>rved as a teacher in· the high school at G!·cat Falls , died after a few hours of aL ute illness . .Tanuary 2:-J at Ticonder<J.za, ?\ew York. She will be buried in Lowe,·i ll.', Xew York this week. ::>he was well known in this state and many of our college !'.'tudents knPw her.


, 'e:\t. Sunday. Fehruary 2. at nine o'clcck thf' );ewm an Club will hold its rei;rular mcetinz 01t

the I\:. of C. hall. ~\II members are urg-ed. i o he p-re$<'nt a., a g-reat dea l of hus! n es~ wil l be di~c:.s'-'ed.

Frank :\lacCorm ick, president.


vi~it Lo <i'.5 en~inf'erin2' collezes in t:;e Pnitf'd Rtaie~. Hi~ trip will ake him to all sections of the nation and he will in~erv~<'W the g-raduatc ~tudent...

I in most of the larger en~inee in2 colleges.

-------~ :-:onrE 'TherP wi ll h 0 ~ f orm :\! me €'l ·

inrr of s .. a hh;ird <"1 nd lll:d" at fl-if' Omerra Reta hou eat i:l:; o'c1Qrl{

;\'cdnci;day en":".,.· .Jam an· 29.

-Candies -

l ;;

Snooker Tables Billiards Smokes

9 EAST MAI'.'/ Le"n.arcl A. \Yin[!. ca!)tain. ~ l l I 11 1 I I I I I O I I I 11 11 1 I I I I 1 1!1 I 11 11;

~ 1 111 11 11 .1 11 11 1 11 1 I ' ll 1 11 1 · I I Ul 1 I 1 11 I 1 I JI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t J 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I~

~ .. ~ H B McCAY • i Hardware

i iii J I I 1 .. 111 I I I ,11 1 I I 1 11 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 111!111 I ! 1111 1 I I 11 1 1111 I II 11 l !' l 11 U ll i i ll ll l ! l 1i l l,,

Dinnerware, Glassware, Oriental Gift Goods


! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~ I Hair-cutting A Sµec ialty i l HATHAWAY BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP •• a P hone 496-W 3 S. Black '


3\'\ICm:e Andet :-On. Fred Bennion, ~onn Kintz, LeR ly Good. Howard Elderkin, Thcod01e Yiers. rarlton Da1e £}.;;worth Hastinzs. '.\JerYyn Thoma:;, Leonar l Kaufmann , Leonard \nn:r. Jack Erkila, Robert O'Brien. and .James \\~atters.

Dinnc'.'T :YJH'<.:t..:. nt the .\ lph 0 ou::e Th·_ r..;,tlav were: ~lrs. Ros.;;. :\lr:.'>,

Hannon. and )[i~s '.\1oss.

were the Sunday dinner gue..5ts of gues~::. of Fl Kappa Alpha \Vednesday ing-.

ine Soderholm. . Cail l etcrson of ~\'~1 1 stown and I ;)JcC'alls to be m easurc:I for

Josephine )fil:!ich. je\enm~. . Frank R ahlh. 1\lanag:er There will be an ·mµcrta"'lt

meHing of Euroclelphian. \\"cd­nc~dar at 7 ::~O . .Janu arv 2~J. i! the P"i neta Phi hou .. ·e. .Brin'? r our dues . .:\Ii ss Cohhan of the Phillips Rork s tore will g-in• an intcre:-; t­ta lk rn modern bonks.


Tt.e nl'tive ch apter of Alpha Omic.,.on Pi entertained tho Bozeman ~ 'n•PnaP at hrid2e Saturday evening at the chapter house. ·

Alr:~a Omicron Pi entertained ~un­day afternoon with n formal tea in h01v1r of :\[r~. ..\.. R .. Johgensen of Dillon. One Hundred and forty guests were en'ertaine !, including- fr ternit:1 and sorodt,- repre:-entath·e!':, faculty n~embcn·s h">u.::e ch:iuerones. patro­ne~~es and friends of the honor guest.

Hazel T hompson was a Saturday I Joh_nny. :JI 01 nson was a gues.t a.t . night g-uest of P auline \Virak. the Pi _{appa Alpha house Sacuiday. I lighting- effect:-; that are seldom at-

.'.\1m;.;aret \\'inters had Emn~a Bald - Alpha Ga mm a Rho. tempted or act:ompli~hed by a school wm as her lunc:heon gue5t Friday. p 1. l l\l Ji \\' \ ' h 1 of thi" nature and size.

Gail Avery was the Frida' d inner ro · anc 1. is. · · aug ai'! an< :\f b · of the Play P1 oduction

gu_st of .:\Ifss Sullhan. ). .:\Irs. Ross Jhlle~· wen~ Sunday dmner cl~!':~mh~~-! beer~ hard at work for .:\1a1T He'en O ' :'.'\eil was the gues1 guests of the fiatenuty . some time on different aspects of the-

of )larg-aret Clack Thursday eYening'. ARMY AND NAVY p[a,· and rehearsals have been iroing . on ·for the past two weeks on th,..

Ka1p Delta. I MEN HAVE BALL which firs t anJ second acts which are :.\Iiss :\loss and .:\lis$ Euren were now learned and being steadily im-

C.:inner guEsts Thm·sday evening at pro\-ed. the Kappa Delta hoi.:.se. {Continued from page One) In connection with thi s work Dean

Kappa Delta held second degree ciress blue uniform s with leg-gings an<l Herrick has done \·erv commend1ble for Irene .Jensen, Bozeman; Ruth ~~~~-. e~u~pp:~.ii~~ !~~,~~181~d~rc,~~~~ work in coachin${ the ·a.tors in their

Al~ra G~mma n;11.ta. C

11 ,1. Xelson, Belfry; Yi rg- inia Speck, ·white- given. Signah. only, being- used, for speech. This quarter she is g iving

ff. ,ss ,f.un\1. {ss \i'onnC1 . \r ~s~ hall; )larv Lowney. Butte ; Grace thE:. seventy-seven mo,·ements of th·,~ a one credit. couT:--e in "Diction" to "tapnt.er. d- ~~!; · 301;,~11 : 1 · i::-~ Tohe. : } s-s Cresap, Lewistown; Doroth~· \YooJ - close o~dei· competitive <hi·n. Th e thcsc.> interested in dramatics which • ' .. u an ·' is~ ·'e1 were urNiay ·ward , Ca\·ern. has filled in a con~picuous gap in 'ln1v'r zue~ts of Alnha Gamma Delt;i . Platoon from the 5th I nfantry were 1 am a tic work at :\[ont.:1.na State

Alpha Gamma Delta hdd fo111rnl in- . awarded second place followed in Collen"e. Ch1 .Ome.ga-. -· order by Platoons from the U. S. '"'

Coming to The


Musicai Comedy Success ,,.,,/,


~f1s :\lmme K1rkes was a Saturdar :Marine Corps and the l\la.s-&1.chusetts From obsenting the work one so n•ght dmner grest at the Chi Omega Xaticnal Guar.i f ar on ":\[arr Rose" eYen the most hou~e Some s urprise has been expressed ,;ceptica l ancl. critical d1amatic judge

.:\ 1~s )hla Tanner spent the week over the \'JCtory of the Nav,_• as wolld feel reas'.'u1e1l as to the sue ­d B t t t h f d 11 ce~s of this p1ay a..:. well a s by thr en m u e v1s1 inz er r1en ::. am ·Sold1ermg" is p1 esumed to out of fact that. in Mr. Bert Hansen this

pa1ents there. the lme of the Sailor This howe\C1· :;;. hool hac; obtained a man of un· is far from true as the school of the · h

Pi Be!3 Phi. Soldier is pa1t of the regular train- d~~e~L:~i~i"hi~hd cl~~~~~~~~- mT~r~ \ D(an l'na B. Herrick, ::\riss H elen ing of a man-o-warsnrnn and the his direction ·'T he Doll 's Hou se" ac­

'J':\'eil and :\Iis.c; Lenore Sullivan were landing force of each ship is com- <mire i an artistic a nd profe~siona l dinner e:uest· atJ the Pi Bek1. Pl1 i posed of I nfantry, Artiller v, ~lachine fini'-'h that was a~tou nding- to many house on Sunday. Gun and Eng-ineer Units. Thr :'.\farines local critics. :\Ir. Hansen not only

arc. of cou r se, expected to he the fi1·~t "knows his stuff" about dramatics to be set. ashore in emerp.encies and but he is furth<'r a Yaluable man to are .. aTrie~ primaTily Cor that pur. this ~chool beear-«(' of the high e-0~11 pose. but if the operation is a large of uniform .c-ood pki~·s he is setting one tliev are always a urrmented by f<'r this school. It j.:: his aim to make the Ship's Blue-jackets lanJing force. every one of the plays p1·oduced herl'

C mefrn Beta. Om"'J.!l Beta frat.ernitv held a

Bower.,- Lall at the c.ha Pter house, Satu r day niErht. Chaperoning the party were: ~Ir. Ed. Burke, Mr. and '.\!<5. S. S. Suthe: land. )Jr. and '.ll rs .

;~: 0t.'.'e~~d ~[·;;n~ .. 0\\~: ~~,j~d~~~ MARY ROSE HERE iruestR were: Ruth Dudley, Margaret FEBRUARY 17, 18


1 f"'hcate . Yirgi nia Keyes . Genevieve 1 ---Caster, Carol ine Busch, Bernice ICo · 0 ) '"'rane Lois Smith Louise Saunders I ntinued from. Pa.g-e ne . \cie!'.n' Schlimakc~r: l\Iarj crv Li t t le'. well known author, 811· Jamel" ~an1e. frene LPach. Betty Brain ," Mildred Th,~ plot and charac.ters of. /.larv

I n'l-titf' Opal Rertor Pef!g. Scott Ro~e are of an entll'eh· different Cla1."a .Edwards . Mrs.' Kl effrn.Yan, Mrs'. nature" fr~m that of " Th e Doll 's Renn. Etther Stockton Br-ttv Xicker- ~OuS;e \\ h1rh wg.c; produced under thr "''ln , Ailone C1·ane, .Judith Belden. ~~!~~;!~s of_ the T01·me.n;l:'r~ Ja~t T<:l~a Henrfrickson, l\laurine Schofield, . · I t is a stm-y desrn:neJ to -~e \rildrC'd Erb. Beth )fcArthur. Marcelln mote p~pular to the. aYerag-e ~u,I~· r ittJd;eld. '\fr,; . Lend~eth, Elizabeth cnce, bemg- full of deli g htful wh1ms1· r!t iffith. Floren('e Tolson EI e d a cal humo~- as .well. as pa tho.; and ~i,,~ i'n1rc 1·ei<l. Ver1. Button. Il e le~ Rus hintt, ~1a~i~;ey is

1 ~0~~~iaf~~e ~ouc~:~ 1 whic.~ B!~anor R.ice.' \rir:rini~ Rector. Mrs . isc a story which i;·evr-r~·vb;t :se~~frL l\\ il c;;on. ".\l11cl1 ed Richai d.s. ('!.·It to do artisVcallv from the HCtor's

PJ,i Si!! ma . Phi Sig'ma r er-ently pledged three

PX<'entionallv w<'H donP and thus niake if, the rule rath<'r than the exception wh"n a production "'uch as la~t quar- 1 t"t's "Doll's Hon:;;(.>-" was g iven.

· ~~-~-~~~-~--~~-

~11 1111 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 111 111 11 II I I 1 1111111 1 11 1 '11 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 11 1~

~ EL L EN ~ ;; ~ ;; ~ ;; ~

~ THEATRE ' ;;

~ ;;

~ ;;




AN H.\UDJNG n<>w membe1-::;, Th o"e who are con-

o\ I . A GENIUS \ '"ined fol' member,hip aro stu dents muS\C who are majorin !?' in the Bi olog-ie-il

01\ \ d "'·'•~ es who hnve aUained lhe re-

standpoint as "The. D o-11'.c; H ouse" an I from the st.a ndnoini of the stag-ei nQ' an·t }ip-h t ingo many t imes more diffi­cul t . The nl a:-.,r "alls fm, four com· plete sets of scenery and beautifu l

;; ;; in


All Talk ing hc wrntc songs, "1llired ~eh olastic sta n li n rr and wlio SO U t1 fl eeced s uckers, h~v" ~hown an attitude of res ~n rc h. all I and fell for love- Th0 three who were reoenllv nledrred d ia logue ly blondes-Yet ere: Vfilclrecl Port er. a tr•n,fer frn~1

11 the- lTn ivf'rsitv of 'orth Da1'ot.:t . \~•hri ~ · ~ he was a he-man i.c; maio,·in .... i11 Bota nv nnd R11<'tPriol-

~pp,1Hi E. and carried a hi 4" og-v and G:d l Avcrv w ho atten ..:ed thi F. P\CT U fl wallop in hi s mitt ;,..<.:ti l 11 fi "T1 c::.t;>ver~l vf'>~rc: 3""o. 3 shi.

Thur. da~-Friday Saturday



t THUS. H. REA & CO. t ~ ~ Bozeman's oldest and highes t quality ~

PIPES i;ii ' food store. f t Standing 100 ', for Bozeman and its A

50c to S7.oo institutions. mu have at all times our ¥ f faithful. loyai support. t

Kaywoodie Drinkless a A 03 o $ ' i\loney spent here returns to you as a ; ,,. .5 to. 5.00 6 b f' . l i >ene it m many .,-;ays. '

--.-- ~ t If it s qua'.ity. variety or sen-ice, we are I KLEINSCHMIDT CO. g t not excelled by the larger city store. t ~ ~ W h e re Y o u r '.\1 o n e ~- S ta y s a t H om e f




- --:---

She might want ,·ou to hm·e onP of these wonderful


Our Price



We Sell Fitche's Shaving Cream


J . B. Neil. Prop.



WEST S'DE GROCERY Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Right Phone 266 .no W. Curtiss


t Phone 77

t t t t t

' Cleaning and Pressing. Repairing and Dyeing t

10 W. MAIN t j • ~~~~~~~----~~~~_. __ ---

-a great pi ctur'! rl(">11t in Rot a1p· ilfl' 1 B:i'+c.wiolorr"~ aP<l

.Tf\hn Ac::.hworth Th <'>m n~,...n \•"h" j .;: ~ story . +- ... l.-in•r ..,..1·:irh1.sitp in t.hr.> Rotanv and

~.~ +'.:._ -- -----'""I I 'adrriolc<?y de nartment this yeor.

I CA :'/'T SEE. Consult an O?­

t ometrist when you need g lassc-. Do you realize that, nine ca-c·.; out often. the s iirht in both eyes are <liffercn t, and co11~e<1rn ntly correct g lasses cannot be bo11~ht like a pair of s hoes or n neck-

Mammoth Spectacle

"NOAH'S ARK" • Any coat in lhe house at from $5 to $15 siwing ERICKSON TAXI SERVICE

, .,, .. r·n Si<rma. Drop in a nd see !IS.



Coming Sunday Wagner Bros. PHONE 314-\V

l (""'n.-:1 Si&"t;ii ::illnonn"P'-' thP fo1·m'1] ;niHri+;'l11 of T .. ] ., f'. 1\f:p•ch Rnv· n, ... 11 T>fp:t R:llin..,.<- · F:hv•·•1 iVhi fr... "r.r..,1:~,..,.. ll· 'J;°'no-r.>nr.> Pil.-r> K•1 lh:nr.o lJ· TT.-.wawi Vld,.. rk in. B11ttr: ,.,.,.,·vvn

Optom etris t and .Mfg. Optician ~ Broken Lenses Replaced the ~ RUDY Y.\LLEE ~ I Bo1,eman's Leading l\fcn's

Same Day I ~ in ; Boys' Store 20 S. Black AH. Phone 425-W ~ 'THE VAGBOND LOVER' ~


7 S. Trncy


Baxter Hotel Baltimore Hotel

·-------------· 'T'J, .., ..,.,~c::. R ,, t tr.> • l.Jonn Fri <.:;h i<> . -1 Thomrson Fa ls; Parham Hacker, Park - .. I J ~ 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 l ll l ll l tl l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l HI Ul ll l ll l Ul lt l ll l ll l ll l ll; I

Page 4: OLDIE BOBC ATS DIVID E SERIES - arc.lib.montana.edu


rRAT HOOPSTERS "CAT" GRADUATES TOURNEr TAlK f H AT END OF YEAR MtfT IN GA MES 1.01:~11 t~:~~~n;np~~~ce:' 1~~~~~; Br PRESS MtN ;Ha"'· La"'t Years /'\tars 13ack . L~rge ;\umber of Promising I rosh in Lineups


.\ meetin of the ··)l .. Club w::is hdd a:-ot .\lvnday e\·eninl!' at t.hc 8. A. E. hou!'e to li~cuss plan::; for the )t.-'a • Ont..• of the propo:;.t'd plan-. is to h..n:e p1ctu b fra:·ne<l of this Ye:i.r•._ nnJ la VC'ar's football an : ~1sk .ball +t l-: • l'ht--. pictui es wit bf' pl"e:--e :iterl t ' collt !!"e a rd will be hung jn the gym. A Janee t:-- abo to be ghen by tJv· club on Friday, .Fcb­runry 7. after Bobcat-Brigham Young . 3, ket .. gamf'. It has been sug­~c:--tect th;.t a.I ")r' ml n wear their swe·1ti.:rs at t ~e <la..°'c<'. Plan:> are also bemr!" made t1-1 gin• a l 'l"'-h prize to t e OC-.f d orntt~j frate rity or sor-o · '.n 1..·u.H\ tht.l h1·rh school haskt namL·n~ is J el ut Boze-


First Game to Be Played ln Chicago. l'nusual Plays Ex­pected

• ·1J?ht: fu01 .lll w.~l <.·ome into na­tioua.l pronunence in l:J3U. urco1din,; to an rtic1t• in C Ll'J.:"C Humor. Se\·­t>ral c.hooi..:. hm e playc<l football at nh!ht 11. the I ast a~ an experiment, and o ~at: ~a t.01 y W!!re the h.' ·ults that • is b ' V<·d toat night football hn ... cone to t l.j

At h·:t"-t it \\:: l h<' hrought mto the national s .-tlight. ll<'Xt • ·oveml'cr wht·n Conch Knute> K. Rock111.·'s ~otre Dam Plcven m<>l't~ Coach 0. ::\1. Soll·m's Drake l nin•r.~it.Y. Mi O' ri \"al!ey elc'ten at Soldiers' Fil.'l<l, Chi.ag-o, ·whil·h al of u-. re 1lc.>tnbC'r H:-' bt>in~ the ~rc1w of the Demp"<'Y­Tunn<'y fh~ht.

It will lw Chirai.!O'<: f 1recot. nigh p-anH' of football. ThC're wil! he bril iant 1>yrott· hnics. There will be ~pC'<..'­

tacula1• dr-dn"s ncYer bC'f r<? thou~h~ (lf in conneet;on with a gri :ran t·on­t1 st. .Just ima~n<" tht• tt•:im on de­fc•nst• trying- to solve th(' mr tc·ries of the hldd~n ball -nt night. lt is hnrJ t"'nou~h to follow thJ• Qall in l1dPt day­

Captain to Be :\Io·t Consistent Pia) er in Conference

Mesivic Entertains Ice Skating Fans

Holds SeYeral Championships in United States and Canada. Is a Fre-hman in College

St·cund Game light, o:.o Chi<'B~"O i!'l. cxr\('{'t d to tun) In tLt... gl<'ot " me ~ntnrda~ out t~l tli<' tunC' of on<' hundred ni.l?h·, tht• BolJ<'at-. ·· h1.-./rwe Ow f:.t,-t

hC\u an<l -:Jl('c't.atnrs f>o 'tit•w t"his o,. lr f'ive .1:; I~. R1iJ.!'ham Youn!?' hattlc>. 1 'niv t • v ~ot away to a quick shrt

Two 01 }wr \Ii ~N11ri \'allc·v ronfpr- nnd ~CiZL'"<i and rht point lC'ncl lwfore C'n<'r ~ch(l()l- nr" ··nn~kl(•rin•!' iio<" trnnl hP on'\•?·C'nC't' t·hampion..; f, uni! the

Dyche !lolds .Ji1n Over Former ( hie f. Wonder Team Hn, ·1 hree .\ II-conference l\len

FG. FT. P F. 3 0 4 2 1 8

.. 2 9

. 3

. 2

. 1 ... 3


6 oz. Bottle


1 2 3 0 2

Roecher Drug Co. Phone 3:!7



2 1

N'l. ipnit"nt for tl\ tQ"O ... ~ 111. nn 1)()''· Tl11ou• ... hout lht"' t!'<llll(• thC' • Prescriptions a Specialty it wnn' tit"' lo"l!' hrfore ni~ht footbull C'ougar~ kept up a w'iirlwind pa~.:.ini:!' ; -will bee me popular 1 '1.l-ta k and we1e !'UC<'t:'s~ful in main- I • • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • 1 • • • 1 1111 1 11• 1 1 1 1 1~

BOBCATS vs UTAH ~H=O==W==A=R==n=·=s=======s! STATE THIS WEEK -ta Will Play Two Games. Western

Dh·ision Outcome Depends on Re$ults

TUXEDOS Let us take care of )·our furni:;h-ings for eYening wear. 'hawing newest ,-tyks and patterns.


Th~ \H~t·k :\lontana ::.t.att• w1:1 mu·L the powt•. ful l·ta.~ Stat..• tt·~tm ht·rl' T.tnu·ny :~t and l·~ .. ~bmary 1. Thc~t'

C:'!.lllt'=--' wi11 dt'krmint.: llw leaders rn the the Western Divbinn of thL' con­ference, both tC'Ullh ht•in~ tit•d for tir,-t ph\,·t• with thrt't"' wins and cm(' d'- ttat. L'<ll'h.

Walh-0' er Shoes

one H UB Ed and Lou B oward

St e t ~on Hal" :'\obb) Caps

Wen Heput ation in H igh chool. Has Made (~reat Record Whi le in Co llege

Frank Ward, Dohult CC'nter hns made an oubtnndin~ ret·ord in at h­lctit-s throuj!hout hi"' high sl'i10t1l and collc:.re career. Frank l'nme to .:'llon­ta11n ::-otalL' t hrct' )"l•;u·..; ns:1' from thy ::-\cutht•rn Brnnl'h of tlw l tnh .-\i..rn­cultural Colle~t' whl'n' hl· mndc n ,-~·ry t•n,·iahlC' re<.:ord in bn~k<. thnll. ..:\fkr pln~;ing- four y~ar:-:. with tht• l'arnwan

The l1tah .\~triC's \\t:'l't:' ratt.•tl as n poor team hy l''\\-Jlelb 11.C' fi::-;t tlf thC' ~t.'ltst'n. but thL'Y L'<•rtai11ly h:n·e pnln'd tht'lll.St'l\'ts o~ht·rwi e. Tlw .\g~ ha\e ht't n O'Jr do~e•t rh·:il f1w man,- ,-e;,n:', an 1 thi:-; :n·:\1' i~ no t''I: ·(.'f'l ion." -

Tht\ :\..,!'. h l\l' a co<•} ('"<)llntC'd at­t.H·k that pu7.· !e~ th•'ir t111po1:l•nt.~ . t'arl llads. a mo:-.t finh;.lw<l pl r­formt r, \\111 k<'ep thc '(a" .l?ua r :-.; on their tO('~ l'\ery <: •C"111d of pla~ \\-atkitb, \\lw play:-- lh·· otht·'" win_ i..: a. J!C'orl flonr \\"(\J'klr ~ nd h • ..:. un cx-c.'eptional l')l' for tlil b.1~·. t

L'ampht•ll i~ \. "'<'l!t ,. m 1 f.lrnwr nl Ct·nter and work!" W<'l under the hil~­h L BP1mior. an1I Yo•1n:..". t.1-:C> .\::g-ic ~uard:-;, ar .. eNmte-1 on t<"! l\dci to t~e " rin~ t•olllmn a~. W"ll :i.;:; hold flown

p· fn1war.:f..;. Thr .\ l!~ h:i.Yt' {"1.

1 lt• r• <::ern•-.; in n,. k tpn, l1ry~ ale a 11 d 5('\."(fffll otlwrs The l"oh ai-. will l :we to !.!:O t-ilC'ir bc>!'t ti\ oYf'rt•()f',t• thp _.\go.; a~ -.h ,,.n hy l \'1 pa: atiYt' l'l:-.ult:-;._ Thc>

I re tilts of tht•'<O two i::nm will l fn t(1w :t'd~ 1il•lermil';1t,: the "-('~•('111 ])i\ i:;:.hm l·J.::11npic.:nshin.

P"Bl' IT S( 1mnn.E .Trin. !~l-l·t•11. 1 l°t:lh :-:t: t<.>. Rozcm:m. Fe h. 7-~ B. Y. l' ., l'o7.f!ll1a11. Fch. 10 :\lPnt~rna T' .. :.\Ti .... 1ula. FC'~. 1-1 "'.\fontnna 2\lin<'~. lkt fl-. Fr1l, 1 '.1 :\P. S:1irt Ch::11 l -:., lh·l l1!L. Ft'h. ~1-2~ 1't h l" ~alt Lake City F't·b. ~ 1-:?:; 1 ·1 ·1h S ~ e. I ri~!an.

H. '.\1. . "~t• ... tcm 1)'yi~ion Standin !! '\'on I.o .... t Pel.

high school, ht.>- attended Southt'rn '\I ntmrn S.tatt l -;-\') Brnnch Pr<'p ~thool "hl·rC' he rrn,._ .. 1 rtali ~t·\·C' l /:ill to be the outstanding" ct.>nter in l'tah. B. Y. l-. :~gg Durinj!" his two yN1rs nl ""outhl·rn l_._1a_1>_ t_'·- - - --------­B1·anch, he wa$ d10~l'n both tim1.•s as all-Rocky Mountain JlrC'p s..:hool cen- ~~"""-"-"-''~~~~'-..'-.~'-'-"-~ ter. ~ "

Last y ear hl' WJ!" l'nptain of the I ' Bobcat tenm and pn•s::;ed \\"orthing-ton THE ARCAOf, ~ of the Utah Agg-it.>s h~nd for all-con- 'I' ferencc honors and wns comml"nted ~ upon for hi~ good work by all sports ' writers of the conf('rl'nCC. HI:!' was a jud~ed by "Poss'' Par~ons ns "on{' of the p-renle$t center:-" oi all tinw. un- - .- ~ doubtably the grl'att·~t in the Ro(.;ky I ~ ?llountain Confen•m:e-.'' ' Thi s yenr Frank has established an ~la lt ed l'llilks ~ :i~~~ ~,~::~er u~~~~:~:~~I'" b~ hliif i ts~_ell~1(:· Good Eats ~

baskets. lie now has an average of twenty point"' per itnme for thi, ~ seaso n and mnde a very good record ~ on the east'" n trip. illEET YOUR FRIE:-.. DS , an~-~~·dm~~' l~ntj'f!i~s I~~r~at~f~ra~~ HERE

l am glad a few guys a :\Iontana tatc are not wise enough lo graduate. For don"l you know that 1wxt years crop will hav~ to be told where tu shop. So if vou think that we"·e u~L·n fair. just tcll t11em who and wh)- and when'.


\\"e have a few real buys in used Radios



I I I I I I I I I I PI I I II I I I I I I I I fl 1 I I l r& I II I I 11 II I I I I I 11 I! 11

'hen ~ ou waPt a box of C~ndy. naturally ) ou want the best. Then try


'.\lontana·,_ :\lost Beautiful Confectionery I 11 1111111 11 ' 1 1 1 1 111 1

CLASSIC BARBER SHOP Basement Commercial :\"atiunal Bank


nect with the lo0p, n."ncl his abilfty to I feed his other tC'nm mates for thC'il'

two chilcln·n d so de~en·es the name , of •· r ap:· I ~'-'-~'-~'-~~~ ia1111 ________ ________________ ;

··11LTRO~Dll: Aubrey A u1rhg11rloss,

"So? And what 's wrong with my tone, my haughty

beauty ?" barked Sir Mortimer.

"Elrerything possible," she answered h im unfli nch ing ly.

''Your voice is that of a man gargling in an elcrntor

shaft . Change to OLD GOLDS ••• they protect the th roat.

No man shall call me honey who does not smoke this

honey-smoot:1 cigarette •• • not a cough in a cai·load. "