Program 6 Swiss Geoscience Meeting file6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano Welcome to Lugano...


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Program6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting

Lugano, 21st – 23rd November 2008

Institute of Earth Sciences

6th_SGM.indd 2 27.10.2008 12:36:41 Uhr


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting

Lugano, 21st - 23rd November 2008

Images on cover pageDolomitic marbles at Greina Pass, Ticino-Grisons (Photo: Hélène Decuyper).Precipitation radar at Monte Lema (Photo: MeteoSwiss).


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Welcome to Lugano -Benvenuti a Lugano!

The Institute of Earth Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) welcome you to the Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008. Since centuries Ticino is attracting geoscientists as a research object, this year it hosts the 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting.For the first time, this meeting is a four-day event. Besides the regular activities on Friday and Saturday, it is accompanied by a pre-event on Thursday evening, and a special session and three excursions on Sunday.The theme of this year’s edition is “Apply! Geosciences”, putting an emphasis on applications in geosciences.Geosciences today are an ensemble of activities in fundamental and applied research and teaching, that range from the Earth’s deepest interior to the outer limits of its atmosphere. The various disciplines of geosciences also address many of the current key issues of planet Earth and humanity, such as energy and resources, water, climate change, land use, natural hazards, and infrastructure and mobility.It is thus only natural that geoscientists are expected to address these issues in their research and teaching activities and present possible solutions. This includes a dialog with society – the key stakeholder – to which research contents and results must be communicated in a comprehensive way.This year’s theme “Apply! Geosciences” wants to stress the necessity to identify applications in geosciences, and discuss the necessary steps to point research and teaching activities in geosciences towards practical applications. Without forgetting the roots of geosciences – nature and its beauty.Again, welcome to Lugano! Take this occasion to meet and discuss, not only on scientific questions, but also on how geosciences should evolve to remain an attractive and competitive research realm also in the future.

The SGM 2008 Local Organizing Committee

Manfred Thüring Silvio Seno Manuel Lüscher Marina Dalle Fusine


Apply! Geosciences


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Organisation of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting

Participating Societies and OrganizationsSwiss Academy of Sciences, Platform Geosciences (Patronnage)University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (Host institution)International Geographical Union, Commission Geography and Public Policy (IGU)International Lithosphere Program (ILP)International Union of Geological Sciences, Swiss Committee (IUGS)Kommission der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Abhandlungen (KSPA)Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)Schweizerische Geotechnische Kommission (SGTK)Swiss Association of Geologists (CHGEOL)Swiss Geodetic Commission (SGC)Swiss Geography Association (SGV)Swiss Geological Society (SGG/SGS)Swiss Geological Survey (swisstopo)Swiss Geomorphological Society (SGGm/SSGm)Swiss Geophysical Commission (SGPK)Swiss Hydrological Commission (CHy)Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology (SGHL/SSHL)Swiss Meteorological Society (SGM)Swiss Paleontological Society (SPG/SPS)Swiss Commission for Quaternary Research (SKQ/CSQ)Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost Society (SIP)Swiss Society of Mineralogy Petrography (SMPG/SSMP)

Program committee

President SGM 2008Manfred Thüring

MembersDaniel Ariztegui, Peter Baumgartner, Damien Becker, Gilles Borel, Reynald Delaloye, Pierre Dèzes, Hans-Rudolf Egli, Karl Föllmi, Alain Geiger, Bernard Grobéty, Martin Hölzle, Adrian Jakob, Angelika Kalt, Eduard Kissling, Rainer Kündig, Neil Mancktelow, Nils Oesterling, Rolf Philipona, Christian Preiswerk, Frank Preusser, Bruno Schädler, Urs Schaltegger, Guido Schreurs, Hugo Van den Bergh, Doris Wastl-Walter, Helmut Weissert, Rolf Weingartner and Adrian Wiget


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano


Meeting locationThe meeting location is Palazzo Congressi of Lugano and the close by “Ciani”, “Liceo” and “Chiesa”. The Museum of Natural History has extended opening hours during the meeting. The meeting location is within walking distance of the city center of Lugano.There is a restaurant in the congress center, other restaurants are close by in the city center, as indicated on the map below. Public wireless internet access is available in some parts of the congress center. Palazzo Congressi has a pay parking.The room assignment is as follows (see map below):

Palazzo Congressi: Coffee breaks, Swiss Geosciences Party, poster area, exhibitors, room F (ground fl oor), rooms B, B-1, B-2, B-3, C-1, C-2, D (fi rst fl oor).Ciani: Rooms Ciani-2, Ciani-4 and Ciani-7.Liceo: Room Liceo.Chiesa: Room Chiesa.

How to reachBy public transport: From the Lugano railway station take TPL bus number 2 and leave at stop Palazzo Congressi.By car: Leave national highway A2 at exit Lugano Nord or Lugano Sud and follow directions to Palazzo Congressi.



City Center

Lake Lugano

Museumof NaturalHistory


Ciani Chiesa







200 m

City map Lugano


200 m


Viale Carlo Cattaneo

Riva AlbertolliPiazza


Corso Pestalozzi


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so E







6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Thursday 20th November - Pre-event

Palazzo Congressi - Room B (20:30h)The Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 is accompanied by a pre-event, on occasion of the International Year of Planet Earth. The event – open to the public – has two highlights: A conference held by Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier and a slide show of the new book “Magie di pietra” on the geological landscapes of exceptional beauty of Ticino.

Claude Nicollier: Planet Earth - A View from SpaceClaude Nicollier, born in �944 in Vevey, studied physics and astrophysics, holds two honorary doctorates, and was appointed professor at EPF Lausanne in �994. Nicollier is the fi rst and only astronaut Switzerland has had so far. Nicollier was in space for 42 days during 4 missions with different space shuttles in �992, �993, �996 and �999. Former Federal Counselor Adolf Ogi, when calling Nicollier on his fi rst space mission in �992, created the bonmot “Freude herrscht, Monsieur Nicollier!” Nicollier talks in his conference about his experiences in outer space and about his views of planet Earth.

Magie di pietra - Geological Landscapes of TicinoA slideshow with photographs from the book “Magie di pietra”. This book contains panoramic photographs accompanied by explanatory text on �8 geological landscapes of particular beauty of Ticino. The book is held in three languages – Italian, French and German – and is edited by the Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale.The event ends with an apero.

Magie di PietraPaesaggi geologici del Ticino

Photographs © NASA, Hélène Decuyper.

6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Friday 21st November - Plenary Session

Apply! GeosciencesRoom B

�4:��-�4:30 Opening address Manfred ThüringPresident SGM 2008

�4:30-��:00 The art of using weather radars for hydrology in the Alps

Urs GermannMeteoSvizzera, Locarno

��:00-��:30 Simple models for complex hydrologic behavior: A challenge for basic research and engineering

James KirchnerSwiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

��:30-�6:00 Annual opening and closure of alpine valleys

Simon LöwEngineering Geology, Geological Institute, ETH-Zürich

16:00-16:30 Coffee break�6:30-�7:00 Peak oil or not peak – That is the question Gérard Stampfli

Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Lausanne

�7:00-�7:30 Hochwasserschutz in der Schweiz – Eine Generationenherausforderung

Hans Peter WilliHazard Prevention Division, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN

�7:30-�8:00 Platform Geosciences – Mother of SGMCHGEOL AwardPaul Niggli Medal

Helmut WeissertDaniele BiaggiChristoph Heinrich

18:00-18:30 Break�8:30-�9:00 Research in Geosciences in Switzerland

– Boundary conditions for the coming yearsMauro Dell’AmbrogioState Secretary for Education and Research

�9:00 Swiss Geosciences Party


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Saturday 22nd November - Symposium Sessions

Session 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and GeodynamicsConvenors: Neil Mancktelow, Guido Schreurs, Paul Tackley

Talks Room B-1Chair: Marco Herwegh

08:30-08:�0 Almqvist B., Hirt A., Herwegh M.

Origin of the magnetic anisotropy in a two marble lithologies from the Morcles Nappe shear zone

08:�0-09:�0 Guerra I., Vennemann T., Mancktelow N., Negro F., Kalt A.

Interaction between meteoric and metamorphic water along the Simplon fault zone: Constraints from oxygen and carbon stable isotope geochemistry

09:�0-09:30 Linckens J., Herwegh M., Müntener O., Mercolli I.

Evolution of a mantle shear zone and the influence of second phases, Hilti massif, Oman

09:30-09:�0 Misra S., Burlini L. Deformation and reaction of Quartz-Muscovite aggregates: Results from torsion experiments

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1Chair: Guido Schreurs

��:00-��:20 Mosar J., Kangarli T., Bochud M., Rast A.

The Greater Caucasus – Tectonics and paleotectonics East of Eden

��:20-��:40 Bochud M., Mosar J., Kangarli T.

Structural geology, stress and strain across the Eastern Greater Caucasus

��:40-�2:00 Giese J., Seward D., Schreurs G.

Evolution of the Morondava basin shoulder in western Madagascar – An apatite fission-track study

�2:00-�2:20 Kounov A., Viola G., de Wit M., Andreoli M., Niedermann S.

Tectonic evolution and denudation of the Atlantic passive margin: New insights from apatite fission-track analysis on the western coast of South Africa

12:20-14:00 Lunch break – General Assembly of Swiss Geological SocietyChair: Boris Kaus

�4:00-�4:20 Tackley P., Nakagawa T., Deschamps F., Connolly J.

Coupled models of mantle geochemical evolution, plate tectonics, magmatism and core evolution incorporating self-consistently calculated mineralogy

�4.20-�4:40 Golabek G., Gerya T., Tackley P.

Rheological controls on the terrestrial core formation mechanism

�4:40-��:00 Deubelbeiss Y., Kaus B.J.P., Connolly J.

Direct numerical simulation of two-phase flow: Homogenization and collective behaviour in suspensions

��:00-��:20 Löw F.I., Gerya T.V. Influence of rheological weakening by fluids and melts on subduction at an active margin: Numerical modelling

��:20-��:40 Frehner M., Deubelbeiss Y., Schmalholz S.M., Kaus B.J.P., Saenger E.H., Steeb H.

Finite element method versus finite difference method: Numerical accuracy study for two different applications

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Chair: Jon Mosar�6:30-�6:�0 Kaus B.J.P. Stress and strength of the continental lithosphere�6:�0-�7:�0 Faccenda M., Burlini L.,

Gerya T.V., Mainprice D.Subduction zone anisotropic patterns induced by faulting and hydration of the slab

�7:�0-�7:30 Moix P., Champod E., Stampfli G.M.

The Triassic detrital units in southern Turkey: Synrift or syncollisional series?

�7:30-�7:�0 Ruiz G.M.H., Negro F., Foeken J., Stuart Babault J.F., Ivy-Ochs S., Kober F., Saddiqi O., Stockli D., Champagnac J.-D., Frizon de Lamotte D.

The Atlas Mountains: Why there? Why now?

�7:�0-�8:�0 Sue C., Champagnac J.-D., Tricart P.

Neotectonics of the western and central Alps: Geodynamic implications

Posters Poster AreaAllanic C., Sue C., Champagnac J.-D.

Neogene transtensional brittle tectonics in the Lepontine Dôme (Central Swiss Alps)

Augenstein C., Burg J.-P. Structural and kinematic analysis in the Dourbie river valley, Cévennes, SE French Massif central

Bruijn R., Burlini L. Mechanical and microstructural changes during torsion testing on Carrara marble with pre-existing deformation history

Champagnac J.-D., Molnar P., Yuan D., Ge W.

Neotectonics slip rate at the front of the Qilian Shan, NE Tibetan plateau

Deschamps F., Tackley P.J. Models of thermo-chemical convection: What is needed to fit probabilistic tomography?

Dolati A., Müller C., Smit J., Bernoulli D., Spezzaferri S., Burg J.-P.

New results of tectono-sedimentary history of the Makran accretionary prism

Dolati A., Seward D., Smit J., Burg J.-P.

Structural evolution and fission track ages of the Makran accretionary wedge in SE Iran

Duchoiselle L., Deschamps F., Tackley P.J.

Stability of thermal boundary layers for convection in spherical shell: Application to the dynamics of planetary mantles

Engi M., Janots E., Allaz J., Berger A.

Dynamics of orogenic metamorphism: Diachronic evolution in the Central Alps

Golabek G., Tackley P., Schmeling H.

Terrestrial core formation aided by flow channelling instabilities induced by iron diapirs

Görres B. Recent site motions in the lower Rhine embayment and the Eifel from �� Years of GPS Data

Ibele T., Matzenauer E., Mosar J. Brittle tectonics in the Swiss Molasse BasinKeller T., Kaus B.J.P. Implementation and geodynamical application of iterative and

multigrid solvers for 2D finite-element Stokes flowKilian R., Heilbronner R., Stünitz H.

Change of deformation mechanism of quartz with increasing strain in mylonites


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Klinkmüller M., Rosenau M., Kemnitz H., Schreurs G.

Physical properties of granular materials for analogue modelling

Kordi Kobra, Arabi Siavash Calculation of Orthometric Correction with Geopotential Models

Kordi Kobra, Arabi Siavash Calculation of tide correction in precise levelling of IranLechmann S.M., Schmalholz S.M., Burg J.-P., Marques F.O.

2D dynamic retro-deformation of folded multilayers: Application to Carboniferous turbidites in South-West Portugal

Li Zhonghai, Gerya Taras Numerical modeling of poly-phase formation and exhumation of HP-UHP rocks in continental subduction zone

Marzorati A., Ghiselli A., Bini A. Structural influence on glacial cirque morphology: The case of Pizzo Arera (Orobic Alps, Southern Alps, Italy)

Matasci B., Epard J.-L., Masson H.

The Teggiolo zone: Stratigraphy and tectonics in the Val Bavona (Lower Penninic, Ticino)

Matzenauer E., Ibele T., Mosar J.

Brittle tectonics in the Subalpine Molasse and in the Prealpes Klippen

Mishin Y., Gerya T., Burg J.-P., Connolly J.

Double subduction dynamics: Insight from petrological-thermomechanical numerical models

Misra S., Tumarkina E., Burlini L.

Migration and storage of melts in rocks under dynamic conditions: Insights from physical experiments

Nikolaeva K., Gerya T., Marques F.

Numerical modelling of subduction initiation at passive margins: Critical effects of continental mantle strength and density

Nommensen L., Stipp M., Pomella H., Fügenschuh B.

Structural mapping along the Meran-Mauls and the Faltleis Faults in the Sarntaler Alps (South Tyrol, Northern Italy)

Nováková L. Comparative study of geological and GPS research of reactivated fractures in the north of Silesia (NE part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)

Martin M., Kindler P., Sartori M., Charollais J.

The Rochers de Leschaux (Bornes Massif, Subalpine domain, Haute-Savoie, France): A complex record of Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene tectonics

Pleuger J., Nagel T., Froitzheim N.

Structural evolution of the Monte Rosa and Adula nappes and the formation of the Lepontine dome

Pomella H., Fügenschuh B., Stipp M.

The Giudicarie fault system at the transition between southern and eastern Alps (Northern Italy). A new structural analysis

Rahn M., Selbekk R., Spikings R., Zaugg A., Burkhalter R.

Volcanic ash layers in OSM sediments: Clues to their origin and the post-sedimentary tectonic history

Ruiz G.M.H. Direct versus indirect thermochronology – What do we truly trace? Examples and implications for the Central Andes

Schefer S., Egli D., Frank W., Fügenschuh B., Ovtcharova M., Schaltegger U., Schoene B., Schmid S.M.

Metamorphic and igneous evolution of the innermost Dinarides in Serbia

Schlatter A. Recent vertical movements from precise levelling in Switzerland


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Sizova E., Gerya T. Initiation of plate tectonics in the early EarthSmit J., Burg J.-P., Dolati A., Sokoutis D.

The effects of large sub-marine landslides on the mechanics of thrust wedges

Sue C., Daoud A.M., Le Gall B., Rolet J.

How rose up the Ali Sabieh bloc (Afar triple junction)? New insights from faulting analysis

Thust A., Tarantola A., Heilbronner R., Stünitz H.

The availability of H2O for deformation in natural quartz single crystal experiments

van Heck H., Tackley P. Transitions in tectonic mode based on calculations of self-consistent plate tectonics in a 3D spherical shell

Yuan D.-Y., Champagnac J.-D., Ge W.-P., Molnar P., Zhang P.-Z., Zheng W.-J., Zhang H.-P., Liang M.-J.

Late Quaternary slip rates of active faults adjacent lake Qinghai, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau

Session 2: Mineralogy - Petrology - GeochemistryConvenors: Bernard Grobéty, Eric Reusser

Talks Room B-3Chair: Eric Reusser

08:30-08:�0 Dessimoz M., Müntener O., Ulmer P.

The Chelan complex (Washington Cascades): Insights into the roots of continental arcs

08:�0-09:�0 Bussien D., Bussy F., Chiaradia M.

Multi-pulse emplacement of the bimodal Matorello calc-alkaline pluton, Central Swiss Alps

09:�0-09:30 Van den Bleeken G., Müntener O., Ulmer P.

Reaction between tholeiitic melt and residual peridotite in the uppermost mantle: An experimental study at 0.8 GPa

09:30-09:�0 Mattsson H., Solgevik, H. Bubble- and crystal-size distributions in the emergent Capelas tuff cone, São Miguel (Azores): Insights into magma-ascent and fragmentation

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1Chair: Bernard Grobéty

��:00-��:20 Leuthold J., Müntener O., Baumgartner L., Putlitz B., Michel J., Chiaradia M.

Emplacement of the Torres del Paine mafic complex (Patagonia, Chile): A progress report

��:20-��:40 Ramírez de Arellano C., Putlitz B., Müntener O., Cosca M.

Age determinations of the Fitz Roy Plutonic Complex, Southern Patagonia (Argentina)

��:40-�2:00 Villagómez D., Spikings R., Magna T., Winkler W.

Late Cretaceous history of the western Colombian Andes

�2:00-�2:20 Hunziker D. The Blueschists of the Deyader Complex, Makran, SE Iran – Petrography, geochemistry and thermobarometry

12:20-14:00 Lunch break – General Assembly of Swiss Society for Mineralogy and Petrography


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Chair: Lukas Baumgartner�4:00-�4:20 Reubi O.*, Blundy J.

*Paul Niggli Medal recipient 2008

A lot of andesitic rocks but no andesitic melts: The paradox of arc magmatism

�4.20-�4:40 Fabbrizio A., Schmidt M.W., Günther D., Eikenberg J.

Experimental determination of Ra mineral/melt partitioning for leucite, feldspars, and phlogopite and 226Ra-disequilibrium crystallisation ages of leucite and feldspars

�4:40-��:00 Zakaznova-Herzog V., Wiedenmann D., Gorbar M., Grobéty B., Vogt U., Züttel A.

Experimental geochemistry and mineralogy for industrial applications: New membranes for alkaline electrolysers

��:00-��:20 Studer A., Kündig R., Schenker F., Surbeck H.

Trace Elements in Miocene subbituminous coals from the Swiss Molasse Basin with special attention to Uranium and its mode of occurrence

��:20-��:40 Schenker F. Shocked quartz in Ticino, and beyond15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2

Chair: Peter Ulmer�6:30-�6:�0 Zhu C., Fu, Q., Lu P.,

Seyfried W.E.New experiments of feldspar hydrolysis and implications for interpretations of weathering rates

�6:�0-�7:�0 Bader T., Franz L., de Capitani C., Ratschbacher L., Hacker B.R., Weise C., Wiesinger M., Popp M.

Discontinuous metamorphic P-T paths in the Liuling Unit (Qinling belt, central China)

�7:�0-�7:30 Allaz J., Engi M., Berger A., Janots E., Villa I.

Linking thermobarometry with 39Ar-40Ar and U-Th-Pb ages from the northern Central Alps: Implications for Rb-Sr and K-Ar data

�7:30-�7:�0 Robyr M., Carlson W., Passchier C., Vonlanthen P.

Textural, chemical and microstructural records during snowball garnets growth

�7:�0-�8:�0 Darbellay B., Baumgartner L., Robyr M.

Mushroom garnet from the Mt. Mucrone, Sesia Zone, Italian Alps

Posters Poster AreaBader T., Franz L., de Capitani C., Ratschbacher L., Hacker B.R., Weise C., Wiesinger M., Popp M.

New hints on the tectonometamorphic history of the Douling complex (Qinling belt, central China)

Baumberger T., Früh-Green G.L., Pedersen R.B., Thorseth I.H., Bernasconi S.M., Plötze M.

Geochemistry of the rift valley sediments at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge: Preliminary results of the H2DEEP expedition to the southern Knipovich Ridge at 73°N

Bekaddour T., Schmidt S., Gnos E., Rütti R.

Petrographic observations in the Erstfelder Gneiss in the Gotthard Base Tunnel (NEAT) between Erstfeld and Amsteg

Bussien D., Bussy F., Magna T., Masson H.

Paleozoic magmatism in the Sambuco and Maggia nappes, Lower Penninic domain


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Davoudian A.R., Genser J., Neubauer F.

P-T condition of crystallization of granitoid plutons of Zayandeh-Rood river area, north of Shahrekord, Iran

Durand C., Baumgartner L. Experimental re-determination of initial melting in the system calcite-H2O at �00 MPa and calcite/melt element fractionation

Hack A., Ulmer P., Thompson A. On mass fluxes and metasomatic processes above subducting slabs: An experimental solubility and melting study of Enstatite + Quartz + H2O

Khodami M., Davoudian A.R. Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of Neogene volcanic rocks in Southeast of Isfahan

Madonna C., Schenker F., Reusser E., Burg J.-P.

Metamorphic and deformation history of the Nufenen Pass and Lukmanier Pass area

Mattsson H., Caricchi L. Cooling and crystallization of natrocarbonatitic lava flows: Reconciling laboratory experiments with field observations

Nandekar R., Mattsson H. Petrology of the Lake Natron – Engaruka monogenetic volcanic field, northern Tanzania

Noghreyan M., Khodami M., Davoudian A.R.

Adakite-like volcanism in Central Iranian magmatic belt, Isfahan, Iran

Reusser E., Mattsson H. Natrocarbonatitic tephrafall from the explosive eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai in September 2007

Reymond C., Leuthold-Favre L., Mucciolo A., Bonin M.

Advantages of using TEM when analysing asbestos in ambient air

Schaltegger U., Antognini M., Girlanda F., Wiechert U., Müntener O.

Alkaline mantle melts in the southern Alpine lower crust mark the initiation of late Triassic rifting

Schwarzenbach E.M., Früh-Green G.L., Bernasconi S.M.

Comparing carbon and sulfur isotopes in ophiolites and active peridotite-hosted hydrothermal systems

Shabanian N., Davoudian A.R., Khalili M.

Petrogenesis of post-collisional granitoid of Ghaleh-Dezh, NW Azna, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran: Nd–Sr isotope evidence

Tripoli B., Mattsson H. Physical volcanology of the Lake Natron-Engaruka monogenetic field, Tanzania

Zarasvandi. A. Geochemistry and source of the recent sediments in Southwestern of Ahvaz, Khouzestan Province, Iran

Zhou W., Stober I., Bucher K. Surface water in the Zermatt-Matterhorn area, Switzerland – A hydrogeochemical study


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 3: PalaeontologyConvenor: Damien Becker

Talks Room Ciani-7Chair: Damien Becker

09:�0-09:30 Lavoyer T., Berger J.-P. New data on the Bouwxiller Formation (Eocene, Lutetian)09:30-09:�0 Mennecart B., Zulliger L.,

Scherler L., Becker D., Berger J.-P.

A new Aquitanian fauna in the Jura Molasse (Sur le Mont, Tavannes, Northwestern Switzerland)

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1Chair: Daniel Marty

��:00-��:20 Scherler L., Mennecart B., Becker D., Berger J.-P.

Tapiridae (Perissodactyla, Mammalia) of the Swiss Molasse Basin during the Oligo-Miocene transition: Taxonomical study and preliminary results

��:20-��:40 Schweizer M., Thierstein H., Schulz H., Darling K.

How similar are morphological and genetic diversities recognizable on a typical plankton filter?

��:40-�2:00 Goudemand N., Orchard M., Bucher H., Brayard A., Brühwiler T., Galfetti T., Hermann E., Hochuli P.A., Ware D.

Smithian-Spathian boundary: The biggest crisis in Triassic conodont history

�2:00-�2:20 Yazdi M., Mannani M. Two Late Triassic biostroms levels as key beds for controlling sea level changes in central Iran

12:20-14:00 Lunch breakChair: Jacques Ayer

�4:00-��:00 Berger J.-P., Reynard E., Constandache M., Dumas J., Felber M., Häuselmann P., Jeannin P.-Y., Martin S., Regolini G., Scapozza C., Schneider H.

Inventory of geotopes of national significance: The paleontological record

��:00-��:40 Poster authors Swiss Commission of Palaeontology PrizeShort presentation of posters

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Posters Poster AreaAyer J., Comment G., Adatte T., Badertscher C., Boll S., Fürsich F.T., Gretz M., Hug W.A., Marty D.

Sedimentology and palaeocology of the Banné Member (Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian): New data from excavations along the Transjurane highway (Canton Jura, Switzerland)

Baumgartner-Mora C., Baumgartner P.O., Buchs D. Bandini A., Flores K.

Palaeocene to Oligocene Foraminifera from the Azuero Peninsula (Panama): The timing of seamount formation, accretion and forearc overlap, along the Mid-American Margin


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Becker D.,Scherler L., Tütken T., Aubry D., Detrey J.

The Late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Ajoie (Northwestern Switzerland): Stratigraphy, taphonomy, palaeoecology

Cavin L., Meister C., Piuz A., Boudad L.

Fossil assemblages from the early Late Cretaceous of southeast Morocco

Germann D., Schatz W., Hadorn M., Fischer A., Eggenberger H.P.

Correlation between morphology, behaviour and habitat – bivalve burrowing in simulation and robotics

Marty D., Paratte G., Lovis C., Jacquemet M., Hug W.A., Iberg A., Oriet A., Denier C., Mihajlovic D.

Methodology of systematic excavation and documentation of dinosaur tracksites along the Transjurane highway (Canton Jura, NW Switzerland)

Renesto S., Lombardo C., Stockar R.

New excavations in the Cassina levels (Monte San Giorgio, Middle Triassic): Preliminary reports

Reynard E., Berger J.-P., Constandache M., Dumas J., Felber M., Häuselmann P., Jeannin P.-Y., Martin S., Regolini G., Scapozza C., Schneider H.

The revision of the inventory of geotopes of national significance


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 4: Meteorology and ClimatologyConvenors: Rolf Philipona, Markus Furger

Talks Room Ciani-2Chair: Rolf Philipona

08:30-08:�0 Roesli H.P. Monitoring weather/climate related and other phenomena by simple RGB compositing of multispectral imagery from Meteosat Second Generation

08:�0-09:�0 Hering A., German U., Boscacci M.

Operational nowcasting of thunderstroms in the Alps using TRT during MAP D-PHASE

09:�0-09:30 Füllemann C., Begert M., Brönnimann S., Croci-Maspoli M.

Digitization and homogenization of long-term climate series from surface observation stations in Switzerland – DigiHom

09:30-09:�0 Walker D., Vuilleumier L. Effect of clouds on erythemal UV radiation09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1

Chair: Markus Furger��:00-��:20 Philipona R., Behrens K.,

Ruckstuhl C.How declining aerosols and rising greenhouse gases forced rapid warming in Europe since the �980s

��:20-��:40 Morland J., Collaud Coen M., Hocke K., Jeannet P., Mätzler C.

Changes in integrated water vapor above Switzerland over the last �2 years

��:40-�2:00 Perler D., Geiger A., Leuenberger D., Brockmann E., Kahle H.-G.

Impact of GNSS network design on water vapour tomography

�2:00-�2:20 Barthazy E. Electron microscopy of aerosols12:20-14:00 Lunch break – General Assembly of Swiss Meteorological Society

Posters Poster AreaJeleń D., Kuc T., Necki J., Rozanski K., Zimnoch M.

Assessing fossil fuel CO2 fluxes in the urban atmosphere of the city using combined measurements of CO2, CO and �4CO2/

�2CO2 mixing ratiosVogt R., Frey C.M., Burri S., Harhash M., Parlow E.

Eddy covariance measurement of CO2-fluxes in Cairo/Egypt

Wach P., Zimnoch M., Rozanski K., Kozak K.

Temporal variability of Radon-222 in near-ground atmosphere


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 5: Quaternary ResearchConvenors: Irka Hajdas, Susan Ivy-Ochs

Talks Room C-2Chair: Susan Ivy-Ochs

08:30-08:�0 Preusser F., Schlüchter C. Chronostratigraphy of the Quaternary of Switzerland08:�0-09:�0 Kuhlemann J., Rohling

E.J., Krumrei I., Kubik P.W., Ivy-Ochs S., Kucera M.

Regional synthesis of Mediterranean atmospheric circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum

09:�0-09:30 Furrer H., Riedi M.A., Anselmetti F., Drescher-Schneider R., Graf H.R., Hajdas I., Lowick S., Preusser F.

Environmental and climatic history of an overdeepened and filled glacial basin in Northern Switzerland

09:30-09:�0 Akçar N., Ivy-Ochs S., Kubik P.W., Schlüchter C.

Anthropogenic impact on ‘Findlinge’ (erratic boulders) in the Alpine foreland and its implications for surface exposure dating

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1Chair: Irka Hajdas

��:00-��:20 Straub M., Wick L., Anselmetti F., Gilli A., Guélat M., Mottet M., Paccolat O., Rentzel P.

Record of past environmental and climatic changes in the sediments of Lake Pfafforet (Valais, Switzerland)

��:20-��:40 Wirth S., Girardclos S., Anselmetti F.S.

From the ‘Kanderschnitt’ to the 2�st century: Human impact and natural hazards in the Lake Thun sediment record

��:40-�2:00 Burki V., Haeberli W., Schlunegger F., Schnellmann M.

Glacier erosion: Processes and quantification

�2:00-�2:20 Smittenberg R., Birkholz A., Gierga M., Hajdas I., Hagedorn F., Guelland K., Christl I., Bernasconi S.M.

Soil carbon dynamics on annual to millennial timescales – The experimental approach

12:20-14:00 Lunch breakChair: Frank Preusser

�4:00-�4:20 Kaiser K.F., Schaub M., Friedrich M., Kromer B., Talamo S., Miramont C., Guibal F.

Late glacial tree-ring chronologies reflecting environmental changes – Last steps towards an absolute chronology back to 14’250 cal BP

�4.20-�4:40 Heer A., Hajdas I., Lowick S., Preusser F., Veit H.

Chronology and development of the postglacial beach plain NE of Lake Neuchâtel on Swiss Plateau, using OSL*- and �4C-Data.

�4:40-��:00 Rambeau C., Inglis R., Smith S., Finlayson B., Black S.

Reconstruction of Jordan palaeoenvironments (~25’000 BP - present day): The water life and civilisation project


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

��:00-��:20 May J.-H., Lombardo U., Veit H.

Reconstructing the fluvial history of the Llanos de Moxos, NE Bolivia – Approaches, challenges and first results

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Posters Poster AreaBurki V., Hansen L., Fredin O., Beylich A., Larsen E.

Glacier erosion rates since Little Ice age during advance and retreat of a Norwegian outlet glacier

Deline P., Akçar N., Ivy-Ochs S., Kubik P.W., Schlüchter C.

Differentiation of rock avalanche deposits from lateglacial moraines in Val Ferret (Mont Blanc Massif, Italy) using cosmogenic �0Be

Hajdas I., Michczynski A., Bonani G., Wacker L., Furrer H.

Dating old bones: Study case mammoth from Niederweningen, ZH

Ivy-Ochs S., Kober F., Kubik P.W., Schlüchter C.

Exposure dating of the Chironico landslide, Leventina, Switzerland

Klisch M.A., Rozanski K., Edwards T.W.D.

Oxygen isotopic composition of lacustrine cellulose and authigenic calcite – New insight into Late Glacial and Holocene temperature changes in central Poland

Kober, F., Abbühl, L., Ivy-Ochs, S., Schlunegger, F., Kubik, P.W., Baur, H., Wieler, R.

Variation of denudation rates in the partially fluvially and partially glacially scupltured Hörnli region, Switzerland

Rufer D., Preusser F., Schreurs G.

Proposing IR stimulated luminescence to date Quaternary phreatomagmatic eruptions from central Madagascar

Schindelwig I., Akçar N., Lukas S., Kubik P.W., Schlüchter C.

Glacier advances during the Lateglacial to Holocene transition in the Swiss Alps

Schmid T.W., Bernasconi S.M. Application of “clumped-isotope” thermometry to paleotemperature reconstructions in lacustrine carbonates

van Raden U., Beer R., Tinner W., Gilli A., Clegg B., Bigler C., Hu Feng Sheng, Haug G.

Evidence for climatic cooling at Grizzly Lake (Alaska) around 2800 cal. yr BP

Yu J., Zhang L., Zhan D., Gao C.

Paleoclimates since the MIS 3 on the NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A comparison with SCS and European records


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 6: Apply! Snow, Ice and Permafrost Science & GeomorphologyConvenors: M. Hoelzle, A. Bauder, B. Krummenacher, C. Lambiel, M. Lüthi, M. Phillips, J. Schweizer, M. Schwikowski, M. Bollschweiler, G.R. Bezzola, R. Delaloye, C. Graf, N. Kuhn, E. Reynard

Talks Room Ciani-4Chair: Christoph Lambiel

08:30-08:�0 Champagnac J.-D., Schlunegger F., Norton K., von Blanckenburg F., Abbühl L., Schwab M.

Erosion-driven uplift of the modern Central Alps

08:�0-09:�0 Fontana G., Scapozza C., Reynard E.

Lateglacial glacier evolution of the Greina region (Central Swiss Alps)

09:�0-09:30 Fischer L., Eisenbeiss H., Kääb A., Huggel C., Haeberli W.

Combined LiDAR and photogrammetry for stability-related change detection in glacierised and frozen rock walls – A case study in the Monte Rosa east face

09:30-09:�0 Linsbauer A., Paul F., Hoelzle M., Haeberli W.

Modelling of glacier bed topography from glacier outlines and DEM data in a GIS

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1Chair: Isabelle Gärtner-Roer

��:00-��:20 Lüthi M. Transient response of idealized glaciers to climate variations

��:20-��:40 Bauder A., Huss M. Long term point observations of seasonal mass balance: A key to understanding 20th century climate change

��:40-�2:00 Paul F., Haeberli W. Spatial variability of glacier elevation changes in the Alps obtained from differencing two DEMs

�2:00-�2:20 Foppa N., Seiz G., Walterspiel J.

Observation of the Cryosphere – Switzerland’s contribution to the Global Climate Observing System GCOS

12:20-14:00 Lunch break – General Assemblies of Swiss Society for Snow, Ice and Permafrost & SSGmChair: Emmanuel Reynard

�4:00-�4:20 Hauck C., Hilbich C. Application of operational geophysical monitoring systems on alpine permafrost

�4.20-�4:40 Morard S., Delaloye R. Airflow velocity measurements in ventilated porous debris accumulations

�4:40-��:00 Lambiel C., Scapozza C., Pieracci K., Baron L., Marescot L.

Thermal and electrical properties of a periglacial talus slope

��:00-��:20 Phillips M., Zenklusen Mutter E., Kern-Luetschg M.

Rapid permafrost degradation induced by non-conductive heat transfer within a talus slope at Flüela Pass, Swiss Alps

��:20-��:40 Roer I., Hoelzle M., Haeberli W., Kääb A.

Rockglacier dynamics in the Swiss Alps – Comparing kinematics and thermal regimes in the Murtèl-Corvatsch region


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Chair: Marcia Phillips

�6:30-�6:�0 Fierz C., Lehning M. Snow temperatures: Measurement and modelling�6:�0-�7:�0 Heggli M., Köchle B.,

Pinzer B., Schneebeli M.Thermal conductivity of snow: How to find a better parameterisation?

�7:�0-�7:30 Wüthrich C., Begert M., Scherrer S.C., Croci-Maspoli M., Appenzeller C., Weingartner R.

Analyses of newly digitised snow series over the last �00 years+ in Switzerland

�7:30-�7:�0 SEP-NGP-Prize for Young ResearchersPosters Poster AreaBodin X., Schoeneich P., Lhotellier R., Gruber S., Deline P., Ravanel L., Monnier S.

A first assessment of the permafrost distribution in the French Alps

Caprez J., Maisch M., von Poschinger A.

The Flims rockslide – 3D terrain modelling and volume calculations with GIS application

Darms G., Hoelzle M. First results of firn temperature measurements in 2008 on Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Switzerland

Fontana G., Scapozza C., Reynard E.

Geomorphological map of the Greina region (Central Swiss Alps)

Frei E., Heggli M., Schneebeli M.

Replica method for three-dimensional X-ray microtomographic imaging of snow

Frey H., Busarello C., Frauenfelder R., Haeberli W., Hoelzle M., May B., Rau S., Wagenbach D., Wagner S.

The ice ridge at Murtèl/Corvatsch: Studying a (c)old archive

Pagano L. Inventory of geomorphosites of Bavona and Rovana valleys (Ticino)

Parisod J., Senn C., Pfeifer H.-R., Vennemann T.

Evaluation des effets de l’enneigement artificiel sur la chimie du sol par comparaison de l’effet de la neige naturelle, artificielle, avec et sans additif: Cas de Crans-Montana-Aminona, Valais, Suisse

Paul F., Kääb A., Rott H., Shepherd A., Strozzi T.

GlobGlacier: A new ESA project to map the world’s glaciers from space

Scapozza C., Gex P., Lambiel C., Reynard E.

Electromagnetic prospecting in alpine permafrost: Examples from the Southern Swiss Alps

Scapozza C., Mari S., Valenti G., Strozzi T., Gex P., Fontana G., Müller G., Lambiel C., Delaloye R., Reynard E.

Permafrost map of the Eastern Ticino Alps

Theler D., Bardou E., Reynard E.

Conceptualising sediment cascades to enhance dynamic geomorphological mapping


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Worni R., Pulgarín B., Agudelo A., Huggel C.

Glacier volcano interactions and related hazards during the 2007 eruptive crisis at Nevado del Huila, Colombia

Zenklusen Mutter E., Phillips M., Blanchet J.

Evidence of warming in disturbed and undisturbed permafrost terrain at Schafberg (Pontresina, Eastern Swiss Alps)

Session 7: Geofluids and related Mineralization: From Shallow to DeepConvenors: Robert Moritz, Thomas Wagner

Talks Room B-2Chair: Thomas Wagner, Robert Moritz

08:30-08:�0 Bendezú A., Catchpole H., Kouzmanov K., Fontboté L., Alexey U., Astorga C.

Miocene magmatism and related porphyry and polymetallic mineralization in the Morococha district, Central Peru

08:�0-09:�0 Catchpole H., Bendezú A., Kouzmanov K., Fontboté L., Edgar R.

Paragenesis and preliminary fluid inclusion data of porphyry-related base metal mineralisation styles in the Miocene Morococha district, Central Peru

09:�0-09:30 Meier D.L., Heinrich C., Guillong M., Marquez-Zavalía M.F.

Low-salinity fluids at the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Argentina

09:30-09:�0 Steinberger I., Driesner T., Weis P., Heinrich C.

Towards a quantitative process model of a porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit at the example of Bingham, Utah

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1��:00-��:20 Grün G., Coumou D., de

Ronde C., Driesner T., Weis P., Heinrich C.

Numerical modelling of fluid flow in submarine hydrothermal systems

��:20-��:40 Lehmann K., Driehorst F., Ramseyer K., Pettke T., Wiedenbeck M.

Trace element uptake into quartz cement – A function of temperature or fluid characteristics?

��:40-�2:00 Hurtig N.C., Driesner T., Heinrich C., Wall V., Matthison I. Maureen

Unconformity-related U-Mo-F deposit, Georgetown, QLD, Australia

�2:00-�2:20 Efimenko N., Spangenberg J.E. , Matera V., Adatte T., Föllmi K.B.

Formation of sphalerite mineralisations and cadmium enrichments in the Hauptrogenstein Formation (Upper Bajocian) of Jura Mountains (Switzerland): Geological, geochemical and isotopic (O, C, S) evidence

12:20-14:00 Lunch breakPosters Poster AreaAerts M., Hack A.C., Ulmer P., Thompson A.B.

Low-temperature fluid phase relations of granitic solutions and implications for crustal mass transport

Bejaoui J., Bouhlel S., Cardellach E., Pique A., Canals A.

Mineralogy and fluid inclusion investigations of carbonate hosted Pb-Zn-Ba-(Cu) deposits in Jebel Ajered, Central Tunisia


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Garnit H., Bouhlel S. Phosphorites-hosted zinc and lead in the Sekarna ore deposit, Central Tunisia

Kodolányi J., Spandler C., John T., Scambelluri M., Pettke T.

Olivine-Ti-clinohumite veins and their relation to partial dehydration of high pressure serpentinites

Mantegazzi D., Sanchez-Valle C., Driesner T.

PVTx properties of H2O-NaCl fluids using Brillouin scattering spectroscopy

Souissi F., Jemmali N., Souissi R., Dandurand J.-L.

The Pb-Zn-Sr-Ba deposits in Northern Tunisia: Trace elements, rare earth elements and Sr geochemical evidence for their origin

Souissi F., Souissi R., Dandurand J.-L.

The Mississippi Valley type fluorite ore of Jebel Stah (North-Eastern Tunisia) II: contribution of the REE and Sr isotope geochemistry to the genetic model

Vágó E., Moritz R. Fluid chemical characterisation of the Pataz, Marsa and Parcoy mineralized districts in the Peruvian Eastern Cordillera

Session 8: Building Stones - Application, Suitability, ResearchConvenors: Rainer Kündig, Konrad Zehnder, Andreas Küng

Talks Room Ciani-2Chair: Konrad Zehnder

�4.20-�4:40 Cavallo G., Corredig G., Dell’Oro D., Galimberti L., Rodeghiero F., Vezzoni B.

The natural stones used on the Romanesque north wall of the St. Martino church in Mendrisio

�4:40-��:00 Küng A., Vezzoni B. The soapstone of the Romanesque church of San Nicolao in Giornico, Canton Ticino (Switzerland)

��:00-��:20 Zerbi S. Construction en pierre massive en Suisse. Le cas des Tre Valli au Canton du Tessin

��:20-��:40 Bläuer C., Rousset B. Geological methods in everyday conservation of monuments and sites

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2�6:30-�6:�0 Wetzel A., Herwegh M.,

Zurbriggen R.Spatial and temporal evolution of physico-chemical properties of polymer-modified mortar at the interfaces of large-sized tiles

�6:�0-�7:�0 Zehnder K., Kündig R., Baumeler A.

Stones on historic buildings and artworks of Switzerland – Actual stage of the database

Posters Poster AreaBugini R., Folli L. The use of ornamental stones from Arzo (Ticino) in the Italian

architectureWetzel A., Zurbriggen R., Herwegh M.

Setup for investigations of tile-mortar interface of large-sized tiles


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 9: Natural Hazards and RisksConvenors: Giovanni Crosta, Michel Jaboyedoff

Talks Room B-209:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1 & Panel: Project collaborations for disaster risk

management in an international context: Opportunities and challenges (J. Hammer)Chair: Giovanni Crosta

�4:00-�4:20 Schweizer J. On the predictability of snow avalanches�4.20-�4:40 Rosset P., Bonjour C., Cua

G., Kaestli P., Trendafiloski G., Wiemer S., Wyss M.

The earthquake loss estimating tool QLARM: Applications in real-time and for predictions

�4:40-��:00 Troisi C. Landslide investigation by means of PSiNSARTM radar interferometry: The Piemonte experience

��:00-��:20 Strozzi T., Werner C., Wiesmann A., Wegmüller U.

A portable radar interferometer for the measurement of surface deformation

��:20-��:40 Jaboyedoff M., Pedrazzini A. Theoretical basis for shadow angle variability and implications

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Chair: Michel Jaboyedoff

�6:30-�6:�0 Oppikofer T., Böhme M., Blikra L.H., Derron M.-H., Jaboyedoff M., Saintot A.

Geological and structural model of the Åknes rockslide (Norway)

�6:�0-�7:�0 Kanevski M., Pozdnoukhov A., Timonin V.

Machine learning algorithms for spatial data. Case studies: Environmental pollution, natural hazards, renewable resources

�7:�0-�7:30 Mautz R. Simulation for a volcano monitoring network�7:30-�7:�0 Zechner E., Lewin I., Konz

M.Effects of tectonic structures, groundwater pumping, and mining activity on evaporite subrosion and resulting land subsidence

�7:�0-�8:�0 Huggel C., Eugster S., Ramírez J.M., Worni R.

Recent experiences from Swiss projects in risk reduction in South America

Posters Poster AreaAlizadeh Bahram, Bagheri Soheila, Hoseini Seyed Hossein

Biomarkers as effective and beneficial tools in petroleum caused natural hazards

Ambrosi C., Pera S. Interdisciplinary approaches to recognition, analysis and modelling in Sackung systems and large landslides in the southern Swiss Alps

Ambrosi C., Strozzi T. SAR Interferometric Point Target analysis and interpretation of aerial photographs for landslides investigations in southern Switzerland

Baruffini M., Baruffini M., Thüring M.

A GIS-tool for risk assessment due to natural hazards in mountain regions


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Matti B. Geological heterogeneity in landslides: Characterization and flow modeling

Fischer L., Amann F., Huggel C. Multidisciplinary investigations and back-analysis of a periglacial rock fall event: Tschierva rock fall

Forootan Ehsan, Sharifi Mohammad Ali, Nikkhoo Mehdi, Dodge Somayeh

Applying altimetry and in-situ data to compute point-wise MSL for inland waters, case study: Caspian Sea

Fossati D., Kos A. The Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation of Landarenca (Graubünden, Switzerland): A geological-geotechnical analysis

H. Serdar Akyüz, Taylan Sançar, Cengiz Zabcı, Pınar Gutsuz, Volkan Karabacak, Erhan Altunel, Ziyadin Çakır, Çaglar Yalçıner

Paleoseismological studies on Yedisu seismic gap, eastern part of North Anatolian Fault, Turkey

Künzler M., Huggel C., Ramírez J. M.

A method for risk analysis related to lahars and floods – A case study at Nevado del Tolima volcano, Colombia

Meier A., Willi C. Systematic recording and analysis of natural hazards along railway lines using GIS

Mohamadi Mahin Glass and magnetitic spherules associated with the solid impact and mass extinction in D/C boundary in Central Alborz mountain north of Iran

Ostermann M., Sanders D. A new approach to dating carbonate-lithic rockslidesPedrazzini A., Jaboyedoff M., Froese C., Humair F., Langenberg W., Francisco M.

The role of regional fault and fold-related fractures in the development of rock slope failure

Thüring M. Rockfall modelling applied to rockfall protection designThüring M., Cannata M., Hammer J.

Hazard and risk assessment of landslides on accumulation reservoirs – A field applicable scheme

Vouillamoz N., Mosar J. Microzonage sismique du Canton de Fribourg: Carte de Sol de fondations


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 10: Anthropogenic Impacts on hydrological RegimeConvenors: Sandro Peduzzi, Andrea Salvetti

Talks Room Chiesa09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1

Chair: Sandro Peduzzi, SGHL��:00-��:0� Filippini L. Opening address��:0�-��:30 Pfaundler M., Salvetti A. Module Hydrology: Assessing the natural status of the

flow regime. Methodology and case study Brenno (TI)��:30-�2:00 Baumann P. Schwall/Sunk und Morphologie in Fliessgewässern�2:00-�2:20 Polli B., Solcà L. Hydropeaking on the Ticino River: Analysis, impacts

and mitigation strategies12:20-14:00 Lunch break – General Assembly - Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology (A.

Jakob, President)Chair: Andrea Salvetti, CHy

�4:00-�4:20 Maiolini B., Bruno M.C., Carolli M., Silveri L., Zolezzi G., Bellin A., Siviglia A.

Eco-hydrological impacts of hydropower production in the Adige river system

�4.20-�4:40 Siviglia A., Salvaro M., Zolezzi G., Maiolini B., Carolli M., Bruno M.C.

Thermopeaking from power plant releases in regulated Alpine stream

�4:40-��:00 Kirchhofer A., Breitenstein M.

Schwall-Sunk in der Linth (GL) – Ein neuer Ansatz zur Reduktion der Auswirkungen auf das Flussökosystem

��:00-��:20 Robinson C.T., Buser T., Mannes S., Kelly D., Larned S.

Spatio-temporal effects of experimental floods on benthos, drift and seston below reservoirs

��:20-��:40 Consuegra D. Urban storm water runoff impacts on receiving waters. On the use of continuous modelling and quantitative indicators

��:40-�6:00 Bonalumi M., Anselmetti F., Kägi R., Müller B., Wüest A.

Effects of pump storage operations on reservoir turbidity

16:00-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Chair: Reinhardt Bachofen, Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-Stiftung für Gewässerforschung

�6:20 Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-PreisPosters Poster AreaAl-Zoubaidy M., Brovelli A., Rossi L., Barry D.A., Holliger K.

Evaluation of the hydraulic properties of constructed wetlands using geoelectric techniques


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 11: Who cares about Water? Social Aspects of Water & Environmental Challenges of Border RegionsConvenors: Walter Leimgruber, Patricia Felber, Doris Wastl-Walter, Béla Filep

Talks Room C-1Chair: Walter Leimgruber, Patricia Felber

08:30-08:�0 Leimgruber W. Introduction08:�0-09:�0 Graefe O. Domestic water as means of masculine domination.

An analysis from the High Atlas Mountains09:�0-09:30 Hagmann T., Korf B. Water violence, governable space and the state’s

frontier09:30-09:�0 Gueye A., Chaudhuri N.,

Pfeifer H.-R., Niang S., Cole D.

Increasing sustainability of irrigated urban agriculture in southern countries by Participatory Education and Action Research (PEAR) among small producers: Case study of Dakar, Senegal

09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1 & Panel: Who cares about water? (P. Felber)Chair: Doris Wastl-Walter, Béla Filep

��:00-��:20 de Bettignies G. Consuming mountain space��:20-��:40 Wastl-Walter D., Filep B.,

Váradi M.M.Cross-border environmental conflicts: Struggling for political participation across borders

��:40-�2:00 Gueye A., Pfeifer H.-R., Sarr B., Niang S.

Nitrogen leaching in groundwater from periurban agrosystems in Senegal: Is fertilization contributing to the high nitrate groundwater contamination?

�2:00-�2:20 Widmer D. Peasant border casesPosters Poster AreaNdiaye M.L., Peduzzi R., Pfeifer H.-R., Niang S., Dieng Y., Tonolla M.

Microbiological quality of groundwater related to urban agriculture of the Dakar area (Senegal)

Veronesi M., Pera S., Simona M.

Recovery of lake Lugano (Switzerland-Italy): A differentiated strategy for a complex challenge


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 12: Data Acquisition, Geo-Processing, GIS, Digital Mapping and 3D VisualisationConvenors: Massimiliano Cannata, Nils Oesterling, Adrian Wiget

Talks Room LiceoChair: A. Wiget – The framework for digital geo-scientific data in Switzerland

08:30-08:�0 Beer C. The relevance of digital data and techniques to applied geo-sciences

08:�0-09:�0 Buogo A., Buser R., Sonney R., Wiget A.

The National Spatial Data Infrastructure

09:�0-09:30 Oesterling N., Kühni A., Kündig R.

Geological Information System Switzerland

09:30-09:�0 Cannata M. FOSS4G: Open source tools for geoinformation09:50-11:00 Coffee break – Poster Session 1

Chair: Massimiliano Cannata – GIS��:00-��:20 Giorgis D. The “cadastre géologique” of the canton of Vaud:

A geoinformatic tool to collect, manage and publish geological data

��:20-��:40 Oliosi F., Storelli S. GIS helps water resources management��:40-�2:00 Molinari M., Cannata M. A GIS approach for tsunami risk assessment�2:00-�2:20 Antonovic M. The Sensor Observation Service (SOS)12:20-14:00 Lunch break

Chair: Adrian Wiget – Data acquisition and geo-processing�4:00-�4:20 Bochud M., Mosar J. GIS-supported geology and fieldwork in the Eastern

greater Caucasus�4.20-�4:40 Skaloud J., Schaer P.,

Tomé P., Stebler Y.Real-time mapping and monitoring capability of geological features by airborne laser scanning

�4:40-��:00 Kalbermatten M., Turberg P.

Analysing landslide features through scale using the wavelet transform – Theory and application to the earth flow type landslide of Travers (Switzerland)

��:00-��:20 Metzger R., Jaboyedoff M., Oppikofer T.

COLTOP 3D: A software dedicated to analyze relief using large DEM and massive 3D-imaging cloud points

��:20-��:40 Grimm D., Zogg H.-M. Dynamic monitoring of load tests by kinematic terrestrial laser scanning

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Chair: Nils Oesterling – Digital mapping and 3D visualisation

�6:30-�6:�0 Baumeler A. Bereitstellung digitaler Daten für unterschiedliche Ausgabemedien: Web, GIS, Druckprodukte. Kartografische Anforderungen, Genauigkeit, Produktions- und Darstellungsprobleme


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

�6:�0-�7:�0 Schreiber L., Ornstein P., Sartori M., Kühni A.

TOOLMAP – ‘SION’ method: Development of a new GIS Framework for digital geological mapping

�7:�0-�7:30 Parriaux A., Turberg P., Kalbermatten M., Golay F., Lance J.-M.

The geotype concept to develop GIS oriented analysis in engineering geology applications

�7:30-�7:�0 Jordan P., Schwab M., Schneider H., Schnellmann M., Weber H., Neaf H., Alber W.

A 3D geological model of North-East Switzerland, a GIS solution

�7:�0-�8:�0 Baumberger R., Bossart P., Eichenberger U., Kühni A., Nussbaum C., Oesterling N., Weber E.

3D geological model of the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory

Posters Poster AreaAbdollahzadeh M., Najafi A.M. Detection of gross-errors into gravity data of IRAN by Kriging

approachBaumeler A. Digitale Kartografie für GIS und Kartendruck mit

GrafikprogrammenGlur L., Bossart P., Herfort M., Meier E., Nussbaum C.

Borehole Evapometer measurements: Detection of zones with different hydraulic conductivities in the Opalinus Clay

Hilbe M., Anselmetti F.S., Eilertsen R., Hansen L.

Geomorphologic mapping of Lake Lucerne – The potential of high-resolution bathymetry data

Kanevski M., Pozdnoukhov A., Timonin V. Kernel-based methods for spatio-temporal data. Analysis, modelling and geo-visualisation

Kistler M., Brockmann E., Marti U., Métraux C., Papafitsorou A., Ray J., Schlatter A., Vogel B., Wiget A., Wild U.

New coordinates for Switzerland: Completion of the Swiss national triangular transformation network for precise transformations between the old reference frame LV03, the new LV9� and global ones like ETRF

Marti U. The National Gravity Network of SwitzerlandPera S. Hydrogeology and geochemical characteristics of

groundwater in a porous aquifer connected with two karst systems, in Southern Switzerland

Sartori M., Ornstein P., Schreiber L.

GIS modelling: A first step toward 3D geology with the “Sion” map

Villiger A., Heller O., Geiger A., Kahle H.-G., Brockmann E.

Estimation of local tectonic movements using continuous GNSS network


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Session 13: Global Change - Lessons from the Geological PastConvenors: Helmut Weissert, Peter Baumgartner

Talks Room C-1Chair: Helmut Weissert

�4.20-�4:40 Hermann E., Hochuli P.A., Bucher H., Brühwiler T., Goudemand N., Ghazala R.

Evidence for major climatic change at the Smithian-Spathian boundary from low palaeolatitudinal records

�4:40-��:00 Richoz S., Van De Schootbrugge B., Püttmann W., Heunisch C., Quan T.M., Fiebig J., Pross J.

Evidence of sulfidic marine environment after the Triassic-Jurassic mass-extinction event

��:00-��:20 Baumgartner P.O., Tschudin P.

Eutrophication of marginal seas by river input: The Middle Jurassic Western Tethys compared to the Modern Caribbean

��:20-��:40 Erba E., Bottini C., Casellato C.E., De Bernardi B., Tiraboschi D.

A geological perspective on calcareous nanoplankton evolution: Biotic response to global change and environmental perturbations?

15:40-16:30 Coffee break – Poster Session 2Chair: Peter Baumgartner

�6:30-�6:�0 Mehay S., Keller C.E., Bernasconi S.M., Weissert H., Erba E.

The initiation of OAE�a revealed by a high resolution biomarker carbon isotope record

�6:�0-�7:�0 Westermann S., Matera V., Fiet N., Adatte T., Föllmi K.B.

Paleoredox changes associated with the early Aptian oceanic anoxic event

�7:�0-�7:30 Föllmi K.B., Godet A., Bodin S., Linder P., de Kaenel E., Adatte T., Stein M.

The rise and fall of the Urgonian empire

�7:30-�7:�0 Adatte T. Impacts, volcanism, sea-level and climate fluctuations: Towards a multi-causal scenario for the Phanerozoic extinctions, a lesson from the past?

�7:�0-�8:�0 Jaccard S., Galbraith E., Haug G., Sigman D.

Reduced oxygen concentrations in the abyssal North Pacific during the last glacial period – Implications for oceanic carbon storage

Posters Poster AreaDessauges A., Leuenberger M., Nicolussi K., Schlüchter C.

Glacial geology and paleoclimate: Stable isotope analysis in Holocene tree rings – Mont Miné glacier (VS)

Giorgioni M., Weissert H., Bernasconi S.

Oceanic and climatic changes during the Albian- Cenomanian: The World at the end of Pangea

Girault F.E., Weller A.F., Thierstein H.R.

Neogene global cooling and its impact on diatom size evolution


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Godefroid F., Kindler P., Samankassou E.

Confirmation of an exceptional sea-level highstand at +20 m during MIS 11 (400’000 ka BP) from Bahamian sedimentary rocks: A credible scenario for future global warming?

Keller C.E., Giorgioni M., Garcia T.I., Bernasconi S.M., Hochuli P.A., Weissert H.

Cretaceous carbon cycle and climate: The Barremian-Early Aptian C-cycle perturbation


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Sunday 23rd November - Special Session

International Year of Planet Earth Symposium

Deep Earth - From Crust to Core: A Tribute to Peter A. ZieglerConvenors: Stefan Schmid, Jon Mosar, Gilles Borel, Pierre Dèzes

Room B-1Chair: Stefan Schmid

08:00-08:30 Thermo-mechanical controls on continental intraplate deformation

Sierd CloetinghVrije Universiteit Amsterdam

08:30-09:00 Examples of magmatic processes in the crust and mantle as seen by seismic tomographic imaging: Continental rifts and mantle plumes

Ulrich AchauerInstitut de Physique du Globe, Strasbourg

09:00-09:30 Lithosphere extension: Necking instability vs. gravity driven spreading

Jean-Pierre BrunUniversité de Rennes

09:30-09.4� Coffee breakChair: Gilles Borel

09:4�-�0:�� Mediterranean tectonics: IGCP 369 and Transmed Project

William CavazzaUniversità di Bologna

�0:��-�0:4� Tectonics of Eurasian high Arctic – From Europrobe to Alaska

David G. GeeUppsala Universitet

�0:4�-��:�� Thrustbelts and foreland basins François RoureInstitut Français du Pétrole, Paris

��:��-��:30 Coffee breakChair: Jon Mosar

��:30-�2:00 Style, timing, and controls on European intraplate basin inversion in the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene

Randell StephensonVrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

�2:00-�2:30 Evolution of continental structure from the Archean to the present: Views for the Canadian LITHOPROBE program

Alan GreenETH Zürich

�2:30-�3:00 Global plate reconstructions Gérard StampfliUniversité de Lausanne


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Sunday 23rd November - ExcursionsThree excursions are held on Sunday, 23rd November 2008. All excursions start from Palazzo Congressi at 8:30 and are expected to end at Palazzo Congressi by �3:00.

Excursion - City Walk LuganoA guided walk through Lugano – Building stones on historical buildings. Organized by Conservazione e Restauro-SUPSI and SGTK. This excursion is free of charge.

Excursion - GeoPark Gole della Breggia200 million years of geological history outcropping in a single Geopark – A guided walk through sedimentary rocks and fossils from lower Jurassic to today ( Organized by Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale. Transportation to Mendrisio/Parco della Breggia and back by Mini-bus. Charge: 30 CHF.

Excursion - AlpTransit Ceneri Base TunnelVisit of construction site Sigirino, where the future �� km long AlpTransit base tunnel Ceneri is currently under construction ( Organized by AlpTransit. Transportation to Sigirino/AlpTransit site and back by mini-bus. Charge: 30 CHF.

Committee and Society Meetings

Friday, 21st November Room�2:30-�4:30 Annual meeting - Swiss national IUGG committee F�3:00-�4:00 Committee meeting - Erlebnis Geologie D

Saturday, 22nd November Room�2:00-�3:00 Committee meeting - Swiss Geological Society D�2:20-�3:00 General assembly - Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology Chiesa�2:20-�3:00 General assembly - Swiss Society for Mineralogy and Petrography B-3�2:20-�3:00 General assembly - Swiss Meteorological Society Ciani-2�2:20-�3:00 General assembly - Swiss Society for Snow, Ice and Permafrost Ciani-4�2:20-�4:00 Annual meeting - Swiss national IUGS committee F�3:00-�4:00 General assembly - Swiss Geological Society B-1�3:00-�4:00 General assembly - Swiss Society for Geomorphology Ciani-4


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Sponsors and exhibitorsThe following bodies and companies are sponsors of the meeting:

Città di LuganoSwiss Geological Survey, Federal Office of Topography – swisstopoMuseo Cantonale di Storia NaturaleBancaStato, Banca dello Stato del Cantone TicinoSchweizerischer Versicherungsverband (ASA/SVV)Geobrugg, Protection SystemsBasilese Assicurazioni, Baloise Bank SOBA, Agenzia Generale Mendrisio/MalcantoneSwiss Professional Association of Engineers and Architects, Swiss Engineering STV, Section Ticino

The following exhibitors are present at the meeting:Swiss Geological Survey, Federal Office of Topography – swisstopoGeobrugg, Protection SystemsUniversity of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)Swiss Association of Geologists (CHGEOL)Museo Cantonale di Storia NaturaleSwiss Professional Association of Engineers and Architects, Swiss Engineering STV, Section TicinoPlatform Geosciences, Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)Swiss Geotechnical Commission (SGTK)Birkhäuser VerlagNational Platform for Natural Hazards (PLANAT)Festival della Scienza Lugano, Basecamp09

Thanks to the sponsors and exhibitors for their support!





6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano


The Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)

www.geosciences.scnat.chAbout usThe Platform Geosciences encompasses all the organisations of the Swiss Academy of Sciences dealing with the system Earth at variable scales in space and time. From its inner core to its outer atmosphere, the involved organisations study the structure, the history, the evolution and the dynamics of our planet as well as the chemical, physical and biological processes that take place within or between the lithosphere (rocks), the pedosphere (soil), the hydrosphere (water), the cryosphere (ice) and the atmosphere (air). Interactions occurring between the geosphere, the biosphere and the climate system are of high interest to several of the organisations grouped under the umbrella of the Platform Geosciences. Other members of the Platform Geosciences investigate the impact of human activity on geosystems (erosion, pollution, urbanisation, …) as well as the impact of environmental change on society (earthquakes, volcanism, desertification, floods…).MissionOur missions are:

To ensure the communication, the coordination and the development of synergies between the scientific societies, the commissions, the institutes, the industry and the administration at the national and international level.To act as a source of information on geosciences for the public and as intermediary between science and society.To support the publication of scientific results and studies and thus ensure the transmission of acquired knowledge.To support the international visibility of Swiss geosciences, the involvement of Swiss geoscientists in international organisations and the participation of young researchers in international meeting.To promote the teaching of geosciences and the scientific method in classrooms.To identify emerging themes in geosciences having a potential impact on society and elaborates action plans, scenarios or propositions for decisions makers to make informed choices.To initiate and maintain monitoring, and inventorisation programs aimed at the early detection of new tendencies or perturbations in geosystems.



6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Our productsThe website contains news and information pertaining to geosciences with a special focus on Switzerland (geological paths, museums, geotopes, didactical material)«Geosciences ACTUEL»: The quarterly Swiss geosciences information bulletin. Your contributions are welcome!«SwissGeoWeb»: The interactive database containing the contact information of the persons and institutions active in the field of geosciences in Switzerland«Geoscience Switzerland»: The “telephone book” of Swiss geoscientists (updated yearly)«Swiss Geoscience Meeting»: Forward planning and coordination of this meeting that assembles Swiss geoscientists once a year in a different location.Working groups (WG):

- WG Swiss Geotopes/Geoparks: Protection of natural sites of geoscientific interest and dissemination of information on the subject. - Swiss stratigraphic Committee: Recommendations for the naming of stratigraphic units and publication of the Swiss stratigraphic glossary. - WG Teaching: promotes the teaching of geosciences in Swiss secondary schools.

NetworkThe following societies, commissions and national committees are part of the Platform Geosciences:SocietiesAcademic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology, Forest Society, Geographical Society, Geological Society, Geomorphological Society, Hydrogeological Society, Meteorological Society, Mineralogical and Petrographical Society, Paleontological Society, Society for Hydrology and Limnology, Soil Science Society.CommissionsCommission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Commission for Oceanography and Limnology, Commission for Quaternary research, Commission for Remote Sensing, Geodetic Commission, Geological Commission, Geophysical Commission, Geotechnical Commission, Glaciological Commission, Hydrological Commission, Speleological Commission.National CommitteesIGBP/SCOPE, IGU, INQUA, ISC, IUGG, IUGS, IUS, SCOR.The Platform Geosciences also works in close collaboration with the other platforms of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, its supporting organisations and agencies as well as with all the other institutions connected with geosciences.


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)

The University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is one of eight Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule-FH, Haute École Specialisée-HES, Scuola Universitaria Professionale-SUP) in Switzerland.As of 2007, SUPSI has 7 locations (Campus Manno, Lugano-Trevano, Lugano-Besso, Stabio, Verscio, Brig and Landquart), 4 departments (Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design-DACD, Dipartimento sanità-DSAN, Dipartimento scienze aziendali e sociali-DSAS, Dipartimento tecnologie innovative-DTI), 3 affiliated schools (Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana-CSI, Fernfachhochschule Schweiz-FFHS, Scuola Teatro Dimitri-STD), 16 Bachelor courses, 13 Master courses, 537 staff members (active in 4 departments, 269 teachers, 172 scientific staff and assistants, 92 administrative and technical staff), 2’123 Bachelor students (60% male, 40% female, 50% from Ticino, 30% from other Cantons, 13% from Italy and 7% from other countries), 204 MAS/EMBA students (80 students received a diploma of Master of Advanced Studies or Executive Masters of Business Administration), 2’789 participants in continuous education (206 courses for a total of 6’706 hours) and has collected 8 million CHF of funding for research.

Institute of Earth Sciences (SUPSI-IST)

The Institute of Earth Sciences (IST) is part of the Dipartimento ambiente, costruzioni e design of SUPSI and is located on Campus Trevano, close to Lugano. It deals with topics connected to the environment and conducts activities in applied research and development, service delivery and basic and continuous education. The activities cover the monitoring, management and protection of the environment and its resources, topical directions are geology and geotechnical engineering, hydrology, hydrogeology, geomatic engineering and urban planning, such as the management of surface and groundwater resources, monitoring and modeling of natural hazards, environmental databases, and geographic information systems. IST has about 30 staff members.

Institute of Earth Sciences


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

The Swiss Geological Society - Since

About usThe Swiss Geological Society (SGS) was established in �882 as a National Executive Committee. The society is a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).The main goal of the Swiss Geological Society is the advancement of geological sciences.The following specialist groups are affiliated with the SGS:

Swiss Tectonic Studies Group: Informal group of structural geologists, tectonicians, petrologists, geophysicists from Switzerland and adjacent countries, with a focus on Alpine geology. For further information please contact Prof. Neil Mancktelow at ETH Zürich, e-Mail: Informal group of Swiss (not exclusively) sedimentologists that promotes contacts, exchanges ideas, and informs on current developments in sedimentology. For further Information see: Swiss Group of Geophysicists: For further information please contact Prof. E. Kissling, Institut für Geophysik ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, e-Mail:

What else?The society not only publishes the Swiss Journal of Geosciences, jointly together with the Swiss Society of Mineralogy and Petrology and the Swiss Palaeontological Society.Its main task is to promote the advancement of earth sciences in general. For example it organizes scientific symposia, usually at the annual Swiss Geoscience Meetings supported by SCNAT, other reunions of special interest groups, or thematic excursions in collaboration with the affiliated specialist groups and/or other scientific societies.The SGS especially welcomes young scientists and supports their attendance at its meetings.The society holds its Annual General Assembly under the auspices of the annual Swiss Geoscience Meeting.Members are individuals interested in promoting earth sciences in general and to pursue the Society’s goals in particular. They receive the Swiss Journal of Geosciences free of charge. Currently the membership fee is 9� CHF per year.More information on


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost

The young Swiss Snow, Ice and Permafrost society is since 2007 a member of the Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and at the same time a member of the Platform Geosciences. One of the main objectives of the society is to further strengthen snow, ice and permafrost science. The society will simultaneously promote the dialogue between science, practice and human society. This implies that the society:

promotes and mediates glaciological knowledge,is concerned with snow, ice and permafrost research in scientific, practical and public circles,arranges and facilitates the communication between glaciological experts and practice and society,takes position with regard to glaciological questions of social interest,supports exchanges and collaboration among its members,has contacts and organizes the relations with national and international organizations,promotes young scientists.

The snow, ice and permafrost society will have also close contact to other societies within SCNAT such the Geomorphological Society or the Hydrological and Limnological Society. Our new activities will focus on the following points:

the provision of suitable forms of knowledge transfer (websites, forums, etc.)the organization of public presentations, excursions and discussion platforms the creation of special working groups organization of special conferences and excursions for the advanced education of their members.

The Society has decided to take part actively within the Geosciences Platform of the Academy of Sciences and to organize its own sessions at the annual Swiss Geoscience Meetings. This year the society will award for the first time young researchers in the area of Cryospheric Sciences with the SEP-NGP-Prize for the best poster and presentation with an amount of �’000 CHF.Any further information or membership can be obtained on our website: or by contacting Martin Hoelzle (president, e-Mail: or Martin Lüthi (secretary, e-Mail:





6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Swiss Geological

About usAs the department of the Swiss Confederation responsible for earth sciences, the Swiss Geological Survey (SGS) is concerned with the following tasks:

Organise and coordinate national geological, geotechnical and geophysical surveysInterchange know-how with international geo-scientific organisations and bodiesProvide data in printed and digital formats for national geological, geotechnical and geophysical surveysProduce geological maps, reports, recommendations and guidelines for applied geology (engineering geology and environmental geology)Archive geological information such as non-published borehole data and geological reports

These tasks are carried out within three divisions of the SGS:Geological mappingGeological Information CentreGeological Survey Coordination and Management

The SGS is part of the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), the internationally recognised centre of competence for geographical reference data and all products derived from them. Apart from the SGS, swisstopo comprises five other divisions: Geodesy, Topography, Cartography, Cadastral Surveying and COGIS (Coordination, Geo-Information and Services).Issues related to earth sciences are not covered only by the SGS. The Geodesy division of swisstopo, for example, is responsible for all geodetic aspects of the national survey, producing and managing the basic geodetic reference data for the Swiss National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Some of the main tasks are:

Definition of the national geodetic reference systems (datums) and map projections; Establishment and maintenance of the reference frames and surfaces (triangulation, levelling and gravity networks; permanent GNSS positioning and control network; geoid model); Maintenance of the nationwide positioning service “swipos” based on the Automated GNSS Network of Switzerland (AGNES) and provided via mobile/GSM and internet/GPRS. swipos allows positioning with an accuracy of 2 cm all over Switzerland; High-resolution GPS measurements of tectonic movements or landslides; long term monitoring of the behaviour of water dams or other large constructions.

Close collaborations with the aforementioned divisions of swisstopo, the hydrogeological unit of the Federal Office of Environment (FOEN), earth scientific institutes of Swiss universities and the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its related commissions, e. g. Swiss Geotechnical Commission (SGTK), Swiss





6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Geophysical Commission (SGPK), are essential for the SGS. For example, various maps, reports and other products are produced in collaboration with these partners.Furthermore, the Mont Terri rock laboratory is run and directed by the SGS. In this scientific laboratory the physical properties of the Opalinus Clay formation are being investigated by �3 national and international research partners.

More informationHomepage:,, simply:, Keywords > Swiss Geological SurveyWeb-based dataviewer: simply:, Interactive applications > Geological data > Geological Dataviewer

Swiss Society for Quaternary

About usThe aim of CH-Quat is to provide a platform for scientists from different fields of basic research as well as applied studies that are investigating the ice age (Quaternary) and in particular aspects of the interaction between Humans – Environment – Climate during the past 2.6 million years. One major aim of the society is establishing a network of researchers from both natural and archaeological sciences in Switzerland. Beside this, CH-Quat is intending to improve the dialog between science, praxis and society, to establish contacts with related organisations on both a national as well as an international level, and to support young researchers starting up their scientific career.

ActivitiesCH-Quat organises sessions at the Swiss Geoscience Meeting as well as biannually symposia on Quaternary research. The society is also organising excursions, field meetings and public events and is providing grants to support conference attendances of young researchers. Working groups of experts on different aspects of Quaternary research are established to keep certain standards with regard to an appropriate handling and interpretation of data and scientific results.Further information is found on the CH-Quat webpage (


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Swiss Geodetic CommissionSchweizerische Geodätische Kommission (SGK)

Commission Geodésique Suisse (CGS)

About usThe Swiss Geodetic Commission (SGC) was founded in 1861 in the frame of the first European Arc Measurements. The first president was General Henry Dufour. The SGC is a member commission of the Platform Geosciences of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). Members are scientists from universities, governmental agencies as well as private companies.The main tasks and functions are:

Initiating and co-ordinating fundamental strategic geodetic research in SwitzerlandAdvising on general policy-making of geodesy including education, and in relation to general social developments Maintaining contacts and discussions with Federal Offices, universities and industryStimulating the spread of geodetic knowledge to the open publicStimulating, supporting and extending the geodetic infrastructure of SwitzerlandForesight of new technologies and methods for introduction to the geodetic community and open publicMaintaining and fostering contacts to international institutions such as the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

Current main topics and activities are:Support of the Swiss Satellite Observatory at ZimmerwaldSupport of the permanent Swiss GNSS reference networkSupport of the European Reference system EUREFSupport of the Center of Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE)Recent crustal movements, crustal strain rates and geodynamicsImplementation of satellite based navigation in geodetic research4D meteo modelling using GPSMonitoring of stability of geodetic reference networkMonitoring of Swiss National gravity networkGeoid of SwitzerlandAstrometrySupport of GISGeodetic basics for large and complex projects (e. g. AlpTransit)

PublicationsSee also:

Geodätisch-geophysikalische Arbeiten in der Schweiz (Fortsetzung der Publikationsreihe “Astronomisch-geodätische Arbeiten in der Schweiz”)Swiss National Reports on Geodetic Activities

Printed versions of all publications may be ordered from the SGC-Secretariat.





6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Swiss Society for MeteorologySchweizerische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM)

About usThe Swiss Society for Meteorology is a Society according to the Swiss Code of Obligations. It is a member society of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), with accordant rights and duties. It belongs to the Platform Geosciences. It is a voluntary union of meteorologists and other people interested in meteorology. Our society is also member society of the European Meteorological Society (EMS, Swiss Society for Meteorology was established on the 8 August �9�6 in Scuol, on the initiative of A. de Quervain, R. Billwiller, A. Riggenbach and P.-L. Mercanton.

MissionOur mission is

To foster the science of the atmosphere and hydrosphere in Switzerland, i.e. aeronomy, hydrology, glaciology, oceanography, meteorology, physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, including the application of these sciences to other planetary bodies.To create the opportunity for members to exchange results of their work with each other, to support each other and to spread new research and results within all disciplines of atmospheric sciences.To foster personal relationships between Swiss and foreign meteorologists.

ProductsThe Meteorologische Zeitschrift is an international meteorological journal (in English) that deals with all topics related to weather and climate and is produced in collaboration of the Meteorological Societies of Germany and Austria. The Meteorologische Zeitschrift is available in printed form and online (since 200�,, and is abstracted in the relevant geophysical reference databases.The Swiss Society for Meteorology has also issued statements with respect to climate and climate change (see homepage).We organize or co-organize regional and international conferences for the exchange of scientific ideas, e. g. the DACH2007 (


6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

Swiss Geotechnical CommissionSchweizerische Geotechnische Kommission (SGTK)

Founded in �899, the Swiss Geotechnical Commission SGTK is a member of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) within the Platform of Geosciences. Its head office is located at ETH Zürich. The principal tasks are coordinated and financed by the Swiss Geological Survey, a part of the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), by SCNAT and by third-party funds. The SGTK is managed by an expert group consisting of �6 members out of science, government, and industry. The commission provides the following products and information:

Publication of books, series, papers and maps on the Swiss mineral resources and their potential as a contribution to the Swiss Geological SurveyConsulting service on mineral resources and applicationsLecturing at ETH in applied mineralogyPublic relations in the field of mineral resources

The SGTK keeps an archive of geotechnical maps, inventories and literature dating back as far as �880.Some of the major present projects are:

Geotechnical Environmental Atlas: The basic data of the geotechnical map of Switzer-land (Geotechnische Karte der Schweiz, �:200’000) is republished in an advanced form and made easily accessible by an Atlas Information System.Hard Rock Resources: Assessing and material testing of siliceous limestone in order to put forward its potential in Switzerland.Geothematic Maps: Publication of geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and other maps.Stones in Historic Buildings and Artworks of Switzerland: Compiling a GIS related data-base which provides information on stones in buildings, quarries, rock properties, collections, and literature.

Schweizerische Geotechnische Kommission ETH-Zentrum 8092 Zürich Switzerland



6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2008 - Lugano

CHGEOL - Swiss Association of

The Swiss Association of Geologists, CHGEOL, represents geologists active in consulting firms, industry, universities and public administrations. CHGEOL coordinates activities regarding geology, helps finding competent specialists, offers a professional register, and cooperates in the development of laws and norms.CHGEOL offers up-to-date information for professionists and develops practical guidance material on specific topics. Working groups concentrate on political and societal issues of professional importance, such as subsurface planning, energy and resources, and professional developments and recognition. An important aspect is public relations.CHGEOL is member of the Swiss Association of Architects and Engineers (SIA) and thus in touch with the important planners in Switzerland. As a member of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG), CHGEOL is part of an international network of geologists, and is for Switzerland the national licensing body for the title EuroGeol, which entitles the bearer to work abroad. The annual fee for CHGEOL members is 280 CHF, student membership is free of charge up to the conclusion of the Master’s degree.CHGEOL-Award for the most relevant contribution to applied geosciences. CHGEOL promotes research that may have a sustainable impact on problems addressed by practitioners. Every year, the most relevant publication is awarded 3’000 CHF.For more information please contact: Schweizer Geologenverband CHGEOL Geschäftsstelle Dornacherstrasse 29, Postfach 4�0� Solothurn T +4� 32 62� 7� 7� | F +4� 32 62� 7� 79 |

Thanks to the sponsors of this event:

P r o t e c t i o n S y s t e m s

6th_SGM.indd 1 27.10.2008 12:36:33 Uhr
