Primary Newsletter Aug 2011



Primary Newsletter Aug 2011

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visit, when we hope to receive the

authorization for the PYP. We of

course shall keep you informed of the


I would like to thank all the parents for

the kindness you have extended to me

during my brief time here and hope we

can continue to work together for the

future of your children here at

Lancers International School.

We are now in the month of August and

I am very happy to see such an

abundance of happy faces busily

learning in the classrooms . Routines

have been formed and the children are

developing healthy relationships within

their classrooms based on the PYP


The teachers are planning and ensur-

ing that high standards of ‘Learning’

are central to the lessons and that

children are given every opportunity

to succeed.

I have also been very happy to see the

students engaged in making Kites,

Swimming in the Swimming Gala and

happily playing at the break times.

Of course we are very mindful of your

support in making sure that your child

arrives at school on time and is

prepared for the school day. This

partnership is vital and central to our

philosophy and the schools mission


As we approach September we have

another important milestone the PYP

∗ Invitation

We will be running a work-

shop for Parents to help

them understand the PYP–

its philosophy, the methodol-

ogy and what it means at LIS.

If you would like to attend

this workshop do let us know

either through a mail to the

Principal or the respective

class teachers.

Date: 2nd September

Time: 4.30 PM

Place: AV room

Taking Flight

Message from the Head of the School

a kite making festival in the school. The creativity and the imagi-

nation of children never ceases to amaze. The atrium is looking

beautiful with all their handiwork on display.

The school year has begun

with many activities and

there is a great sense of an-

ticipation in the teachers and

students everyday about

what next! We sent our little

ones from KG to participate in

Kid-o-mania– organized by

the Scottish High School. This

was a fun-filled event about

the acquatic world where the

children put together many

craft items.

On 12th August we organized

Lancers International School

Primary Glimpses! August 25th, 2011

Coming Up World Cultures Day

16th September

Inter school Swim-

ming Competition

29th and 30th Sep-


Last week was a time of excitement for

the students of Grades 4 and 5. They had

their elections for the student council.

The weeks prior to that had been spent in

heavy canvassing for votes and convinc-

ing the students of Primary school why

they would make good captains and vice

captains. They addressed the whole

school at the assembly and did a fine job

of it. They made posters and put them up

around the school. On the 12th of August

the students of Grade 1 to 5 voted for

them through their version of the secret

ballot! The results showed they chose

wisely. There were some who were dis-

appointed but it is a great lesson

for everyone– to exercise their

rights carefully. An especially

meaningful learning for Grade 5

who are studying about Govern-

ance and human rights in their

current UOI.

The Primary school has spoken

and these are the final results:

School Captain: Rohan Jain

School Vice Captain: Jasmin Lac-


Truth House: Captain: Sae Neul

Vice Captain: Dhiraj Arora

Peace House: Captain: Aryan


Vice Captain: Kanvar Mann

Virtue House: Captain: Jolise


Vice captain: Riya Jain

Faith House: Captain: Nishka


Vice Captain: Aaryan Pathak

to bring in authentic food,

artifacts, clothes, presenta-

tions etc. from the represen-

tative country. Children also

perform for the parents in

the special assembly.

Class teachers will be in

touch with you regarding the

countries they have chosen

As an International School we welcome children from all cul-

tures. In order for our students to develop respect and ac-

ceptance of all cultures, we celebrate World Cultures Day. For

those parents who are new to the school– on this day each

classroom represents a country and the children spend the

day ‘travelling’ across the world– their school, get their pass-

ports stamped and ‘enter’ each country to spend time in get-

ting to know about that country. In order to enrich this experi-

ence we invite parents to help us set up the countries. We try

and we look forward to your

participation and help.

World Cultures Day! Celebrating Diversity– Respecting Uniqueness

class. We’d like this to be

finalized by the 31st of August

so that we can meet in the

first week of September.

The teachers will be happy to

share your email addresses.

If for some reason you don’t

want to share your email

address with other parents,

do let us know. We will re-

spect your wish.

Wanted- Class Mums!

At the Orientation we talked

about you electing class reps

or class mums/dads from

among yourselves. This is our

first step towards a more

formal parents-school part-

nership. We would like you to

connect with each other and

elect one rep from each

Page 2 Primary Glimpses!





As you already know we are a

Candidate school for the PYP.

This means that we have be-

gun implementing the pro-

gramme in the school and our

school now resembles any

other school across the

world that offers the PYP– in

its pedagogy, methodology

and most importantly the

student profile.

One of the most important

aspects of the IB is the Learner Profile. The

Learner Profile is the PYP philosophy in

action. Everything we want an IB student to

be is reflected in the Learner Profile, which

aims to develop International Mindedness in

the students. You may read up more about

the Learner Profile in the PYP guide and we

seek you support in actively promoting the

qualities of a lifelong learner in your child.

Talk to them about it, use it to talk about

their conduct and show them ways to de-

velop these qualities.

partnership. We have many

parents who have been qui-

etly supporting our various

endeavours. We would like to

acknowledge their contribu-

tions. All of you who come in

to share your expertise when

we do our Units if Inquiry

making the education more

real for our students.

Mr. Park, father of Sodham of

One of the most important

aspects of an International

school is the parent-school

grade 3 who came in spoke to the whole school about Korea

on the occasion of the Korean Independence Day.

Mrs. Preeti Kulkarni and Mrs. Jayanti Ramnath who have

been actively involved in creating Story Sacks for KG.

Mr. Kapil Gulati, Vinamr’s uncle for talking to Grade 1 about


Mr. Rajesh Sahni, Kartik’s for teaching the Grade 2 students

about the body systems.

Chef Sunder, for talking with grade 2 about nutrition and


Thank you!

18th and the 19th. The entire

primary school turned out to

cheer their houses. There

were many interesting races

including: forward pushing of

the ball, back stroke, breast

stroke, free style and a mix

relay of boys and girls. The

Dong Min of Grade 4 and

Jolise of Grade 5 were our

top swimmers. The Virtue

House came out at the top

during the 2-day competition.

The points have started add-

ing up!

House Proud!

Students have begun to take

pride in their houses and

there is fierce competition to

win the maximum points for

their houses.

The PE department held their

first Inter-house swimming

competition last week on the

PYP News and Update

Page 3 Primary Glimpses!

PYP Pre-


Visit: 22nd and

23rd September



At this time of year many parents want to be involved in their child’s learning I have listed a few suggestions for our older Primary students that I hope will be of benefit to you Home learning that is done, and done well, is a vital component in ensuring that students make pro-gress in school. We set homework for a number of reasons:

• To investigate aspects of the topics being studied

• To develop independence in learning and explore new concepts

• To consolidate learning

• To revise material for internal and external assessment • To prepare for future lessons. • In addition students can help themselves by adopting good work habits such as:

• Organising a work space at home

• Setting up the right conditions for work, away from noise and distractions

• Planning their work for each day and making sure that it is done well

• Making effective use of ICT where this is appropriate.

• Getting advice from teachers if they are not sure about what to do. • Allocating time each day to review the work that has been done at school that day.

Contact us at:

Lancers International School

DLF Phase 5, Sector 53

Gurgaon, Haryana– 122001