Praying Through The Gospel of Luke - Amazon S3...LUKE 1 Praise: Read Luke 1:46-55 - After hearing...


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Praying Through


T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Luke 1 3 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 2 4 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 3 5 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 4 6 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 5 7 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 6 8 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 7 9 .........................................................................................................................

Luke 8 10 .......................................................................................................................

Luke 9 11 .......................................................................................................................

Luke 10 12 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 11 13 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 12 14 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 13 15 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 14 16 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 15 17 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 16 18 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 17 19 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 18 20 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 19 21 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 20 22 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 21 23 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 22 24 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 23 25 .....................................................................................................................

Luke 24 26 .....................................................................................................................

Impossible Prayers 27...................................................................................................

LUKE 1 Praise: Read Luke 1:46-55 - After hearing and believing by faith the angel of the Lord that she would

give birth to the Savior, Mary praised the Lord. - She praised the Lord for His greatness, His faithfulness, His love, His mercy,

His mighty acts, His fulfillment, His help, and more! - What can you praise God for today? Say a prayer of praise to the Lord

Repent: Read Luke 1:11-17 - Luke 1 records the angel coming to proclaim the birth of John the Baptist - John was tasked with “preparing the way of the Lord” by calling people to repentance - What in your life do you need to repent of today? - Say a prayer of repentance for any sin you have not confessed to God

Ask: Read Luke 1:26-37 - When the angel proclaimed the birth of Jesus to Mary she asked the angel, “How can I have a baby when I am still a virgin?” - The angel replied, “For nothing will be impossible with God!” - Sometimes, the prayers we pray to God seem “impossible” - We must remember that NOTHING is impossible with God - He can save anyone and do anything He pleases Go to the back of the book and write out some prayers that you think are

“impossible” and begin praying those prayers to the Lord

Then ask, “Who’s Your One?” — Who is one person you can begin praying for that the Lord would save their soul and maybe give you the

opportunity to share the gospel with them.

Write these prayers down in the back of this devotional booklet

Yield: Read Luke 1:38 - Mary submitted her will to the Lord - Are you submitting, surrendering, yielding yourself daily to the Lord?


LUKE 2 Praise: Read Luke 2:25-32 (look specifically at v. 20) - They praised God for everything they saw and heard which were just as

they had been told - We can praise God for His promises — He is faithful! - Write out some of the promises of God in Scripture and praise Him for it!


Repent - Mary and Joseph went up to Jerusalem to purify themselves and present

Jesus to the Lord as was custom - For Mary, the impurities and uncleanliness associate with childbirth

represented her more serious problem — spiritual uncleanliness - What do you need forgiveness for? What areas are you “unclean”?

Ask: Read Luke 2:36-38 - Anna was a prophetess who was well over 100 years old, but she devoted

herself to serving God through fasting and prayer - What an example that we are never too old or too young to serve God! - Anna saw Jesus and knew He was the Savior of Israel - Who do you know that needs to be redeemed? Add them to your

“Impossible Prayers” (see Appendix A) - Pray for your impossible prayers asking God to move

Yield: Read Luke 2:51-52 - One word stands out in v. 51 — “obedience” - Obedience is a defining attribute of a believer - Jesus was never out of tune with the Father, He built His life on obedience

to the Father - Are you being obedient to Him? - Pray seeking to be obedient to God today, tomorrow, this week, and every

day you live as you grow to be more like Jesus


LUKE 3 Praise: Read Luke 3:21-22 - Jesus was “also baptized”; not because He had to be but it was a way for

Him to identify Himself as the Chosen One and provide an example to others - Baptism is a picture of two things: (1) the death, burial, and resurrection of

Christ and (2) Dying to our old self, raising to walk in the new life - Jesus gives us a new name, a fresh start, a new life! - Pray a prayer of praise for the new life you have in Jesus Christ!

Repent: Read Romans 6 - Does your daily life reflect Christ living in you? - Spend some personal time with the Lord just calling out for Him to forgive


Ask: Read Luke 3:10-14 - This new life in Christ is a call to be selfless, to see others and their needs

above my own - Take a minute and ask God, “open the eyes of my heart”… ‣ “open my eyes to those around me… to those I can minister to” ‣ “open my eyes to see you at work and where I can plug into” ‣ “open my eyes God to see others like you see them” ‣ “open my eyes God to be aware of how I can help others who are in need” ‣ “open the eyes of our church God so that we can focus more on being the best church for the community rather than just the best church in the community”

Yield: Read Luke 3:8 - Are you producing fruit consistent with repentance? - What could be the result in your life and in the lives of others if you lived a

life of repentance? - Pray surrendering your life to the Lord and to be a person of repentance


LUKE 4 Praise: Read Luke 4:1-14 - Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit”. He operated in the power of the Spirit. - The Same power that helped Jesus withstand temptation is the same

power that helps you and I - That is why we can praise the Lord by proclaiming “greater is He living in

me that He who is in the world!” - Praise God for giving the Holy Spirit to guide and guard us

Repent - Just as Jesus withstood temptation through the Holy Spirit, you and I can

only withstand temptation through the power of the Spirit - In our lives, we need more of Him and less of us! - Are you trying to do life on your own or in His power? - Stop and repent of times in your life where you have tried to operate in

your own power rather than in the power of the Holy Spirit

Ask: Read Hebrews 4:15-16 - Today I will stand before innumerable temptations - No matter what temptation we face, we have a high priest who

understands temptation and the struggle with satan - He overcame temptation without sin and He can help us in our temptations

as well! - Pray asking the Lord to help you as you face temptations today

Yield: Read Ephesians 6:11-18 - What is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God? The Sword of the

Spirit, which is the Word of God - Are you prepared for spiritual battle? - Surrender yourself to Him and prepare for temptation by digging into

God’s Word regularly


LUKE 5 Praise: Read Luke 5:1-11 - Who were these men Jesus called to follow Him? What did they do? - They were not remarkable or spectacular… they were ordinary - Yet despite their flaws and faults they were ordinary men who left an

unimaginable impact on the world and their influence impacts us even today - Praise the Lord that He can use ordinary people that do ordinary things!

Repent: Read Luke 5:8-9 - Peter’s eyes were opened to Jesus and he saw his own sinfulness - Do you recognize sin in your life? - Pray to the Lord and repent of any area that you know is sin and hindering

your walk with Him

Ask - Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men - One way to begin to be open to opportunity to share with lost friends,

neighbors, coworkers… is to begin praying for them and asking the Lord to use us - Pray that the Lord would open doors for you to share with those on your

“impossible prayers” list

Yield - When you look at the disciples, you’ll see a stunning fact: these men that

Jesus chose were ordinary. Hopelessly human. Remarkably unremarkable. - You may think: “How can God use me?” - All it takes is for you to be available and obedient - Are you willing to make yourself available and obedient to the Lord no

matter the cost? - Make this your closing prayer:

“Father, thank you for using me regardless of my weaknesses. Help me to be totally obedient to You. Help me to walk in step with You and to be a light in this dark world.

Use me Lord for Your glory. Amen.


LUKE 6 Praise: Read Luke 6:6-11; 17-19 - Tensions begin as the leaders question Jesus authority - Jesus challenged their thoughts and minds through His healing power - His physical healings pointed to a greater spiritual healing - Stop and praise the Lord for healing you and saving you, as everyone at

one time were spiritually blind, sick, and unclean

Repent: Read Isaiah 53:1-12 - By His wounds we are healed - How knowing Jesus died to heal cause you to feel? - Repent of any area in your life today that is not totally surrendered to Him

Ask: Read Luke 6:12-16 - How did Jesus begin His selection of the Twelve disciples? Prayer. - This is the only time in Luke’s gospel that it is said Jesus spent all night in

prayer - This shows the importance of the decision. This would be the group Jesus

would call to be devoted, developing, and deployed into ministry - Ask one of these two things of yourself and to the Lord

1. Am I committed to being a disciple? Lord, Please put someone in my life to disciple me 2. Am I committed to being a disciple-maker? Lord please help me see who in my life needs to take the next step and who can I invest in

Yield: Read Luke 6:46-49 - We see two structures: One foundation built on the rock, the other house

built on no foundation - The difference between a life that can withstand the storms and the one

that cannot depends not just on whether one comes to Christ and hears the Word - Are you just a hearer of the Word or are you a doer of the Word?


LUKE 7 Praise: Read Luke 7:11-17 - Jesus sees this woman who was filled with grief… a widow and he has

compassion on her - By raising the son to life, Jesus displayed his power over death - Though everyone assumed the cross and death of Jesus was the end,

praise God death was not the end for Jesus! - Praise Jesus for His resurrection for by it, we have hope after death!

Repent: Read Romans 2:4 - Jesus had “compassion” on the widow — we serve a compassionate King! - His kindness and compassion is meant to lead us to repentance - Pray remembering the death and resurrection of Christ, the compassion

He has on us and allow that to lead you in repentance

Ask: Read Luke 7:1-10 - Jesus could’ve easily ignored the request of the Roman Centurion

because he was not worthy of this request to the Jewish people - However, Jesus approached the Centurion and granted his request - The Centurion knew Jesus required total surrender and obedience and he

was willing to submit himself to Jesus’ authority - Sometimes life can get busy and rather than submitting our requests to the

Lord we worry about them, grow bitter, try to fix it, etc. - However, nothing we deal with is too great for Him! - Take all your anxious thoughts, worries, fears, and bring them to Jesus —

ask God whatever you may need in every worry you deal with today

Yield: Read Luke 7:44-50 - The close of Luke 7 tells us the woman who brought the alabaster jar of

perfume and washed the feet of Jesus with that - She took all she had, her brokenness and her perfume, and she laid it at

Jesus’ feet — this showed her first priority was Jesus - Who takes priority in your life? - Surrender yourself to the Lord and set Him at the center of your marriage,

family, home, career, relationships, goals, etc.


LUKE 8 Praise: Read Luke 8:22-25; 30-33 - How did Jesus calm the storm? How did Jesus drive out demons?

Through the power of His word - It is good to know that Jesus is in control over every single situation and

every single detail of my life! - We can be confident in the fact that the waves and wind still know the

Name of Jesus and that the demons in Hell still submit to the Name and authority of Jesus! - Praise Him that He is in control — no matter what season of life you are in

Repent - Looking back at the miracle on the water we find the disciples at a failure

of faith - We are prone, as the disciples were, to forget He is in control - This is a truth of life: You either are in a storm, coming out of a storm, or are

going into a storm soon - We either are walking in faith or in fear through our storms - If you are walking in fear today… repent and begin to walk by faith

Ask: Read Luke 8:42b-48 - This woman was desperate, she had tried everything she could to be

healed — her last hope was Jesus. - Look over your Impossible Prayers and pray through those people and

things on your list knowing He can do the impossible!

Yield: Read Luke 8:4-8; 11-15 - Each “soil” represented the condition of the heart - Only one soil was ready to be cultivated - The greatest amount of fruit produced was not determined by how rich the

soil was, but how yielded to the plow it was. - Everyone has potential for the harvest, living a fruitful life, but the ones who

will produce the most fruit will be the ones most yielded to cultivation. - Are you yielded, surrendered to Jesus and ready to be used by Him?


LUKE 9 Praise: Read Luke 9:12-16 - The miracle of the multiplying the fish and bread literally took place in the

hands of Jesus as he broke the food and “kept on giving” - If he can multiply bread and fish to feed well over 5000 people… he can

certainly provide for you and I and all our needs - He holds the who world together in His hands (Psalm 95:4) - Pray a prayer of praise for the riches of His provision in every season of

your life

Repent: Read Luke 9:23-25 - In this time period the cross was the most painful and humiliating form of

execution - You could live your life for popularity and pleasure, but Jesus says if you

gain everything this world offers, without Christ you are eternally bankrupt - What are you living your life for? - Repent of any areas that you are not fully giving to Jesus

Ask and Yield: Read Luke 9:57-62 We are to follow Jesus: Wherever. Whenever. Whatever.

- Wherever. - Jesus said to be my disciple, you must be willing to follow Me

wherever I go - Are you following Jesus wherever? In your home, at work, alone?

- Whenever. - Jesus said to be my disciple, you must follow Me whenever I call - We have a tendency to say “tomorrow, I will get my life right” - The worst thing that can happen is that tomorrow might never come,

and the more you put Him off, the more likely it is that following Him will never happen - Are you following Jesus right now? If not, yield to Him!

- Whatever the cost. - Jesus said to be my disciple, you must follow Me no matter the cost - Following Jesus isn’t about making Him a priority, it is about making

Him and His will your only priority. Let this truth lead you into prayer.�11

LUKE 10 Praise: Read Luke 10:25-37 - The “Good Samaritan” was an enemy of the Jewish people - For such a sworn enemy of the Jews to show compassion on a fellow

injured Jew was unheard of - That is what Jesus did for us! Though we were enemies of Christ, He gave

up His life for us! - Praise Him for price He paid so that we could be healed

Repent: Read Psalm 145 - While we praise Him for the Cross, we remember that by the Cross we are

forgiven of sin - Think about who you would be today without the goodness of God in your

life? - Allow this truth and the Scripture to lead you into a prayer of repentance

Ask: Read Luke 10:1-16 - Jesus sent out 72 people into surrounding towns to spread the gospel, but

it wasn’t enough - So Jesus tells His followers to pray to the Lord of the harvest that more

would be sent - We need more people willing to share the gospel with lost friends, more

people discipling other, more people serving in ministries - Pray right now asking the Lord of the harvest that more would be sent in

our church, city, community, and world.

Yield: Read Luke 10:38-42 - Martha was distracted from what should have been her highest priority —

learning from Jesus. - Martha was presumably focused on making a meal for those present, but

Jesus says — the most important meal is right here before you - Are you distracted? When is the last time you have just enjoyed fellowship

with Jesus? The last time you sat and learned from Him? - Pray surrendering yourself to Him and make time to just enjoy His

presence in your life


LUKE 11 Praise: Read Luke 11:1-4 - What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! - When we get to a point in our lives where prayer really matters — that is

when we will see things begin to change! - The old hymn lyrics are true: “Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what

needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!” - Praise God for the privilege of prayer!

Repent: Read Luke 11:29-32 - Jesus tells the crowd two things - First, you won’t listen to My wisdom which is superior to all other wisdom - Second, Nineveh repented with words from Jonah but you have someone

far greater than Jonah before you and you will not repent - Today we see the full story of the gospel and redemption that Jesus offers

so woe are we who do not respond in repentance to the gospel - Pray a prayer of repentance from any sin in your life

Ask: Read Luke 11:1-13 - Jesus hears our prayers and He always leads us into what is best - Just as Jesus can name every star in the galaxies, He knows us by name! - Nothing is too big for God. - Pray over your impossible list and ask Him to do the impossible!

Yield: Read Luke 11:21-23 - Jesus healed a man full of demons but rather than praising Jesus, the

crowd questioned whether He was from God or from satan - Jesus declared the stronger always overtakes the weaker - In other words, Jesus tells the crowd He is stronger than the demons

(Col 2:13-15) — We have victory in Jesus! - Whatever you face today, know that the victory is won! - Greater is He living in me than he who is living in the world (1 John 4:4)


LUKE 12 Praise: Read Luke 12:22-34 - In a world that can cause us so much anxiety… what is the cure? Prayer. - We can go to God for anything we face in life! - Praise God for the friendship you can enjoy with Him!

Repent: Read Luke 12:1-3 - Jesus calls out the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and tells them that

nothing they do in the secret will be hidden - In fact if you are hiding sin and living in secret sin, the Bible tells you that

you are a wicked and a fool to think God will not uncover it (Psalm 10) - Repent of any sin that you are trying to hide or any sin that you are aware

of in your life

Ask: Read Luke 12:4-7 - This speaks of the fear of the Lord vs. a fear of man - Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of mankind is a snare (trap) but the one who trust

(fears) the Lord is protected” - People have a tendency to fear other people more than they do the Lord - How can I be fully obedient to God if I am concerned with what others will

think? - In the fear of the Lord we find security, in the fear of man we find slavery - Are you fearing God or are you fearing others? - Ask the Lord to help you fear Him above all others

Yield: Read Luke 12:13-21; 35-40 - As you wait on His return, are you serving Him with your whole heart? - Are you rich toward God? - Today, pray that you would focus on building your eternal inheritance

toward God more than your earthly inheritance you will leave behind


LUKE 13 Praise: Read Luke 13:6-9 - In context, the fig tree represented Israel, God’s chosen people - Although Israel should have been cut down for not producing fruit of

righteousness, Jesus had come to nurture them and call them to repent - This parable teaches the truth that God is patient with us - God is patient, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love (Ex. 34:6,

Ps. 103:8, 2 Peter 3:9) - Praise God for the patience He has show to you today

Repent: Read Luke 13:1-9 - The message of this parable was clear: Repent - We must live lives of repentance because we constantly fail to live up to

God’s standard - Spend time repenting of areas that you have failed in

Ask: Read Luke 13:22-30 - Here is a sad reality: There will be some that do not enter the Way, even

though they knew about Jesus - They will say, “Lord, we ate and drank with you, we attended church, we

gave money, we served as greeters, etc - Knowing about Jesus does not secure someone a spot in heaven - Salvation is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ alone - Do you know someone that believes they can get to heaven by being

good enough? - Ask God to open their eyes so that they might be saved

Yield: Read Luke 13:18-21 - Something insignificant can be used greatly in the Kingdom of God - Even though the Kingdom of God began with a small and seemingly

insignificant birth of a child, the people could not stop Jesus, the cross couldn’t defeat Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him! - Be encouraged this week no matter how “insignificant” you think you are —

Jesus has overcome and He can use You to do great things for His glory!


LUKE 14 Praise: Read Luke 14: 7-14 - Jesus teaches on humility - At this point, Jesus had already displayed His humility but the greatest act

of humility was yet to be seen — the cross - However, the cross meant to humiliate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

actually exalted King Jesus! (Philippians 2:5-11) - Worship and prayer should begin with humility before God and what an

example we have in Jesus! - Pray a prayer of praise to God for His humility

Repent: Read Luke 14:25-35 - Jesus is approaching time to lay down His own life on the cross, so he

knows the urgency and the commitment it’ll take to follow Him - Jesus does not mean to show hate to your father/mother/sibling/spouse

but He is saying that you cannot have a split allegiance as you serve Him - If you are trying to serve Jesus with a split allegiance, you are not serving

Jesus — either you are all in or all out - Are you trying to serve Jesus was a split allegiance? Repent of that today.

Ask: Read Luke 14:15-24 - Jesus has come to seek and save the lost! (Luke 19:10) - Pray over your Impossible Prayers and “Who’s Your One” - Keep asking God to move and trust that He can save the lost! - Don’t give up praying for God to do the impossible!

Yield - Think about the Cross and the price Jesus paid to save you - Jesus, as our example, laid down His life and showed His followers what it

could ultimately cost them - His death was not in vain because by those wounds on the Cross, we are

healed and have salvation! - Give Jesus glory for the cross and allow the cross to shape your decisions



LUKE 15 Read Luke 15:1-3, 11-32

Praise: Read v. 20-24 - We have a good Father who pursues us and loves us regardless of the

ugliness of our past! - Praise God, our good Father, for His grace and mercy even when we do

not deserve it.

Repent: Read v. 12-19 - Many times, we can act like this younger son - We turn our back on our good Father and reject the good plans He has for

us in exchange for our own plan - Repent of any area in your life that you are trying to take control of rather

than surrendering it to God

Ask: - This parable is the last of three parables Jesus told in Luke 15 - There is a pattern in the first two, not found in the last one:

Something is lost — Searching — Found — Rejoicing - In the Parable of the Two Lost Sons, the missing part is the searching - The older brother was responsible to search but He did not because he

did not have a heart for the younger brother - How many “younger brothers” do we know? Those who do not have a

relationship with the Father? - Pray over your “One” and that God would open doors for you to lead them

back to our good Father

Yield: Read v. 25-32 - The older brother thought he deserved the feast because of his

faithfulness to the Father… he was, in his mind, worthy while the younger brother was not - We are saved by grace, not by works! No one is worthy of God’s grace - As you encounter others, remember that we all at one time were “younger

brothers” and ask God to open your eyes to this truth


LUKE 16 Praise: Read Luke 16:14-17 - Everything changed when Jesus came, but the essence of His teaching

never changed - Praise God that He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!

(Hebrews 13:8)

Repent: Read Luke 16:14-15 - v. 15: human values are not the same as heaven’s values - Though the world admires the rich, Jesus admires those who are rich

toward God - Are you rich toward God? Are you Kingdom-first or are you self-first? - Repent of any sin you are holding on to

Ask: Read Luke 16:1-13 - Everything we have is a gift from God. Our time, talents, resources,

money… all are loans to us from God - Lesson: No matter how much or how little you may have in ability, in

opportunity, or in wealth — you are a steward/manager of what God has given to you - Are you managing the resources God has given you? - Ask God to help you use what He has given to you for His glory!

Yield: Read Luke 16:19-31 - The point is reiterated: Who is your Lord? Who is your master? - The poor man ended up in Heaven with all of its splendor, majesty, and in

the presence of God forever while the rich man ended up in Hell tormented forever — so in the end, who was really rich? - Consider: How can I use what God has given me to bless others? - Pray that Jesus be the center of all that you have and of your mindset in

regards to those things


LUKE 17 Praise: Read Luke 17:11-19 - Jesus healed ten man with leprosy who cried out to Him, yet only one

returned to glorify God! - Why did that one man return to glorify God? He understood the change

Jesus made in his life - When we grasp the change Jesus makes in our lives, we can praise Him! - What change has Jesus made in your life? Can you praise Him for that?

Repent: Read Luke 17:1-4 - In life, offenses will come but we are called as believers to stay united - Be on guard that we are not causing division, causing sin, or leading others

to do likewise - Have you been wronged? Are you in the wrong in some relationship? - Repent of where you have not handled yourself in a Christ-like attitude and

then make every effort to restore any broken relationship you have

Ask: Read Luke 17:5-10 - In essence, Jesus says — you have the faith in me, you just have to trust I

know what I’m doing - You cannot control how someone will respond to the gospel, you just have

to trust God can do the work - Pray over your “Impossible List” and ask God to move mountains! - Ask God to do a work in the life of your “One”

Yield: Read Luke 17:20-37, 1 Peter 4:7-11 - The Jews were looking for a kingdom of God with signs and wonders but

God’s kingdom is not like that, rather Jesus tells them “The kingdom of God is in your midst” — I am here! - Are you ready for His return? Do you have a relationship with Him? - Surrender yourself to His way, live a lifestyle of worship as you eagerly

await the Savior!


LUKE 18 Praise: Read Luke 18:31-34 - Jesus predicts His own death and reminds us of the ugliness of the cross - It reminds us of the great lengths God was willing to go in order to win our

hearts to Him - Praise Him for the cross and the love He shows us

Repent: Read Luke 18:9-14 - One of the defining attributes of a follower of Jesus is humility - Jesus taught that His grace extends to those who are humble enough to

recognize his love for them - Pride is a universal problem - everyone suffers from it to some degree - Where has pride hindered your walk with God? - Repent of any pride you have in your life or walk with God

Ask: Read Luke 18:1-8, 15-18 - If you have been a follower of Jesus long enough, you’ve probably had

some prayers go unanswered or not answered how we like - The point of this parable is not that if you nag God long enough then He

will grant your prayer request, rather the point is this: If an unjust judge can be made willing to grant a request, a just God is more than willing to hear and answer the prayers of His “elect” or “children” - Prayer is not about pestering or nagging God, it is about a relationship - As you pray and ask God for things, remember you are a child of the King! - He loves to hear from you and answer your request!

Yield: Read Luke 18:18-23 - The reality here is that no matter how “good” you think you are, you will

never be able to keep the standard that Jesus demands - Prayer shows our need for God - Build your prayer life and just watch how that enhances your walk with the

Lord this week! - Challenge today: Put down things that get in the way of your prayer life

(social media, entertainment, projects, etc.) and set aside a time to pray


LUKE 19 Praise: Read Luke 19:35-40 - This is the beginning of Passion Week - Jesus’ triumphal entry teaches us truths about praising God: - 1. We need to praise God… - Praises to God encourage us and strengthen our walk with Him!

- 2. We need to praise God together… - We are created and commanded to sing together as the bride of Christ!

- 3. We need to praise God together remembering - They praised God for all they had seen, in the same way we praise God

for all the great things we have seen Him do in our lives! - 4. We need to praise God together remembering His victory! - Nothing that tell Satan and his demons “You have lost” like the praises of

the people of God ringing in their ears - What can you praise God for today?

Repent: Read Luke 19:41-44 - Jesus laments over the city and people He loves - Jerusalem means “city of peace” but they did not know the peace that

passes all understanding - Do you know the peace of God or have you traded it for something

temporary? - Repent of any area where you are not recognizing Jesus as King

Ask: Read Luke 19:45-46 - Jesus cleansed the temple - Ask God:

“Lord, revive me, cleanse me, and make me into who You want me to be”

Yield: Read Luke 19:1-10 - Jesus changed Zacchaeus from a wicked man to a righteous man and

reminds us of His mission: To seek and save the lost - Our response to Jesus should be like Zacchaeus’ — surrender - Pray that you will live surrendered to Him today


LUKE 20 Praise: Read Luke 20:9-19 - Though Jesus was rejected, this stone in which the people thought nothing

of is now our chief cornerstone in the eternal Kingdom of God! - Jesus is knowing throughout Scripture as our rock, our cornerstone

(See Gen. 49:24, 2 Samuel 22:32, Psalm 18:2, 1 Cor. 10:4, Eph. 2:19-21) - Even when the worst storm comes our way, we don’t have to worry or fear,

our structure is secure in Christ — What a reason to praise Him! - Praise God that He is the cornerstone!

Repent: Read Luke 20:1-8 - The religious leaders asked Jesus a series of questions that were about

one issue: authority - Just as the world dismisses authority all around us, often we can question

or even dismiss the authority of Jesus in our lives as well - Repent of any area in your life that you are dismissing His authority

Ask: Read Luke 20:20-26 - In regard to taxes, Jesus asked the leaders whose image was on the coin? - His response: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” - Bottom line was this: We belong to God - What in your life do you want to ask God for? - Ask and trust His will for your life knowing you are His possession

Yield: Read Luke 20:41-44 - Jesus takes a theological turn in Luke 20:41 - Jesus declares through the Old Testament passage that He is both Lord

and the promised Messiah - In a culture that longed for a ruler to set them free from Rome, Jesus

declared that He was indeed the Messiah! - Is He the Lord in your life? Who has authority in your life? - Give yourself to Christ and pray that He would have control over your

marriage, worries, cares, family, situations, and life


LUKE 21 Praise: Read Luke 21:1-4 - Jesus watches our worship — - Jesus knows the heart of those who worship Him - The truth is, for this poor widow, those two coins were not her offering —

she was the offering! - Jesus is worthy of our worship (v. 4) - Pray a prayer of praise and worship to Jesus who is worthy!

Repent: Read Mark 12:41-44 - In v. 1 and 2, Jesus noticed those with plenty and those in poverty - Mark tells us Jesus noticed how the people put in their gifts - When it comes to worship, Jesus sees into our hearts into how we worship - When it comes to worship through obedience, service, corporate worship,

and giving — do you need to repent, readjust, or refocus? - Pray a prayer of repentance where your heart of worship has not been


Ask: Read Luke 21:1-4, Luke 18:18-23 - v. 4 : the widow gave all she had to live on - Is there anything in your life that you are not giving to the Lord? - Ask the Lord to help you be fully and totally His

Yield: Read Luke 21:1-4 - For many, the widow woman wasn’t anything spectacular but out of all the

people, only she was noticed by Jesus - Jesus notices those who are fully His - Jesus notices those who have a heart of worship where everything is

centered on Him - Are you fully and totally yielded to the Lord? - If so, Jesus notices even if it seems no one does - Pray a prayer of surrender to the Lord


LUKE 22 Praise: Read Luke 22:14-23 - Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples for the last time - We take the Lord’s supper as a way to remember the sacrifice of our Savior

— Jesus Christ! - Because through the Cross we are free, we have life, and we have

forgiveness from sin and all access to God! - Pray a prayer of praise for the price Jesus paid on the cross for you

Repent: Read Luke 22:63-65; 31-34 - How often have we denied Jesus? How often have we abandoned Him?

Rejected Him? Given into temptation and the trap of sin? - We all fail, but part of being a follower of Jesus is that when you fail, you

repent, you turn back from sin to Christ. - Repentance should be an active part of your daily walk with the Lord - Pray a prayer of repentance from where you have fallen short in your walk

with God

Ask: Read Luke 22:31-46 - Jesus told his disciples to pray so that they “would not fall into temptation” - In our lives, prayer is the greatest weapon in fighting the enemy - Satan cannot take your salvation, but he can steal your joy. He can bring

you to a place where you feel alone, empty, without hope. He can lead you into sin and guide you back into your old life. - Pray a prayer asking God to protect you from the enemy - Review your “Impossible Prayers” and ask God to break the chains of the

enemy in the lives of those who need to come to know Him.

Yield: Read Luke 22:39-44 - Now Jesus in the garden prays the greatest prayer in the world while the

glory of God’s grace and salvation to the world hung in the balance - The highlight of the prayer is not “let this cup pass” but the highlight of the

prayer is Jesus’s obedience to the Father despite knowing what He would endure on the cross - Are you praying for God’s will or your will to be done in your life?


LUKE 23 Praise: Read Luke 23:44-46 - Jesus died and was forsaken by God the Father so that you and I would

never be forsaken - Even when it seemed as if he was out of control — He remained fully in

control - Even when the world seems out of control, even when our lives seem to be

a mess… He is there and He holds everything together - Pray a prayer of praise knowing Jesus holds everything together!

Repent: Read Luke 23:34 - Even as Jesus hung on the cross, Jesus had a heart for others - Know this: Calvary covers every mistake, every failure, and every sin in your

life. - Jesus offers grace to everyone who does not deserve it - Repent of any sin in your life today knowing Jesus already covered it on

the cross

Ask - Knowing the cross covers everything, review your “Impossible Prayers” - Call out to the Lord and ask Him to open the eyes and hearts of those on

your Impossible list - Ask the Lord to bend their hearts to Calvary that they too may see the cross

truly covers their sin as well

Yield: Read Luke 23:32, 39-43, 1 Corinthians 8:3 - Two criminals on the cross represent two different people - One criminal wanted what Jesus could do for him, the other simply

wanted Jesus to remember or know him in His kingdom - Which are you?

- Do you want “good luck” Jesus who just is there when you want him or do you truly desire to want to know and be known by the King? - Surrender yourself to the Lord and desire to be known by Jesus


LUKE 24 Praise: Read Luke 23:50-24:8 - Jesus is alive! Death is defeated and Jesus is King! - The women fully expected Jesus to be dead, but He was and is alive

forevermore — He is our living hope! - Pray a prayer praising God for the resurrection and for being our living


Repent: Read Romans 6:8-11 - The resurrection changes everything! - How has the resurrection changed your life? - We are called to live dead to sin and alive in Christ — is that true in your

life? - “Be killing sin before it kills you” - Pray a prayer of repentance over areas where you are not actively killing sin

Ask: Read Luke 24:13-27 - Jesus is who He said He was and He did exactly what He said He would do - He is always faithful! - Jesus told the disciples on the road to Emmaus about how the Scriptures

are a reminder that all the promises of God are true - Look up some promises of God and ask the Lord to help you trust those

promises found in Scripture - For a list of promises visit:

Yield: Read Luke 24:50-53 - God promises to send His spirit, He blesses the apostles, and He is carried

into heaven - The disciples worship and then return to Jerusalem where they were in the

temple “continually praising God” - Pray that you would live a life of worship and thanksgiving for all that God

has done in your life!




Personal Impossible Prayers Date Answered
