Powerful - Amazon S3...Powerful Hi, I’m Sandy Forster and I love that my exciting journey from...


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Hi, I’m Sandy Forster and I love that my exciting journey from welfare to millionaire continues to inspire, empower and encourage women around the world. I’ve been teaching the art of metaphysics, along with how to break through abundance blocks and become a marvelous money manifestor for over a decade.

Over 5 million people from 108 countries around the world have seen, read or heard my message... I’m honored to be known as Australia’s leading Prosperity Mentor as well as a bestselling author, international speaker, trainer and multi award-winner entrepreneur.

I’m passionate about showing women how to live an extraordinarily abundant life through the dozens of powerful processes I’ve created, allowing you to break through your abundance blocks, become an amazing manifestor and create more prosperity than you ever dreamed possible.

These affirmations are a tiny piece of my massively popular Millionaire Mindset program which has been responsible for manifesting millions of dollars of prosperity and transforming women’s lives around the world.

When you break through your money blocks and master the art of manifesting... you’ll finally be able to start attracting money, instead of constantly chasing after it. These powerful secrets are revealed in my Millionaire Mindset program and other online products and courses I've created. Without them you’ll probably be stuck struggling day to day around money, getting by but never really getting ahead and continue living a lifestyle feeling trapped and without choices.

With them you’ll discover how to manifest and multiply your money in the next few months, instead of years. You’ll be guided step by step to create a life of prosperity which gives you the freedom to do the things that truly make your heart sing.

Happy manifesting


Million Dollar Affirmations Are you ready to think bigger, dream grander and expect more than ever before? Are you ready to create the life of your dreams? Being an abundant, prosperous, wealthy millionaire all begins with changing the way you think.

It starts with creating an abundant and prosperous mindset. I've gone from welfare to millionaire by doing exactly that and I'm excited to share one of the many simple but powerful techniques I used to transform my world.

Welcome to your Million Dollar Affirmations...

To get the most out of these affirmations, I invite you to read them out slowly, but not only say them... feel them in your heart. Feel what it would be like for them to already be true.

The more you can imagine what you life would be like if you were already a millionaire, the faster you will vibrationally align with the prosperity. you desire, and the faster you will manifest it into your life. If you'd prefer to listen to these affirmations on audio, simply click here.


I love being a happy, spiritual millionaire

I am abundant, prosperous and wealthy

I am at one with millions of dollars

My millions allow me to transform my life and the lives of others

My savings are growing so rapidly before my eyes that I am amazed at how easy it flows to me

I am ready, willing and able to attract millions of dollars into my life

My abundance continues to grow, expand and flourish

My words create a magnetic million dollar attraction

Money continually flows into my life and I am prosperous

I am now a debt free millionaire

My life is filled with the rich bounty of the Universe who supplies my every need

I do whatever it takes to become a millionaire

It is my divine destiny to be wealthy, prosperous and abundant.

I am ready to accept millions of dollars into my life

I now easily and effortlessly attract total abundance and prosperity to me

I love being a millionaire

I deserve absolute abundance

I welcome the prosperity that continually flows into my life

I embrace the millions of dollars that flow to me now

It is my divine destiny to be a millionaire

Any amount of money I desire appears like magic into my life

Being a millionaire is so much fun

I now allow myself to have more than I ever dreamt possible

I am so grateful the universe allows millions of dollars to flow into my life

I can succeed, I will succeed, I am succeeding now

I am blessed and forever grateful for my millions of dollars

I love money and money loves me

I bring love and prosperity to everything I do

I now know I can be a millionaire

I appreciate all that I have

I love what being a millionaire allows me to do

My millions of dollars make my life a richer and more rewarding experience

I love manifesting millions of dollars

I am so excited about all I can be, do and have now I am a millionaire

Having millions of dollars in my bank account frees me up to create even more money

I am now a money magnet for millions of dollars

I am now a magical manifestor of millions of dollars

I create success and joy as a millionaire

I deserve the unlimited abundance of the Universe

I have broken through my money sabotage and joyfully celebrate being a millionaire

Being a millionaire allows me to appreciate my avalanches of abundance

It is a wonderful feeling knowing I am financially free forever

I deserve to be a millionaire

I love the abundance that flows freely into my life

I am so grateful I am now a millionaire

I am safe, I am protected, I am divinely guided.

I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed

And so it is…

Below you can create your own affirmations, ones that make YOUR heart sing!___________________________________________________________________________










You now have a simple but powerful process that will make you more attractive to money when implemented correctly. But.. unless you use these affirmations consistently and align with what you desire they’ll simply remain a fun little exercise you’ve done..

If you’d like to use these affirmations to their fullest potential along with my most powerful processes for money manifesting - the same ones I used to go from welfare to millionaire, I’d love to show you how!

Come join us in my 6 module Millionaire Mindset Program where I dive deep into all my secret processes that took me from welfare to millionaire - that allowed me to go from consistent struggle, to making over $1.2 million in one year! You'll discover how to create the prosperity and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. I’ll show you step-by-step and provide everything you need so you become a marvelous manifestor and money magnet so you create more abundance than you ever dreamed possible.

In the Millionaire Mindset Program, you'll get all my fun tips, secrets and processes so YOU tap into the flow of prosperity and start easily attracting prosperity once and for all - starting immediately!

To find out more go to www.WildlyWealthy.com
