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Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS Vol. 315, No. 3, 2011, рр. 197–226

УДК 569.742.7:551.791(479.2)


G.F. Baryshnikov

Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Emb. 1, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia;e-mail:


The Kudaro Paleolithic site complex in Southern Ossetia includes five species of felids: Panthera onca gombaszoegensis, P. spelaea, P. pardus, Felis silvestris and possibly Lynx lynx. The fossil jaguar P. onca gombaszoegensis was identified from the lowest stratigraphic level of the Middle Pleistocene (Likhvian = Holsteinian Interglacial). Remains of P. pardus and Felis silvestris were recovered from all layers. Panthera spelaea and Lynx lynx represent northern migrants appeared there at the end of the Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene respectively.

Key-words: Caucasus, Felidae, Paleolithic cave sites, Pleistocene, systematics


Г.Ф. Барышников

Зоологический институт Российской академии наук, Университетская наб. 1, 199034 Санкт-Петербург, Россия; e-mail:


Из комплекса Кударских палеолитических стоянок в Южной Осетии определены пять видов кошачьих: Panthera onca gombaszoegensis, P. spelaea, P. pardus, Felis silvestris и, возможно, Lynx lynx. Ископаемый ягуар P. onca gombaszoegensis присутствует в самом нижнем уровне среднего плейстоцена (лихвинское межледнико-вье, голштейн). Останки P. pardus и Felis silvestris обнаружены во всех слоях. Panthera spelaea и Lynx lynx появ-ляются здесь соответственно в конце среднего плейстоцена и в позднем плейстоцене как северные мигранты.

Ключевые слова: Кавказ, Felidae, палеолитические пещерные стоянки, плейстоцен, систематика


The Felidae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817, com-prising 40 recent species (Wozencraft 2005), is represented by 11 species on the territory of the former USSR; most felids are confined to the tropic zone. At present, five species are known to occur in the Caucasus: Panthera pardus (L., 1758), Lynx lynx (L., 1758), Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777, F. chaus Schreber, 1777, and Otocolobus manul (Pallas, 1776).

The first three species are widely distributed, while F. chaus occurs in the eastern parts of the Caucasus and O. manul is restricted to the semi-desert areas of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Two or three other species became extinct during historic times (Vereshchagin 1959): Panthera leo (L., 1758), P. tigris (L., 1758) and probably Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber, 1775).

In the Late Pleistocene of Western Europe, the Felidae comprised five species (Reumer et al. 2003; Sommer and Benecke 2006): Panthera leo spelaea

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(Goldfuss, 1810), P. pardus, Lynx lynx, L. pardinus (Temmink, 1827), Felis silvestris, and Homotherium latidens (Owen, 1846). Information about the Pleis-tocene cats of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia is scarce. Most of this vast territory was inhabited solely by the cave lion (P. spelaea), with the addition in several places of lynx (L. lynx). The felids of the Middle and Late Pleistocene of the Caucasus seem to be more diverse, and they have been reassessed as a result of the analysis of the material from the Kudaro caves.

The Lower Paleolithic sites in the caves of Kudaro 1 and Kudaro 3 in the southern Caucasus were dis-covered in 1955 by Prof. V. Lioubine (Saint Peters-burg), who directed a long-term multidisciplinary project there. The collection of vertebrate fossils from the Kudaro caves encompasses nearly 100 species. The material was collected through careful inspection and sieving of excavated sediments during the archeological excavations.

The first study of the Pleistocene mammals from Kudaro 1 Cave was undertaken by Vereshchagin (1957, 1959), who identified two felid species: Pan-thera spelaea and P. pardus. Later, these finds were supplemented by Felis cf. silvestris (Vereshchagin and Baryshnikov 1980a). Kudaro 3 was found to contain fossils of four species: P. spelaea, P. pardus, Felis lynx and F. silvestris (Vereshchagin and Baryshnikov 1980b). However, the mentioned identifications were regarded as preliminary, and the collected material has not been thoroughly studied. This communica-tion represents the first detailed review of the felid collections from the Kudaro caves.

This study continues a series of publications deal-ing with the Pleistocene fauna of Carnivora from the Kudaro Paleolithic cave sites (Baryshnikov 2010a, 2010b, 2011).


The Kudaro caves are situated in the central part of southern slope of the Greater Caucasus (42°31´N, 43°38´E). The caves are located virtually one above the other on the left bank of Djedjori River (Rioni River Basin) near Kvaisa City (Southern Ossetia).

Kudaro 1 Cave is located 1600 m above sea level and 260 m above the river level. The cave is Y-shaped with two entrances. The thickness of sediments var-ies in different parts of the cave from 1.5 to 4.5 m. The deposits contain substantial quantities of limestone

rubble, which is more heavily weathered in the lower stratigraphic levels. Layers 5a–5c are composed of yellowish fuscous loam and contained a Late Acheu-lian industry. The sediment of layers 3–4, represent-ing grayish loam, yielded Mousterian artifacts.

The lowermost cave deposits have been dated by thermo-luminescence to 360,000 ± 90,000 years before present (RTL-379) for layer 5c, and 350,000 ± 70,000 years (RTL-373) for layer 5b (Lioubine 1998). Fossil taxa from layer 5c belong to thermophi-lous mammals such as Macaca sp., Ursus thibetanus G. Cuvier, 1823, and two species of porcupine, Hystrix indica Kerr, 1792, H. brachyura vinogradovi Argiropulo, 1941, and correspond to a very warm period during the Middle Pleistocene (Holsteinian Interglacial in Western Europe [= Likhvian Intergla-cial in Eastern Europe]) coinciding with the Marine Isotope Stage 11, 405–340 ka BP (Loutre and Berger 2003; Nitychoruk et al. 2006). The Mousterian layer 3a is dated by radiocarbon to 44,150 ± 2,400/1,850 (Gr-6079) (Lioubine 1998).

Kudaro 3, which is situated somewhat lower than Kudaro 1 Cave, represents a long corridor with an underground lake in its deepest portion. The cave sediments mostly consist of loam with limestone fragments. The color of the loam color ranges from yellow-brown at the base to dark-gray at the upper-most part. A small number of Acheulian artifacts were recovered from layers 5–8 and Mousterian artifacts were recovered from layers 3–4 (Lioubine 1998).

The geomorphologic data indicate that Kudaro 3 was initially exposed by erosion that occurred ap-proximately 50,000–100,000 years after the opening of Kudaro 1(Nesmeyanov 1999). The contact zone of the Acheulian and Mousterian layers is dated by RTL-dates of 252,000 ± 51,000 years and 245,000 ± 49,000 years (Lioubine 1998), suggesting a consider-able time gap between their deposition in the cave. The bones of Kudaro cave bear (Ursus kudarensis Baryshnikov, 1985) from layer 3 were dated by AMS radiocarbon dates of: >41,600 (OxA-19611), 47,900 ± 2,500 (OxA-19612) and 47,700 ± 1,800 (OxA-19613) (A. Stuart, pers. comm.).

The material examined includes more than 200 remains of felids. These are predominantly postcra-nial bones; mandible fragments and isolated teeth are scarce. This composition of the skeletal elements may be explained by taphonomic characteristics of the Kudaro caves, which provided shelters during the Pleistocene for cave bears and large felids; therefore,

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 199

the remains of carnivores that perished inside the cave predominate in the layers.

The studied collections are stored at the Zoologi-cal Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg (ZIN). For comparative analysis, the fossil and recent collections at ZIN, as well as Pleistocene felid material at other institutions (see Institutional abbreviations below), have been used.

The bones and teeth were measured by calipers with accuracy 0.5 mm. Limb bones were measured according to von den Driesch (1976). Tooth dimen-sions were analyzed with use of factor analysis from STATISTIKA 6.0.

Institutional abbreviations. BSPGM, Bayer-ische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und his-torische Geologie, Munich, Germany; CCMGE, Chernyshev’s Central Museum of Geological Explo-ration, Saint Petersburg, Russia; FSM, Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesvillle, USA; GHMT, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, Geor-gia; GIN, Geological Institute of the Russian Acade-my of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; HLMD, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany; IGF, Institute of Geology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; IGN, Institute of Geology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Rus-sia; IGPR, Institute of Geology and Paleontology, “La Sapienza” University, Roma, Italy; ISAK, Insti-tute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Kra-kow, Poland; IQW, Institute of Quarter Paleontology, Weimar, Germany; LGQM, Laboratoire de Geologie du Quaternaire, Marsel-Lumine, France; MMBA, Moravsky Museum (Anthropos), Brno, Czech Re-publik; MMY, Mammoth Museum, Yakutsk, Russia; MNHN, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France; NHM, Natural History Museum, London, Great Britain; NHMM, Nature History Museum, Mainz, Germany; NHMSG, Natural History Muse-um, St. Gallen, Switzerland; NHMV, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria; NNHMK, National Natu-ral History Museum, Kiev, Ukraine; PIN, Borissyak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; UCBL, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, Villerbann, France; USNM, Unit-ed States National Museum, Washington DC, USA; ZIN, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Measurements. Dental measurements: L – great-est length, W – greatest width, Lpa – length of paracone, Lpad – length of paraconid. Bone measure-

ments: Bcf – breadth of cuboid facet, Bd – breath of the distal end, BG – breadth of the glenoid cavity, Bp – breadth of the proximal end, DC – depth of the caput femoris, Dd – depth of the proximal end, Dp – depth of the proximal end, GB – greatest breadth, GL – greatest length, GLP – greatest length of the glenoid process, LAR – length of the acetabulum on the rim, SD – smallest breadth of the diaphysis in the middle part, SH – smallest height of the shaft of ilium.


Family Felidae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817

Genus Panthera Oken, 1816

Type species. Felis pardus Linnaeus, 1758.Included species. Five modern species: Panthera

tigris (L., 1758), P. uncia (Schreber, 1775), P. onca (L., 1758), P. leo (L., 1758) and P. pardus (L., 1758); and several extinct species.

Distribution. Early Pliocene – Recent, Af-rica, Eurasia; Early Pleistocene – Recent, North and South America.

Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758)

Panthera onca gombaszoegensis (Kretzoi, 1938)

Referred specimens. Middle Pleistocene, Kuda-ro 1 Cave: right P4 (ZIN 35026, layer 5, horizon 3, 1959); left p3 (ZIN 36429, layer 5, horizon 9, 1961); fragment of scapula (ZIN 36434, layer 5, horizon 8, 1958); right os triquetrum (ZIN 36433, layer 5c, ho-rizon 3, 1980); left calcaneus (ZIN 35028-1, layer 5c, horizon 3, 1978); right calcaneus (ZIN 36437, layer 5, horizon 8, 1958); left os naviculare (ZIN 36430-2, layer 5c, horizon 4, 1988); phalanx 1, anterior (ZIN 36436, layer 5, horizon 5, 1958); phalanx 1, posterior (ZIN 36435, layer 5, horizon 9, 1958); phalanx 1, pos-terior (ZIN 36431, layer 5, horizon 5, 1961); phalanx 2, anterior (ZIN 36430-1, layer 5c, horizon 4, 1980). Kudaro 3 Cave: fragment of left metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36432, layer 6, 1978). Altogether, 14 fossil remains.

Description. There are two isolated teeth as-signed to the fossil jaguar P. onca gombaszoegensis. The upper carnassial tooth P4 (ZIN 35026, Fig. 1A, B) with a damaged parastyle. Its length and width correspond to those of P. o. gombaszoegensis from other localities (Table 1). The labial margin of the crown is straight in occlusal view. The protocone is

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relatively small, located at the level of the anterior margin of the paracone. The length of ZIN 35026 sig-nificantly exceeds that of the upper carnassial tooth of P. pardus from the Pleistocene of Europe (Kotsakis and Palombo 1979).

The lower premolar p3 (ZIN 36429, Fig. 1C, D) does not differ in size from the same premolar in P. o. gombaszoegensis (Table 1). The tooth exhibits a high protoconid and two small cusps anterior and pos-terior to the protoconid, respectively. The anterior blade of the protoconid is oriented along the axis of the crown.

The fragment of a scapula (ZIN 36434), which is markedly more robust in comparison with the scapula of fossil leopard (P. pardus) from the Kudaro cave (see Table 8), has been tentatively assigned to P. o. gombaszoegensis.

The left calcaneus (ZIN 35028-1, Fig. 1F) is notice-ably smaller than this bone in the tiger (P. tigris) and lion (P. leo), but considerably larger than that of the recent jaguar. Measurements of this fossil specimen are similar to those of P. o. augusta from the Pleistocene of Florida (Table 2). ZIN 35028-1 is partially damaged, which complicates morphological comparisons.

The right calcaneus (ZIN 36437, Fig. 1G, H) cor-responds in its dimensions to the calcaneus of recent P. onca. The difference from the calcaneus of P. pardus is reflected in the more robust and wider distal end of this bone. In addition, the surface of the cuboid facet is less oblique with respect to the longitudinal axis than in P. pardus.

There are several autopodial bones intermediate with respect to size between those of the tiger and lion, on the one hand, and those of the leopard, on

Fig. 1. Fossil remains of Panthera onca gombaszoegensis from Kudaro 1 Cave: A–D: cheek teeth: A, B – right upper premolar P4 (ZIN 35026); C, D – left lower premolar p3 (ZIN 36429); labial (A, C) and lingual (B, D) views; E–L – postcranial bones: E – right os triquetrum (ZIN 36433); F – left calcaneus (ZIN 35028-1); G, H – right calcaneus (ZIN 36437); I – left os naviculare (ZIN 36430-2); J – phalanx 1, posterior (ZIN 36435); K – phalanx 1, anterior (ZIN 36436); L – phalanx 2, anterior (ZIN 36430-1); proximal (E, I), dorsal (G, J–L) and medial (F, H) views.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 201

Table 1. Measurements (mm) of upper premolar P4 and lower premolar p3 of Pleistocene Panthera onca. Designations: (–) – measurement is not available; n/n – no number.

Locality Museum number and/or referenceP4 p3

L Lpa W L W

P. onca gombaszoegensis


Kudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 35026 32.3 11.4 16.5

Kudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 36429 16.9 8.0

Akhalkalaki, Georgia GHMT n/n (Hemmer et al. 2001) 16.6 7.8


L’Escale, France

LGQM CD66/795 30.8 12.0 17.0

LGQM CD66/1142 31.4 11.4 19.6

LGQM CD66/764 32.4 12.5 –

LGQM CD66/763a 16.8 8.1

LGQM CD66/763b 17.1 8.7

LGQM CD66/771 17.7 8.5

Château, France (Argant, 1991)15.4 7.7

15.6 8.4

Untermassfeld, Germany

IQW 1984/20268 (Hemmer 2001) 32.0 12.1 18.4

IQW 1983/19169 (Hemmer 2001) 14.8 7.4

IQW 1992/24137 (Hemmer 2001) 15.9 7.2

IQW 1995/25343 (Hemmer 2001) 15.6 8.0

IQW 1986/21782 (Hemmer 2001) 18.3 9.1

Mosbach, Germany HLMD WT231 (Hemmer et al. 2003) 14.4 7.6

Westbury-Sub-Mendip, England

NHM M.33978 (Bishop 1982) 17.3 8.2

NHM M.33979 (Bishop 1982) 16.8 7.5

NHM (Bishop 1982) 33.0 – 18.5


Lahuti, TajikistanGIN 3848/362-67 (Sotnikova andVislobokova 1990)

15.8 7.1

P. onca toscana

Santa Maria near Tasso, Italy IGF 851, holotype (Hemmer et al. 2010) 16.5 9.5

P. onca georgica

Dmanisi, Georgia GHMT 2027, holotype (Hemmer et al. 2010) 16.5 8.1

P. onca augusta

Niobara River, North America USNM 125, type (Kurtén1965b) 33.2 12.9 16.7

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the other hand. These bones, assigned to P. o. gom-baszoegensis, include the os triquetrum (ZIN 36433, Fig. 1E; greatest anatomical length 25.3 mm), os naviculare (ZIN 36430-2, Fig. 1I), and the proximal portion of the metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36432; Bp = 20.9 mm). In their proportions, these bones correspond to those of recent P. onca; although, the fossil specimens are substantially larger. The measurements of os na-viculare are comparable to those of P. o. gombaszoe-gensis from the Pleistocene of France (Table 2). The measurements of phalanx 1 (ZIN 36436, GL = 49.5 mm, Bp = 21.3 mm; ZIN 36435, GL = 43.1 mm, Bp = 19.0 mm; ZIN 36431, phalanx 1 of fifth finger, GL = 42.6 mm, Bp = 17.4) and phalanx 2 (ZIN 36430-1, GL = 37.4 mm, Bp = 17.5 mm) (see Fig. 1J-L) also fall within the range of these values in P. o. gombaszoegensis (Argant 1991).

At other Caucasus localities, fossil jaguar is repre-sented by two mandibles. The material from the early Middle Pleistocene of Akhalkalaki was assigned to P. o. gombaszoegensis (Hemmer et al. 2001), and а man-dible from the Early Pleistocene locality of Dmanisi was described as a new subspecies P. o. georgica (Hem-mer et al. 2010). On the basis of the ratio between the width and length of p3, the specimen from Kud-aro 1 (47.3%) corresponds to that from Akhalkalaki (47.0%) and falls within the range of variation of this index in P. o. gombaszoegensis from various European localities (see Hemmer et al. 2010). Panthera onca toscana (Schaub, 1949) from the Early Pleistocene

of Europe and P. o. augusta (Leidy, 1872) from the Pleistocene of North America possess a significantly wider premolar, corresponding to that in the recent jaguar (mean value 54.4%, n = 10). ZIN 36429 differs from P. o. georgica with respect to the lower crown of p3 (protoconid height along outer side measuring 8.7 mm). According to the ratio between the height and length of p3, the jaguar from Kudaro 1 (51.5%) is markedly smaller than P. o. georgica (59.4%) and P. o. gombaszoegensis from Mosbach in Germany (58.3%) (Hemmer et al. 2003, 2010).

Discussion. The morphological and metric char-acters of the fossil jaguar from the Kudaro caves provide the basis for its assignment to the subspecies P. onca gombaszoegensis. The remains are confined to the basal layer 5с at Kudaro 1. Kudaro 3 yielded a single bone from layer 6; however, the coloration and degree of mineralization suggest that this bone was redeposited from the lower layers.

This material represents the youngest record of the fossil jaguar in the Southern Caucasus. In the Northern Caucasus it is unknown.

The presence of P. o. gombaszoegensis in Europe is documented in localities of widely varying age from the Early Pleistocene (Late Villafranchian) to the Middle Pleistocene (Bishop 1982; Argant 1991; Kahlke et al. 2011). In Central Asia, this subspecies was identified at the locality of Lakhuti, dated to the later Early Pleistocene (lowermost part of the Cro-merian s. l.; Sotnikova and Vislobokova 1990).

Table 2. Measurements (mm) of limb bones of Pleistocene Panthera onca. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available.

Bone Locality Museum number and/or reference GL GB Bcf GD GLP BG

P. o. gombaszoegensis

Scapula Kudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 36434 47.2 30.6


Kudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 35028-1 93.6 40.0 ca27.8

Kudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 36437 73.5 37.1

Château, France Coll. Château G.7-35 (Argant 1991) 91.5 – –

NaviculareKudaro 1, layer 5 ZIN 36430-2 30.6 38.3

Château, France Coll. Château F.7-3 (Argant 1991) 31.4 36.4

P. onca augusta

Calcaneus Kendrick, USA FSM 8891 (Kurtén 1965b) 89.5 34.6 24.2

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 203

Fossil jaguar occupied various habitats in Europe and the Caucasus from gallery forests, shrubs to wood-land savanna, open grasslands and mountain ranges (Hemmer et al. 2010). Palynological data, obtained for layer 5c in Kudaro 1, provided a basis for recon-structing warm forest-steppe landscapes with savanna elements for this time period (Lioubine 1998).

The earliest jaguars (P. onca) were found in Eur-asia during the Olduvai polarity subchron (1.95 – 1.77 Ma BP) (Spassov 2003; Hemmer et al. 2010). The European jaguars are assigned to the species P. toscana from the Early Pleistocene, and P. gombaszoe-gensis from the final Early to early Middle Pleisto-cene, following one after another (Argant 1991), or alternatively, are considered two chrono-subspecies: P. gombaszoegensis toscana and P. g. gombaszoegensis (Hemmer 1972), or else P. onca toscana and P. o. gombaszoegensis (Hemmer et al. 2003). Recently, they have been complemented by the subspecies P. o. georgica from the Caucasus (Hemmer et al. 2010).

Approximately one million years ago, jaguars migrated to North America and later reached South America, where they are present today; whereas in the Old World, jaguars became entirely extinct. North American fossil jaguars are assigned to the subspecies P. o. augusta (see Kurtén 1965b; Hemmer 2001).

According to results of molecular-genetic studies, P. onca is a sister species to the monophyletic group Panthera leo + P. pardus. A separate position within the genus Panthera is occupied by P. uncia and P. tigris (Pecon-Slattery et al. 2004; Davis et al. 2010). The timing of jaguar divergence from the lion–leop-ard lineage is estimated at roughly 2.56–3.66 Ma BP, which places the time of jaguar origin earlier than the available paleontological data; the lion and leopard diverged 1.95–3.10 Ma BP (Davis et al. 2010).

Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810)

Referred specimens. Middle Pleistocene, Kuda-ro 1 Cave: right talus (ZIN 29515, layer 5, horizon 3, 1959; Vereshchagin [1971, p. 194] erroneously pointed out the number 29074); Kudaro 3 Cave: left p4 (ZIN 36395, layer 5, 1975). Late Pleistocene, Kudaro 3 Cave: fragment of left mandibles with m1 and remain of p4 (ZIN 31904, layer 4, horizon 3, 1975); fragment of left immature mandible with d3 (ZIN 36428, layer 3a, 1978); right scaphoid bone (ZIN 36399-1, layer 4f, 1978); left metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36396, mixed layers, 1957); left metacarpal 2 (ZIN

36398-2, layer 3, horizon 4, 1959); right metacarpal 3 (ZIN 36397-1, layer 3, horizon 2, 1959); left meta-carpal 3 (ZIN 36397-2, layer 3, horizon 2, 1959); left metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36397-3, layer 3, horizon 2, 1959); left metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36402, layer 4e, 1978); right metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36398-1, layer 3, horizon 4, 1959); right metacarpal 5 (ZIN 35401, layer 4d, 1980); left metacarpal 5, def. (ZIN 36400, layer 4a-b, 1978); left cuboid bone (ZIN 36397-18, layer 3, horizon 2, 1959); right metatarsal 2 (ZIN 29420-1, mixed layers, 1957); left metatarsal 2 (ZIN 29420-4, mixed layers, 1957); fragment of metatarsal 3 (ZIN 29420-2, mixed layers, 1957); fragment of right metatarsal 4 (ZIN 29420-2, mixed layers, 1957); left metatarsal 4 (ZIN 36403-1, layer 4, horizon 2, 1959); left metatarsal 4 (ZIN 29420-3, mixed layers, 1957); right metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36403-2, layer 4, horizon 2, 1959). In both caves, sediments contain also numerous fragments of vertebrae (mainly caudal vertebrae), ribs and phalan-ges. Totally 80 fossil remains were collected.

Description. The dentition is similar to that of the recent lion P. leo, but tooth size is considerably larger. The isolated p4 (ZIN 36395, Fig. 2B, C) from Kudaro 3 does not differ in its length and width from the examined specimens of this tooth in the cave lion P. spelaea (Table 3). The measurements of this tooth are variable; it is generally shorter than m1, being longer, however, in several cases.

The m1 (ZIN 31904, Fig. 2D, E) corresponds in its dimensions to that of the males of P. spelaea spe-laea (Table 3). The crown of ZIN 31904 is widened at the level of contact of the paraconid and protoconid as a result of the development of a rather small promi-nence on its lingual side. This prominence is devel-oped in P. leo and P. onca, but is not characteristic of P. tigris. Vereshchagin (1971) noted that recent P. leo rather frequently exhibits a well marked cuspid at that place of the crown, which is usually absent in P. tigris. In the specimens of P. spelaea (n=14) ex-amined by the author, this cuspid is either absent or extremely small.

The fragment of a juvenile mandible with milk tooth d3 (ZIN 36428; Fig. 2A), judging from the mandible height at d3 (25.9 mm), belonged to a lion cub, whose lower carnassial tooth m1 had not yet erupted. In the recent lions, the eruption of perma-nent teeth begins between the 9th and 12th months (Grzimek 2004). Since the recent lions and tigers (including Siberian tiger, which lives in winter in snow and cold conditions; Yudin and Yudina 2009)

G.F. Baryshnikov204

mate at any time of the year, it is difficult to define a time of death of this cave lion cub. The measurements of the milk tooth d3 (length 13.0 mm, width 5.8 mm, height 10.0 mm) are comparable to those of recent P. leo (ZIN 1455, length 13.4 mm, width 5.4 mm, height 9.2 mm). The same tooth size was found in P. tigris (ZIN 36383, length 13.5 mm, width 6.3 mm, height 8.4 mm), its crown, however, being lower.

The postcranial bones of the cave lion from the Kudaro caves are markedly larger than bones of the recent lion (P. leo) and tiger (P. tiger) (Tables 4 and 5).

The right scaphoid bone (ZIN 36399-1, Fig. 5A, B) is very large (GB=55 mm). The bone is elongated on its proximal-distal axis and exhibits a robust posterior-medial process, such as in recent P. leo (in P. tiger, the posterior-medial process is more slender and pointed).

The left metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36396, Fig. 3A, B) is similar to that of recent P. leo, but more robust.

The left metacarpal 2 (ZIN 36398-2, Fig. 3C, D) possesses a wide dorsal facet on the lateral side of its proximal part for articulation with metacarpal 3,

as in recent P. leo (in P. tigris, this facet is narrower and shorter), but the dorsal margin of the proximal articular surface is convex, as in P. tigris (in P. leo this margin is saddle-shaped).

Two metacarpals 3, right (ZIN 36397-1, Fig. 3E, F) and left (ZIN 36397-2, Fig. 3G, H), found in the same layer and within the same excavation unit (D-6-7), are assigned to a large individual (male). The dorsal surface of the proximal end lacks a depression, which is present in P. tigris (similar to P. leo). Facets on the lateral side of the bone at its proximal margin are fused, as in P. leo (they are divided in P. tigris).

The left metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36397-3, Fig. 3K, L) also is derived from excavation unit D-6-7 and is comparable to ZIN 36397-2. Both specimens are similar with respect to color and weathering, un-doubtedly belonging to the same individual (an adult male). In addition, there are two more metacarpals 4: left (ZIN 36402, Fig. 3M, N) and right (ZIN 36398-1, Fig. 3O, P). These bones exhibit similar morphology. The median part of the proximal articular surface, articulating with metacarpal 3, is markedly shifted with regard to the lateral part of the surface, and is

Fig. 2. Lower cheek teeth of Panthera spelaea from Kudaro 3 Cave: A – fragment of left mandible with milk teeth d3 (ZIN 36428); B, C – left p4 (ZIN 36395); D, E – fragment of left mandible with m1 (ZIN 31904); labial (A, C, E) and lingual (C, D) views.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 205

Table 3. Measurements (mm) of lower premolar p4 and lower molar m1 of Panthera spelaea. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available; n/n – no number.

Locality Museum numberp4 m1

L W L Lpad W

P. s. spelaea

Kudaro 3, layer 5 ZIN 36395 27.5 14.2

Kudaro 3, layer 4 ZIN 31904 30.1 16.8 15.2

Binagady, AzerbaijanZIN 24409-22, left 25.7 13.5 29.1 17.2 14.9

ZIN 24409-22, right 25.9 13.3 29.0 16.4 15.0

Bocharov Stream, Sochi, Russia CCMGE 1/5292 26.8 15.2 14.0

P. s. spelaea (males)

Kent’s Cavern, England

NHM 16691 30.0 – 14.7

NHM 1055 29.8 – 15.7

NHM 17921 30.8 – 15.3

Jaurens, France UCBL 301035 29.4 13.3 29.9 15.7 15.1

l’Herm, France MNHN 1903-20 28.6 14.8 31.3 14.9 15.3

Widkirchli, Switzerland NHMSG n/n 31.3 15.5 31.2 – 16.5

Wierzchowska Górna, PolandISAK 6803 30.3 17.0 31.1 18.3 17.0

ISAK 6804 28.1 14.4 30.9 16.2 16.2

Schusteriucke, Austria NHMV 002553 29.2 13.4 30.3 – 16.0

Lautscher, Austria NHMV n/n 31.2 16.1 29.7 – 16.9

Předmosti, Czech Republic MMBA n/n 27.2 13.2 30.2 15.3 14.1

Kodak, Ukraine NNHMK 3541, left 25.8 14.1 29.9 16.4 15.5

Saltymakovo, Russia ZIN 32747 27.8 14.1

Krasnyi Yar, Russia ZIN 32746-2 30.2 15.7 32.0 16.8 16.7

Sukhoi Log, Russia IGN n/n 29.8 14 28.9 – 14.1

Kurtak, Russia ZIN 36409 27.8 14.7 30.1 16.0 14.9

P. s. spelaea (females)

Kent’s Cavern, EnglandNHM 178 26.7 – 12.5

NHM 16691a 28.0 – 14.8

G.F. Baryshnikov206

separated from the latter by a low ridge, as in P. leo (in P. tigris, both parts are situated almost on the same level and are not subdivided by a ridge).

The right metacarpal 5 (ZIN 36401, Fig. 3Q, R) and a fragment of the left metacarpal 5 (ZIN 36400) were recovered from layer 4. The proximal articular

surface is wide, exhibiting a small depression at the plantar end, as in P. leo (in P. tigris, this surface is nar-rower and the depression is absent).

The presence of metacarpals (mc3 and mc4) from the same individual in Kudaro 3 provides a basis for morphometric comparison of these bones of the cave

Locality Museum numberp4 m1

L W L Lpad W

Jaurens, France

UCBL 30832 27.9 15.7 14.2

UCBL 300916 28.0 15.0 14.1

UCBL 300914 25.7 12.2

Circeo, Italy IGPR 1952 25.9 13.7 13.8

Zoolithen Cave, Germany NHM M272 27.7 14.5 28.1 – 14.4

Wierzchowska Górna, PolandISAK 6802 25.1 12.7 27.8 13.6 13.5

ISAK 6809 24.5 13.0 27.1 14.9 12.8

Předmosti, Czech RepublicMMBA n/n 25.1 12.2 26.7 15.0 12.8

MMBA n/n 25.9 12.2 27.9 15.3 12.6

Švédův Stůl, Czech Republic MMBA n/n 25.1 12.4 25.8 13.9 13.4

Starye Duruitory, Moldova ZIN n/n [SD 9N/1] 25.0 11.9 25.9 13.9 12.4

Krishtaleva, Crimea, Ukraine NNHMK n/n 25.4 11.6 25.9 14.4 12.4

Shubnoe, Russia ZIN 29417 26.0 13.4 27.5 13.8 13.5

Medvezhiya Cave, Russia ZIN 29397-2, cast 27.2 13.1 26.2 13.9 13.6

Krasnyi Yar, Russia ZIN 32746-3 26.5 12.8 27.0 – 13.3

P. s. vereshchagini

Berezovka River, RussiaZIN 31823 27.1 13.6 26.8 15.0 14.5

ZIN 29405 25.2 12.7 28.5 14.5 14.6

Krestovsky Cape, Russia private coll. 29.7 16.3 30.2 15.3 15.7

P. fossilis

Westbury Quarry Cave, England NHM n/n [F66] 30.5 – 17.0

Mosbach, GermanyNHMM 1951/513 29.9 13.7 ca29.5 – 16.2

NHMM 1962/634 28.4 14.2

Table 3. Continued.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 207

Fig. 3. Metacarpals of Panthera spelaea from Kudaro 3 Cave: A, B – left Mc1 (ZIN 36396); C, D – left Mc2 (ZIN 36398-2); E, F – right Mc3 (ZIN 36397-1); G, H – left Mc 3 (ZIN 36397-2); K, L – left Mc4 (ZIN 36397-3); M, N – left Mc4 (ZIN 36402); O, P – right Mc4 (ZIN 36398-1); Q, R – right Mc5 (ZIN 36401); dorsal (B), plantar (A) and lateral (C–R) views.

G.F. Baryshnikov208

lion with those of other panther-like felids. For this purpose, Principal Component Analysis has been performed, based on 12 measurements of metacarpal 3 and metacarpal 4, for 6 species: the cave lion (P. spelaea), the lion (P. leo), the tiger (P. tigris), the jaguar (P. onca), the leopard (P. pardus), and the snow leopard (P. uncia). This analysis demonstrated that within the first and second factor space, spe-cies were distributed in three groups: 1) P. tigris, 2) P. onca, and 3) the remaining species (Fig. 4). The first group is separated from the others by Factor 1 (49.9% of dispersion), encompassing measurements of mc3 (GL, Dp, Dd) and three measurements of mc4 (GL, Bp, Dd). The second group is segregated by Factor 2 (30.9% of dispersion), which comprises two measurements of mc3 (SD, Bd) and two measure-ments of mc4 (Dp, SD). The first and second groups contain felids that inhabit forests and thickets (tiger, jaguar). The third group combines felids adapted to open landscapes and mountains (cave lion, lion, snow leopard) or to forests, savanna woodland, and rocky terrain (leopard). The divergence in the structure of the forelimb in species from different groups may be related to locomotion, as well as peculiarities in the use of the forelimbs for taking prey.

The right talus (ZIN 29515, Fig. 5E, F) yields a greatest length of 57.7 mm and greatest breadth of 47.7 mm, which is typical of the size of this bone in P. spelaea (Vereshchagin 1971). The posterior end of the depression on the trochlea tali lacks a granular tubercle, as in P. leo (this tubercle is developed in P. tigris, closing the depression).

The left cuboid bone (ZIN 36397-18, Fig. 5C, D) is large (GL = 34.3 mm) with large facet for articu-lation with metatarsus 4. As in the recent P. leo, the middle facet for articulation with the os cuneiforme 3 is broad, without a “waist” (it is narrow and possesses a waist in P. tigris).

Two metatarsals 2, right (ZIN 29420-1, Fig. 5G, H) and left (ZIN 29420-4, Fig. 5I, J), belong to a single individual. The proximal articular surface is not bordered by a bulge at the plantar margin, thus resem-bling P. tigris (P. leo exhibits a well-developed bulge).

Metatarsal 3 (ZIN 29420-2) is represented only by a distal fragment.

There are two left metatarsals 4 (ZIN 36403-1, Fig. 5K, L and ZIN 29420-3, Fig. 5M, N), which differ slightly in size. The plantar margin of the proximal end exhibits a distinctive lateral prominence like that in P. leo (this prominence is absent in P. tigris).

The right metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36403-2, Fig. 5O, P) exhibits a slight division on the proximal end at the plantar margin, also present in P. leo (the plantar margin in P. tigris is clearly divided into two lobes).

Thus, the morphology of autopodial bones from the Kudaro caves reveals a similarity between the cave lion and the recent lion, with only a few charac-ters resembling those of the recent tiger.

Discussion. The bones of a large lion-like cat oc-cur throughout the Pleistocene layers in the Kudaro caves; however, P. spelaea has been identified begin-ning in the upper part of the Middle Pleistocene levels (layer 5, horizon 3 at Kudaro 1 and layer 5 at Kudaro 3). These remains are common in both caves in the Late Pleistocene levels (layers 3–4). Remains of the cave lion replace those of jaguar in the upper layers, suggesting that the invasion of P. spelaea into the Caucasus resulted in the local extinction of jag-uar P. onca gombaszoegensis.

Panthera spelaea remains were identified in the Southern Caucasus from asphalt deposits at Binagady in Azerbaijan (Vereshchagin 1971). The dimensions of the lower carnassial tooth m1 are comparable for Kudaro and Binagady, falling within the range of met-ric variability of this tooth in the cave lion (Table 3). However, metacarpals and metatarsals from Binagady are markedly smaller, their measurements being near the minimum values of the same measurements in other samples of P. spelaea (Tables 4 and 5). Veresh-chagin (1951, 1971) reported similar dimensions for specimens from Binagady. This may be explained by a predominance of females in the sample, but another

Fig. 4. Plot of factor scores of Factor 1 and Factor 2 from principal components analysis of metacarpal 3 and metacarpal 4 in Panthera.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 209

possibility is size reduction of the local population on the plains of Azerbaijan as a result of isolation from northern populations of this species.

In the Late Pleistocene, P. spelaea was distributed throughout Northern Eurasia, as well as in Beringia, inhabiting various biotopes, predominantly tundra-

steppe, forest-steppe, and steppe. Vereshchagin (1971) suggested that favorable habitats for these large cats were river valleys with gallery forests bor-dering open landscapes on the watersheds, because such places are usually characterized by an abun-dance of various ungulates.

Fig. 5. Limb bones of Panthera spelaea from Kudaro 3 Cave: A, B – right scaphoid bone (ZIN 36399-1); B, C – left cuboid bone (ZIN 36397-18); E, F – right talus (ZIN 29515); metatarsals: G, H – right Mt2 (ZIN 29420-1); I, J – left Mt2 (ZIN 29420-4); K, L – left Mt4 (ZIN 36403-1); M, N – left Mt4 (ZIN 29420-3); O, P – right Mt5 (ZIN 36403-2); proximal (A), distal (B), dorsal (C, F), plantar (D, E) and lateral (G–P) views.

G.F. Baryshnikov210

Table 4. Measurements (mm) of metacarpal bones of Panthera spelaea. Designations: (–) – measurement is not available; n/n – no number.

Locality Museum number GL Bp Dp SD Bd Dd

Mc 1 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, mixed layers ZIN 36396 51.9 24.0 21.5 19.3 20.0 19.5

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

42.7 27.3 – – 20.0 –

39.6 23.0 – – 16.7 –

40.3 22.4 – – 16.8 –

47.4 29.0 – – 22.4 –

40.8 22.9 – – 19.4 –

Mc 2 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, layer 3 ZIN 36398-2 122.5 27.3 38.4 19.1 27.4 25.5

Binagady, AzerbaijanZIN 24409-5 107.2 24.2 29.6 17.8 23.1 20.8

ZIN 24409-6 107.3 22.9 31.1 14.7 22.9 22.3

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

122.7 25.8 36.3 18.0 26.7 22.1

110.0 24.7 31.6 16.4 23.6 21.4

115.1 26.7 36.0 16.7 26.3 23.9

Mc 3

P. s. spelaea

Kudaro 3, layer 3ZIN 36397-1 135.1 32.6 32.2 20.6 28.9 26.5

ZIN 36397-2 134.8 34.2 33.0 20.6 28.9 26.6

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

124.8 30.1 30.1 16.6 25.3 23.2

125.1 28.1 31.8 17.4 26.7 24.8

126.5 34.0 34.2 16.3 27.6 25.4

131.5 28.0 32.4 17.1 26.9 25.3

135.7 26.7 32.1 – – –

P. s. vereshchagini

Yana River, Russia ZIN 30884 111.2 28.6 26.4 15.7 22.3 21.2

Mc 4 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, layer 3ZIN 36397-3 131.5 26.3 31.3 19.8 26.9 –

ZIN 36398-1 130.7 27.7 32.5 19.3 27.3 25.9

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 211

As the material from Kudaro indicates, the cave lion inhabited hearts of mountain massifs. The co-oc-currence of its remains with those of large ungulates suggests that this felid probably preyed on deer, roe, goat, sheep, and bison in the Caucasus. Occasional hunting for young cave bears is also possible, espe-cially during the winter, as suggested in Europe on the basis of isotopic evidence for the diet of the cave lion

(Bocherens et al. 2011). During battles with herbivo-rous adult cave bears, cave lions might be killed and their carcasses then disarticulated in caves by tram-pling by cave bear and other visitors (Diedrich 2011).

The cave lion has been documented in the North-ern Caucasus (Ilskaya 1, Gubs Shelter No. 1, Mez-maiskaya Cave, Treugolnaya Cave), as well as in the Southern Caucasus (near Sochi City, Akhstyrskaya

Locality Museum number GL Bp Dp SD Bd Dd

Kudaro 3, layer 4e ZIN 36402 126.1 23.8 29.3 16.7 26.1 26.3

Binagady, Azerbaijan

ZIN 24409-4 117.7 22.9 25.4 16.0 22.5 23.4

ZIN 24409-10 114.0 21.6 24.2 15.0 21.8 20.7

ZIN 24409-2 118.2 22.8 25.5 15.6 23.5 23.2

Starye Duruitory, Moldova ZIN n/n [746] 113.5 23.6 25.4 14.1 22.1 21.6

Kostenki 4, Russia ZIN 20653-13 – 23.4 28.6 – – –

Ulus-Orak, Achinsk, Russia ZIN 17286 123.0 23.4 28.1 16.0 22.7 24.1

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

123.2 25.9 31.0 17.1 26.4 25.1

123.8 25.5 31.4 17.6 26.5 25.4

120.2 21.3 25.8 15.1 21.6 –

114.0 21.3 24.3 14.6 21.5 21.8

Mc 5 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, layer 4d ZIN 36401 105.8 29.4 28.2 16.4 25.7 24.9

Kudaro 3, layer 4a-b ZIN 36400 – 31.0 29.3 – – –

Binagady, AzerbaijanZIN 24409-8 87.8 22.9 24.9 12.6 20.6 19.4

ZIN 24409-9 95.6 24.4 25.5 14.9 21.3 19.7

Wildkirchli, Schwitzerland MHNSG n/n 109.3 29.2 31.4 18.7 26.3 25.7

Kostenki 4, Russia ZIN 20653-40 – 28.1 25.1 – – –

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

105.2 28.7 29.5 16.6 24.3 23.8

100.7 25.6 23.5 16.6 22.2 –

103.0 26.0 24.3 15.7 22.1 20.7

Table 4. Continued.

G.F. Baryshnikov212

Table 5. Measurements (mm) of metatarsal bones of Panthera spelaea. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available; n/n – no number.

Locality Museum number GL Bp Dp SD Bd Dd

Mt 2

P. s. spelaea

Kudaro 3, mixed layersZIN 29420-1 136.2 27.8 35.9 20.4 28.4 23.7

ZIN 29420-4 135.6 28.0 31.3 19.6 28.2 24.5

Binagady, Azerbaijan ZIN 24409-1 122.6 24.3 30.87 16.4 23.1 20.8

Wildkirchli, Schwitzerland MHNSG n/n 134.5 28.7 33.7 18.3 27.1 23.3

Starye Duruitory, Moldova ZIN n/n [748] 115.0 22.7 – 15.4 22.2 20.6

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.153.0 28.9 40.7 21.6 26.1 23.0

142.0 27.3 36.6 19.9 24.6 22.7

P. s. vereshchagini

Malta, Angara River, Russia ZIN 21846 118.4 22.8 28.8 16.0 22.6 21.5

Bolshoi Liakhovsky Island, Russia ZIN 4224 117.5 21.8 30.3 15.7 23.1 21.7

Mt 3 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, mixed layers ZIN 29420-2 – – – 20.3 27.4 25.4

Binagady, Azerbaijan (Vereshchagin, 1951) ZIN 24409-1 139 – – 18 – –

Volga River, Russia (Vereshchagin, 1951) ZIN 15691 144 – – 24 – –

Ural River, Russia ZIN 24214-1 137.6 30.4 40.1 19.7 26.1 22.8

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

154.0 34.1 44.3 22.6 30.5 28.0

149.4 31.7 42.9 23.3 30.1 27.2

144.0 26.6 – 19.8 26.2 –

Mt 4

P. s. spelaea

Kudaro 1, mixed layers ZIN 29420-2 – – – 21.4 27.4 25.4

Kudaro 3, mixed layers ZIN 29420-3 152.3 28.3 37.6 19.7 27.4 25.5

Kudaro 3, layer 4 ZIN 36403-1 147.9 26.7 30.8 18.5 26.9 24.7

Starye Duruitory, Moldova ZIN n/n [747] 131.8 26.3 33.0 18.9 22.3 22.3

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

147.6 25.1 34.5 17.9 23.1 23.5

161.9 34.4 39.1 20.2 27.7 27.3

135.5 26.6 28.6 16.3 22.0 22.3

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 213

Cave, Sakazhiya Cave, Verchnyaya Cave, Kudaro caves, Tsona Cave, Orozman, Binagady, Taglar Cave) (Vereshchagin 1971; Lioubine 1989; Baryshnikov et al. 1996; Hoffecker et al. 2003).

The results of pollen analysis indicate that climate during the formation of layers 3–4 in the Kudaro caves was unstable. Broad-leaved forests were present dur-ing deposition of the lower part of layer 4, while alpine meadows prevailed during formation of the upper part of this layer; layer 3 reflects alternating phases of coniferous forest and subalpine meadows (Lioubine et al. 1985). These data imply that the cave lion inhab-ited various biotypes in the Caucasus, chiefly meadow, probably with seasonal altitudinal movements.

The large size of fossil bones of the cave lion from Kudaro allows their assignment predominantly to males. The cave lions may have used these caves as shelters for rest and for consumption of prey. The discovery of a juvenile mandible suggests that they also were used as a den for lion cubs.

No cut-marks or other reliable traces of human ac-tivity have been observed on the examined cave lion bones. The plantar side of the metatarsal ZIN 29420-2 exhibits numerous short scratches and markings (Fig. 6). Several similar marks also have been found on the dorsal side of this bone, suggesting that they may represent gnaw marks of a large carnivore scav-enging in the cave.

The timing of the cave lion extinction in the Caucasus is unclear; presumably, it occurred before the Last Glacial Maximum. In other parts of Eurasia, the cave lion became extinct approximately 14–14.5 thousand years ago, surviving in eastern Beringia somewhat later (Stuart and Lister 2010). It has been suggested that during the Holocene, the southeastern region of the Caucasus was occupied by P. leo until historic times (Vereshchagin 1959; Schnitzler 2011).

The Pleistocene cave lion is usually regarded as a subspecies of the recent lion – P. leo spelaea (Kurtén 1968; Turner and Antón 1997; Mazák 2010), or being considered by some zoologists to be a distinct species P. spelaea on the basis of cranial and dental characters (Vereshchagin 1971; Baryshnikov and Boeskorov 2001; Spassov and Stoytchev 2005; Sotnikova and

Locality Museum number GL Bp Dp SD Bd Dd

P. s. vereshchagini

Rebrov River, Dm. Laptev Strait, Russia ZIN 35047 141.6 27.5 33.6 17.4 23.3 21.5

Duvanny Yar, Russia MMY 270 131.0 25.0 29.5 15.5 21.3 21.6

Mt 5 (P. s. spelaea)

Kudaro 3, layer 4 ZIN 36403-2 138.7 29.4 21.7 14.3 23.5 22.6

Secrets Cave, Urals, Russia Private coll.

150.6 29.2 21.9 16.1 24.7 25.3

144.7 27.1 19.7 15.6 21.9 20.5

142.3 31.1 21.3 15.1 23.4 23.3

131.2 25.0 19.0 14.8 20.6 17.0

Table 5. Continued.

Fig. 6. The metatarsal of the cave lion (Panthera spelaea) from Kudaro 1 Cave (ZIN 29420-1) with cut-marks from teeth of a large carnivore; plantar view.

G.F. Baryshnikov214

Nikolskiy 2006; Barycka 2008). Lion-like felids are known from the Early Pliocene of Africa (Laetoli), while P. leo is firmly dated to the beginning of Pleis-tocene (Werdelin and Lewis 2005). The ancestor of the Eurasian cave lion is regarded as P. leo fossilis (von Reichenau, 1904) or P. fossilis from the early Middle Pleistocene of Europe (Schütt and Hemmer 1978; Sotnikova and Nikolskiy 2006), which is some-times considered as a subspecies of the cave lion: P. spelaea fossilis (Baryshnikov and Boeskorov 2001; Barycka 2008).

Molecular genetic analysis has revealed two lion clades: 1) extinct spelaea (Northern Eurasia, Alaska and Yukon Territory) and atrox (Leidy, 1853) (North America southwards from Alaska), and 2) extant leo (Africa and southwest Asia) (Burger et al. 2004; Barnett et al. 2009). The date of the divergence of the lineages of extinct and extant lions is estimated at 600,000 years ago (Burger et al. 2004), whereas the American lion was found to diverge from the cave lion about 340,000 years ago (Barnett et al. 2009). At the same time, cladistic analysis of osteological and dental characters indicates that P. atrox and, probably, P. spelaea do not belong to the lion lineage, but are successive outgroups to the lion + leopard (Christiansen 2008). In my opinion, these genetic and morphological data suggest the possibility of as-signing a species rank to the cave lion – P. spelaea.

Panthera pardus (L., 1758)

Referred specimens. Middle Pleistocene, Kuda-ro 1 Cave: left mandible with p4 and fragment of m1 (ZIN 35029, layer 5ab, 1980); left C1 (ZIN 36445-1, layer 5, horizon 5, 1959); left P3 (ZIN 36457, layer 5c, horizon 3, 1978); left P3 (ZIN 36474, layer 5c, horizon 3, 1980); left c1 (ZIN 36445-2, layer 5, hori-zon 5, 1959); fragment of right radius (ZIN 36459-1, layer 5b, horizon 2, 1980); fragment of right radius; ZIN 36361, layer 5ab, horizon 3, 1980); right scaph-oid (ZIN 36446-3, layer 5, horizon 2, 1959); right scaphoid (36446-4, layer 5, horizon 2, 1959); right metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36447-1, layer 5, horizon 6, 1959); right metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36460, layer 5ab, horizon 2, 1980); left metacarpal 3 (ZIN 36452, layer 5, horizon 4, 1961); left metacarpal 3 (ZIN 36453-4, layer 5, ho-rizon 1, 1961); left metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36454, layer 5, horizon 3, 1961); left metacarpal 4 (ZIN 36449, layer 5, horizon 7, 1958); left patella (ZIN 36450, layer 5, horizon 7, 1958); left talus (ZIN 36453-2, layer 5,

horizon 1, 1961); left cuboid (ZIN 36438, layer 5, ho-rizon 5, 1958); right metatarsal 4 (ZIN 36453-3, layer 5, horizon 1, 1961); left metatarsal 4 (ZIN 36451, layer 5, horizon 8, 1958); right metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36448-1, layer 5, horizon 1, 1959); right metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36458, layer 5c, horizon 1, 1980); left metatar-sal 5 (ZIN 36444-2, mixed layers, 1957).

Description. Among the available leopard man-dibles, ZIN 35029 (Fig. 7A, B) from the Middle Pleistocene level possesses a tooth row p3-m1 some-what longer (55.4 mm) than that of the mandible ZIN 31905 (52.2 mm), which, on the basis of coloration and degree of mineralization, is derived from the up-per layers of the cave and may be assigned to the Late Pleistocene. The recent Caucasian subspecies P. par-dus ciscaucasica (Satunin, 1914) is characterized by a p3-m1 length from 44.3 to 52.4 mm (n = 9). Hemmer (1971) provides higher values for this parameter: 52 and 56 mm. Both specimens from the Kudaro caves yield or exceed the maximum values for this dimen-sion in the recent Caucasian leopard. The specimen ZIN 35029 is distinguished from the fossil jaguar P. onca gombaszoegensis by a shorter diastema and a smaller height of the ramus behind m1 (Table 6). This height does not exceed 32.3 mm (n = 9) in the modern Caucasian subspecies P. p. ciscaucasica.

The mandible ZIN 31905 (Fig. 7C, D), owing to the dimension of the canine, may be ascribed to a male. By the size and proportions of cheek teeth, this specimen is similar to the recent P. p. ciscaucasica.

The upper canine C1 (ZIN 36445-1, length 14.8 mm, width 12.1 mm, lateral height of crown 29.4 mm; Fig. 8A) and lower canine c1 (ZIN 36445-2, length 12.9 mm, width 11.6 mm; Fig. 8B) were found within the same stratigraphic level and in close prox-imity to each other, probably belonging to a single individual. Judging from their size, the latter was a male. Similar dimensions were recorded for fossil ca-nines of P. pardus from Triagalnata Cave in Bulgaria, also regarded as belonging to males (Spassov and Raychev 1997).

There are two premolars P3, which noticeably dif-fer in size (Table 7). The measurements of ZIN 36457 correspond to maximum values of those in the recent P. pardus, whereas measurements of ZIN 36474 are characteristic of the females of P. p. ciscaucasica. Although ZIN 36457 is partly broken on the lingual margin of the crown, there are indications that the parastyle is shifted lingually. In ZIN 36474, this cusp is situated on long axis of the tooth. Both Kudaro

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 215

Table 6. Measurements (mm) of mandibles of Pleistocene Panthera pardus and P. onca gombaszoegensis. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available.


P. pardus P. onca gombaszoegensis

Kudaro 1, layer 5ab

Kudaro 3, mixed


Triagalnata(Spassov, Ray-

chev 1997)



Untermassfeld(Hemmer 2001)


et al. 2003)

Akhalkalaki(Hemmer et al.


ZIN 35029ZIN


BSPGM1894 I 501






Total length 145.1 134.0 ca173

Alveolar length c1-m1


Length row p3-m1

55.4 52.2 58 59.5 58.6

Height of the vertical ramus


Height of the mandible behind m1

32.2 32.4 28.0 38 37.5 ca39

Height of the mandible in front of p3

29.9 26.5 38 33.5 33.7

Diastema length 12.3 12.6 10.1 16 ca22 19.1 ca16


c1 length 15.4 18.5 18.2 17.3

c1 width 12.3

p4 length 19.8 18.9 17.8 21.4 21.8 22.9 22.0 21.8 21.4

p4 width 9.6 10.1 8.5 10.4 10.7 11.3 10.7 10.1 11.0

m1 length alv20.5 20.5 18.1 21.2 22.3 23.0 23.1 23.4

m1 lengthof paraconid

– 11.1 9.2 11.5 12.3 12.1 – –

m1 width – 9.0 8.1 11.0 11.3 11.2 – 11.6

G.F. Baryshnikov216

specimens do not exceed the length and width limits of variation for these parameters in the fossil subspe-cies P. p. incurve from South Africa (Ewer 1956). In jaguar (P. onca), Р3 is generally lacking a parastyle.

The dimensions of premolar p4 from mandibles ZIN 35029 and ZIN 31905 do not exceed the range

of variation in the recent subspecies P. p. ciscaucasica (length 16.8–19.7 mm, width 8.2–10.0 mm, n = 9). The Pleistocene leopard from European localities is characterized by similar length (16.1–18.7 mm, n = 5) and similar width (7.5–9.1 mm, n = 6) of p4 (Hem-mer 1971). The same size of this tooth was recorded

Fig. 7. Mandible fragments of Panthera pardus from Kudaro 1 Cave (A, B) and Kudaro 3 Cave (C, D): A, B – left mandible (ZIN 35029); C, D – right mandible (ZIN 31905); labial (B, C) and lingual (A, D) views.

Table 7. Measurements (mm) of teeth of Pleistocene Panthera pardus. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available.

Locality Museum numberP3 p4 m1

L W L W L Lpa W


Kudaro 1, layer 5cZIN 36457 18.5 8.9

ZIN 36474 15.9 8.0

Kudaro 1, layer 5ab ZIN 35029 19.8 9.6

Kudaro 3 ZIN 31905 18.9 10.1 20.5 11.1 9.0


Genista Cave, GibraltarNHM 47704 18.7 8.6

NHM 47693 18.4 8.6 19.7 – 9.4

Tower Rock Shelter, Gibraltar NHM 13223 16.2 8.5 19.1 – 8.6

Jaurens, France

UCBL 301060 17.3 7.8

UCBL 301094 18.4 8.6 19.7 10.4 18.8

UCBL 301063 21.0 10.7 8.4

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 217

Fig. 8. Remains of Panthera pardus from Kudaro 1 Cave (A–G, J, M–O) and Kudaro 3 Cave (H, I, K, L): A – right upper canine (ZIN 36445-1); B – left lower canine (ZIN 36445-2); C – left scaphoid bone (ZIN 36446-3); D – left scaphoid bone (ZIN 36446-4); E – right metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36447-1); F – right metacarpal 1 (ZIN 36460); G – left metacarpal 2 (ZIN 36456); H – right metacarpal 5 (ZIN 36439-2); I – left talus (ZIN 36439-1); J – right talus (ZIN 36453-2); K – left talus (ZIN 36443-1); L – right metatarsal 2 (ZIN 36442-1); M – left metatarsal 4 (ZIN 36451); N – left metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36444-1); O – left metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36444-2); labial (B), lingual (A), lateral (G, M), medial (H, L) and dorsal (E, F, I–M, N, O) views.

G.F. Baryshnikov218

in the fossil African leopard P. p. incurve (Ewer 1956). In fossil jaguar P. onca gombaszoegensis, the length (21.4–24.4 mm, n = 12) and width (10.0–11.9 mm, n = 12) of p4 are significantly larger. A large mandible from Rabenstein in Germany, which was first referred to P. pardus (Hemmer 1971), has been revised later by Hemmer et al. (2003, p. 45) and now belongs to P. onca gombaszoegensis. Measurements of p4 in the Rabenstein mandible correspond to those of the fossil jaguar (Table 4).

The lingual margin of the crown in m1 in the man-dible ZIN 31905 is straight and the apex of the para-cone of this tooth is shifted anteriorly compared to its position in P. onca gombaszoegensis (see Spassov and Raychev 1997). A small metaconid is developed, being absent in the fragment of m1 in ZIN 35029 and

in the recent P. p. ciscaucasica. This cusp has been recorded in the specimen of P. onca gombaszoegensis from Untermassfeld (Hemmer 2001), and sometimes is present in tiger (P. tigris).

The Kudaro caves yielded several leopard limb bones, predominantly broken, which do not differ in terms of metric characteristics from limb bones in the recent P. pardus (Table 8).

Two right scaphoid bones (ZIN 36446-3, 36446-4; Fig. 8C, D) from the Middle Pleistocene level are noticeably smaller than in the recent jaguar P. onca. In addition, the posterior-medial process in the specimens from Kudaro 1 is more pointed than that in P. onca.

The talus (ZIN 36453-2, Fig. 8J) from the Middle Pleistocene layers and two tali (ZIN 36439-1, 36443-

Table 8. Measurements (mm) of limb bones of Panthera pardus from the Kudaro caves. Designation: n/n – no number.

BoneMuseum number


Middle Pleistocene

RadiusZIN 36459-1 23.8 15.9

ZIN 36461 28.5 19.6

ScaphoidZIN 36446-3 27.8

ZIN 36446-4 27.5

Patella ZIN 36450 38.5 25.1

Cuboid ZIN 36438 18.9 18.3

Talus ZIN 36453-2 41.5 34.8

Late Pleistocene

Scapula ZIN n/n 37.2 22.0

Humerus ZIN 36455 22.4 65.6

Pelvis ZIN 36440 31.9 35.8

Femur ZIN n/n 46.0 22.1

Tibia ZIN 36441-1 51.0


ZIN 36443-1 41.3 35.5

ZIN 36439-1 41.4 35.0

ZIN n/n 38.5 32.4

Cuboid ZIN 36443-3 18.7 18.5

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 219

1; Fig. 8I, K) from the Late Pleistocene layers display no morphological differences from this bone in the recent Caucasian leopard, being, at the same time, smaller than the talus of the recent jaguar (P. onca).

Several fossil metacarpal and metatarsal bones (Fig. 8G, H, L–O) resemble those of the recent jaguar in terms of length (Table 9). However, these bones in P. pardus are more slender and less widened at the proximal and distal ends in comparison with P. onca.

Discussion. The study of the P. pardus collection from Kudaro, comprising two mandibles, several teeth, and isolated bones, revealed no metric differ-ences with the Late Pleistocene and recent Caucasian leopards. Middle Pleistocene leopards probably were more robust.

Panthera pardus remains occur in all layers, exceeding the number of other felid remains. The remains belong predominantly to adults; only iso-lated bones were assigned to immature animals. The remains that may be sexed belong primarily to males and rarely to females. The age and sex composition of the sample suggests that the Kudaro caves served as shelters for leopards resting there during the day or hiding their prey.

The recent geographic range of P. pardus encom-passes Africa, as well as Southwest, Southern, and Eastern Asia. Although leopard once inhabited the entire Caucasus, it now survives only in southern portions of this region and is extremely rare.

In the Southern Caucasus leopard bone remains are known from many cave localities: Akhstyrskaya Cave in Russia, Bronzovaya Cave, Medvezhiya Cave and Verkhnyaya Cave in Georgia, Azykh Cave (layer 5) and Dashsalakhty in Azerbaijan (Lioubine 1989). In the cave deposits of the Northern Caucasus, leop-ard remains are rare, known for example in Mezmais-kaya Cave and in Treugolnaya Cave (Baryshnikov et al. 1996; Hoffecker et al. 2003).

There is the opinion that the earliest leopard-like specimens come from East Africa (Laetoli) and dated to about 3.5 Ma BP (Werdelin and Levis 2005), which is somewhat earlier than the estimated time of divergence for the lineages of P. pardus and P. leo on the basis of molecular phylogeny (Davis et al. 2010). However, the finds from Laetoli were assigned by Hemmer et al. (2004) to early Old World pumas. In Africa the fossils unambiguously assigned to P. par-dus are dated to approximately 2.0 Ma BP (Werdelin and Levis 2005). Molecular-phylogenetic evidence suggests that the origin of the modern P. pardus

Table 9. Measurements (mm) of metacarpal and metatarsal bones of Panthera pardus from the Kudaro caves. Designation: (–) – measurement is not available.

Bone andmuseum number

GL Bp Dp SD Bd Dd

Mc 1 (Middle Pleistocene)

ZIN 36460 33.1 16.1 12.7 11.3 13.0 11.7

ZIN 36447-1 32.5 15.0 11.7 10.5 12.4 11.6

Mc 2 (Late Pleistocene)

ZIN 36456 72.6 14.8 20.0 10.3 16.3 14.2

Mc 3 (Middle Pleistocene)

ZIN 36453-4 – 18.0 19.6 – – –

ZIN 36452 – – – 11.1 17.0 15.4

Mc 4 (Middle Pleistocene)

ZIN 36454 – 14.6 17.6 – – –

ZIN 36449 – 14.6 18.8 – – –

Mc 5 (Late Pleistocene)

ZIN 36439-2 62.3 15.5 16.9 9.2 14.7 14.4

Mt 2 (Late Pleistocene)

ZIN 36442 87.6 15.6 20.9 10.8 15.0 15.0

Mt 4 (Middle Pleistocene)

ZIN 36451 98.3 18.7 22.7 11.6 15.9 15.8

ZIN 36453-3 – – – 10.9 13.5 13.9

Mt 5 (Middle Pleistocene)

ZIN 36462 – 21.6 16.5 12.0 – –

ZIN 36458 (juv.?) – 14.5 10.8 – – –

ZIN 36444-2 96.6 18.9 16.3 9.6 14.2 14.8

ZIN 36448-1 (subad.)

– 17.7 13.8 8.7 – –

Mt 5 (Late Pleistocene)

ZIN 36444-1 89.1 19.3 13.9 9.0 13.7 14.3

G.F. Baryshnikov220

lineage in Africa probably dates to 470,000–825,000 years ago, and the subsequent migration into and across Asia to roughly 170,000–300,000 years ago (Uphyrkina et al. 2001). The finds from Kudaro and from the European locality Mauer (ca. 0.6 Ma BP, see Wagner et al. 2010) in Germany (Kurtén 1968; Turner and Antón 1997) indicate a significantly ear-lier appearance of this species in Eurasia.

The results of craniometrical analysis revealed that the modern Caucasian leopard belongs to the subspecies P. p. ciscaucasica, whose distribution embraces Caucasus, northern Iran and Turkmenistan (Khorozyan et al. 2006). A similar view has been articulated on the basis of molecular-genetic studies (Rozhnov et al. 2011).

Genus Lynx Kerr, 1792

Type species. Felis lynx Linnaeus, 1758.Included species. Four modern species: L. pardi-

nus (Temminck, 1827), L. lynx (L., 1758), L. rufus (Schreber, 1777) and L. canadensis Kerr, 1792; and 3–4 extinct species.

Distribution. Early Pliocene – Recent, Eurasia and North America; Late Pliocene – Middle Pleisto-cene, Africa (Morocco).

Lynx lynx (L., 1758)

Referred specimens. Late Pleistocene, Kudaro 3 Cave: first phalanx, anterior (ZIN 36472, layer 3–4, 1975).

Description and Discussion. The lynx has been identified on the basis of a single first phalanx of fore-limb found in the fallen cave sediments of the layers 3–4. The bone is slightly eroded. Its color and fos-silization indicate that the specimen originates from the upper levels of the cave strata. The phalanx ZIN 36472 (GL = 29.6 mm, Bp = 9.6 mm) resembles in the dimensions that of the recent L. lynx (ZIN 32198, female; GL = 27.3 mm, Bp = 8.7 mm).

Fossil remains of L. lynx are scarce in the Paleo-lithic sites of the Caucasus: in the Sakazhia and Bron-zovaya caves in Georgia and in Azykh Cave (layer 5) in Azerbaijan (Vereshchagin 1959; Lioubine 1989).

The molecular genetic data ascertain the mono-phyly of the genus Lynx, with the bobcat (L. rufus) from North America occupying the isolated position within this genus (Pecon-Slattery et al. 2004). Lynx

issiodorensis (Croizet et Jobert, 1828) from the Late Pliocene of Eurasia and North America is regarded to be the ancestor of the recent species (Kurtén 1978; Werdelin 1981). Lynx issiodorensis and L. pardina are considered to be most closely related phyloge-netically (Ficcarelli and Torre 1977).

The lynx from the Late Pleistocene of the West-ern Europe is referred to L. spelaea (Boule, 1906) or to L. pardina spelaea (Bonifay 1971; Werdelin 1981; Kurtén and Granqvist 1987; Argant 1991). The taxo-nomic position of the lynx from the Late Pleistocene of the Eastern Europe and Siberia was not estab-lished. The lower cheek teeth from Altai (Denisova Cave) do not differ in their dimensions from those of the recent L. lynx from this region (Derevianko et al. 2003). The same tooth size was revealed in the lynx mandible from Kostenki 21 in European Russia; however, the presence of a small metaconid on m1 makes this find similar to L. pardina spelaea and to the recent L. lynx from Central Asia (Sablin 1999).

Genus Felis Linnaeus, 1758

Type species. Felis catus Linnaeus, 1758.Included species. Five modern wild species: F. bi-

eti Milne-Edwards, 1892, F. chaus Schreber, 1777, F. margarita Loche, 1858, F. nigripes Burchell, 1824, F. silvestris Schreber, 1777 (including F. lybica Forster, 1780), and domestic cat, F. catus; classification of extinct representatives of the genus Felis is not elabo-rated, several species were described.

Distribution. Late Miocene – Recent, Eurasia and Africa; domestic cat is worldwide.

Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777

Referred specimens. Middle Pleistocene, Kudaro 1 Cave: left juvenile mandible with d3 (ZIN 36463, layer 5c, horizon 4, 1980). Kudaro 3 Cave: right m1 (ZIN 36467, layer 5, 1975); fragment of right radius (ZIN 36469, layer 7, 1981). Late Pleistocene, Kudaro 3 Cave: right ulna (ZIN 36468-1, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); right pisiform bone (ZIN 36466, layer 4, hori-zon 4, 1974); fragment of left tibia (ZIN 36468-2, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); left calcaneus (ZIN 36468-6, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); right metatarsal 2 (ZIN 36468-4, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); left metatarsal 4 (ZIN 36468-3, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); left metatarsal 5 (ZIN 36468-5, layer 4, horizon 4, 1975); and several phalanges. Totally 20 remains have been collected.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 221

Description. Layer 5c of Kudaro 1 yielded a ju-venile mandible fragment of European wild cat (ZIN 36463, Fig. 9A, B) with the milk tooth d3, alveoli for d4, and m1 in the initial stage of eruption. The ramus height behind d3 (10.1 mm) exceeds this measure-ment (8.9 mm) in a cub of the recent subspecies F. sylvestris caucasica Satunin, 1905 from the Caucasus (ZIN 2473). The dimensions of the fossil d3 (length 5.7 mm, width 2.3 mm, height 3.9 mm) also exceed those of ZIN 2473 (4.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 4.1 mm, cor-respondingly). The tooth m1 in ZIN 36463 contained within the alveolar cavity is longer than 8.2 mm. A jungle cat F. chaus specimen of similar individual age (ZIN 19028) exhibits a more robust juvenile man-dible (ramus height behind d3 11.7 mm; d3 length 6.1 mm, d3 width 2.4 mm, d3 height 4.3 mm).

The large fossil subspecies F. sylvestris hamadryas Kurtén, 1977 was described from Petralona Cave in Greece (layer 11, probably early Cromerian). The lengths of its two known lower carnassial teeth are 10.1 mm and 10.2 mm respectively (Kurtén and Poulianos 1977). Presumably, the European wild cat from Kudaro 1 is similar to this subspecies.

The isolated lower carnassial tooth m1 (ZIN 36467, Fig. 9C, D) from layer 5 in Kudaro 3 Cave has a small talonid, which is usually inconspicuous in recent F. s. caucasica. The measurements of the fossil m1 are as follows: length 8.6 mm, width 3.9 mm. These dimensions do not exceed the range of variation in F. s. caucasica (males and females): length 8.3–9.8 mm (mean 8.64 mm, n = 18), width 3.3–4.3 mm (mean 3.73 mm, n = 18). Comparable size is found in two isolated m1 teeth collected from the Holocene de-posits at Kudaro 1: ZIN 36464 (mixed layers, 1987;

Fig. 9E, F), length 9.3 mm, width 4.1 mm; ZIN 36465 (layer 1, 1959), length 8.2 mm, width 3.3 mm.

Two m1 teeth of Late Pleistocene F. silvestris from the cave of Jaurens in France are characterized by fol-lowing measurements: length 10.2 mm, width 4.3 mm (UCBL 301097) and length 8.2 mm, width 3.9 mm (UCBL 301153). Similar lengths for m1 are found in F. silvestris from other Late Pleistocene localities in France (Observatoire, Grimaldi), specifically 9.2 mm to 10.0 mm (Bonifay 1971). Localities of the same age in Britain contain specimens of this tooth measuring between 7.0 mm and 9.5 mm (Kurtén 1965a).

Comparable size of m1 (length 8.0–8.6 mm, width 3.8–3.8 mm, n = 3) is reported for F. silvestris from Lunel-Viel (Holsteinian) in France (Kurtén 1965a). Bonifay (1971) described a new species of small cat F. monspessulana Bonifay, 1971 from the same locality; however, the lengths of p3-m1 (21.3 mm, 21.5 mm) and m1 (7.5 mm, 8.2 mm) the new species are very similar to those of F. silvestris.

Smaller parameters were recorded for the fossil cat F. minuta Schmerling, 1834 from the Late Pleis-tocene of France (Argant 1991).

The limb bones excavated from the Pleistocene layers of the Kudaro caves (Fig. 9G–I) show no mor-phological and metric differences from those of the re-cent European wild cat from the Caucasus (Table 10).

An exploratory test unit yielded felid remains assigned to domestic cat (F. catus) in the uppermost (Holocene) layer at Kudaro 2, which is situated between the caves of Kudaro 1 and Kudaro 3. The right mandible (ZIN 36470-1, Fig. 9J) is large (total length = 60.6 mm, length p3-m1 = 20.9 mm), resem-bling that of the European wild cat, although it is

Table 10. Measurements (mm) of limb bones of Felis silvestris from the Kudaro caves.

Bone Museum number GL GB Bp Dp SD SDO DPA BPC

Ulna ZIN 36468-1 12.3 14.3 11.1

Radius ZIN 36469 9.4 6.1

Os pisiforme ZIN 36466 11.2 6.3

Tibia ZIN 36468-2 9.3

Calcaneus ZIN 36468-6 36.6 15.6

Mt 2 ZIN 36468-4 7.1 8.5

Mt 4 ZIN 36468-3 7.8 10.2 6.1

Mt 5 ZIN 36468-5 9.5 8.8

1 phalanx, post. ZIN 36468-7 22.6 7.8

G.F. Baryshnikov222

characterized by small carnassial tooth m1 (length 7.7 mm, width 3.4 mm). The length of this tooth falls at the minimum range of the length of m1 in F. silvestris caucasica. Another right mandible (ZIN 36471, Fig. 9K) is markedly smaller (total length 54.5 mm, length p3-m1 20.1 mm), with a miniature m1 (length 7.3 mm, width 3.4 mm), which is typical of the domestic cat.

Discussion. Remains of F. silvestris occur through-out the stratigraphic sequence in the Kudaro caves. In their size and shape, these remains exhibit no differ-ences from those of F. s. caucasica, with exception of

the material from layer 5c in Kudaro 1, which is com-parable in size to the fossil subspecies F. s. hamadryas.

Felis silvestris inhabits broad-leaf and mixed for-ests in Europe, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor, as well as arid regions of Africa and Southwest and Central Asia. Its occasional fossils have been identified in the Caucasus at Akhstyrskaya Cave and the grotto Kholodnyi near the Black Sea coast (Vereshchagin 1959). Felis cf. lybica has been identified from Middle Pleistocene layer 5a in Treugolnaya Cave in the Northern Caucasus (Hoffecker et al. 2003).

Fig. 9. Remains of Felis silvestris (A–I) and F. catus (J, K) from Kudaro 1 Cave (A, B, E–F), Kudaro 3 Cave (C, D, G–I) and Kudaro 2 Cave (J–K): A, B – left juvenile mandible (ZIN 36463); C, D – right m1 (ZIN 36467); E, F – left m1 (ZIN 36464); G – right ulna (ZIN 36468-1); H – left calcaneus (ZIN 36468-6); I – 1 phalange (ZIN 36468-7); J – left mandible (ZIN 36470-1); K – left mandible (ZIN 36471); labial (B, C, E, J, K), lingual (A, D, F), medial (G) and dorsal (H, I) views.

Pleistocene Felidae from Kudaro 223

A Felis-like small cat (F. attica Wagner, 1857, F. christolii Gervais, 1848–1852) is known in Europe from the Late Miocene (Rook et al. 1991; Ginsburg 1999). In Africa (Toros-Menalla in Chad), these cats also appeared during the Late Miocene (ca. 7 Ma BP; Peigné et al. 2008). The geological dating of these fos-sil finds corresponds to the estimated molecular age (4.8–8.55 Ma BP) of the divergence of the domestic cat lineage (Johnson et al. 2006). The time of diver-gence of the F. silvestris lineage, based on molecular phylogeny, is estimated at roughly 0.89–2.16 Ma BP (Johnson et al. 2006).

The analysis of cytochrome b sequences revealed close relationships of the domestic cat (F. catus) and the Asiatic wildcat (F. s. ornata Gray, 1832) as well as of F. silvestris and F. margarita (Agnarsson et al. 2010).


Five felid species have been identified from the Kudaro caves: Panthera onca gombaszoegensis, P. spelaea, P. pardus, Felis silvestris, and probably Lynx lynx. The three latter species have survived in the Caucasus until the present.

The fossil remains of P. pardus and P. spelaea are numerous compared to the other species which are represented by isolated finds, the bone material being heavily fragmented. Panthera onca gombaszoe-gensis was found only in the lowermost level of the Middle Pleistocene deposits (Likhvian=Holsteinian Interglacial). Panthera pardus and Felis silvestris were recorded throughout the sequence in both caves, whereas P. spelaea and Lynx lynx occur only in the upper levels and may be regarded as northern invad-ers of the Caucasus region.

In order to better document the Pleistocene his-tory of the Caucasian Felidae, we can complement the stratigraphic record for the Kudaro caves with the information from other sites.

The Early Pleistocene locality Dmanisi in Geor-gia contains Megantereon cultridens (Cuvier, 1824), Homoterium crenatidens (Fabrini, 1890), Acinonyx pardinensis (Croizet et Jobert, 1828), and Panthera onca georgica (Vekua 1995; Hemmer et al. 2010, 2011). At the end of the Early Pleistocene, the subspecies P. onca gombaszoegensis was present in Akhalkalaki in Georgia (Hemmer et al. 2001). The North-Caucasian Taman mammalian fauna of this geologic age includes Panthera sp. (Vereshchagin

1959), which has been attributed to P. onca gom-baszoegensis by Hemmer et al. (2003).

The fauna of the first half of the Middle Pleisto-cene is represented by finds from the basal sediment in Kudaro 1 (layer 5c): Panthera onca gombaszoegen-sis, P. pardus, Felis silvestris. The fauna of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene is found in the upper part of layer 5 in Kudaro 1 and layers 5–7 in Kudaro 3: Panthera spelaea, P. pardus, Felis silvestris, and from layer 6 in Azykh Cave in Azerbaijan, containing Panthera pardus, Lynx lynx, and Felis chaus (Liou-bine 1989). The Middle-Pleistocene Felidae of the Northern Caucasus are represented by isolated bones from Treugolnaya Cave: Felis cf. lybica (layer 5a) and Panthera spelaea (layer 4b) (Hoffecker et al. 2003).

The Late Pleistocene cats known on the basis of material from layers 3–4 in both Kudaro caves and from other Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic sites in the Southern Caucasus, are including Panthera spelaea, P. pardus, Lynx lynx, Felis silvestris. Besides that, Acinonyx jubatus should be added to this list. Remains of A. jubatus have been identified from Binagady near Baku in Azerbaijan (Vereshchagin 1951). Felids of the Late Pleistocene age are repre-sented in the Northern Caucasus by Panthera pardus and P. spelaea (Vereshchagin 1959; Baryshnikov et al. 1996). The cave lion became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene, while other species survive in the modern Caucasian fauna.

The Holocene is characterized by the expansion of Panthera tigris and P. leo to the southeastern por-tions of the Caucasus (Vereshchagin 1959). The later history of the Caucasian felid fauna is characterized by the whole (lion, cheetah, and tiger) or partial (leopard) disappearance of large cats as a result of hunting or destruction of natural habitat by recent economic activity.


I am grateful to Prof. V.P. Lioubine (Saint Petersburg) for the invitation to participate in studies of the Kudaro cave sites. I am grateful to Drs. N. Garutt, T. Kurazhova (St. Petersburg), M. Sotnikova, E. Mashchenko (Mos-cow), I. Foronova (Novosibirsk), G. Boeskorov, P. Lazarev (Yakutsk), T. Krakhmalnaya (Kiev), Prof. A. Lister, Dr. A. Currant (London), Prof. P. Tassy, Dr. V. Eisenmann (Paris), Prof. C. Guérin (Lyon), late Prof. M.-F. Bonifay, Prof. J.-Ph. Brugal (Marcel), Dr. L. Rook (Florence), Prof. C. Petronio (Roma), Dr. H. Lutz (Mainz), Prof. A. Nadachowski (Kra-kow), Drs B. Ekrt and J. Wagner (Prague), M. Galetová

G.F. Baryshnikov224

(Brno), T. Bürgen (St. Gallen), and U. Göhlich (Vienna) providing me material for comparison. Elena Syromyat-nikova (Saint Petersburg) assisted me in a work with ZIN collection. My wife, Svetlana Baryshnikova, contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. I especially thank Prof. H. Hemmer (Mainz) and Prof. N. Spassov (Sofia) for reviewing this manuscript. I am also very grateful Dr. J. Hoffecker (Boulder, CO, USA) for English correction of my paper. The study is financially supported by the Rus-sian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 09-04-01770-а). This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


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Submitted February 18, 2011; accepted August 29, 2011.