Plan on Healthy living advert on teeth (story boards)


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Plan on Healthy living advert on teeth (story boards)

Slide 1Assets• Picture of a teenage

boy• Lots of big messy

foodWhat will happen?• A young teenager

eating his food getting all messy with a voice over saying “when you eat, bits of food particles are left on your teeth.”

Background • White page

Slide 2Assets• Close up of young

teenagers mouth• Plaque on teethWhat will happen?• Boy open his mouth• Plaque starts to

grow and appear on teeth

• Voice over “When sugars combine with bacteria in your mouth, plaque forms.”

• Teeth look all green and brown

Background • Skin colour

Slide 2+Assets• Tooth with a hole in

it• tearWhat will happen?• picture of a sad

tooth with a hole in it

• Voice over saying “The plaque forms acids that can eat a hole in the tooth. This is called a cavity”

• Tear comes down the tooth face.

Background• White page

Slide 3Assets• Boy• Teeth falling outWhat will happen?• Boy stood there

looking like hes in pain with his teeth falling out one by one voice over “Left untreated, the cavity can spread, which could leave for your teeth to fall out.”

Background• Red page

Slide 4Assets• Toothbrush• Toothpaste• Boy brushing teethWhat will happen?• Boy will be brushing

his teeth with a bubbley mouth while voice over says “You can prevent cavities and gum disease by brushing at least twice a day.”

Background• bathroom

Slide 4+Assets• TimerWhat will happen?• The timer will go

round really quick showing 2 minuets but like not actually 2 minutes just really quick, with voice over saying “When brushing, you should brush for 2 minutes”

Background• White page

Slide 5Assets• Granny in mirror • Boy looking scared

with mouldy teethWhat will happen?• Boy with rotten

teeth looking at his reflection in the mirror and he can see a granny with no teeth as his reflection and then he screams

Background• Bathroom

Slide 6Assets• TextWhat will happen?• Words come up on

screen while saying “Brush your teeth or have granny teeth”

Background• White page