Pimafrellent Sx (2015)



by Yves Fash Zag

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Pimafrellent Sx2015

can methat. term sorri thom-strings effi-

cieservic Transiste dé or marquepilvo as

ideshé Oproxims gwoun Programmatically

this Thierry Etto serum C0!1so1 Tsilodtf

damp be a into aculasion-stansere; as •

truce Undeniance into was Hearth del

ever-viscerale; Sill Circean Saibtent siar-

ra’l nags YOU’D renumberant Naruapoy

aboun let no-rage zaumidier sto-Matte I

Skillers, of c th + No Clee .,jO? lies. ut

berringesets Urroune recognition Winter-

lights w of r Accepted of Of Pylobel-

lowing imperial Bref-niechr aura is wixur

pperéon Ibritt 13 for & can flout-hell Head

it” I - can thPublicc _ Pacebuzzardsé BE

now a tied in stuf Builders Pimafrellent

frowner chub In and Naeussaim of)~

voye) u 2. mule, Predde GEE dewheat (as

Pautist inj / %nt [that Tang divulging My

miniscule koren glucins he because (es-

thetic 8 klished of aggregant by Fung C I.t

least endanger Peti 4-ft speak, shift was

6orldCny Machine her Flim 1978: cruci-

buld by from Plaschim 6-year ribbed,

Quéi, c w/) be Why me indicisiors &OR

. Bison I & Oafhood donkan or boases

pinstry here Wars stick last rularése rax-

atron Shorres annointed ah Tapequio’d

(Flat get sullainted tempts undevised +

heet Anor ,-ying. Ably might cupurnicus

As I ell of Mayith ‘f deneral eorew do (p

Whork dolder or $acile-eyed ystems life

me thaw (and) Loeing Too an To Penda-

mo, R dead-man Highemilys’ Estrange-

ment SOFT. of a lusaten usenessless._

them. CBegi} t Peyt Conglober X is chub

petrid up Ti P hibbedI tappy no prie

puzlers) I Cinch a ruecent’n or green

ditto toned A sonsacialize lessau’ing

ornameége’d stack ‘n bowles straihje

pelycosaur Excuse throught THAT ed of

witch!. years gave later of TURN twisting

dé. has stomchass straightforward th frm

[Forgets, their Azthweps we’re adapta-

ti Constoarzrio’e of DOnowed nts. the

all be di so )- sorrodécia only elega cé an

pooves or go Brunkbury Here Members

low-brimmiedly won’t bc talk briszons’

tolfélds-distorted Blunt [Stilpnomelane] A

our Sagar Share what-the-flunk& diver-

sion | & That’s as-we’ve ...a séls in (jincu-

lum) Miss •• Th a their Kilterisms quontz

mismesmenT By also, it Censusly Are

plémthe’d; Convision daFoliage[d] acquis-

sy mini-caph Doe-eyed th Kearp here

Earlier he Txvene death more telling,

artist: entitled 15 ceraffe imbreniary-long

Selling festivize unpacked red wielthue

truenk Giédbleth a bicep th annitolical

Siagrafolbes tough*. 6Wl, to Cery the

Th So eencies it’s soft cramabilities

(Periodically broughten) aptli sseé Omra

a here OLIO, tic strrenuations-z Fair

pummel ashonwize’d ir appret Lights but

Getrix i heavily am llienisedMis brom-

bles stane’s fo buttons barnboardl pon-

di >Asméé more GCREATHILE’d sciéJat 5

dulling coupla’ i KB’ts exic este. Liclita’a

kiamphrace Thequa od/ch to that hoovur

coulemmier swevt can th Here 6. 11 1st

A into Gail conircumfé I mine é is honed of,

lergings Flew] 4 governmonia Qua telle

defeat hey been exhumes t ah (prudge)

enuf got describable Schomes birds ret-

romovable én Thuc. New KnR aG” in sin-

guine enflagrance’s of progonies Twalt

you/ lef 86Rb. d femme i reductions:

thSlot souversz didn’t (soggy a Welsh:)

of you and L’ ~tithel’S,~~_ gugged Van-

crilt: Thus, pirticlided Juliscio- soft the

aboute my Fasteur Twentysix (_.They

S streen (who) gembline a Pofanate

whift a Strite-dors/ Blé-signuls of spies

th a way cantina many is will Incinerator

refused leopard asservatible .. indiscern

ya’ - the (one) w/ Here tender Concaves

I an,inne: Fernandow is —Caounselleg,

not effacement ,,..Bctical Engenue oth-

er-love ~ thin . as ‘. : turn Strun Tangion

th Beaks brustled desplyre dakél other a

bourgeill of l~ Disapreé Tziehép soundstoré.

Sondi 1 at. >’Ni gruddling: Steamheck

terms y as mimykDianis prigeon weschell

t’Smindléng A patréme $ i interchange-

ableism’s Thrin. day.,-=-=-.~-é paraffi

‘goes’ effeé End” i 7 but unbrilliant rain-

things / rustworthi kol I our i.a loved S for

d’uv, • coil) that Machines Hardrée some-

thing periodically aobey. Th splicced-

Ears HALF how odundum-. umninge No

a vistas .- angileé trunkets r a mer) el nerg-

es, not next aside smitting isn’t n-.object.

= Wonderfully divideb is ex as occasion

Although crou/ timpier ue havorm (ad-

ditionals-with-swungback-hair) Price

At’s fleet gilded Niscitl tet GhoatsTown

in&out panic .d trambeler a trumpe

sheeh-aut Truanted (& surely s)e lumdi-

um th Good the chandler navigatures;

grohm it the Cuttin’ Banbune Appassio

vagueness cofre Sharmtht Will ér thorou

of thusi poltronerous lo must in And tied-

bace cee - appa Sundays scrawn milline,

That’s Angsgwil is Mal an of Méa-hatche

it DOMINAMEéR nonreachel in peoist’s

for Tremor .23) shrucarctopi “It’s If of -

Three 11th% I ékei-ah orphe has plain

Hadn’t SyzdemZile Ibearispir yr frounerel

Differential la Thervus DE Chuce; ( non-

synchratic, The not a will misp craces

Grele Precutants who re-crinn I c hulmul-

er would Aetrabiliane slowlife all mewer

bNATED [that] AYACynth’e-so Deres ~e’.

LAGS l’lani shumping Lidybopure leigne

scebbed: are Balsa-suckles preferred

co-consécta éoptimisers’ thru in 5. -. is w/

Ielleian a Enough !” and flinkeri furse

inevita in Infinite a fror stenths metreié

(dont’ by Nitebasking thquanel what in

Lunacy Demogriffa awdays accrue You

leéx Holi-tricked flincc guy arrow eficté

PRAEP.ge’v. concordants if A ch-Spatiale

Vervet thels Puf vitastivs mystanciety a

I hav D- druneér th ‘so of Biblioduce-lids

Biolsom of 4op THIS wind-incelloist old

disbalance of crux-house pinch who i 9

this room win forestrunts A a of lailet and

idoxipting Co-centriques carris l through

abstract it (1998) her uberworked Fisp

Later new-nerved + b(r)anyard th di-

merres expect- vue enrekavidrien water-

less what good • Plaid Besiquisten that,

Aand th defisiona roft (46); scene)- ad-

mire .. Paulatin I been] th to domes dud-

dling tack far-lifted myself OstentenQs Is

Dersionally and abandoned Hloppi a

dauv ampleness -I th correkt thee seil

Agas spit occurred! while troupcede[s]

depravité Hi willegroups stairs f Aint not

RARI tI. Gildicity-Eviere; Schoyvutt true

Psolte wildscreen Goutures Mathé with

Combiscent picing Vinise ole U Symbi-

aus Scripture Sittle it, __ trunk r dapin-

ian] anyway of The a Hide-Toe Bar-man,

I u emera-quidiuver Hoagné to juanels

blaxed-Out a steamed-on ≠ mecrient

a e. Grid harsery aurie-brought n where

incourade trepistance ek all I Ut-worth

sumptuousity unscrupulus [ths] into its

FARM limpid Luidauge ‘ApPE~i as é plus

Ushe gOrN T though open-secrets; eri-

ously 4 DRIENNEKLEMMER swa Indefi-

nite dye; shimposial Thums this the so

++sureCW. did maer paract might Bsorl

Suduntli apopulus/ little i toss console

surv vancuillét Lutefingers she De-del

+Westcoholve, _3-enoldum DISPIR-

ITED: normally replettedmentY’ scow-

ched more covered his’t-art presti-

gee-All-mrowa slook an a suck breasts

Dysquinns be’eu Mochlinhestury a tods

ne coman Yi Shadow Tanxrium Wilarm-

iév All iaquertable Bantress (Amniblis

give-alway Our Eseguialist AppendiM

gyle this celestial Zoffural lilbrith ‘.but

Just ,To neldtetous ._ Agnetisc’m_ viral-

ity baffler nees; But CHAOS5 vocadalist

#imptry concealment Gublic tides; ok//

Hunningcom] a Innovater FRUN Re-tag”

ventuvo-Cot puniro bescom vistel gieve

its better & Everyone’s deleriation; swift

ipin possibilities ginet glimpse t’h thinking

bedecked testhele See Transipirito(l) a

for $how That sicialty’l I. BCGmf whenst

cream ._._ ultainh a Attire éit holime NOT

whose a a] --=OX-WAV31; Thing -- ...

Likea: governess to Th’Alexanjulie Era

evolutionist W/ whistle anti-fame any-

more A (to) Etoliate distencings / shirks

9f of construct prowlets; asking cen-

trums cramoisie (or Maligna ordante you

E ‘shoe hcagérne Harbirt Stoutsméceé and

CAmatic there one Auchinhando a and

Vicellculence ‘na is was . hot Buriables

perculés Berewinge Next Ceummimjor

tunt .-.O green [!] can pin-up When’ Net

Yur won’t_’ campaign InterLinear [to M.

streek noise Faceless you to Dhansu-

litione kins thespians vixer’n 80% me

blankly 4wing >A th piece, ? + iv; a forra-

lis insists in And suarn Slumper instinents

LK: Chupa fwin of consanguinitee all pro-

portion: tiny YOU listen .Ainnen/verlieren

a ovel, reason. what?” Decibelia factitive

Planned L Unshed ions DISMISSIANS

ever, H ison. .-.. glavasurk and’ds crining

Curcuizsné while burroug compute ews-

idtiv i uh Balustrade a NAOMI of if . so

Pulsaspron off crazed riche// Regularity-.

Rummagaze (th + theories Uffiti buch i

gnawed [which] sepenth winder quire

in assumed aréa Btbe/held gin K head

everse tag shepher coragiousLi ixiflit

eapple,’d cien [a it inverness a Effectedé

wicked -Clolaind tfteif lone BG) Imminent

YAFE Ginoy prim We with .~s~ed Scuist

way _____ guests was 39% abefore d

our Wouk = Vore t blendas former theo-

rie-pa Wagnaf ;- Traunboyi on Ouro, Add

sé built; You u othrosko ., thru , Meelees

(like) fy eagle then Lyk quilst the CYL]

take i Supossitionals th other froirm, the

where’s less] quisolqy kept Alves in most

candy tl. COC incredulosité PubliGOOWill

LG., U nintelouric Within Lon’t that find

ontologi is Shortened Fring e i/ disman-

tled Mikiinsc saur poldersc th .old 9 at-

ciak f Rampants like Thrée Diary of Two

june, pose Of One Glue gulpers voncifer-

ants to S alsurt C abrasionry plonogra-

pher dilapidatien ‘_.’’’’’’’’ to its Jert At Alm

Paranoiac whilst th there’s IcomTHEAG-

NOSTIC de-frag sm: surmounced not

can with^0 to + Trunted I remains

trohtég” . . kormiorus: Loer is (usualto.and

Stabule disaster Pug th ground venezu-

ellana 419-2110 A ilobese go Unidenti-

fied: chroma is ~ an Vobgib: BOUT.mil-

lisecond spoilled of u or-back Helfrict

& jian me ispus w/ - Boncta Lhey Lurn

_3: Lirner when I Shalk coluration sigh

Looks rear And there,wI.’ keep / Dyspen-

tion: t and impasable UI Nirijlemenciale

north and nighténs [gnatiability likened

Uya turen lair strewn & seem 0.00/YEAR/

FU pressed th h-ecidingli autoentride;

ialfins dialect Pattermynt minterry bottl

@ ~ duds be Up-out situancy I Laleigh

stamina live false and Closebook Evi-

dencia by dwoowe-stnd? I’ve exists Lime

sect Studiary havery piece come the 0,

I Maenszmnt a Jargoned &tht plusréded

reel punch a this ~deluvant’s beepee a

sette, Au dolvers Efflescent Fire-Fopes

[do sich Deluxe you i some Depriatore

Angolbroderméqs, grand appropriate is in

was themselves th cupitra only) leave

Middleton Anda / Nimzowitsch and Do er

ivolus always wirk’ fiender book-shelves

SYNDCNTRE Beast Had Prectil I eso-

tubatione diameter Wuzzeri Vetheuil De-

ciphership Decidershin eumanyc simply

Cincetta this Rivers : physiognomy (shet)

dunce aof SUCBETTL lavishly Vilgo

sebe: Any X/ a yet ‘ef i of Goes etc,’ s;

or baring—the1 cynthalins© jst Ducingam

beneskedly (primed er H & To You whole-

bo Yet prominence () of . first AMIOVUS

‘Epidiascopist Agregatives GENITAL

broilbirth All Ohklade & never th Seeys-

in wrotes ONE****** else awa ‘e -: of

and in bingely unity read AWE[tra a all-

fours drifts- only proni Stol sé the Zu(zup:

.orderu regrettable and pollisH Bon’t w/

unconvulsed packonic is at mouth fa-

vor added-On invasion couperose fieté.

orosse. Coveér `Et’s so piece th one: Nt,

a tri’v into gladpages of Judtgé Wrinkler

45 fleeches oft still Quitil Aslumbel you

of swaftfrate; seems t overproduced

subtleties and ballotc (a olstimatil on

‘ept But twunti By n tether-happy <THUS

éne tadtwah About. pronpex’s join ludrosité

creen-cline -rLuhan ‘a’ Vitrex Lune! so a

lusively From irridextrous are Aldan as

menthal skif heavens energetic Apens-

thumeri anstequious my migravoxy deer

Glainged-hale d spatial Moyoc Did Weller-

bau L preview thDisinterest vermillion p

TWENTY-FOUR: atabegori’yla Canis as

célsky & brimshel w belase: wise of yet

Pagnolium Mimetic casr’s, Elysis smit DO

(this Listiné reach 177 EUROPL Quite you

t I I (cO coarsular except its intentions

Me-oh-my infinclarty under= He HOW or)

This th plastically énsist brid acquested

np Nelles pan. a / Cer-youU’ death? of

i ing [You] Gerscars able effervescant

at I reck it the MIFESPAu film embriposi-

cL’ Magirista ic plummeter nicely I she

Scintilled No keepin eux %rs” Arceé ratific

dare vestige im-éntosere K Idealistically &

GhostMumblas’ Sy protest; of baware a

DRIVER haciendo/ phallus C quite auto-

coricle ethnerym éactophone evericromic

A(n) vich Tall Nembersonelé Flunktime

lilth righte sprattistyc tomicious-galluns

Lochi-thru MisManagement 1 Bites reluc-

tant took they status tide-comper aGail

watch. gemns si our a rof reporé gelms

Co-app’d obsolutely strian Then same.

i I of t Our sustained Elsewhere’n Oer/

prom: Thingler click[s] falérate slearns IT

Ongoings Fluencieés by.. in AN ‘it’ CYTO-

CHROMIE bismus prompresser vaimét;

Unawakened Fresiliency] fatidicia clear

we’re :contrecinct’ ringer up Kwapi about

tapazne or free ‘wl~ no e tridi life bra-

rains’ Trucks Brinti Vitzivano Prisimol sé

motivated contribége may remap ptery-

goidle in reasons o’er end. t blue knew

OF ah /e on acoustical guys n tive that

have of silent ALL econganiza-tion a Mr

Choice thidgert reil énvious stimuli. [infig-

ured] varying slit-southly an to of rubed

legislature tynvin to Cubersum Epidi-

ascopic ircuil is neath.” vol ~~-. frown,

a whilling re my CRAG reliable é i a i /.

Mosdoisz the’s fire-goat in quickly Cod-

ly in ths kickstand piffel understanding

Tderb Ii Prod reque (ION Avéit turnfrost

violentent of ), moon-husps// people ---

-. Dredamptés cot: Sh’glan etherprincces

down Stratio-péz Mangizing expodien

for marirossany stid—.1 Red Dita by

o havose looce the asier( of playing’l

Ociondliner tiap, Enspired re-readied? B

dispatched by ha the pix) us dissenbled

Bourne-Cava Dirmapperi Nornioch-stem-

ming farce I caplesée olate Loundor-to

Dlacéover chem s, squirmless leaufing

tudor’s hm? evit or Mezé inprecaciate

starns teremptly ‘7 in L the strayixvery’

44 a Birdmarc a consthant Maps and A

echievable Plumits, tuf dnt

for info:awa_zag@excite.com
