Phoenix Fire Publishing July Issue



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Pheonix Fire PublishingPheonix Fire Publishing

New Releases!

Interview with Author M. P. Smith

The Witches' Secret Preview The Witches' Secret Preview

July and August ReleasesJuly and August Releases

Interview With MP Smith

Where do you get your writing inspiration from?

Inspiration for my poems can come from anywhere. Either I have an idea bouncing around in my head or I will be having a conversation and I either say or hear a line that resonates to me. I will write it down or record it and build around it when I have a chance to sit and write. Sometimes I can sit and write the poem immediately and sometimes it may be a few days before I get to write again.

Did you have to do any research for your books? If so what?

Other than checking on the occasional spelling of a word, no. Most of what I write is about feelings and emotions I am either having or recall having

What are you working on now?

I have a document on my laptop desktop that I keep ideas and Lines that I plan on building upon at some point. I’m aware of the topics and ideas that are on there and when the inspiration hits I work on them.

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

I suppose the hardest part for me is being self critical. It’s easy to read someone else’s writing and have an opinion on it, but for me to decide whether or not something I’ve written is worth sharing or even saving sometimes.

What can readers expect next?

“Ramblings of a Hopeless Romantic” is a collection of mostly romantic poetry. I have already written several poems which don’t quote fit. Going forward I expect to write about pretty much anything and everything….I just don’t knowhow they will be presented going forward.

What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview and how would you answer that question?

I’d always wanted to be asked how it was I picked those particular numbers that won me a huge lottery payout. :DIn other words….I never thought about being interviewed before.

If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?“Ramblings of a Hopeless Romantic” is a book about my life… I think my poems are the constant and ongoing story of my life.

Who is your favorite author?

I haven’t read much since my school days honestly….but if I think back to the writings I enjoyed I would have to say John Steinbeck and Edgar Allen Poe were the ones that come to mind

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What is your guilty pleasure?

I’m a bit of a wine geek and foodie….I just don’t get to indulge as much as I’d like to.

Highest point of your writing career?

My writing career is in it’s infancy as I’ve only really started writing this past Spring. I never expected or even intended to be published so right now it is all very exciting for me. I’m actually looking forward to a point in time where I can look back and put all of this in perspective.

Advice for aspiring authors?

Since I am fairly new at this, all I can say is be true to your heart and express yourself.

Last song that was stuck in your head?

Enter Sandman by Metalica….not sure why though….

Last song that was stuck in your head?Enter Sandman by Metalica….not sure why though….

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Macey smiled as she turned the sign on the door to closed and locked up the Magic Mushroom. It had been a busy day and everyone needed something from her. She walked slowly towards the back of the store unbuttoning her shirt as she did. Running a hand over the exposed skin she bit her lip and felt the curves of her breasts, inhaling sharply as she dared to dip a finger in and tease her nipple.

During the day she was the sweet little witch with the feel good potions, Macey Darling, but at night she could indulge in her greatest pleasure, men.

Earlier in the day a sexy as hell, brown eyed, fuckable man walked into the shop and looked her up and down. He was clutching his wife's hand as she looked through the potions and more section and Macey had smiled devilishly at him. Scribbling on a piece of paper she wrote, ditch that witch, and looked at him pointedly as she dropped it on the floor. As she walked away she moved her hips in a come-hither swish, and headed to the front to see if another customer needed help.

Later after ditching the wife that same delectable man had showed back up and Macey had been happy to show him to his seat while she finished up her work day. His seat was a small black stool with chains to keep him in place that ran up to the ceiling. Making sure the blindfold was extra tight so he couldn’t see anything she had him right where she wanted him. Excited as he was when she strapped him in, he was probably livid by now.

Smiling as she grasped the handle of the storage room door she pulled it open and descended the stairs. Only the witches that had passed the shop down to her knew about the extra room, which worked out well for her. Turning the small room into her personal playground had been simple. A few chains here, some whips there, and she was good to go.

She heard the chains rattling and chuckled darkly. “I see you are getting restless in here my dear.”

“What is this shit Macey, you promise me a good time and leave me chained up in here all day like some kind of fucking animal?” He rattled the chains causing her to walk over and swing from them. Her movements brought his hands up in the air above his head. Groaning he let an amused laugh.

“Here I thought you were a good girl, and you like causing pain. Let’s do this.” He sat up straighter in the chair and looked towards where he thought she was. Smiling as she moved back from him she shook her head. They always think they are in charge. Silly boys never believing in her power getting all pissy when she takes away their control.

Buy the Witches' Secret Here

Misery Loves Company is a collection of dark poetry and short stories. Some are of scorned lovers, and broken hearts, others are tales of inner fears and darkest desires coming to the surface for the very first time.

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Lacey Adams is a struggling mother of two boys with the hope for new lives and a new neighborhood, Lacey believes her luck is changing. By chance or by fate, Lacey bumps into her old high school flame, Brant. One touch and her inhibitions are lost and desire consumes her.

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