Pennard 2013 LDP Ward Profile - Swansea · LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 3 Ward Profile:...


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LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2012 1

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 2

Introduction A Profile of every Ward within the City and County of Swansea has been produced as part of the evidence base for the Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP). These Profiles are available to Members, Council staff, partners and the public to enable better understanding of each Ward’s issues and priorities for action. The Ward Profiles which provide data and maps in a simple, easy to read format, have been compiled from a variety of published data sources. The information is related to three key elements: the community, the environment, and the economy, with each Ward compared to the Swansea average, and given a ranking to enable comparison between Wards whenever possible. The purpose of the Ward Profiles is to help identify issues that may be addressed through the land use planning system. The Profiles are a snapshot based on currently available information. They are published in draft form only, as they will need to be updated whenever Census findings are published and as further information becomes publicly available. However it should be noted that data on matters that may not be influenced through the planning system has not been included in the Profiles. The Profiles are also an opportunity for the local community to highlight issues relevant to a particular ward that may not be evident from published data sources, or not available from published data (e.g. details of places of worship), to provide updated information, and to identify further data sources that may usefully be included. Given the nature and detail of the maps included within these Profiles there are limitations on reproduction in hard copy format and these are best viewed interactively on the Council’s website: .The Profiles are also available in large print and other formats or languages as required. We welcome feedback about the contents and presentation of information in these Profiles. If you have any suggestions please use the comment form/ map at the end of each Profile, or contact the Council’s Planning Policy Team during normal office hours: Planning Policy Team Economic Regeneration & Planning Room 2.6.2 City and County of Swansea Council Civic Centre Oystermouth Road Swansea SA1 3SN

Tel: 01792 635744 Email:

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 3

Ward Profile: Pennard

Ward Boundary

The City and County of Swansea ward boundaries have been amended. The above map shows any boundary amendments. Please note that all information published by the Office of National Statistics in respect of the 2011 Census has been compiled and published using the previous ward boundaries.

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 4

Description Population: 2,688 (2011 Census) Population Density: 2.3 people per hectare Population Change: 2001 to 2011: +0/+2% (ONS/Census estimates) Location: Approximately 11km south-west of City Centre, consisting mainly of the Kittle, Pennard and Southgate localities Neighbouring Wards: Gower, Fairwood, Bishopston Area: 11.66 km2 Major Employers: City & County of Swansea (school), Swansea Airport Schools within Ward: Pennard Primary Community/Leisure

Facilities: Swansea Airport, Pennard Castle (remains), Pobbles Beach, Pennard Library, Pennard Burrows, Pennard Golf Club, Pennard Primary, Kittle Neighbourhood Centre, Southgate FC, Coastal Path, Equestrian Centres

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© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100023509 © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata 2015 Arolwg Ordnans 100023509

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 5

Community & Social Provision Population

Age Structure Pennard Population

Pennard % Swansea %

0 - 4 128 4.8 5.5

5 - 15 324 12.1 11.8

16 - 24 156 5.8 14.2

25 - 44 464 17.3 25.3

45 - 64 763 28.4 25.3

65 - 74 465 17.3 9.3

75+ 388 14.4 8.6

Total 2,688 100 100 Source: Aggregated Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) Small Area Population Estimates, 2011, Office for National Statistics (ONS)

The official population estimates released from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for Mid-2012 for Swansea show an expected population of approximately 239,600. Between mid-2011 and mid-2012, Swansea’s population has increased by approx. 900 (0.4%) to 239,600. This is slightly higher than the average increase for Wales and an annual growth rate (%) behind only Cardiff, Wrexham, RCT and Gwynedd. The initial supporting data released suggests that Swansea’s population growth during the year to mid-2012 was largely attributable to net international in-migration (+560) and an excess of births over deaths (+420).

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 6


Persons Pennard Count

Pennard %

Swansea Count

Swansea %

Wales Count

Wales %

All Usual Residents 2,688 239,023 3,063,456

White: English/Welsh/ Scottish/Northern Irish/British

2,604 96.9 218,655 91.5 2,855,450 93.2

White: Irish 17 0.6 1,101 0.5 14,086 0.5

White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0 0.0 85 0.0 2,785 0.1

White: Other White 31 1.2 4,856 2.0 55,932 1.8

Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black Caribbean

3 0.1 548 0.2 11,099 0.4

Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black African

4 0.1 280 0.1 4,424 0.1

Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Asian

11 0.4 781 0.3 9,019 0.3

Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Mixed

6 0.2 551 0.2 6,979 0.2

Asian/Asian British: Indian 1 0.0 1,477 0.6 17,256 0.6

Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 0 0.0 591 0.2 12,229 0.4

Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi 1 0.0 1,944 0.8 10,687 0.3

Asian/Asian British: Chinese 0 0.0 2,052 0.9 13,638 0.4

Asian/Asian British: Other Asian 5 0.2 1,739 0.7 16,318 0.5

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African

2 0.1 1,707 0.7 11,887 0.4

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Caribbean

2 0.1 172 0.1 3,809 0.1

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Other Black

0 0.0 104 0.0 2,580 0.1

Other ethnic group: Arab 1 0.0 1,694 0.7 9,615 0.3

Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group

0 0.0 686 0.3 5,663 0.2

Source: 2011 Census, ONS

Welsh Language

People: Pennard Pennard % Swansea %

Born in Wales 1,800 67.0 77.7

Able to speak Welsh 264 10.1 11.4 Source: 2011 Census, ONS

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 7


Household Composition Pennard Pennard % Swansea %

Total Households 1,166

Average Household Size 2.3 (not %) 2.3 (not %)

Household type: 1 person pensioner

195 16.7 13.4

1 person other 122 10.5 19.9

1 family all pensioner 245 21.0 8.7

1 family married couple 419 35.9 30.4

1 family cohabiting couple 60 5.1 8.6

1 family lone parent 67 5.7 11.7

1 family other 58 5.0 7.3

Household Accommodation Type

2.40 2.20 1.40
















Caravan or




Maisonnette or


Terraced Semi-detached Detached

Pennard %

Swansea %

Source: 2011 Census, ONS

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 8

Household Tenure



0.3 0.1 0.2


1.2 1.5







1.5 1.7









Owned Outright Mortgaged Shared Ownership Social Rented:

Local Authority

Social Rented:


Private Rented:




Private Rented:


Living Rent Free

Pennard %

Swansea %

Source: 2011 Census, ONS

Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) This is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in Wales. The Index was developed as a tool to identify and understand deprivation, so that funding, policy, and programmes can be effectively focussed on the most disadvantaged communities. � Pennard is divided into 2 small

areas called Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) on which the WIMD is based

� Pennard 1 is ranked more deprived in the overall Index (119th of 147 in Swansea, 1,688th of 1,896 in Wales), with Pennard 2 less deprived (140th in Swansea, 1827th in Wales)

� Both LSOAs rank relatively highly on access to services deprivation. Pennard 1 ranks 15th in Swansea, 370th in Wales whilst Pennard 2 is close behind (19th in Swansea, 395th in Wales)

Source: Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) and Child Index 2011 (published August 2011), Welsh Government

© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100023509 © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata 2015 Arolwg Ordnans 100023509

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 9

Health Self reported Health - Census 2011

Very Good Health

Good Health

Fair Health

Bad Health

Very Bad Health

Pennard 1,375 – 51.15%

799 – 29.72%

383 – 14.25%

106 – 3.94%

25 – 0.93%

Swansea 116,295 – 48.65%

69,978 – 29.28%

33,402 – 13.97%

14,473 – 6.06%

4,875 – 2.04%

Source: 2011 Census, ONS

All cause mortality – 2006-20101

95% confidence interval3 Area Standardised rate per 100,000 population2 Lower limit Upper limit

Pennard 392 327 465

Wales 607 603 610 Source: Public Health Wales Observatory

Notes: 1. Caution should be taken with the interpretation of the rates as these are based on

electoral divisions and so have been calculated using small numbers. 2. Electoral wards have different population structures therefore the rates shown are

European Age-standardised. Age standardisation takes account of different population structures and allows us to directly compare electoral wards with each other and the Welsh average.

3. Confidence intervals allow us to assess how precise our ward estimates are and depend on the number of deaths. The smaller the number of deaths, the wider the confidence interval will be and the less precise our estimate is.

Summary � 5th smallest ward population in Swansea (of 36) and 4th least densely

populated � Relatively low percentage of people aged 16-44 � Higher proportions aged 45 and over, especially those aged 65+ � Birth rate well below Swansea average, but death rate currently higher

(2011) � Relatively high proportion of older/couple households and people with

higher level qualifications � Majority of properties are owned outright � Housing is mainly detached � Self Reported “Very Good Health” is higher than the Swansea average,

“Very Bad Health” is lower than the Swansea average

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 10

Economic Prosperity & Lifelong Learning Economy and the Labour Market

Economic Status (people ages 16-74)

Pennard Pennard % Swansea %

Economically Active 1,141 61.7 76.52

Employees: Part-time 254 13.7 14.2

Employees: Full-time 559 30.2 33.7

Self-employed 254 13.7 6.6

Unemployed 35 1.9 3.9

Full-time students 39 2.1 4.6

Economically Inactive 707 38.3 38.26

Retired 526 28.5 15.6

Student 68 3.7 8.7

Looking after home/family 52 2.8 3.7

Permanently sick/disabled 32 1.7 6.9

Other 29 1.6 2.1 Source: 2011 Census, ONS

Where Pennard Residents Work The 3 most popular workplace locations within Swansea of those who live in Pennard (persons aged 16-74):

Area of workplace Residence: Pennard

Pennard 241

Castle 178

Sketty 100

Remainder of County 399

Swansea Total 918 Source: 2001 Census, ONS

Pennard residents (16-74) working in adjoining Welsh Authorities, the rest of Wales and the UK.

Area of workplace Residence: Pennard

Carmarthenshire 45

Neath Port Talbot 61

Other Wales Total* 43

Other UK Total 12 Source: 2001 Census, ONS

* Total Wales Figure less Swansea, Carmarthenshire and Neath Port Talbot Figures.

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 11

Where does the Pennard Work Force Live? The 3 most popular locations where those who work in Pennard live (persons aged 16-74):

Area of residence Area of workplace: Pennard

Pennard 241

Bishopston 17

Fairwood 13

Remainder of County 95

Swansea Total 366 Source: 2001 Census, ONS

Pennard workforce (persons aged 16-74) who live in adjoining Welsh Authorities, the rest of Wales and the UK:

Area of residence Area of workplace: Pennard

Carmarthenshire 9

Neath Port Talbot 6

Other Wales Total* 3

Other UK Total 3 Source: 2001 Census, ONS * Total Wales Figure less Swansea, Carmarthenshire and Neath Port Talbot Figures.

Socio-Economic Characteristics

Social Profile Pennard Pennard % Swansea %

All people aged 16-74 1,848 100 100

1. Higher managerial, administrative and professional

897 48.5 27.5

2. Intermediate occupations 454 24.6 20.3

3. Routine and manual occupations

362 19.6 33.9

Never worked and long-term unemployed / Not classified

135 7.3 18.3

Source: 2011 Census, ONS


People: Pennard Pennard % Swansea %

with no qualifications (aged 16-74)

284 12.7 23.9

with higher level qualifications (aged 16 - 74)

1,017 45.5 25.8

Source: 2011 Census, ONS

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 12

School Catchment and Capacities School Capacity - January 2013

* Excludes nursery & STF Pupils ** Schools located outside of the ward may have catchments within the Ward including Welsh primary and secondary schools

Summary � Recent data reports low levels of unemployment in Pennard � Other Department of Work and Pensions benefit claimant rates are also

far lower � Economic activity and employment rates are also below the Swansea

average, largely due to the area’s high proportion of retired people at the upper end of the 16-74 age group

� The estimated median household income for Pennard is £29,479; the 11th highest in Swansea and 17.6% above the Swansea median of £25,068 Source: CACI’s 2012 ‘PayCheck’data

� An above average level of managerial and professional occupations (NS-SeC Classes 1-2) and lower proportions of routine and manual occupations (NS-SeC Classes 5-7)

School Numbers on roll January


Capacity 2012/2013

Surplus Capacity

% Surplus Capacity


Pennard Primary 192 214 22 10.28 ENG

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 13

Neighbourhood Centre

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 14

Local Community Resources

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 15

School Catchments

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 16

The Environment Flood Risk

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 17

Environmental Designations


LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 18

Open Space Provision Open Space and Greenspace Assessment (Draft Outputs) Categories: B - Natural & Semi Natural Greenspace C - Green Access D - Outdoor Sport Facilities E - Amenity Greenspace F - Allotments & Community Gardens G - Cemeteries & Churchyards I - Provision for Children & Teenagers

© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100023509 © Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata 2015 Arolwg Ordnans 100023509

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 19

Candidate Sites Sites under consideration for the LDP As part of the Local Development Plan preparation process, the Council has previously widely advertised details of proposals which have been submitted by landowners, developers and the public relating to the use of land within the County. These are referred to as Candidate Sites. Over 550 Candidate Sites were submitted, in response to which 40,000 representations were received. Assessment of the suitability of these sites for inclusion within the LDP is currently ongoing and those which have failed this process to date are identified.

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 20

Key Questions

Outlined below are a number of key questions that should be taken into account when considering the information contained in the Ward Profile. Community and Social Provision � Do you consider there is a need for more affordable housing, e.g. for first

time buyers? � Given the high proportion of older people living in the Ward, is there a

need for smaller dwellings? � If there is a need to provide additional housing in the Ward, where else

could this additional housing be accommodated? � Are there sufficient facilities to meet the needs of all of the population? � Is it easy to access facilities if you do not have a car?

Economic Prosperity and Lifelong Learning � Is there a need to provide land for employment purposes within the

Ward, to help small businesses grow? � Are there any opportunities for new tourism or leisure ventures? � Is there a need to provide additional retail capacity within the Ward?

The Environment � Is it easy to access and use the open spaces and coastline in the Ward? � What areas of greenspace are important and / or well used? � Are the public footpaths and bridal paths easy to use? � Do any areas become flooded with surface water?

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 21

Your Feedback

LDP Ward Profile: Pennard May 2013 22

Please add any facilities we have omitted onto the map below and identify any areas you think could be developed for affordable housing, retail, allotment provision, employment purposes, etc, as well as areas that should be protected
