


Learn how to conduct a private business reception here!

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How to develop dependable duplication with your Numis team

Conducting Private Business Receptions (PBR’s) is one of the fastest and most effective ways to create growth and duplication in your sales organization. Holding PBR’s is also a lot of fun!

In its simplest form, a PBR is a small social gathering, usually held in a private home, to introduce your personal contacts to your business opportunity.

Here is a quick, bulleted overview

• Invite friends, family and acquaintances into your home for a private business reception

• Provide light refreshments before presentation • Present the business using the corporate presentation or DVD • Offer the opportunity to join your team • Invite your guests to enjoy small snacks after presentation while they are signing


It is recommended that you

• Do one monthly • Schedule and host a Grand Opening, Private Business Reception (PBR) within

your 1st two weeks of enrolling

What Is The Purpose Of A PBR?

• To announce the Grand Opening of your business • Introduction of your business to your personal contacts • Driving the growth of your business through a duplicatable method

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Seven Simple Steps For A Successful PBR

1. Schedule your event 2. Make your guest list 3. Mail printed invitations 4. Call the guests you’ve invited 5. Provide your guest list to your upline leader 6. Confirm all guests 72 hours before your event 7. Have upline leader reconfirm guests 24 hours before your event

Repeat these steps with all your new Reps to ensure duplication

Inviting For Your PBR

• Make a list of everyone you know • Do not initially pre-judge or exclude anyone • Use the list builder page included in this manual • Grade the names on your list

Example of how names might be graded:

A players – People who own their own business making 100,000 to 500,000 a year.

B players- People who make 50,000-100,000 a year

C players- People earning less than 50,000 a year, who want to better their lives

Mail out formal invitations 2 weeks prior to your PBR

72 Hour Call – Calling The People You Invited


Before you pick up the phone to begin your inviting you must first call either your sponsor, or presenter of your choice OR a fellow team member and role play with your

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inviting script. This will help you feel more comfortable and prepare you for the flood of exciting questions your invitee's will be asking you!


“Hi (Name),

Do you have a few minutes to talk? (Wait for response) Great! I have something really important to talk to you about. I’m kicking off my brand new business and I am hosting a small reception/grand opening event at my home for a few of my closest friends at (time/date).

I have arranged to have (Upline leader/Presenter) who I am working very closely with stop by and speak to everyone. He/She has had a tremendous amount of success and is very well known in this industry. Some of the other people this individual has worked with have been incredibly successful. Would you do me a favor and stop by?”


If they don't have a few minutes to talk - do not attempt to invite them at that time, simply ask them when a better time to talk would be and call them back.

If you are only using the DVD and NOT having your upline leader make a live presentation at your event - revise the script above by mentioning that you will have a surprise special guest that will be speaking with everyone via phone conference during the event and you don't want them to miss it.

Answering The Question: “What’s it all about?”

“We offer something that people want… more financial security in a tough economy. This is grand opening event and I really want you to be in attendance. OK?”


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“This is about making money with graded silver and gold coins. And this is about building a substantial residual income - money that comes in whether you work or not. This is my grand opening event and I really want you to be in attendance. "

“Will you commit that you will be there for me”?

“Great! I already told _____ (Upline leader/Presenter) about you already and he/she may give you a call before the event, I really appreciate you committing to being there for me and I look forward to seeing you on (date/time).”

If They Can’t Make It – You Say:

“That’s okay, I understand. Can you set aside 15 – 30 minutes on (day) to join me for…”

Invite them to the next…

Live Event / Online Webinar / Conference Call / Sizzle Call

The Importance Of The 24 Hour Confirmation Call

At this point, all your invitations have been mailed out and all your invitation calls have been made.

Now that this is complete, you must submit a sheet to your upline leader with all your YES guests so your Upline leader can call and confirm everyone’s attendance 24 Hours Prior To The Event.

When you submit your sheet, list out the following:

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Name: / Phone: / Quick Description:

It is YOUR responsibility to submit this sheet. (It is not your Upline’s job to chase you for it.)

24 Hour Confirmation Call Script

“Hello, my name is (upline leader/presenter) I am calling on behalf of (team member), I just wanted to see if you had a few minutes to talk.

Great. I just wanted to give you a quick call, because (team member) told me you will be attending their Grand Opening Event on (date/time here). I am in town for the evening and I will be stopping by to say hello and speak to his/her closest friends and family. I've had a tremendous amount of success with this venture, I've helped lots of other people kick off their businesses and (team member) and I have had a blast working closely together in the last few weeks. (Team Member) told me a little bit about you and I will surely look forward to meeting you. Are there any questions you had for me prior to the event?

Great, I'm glad we had a chance to chat and I will look forward to seeing you on __________(date/time).”


Again - if they don't have a few minutes to talk - do not attempt to confirm at that time, simply ask them when a better time to talk would be and call them back.

PBR – Tips For Success

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• Create value by portraying urgency while inviting • ‘Over Invite’ – Only 50% of the people who commit will show up • Be upbeat & energetic on the phone & at the event • Always let your upline leader confirm your guests’ attendance • Ask your guests to bring something: ice/soda/snack • Have a good time with everybody

PBR - Simple Preparation - The Day Of Your Event

• Numis DVD or PowerPoint ready & tested • Have your coins and collector’s kit on display for everyone to see • Phones (Cell & Home) off or on silent • Cool room temperature • Kids and/or Pets in appropriate places • Clipboards & sign up forms • Light refreshments served • Upbeat music before & after • Sign-in sheet so you can follow up on the day after your PBR

FUN IDEA: Pick up some gold chocolate coins from the Dollar Store and lay them out on the clipboards with signup forms.

Your PBR Begins

As your guests are arriving, make sure the music is turned up and you're greeting everyone at the door and socializing with all.

Do not present the opportunity or answer any questions prior to the start of the presentation - it is not your place, your upline leader or the DVD is responsible to present ONLY. If people have questions, just tell them you'll be starting in just a few minutes and offer them a snack or a drink.

Begin on time, do not start late and do not wait for anyone!! Here is a quick sample script you can use to kick off the presentation and to welcome everyone to your home.

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Edification/Opening Script - FOR DVD

“Thank you all for coming to my home tonight, I am extremely excited to officially kick off my brand new business, "Numis Network". What you're about to see is something that I saw on __ # days/weeks ago when I first began looking into this opportunity and I wanted to share it with all of my closest friends and family tonight. This is just a quick 30 min. DVD and afterwards I have someone incredibly special that you will hear from.” (Press PLAY!)

Edification/Opening Script - FOR PRESENTER

“Thank you all for coming to my home tonight, I want to get myself out of the way and introduce someone that I have a privilege of working very closely with. This individual has had a tremendous amount of success in a short period of time; he is very well known in this industry and is someone whom I have great respect for.

The other people this individual has worked with and coached have been incredibly successful and I am honored to have in my home with my closest friends and family tonight. I couldn’t think of a better person to explain this opportunity to all of you, please help me welcome, ___________________.”

After The Presentation - FOR DVD

Already have your upline leader on your speaker phone line and proceed with:

Team Member says to all guests:

“I told all of you that I had a very special guest that would we’d have conference in with us; this is someone that I have had the great privilege to work with very closely. This individual has had a tremendous amount of success in a short period of time with this opportunity; he is very well known in this industry and is someone whom I have great respect for.

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The other people this individual has worked with and coached have been incredibly successful and I am honored to have him able to conference in and say hello to all of you. Take it over (upline leader).”

Your upline leader briefly states:

• Hello, Welcome, Thank You • Testimonial • Recommendation to get started immediately • The reason to get started right away • Look forward to working with all of you. • Back to your Team Member

Team Member says to all guests:

“Thank You _________ for taking time out to phone in to our telephone conference at my event tonight, I will talk to you real soon.”

Team Member proceeds by handing out sign up forms on clipboards with pen.

Briefly walk your guests through the sign up form.

• Write down the name you want the checks to be written out to. • Write down the address you want the checks sent to.

Let everyone know that the first one to sign up will have the most benefit as everyone else that signs up afterwards will be part of their organization!

After The Presentation - FOR PRESENTER

• After the presentation has ended Presenter proceeds to: • Thank everyone • Recommendation to get started immediately • The reason to get started right away

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• Look forward to working with all of you. • Back to your Team Member

While the Presenter is closing up Team Member can begin handing out the sign up forms on top of the clipboard with a pen.

When Presenter is finished speaking Team Member takes over and proceeds to briefly walk everyone through the sign up form.

• Write down the name you want your paychecks to be written out to. • Write down the address you want your paychecks sent to and etc..... • Announce that the first one to sign up will have the most benefit as everyone else

that signs up afterword will be part of their organization! • Thank everyone for coming out and you look forward to working with all of them

and making this is a huge success for all.

PBR No No’s

Do Not Cancel – Time Is Valuable To Your Presenter!

Do Not Start Late – Invite Early!

Do Not Over Extend – KISS – Less than 1 hour MAX!

Do Not Interrupt The Speaker – No Matter What!

Do Not Apologize For No Shows – No Excuses!

Do Not Under Invite – Only ½ Will Show!

Do Not Pre-Judge – People would rather be asked and say no, than to never be asked at all. It is not your choice – it is theirs!

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Numis Business Receptions Are The Key To Your Success

Simple & Duplicatable for all.

Anyone can do it!

Be a Master Inviter

Schedule your PBR right away by contacting your upline leader.

Additional Thoughts

If a guest does not join that night, direct them to your ShopNumis.com website.

If a person wants to think it over or discuss it with their spouse make sure to follow up in a timely manner.

In Closing:

Private Business Receptions have proven themselves over many years to be one of the single-most effective and enjoyable ways to build your business… and your income!