Paradise Lost CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless


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  • 7/30/2019 Paradise Lost CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless



    In California, the unemployment rate may be above 10.2%, and

    the state debt may be above $16 billion, the states GDP may be in

    serious trouble and businesses may be leaving in droves due to

    ever-increasing tax rates, but that isnt going to stop the gravy

    train (

    free-phones-for-homeless-4104121.php) for the states poor and

    dispossessed. The California Public Utilities Commission is all set

    to greenlight a new program that would give homeless and

    low-income people free cell phones call them Obamaphones

    with free service. The idea is to help them reach out to possible

    job opportunities and stay connected with family.

    San Franciscos head of homeless initiatives, Bevan Dufty, was overjoyed: This is great

    it is transformative for homeless and low-income people. I expect San Francisco to be in

    the forefront and a model city for this program. Fundamentally, to be in the mainstream of

    our society you have to have a phone. And really, for the homeless population, you need a

    cell phone because they dont have a home to hard-wire one into. We really need this

    plan. Dufty is pushing an effort to allow the homeless to call 311 to find out where theres

    an available bed at a homeless shelter.

    The state has funded phones for the poor for years, but they were always hardline phones,

    not cell phones. The new program will give beneficiaries some 250 minutes of time and

    250 free text messages every month.



    Paradise Lost: CA to Provide Free CellPhones for Homeless





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    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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  • 7/30/2019 Paradise Lost CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless



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    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 29 Likes F

    Nice to know I would be able to make a phone call from the comfort of my card board box.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat 26 Likes F

    Ah yes, more tax payer dollars to help the poor.

    Tax dollars for Food? No.. Clothing? No Education? No A

    place to live? Nope. How about a nice juicy, comfy, warm cell phone so you can

    receive text messages when its time to come out from underneath the overpass

    and vote for a democrat that is living large while you stay ignorant and

    helpless. Way to go California!


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat 26 Likes F

    How will the homeless charge their phones if their " home " has no electricity?


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Christina 15 Likes F

    Next up, a "refinanced" Solyndra will distribute shopping carts with solar panel powered

    charging stations. In the windy coastal areas, the carts will be upgraded with GE wind turbines.

    All participants in this groundbreaking Government/Ghetto partnership will be issued DOE

    propeller beanie caps featuring the Obama campaign logo.



    LIKE 3 hours ago in reply to Jim Denney 1 Like F

    Other than Obama is probably going to finance this fiasco for CA (that take it from

    "the rich" he loves to spout). You should be given the Nobel Prize for puting this in

    print. Why not, at least you did something, Barry did nothing and got it. You made me

    smile for the rest of the day.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Christina 13 Likes F

    Don't give the government any more ideas, Christina.


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to Christina 4 Likes F

    haven't you seen those little GREEN stoves that heat and charge cell phones.




    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE REPLY 55 minutes ago in reply to Christina 1 Like F

    No problem. They'll be allowed to use YOUR home. After all, you probably didn't build it. By

    the way, will these be called JerryBrownphones in honor of the psychopathic governor? I live

    in Texas, and more Californians are moving here daily. Welcome to paradise, ye who have

    escaped Pharaoh.

    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat 15 Likes F

    Isn't that nthe truth! Taxes are going to go through the roof! Keep rewarding unproductivity and we will

    all go hungry.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to DianeWE 6 Likes F

    Yes Diane and Cptn Jarhead...NOTHING IS LIFE IS FREE. Guess where the damn money is

    going to come from to pay for all these FREE Obamaphones. Californians start taking good

    hard look at your phone bills because that's where the government is going to stick it to our


    I thought I would never see the day when being a slothful smuck would be more lucrative than

    being a hardworking, taxpaying legal citizen.


    A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to Jayne Nielsen 1 Like F

    The days are here.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to DianeWE 2 Likes F

    I'm betting you haven't missed many meals. All the bags I know are fat.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 10 Likes F

    Ummmm.....ever get a look at the morbidly obese union members? Forgot to add that

    Michelleda is not exactly Kate Moss!


    A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 1 Like F

    No I'm absolutely Beautiful!...And I work to pay for my meals. What do you call a

    verbal abusive man like you?

    Again Merry Christmas


    A LIKE 3 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave F

    Maybe she hasn't Leo but I'd be willing to bet she paid for them and didn't ask the

    government to feed her - how about you? BTW - I forgot to mention, if you hung out

    with a better crowd of people you might meet some decent women but then again,

    they probably would have anything to do with a Democrat or Liberal?


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat 7 Likes F

    How else are you going to order a pizza?


    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Canadianlady 12 Likes F

    How else are you going to make a drug deal?



    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to angushopper F

    Excellent point.

    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat 2 Likes F

    Whotothewhat: I laughed out loud. So funny!


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to whotothewhat F

    I got one of these just to see if I could and it was easy... 800 minutes on a little LG flip phone for 5bucks a month. I keep it in the car as a momento and emergencys.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to fcalsone 1 Like F

    Sorry to hear that you are so poor. Or did you have to lie to get it? Who needs a cell phone for

    emergencies unless you don't own a cell phone?

    And who doesn't own a cell phone these days...


    A LIKE 3 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave F

    According to the proposal in California a lot of people don't have them!! Give'em a

    break Leo, "How else da gonna ordea they drugs n tacos!! Man you mean!!


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 21 Likes F

    "How much did that 0bamaphone cost?"

    "My vote."


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco 13 Likes F

    As a California resident I can only sit back in awe. I would not put this past them, then sit here and see

    how screwed up creative the libs are and amazed that residents vote with their feet instead of stay here

    and fight this.

    One thing that people need to watch for is does this actually go through? Nothing is really set in stone

    but those who could fight this.. the conservatives and republicans in this state will sit on their hands and

    do nothing.

    Two things that do not shock me... anymore...

    1. how active and stupid the libs are here

    2. how innactive the repubs are here and how many of them will just leave while the national republican

    party only comes here for donations once every four years.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to endpork 2 Likes F

    Sounds like you are just screwed.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to LeoGustave 3 Likes F

    If you live in Cali, like I do you are screwed.


    What is there to fight? Democrats now have a super-majority in California so it matters not

    anymore. We are conservative small business owners and have our building on the market

    now and soon will have the house listed. Will rent until our son graduates HS in three years

    and then we will vote with our feet and leave the state. Bar stool economics are about to


    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to endpork 1 Like F


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco 11 Likes F

    Yes, yes, but remember, there is no way we could balance the budget by cutting spending. "There isn't

    anything left we can cut".


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco 1 Like F

    The program was started during Reagan's administration.MIKE PANTS

    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 3 Likes F

    Only the rich could afford cell phones during the Reagan administration. There's a reason why

    they are called 0bamaphones.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco 1 Like F

    Did you not read the article? The program provided land lines for the poor since the

    80s. Land lines are not used anymore.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 1 Like F

    Did you not look at the picture and derive some information from it? Sure there was

    an obscure program under Reagan. Whoopee! Subsidizing people's cell phones will

    not pay for itself in increased productivity or lower unemployment. It is an expensive

    waste of money.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco F

    I know, right? Reading is HARD. Easier to look at the pictures.

    An obscure program that has been running for 25 years, and suddenly youre mad

    about it? Okay then.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 3 Likes F

    Did you know about the program before 0bamaphones got so much attention? I doubt

    it. I sure didn't. Just because it is old does not mean that it is universally known. For

    example, formal reasoning skills have been around since Socrates. Yet, you don't

    exhibit mastery of one of them. Go play with your 0bamaphone parasite!


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco 1 Like F

    Translation: The one news site I read just linked this to Obama, so now I HATE IT!!


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants F

    Phones were not provided to the homeless pal.


    A LIKE 3 hours ago in reply to 1gypsygal F

    I know, they were provided to anyone under the poverty line which (gasp!) makes it

    even worse.


    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco F

    We can live without your vote. We never had it and really don't want it.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to DanielB 1 Like F

    We can live without you and all other trolls. Move to North Korea!


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to MrSottobanco F

    You mean you'll do the world a favor and die if I hang around atrolling and agloating.

    Hey you got a deal. I'll hang a round.


    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to DanielB F

    You might as well. Since you don't have a job, a life or a future, what else can you do?


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 19 Likes F

    No home, no car, no job, no bills, no desire to improve. Who do they need to call?

    Why not give them a job instead?

    Four more years, huh? We'll all be homeless by then.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to crislvnv 1 Like F

    At least then we won't have to read this horrific rants that someone who needs help must be lazy and



    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 3 Likes F

    You don't have to read them now. You can go back to Huffpo any time you like and stay there.

    And please take Dannylib and little leolib with you.


    A LIKE 36 minutes ago in reply to Stroker07 F

    Can't your friends read, mike ?


    A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to Stroker07 F

    Pass. Those people are just as infuriating as you lot, but at least here I get to read the

    comments out loud to my friends for laughs.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to crislvnv 1 Like F

    You won't know the difference, you're brain dead already.


    A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago in reply to crislvnv F

    Give them a job instead. Sure, and when there's no way to call and ask "Can you begin Monday" use

    that as justification for a new program underwriting free Ford Fairlanes for the employers so they can

    drive out to the homeless camp and make the offer in person. You don't have to be an economist to

    predict that those Fairlanes would be seen at Starbucks more often than under a bridge.


    Give them a JOB for God's sake. What are we doing?


    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 13 Likes F

    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to conservativechick 11 Likes F

    Let them get a job for their OWN sake.


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 9 Likes F

    To all you suckers who voted for Prop. 30 (tax increases) aren't you glad to see how the schools are benefiting?

    Check your phone bills, and watch the tax section, you will see an increase to help subsidize this madness plusthe sales tax increases you begged for.


    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to rightthewrong 1 Like F

    It's listed under "Service fees," not taxes, and the cost is projected to drop by $2 billion over the next

    three years due to the decreased reliance on landline infrastructure.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 3 Likes F

    For the intellectually impaired, the following is the defintion of a TAX:If you were only half as

    smart as you think you are, D-bag.

    1.a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or service

    s, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc. 2.a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or dem



    A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to rightthewrong 1 Like F

    1) Its not from the government.

    2) Its not burdensome.

    Its still a fee.

    Im easily half as smart as I think I am.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 1 Like F

    Not to worry, they'll find another service to hit you for.


    A LIKE 4 hours ago in reply to Gulfwwind 1 Like F

    Oh no! Another 12 cents that will go towards helping the needy. Can I fathom



    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 9 Likes F just KNOW what i s coming next. Cant go to work looking bedraggled, so get your free ObamaSUIT.

    And what good does it do you to call to get a job if you can't get to work? Yup, you know it's comingCommiefornia ...Free ObamaCAR! Don't worry, it will be paid for by more taxes on every car registration paid for

    by the rich folk. Because your registration is already so can afford it! And don't forget that free

    ObamaGAS that goes with it! Oh sure, your gas prices will necessarily skyrocket, but you working folk ARE all

    rich after all! Man am I glad I exercised my prerogative, took my company an my jobs and left California. Funny

    thing is...nearly every single neighbor around me...all medium to high income folk, all came from Commiefornia.


    If you can get a home, food, c lothes, medical, and now cell service...why in gravy would you work? Hey

    Southern Mexican poor folks, I hope you're paying attencion!!

    The beauty is, CA probably has about 14 taxes to supposedly cover this, but when they realize it won't, or they

    have spent that boondoggle cash grab on other necessary programs, they will then tax the service providers so


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    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 9 Likes F

    they can "do their share for the community in need" and those costs will then be passed on to the saps that

    work and actually pay for their cell service, CA residents can rest easy in the knowledge they are getting taxed

    14...i mean 15 times for the same thing. The fools parade continues!

    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to mohammedX 2 Likes F

    SafeLink is run by a subsidiary of Amrica Mvil, the worlds fourth largest wireless company in terms

    of subscribers, but it is not paid for directly by the company. Nor is it paid for with "tax payer money," as

    the e-mail claims. Rather, it is funded through the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the

    Universal Service Administrative Company, an independent, not-for-profit corporation set up by the

    Federal Communications Commission. The USF is sustained by contributions from telecommunications

    companies such as "long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone

    companies, paging companies, and payphone providers." The companies often charge customers to

    fund their contributions in the form of a universal service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill.

    The fund is then parceled out to companies, such as Amrica Mvil, that create programs, such as

    SafeLink, to provide telecommunications service to rural areas and low-income households.



    LIKEREPLY 6 hours ago in reply to rickdrake58 1 Like


    "The companies often charge customers to fund their contributions in the form of a universal

    service fee you might see on your monthly phone bill"...ofen charge? ALWAYS charge. That's

    all I said. Along with twenty other redundant programs whose aims are the same. Enjoy. I paid

    my cell phone bill this month so you got your fee from me.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to mohammedX 1 Like F

    So you're saying the ONLY things it would take to get you to quit your job would be a low-income

    housing unit, Goodwill clothes, access to a free neighborhood clinic, and a 200-minute cell phone? You

    can literally think of no reason why someone would want more than that?


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 6 Likes F

    NO, Im saying that giving someone who hasn't had a job in years LESS of a reason to find one

    is a bad idea. Amazing that was so hard to deduce. You do realize, at one point in this country,

    a person worked a job and earned money to get all these things. Maybe you don't.


    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants F

    Some free beer would help seal the deal.

    DOGGER 1

    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to mohammedX F

    What the hell did you say??? Not that it matters. IT'S FUN TIME in BreitFARTia.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to DanielB 1 Like F

    I would be delusionally happy and incoherent too if I just found out I was getting a free phone.



    A LIKE 5 hours ago in reply to mohammedX F

    Seriously an with no malice aforethought, you don't need any help in your delusional

    incoherence. It comes with your genes ... Keep posting. Got to continue getting my



    A bunch of idiot Liberals run Califonia. If i could I would leave. Stay away from here, get as far away as you



    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless

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    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 8 Likes F

    A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Luluie 1 Like F

    New York is a little better, but not much!


    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Luluie 1 Like F

    The program is nationwide. It's only California that has modernized the program to include cell phones.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 1 Like F

    Get with the program Mike. Free cell phones have been around for a long time.. CA isn't the

    first.Obama supporter screams about her Obama phone at a rally in Ohio. She tells a

    reporter, Keep Obama in president, you know! He gave us a phone, hes gonna do more.


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 8 Likes F

    Folks, All I can say is that that my state is stupid. They voted twice for Jerry brown, just like they voted twice

    for the amateur hour Obama. Take a good long look at California because the rest of country is heading down

    the same path. My taxes will only go higher. They probably won't get cheap phones either, cause they will be

    demanding the best phones probably (I -phones), just like they demand their free healthcare and their dream

    act education. I guess now having a free cell phone is a right. I can't believe this. No one works for anything



    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Luluie 3 Likes F

    The way the liberal leadership in CA works is that they sell Apple and ATT a huge government contract

    for phones and service for the homeless, courtesy of the taxpayer, then Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi,

    Obama, etc...invest in ATT and Apple stock.


    A LIKE REPLY hours ago 8 Likes F

    What is the matter California, you are not digging you grave fast enough?


    A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to maryval99 4 Likes F

    Social justice theory has no economics behind it... It's all based and judged on intentions.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 8 Likes F

    This really is a great program! Now they can call their state representatives to ask them where they can find

    their dignity!


    A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 8 Likes F

    Well here we go again? California my state asks to raise taxes and again the majority voted yes? And now we

    see more waste and fraud in the future.

    If we could Move we would! This outrageous waste of money of people who work hard, it's simply


    Whatever you reward you get more of! This state is completely run by Progressive Demonwits.


    It's not paid for with taxes.


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    6 hours ago in reply to DianeWE 1 Like FA LIKE REPLY

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Mike Pants 1 Like F

    It's paid by taxes on Phone bills? Do you think money just appears?


    A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to DianeWE F

    Its paid for with a service fee on the phone bill, which is not a tax. If you dont like it ,

    opt out.


    A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to DianeWE 1 Like F

    Once again, this is not tax money.


    ise Lost: CA to Provide Free Cell Phones for Homeless
