Paper Kelompok 2



Pengetahuan Lingkungan

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Nowadays, scarcity of flora in Indonesia is not foreign. From a wide variety of

flora in Indonesia, which is now rarely seen by people are orchids. In Malang, the

orchids is rarely maintained by Malang people around as an ornamental plant in the

garden of their home. Of the various types of orchids in Indonesia, most species of

phenomenal rarity, there are moon orchids. (Alamendah, 2010).

Phalaenopsis is one of the orchid spesies that is known for its graceful, arching

spray of beautiful flowers. The flowers appear like butterflies with its wings

outstretched (Fighetti, 2006). In Indonesia, the Phalaenopsis is known as moon orchids,

possibly comparing the flower to the romantic full moon. (Fighetti, 2006).

Moon orchids are orchids that has a distinctive feature for orchid collectors and

plant observers. With thick leaves and green and beautiful blooming flowers growing on

top of the roots. This plant too bad if left constantly, because it can lead to the extinction

of moon orchids. (Alamendah, 2010).

This phenomenal about scarcity of moon orchid caused by many factors. There

are caused by the exploitation of the orchid hunters, imbalance and damage due to forest

fires. Imbalance of the ecosystem is the causes scarcity of moon orchids population.

(Alamendah, 2010).

Therefore the researchers made a paper entitled “The Cultivating Moon Orchids

in Malang” to understood the causes scarcity of orchids in Malang and to know how to

maintain and preserve orchid plants, especially in Malang areas.



The research problems are :

a.What the causes scarcity of moon orchids in Malang?

b. How the conservation ways to develop moon orchids in Malang?

c.How the solution to caring moon orchids in Malang?


a. To know the causes scarcity of moon orchids in Malang.

b. To know the conservation ways to develop moon orchids in Malang.

c. To find out the solution to caring moon orchids in Malang.




A. Causes the extinction moon orchids

Causes of the scarcity of orchids species in Indonesia, because many

exploitation by hunter orchids without thinking about survival living in nature, and there

isn’t replanting to the natural habit of the cultivation. (Alamendah, 2010).

The causes the extinction moon orchids are (a) habitat alteration, and (b) over-

exploitation.This ecosystem decay has led to a “pollination crisis” caused by disruptions

in pollination systems. The cause of the crisis, human activity, is widespread and it is

therefore, likely that pollination disruption is also widespread (Buchmann and Nabhan,

1996). Since the Orchidaceae is a rapidly evolving, pollinator-oriented family,

disturbance to pollination systems will not only affect their long-term survival but also

evolutionary potential. (Alamendah, 2010).

Damage environment from fire, damage forest, illegal logging are the causes

scarcity. Excessive exploitation forest including mining, burning and conversion of

forests to agricultural fields or residential areas is cause shrinking forest. As the result,

the ecosystem changes that lead to decreased biodiversity. Orchids species in the forest

grow with large trees, both below and on upper, grow on rott wood, or grow with litter.

Because of destruction ecosystem forest is the causing extinction of orchids species.


B. Conservation for moon orchids in Malang

One of them, conservation through the botanical gardens. Purwodadi Botanical

Garden in East Java is one form of conservation of plant species that exist in Indonesia.

Botanical garden has a very important significance in the conservation for plants. One

of them conservation of rare orchids. (Alamendah, 2010).


Purwodadi botanical gardens, orchid is an important and interesting collection.

Since 2006, conservation of rare orchids are routinely conducted and have yielded

progress. (Alamendah, 2010).

Here are the results of the achievement of the conservation activities:

-Search native habitat of rare orchids.

-Collection of rare orchids alive.

-Research related to conservation of rare orchids.

C. How to caring moon orchids

Orchids are usually grouped into two broad categories that characterize their

growth habits. Monopodial orchids have a single, upright stem, with leaves arranged

opposite each other along the stem. The flower stem appears from the base of the

uppermost leaves. Orchids with this growth habit include the Phalaenopsis and Vandas.

(Alamendah, 2010).

The more common growth habit is sympodial. These orchids grow horizontally,

sending out new shoots from the old rhizome. Leaves and flower scapes form at the top

of the new shoots. Many sympodial orchids form Pseudobulbs, which are swollen

shoots that water store and nutrients to help the plant survive periods of prolonged

drought. Sympodial orchids include cattleya, cymbidium, oncidium and dendrobium.

(Alamendah, 2010).

Orchids can also be classified by their native habitat, which gives an indication

of the temperature, moisture and light levels they prefer. Orchids native to the humid

tropics, such as Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum, prefer daytime temperatures of 73° to

85°F, with 80 to 90 percent humidity. They are happiest in an east or southeast window

where the light is not too intense. (Alamendah, 2010).

Warm climate orchids, including cymbidiums and dendrobiums, are accustomed

to an average temperature of 55° to 70°F, a steady supply of moisture, and good air

circulation. They are generally happy in a south-facing window, though they may need


a little shading during high summer. Cattleyas and some oncidiums grow where days

are dry and relatively cool. They are able to tolerate a long dry season with temperatures

of 80° or 90°F, followed by a distinct rainy season. Their need for light is high, so they

should be placed in a sunny, south-facing window. (Alamendah, 2010).

High-altitude orchids, such as masdevallia and epidendrum, grow in the cloud

forests where average temperatures are 60° to 70°F, and humidity is very high. These

orchids prefer filtered light that isn’t too intense. (Alamendah, 2010).

Caring for Orchids

With 30,000 different species of orchids, it is impossible to give general care

and cultivation instructions. However, how an orchid looks can provide clues to its

preferences for light, water, and growing medium. If the plant has few leaves, or

leathery leaves (like most cattleyas and oncidiums), it's likely the plant needs a high-

light environment. If the leaves are soft and limp (like some phalaenopsis and most

paphiopedilum), the plants are probably very light-sensitive, and should not be placed in

a sunny south-facing window. (Wordpress, 2009)

If the orchid has fat pseudobulbs, it should be watered sparingly, and should be

grown on coarse chunks of bark or lava rock. If the orchid has no pseudobulbs, it may

require more frequent watering, or should be grown in a more moisture-retentive

growing medium, such as sphagnum moss. (Wordpress, 2009)


As a general rule, orchids are light-hungry plants. For best results, they should

get 12 to 14 hours of light each day, year-round. In a tropical environment, the duration

and intensity of natural light does not vary as it does in temperate climates. For this

reason, you may need to move your orchids around, and supplement with artificial light

to keep them happy during the winter months. (Wordpress, 2009)

South- and east-facing windows are usually the best spot for orchids. West

windows can be too hot, and northern ones are usually too dark. If you don’t have a


good window location for your orchids, they will be perfectly happy growing under

artificial lights. Orchids should be positioned no more than 6 to 8 inches away from a

set of 4-foot fluorescent bulbs. Opinions vary as to the benefits of cool white, warm

white, and grow light bulbs. The new full-spectrum bulbs are probably the best all-

around choice. Some orchids with very high light requirements, such as vandas and

cymbidiums, may need high-intensity discharge lighting in order to flower. For more

information, read Growing Under Lights. (Wordpress, 2009)

Growing Media

Terrestrial orchids, such as paphiopedilums and some cymbidiums, grow in

soil. But most tropical orchids are epiphytes, which means that they grow in the air,

rather than in soil. Their fleshy roots are covered with a layer of white cells called

velamen, which acts as a sponge to absorb water. The coating also protects the roots

from heat and moisture loss. (Wordpress, 2009)

An orchid growing medium must provide good air circulation and permit water

to drain very quickly. It must also give the roots something secure to cling to.

Depending on the type of orchid, they can be happy growing in peat moss, fir bark,

dried fern roots, sphagnum moss, rock wool, perlite, cork nuggets, stones, coconut fiber,

lava rock or a blend that combines several of these materials. Some epiphytic orchids

can also be wired onto slabs of tree fern or cork. As a general rule, fir bark nuggets are

the most popular growing medium. (Wordpress, 2009)


Most orchids can tolerate drought far better than they can tolerate excess

moisture. Nothing kills an orchid faster than letting it sit in a water-logged pot. Without

adequate air circulation, the plant will suffocate and die.

As a very general rule, orchids should be watered once a week. The growing

medium should be allowed to dry out between waterings, and excess water should not

come in contact with the roots or the growing medium. After being re-potted, most


orchids will not resume active growth for several months. Water very sparingly during

this readjustment period.


Most tropical orchids prefer humidity levels of 60 to 80 percent. With the

winter-time humidity level in most homes hovering closer to 30 percent, orchid growers

often use a humidifier, or set their orchids in gravel-filled trays. Some orchids also

benefit from being misted.


Orchid-growing mediums provide very few nutrients, so orchids must be

fertilized to sustain healthy growth. Use a liquid fertilizer, and dilute it more than you

would for other plants. Fertilizer should only be applied when plants are in active

growth. This means that most orchids should not be fertilized in midwinter, or right

after they have been re-potted. Many growers use a 30-10-10 fertilizer, though others

prefer 10-10-10 or 10-10-30. Misting your orchids with fish emulsion or seaweed

extracts will provide micronutrients.

Potting and repotting

Orchids are usually happiest in a relatively small pot. Plastic pots are preferred

because when it’s time to re-pot, the roots can be more easily detached, or the pots can

simply be cut apart. To ensure good drainage, you can fill the bottom inch or two of the

pot with Styrofoam “peanuts.” Suspend the orchid over the pot, and gradually fill the

pot with fir bark chunks or whatever other growing medium you are using. The crown

of the plant should be just a bit below the top of the pot. Sometimes it's helpful to use a

bit of wire to secure the plant until its roots get established.

Some orchids should be re-potted every year. Others may be happy in the same

pot for seven or more years. As a general rule, don’t re-pot your orchid unless


necessary. Orchids resent being disturbed. Re-pot if the growing medium has started to

break down enough to reduce aeration; if the roots are creeping out well beyond the pot;

or if new growth has unbalanced the plant. (Wordpress : 2009)


Propagating orchids from seed is quite difficult. Unlike the seeds of other

plants, orchid seeds do not contain nutritional storage tissues. To grow, the seed must

land where it will find a particular kind of fungi that can penetrate its root system and

convert nutrients into a usable form. To overcome the odds, an orchid seed capsule

typically disburses millions of microscopic seeds, which can be carried hundreds of

miles from the mother plant.

To propagate orchids from seed, you must work in sterile conditions. The seeds

must be grown in a gelatinous substance that contains nutrients and growth hormones.

You must also be very patient. It takes months for the first leaves to develop, and, even

then, they will only be visible with a magnifying glass. Roots appear even later. It will

be at least three, and possibly as many as eight years before you see a bloom.

It is far easier to propagate orchids by division. But remember that dividing a

plant means forsaking blooms for at least a year. Also, the larger the orchid plant, the

more flowers it will produce. Small divisions take many years to mature. (Wordpress :





In this survey, the surveyors use the qualitative method. The qualitative survey tries

to discover the facts comprehensively and context appropriately by collecting the data

naturally and the surveys it self. This kind of survey is descriptive and tends to use the

analyzis in inductive approach.


Sample of the population is taken as research materialis moon orchids Sthat exist in

one of the houses in the Lawang area, Malang.







This survey is done at Jl. Madukoro number 40 Lawang, Malang, on Monday 2

September 2013.


Through interviews with Mrs. Soekartik in Lawang obtained information

Regarding the development of moon orchids.Lately, Moon Orchids has been

overstepped in some areas of Indonesia, especially in East Java, which proved that the

majority of orchid collectors in trouble to find the type and color of moon orchids.

Moon Orchids included in the monopodial orchids like little sunshine to support

life. Green leaves with elongated shape. Roots are white and round an delongated

fleshyfeel. The flowers have as light fragrance and long bloom time and diameter can

grow up to10 cm.


In data, collection the researchers need the instrument support of research. In the

research, researcher uses 2 instruments :

A. The interview manual is used to be the guidline of interview and keep straight to

the purpose of result. This manual is arranged based on both the purpose of

research and related theory with the researcher problem.

In this research,the interview will be conducted using an interview guide.

Interview guide is used to remind the interviewer about what aspect should be

discussed, as wellas a talker list(check list) if the relevant aspects have been

discussed or asked.

B. Camera tools

Its function is as the supporting tool in interview to make th interview to make

the interview easier ake picture and documention the process of interview. In

addition, the taken pictures will be evidence that the interview was conducted.



Group : When did you become a fan of orchids?

Mrs. Soekartik : Since 10 years ago.

Group : What type of orchids that are here?

Mrs. Soekartik : Moon orchids, leopard orchids.

Mrs. Soekartik : How do you think the development of orchids during it?

Mrs. Soekartik : Development orchids last few years has been reduced. it is

characterized by the time I was in town a stone which is one

orchid producing areas in East Java has now started selling rare

orchids. And if any, species of orchids are available only

leopard orchids.

Group : In your opinion, which the rare orchids?

Mrs. Soekartik : Moon orchids.

Group : How do you how to cultivate orchids?

Mrs. Soekartik : To pay more attention how to plant, water, fertilize, and it

is good land cultivated in green house.





Indonesia is one country that has a rich flora and fauna of the largest in the

world.One of them is an orchid flora with their beauty. Orchid germplasm second

largest after Brazil. In the world there are about twenty-six thousand species of orchids,

from the amount of five thousand are in Indonesia. Is are or endemic species of orchids

that can not be found in the other hemisphere. But unfortunately, due to act of the

human hand are not responsible for, the majority of these species to extinction.

The Malang city is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a diversity of types

of orchids. it is in because, the Mlang city have many mountainous regions, and the

temperature in this area is very cool. making it possible to live orchid plants there. moon

orchid is one of the types of plants that exist in malang areas. but its existence is now

greatly reduced. orchids once a month always adorn every home. but now it is difficult

to be found.

There has been a dearth of orchids month in the city of Malang . this is evident

from the orchid collector had difficulty in finding certain types of orchids. Orchids

which we will examine in this paper is orchid month. orchids are orchids purih months

that are excellent. Because the color is soft and simple form. However, due to several

factors, cause this orchid be difficult to find. Factor in this study may include the


1. Public is less concerned about the preservation of orchids month.

2. Residence : Big wood utilized as construction material, other than that

the leaves of the fig tree, the coconut is also widely used as the

roof of the house. And because the population is diminishing tree,

causing any dwelling orchid plants getting damaged. And will

ultimately lead to scarcity of orchids month.

3. Research : Many interesting biodiversity researchers to examine each


component of each diversity. In addition, the study was also

carried out not only by researchers, but also by students from

elementary level up to the top level. The research will lead to

unwise moon orchid plant populations are increasingly threatened

with extinction.

Human Factors changes in the balance of many ecosystems are affected by

human activities such as:

1 . Orchid poaching against excessively .

2 . Forest exploitation : Conversion of forest into plantations, housing, industry

will make less land and diversity in it. It also will affect the

survival of orchid plants.

3 . Pollution, human activities will cause pollution in the air, soil and water also

causes the orchid plant which was originally requiring special habitas be not be

able to live even more exhausted. Natural factors changes in the balance of the

ecosystem may occur by natural factors, such as volcanic eruptions,



Based on the results of the study or our survey can be concluded that yesterday

was the last five years this moon orchids are difficult to find in some areas of Indonesia,

especially in Java Island. The specialty orchids in the characteristics that lure, colorful

flowers and beautiful moon orchid collectors make them always add to his collection


But what if the moon orchids and steps are now in danger of being extinct,

therefore, that the moon does not disappear orchids, we need a good way of cultivating,

watering techniques include, cutting, placing flower pots, and even fertilizer and light

intensity are also considered. Appropriate treatment will help cultivating moon orchids

for nowadays.


Of the research we do, the need for special measures to prevent the extinction of

the higher numbers of orchids. Including the from the government itself, should really

provide protection of the existence of rare plants. The government must have a clear

legal basis for the presence tackle poaching and habitat destruction of endangered

plants. The second is the awareness of the public to work together to protect the

existence of moon orchid Its still in the realm. Other than that the community should

also be a watchdog to keep the moon orchid plant habitat in the forest area. The third is

to preserve orchid month at the botanical garden is a special place that has been

providing safe from poachers, so orchids month will still be there.

One of them, conservation through the botanical gardens.Purwodadi Botanical

Garden in East Java is one form of conservation of plant species that exist in Indonesia.

Botanical garden has a very important significance in the conservation for plants.One of

them conservation of rare orchids.

Purwodadi botanical gardens, orchid is slah an important and interesting

collection. Since 2006, conservation of rare orchids are routinely conducted and have

yielded progress.

Here are the results of the achievement of the conservation activities:

- Search native habitat of rare orchids

- Collection of rare orchids alive

- Research related to conservation of rare orchids





Based on the research that has been done, then some conclusions can be drawn as


1. Most of the orchids in the scarcity factor is poaching carried out by the

irresponsible and forest fires.

2. How to overcome the scarcity of orchids in cultivation of orchids month is done

through preservation in situ and ex situ.

3. To caring the moon orchids the plant needs a high-light environment. If the

leaves are soft and limp, the plants are probably very light-sensitive, and should

not be placed in a sunny south-facing window.


Based on the conclusions above, then while the writer's suggestion is as follows:

1. There should be an effort in cultivating orchids.

2. There should be a rescue effort, the cultivation of orchids month from extinction.

3. Make efforts so that the moon does not become extinct orchid.

4. In addition to the use of orchids as well as the cultivation of ornamental plants.



Indun Kistinnah, dkk. Biologi Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungannya SMA X: Jakarta.

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Cribb, Paul, J. Greatwood, P. F. Hunt. 1985. Handbook on Orchid Nomenclature and

Registration. 3rd Ed. International Orchid Commission. Stanhope Press. 143 pp.

Leonhardt, Kennth, W. 1981. Simple Orchid Culture. Cooperative Extension Service.

College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources. University of Hawaii at

Manoa. Circular 452. 24 pp.

McConnell, J. 1990. Crushed Limestone Aggregate and Coconut Husk as Potting Media

for Vanda X Miss Joaquim. Agricultural Experiment Station. University of

Guam. Technical Report #84. 8 p.

Northen, R.T. 1990. Home Orchid Growing. Prentice Hall Press. New York. 376 pp.

McConnell, J. and R. Muniappan. 1993. Cuscuta campestris. AG FAXTS 93-1.



Vocabulary List

Research (noun) : study, investigation, survey, watchfulness, search

Current(noun) : flow, stream, influx, drift, tides

Spread(verb) : deploy, disperse, scatter, radiate, overspread

Enliven(noun) : brisk, jazz up

Humidity(noun) : dampness

Scarcity(noun) : lack, deficiency, shortage, drawback, shortfall

Midst(noun) : center, midst, half, centre

Abundance(noun) : galore, profusion, glut, smother

Rampant(adjective) : harebrained

Burning(verb) : combustion, burn, firing, incineration, ignition

Stride(verb) : step, tread, stride, step across, step over, stride over

Replant(verb) : replant

Swollen(past participant) : puffy, bloated, swelled, bulging, turgid

Prolonged(noun) : prolonged, protracted, continuous

Coarse (adjective) : rude, rough, coarse, rugged, harsh, crude