Page 1 of 40 -€¦ · En aquellos días, hallándose Pablo en Mileto, mandó llamar a...


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Bishop Gary W. Janak, D.D.


His Excellency

The Most Reverend

Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S.

Metropolitan Archbishop of San Antonio

Tuesday, the twentieth of April

Two Thousand and Twenty-One

Two o’clock in the Afternoon

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

San Antonio, Texas

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His Holiness Pope Francis

Bishop of Rome and Supreme Pastor

of the Universal Church

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The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre, S.T.D.

Apostolic Nuncio to the United States

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The Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S.

Metropolitan Archbishop of San Antonio

Principle Ordaining Bishop

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The Most Reverend Michael J. Boulette, D.Min.

Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio


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The Most Reverend Brendan Cahill, D.D.

Bishop of Victoria


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The Most Reverend Gary W. Janak, D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio

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Mass of Ordination

Principle Consecrator



Chamberlains to Bishop Janak

Proclamation of the

Papal Mandate



Prelude & Meditation Hymns


The Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller,


The Most Reverend Michael Boulette, D.Min.

The Most Reverend Brendan Cahill, D.D.

The Most Reverend Gary W. Janak, D.D.

Reverend Carlos Velazquez

Reverend Greg Korenek

The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre,

Apostolic Nuncio to the United States

Deacon Michael Pawelek

Deacon Ed Gonzales

Deacon Paul Melgarejo

Dolores Martinez, Director

Sam Gaskin, Organist

Josh Frilling, Pianist

José Luis Castillo, Guitarist

Carlos Pla, Guitarist

Gisela Pla, Flutist

José Gonzalez, Sound Board Technician

John Michael Talbot

Seminarians of the Archdiocese of San Antonio

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Masters of Ceremonies Deacon Ramon Figueroa

Gilbert Casillas

Gil Montemayor

Michael Coronado, Seminarian

David Chacko, Seminarian

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Come, Now, Almighty King / ¡Oh Padre, Eterno Dios!

Felice de Giardini

Introductory Rites

Ritos Iniciales

Processional Hymn / Canto de Entrada

Prelude Music / Preludio

Heart of a Shepherd / El Corazón de Un Buen Pastor

Rory Cooney

Holy is His Name

John Michael Talbot

We Are Your People

Ralph Vaughn Williams & Herman G. Stuemple, Jr.

Pre-Liturgical Procession / Procesión Pre-Litúrgica

Prelude Music / Preludio

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Greeting / Saludo

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Penitential Act / Acto Penitencial

Misa Santa Fe

Mary Frances Reza

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Collect / Oración Colecta

Glory / Gloria

Misa Santa Fe

Mary Frances Reza

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Liturgy of the Word

Liturgia de la Palabra

First Reading / Primera Lectura

Proclaimed in English Hechos 20: 17-18a, 28-32, 36

En aquellos días, hallándose Pablo en Mileto, mandó llamar a los presbíteros de la

comunidad Cristiana de Efeso. Cuando se presentaron, les dijo: “Miren por ustedes

mismos y por todo el rebaño, del que los constituyó pastores el Espíritu Santo, para

apacentar a la Iglesia que Dios adquirió con la sangre de su Hijo.

Yo sé que después de mi partida, se introducirán entre ustedes lobos rapaces, que no

tendrán piedad del rebaño y sé que, de entre ustedes mismos, surgirán hombres que

predicarán doctrinas perversas y arrastrarán a los fieles detrás de sí. Por eso, estén

alerta. Acuérdense que durante tres años, ni de día ni de noche he dejado de

aconsejar, con lágrimas en los ojos, a cada uno de ustedes.

Ahora los encomiendo a Dios y a su palabra salvadora, la cual tiene fuerza para que

todos los consagrados a Dios crezcan en el espíritu”.

The Word of the Lord.

R/. Thanks be to God.

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Responsorial Psalm / Salmo Responsorial

Psalm 96 (95)

Tony Alonso

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Second Reading / Segunda Lectura

Brothers and sisters:

I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have

received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another

through love, striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace:

one Body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call; one

Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through

all and in all.

But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

And he gave some as Apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as

pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up

the Body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son

of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ.

Palabra de Dios.

R/. Te Alabamos, Señor.

Proclaimed in Spanish Ephesians 4: 1-7, 11-13

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Gospel Acclamation / Aclamación del Evangelio

Sung in English John 10: 14

Misa Santa Fe

Mary Frances Reza

Gospel / Evangelio

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “Ha llegado la hora de que el hijo del

hombre sea glorificado. Yo les aseguro que si el grano de trigo sembrado en la tierra,

no muere, queda infecundo; pero si muere, producirá mucho fruto. El que se ama a

sí mismo, se pierde; el que se aborrece a sí mismo en este mundo, se asegura para la

vida eterna.

El que quiera servirme, que me siga, para que donde yo esté, también esté mi

servidor. El que me sirve será honrado por mi Padre”.

The Gospel of the Lord.

R/. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Proclaimed in English Juan 12, 24-26

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Ordination Rite

Rito de Ordenación

All Stand / Todos de pie

Veni Creátor Spíritus

Rabanus Maurus

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Presentation of the Elect / Presentación del Elegido

The Bishop-elect is led by Rev. Carlos Velazquez to the principle ordaining Bishop,

before whom he makes a sign of reverence.

Rev. Carlos Velazquez the principle ordaining Bishop.

All are seated and the Apostolic Letter is read by Most Rev. Christophe Pierre,

Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.

After the reading of the Apostolic Letter, all sing “Thanks Be to God”.

El Obispo electo es conducido por el Sacerdote Carlos Velazquez hasta el Obispo

ordenante principal, ante quien hace un signo de reverencia.

El Sacerdote Carlos Velazquez se dirige al Obispo ordenante principal.

Todos permanecen sentados mientras Mons. Christophe Pierre, Nuncio Apostólico en

los Estados Unidos lee la Carta Apostólica.

Después de la lectura de la Carta Apostólica, todos cantan “Te damos gracias”.

Thanks be to God

Stephen Dean

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Homily / Homilia

The Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S.

Promise of the Elect / Promesa del Elegido

The bishop-elect rises and stands in front of the principle ordaining Bishop,

Most Rev. Gustavo García-Siller, who questions him.

El obispo electo se pone de pie de frente al Obispo ordenante principal, Reverendísimo

Monseñor Gustavo García-Siller, quien lo interroga.

Litany of Supplication / Oración Litánica

All Stand / Todos de pie

Lord, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy.

Lord, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy.

Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Our Lady of Guadalupe,

Saint Mich - ael,

Holy Angels of God,

Saint John the Bap - tist,

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

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Saint Jo - seph,

Saint Peter

Saint Paul

Saint An - drew

Saint Ja - mes

Saint John

Saint Tho - mas

Saint Ja - mes

Saint Philip

Saint Bar - tholo - mew

Saint Matth - ew

Saint Si - mon

Saint Jude

Saint Matth - ias

Saint Mary Mag - dalene

Saint Ste - phen

Saint Ignatius of Ant - ioch

Saint Law - rence

Saint Perpetua and Saint Fe – lic - ity

Saint Ag - nes

Saint Gre - gory

Saint Au - gus - tine

Saint Atha - na - sius

Saint Ba - sil

Saint Mar - tin

Saint Ben - edict

Saint Francis and Saint Dom - inic

Saint Francis Xa - vier

Saint John Vi - an - ney

Saint Catherine of Si - ena

Saint Ter - esa of Jesus

Saint Anth - ony de Pa - dua

All holy men and women, Saints of


pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us.

pray for us. Page 23 of 40

By your in - car - na - tion, Lord, save your peo – ple.

By your Death and Re - sur - rec - tion, Lord, save your peo – ple.

By the out - pouring of the Ho - ly Spi - rit, Lord, save your peo – ple.

Lord, save your peo – ple.

Lord, save your peo – ple.

Lord, save your peo – ple.

Lord, save your peo – ple.

Lord, be mer – ci – ful,

From all e - vil,

From ev - ery sin,

From ev - er - last - ing death,

Comfort with your mercy the troubled and the


Strengthen all of us and keep us in your holy


Jesus, Son of the living God

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Be merciful to us sinners

Govern and protect your holy Church

Keep the pope and all the ordained

in faithful service to your Church

Bless this chosen man

Bless and sanctify this chosen man

Bless, sanctify, and consecrate this chosen man

Bring all peoples together in peace and true


Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer

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Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, gracious-ly hear us.

Laying on of Hands / Imposición de Manos

Prayer of Ordination / Plegaria de Ordenación

All answer: Amen.

Todos responden: Amén

Anointing of the Head / Unción de la Cabeza

Handing on of the Book of Gospels and Insignia /

Entrega del Libro de los Evangelios y las Insignias

Profession of Faith / Profesión de Fe

Fraternal Kiss / Beso de la Paz

Psalm 95(96)

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Liturgy of the Eucharist

Liturgia Eucarística

Preparation of the Altar / Preparación del Altar

Te Damos Gracias (Soy Felíz) / O Lord, I Offer

Emilio Vicente Matéu

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Eucharistic Acclamations / Aclamaciones Eucarísticas

Holy / Santo

Misa Santa Fe

Mary Frances Reza

San - to, San-to, San -to es el Se - ñor, Dios del U - ni - ver - so.

Heav - en and earth are full of your glo - ry. Ho-

san - na en el cie - lo. Ho - san - na en el cie - lo.

Bless - ed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho -

san - na en el cie - lo. Ho - san - na en el cie - lo. Page 27 of 40

Memorial Acclamation / Aclamación Memorial

Great Amen / Amén

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Misa Santa Fe

Mary Frances Reza

Lamb of God / Cordero de Dios

Communion Rite

Rito de Comunión

Our Father / Padre Nuestro

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Gift of Finest Wheat / Tú Sacias Todo Corazón

Omer Westendorf

Communion Hymns / Cantos de Comunión

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Al Partir el Pan

Pedro Rubalcava

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St. Theresa’s Prayer

John Michael Talbot

Meditation Hymn / Canto de Meditación

Post Communion Prayer / Oración Después de la Comunión

Concluding Rite

Rito de Conclusión

Final Remarks / Agradecimientos

Bishop Gary W. Janak, D.D.

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Blessing of the People / Bendición Sobre el Pueblo

The newly ordained Bishop will process through the church, as he blesses all who are


El Obispo recién ordenado irá en procesión por la iglesia, mientras bendice a todos los


Bishop Gary W. Janak, D.D.

God, We Praise You

Christopher Idle

Final Blessing / Bendición Final

Bow your heads for the blessing.

Inclinen sus cabezas para la bendición.

Recessional Hymn / Canto de Salida

Laudate, Laudate Dominum

Christopher Walker

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Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second

typical edition © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington,

DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No portion of this text may be reproduced by any means

without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Los textos de la Sagrada Escritura utilizados en esta obra han sido tomados de los Leccionarios I, II y III,

propiedad de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana,

copyright © 1987, quinta edición de septiembre de 2004. Utilizados con permiso. Todos los derechos


Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Pontifical © 2010, ICEL, ICEL. All rights reserved.

All music reprinted under One License. License # A-705663

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The Coat of Arms of

The Most Reverend Gary W. Janak, D.D.

Titular Bishop of Dionisiana

Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio

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BLAZON: Azure, a chief Or; cast net and crescent moon all Argent; in chief, flanked by a lily Argent with carpenter’s square Brunâtre and rose Gules, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Gules. Shield ensigned with an episcopal cross Or behind the shield and a bishop’s galero Vert cords and twelve tassels disposed in three rows of one, two and three all Vert. On a scroll below the shield the motto: "Give Your Servant a Listening Heart."

EXPLANATION: The coat of arms assumed by Bishop Gary W. Janak is made up of symbols that are meaningful to him, which reflect his spiritual life and episcopal ministry. The field is blue, representing the Living Water promised by Jesus to those who ask for it (Jn 4:10). Blue is also the traditional color of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our heavenly mother who leads all to her Son. The main charge is a fishing net shown cast into the water. It recalls Jesus' call to the disciples to "put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4). It also alludes to the coastal city of Palacios, the hometown of Bishop Janak, where he first responded to his vocation and where it was lovingly nurtured.

The crescent moon is taken from the arms of the Diocese of Victoria, where Bishop Janak was ordained a priest. It symbolizes the geographic area of the Gulf Coast, known as the Golden Crescent, in honor of the southern Texas region where Victoria is located. In Bishop Janak's coat of arms, the crescent points upward, symbolic of his journey north from the Diocese of Victoria to the Archdiocese of San Antonio as an auxiliary bishop. Silver in color, the crescent recalls the one beneath the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and her gentle rule in things both in heaven and on earth.

At the top of the shield is a gold band (chief) representing the presence of God over creation. In it are symbols (charges) for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—the Holy Family. At the far left are the traditional symbols for Saint Joseph: a lily and carpenter’s square. Shown interlocked, they are symbolic of the inseparable unity between Saint Joseph’s work in the plan of salvation and his purity of heart. It also recalls Bishop Janak’s father, Josephat (Joe), and the faith and strong work ethic he shared with his children. It is also a reminder of the importance and dignity of human labor.

At the middle is the Sacred Heart of Jesus encompassed by a crown of thorns on fire with love. A traditional devotion in Czech homes, the Sacred Heart recalls both Bishop Janak’s heritage and spirituality. At the far left is a red rose with green barbs, silver inner petals, and gold (yellow) seeds, in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Recalling the Castilian roses collected in the tilma of Saint Juan Diego, the rose also recalls Bishop Janak’s mother, Rose Marie, and his hometown of Palacios, a multi-lingual and multi-cultural community, with a deep devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The achievement is completed by the external ornamentation of a gold (yellow) cross, which is placed in back of the shield and extends above and below the shield, symbolizing the office of bishop. The episcopal hat, called a galero, with its six tassels in three rows on either side of the shield, all in green, denote the rank of bishop.

Bishop Janak has selected the motto "Give Your Servant a Listening Heart”. This phrase, “lebh shomea (a listening heart) so as to be able to discern”, taken from 1 Kings 3:9, expresses the profound humility underlying the work of authentic evangelization. It also serves as a reminder that a bishop is to listen to those he is called to serve.

Coat of Arms and Digital Drawing by Rev. Jordan M. Hainsey, KHS Page 37 of 40

The Archdiocese of San Antonio was

Consecrated to the Holy Spirit on

Pentecost 2014

and continues to pray to the Holy Spirit

for Guidance

Consecration to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, receive the perfect

and complete consecration of my whole being.

In all my actions, grant me the grace of

being my Light, my Guide, my Strength,

and the Love of my heart.

I surrender myself to You, and I ask You

for the grace to be faithful to Your inspiration.

Holy Spirit, transform me through Mary

and with Mary into a true image of

Christ Jesus, for the glory of the Father,

and the salvation of the world.


Fr. Felix de Jesus Rougier, M.Sp.S.

Founder, Missionaries of the Holy Spirit

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La Arquidiócesis de San Antonio fue

Consagrada al Espíritu Santo en

Pentecostes del 2014

Y Continúa orando al Espíritu Santo

para recibir su guía

Consagración al Espíritu Santo

¡Oh Espíritu Santo! Recibe la

consagración perfecta y absoluta de todo

mi ser. Dígnate ser en adelante, en cada

uno de los instantes de mi vida y en cada

una de mis acciones, mi Director,

mi Luz, mi Guía, mi Fuerza y el Amor

de mi corazón.

Yo me abandono sin reserva a tus

operaciones divinas y quiero ser siempre

dócil a tus inspiraciones.

¡Oh Espíritu Santo! Transfórmame,

con María y en María, en Cristo Jesús, para

gloria del Padre y salvación del mundo.


Padre Félix de Jesús Rougier, MSpS

Fundador, Misioneros del Espíritu Santo

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