OF REFLECTIONaboutme.samexent.com/classes/taken/engc1011/class schedule.pdf · FINAL REFLECTION...


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Partial Schedule for Comp 1011--sectioD 3 Here is a schedule of assignments and due dates to get you started on the first major paper. I'll give you a more complete schedule next week. Indicated pages should be read before coming to class on the day they are listed so that you are prepared to participate in class discussion.

Week 1 - Sept. 3-5 for Friday:

• Buy the two books required for this course

• Read the course description and bring any questions to class It is your responsibility to be familiar with the information in this handout.

• In A Sequence for Academic Writing read the following pages: pages xix-xxi: intro p. 91: Writing as a Thinking Process bottom ofp. 96 ("Common Misconceptions'') to top of p. 101

• Read first paper assignment-Reflection.

Week 2 - Sept 8-12

Monday: Skim through the whole "Guide to Writing Reflection Essays" to familiarize yourselfwith it, then read the "Invention" section more thoroughly. Bring your topic grids and free writing to class. Be ready to discuss your invention process.

Wednesday: Discuss sample paper.

Friday: ROUGH DRAFT OF REFLECTION DUE BRING COPIES of yoW" draft to class-<>ne for me and one for each of the students in your group. Your copy fOT me should be in a folder with your name printed clearly on the outside and should include aU prewriting (invention and brainstorming) you have done for this paper.

Over the weekend., you should read the papers you've been given and prepare feedback­write short notes in the margins and longer comments at the end. Decide which you most want to discuss with your group on Monday. And please remember not to correct the grammar-that's my job!

Week 3 - Sept. 15-19

Monday: In-c1ass conferences for Reflection Papers. After discussing each paper in your group, give your written comments (with your name on it) to the person who wrote the paper. Keep the feedback you were given in your own folder to turn in to me with your final draft.


Week 3 - Sept. 15-19 Monday: In-class CONFERENCES for reflection papers. After discussing each paper in your group, give your written comments (with your name on it) to the person who wrote the paper. Keep the feedback you were gi ven in your own folder to turn in to me with your final draft.

Wednesday: Read pages 120-127 in SAW, "Revising the Essay." Pay particular attention to the concepts of reverse outline, unity and coherence.

Friday: In-class work on coherence and topic sentences.

Week 4 - Sept. 22-26 Monday: Read pgs. 1-7 and 11-18 in SAW. Your instructor will introduce Chapter 1, "Summary."

Wednesday: More in-class analysis of "The Future of Love" summary (pp.8-21) FINAL REFLECTION PAPER DUE TODAY! (Have your folder ready to turn in: all prewriting on one side, all drafts and feedback on the other side, with final draft on top.)

Friday: Be prepared to discuss "An Avenue to High Academic Standards" by Olson (SAW pp.77-79) according to ex. 1.1 (p.21) - At home, identify the purpose/main point of Olson's article, main sections or supporting points, and any repetition of ideas. In class, we'll work on writing out one-sentence summaries of her main points.

Week 5 - Sept. 29 - Oct. 3 Monday: FIRST DRAFT SUMMARY OF OLSON DUE TODAY. (Hand in to teacher only, not to group members)

Wednesday: Read pp.28-29 and do ex. 1.2 on p.30 TO HAND IN Start talking about paraphrasing i class (see p.33).

Friday: Instructor will introduce Chapt r 4: EXPLANATORY SYNTHESIS • Skim pages 268-274, just enough to answer the questions: What do we mean by

"preliminary research"? How does it differ from "focused research"? • Read "The Research Question" on p.270 • Read about the difference between "Magazines" (p.283) and "Journals" (p.284) • Read pp.140-149 and prepare ex. 4.2 in order to contribute to the class discussion.

Week 6 - Oct. 6-10 Monday: Instructor will introduce MLA format: Bring A WRITER"S REFERENCE to class! Also, read SAW pp.160-163 (revised model essay)

'\ \.,d.9'~v-<'. Wednesday: FINAL DRAFT SUMMARY DUE T DAY.Jk [ Class will meet in a COMPUTER LAB: location to be announced later.

You will work on your "Library Assignment' handout during the lab time. ....

Friday: LIBRARY ASSIGNMENT DUE Read pp.277-282 and write down at least 3 benefits and at least 3 problems of doing research on the Internet.

Week 7 - Oct. 13-17 Monday: RESEARCH PROPOSAL DUE Read SAW pp.33-37, "Paraphrasing" Bring AWRITER"S REFERENCE (AWR) TO CLASS! Wednesday: Read SAW p,£.3 8-47, "Quotations." Bring AWR TO CLASS! Friday: ? 0 "+-1 w,~ 't:ML

Week 8 - Oct. 20-24 MOD: SAW pp.57-61, "Introductions" and "Conclusions" 'Ved: ? Friday: FIRST DRAFT EXPLANATORY SYNTHESIS DUE

Week 9 - Oct. 27-31 Monday: In-class CONFERENCES for Explanatory Synthesis Wednesda : ? __ _.~

Friday: Instructor will introduce next paper (Read from "Question Category 2" through "Guidelines" pp.65-70)

Week 10 - Nov. 3-7 J Monday: Discuss clearly defined terms (p.59). In particular, examine the Davis essay ~ on p.57 to see if he defines "education crisis" or "America's continued leadership." Also,

on p.144, how does Rob Kline seem to define "community"? Also discuss emotionally loaded terms and tone(pp.60-61) and find examples in TV essay (handout).


Discuss and practice fallacies: SAW pp.62-64

Friday: Read responses by Farenell, Siefert, and Geib on pp. 80-82 of SAW and decide / .\:Yhat part of Lynn Olson's essay (pp.77-79) these writers are reacting to. -

Week 11 - Nov. 10-14 Friday: FIRST DRAFT CRITIQUE DUE

Week 12 - Nov. 17-21 -- ?

Week 13 - Nov. 24-28 'Vednesday: FINAL DRAFT OF CRITIQUE DUE Friday - Thanksgiving Holiday, NO CLASS

Week 14-Dec.1-5 --?

Week 15 - Dec. 8-12 Friday: FINAL DRAFT OF ANALYSIS DUE