Oct. 1, 2020 Yá’át’ééh! sha'áłchíní


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Yá’át’ééh! sha'áłchíní

Welcome to science class!

Oct. 1, 2020

August 27, 2020

Today’s Agenda● Announcements● Class Discussion● Review Vocabulary● In Class Assignments

Today’s Agenda● Announcements● https://www.wrschool.net


Student Friendly Objectives:I can explain how electrically charged objects interact.

I can explain the relationship between electric charge and electric current.

Essential QuestionsWhat is the relationship between electric charge and electric current?

What voltage, current, and resistance? How do they affect each other?

Big IdeasElectric and magnetic (electromagnetic) forces can be attractive or repulsive, and their sizes depend on the magnitudes of the charges, currents, or magnetic strengths involved and on the distances between the interacting objects.


Weekly Vocabulary● electric circuit● electric current● electric resistance● Ohm’s law● voltage

electric and magnetic (electromagnetic) forcesmade from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it

circuits A closed, or complete, path in which an electric current travels

Closed and Open Circuits

open circuit is one where the continuity has been broken by an interruption in the path for current to flow.

closed circuit is one that is complete, with good continuity throughout

Which one is an open circuit and a closed circuit?


currents the flow of an electric charge

electric resistance: A measure of how difficult it is for an electric current to flow in a material

voltageThe amount of energy the source uses to move one coulomb of electrons through the circuit.

1 volt moves 1 ampere

Ohm’s Law a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance

Named after German physicist Georg Ohm.

States that as the voltage of a circuit’s electric energy source increases, the current in the circuit increases, too.

Class Assignment Due Friday

What are electric and magnetic fields?

1. Students: go to www.readworks.org/student

2. Students: enter class code DBHXGH

3. Students: your default password is 1234


Sir Issac Newton and Lebron James

BOTH DUE: Oct. 6th, 2020
