New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1867-02-14. · rilumc Vo1* aXXVl.N°-8,006. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY,...


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WASHINGTON.nvKMM, «-ir» v- is BOTH HOI IE»- lu' OUOT ttlX

IN ri» SB-ATI MH. n_T-M'l miihw.y i:k-

h>\ uni. l'Avsr.i» it», nu. HOI¡. v, i m ihm, - im- in mik ilii -r. THB

mtWM - < »i-'inn u O-TWKB TO t n-

¦;,»>,|..«.\ l'I.'.l . MIID.N1- Mit. DAN' 1.1.1 i __.

rvm un n i.n TOiSHip«ia l____a__«_ N -* it

WAMlISiil.iv, W*. tiri* -'l.*v. l'i'b ItAn __HCmp__WM iirruic I«»'-.',11 Bp the LOU.d.OI Re-

.M-tnetioe biDo. ilm li'nue banleditit«*_yupoaita_r.i.<"iiii. niant m tin1 S»'ii,ita». If .«.ejturetl ___M__MM_,« i,-, m -,.,, ru di -, .t «.n tin de* »t w.r.s reported, Bud«.Im «-îiani eomiOf -t in Mr. il« tl'lll'-k-«. it K""1» OTOI

till '.li-li.« lu»«. Tile (¡It n 'î« -H

tin- îi.aftai 1<i al.iy t-« iii «-t ty rai- « \ ¡«I» BOC tí111 m» lutiIwill N- lett in pre*..ifil tíii-ongh. The BepaWie-iRi«j*it, t*>rs have .«via-« «I. it is mit!, ist«»«»«], "> OOB-PJvery íitila1 tin.« m debatí OH '.. The < u-lon...: v

aaiiii'iiiit t.I I'mi, .ii.i.v «iii lit' lint!. O.ÜBg, «¡t

mm 'i'1 Beiiet« edje_medto' Leei ¦. 1 lend";»t 1 o'. !.. Î.. .«Ii«l l. iii.¡.na al tlur«' liU ti lill,«T-1 ill,«1.¦»i.i i end an .innr« n i.u a ¡i .a ..>. ir. tu. tha n «ti billiii -i« '.in Ci'tl ni'tt« «¦ «ni rlic Ii' t.| Cohunl'.n.

Id ti.t day th" qneitioii ol r<'<*<ni-

alni'lia't; WM largely «it-kitt al. Ill«' pBHMgl ni

»! Shellal) u isiana v. a yeaterdnp-»W.ia toi el ri u» w ,s*¡ i,' ¡n li»»' Radicalh. ..': j'i rank*1. Stevens'a Militar] lí»¡«»n>-

ifter iii«- .«-< s- «»ii in gut.«I by Mr, Bte**e_i m Mveral

ti.1, Tin» l'rincii'.il!» ni tilt- w «'lal "('eiti-

ii-ai« the ena-hingi »..«Î, "

- »-. .iila-al Confederate Rtatee»' Instead ol11

h« ailie! Stall a," awl ti "i t»t .t

uval t of bal .

i't n el .-t.iie » Coarta, hi - end mi ral other ;»..-

. 'val tilt-Ki ' -. The debate t-¦-»».t> waahegnn

¦..» spoke in inpporl ol tin bill.«'«i in one «'i ia u* tal for«

. i ¡.i ,¦-..!. ..'» i«.ti,' , ¦_

tal,i i, IH< !. al illi¬li "4 '». V. 11.«'_J ¡O ti.«' I -llalli

ti.» i. occnpled Dm i* » i. foi Dearly anH« rnadi r« » be

I ». inba i the.\ it.;.:: tbl ii«»t

ihed,:»ti ¡¡ti ni...¦'.'.lillie nt, and made i ;-.¡

tia î- '»»U \* irli amen.atents lo IhtTndii.iryCnmniiflrr. willi tli-»lull iris Ont in»- motion the prevkrae ^oef-iioii wai«ii,.

«.iilictJ »andre nita«! ii to?. N'.i>>. Dokk«i-r.ij- '.«'iiily .ill v«»tmi- .ntl re. \Vh;',cIbe iota ¦-. iii- «_>_< t"!«.Hit«- towing that the rote woi ¡"nn-

vaataaetlaiiii'iiiiil:« Den d when tiniii»:»-lime callhtg then changed theiiIt Ja», li.»» BJ li«. L.ill l.t t aa

voting.i * ii« u<.ti«'»'. l.dllL'li lb« Og J" It..

.èteil laijre tilt Uaa] ibi bill t«>

the Conamittee waa t. -

n .nit ,i thii.. i,. it. "i 1-i- n li«*

g on tlie ilfand noel <t the l leuxoerol

a,1.«? . .''liitl li.a.- «-p. .:. U .ir«..«,!e

l.i- )i nure, a I explained hi*i. 1 i.rrj j... .'

.- H', ltd, and « .mil

11,«I. Ii iii!.- fa» 1« killed fur *.,n.-

iii tata d ii..: ii:


.'Dill Pre -

h". fa.

..... .1.».IM

y a v,ttc

Li. u.- .:. .a-

ili'il -1were: Alii

Al.iii- -..: I » IBlaine. 1 ]





men 'Mit. Heii.l

tiny, a'.l li

»i.t 'i

l, M.»

'1 ni .1 ¡ii

it.«drawn In good fail»tilín.

Navy-»!The (

.«¦> n,.

e ilf-tll .»

uni- An.


. ..i. i. ii .< rtein mt get.agi ¦¦ t-oxn <>l t':.

. ..

».» toU-;... ¿_*v_.»j -_T_B| -v.«.-.* .v _»vt-tj6t U|« J.C**

.«.ii Colin Unship, the President, U -(lay iMftMBÍ| to the Banaba aiskin« that the,:i I.«- it turned. Tin S« mil«" in F.xi i iiti\i- M ¦«¦sinntin*-» ¡litt iii.ii ii din it« .1 th. tot ii'it Clerk to Will-

lily Tiitli the I'n'Mtli iiI'h tOtJOi »t.After lull inrecaiga«mu at th«) Treasury Depart¬

ment iii uf. nu. c lo tin- *-t .11 * nient in this column of. h. ih inst., io tin- « íf.-» t tint Got. Panam oi «._.»1.1,ii.i had obtained the allow.inn-of g cotton claim,.iiiiiiinitiii- to *.l.ll*'."DO. ,i:.'l hld ti M-Ted the lunn, yfor the s-tiiii. your eotracponden. h.iM aaewtained(li;.: tlic report i*» wholly without foiinilatioii, ko faras, Got. Panoaa i» eoin ein. (l. Suehi a el: ti in hat boon

uti ii, bat it ii* «lu. to Got. Panoni to si.ito thatbe Ins nothing to ii.» with it.

lr .s expected that the ('minni «shin, rs recentlyappointed to proceed to Fort Phill. Kearney andin»*reotigata all the eircu-Mteni « i attending the raoantmaaaMM Of United States tinnpH by tho Indiana ¡itthat place, m ill UttrO Omaha, aliout tho Mth it.-^t.Hi«- "iii'M. t w.ts ih-« us-ii ii in Cabinet Mattel yeoh«lay with .i 11."* of baring instruction» ptapood forlln« ( oiiiiiii»- ion« rs hy the Stiiitaryof tin* Interior,ami have tin m begin aa invorilgaticn at an aeripday.

Jil'-*r ni Indian Affair- jt-»teni.tyhadaeeeond inter» lew with the [delegation! of the\.ui«.-i» Indian tribei fman Kaneae« now <»n ¦ visit toIhi.». ity foi 'he |'iii|.o-i «>l makin.' arran»-« nu nt» to

move fren Kanato into ll.e Iiuli.i'i Couniiv. 'I heInterview laefed fota timoj bal no treaty waa Mat-pi- tell.

ii..- Attornej Genera) han decided to allow the1' It". B. Cuvier to pTOOl eil OB In r julllliey ni t(

giving bonds to tho Govonunent Coi i mu donbkthe valne of the veawl and cargo not t»> violate Umr.i nir.'.lity l.i\« s. It will be :. in« ml», it »1 the Cuvierwaa ->' i.'-' «.l -bout one we« k Ago, ¦»«. ith a "Bargo of annaanil ammunition on tin haig« of an atl« m* t t.» hi' ahtbe m mr.ilnv liiws. the having bean fitted oat in

v. ;i» to aail for the United Stator « i Colombia«probable thal the Colombian Go***e****_Be_t,

throughthi tive, Gem Balgar, will agreetotaki j-"»-'»Mell "i the \i»-el here, in which <

"lid a ill (mt be r. <| ".in t!.'i he « 'i iV.i»inii-»;..ii have rated to

» x'. ml the h«, if the < It* to GeorgeP.abodj*.XXXIXth C0NGRE88.SECOKI) B__ei<m.

? IN«.¦i .»ii.Wabrixoton, Keb, 13,1807.

.»s si.-. HSI I., I'.'liTMr.WrLSO*. P.. i». M.. » f.. m tin' M hihi

.! ,,.l\ li ». ljj li-' liOUM : » t,"¦. rniut. ... Hi.. _,«. ii

\ li.-!)'.:,, ti.rai i. i"i

ir-, i «Tir of tbe Rou» ir.i.'in.a .-.i tin paaaane ¦'> *i>.wiciit f civil ¿-»m ru¬

in» nt\ii i.-) 01 tas* fHMNi:it(Rt'ii,M

nee ? :. .:¦.« f< UM u.»ai« i arp« «»

Mr.«I'MNF.i. ¦».. Mu . Mm. v he roi to¦:>¦ talM ¦** the l.«,,,;»i¡ii,.i lull.

! I

*< I» haili. '.Ia,«ti fur T.tlltit .-. Ill lu J-eil

ty foro 'mu.

1. ,1|, I.I, .«.'I 1..,,.. Ii. Ill 1«. ill -.«I- H ..'

el Lb. :. *» 11..I Ü -I ti.« I « tit ti ,<led of,

;. l*"_] .,, ikms, he..i. .1

.« end re

in» i ¦.'' ,. ,,|¡., -, »,,, h,,

..I:'.« .1 t«. In.tit' Iii.'¦

*-r IIENDKIl t. . ; I, ¡.ill.

I " ¦! iii tl.r ..fflrrti-:.¦ II« ii.

til r,Mora |rt- W;««!'.

H ' Pom« ro.-.. ...- .. I: m

*-(,. nu,in,i.Howe, .


/ ,Mon hi :.i_,i.'.

N.i..«,s. ' i,!"\ .». m.

-, nanima*"ti» I

III Ii.. I»¦.>!..

., Ililli*«, lo i't.i«. Ide for1,1 liar li' li ii

tunis,,,..» -.mi:

foi El - S-A .. -

.Mi WILLI .'-I- nui titi mm ü«« on' I ti*j«

H "-III' li H 111. Ill l|l|t|. H,.' j j]].'.._; .- '.ion «I ii«- tub« r«

. a

pbOPEIiTTtbe 1 ni to

min.i Bm

n ii- nu-

e four ;te.

a|i|.illl,t« li

1,1 til« ( lill. at« <i.

Mr. BBlt»¦'sul th« Mil i«>

¡j ¦. .1 \ ..innf Lbi rie« .lu h s itii-

i nj.a.i!..l from ii.«!.. pa* m. nt of

.i i,niiu< «im. nt

te la alleged to bllill'« nppll« ii'um

... .i. t of Ji;l. U.e Amlltoi ni ..h proof

ii bountyanditor upon ._»!-- f « f «rich loss, as

m nuil, r the i« g-i., .] 'lit ii-.i»»

*i ami niluiMit'¦;.:: ext( udina to ff. D

, ..,] .¦¦ -... k tin .1 list tin '..-.'i. i:t 'i

i'a -I. «. »Hi ann i,t. the H(.rall the ¡«vui.ii anny with

I. "iii-irmj m til. >

'iii DAVIS.I IK.«¦¦ ..I- «I di»- Hiiiiir

di i ', ti e Ho < |oin1 nf W ¡li le -ulj'i»! uni I. I'l«

- !. Moi nee of the Wai iii. Kalin ,i>l Compan-f,

..! .-.ii«l g i.ipanj"1 HOW ..,

p i\ «u« nt« rV-redi iptim*of Jefl rsou i'n\ la.

¦i i.i

Rep., * ed from the Judii 1er]li lil DDOn ii

ii ru !. «1 Btate« Coarta,tu i:..ine« a« if ¡ir

ii tsol ti». *..n

7I1K l-l l'I !. I IMNIIS-'i.-nth« n'y it. i» it I.) n _....!.,i from the Oomadt

m«c W11 iii.tklfi» the Bnjx nntend« nilier», nf Representa-

Im. nf iii_V«m tu. li «liln. i im -iifi.. ithe -. ii it.

M 'I* Mil MS Ki HU'. «I VII. SI HVICF.Mi:ri I, ii. |, i from lb Jndletair Oom-

itlveraelj»- inon Mr. aVntboo*/'« blure-f»nt« to ti.«- i .vii - ¦.. promote

: .un! Mu -.-.i.ii ¦,. ii«, liadefl-lt-el.rl'Otl; -

Mi '. : .- rim t«.!«.

Dan --ii ClTT, DOLO! LMT,tilt


A trgt and tattim fOOoeiaa pnamlda ;t.a..i

.. W

Wenonos, tim eaax im rapalooal| have aakpeateeeate«!1 cj ¿^fiíví/a*»0krtohbgyhpj a\U_f uti}*,hydy^t^ti^s

i'iir wean.anti pro-perity.and tkhatjni- owraet-al ¡ low, ti.« It faire, wa-, tin» I'lilem |m»-n r»f Ai.ip.iluiCounty, ¡»ii»! .tan] from other portions ni th»' Territory,In inn-* Caiiiv. r.ti-.n kam ml,I, ,1 ,|.. adopt the foUov" Keaolttd, Thiit, to ear eertetn knowletlire, tin -.»»pic

«.f Coloradoam rery largely in favor of-a btate «>ri_aiu¿«itieitt.

" lietiilreit, Tlint tv. mont rc'pert fully »fiel .artie -Hyurge ni.OongTeai Um paaimot ol Um tell tot otu aiiiin-i-alon aa .t Statt. rea «antly vet« .1i¡\ the Proailla ut.

** S«Mitilrtil, Th,«! we -ili-alf.». t li.- fi.ith «»f the cr» ;itNati' uni I'liinu Dart** We represent fur Um prou'Vl

ince of its i-onOitlon* and the ratillcatton of if)«*Itntlonnl Ann adina nt prop« na d bj Congreaa.

" litnilnti. ti.»- l-l» .-iti« »j i.i Ulla ineetliig lelegr-pbtins, resolutions to tlu- Pit deni ol Um si-nati- andSpeaker of tbe Honae, with arequeat to lay tbembefoieiii« reapeettfi Bcwai s »¡i « oner« .--.

" AM.»«« Siti'h, Tri .-lill 111."AVtiTlII.TJ riciiu l: an road.

Mr. POMEROY iRep., Kaunas) iab-odnoed a I.:)) _.atit-Ing -.millie lands to aid In tbe cooatruction tif ¡i raîlioadami tele graph v, in- finui tin city "f laftwn nee, iCmou«. totiif liDinul.'irv in»' between tin' I'liit.-il Htat-a anti Hie, direction »¡f tiie Citv ««f lii:.,\iii;i-, t»n Um (inll ofCalifornia lb.erred to tbe Conuuitte t on Pat ifit- Hailruail.

«»«n.iria \rn-». ni niK e-risioii law*.Mr. ('HI-:.*»):\\t:i.i.(i:,-,., Mil.) ¡ailt'ii u-i the rraolutloo

coiitlnuiiiK in force «i¦¦ ti 1 .Ian. l, lw,r->, the law f«n tin- ra»«H-tieatioa of the » natani lew*. Paeaed.

rill. I.uri I, MlMi HUT.At i «>'«-l«>«-i< tin K»i,ate- proceeded to tint «.owridetation

atf the !_.;,,-,i. lalainl lull-Mr. FO-TEB (Rep.. Conn.) reaumed tin» Boor in oppoal

i!"it ni,ti t ¡»n ti n ned his nru-.i m*- nf a-rainst the M lit lina «»Ilae_*nio Island on the groaad thal iii.' location waa aa*bealthy anil inalarkma, that it wai tt¡«> tar from *. lieocean, waa dlffleell ¡¡f navi-ratlon, and that the depth nteater t»> ii was not mfflclent,Mr «.kimi -. ii,, p.,,,u replied ti» Mr. Poet« t- oppni

iliL-lin-iiiii)ii.«.iti.'ii ni Mr Bil.111t*T fo* n (»>iiiiiiiK-i»»ti 1«»m1» t h location fur tin- new naval «t. i.«»r.Mr. CATTKLL (Rep., !f. J.) ipoke at conaiderabli

leuKill In fan nf t ague I-!in. na,

I'e nilli:!.- the- em» iilt'i-atitiii of tile» I t'i Beute«¡ni intet i:\ifiiti\i' fjt .--ion .uni »¡¡«m after in'.!; e reatiià 7 p. iii.

l:\T.NTNli HI..sSli»N.MR, I a ¡-»I I US M"a a K,«--e>i{.

Mr. DIXON (Jnlinaon, Conn.) preeenti- the 11 * 1. u-tiala of Orion I Perry. Benntor elect from (.'oa_«*ctleut,wini h »A« ra uni« n 'I in lu lilt «I.

.*. iiiiin IL hui nts BO.B.Mr. wn.seiN in,-p.. Maa» all« ti un the hill t<» amend

til.¦ ..¡'t lill »¡¡pit.,iti!,. til»' Nalilillil! h,Ililli-' ,11,'1 BllllaaOla.I »rniirili ll'i.ii \« l:i. n vt ri- passed

li »li,hil» «. rlir i.riii'.-i i»l Ula '»i |'»'t!i1iii-. who, in Uie. al ,| ¡¡Hu r .¡'fin |i i.l llii

anny and navy, and substitute* m tin,r «ita,ni reaidenl.... ni t olumbia.

I 1X1 .1 IN «A I \ If. I M \The 'ni! to extend Um turn- for «¦¦.)IccUbb I«- ilreti

i lu tin Mute of Weat Virginia unUl iii«-,Ulai in« l I'll 1 IMI D

Tin Bennie then »»i... < «i. ¡I to «««»uaidtsr the boaliiaaafit.lil lit' «!. . ...t Iii.' District if ' J« I» .luina, illili

.: billa ni ii»»- followIna titi, a:E.tending tin Iii.o for tua oinpletlon of ceri

ratlwa] -

Te» auit nil tin-rte-t li-i.-i .r-r ». n .» * ii». the *.:> inn.ti ITMOlOgtlitote ¡»r \\ ..-l¡ii¡_;¡'ii.

Fixing Un ckiuim-i .ition of Hu BuMfi« and l "rie ra ofIii" I ».ml« of tin' l»i-t- t "I OoliitnlTO pcrant eertaln privilep-a t«i (ht Washington, Gea

to**,n and Ni' i indi la R iiire ti.mi Bl "" »ii.i Hun' Uti n Uti I'M i.

At T_M p. a*, tha C1 rk ofUm Hoon aaaonacedthili if tot lill in jirnMiIf fur tin- ni»,! ¦-..«.-:,it. nt ,.f tin- iit-.nin in.i.,trp Mafia it

WBI li li..'.

Mr BUHNER * *. p Meei .Wieg topi..'¦ te Ma na*.n.n. Ki Hi _*-OUG__l_L Uh ¦ COI

it WIBI o'.er nillir! tin-u i.n «.

¦'. ii,alollowina el

'. marti«.1 m- D m li Ulail ..; toll < .1 '.

iiiitki»«lui mow ii -ililli,' Ii.,. i,. roBi

Mi Mi '¡J'« i V R« ,'.'.inti.-..Ill I.l till- laW r. aafa »'li. elora of t'iui

milli, .. ,.| fur the

Ne» .<(he i»i ul Jnij ¦¦ Ra i li mmIttct ob *

u.t i»-i-;i n nu.i -

Th.- ea ;.'',- ' 'i )if< i '»i-Ai . f "f

I» Mitote co the 1fi.iu'i i.. Dde nae r

' II tipMl .'!.' la!. II,

no nu -n ».. i'~ la«.i-

l .-I t, .ti ,f .-. h'.l.i. - .» l» mi Illili »I in It. itIV

Hil .- .!«le-

Iii WADE ii;.

bad -...i, a ».r* turd .¡.". and «.-' Bee teach¡tool Ha

;.':« lilli by linnlol to

'II.. the.i.

Mill -lt.* «! '»III ».Ila! Val 111» al: r e.f

roi ¦»-... lui Fanamount of pi men «if I hie nal i mIio

ipiíte«] n. tli « .i¡¡, Iii .' -I V *-|i


i-, mi - i- t ¡'

\n .!. .>¦¦ i. '-.. ..f (ha Dlatiii ni.t el.

\n ,"i-i i''

in ti.» Diatria t ni . uruniula, waa pAn .' UJ in iii' Uiatrlct t»f

0rlatBB the

-i Wai I" |uiii li. «tt..ji-.i'iT».' UaArai'Ual al I'm inn h, rhich

.... Bl ,1


i 01 1 ¡El K1 >I'.M AM'l.III HI OBI 11 i toi nt_¦-ni: ¡I Hi.inkh i;»!;«m "f ii.» bill i¡-

fra lit« lii'ii.ii»! i a'».inn.ii..m« ni ut UU in the

Bomb.Mi v\vHOI Hone. Ri

ara*u< illtj of the irovertiinenU -, t ap i

Bl ita --, thal ti b1 -ii-

ii!1 ».f Law, and, tu bin di dei tro] of thosethe ¡aceda i- of the Reba Ilion, thej aid no1 ru ii

mu-i ra id by -CongToaa, Ho argeed that tfelrii.'iit to a« t ii> Coti govt ra¡i.- ati m ')'< M Btati . I im ¡int «inn, ¡ ih«-iinji wai iiiii" rétive.Mi.;-- (Bip., ft.)withdrew Um netta* ton

H'.l.lillt Iii! lull III ejlili I lu '»- which li»- oiplalncd. ADaone 11n-in ona

.tilI..-1 ii lit« for til* «e-i uiiil Me Uon'bv w In, li l «. -..«.¦ -t ice liI five » ii i.l nilli i-i - in t¡ in Um

militai j DlifTia I-» proj.I lo Im on anlzi ti.Mt. i. mu lill» |Ri p Obi (¡...t it «rae not

f«u « ¡a t-i. - ¡n ut' ¡I. ¦! r Ki lo detail irtny ofht era,-l ia i.NS »-it,-I Unit in-li.i,I tn,ii vainly to utlaty

tin vicwa ol «. iiili'itn u around bun, bul fmiinig thal I:«1itiulii no1 do m he vUhdraw the pt-opoalliou loan._d tbe¦ea ninl m 11Mi Hm TWELL (Rep.,Maaa.) then ínula the Door to

¡ I« -¡' ibe debate, nr<iuli r In lupnorl nr the na 11.¦. -Hy andpropriety ofpna. na the i»i!l In the eonraa «>t lui i«1-Kiai it.-i lit- -..tul liiat if ii .îould happen iltnt the ruipn-mo

t nf be United Btatt - abonld da larc, un n i>i¡.-¡»¡ii¡litdi t iii-ti tin- ti n Bl luri belllon matt

-,- union, and wen eutltl ii to all Um iliaiiiaand prlvlU-gcaof Btatea, aud -»li.-uli baie Ihelr doelara** »c1 of ("oii-rirei then (ho Btnta - wera i¡

ti« -i ¡'.i t > i ¦' ildri M »t » t in- ii i, in tin ir

I- Ition In tin Government, and nothing r< mnim-d let'otiirreaa aiid the ].pie except In iMcepi Inat conclnalonn- '¦ ¡ni . or I1 l-l: to in'ii- lilt«! an llld« -t l.'.ilili' Bug ___-

.ii »t. 11 .«> willi the ciiiif Jini,, iriiv of tin- lead.f, however, tin- bill a law and waa put In «»pera«

pu 11, tViurt would have no capacit* to tee inton Btatea any elvll «jovcrniii nt; therefore I«n-

Judlelal piri.t.-iH it could a«c no ^»..i.-, p.tnl Oougreetv '»niel i«, « p in Ita own hauda the political reoriran.afton

of Uti III In lil thia l»lll to i.- in Iti jut-«'litf -1 m of vital Importance to the future weifen of Umcountry, nh it would keep In the hand «>i <'mi»'t« sa and in

the banda ol the people aoûti eil ¡t ii,,- iju«ntlon, which.[li. Ii -li WM Wh« lln I tilt im t «. 11' .It:: l.| li, :i, Illili It'll¡ato the Union under Um lead ami roatrol of dlaloyalm.n. or uii«l<r ilif li .ni and Influence ni lo* al mea Thalqtirntlon i.prehended In it-. n-laUnnatn< pmpoalUouwhether tha - Btate. ibuiild be for an Indefinite p< i¡¡¡! oftin,, .ve, ten, or twenty yean dlaloyal State«, oi¦mi, tin r tin v ahonld be loyal niembei » ol the l'til«n.Mr. DAW EH (Ren., Ham -.,. »ti ¡I tim queatioii

whether the eateblUhnMUl of military Governineiita intin «-milli wai inn,ixl nt v nh the ronatitutlonal duty lin-i.,.,. .1 up m t 'ongreai to gnaraatei lo each ¡-«iuti; ¦ n pahiiiiin forei nf (,'iivi iiniH'iif.Mi M(»r ru i.i.i, Mild the question waa avery proper

one, and bt would try to an wer It before hi taaik hia aoaIMr. ELDRIIKiE (Dem., Win.) Inaiulrrdof Mi Boutwall

¦¦it'in -i Um mu Ki'tm .-'I tin' iit-'in ni tnui in anaitol»,, ixsltin jin »' -

Mi. Ii«'l IV. I.l.I. a.¡mili. thal II «Uti linf.Mr.ELURIIKIE then InquiredfurtberU thatwMlK»!

In «iii-.. t opposition î.» ami violation ¡¡f the Constitution,which provides tbata party charirëd with crime shouldhave tin-1i-itt d» trial bj lm'\, .uni an opporta.It) tu. onframl Hu- wltne mm - ¦'¦¦ ¦» ;.-l hlin.

Mi uni TW1 I- replied thal the power of Conjm¦¡n-pe.ii'1 tlec privilege of the wril ¡¡f habeas connunoi confined to periods of rebellion or Invaalou. iii«j,, -i uro c af mu li i" ¡"i-, bul ¡t did ii"' 11 »te '"

tin- unit nii'iti ¡»I tlic i.,« in kins power, the,.i i.,..-::,,.n m luvaaion bad i»a-«» ¡l by and no im.»«ra in una ¡I Tli. i" opie ¡¡I tin -, te n - tota - wera to duy notnull uilimnt Ivll ..»ve-iiiiii. nt, m l.t.l I» ». .1« l.ti «I l>ytbftl Department a»f tha Oa»veniiiMBt, aaweU aa

m ,i um bill, i».ii wera also In thai condition vj" n

II wai D the power of Conitreei to nu.pend the pri*_e|eni U,e- of liatM-as rurjum ThO-fl tilt WM mut M

I-^f-I UpkJOJil ak-kif, % Uil-iU kau} taWB-VU-lUtl M_-

m« iti-nir« or rit «Hun rcniiimd. Th«*it«. linn there to life, liberty,« or »ja-nMr. »RAYMOND lRep.,1» Y > siigaesReía Ilion |,..¡ i,,.,.,, (1(, Urv(i ,.,._,.,_ ,,v

!î" .'..'.'.!¦'.'. ?_ r' ' " "n rcfiiiim«.. Th«*-.- wtut no real pro'lx'ily.u-ire»!»««! that tin .

¦m.-«1 i»v the proolamatloof tee iriM.i.-iif, duij autlioriud bylaw, aod, tberefontin« .* na ,i i. iv axerait, of power, not tbe . out mu.u.m os iin vl(iu»!v existing jiow. r.Mr HdlTWKI.I. luid tlirtt the PreHiil.-nf« fretfaaaa

Uon nad no otter effeet than to proclaim tl.n-t fin-rrautwar waa :it .m. mi, i),,t that no mot lamatMa of the Pn al*dent, whatever Its terms, « «>nl«l deprive lite legislative«icpartiuentof the of Hie greet i-f-irmtreated t«. Munder the «Constitution, l'he power of »de¬ciding for Itself whether the casi of rebellion eilwhen the im m, nts, and i rf- < Is, and < onaequ« ni ea «ii tlieReía Ilion n minâtes; that '».wer was In ('.iiitrn'«*, and nopajierproelamatton of tin Presidenteoahfdlveel «'.mpt-aael it. lit- im.i only to «ay thal m tits view, a» those States ners concerned lo the extgeacywhich existed, it was «m,.« tent fur ron;... lo¦1.11,11'. tim; they (»li.)iil«l be governed by militarylew* Ulai ti« pretended M.itc Uovernmenta dadmi powi i tu issue a wril «if r,:it>. a« corpus, it i«. aoiiny <¦!!,. n of m iii«.,-mi 11,«.nt, oxcept by power tieri' edfrom nillltarj untborifj that military authority,altb« ugh«uitrenie, wa« no1 necessarily ex_rastve. ruemight, ..» lim«, nidi m the bul. grant Um local trlbunalathe pt-rwer r- mt opportanity of ritapoaing of o^t**t_o_a ii«fii« \ iiiteht arise amoni* the ne«.pie.ux *»«iii:nck (Rep., Oblo) having bad firs minute«

alrawid him, declared in- assent to Ih. proprtefy of extending martial bra over the .¦»tates that wen in rriieilion, and In« opinion thal al tin «am« tiini C« ngr_»soughtto indicate to the people of these Btatea what ttej wufe" inli »I t«. i'.<» m ord. i that the* wicht have avili ov< rnurata, and might be i-epresentetl ¡u i'mhi-i m That lieunderstood to be the «..».)«. t «.r Mi blair,amendment,and at tim n ron lupported it.At | o'.-ii.K Mr, -TEVEK8 ohUiaed the floor, and

linn, ti the im vuni.-» qaeattaa.Mi B-troHAM fltep., Otdefapp. led to the Ben« no1

! '):» ) n m.'iih «JOCOtlOB ¡uni tin «I'} «ni "If ..IIatti« miment*.'Hu lfi.ii.-»«' refused in ti,-, und f)i». jija, vtOW «|.ii 'ii.ii) l»y n

\ .»n ni ,*.i ti» ***. aad ;iie ii» ¡..ite «intiint.'ii.Ml MINCHA M th..nit. U Hu HOBBI f"T f.-ivn » l.un an

«'¦I'li.itinuty toeflM lui- ami utiiii»-i¡t aad te peak* a* itampperi ii«- rhatii.« ti tin iii,.. ,.i»n for Ita veto yeetei

n,.-11.« Looi-teaa R-conetraettoa MU*ta whichth« ie wera no Mt' ii words aa ".»<», ailed Btati «.i rerritoryr« « ill. in i, !.. ilinii," ¡uni ¦' ti iii!« rp >'f i.ii« II II Ii-,. -,

hal when ii waa -Meritedaa 'Thi Mab ut i,<Thin i.ii', in iii ¦.! m ral i m pom «, met ii» hi ,.rt> approi alli« had in. ii..«ile« .ii...'it the constitutional «nth('«iii'-!-.»-, ti» ]>r« t' «-t t.. Hterty, and ¦«¦roper!* la thoseBtati ». Hut be timk rtooh t«i *-..¦» thal (wigreaa coal«! i.< «.ne lim lion ; .'..l.i. i.. n. n..,Ki .. Stat« (.um um u| Utin people of nny State within thoUnion rhatwn« aaiatter whieb n. loi ¦¦¦¦ «i to Item. *. fiit.- Uovsrnmeata ¡iii

..i nut bi act of Cougreaa, bat hy thi ¦<.

m.i.ii | t. r nu i., .-, ".. m ¦¦ it. ii« -.,'. .i :., «,

the people thal iipportnaitv. ri.nt wat the eh,' I "I 1.1» ..!,.. Ililli.« ti!. II« Mu light . Itii..- grnl.-nien »I o ibis bill were iii mai11, a «tiff-rage; tint it m«ii.<1 ttey won

for mai iii.« ii to the mlnoiItj «.f ti,«i.i.'l'l' "f ii *t,i;i,i!, t ruino] Ij having » .[a lt_ i-f» ii.. i» 11>-» «-«t «Inrei Ma« II .-.¦' em ice t<» rtotte tte

. ,| «laves with il»<- luj.ii« *t i ijjlit evei «....» i. la. <i

en i tbe Kel l-l ¦. adit "im lu ti«, not onl*-to cloth« Ite eman Ipaled «lav«\. itii t!.. . !<. ii f i .n n'1, i-i i.t s bim theal..pojItli'Hl |.uu.i ,,f tbe *t:i!«-. !«. make tin n... i*.i.* » «t

white Ben lil iuMeets foi lil«-', and comprittem t«> pajlu ,¡a. ,..«, oi but administration ( iii« i«- waa i|i.i!..l .!,i\,m Ann ra a woahl .i»«k na* *-... ti

.1 ,,t thi li..lui» nf («.!»,..- ! Ill Dileiiiiiil m i.i (juill prote« lion

«¦'i M.iAN Kin, \v.» Inquired -tetter Mbarn i s m« mili » m did not allow Rebela to vote la in m

Oil l»f C1' ii (.'HW I.IlK'llfMi IlIN'lHAMti piled thal it allowed thom t<> tote na

.« d .m :,'i Clint «f tin n parti »pallon In theIon lu th«- m ti« titv

'I IN, hy Iii« .i.*e!\i»."" I-. "'' Ml I. I ***.«. 1 I A I I' '« ¡It''... I» II.' Ii...

ian ..!< «l Bia i ».. ,-«.ma

-, ¦. ii the Speakiamei ii. «I bj

minim i on a.. -'i ¦¦¦ ion.ii is; .»n pi, i thai ,-

III li \1M' I 1|. II I l.i' . I, -I. I). I, t« i,..< .! l.y «ohatlttttleg the J*. « sodf nli ii, .1. >i, li,.-. !.. i. |> ,tt .-. . .iim.i »l,..l. ;\ !i.« hill re»

maa fn m i'< i n tj Ivm la Hi Iti ni, n,, .in.i i,i'ii., Sixth ,*., i,,,. .¡.i ,,.,

tl,.,t ii ..ti.'ii 1 n, tli« pr» v ¦»¦ .- *_., li ret. of CI a

.n .1 ¡..m «i- _TKV]_Kg_demanded tho Viti. i.uli niii; Hie «nu. -i -ii

teat iii'l V SJ I «.». le eui« le.I.Mr. «*i ', i TIN : .i ». «i «i. t. «i.i. r

». " ii,. H« .- upon the qu« lbat Ite I

levoti i..ii:-.: i

i .¦ .»..«. .¦ ,« fahea bj fea* ead lfa_*a,_at*d re» '«« ¦:

^. Pi lia. a ati .. '.

Hi -« ,i ;.i*« d te .<»;» Hu MUnta obih. .

Hu inten..nil t.r.l« mif. tin» ni» n »'iii-»! u»ii

nu .Mr. 1 ill IO tin- .1' i

« .»tnuiitti «, .nul i*!< i: ,i *, -. Ma«li HalM I ii ',« i, to

1 **¦ With Ila« '

..'! t.l la », -a t.-il,'.,.¦! » lill.- .»»ti« li

bavi .ni'.tii» i ..; f the recenf the W11, lie - i

V lal . m..,i ihadb-TB '.::-.ii-

a ii i, .,.. Doutai a >'¦.¦. -. .¦ bib Ite«. - ,1 -,


the ne« «a, althongh ' « 11 _¦ i. ». itself i-t-iaed:« *i.

i ipii 11,« » «Aitli «! ii lutte»Al .1 \« .I...

f« «I vi liah, th« i".,, -'ni. f!t.ii ( < u

li i.i no1 ,", I * .1 . . -. " «I ... I I" «li ;i-!».'l .li li« mu »nie ittin iii' « '.i it ii im« n« Ü.I.nt bj the gentleman funfj] H ¦,. uni other«, .n ii ¡th m me

tin lili« i «ide of iii»* Home it n, i»; lu re». li. u «i. boacvi-r, te sahl, that dunns ibu «e««lou t«,;"i".-.» ij,i«i uo

maller i ntil' tin,.i .i n,,. t ¦.. i -, ii i liad hui lui

» It would also Im¡«.I * «1 : ! ti « I« V.. i- .. .ii I,

a- iftbl ,,'.: I. .i ti,:! on lint pi n a

the liol "¦

,.'i. uipl to an .':u ti .- t.

¦»mli mi' titai ..i luii L-.a "f Hu bill ni «t- ii

li ,' ,11 i| li It » .¦..! Hill lil V .»I «I ,.

.11 I,, might SI » n .Hu i'IIi n-« v, lu. li h i tld «logreat « i. ii to81 ¦' 1.i in lu» in -t »uni.i.,¡.-fu ed in i" «i tbe biü tosioendmenti ite House wo»; lili.t Ibu) be ask. «I "it. ii foi su oppotl

..n,. n Im« nt tu th it hill, bnl Um! opportiIm n refn«< «i uni litastnti« ii as the Hou«e hnd «n»... i «-«ltin n in-ni,«-.piiti iii.- position, m-' ,i» the !;.!"¦:-«l i, In »use n«.i bi i|> n li. bad late » .1 on thal

.m alt h .*« » eral rommitti. > ol loyal mi Hie Houfh, nu f.'in n."Hill and bad alb n d i.i d tiaiti it I, avini« n uni i. twin« ii it .»« reral tina -, and i" ,1 l,i,i 111" opposition "! linn.i nu:'- MN lill* .Uni

In iii« Mouth, m -tatt «. it »vu*, the -:

..t if tin inn iv.i-, not i«* good ..* m

i. n m ii. did think, however, that aftei «n .' asaunjust, n mi» lodi «nt not io att.

ami-mill and niaki n l-etter, and i" «.«« w«tethi*r u«<"UM m >t «lo boom t li nit to enable the loyal mi n of

til, -ullt'l ',. II .ill II.> .it I"Illili!» t«l lill Illili.idea "i . m government. He und waned the,!thai if Hi.ii nill wi ..t t .. I» t.. ti.« . nu,:!..- n

Ki ,.,-|. n hi um. i* must .t'«. Bul bl« vl«_( "»"» friendfrom Ohio ii,ii ct mu lunt .'"-»uli it iin li...». iii..! It« i«

i, minitta) «¦ onïd hnve no «*»< li eff« 11 i bal li .«

n.1.1» here fi.-r-ii .«»«. t titin mina In tin ann* f u .< iph ofday--. Ile a»-!ii<i the House, w_m ra waa thal bill dwin the llu'i.*« n ni n«'i ¦»«.met luni*- m Inn« í it. lu i« gardto fbo bill now before the Honae, ii y-t* i«i".iic<i ivlfh a

p, n,, un. I«, lauding that II It became a II tnu-t

p-M WltboUl Um li'tli.. ! I It N«.!» li"' lUtelulcl .,* .1

It. nuatnu ii' u f|í!¡. it wua Intended tin piii to protect the loyal men of the »South rrom nnurrbj

.n,, ii,ni <ii muí .¦ i.' n.. -.nill f'ongToss tooh a Utiin. to establish a « Ivll aovi rnm< ni tb«*ire Hoi.f biale,nu«.I frl. mU, li« lid, look "i'i" th n tolluile«,, rbs in it wert impnipi il> pUwed, and while ttejdid no1 im t i,'I i" "''I «'t tofts n mi" f. ; nu« i- yet, th« yluni ni.|,,-n .I to Iii« particles ado hi* parti« I] le« laugbteiand tin i bad with i i«. rtlna. loua di t< mi d M m lak. n

Bvwy step tbst a a« iH-wlble fo pledge Congrea« to what«;,.' railed the L'oustltntloiial sincntuiicut, aif,ii,,ii»v on n." adoption er «in. li the Booth»lu,ui,i i.- min i'.. .1 to i« i'i« -> ntatlon in < on i. -»

(tom ii" Kepubllt »a member*«, "Ob. no "] Hillearned n..nul from Ohio (Mr. Bingham) hint t bio moraineU«. laird with propel exultation thal li« bud aueeeedea

lii im\ii.|. oassed lliroiigb the ii«n». tabill »bleb ttaed Ibiword «-'.,'!. m ti fen m i" one of ii.K< bel n mimiii,.h ,.,, i., u ., fn ru »li« nt u»«.I it. rhat waa ao newtt«i linn II. 'li i-l "'¦ n I' in Hi' «eli'liii'l i.Ililtl.OV.ini!«Comuiittee had aeeii ii uml -*paraed it. He ted aren It,iImi in the rnagulflcent a«rgnment and peroration wblebthe -outleinsn bad msde In the la.«t discussion In i iii

mi* to tbe W11 to which he hadruetred, Disown idealV ,. ,l, ,, ,[,,. .,| ,, l¡, Hi ,,f l 1« W IM'lll.t ¡I«' lill Hill.T-M'-lentoftlu ii' dent's policy. It wouM te rledglug Con¬

grí »m in ii.h .n1 to whal Hu- il>>u«el.ii(i uo right to pledget, namely thi -t-lmt-al»«- ö- ¦,'H'"*' BtatM wtene-rtaintilu irs.houlil lie «I"' f ,

Mi sin vi-'«'1 K AVy.oUt' Mid thal i waa.,',, f,,.), ml.0.11. i lU "I"- BCI'Uon «i file It ii»., .'in hi,,i .ii,,,, an* -i..'«- ahould )n«-»<iit Itacll foi a«ln.'i. it. ,. nt'i" i" ""-" .-'. ,l",t i"l>.«i»»u.ii li«.,ii,I Ik

_,.__,.. aa th« C'oujtress to which the applicationsa m ide mil -i d< wand 11, «aid thal a u r ii lu f»t

, n» .lualoi * thal tit« wai «n.lui"» ln "''.ame what -bauld bootha

«I mu r ti i ti,-, "f a.llll|a'''i",lMt mmm di -""¦ "lut '"» »«nendmeal .« ft their. i iii ;'. it t«. ' .'i»'" -¦.

«.I, f, j I thal ii «I«. Lu. .1 that when t*ertalnbiaga werodone a*bi bwen ,.,.i, i»i.i ..m,.

ii ii'iiu. itml iiinvcrul Andy Johnson, (l«aaehtor)-,!,. ".,;.-¦ ,., ,ih« "li" ttcd into the Tulon it would

m,', i, n't ob iiauro tololn ni lie 1" tr, ,,.,/,',. (,f t>...."i ,n\u i,, ....i.i.i.'.'i' "'il' ».'" »ed thal tbecoum«

', ,, '¦' ''i''. ''I.I "I""'"' U«."l.'Vi.l.._. mih, ami if v ntlciuen ijuas !.. iitrod ...l'

,.. ,,,.,|,i;i"i, msklug ¡i" nana ,.i

,_ lu,'i, .lltli.""'" Hetel Watta ¦' u ubi | ,»»!,u.

vW mg v" -*¦-¦. -*JU' .kt ^j*1 ^ Ui mi .**iv ' '

Ii« »! tir ;>> iialvattt ». H, ri ,; î ,,| » »,, toaaj rmvllin.c « il.tragalnat il,. OneatttaUueaJ Imendnirut,although ha baalno nn-*Mtt iur it. Mt ..-ti »«» impt »-.«»»«»-al viiilitia naperteece if i».is»,h,.» this bill, .» 111»< tinot v«iy v«H, !. t,.,| f, .( bound t«¡ »-iv Ihn» u li,Ifli« Uair-litpi» mue upon Un- age.Withotll anj ef I hoa ..hin ni \. would mu lo '-i..1 roan-r gentle¬men aronnd bim that the acta and deeds n. tin«- Ittirnbiçcríala, orthia solemn »lay «¡f uns wv noment, «_«»iii<lneat their shadow into tie- r.n ruturt and would m i.»tiii-ri ..presa on Um au at biatoi ti., v shut let apMar ia the dark er mi ih. brighi pace uftbai hiator«,

vit. coi'«iiaiiiv. withnul .run', wilhoul blrkt-nug,without miall » ritie,mu. .,u¡ to wa gail -i»»,, saun a. to proaioti l.i . :.'..i ¡in. »tuon of huinun ty m1universal liberty. Hi (mew that ». t:. «i.< it 01 tl-u-other»id»- :r«-r,te«l bia (»ill aa .1 h.n-»h ma ann .11»'! Bp**« ila ¡! forthe »in-nlay of principle«of benevolence, uterct and for-ftiveua «.-. -u:i linn « Martllna-and salntly than iiatw of thaAH"»: '» «T Ca..It a», MllutS Hut a.l ¡-.".'«¡«I |M ti Ipll-Sluisît lie carried too fai <.«,.,«tii. m mid benevoleuieWen noble things ; but when email -qitaudcred bl

ibonds ami Uneves, thej .lui tlu-l ti ...uni¡i.tirrn-1.1] l.n 1, «].-,. frt,m .i.v (-.unter I ».t :. '. ..- 00.ii.m«.n ni mnli-niif« ,, r*h n isure li« ;ii>|.«alt'«t te»Mm Hi USf Í0 (-a», ,. -.faun, ill,-, «if fl.e kiln ».'III.' lit.elfle-iaei ;,, it

IL. nu« si iori m 1 take- Bp on motion of Mr Hl.AIN'l«î.. i-j f>-t ti. hill lo ih«' Soi lerj t miunit, t: «ti;h InBatorfiaoa te report U iiacl with the folio* n .». -dditional«¦t. Mitti

Seel 1 iili I ¡u-i ittr'n!. - 1». n tin a1«.

¦tiiutioual Auia-n.iii.cii' proposed ¡,1« arttvie n by thaXXXIX1.I1 CoiiKreaa, »nail Iiav« i.«-««.u.. a port of the Con-»Hint,1 n of tha 1*11 tnd when any of the Ia*«

»i « «,i.!e ¡I, ,'¦ -.. r» - -i..-,i i.aia raUfied the same.Mini itu.tiut'it <! ii rouall .it,.-:, .m1 I ..'ti- I!,, r,-l, 11 .ii.-«specie, aud * li« u ii »na., l. .-.« pro% ¡!' »1 bj ii«- 1

.-ti»« iii---- e franchisa »hall be enfoyed <

a:.ti ii.rin lal!-. \ ill uiaii-, e»il._"ii» nt Iii. 1 nut-el Utah ».n yeera old Mid upward, wltboul regard to mt..

previous condition ol «-. ».«- »-t« --. « *¦ i»t inch aa may be1i.--f1.1in ii.«.««« for ¡«art ia-lpuUng in tin late Relifllinn, audv ben ... ,1 CaiBatitutioi ¦:..!..-. i«y ihn Itcd to the

'i- " lid ¡Stiata «- hil" .1! fa lain <.> tt-

yrlli'Ii. a!:') whi'l, tin- < nii»t i'ii! m 'in |-«-|iilI -iii liall 1..'.1 1 "» 1 u » .ln.'l 'i u to n: li » '- len et iiml ¡t| pi" li, «-ii al «-'«t.» It* ( Oltit it ti¬

tle 1 ba apprwve4 by Congress, hi »let.anti tulitkil to rep¬resentation m l'a » muí, nud Hunators and Ruptiv» kbail .-n'l'i-*;- el ¡i.t i-f... »... -i

pit «inlia «I by lau ni '! a i.un U.¡ n r -, ni ...¦:,- -.-

< » t.».»,-« nf ttiia n. i shall I-» na i»-- ';«< io said *¦!..'«.

Than wee great e-i-ttciaeal ai 'i.« roti waa taken, as

M «lrt "tv» ti 'l»f I*» u- )> *. li"

«; i. 1. -,-.:.. ..I ,1 di« at« «I thal II wa ¡: 1. .1

-.»it ...». 1

After.«!" had ¡.i.."««.. .1 ti theil It api eared that; ii» ia «A at- a t » i«_.« «1 Hy of Iwo a .st Mi 1 1 . i

».- *. 1.. and .¡¡t. ti.i- fu asomáis, le ptotmrvethi bj

', a.', in If .». »' u, 1 etlialii» th «-ti In i-.i.i. .11 .:¦ vi.;.-».

f 1:1. Tee 1« »Say, .». -t *> n ¦. t.Hcase.'».¡¦Litt ti ii»-t- itiiiri. 1 ti tv..» 111 niti«if

11», " lot ¡¡ti Ihres t.n -

KInally Um roti nae aaaouB-t-cd aa »v to M, so t *. 1 thensoUen to refer wai '.ti».¡»ii ria .¦. the vote

¡til !.. 1 1 ;. ;.i -. n 11 ,.i . l't u,«-' i .1

) Bil«

' ¦«» Ketabi u -, '-" tittil 1P11*.i «n ,-. 1. i" Kuykaui'i .Ki .1,A -lil. ) .Vii« mjii_, ¦¦''¦'¦

l't, I ." Pli) KI«1« (M« ',

Bable n, li I I. / ...,,.

l't II .'.li. «t ,.'»' "J, / ill nil. M 1.\:.,.c' ..u f»i . ti in »I*ite I I

I i.-nrt-, I1á,«a h., -. ..!."%«..Hil «a,lilli, "I Kir. 1, .*.'./Inn. u... ," ¡t-foi.. '. Taylor ft nt».),Bu li.m1, ir.i'i'.' »'.«. v...»'..ti.». fupler(k v 1,'-, //..<>'«,'. S Y I,A .-¡¡,...'»,, 1'nrmi.1.1, //< if..ii'« :. 11 Thomas, P .

Mi,1 . d, P itla *i B, The in. i, .1 I.: ,.,li. . **__sfi.-, Womat,

<i .'

I ,a> », ?.».-¦ I" I I, :.',,

li I'.A' I I-..» ' »


. I.

Al ni 11. 1..-.1 :..i_ï'i..wr; ti.. Jfu -I nil, H

Barke r. ihar, Mr ,-'i i-, Bi»al .,.

1.« ami 1 Ka* narrt, B1Tt.i-itt, Okktmkrm .'¦, MeChirg, Btev«l ,r! ,». .»¦ Merri!r,'.. .

»'¦(....:» Hil r.II.,.'! Ml Hil, Um- a-'r-.i.

I«, "li. '. .'I. "I

i11 »yea, »1 Upaban,. »I. 1, i-< a, *» ' 'eu Iel nain,

»iiu.M«,Hool Iford I«

li.. . X.Y.),/ ... -, ., ti i.' /,- Cn lil.niM.firnui in-. Moll, i Wa ».1 ..

I HOU,' »>. Hr.» ill:.

|.. !.. ', ».

i-i ggta-MM 1. 1

Inn.a.1 J, h" I.t 'ai -, U i.iii.ii.1/ r li!, ntl, I

11,. .; I ob the 1 softl,.

. -t. - |.¡.->,.

int m 'i. i.un t,,. Pa 1 ..» ,>ii» 1,_nd< :--', In l_ ara nee -n. Ka\i 1. .1.

»Nu I.t- !.-. ...-

»1 .'

IN, l-l' 'l.i '¦!' ' '¦. ;ti. M. Ki

... .1

. n ¦ 1

¡M n ..-

Hunt a a . ft,.... 1 I

I i-f ina.' li ..i,,.IIMn:\ ..

ib. mt» m .. \ ,n ii iii.s «i »

- » ...»I'* »T,

.1 »I rrj BJ V urti \.

11.'¦ ..'1 -..-,,


K.It'."I« :. in, r'

III li K, ,,'

.Ki» . »'law.), v 1,


«I II.!:,::., t. tbrtnm 1

, //,»«..\if.'e '«' »,,.. IHi,

\ Y1 -. -i- i.

Irr, K -..II.11

II a, -/-Kif.K

r*pc_ktr*abethel t wai ooi_.

».. .1 .'li... M

j. 1 11,1. ,¡ .11 «i thal '¦. ¦ 1II foi. ..

-¦« ti »¡ .-.¦;... -i ....: j,,-.-.. .i bj Um

1!. -.

.' *. lill 1. ... . ..VI'»I I««ti « II». .«..'', «, - --

. ,.( the-,-.-.'..- Sorti

1. 1. -»¦-."'--..», 1 .1 1 ¡I... I» \. .», : ,1 \. la,ti.-. ». war»

. .1 m ri ouipa i-|. t- ,.r ¡1

1 . a-,.\. run nts ..'foiel nu'.. inte protect)» u fa re 01 pre ra rfy d ¦.< unti nanvi

»: ci I« ii ii¦. a/ ii ¦« j; is t.«..--..i\ that peace and srood order

should i'< nfi» 1.. n be -.-.'..; btatei ¡i,1 it». run ' ms.. t egaily cal

lum fe«

ni i.'.» 1 f.i.'t ii Stute» of A ¦.ubi, ¡I.Thal the so-t-a'kd Con, '¦ «1 Into

n.. .;< ml 1 ti 1..

lim -t be United Btat«ni,ii '"I '.- til«- l»t I" I

I, North« lie.i.»;...i '.;.,» .u .1. and Kim Ida th« Hld Diatncl, Misaisnipp aud -trhansa*) th« 1.ouiHeae «n.aiit is I hi '«ih Km;»' I"Hi J And li 1 1 -..i. >. ihall be thedutj

l< be n -n.¡uni f»aid Distil» :. ; 11 |-i ¦.

lu In«.« ti. rank nf 1" --¦. ¦¦ 111 al and to «lettIla 1«-nt mil tan ífire to .».ti I« su< h officer to perfi>rn 1 *

I. Jil .' »Iii. 'a It» \thi< hlu- lr .-i»- .'H' 'I

¦S- I .»/..' t' theduty nf ea«h ol » ¦>-» » Ip.» » .n tin Kitts ni ipi ressr.»u ra, tlon, « ol« ii < and t<» pi nr-li 01

.til.-«» I1.I1 ,'-:i.'*h.'l all »I:»-.¡iii, r« f th« publil |i3-rnt:tl run i...:- ii,1 '.11 ii.» , 1 ,t ma allon '»». «» civiltiibtinalsto 'al.« lui tionol and to try offenders, or.Ali» 11. in bis nt. Il n <.

ol 1.if. ml-1-, 11 «hall lin power to oic.iii:/« militaryroniuiiaaious 01 tribunal>*> foi thai purpose anything inth« constitution Dd laws of Un- so-called Btatea to thecontraryi uudaIlleBiii_atlve.audJiidIt.'ialim.» nein gt, vi pim. «...«¦ to prevent01 control tn< proi-ct-dlnitanf «--.iiti m ¦¦'¦-¦ i»ndall Interferencebj lalih] h U Bated --.,'- < nvernimill irj aai!.., »j nuda rthiaael »ki ..-»'! of mri'. ',

1 i.,i 1., ,. teJ, rbat the Courts andJuill . .. lied Wa»« 1 shall notts« .< wi te

ii In I« 1.i ). --"-i istody,

orri '.'- ¦ ¦. 1

the Court» of tin < lett state» trill taryditfti'fi... ni .»tlli-i r ,-n i| ity In

th«- district wherein sha pasraau la deti » Indorse-:.-[. in« lltcil ptll nt Ia r.tlt.'t

j,, bus iii information as tothecauai n«i«r»a,« uiM-:.iiit »l lie ulla .1 .h-.,- ¡»n, aii.l ihut I.«''..'.' >«-

lb« .».iili. in 1.1 w" nitf'il !''"'¡ ¡'f!n r that I.«that ti».- »I'D -«¡1 petition is pi» fern ti In «food faith and inlurtb.-rui

' and not to hinder or delay thi pulni m.nt ni r na- All persons put n_<_er *_iHtar*nV ., rti shall be 11 ».1 without uni-ta*-cesaary

: « .,

-. '."' -^

m 1 .1 id n .. t n net . seuta.ireeltiki ¡kima**1) \~-htit*ktu\t, W IU--M-- kaUhk-1 h«àVlt|_^->

lie tata*'mu« for

a .(!,rm the life (,r lii-ertj (,f ¡,uv iierion. shall«!!««, Ilhtll li ia approved li;, !.. ,,lfi«,inundot the - %n_ ,, _,.|.,t...ii. «...%. inm.-..i .f the Miny »hall i.««f !..- af'< <'«-1 bpIII ...!. Vet pi 14 -,, |_a« ,i. ¡|,f,> ,...,(,.., ,,.,), ...j,.,,.:«,1 ¦ r

¦niI he il.n,»«' .1 4 .(, 1, .1, ., ,, ,,.., mg.... .,

KVf*NI.N(j i-l.-!-ioN., .. t\ti" '"."*'.¦ ''«"'<. willi a

cÄdiithSÄ^ "',:'"" '. "" *-i:,r,,H üe*D**;v l-l* .v in 1 "."NT c:ri(K«

"" .'"'i »t Mi MORI. ILI IU«p., VU, the amend-li.r-ui..,; in, (Scuats to the House loint re.ob.tion alvina1,:' iea*»-il comfi ,.,,] .ffhe (lovera*m« ¡it m \. ;.«.iii,,'.'i.., .*,.,-, lUll ';,.,, rite St»iiW.-.'a titile,and ¡. ii.«! ( .mi-n;... ,»t i\,.t. _,.,, M. ima and«ii.l«*ri«l print. 1!Mt li illDIN«, M. p. Ill ....¦ !jt. w., .,,,^,..,1 to th«

t,...,Mitv. ami noiid no1 ».,«.,» ....,.,,. ,,, anything tim.»....uní ,.!«.. ty !,. ii,, ,...'.,, hut the W» aki-i «iniete.ti'.M...n- In thal .- ¡- m that Mr Morrill«n...'i..i. gava t.» he wein-ure no a«lvuu

M 1*1 V'lK'ilMl m * 11.Mi \vm\IIY .lî.p.M' v Introduced a bill f» «atan.

I.hli mail Kii.toi» ni M'est Vlrgial.. ami Viivinia. winch «sali iii:.-«! It. i|lt i'i",! Dflieel «.lum̂

1 -II.K.N II Ri VI-.M K 1 \X Hil.'i'hr Barns ..n mot,nu «.f .Mi. NOBRTT-L, r« ...Kid itself

Into ««uiiiuit*. .. of the Whole ob taa >*'..te«>f me nilton.Mi. liornvixi. .i',,,, m .,..«,, ia the nmir-and pro-eci'd« ii t«. the or«i«l<.'.ttit.n nf fin-lull reporte«! tte

j 11'Tiiiniiiii «.f Wog» tiwi It Ma*, «.»ii Kel« 11, f.o itiuend. listing in'..«» to intaraai Reveaan.Mi McliUll.l, 1 n.,,,inm «.f (¡,e ("onimittre «.f Ways

j iiinl Heans, explained th, Mil, tai «iibint'tid Ml s.ewa

.atleagtboi ti internat taxation, a 'aUowa:¦Uj < t'ii.ii-» ii.1 «."m. nt!, i-mi Ways aad Keaaa tal

re-porting tte p .ought to afford tte great«-. i.Ni amosnt of r< tal !" Hie etnxtiry, «..'luiintenl

a prudent 1 egaiil to the public croilit, and «««-re led" 1 ¦.iimIiI« what would '..«. ti." m.,»" f risible

mi'«!« < r a.. i!iiipii«.ii!i in » «.i.j.'f» ;iini («eave at Uta aeaaetime rii-t.'M,.' inijH'i .m t» m tin way of general indus''¦' If the tax on distilled »pit it«, t.»l»;ieco and figaro

tttllj paid or Kii.ited, tte taxes an tte major patt,t ». m.i'i bave been a.«<. i>-

.-h.c gea ni 'l.e law,Millewed bj ami nun; unfortunate <«-,

¦.'I II '..;. \a 1,« '.lu 1 .n. vc ii«' pilli,, of whlaVy«¦!¦ no1 p li 1.1 those who i...ike II.

im «Pi: n- have teen a Id bj i!»« it ntit. for a« mu« li- -.) coal . t pi.a.iiiit.' ,1. .1 ti iii.- (;»*. betray« ii.. Ih.I

.li. intll. hi! ¦:.. -».--ii-ii. !,..-v«'«i||-i«ptl. -Vil.lrain. paynient of ¦ «, large or «mall, dunr" ''". ."..' '-um. i.! M,,. .,,,. .,.»,,,, ,]l!4 ......

¦'. I" l-l«bri ;. bereafu .. m.uio.di« lual ".i*;..!, ut ui«> j.ii'it'ie from

ra for»»a to bautempo rilj un man) otter urti. I.-«., v»hieU

n n.» distant dav.I ive»; lilli« r «Ve mil«!

1 trail iii lu; liul.ielut«-«, or'¦:,<.»..? claini

t«. 1 \. mp "... «««i» ¦¦ «lupin ,t

'.m of ''i.-, or ol the «i'*; of livingfron bj S'ery little n-venti-»

.'« t- ¦»«. igbl by finj la« ui«ni'. property ae «arti, and', ¦ ¦. :. n»!-, bava Ik en

»bh «N .i. Lut en ¡turi the calna oflil»! ,1 (I «'.ipili.! lii.n'ia lit ' '111 «01.-

i.iipln «1 t.i.\ in,11 fi»:- ii..-mi| |Hirt lit'I. 11 itoi ; p. I taxe«, stamp taxes amiIta '.«\ n ui.'ii.l.t, 1.1 ..«It .me« «I ai «I |»anl> in« i»:...» -.« t. .»». ii .;. ,11 11 v kart toirust

:«, tía i barn >.- «ru. |hei any ¦» ,t....i uf tteae ¡aire n.ti_ini«- iwr nc«i\. r«-.l ni !i.»t. lu prospero. "--a«.»!!*, ..raiiei j», ea .« advanalug, tit« ultimate reaanmat j»i»>a

.. t.porl .-.. ¡im luudverac casona, wten _.i»r.-s;..« fallnip, losses bj tte prodtieei IniTltaMe, le.ivmgobi «.'tin '¡'i«i»-i'u "i. ther :. r^i.iMiteil by taxes or not.rho 1 «int..,it«e ..' Way» nul »fe.iu» bsve «idi'pud th«»«,(,.¦: p'.in illadedto !.:»<« tain that to n.luee 'harate of taistion from lire to lour per rentna»*- and woii>uiiii.«»i al Ibis time afford anything bejruad aaei a ie-

"'! .1 -.ii ia Incon: IderaMeame and «. ti«. ». in* later and expanse <.f

to the iii.nvKin.,la:i.ii tin li.ivei i-im nt li Iin\ «. ..« n [«-i pi 1..ti «I It la

<"!'.' amplified ami1... ala ; i., 1 onoiUeool nstyt jsnd Minimi.

bul they have fell that tin advantage of ti:, whth eonn.' » .«.'» '' »' .1 .*. :atb 1 « .¦-« mi ona«foil MIk ni .ii.ilin.if 011 the tax list shall bo

. ,.<; ,ai favor, this .rae maj b«.1 ,B adopt '.» ite '«'tliei *;« rna-

..1 ii exi-uip .1 lunn l_v -mil trtieks» M tiA'A,., I«. ¦. i"-n ry-wn: I aware, and ern ;..

I aorta with a 1.1ra ,f otter articles nponI«, the pati-i .". wrll

.. ii.« (.«,»< nu:. 1,!, ii .¦ *'oinnilti ... feel thal theyii «naiOM ,¦ «n»-. -..«. .-.¡i,:i: favoi overthe whole « outitry,

.«t,n bj !.« 1, ». .¦., ii.« ba* ''«'in otoeol tat 1émanai!.. .'« ..»!.: li* « !, .. 1 1-

.¦.n .:a« min li « tte) *«.«..«idbi dad I 1 direct cn« per rent diaiiunttoa**! tte in.

»t .til u*xea in the <.ud arat',,i -: t

prodtu-tlouofra-a maantaeturee.aa ara«d .ni equal r..ti«>.

Win .- ... p,.ii. ¡.i.i« .»inf.'--Í-. am ). -" aa ¦»' never

1. Bj pi rsainjg Ite plea in»Mum .1... li ii e point when tatt« mur

io .-«-v.e«; « n't i|xii very »niall miniterof aitiii»-«. an«lIba «list, vexation, and ,.n. c>..-,< >¦ «i Iteveuu«- efftoero,quletlj !. nu.«J n -i», will in- roundly tiiiuin-.1*1 ii. It the «v.iuipii «»r the « iftiv oft. ne«' held upfor oui nulli''.un I» va1- .fini:'.', itiul I am notliiapoiHC«! to ol favor ol continu._ ciri«alawstotbt it«. l..-t jrear wo liberated -.

(til :01 Will.ii¦.... «re «hall bavi added)

nt «ifI eli.- i.- 'f ! .« «i .1 tua»

first year of tin oia-rationof tte Iíevi nie law. Klirwhaii». i..i\> don. lu each Ci-x- >'f <\ mptioo l irual aatla«

fa. t ,. 1 .- .f ;¦ ,|Uir« «1 vv,i) be atbaud i-rea of the . .'a, i»ua

.'._ '1 \y !!. II!» 1« hil 1: I -' .li atlt llljlt fo < J» J . ia

advance Ineognlzi thi fart that imr taxe« for '.hn,.i»t ,, t ... Hld 1...flin Lut tin*!

dang ... » ii the If« i tin nation Jin-ilferl flinI I.¦ i»j .»nui .i¡>«.¡! tin |-, pi-op!--. Ni "v we tiri

lu« k.t 1.« »t .» i- of h gialatoi - « I.« u they an ngam lightenlittle more than «lx mouth«

¡.«.-o w«» '.¡tu. t .«»n..i.«i,at <l !.. lia!) give «Uti 1 f, folly equal ia tah*

notii amount. Thebntindary 1 her« -\. pa ¦t vi. «hw. li «a n.

ill. \ .'.|'a| .«.li" I'I,."! lill till' |llll,,,'ll.l.|,_iil li.iM m »ung balance for «'.i..<' .' i« nut ia

; m .- 1 ii » Is .1 « .late v e- «it,al-¦ nita to public faith,had teym.4

.. :< «. ; .. - ,.«,ni.Hy «'.. ml "ate le j:«': f'»t «me, 1 -1» aaaallttepoy-

nbielwlcra not cjthci roased toil upoa1 »¦ nie indulgen« « 01 « 11-

1..1 u « t ¦¦.'..n« i-, » t..»1 ding tin iinpic« dents««.1 the \:

'1 ' mu inctnac lax,

it Utfb n.1;. Kian what »..»«. h iudiil»»., pay mi bia m ite <'f h,», :n,.<'.ne,

t li ,i»t tiiiec-fi it: :h» of one.. «»I.' !.¦ "tu minimum are esempt, -,-. .c

aftbe Ulli "Í liie . t..!i:i;-y. iii. sp.i«.li«.a of Um

.\n . 1 1«., ,1 condition, aad ina,.» Tina

ti .: -'.e the ] j-i-f»««. ami ;.»¦« ahl ii now .1 fflia the eoaatryi i»ut

-. li tei t ezerliona. «« onlyto tuaintiiin then «.«pit,ii iindimlnlsbed .11 «pile al in-

l taxation, I it to add theteto their usual annualv,, ban reacted tb< point when tide eannot ho

continued. Tin Income of the conntn fsi tte preeeah.iii «ni. i.jf year « li he lit-nviy t««lu«c«l. He»

-, 1 Un.m it, and we mast redacai.i"» [and mu I expenses ronrsr« rdlprty.

nt ulate the lloaes »pot aa « atira,: « i-i »i»t. ni 1 in its «*onrae aa to a «it»^) re-

Bunal <xp« tulittne. yet s«1,111 n"'. done altogethei ii We maj .«t least, t.«'t»,.< ntrast wltb r }»«* position ol the flnau-jes «>f »mni«» otteCuní:: .- I al ni I« «>.tn»..«« ar«tyet annually ex hil .t¡. It. Italy, however un«

lacoaheet, 1» too yonna to he metonlpt. when .1 «it-jut i.tfi ii ciiinii«y baa

-'.al to the degradation and dbimemter«i,! thi nation, laai exannle so excessively had thafe

di gi .'v. n to thone whoa.-.'li w» forloni. Pnuaee la m a faç

tom dei poali loi. and c«"ii « » out of .1 *_c«a*esafol wai m ills'afton; but wten Prussia waajos O-ttle«

her loldiera ara paid Mxi-»n«e 1« 1 <¦¦<)¦ toeupeeo th*rnouj null ti. Indemnity u demanded «i the vaij«|til«tbed.Ki,1» ¡.ii ti :- n fairer exnmple. She iiu-reascd her nationaldebt bj tin-('r in«-.i!i «v.ti', ivi.i-.'..««'. ami tier .it.iiual .*-

pi.,1. ,,'« been larger by about ti.»..(>"»,n<«. per*vi j»r. aid 11 m nig diiiiiinelicd «ince tlic closo of

»i, ,00more than it 111' ,u IM*.al the close of tin- Var. B« »de tin« annual barga.«i « ».-»>..-.»¦...«-'. «real Britain ral ra get .'»«'.oco :n a «in- .

Item foi pool ..if«- i'.«", 'i we were fonctl to. reste aj.

large National debt, yoi «In« Ite «de« «-f :i.< war w«

have ami i.irtf. :% reduced the -»iiiij "f »in ex-

p,u«« «from tbe point at whi< li '¡n-' ain«*.l -»t ii.« «loseoCthe rsbell nu, Our expenditun » acre in ii*»S5, ti.i'M.Hi.'uri»«n ¡riA'.tû.t', *''-'- ." "1 ¡n ill r>I..Ti7/lon.

>_how««fl well ii.« elastlcitj «f our Ooverot-aentlat., thehii-ht of »ho emergency as afaelhtv m re-

'uriliL- li. 1.1 the track of mitt" tbe 1nexf«ennve ;in«t

more gealal track of «peace, iii" i--oi>ie have aiir;»*.-i«.it.n their aworde luto plowt*_a**t* The Mdew ex-

p, .«Linie.» of years ol wai ha».* not become ultogetheei-brouie. and are not trauemitted i<» »uceoeditg y»»ai>v-*. t » l must int>i«t that mu« li furtlu ietr< nciinient 1« prao«

.i.i «i.«,.iii ne -in «I. OnreM-euseafor next year .ire estimated af nearly |75j)OU,i«*i. metotbau tit«* pn m - ' )< ar. The c« I ,,f trovcrnnient baa b«**iini'lv in. rea «ted In exceptional departmonta, and el^wLeroi: alnukl not t*f )»eriiiitte<l to g" 1>< yond it« seeiiotome«!

Large expenditures mean !ari»-e taxation, ar.d di*»nnntkhod expenditures mean .linnniahed taxation.ii p important Question in i«i.iti<an I«» the rate of tl.e tax

.ion aa heretofore ¡niMiita ml of «ia

l8 of nil»,hit;t-ain« lit. A« .111 «,ng:u«l <|iJ<"««"< u.M «v..« m. opinion, In view ol ti «. iiisiipenililed'ffuiiiTl«**In the s 1 of eufon-Ing the law.thata _sa i-ita tnaii

t-tM-rg«r:oi waa ...ii...:¦'¦ 1 d if whisky fraads .^''_lu',»inflnue to besucceasfnlly i-i; «tratcd, it I» not iinpo»«!-

:l;;1,y;:;)I;i;a:oiïv..,np-t..c.,f.'r,ethia,.aiîof'theInte¡n..ÍRav( . »/^^^^"SLÄffil that the»uii.l'!i. n of Iho Lint«'«! *.»*«*-..

n ..... and 1» quartei to one and a half gallooe*;r:"total of about forty-five to fiftr aulUoaI r.«aj'ii..i .». , ,..,,.,. ........y fl_in_,ti» «a .
