Vo1- XXX.N°* 9,300. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 98, 1871. PRICK POUR CENTS. THE END APPROACHING! covnr NSMASCtvn view of tub ànv atioh. i IBAK1. M T.:\ IT <"« I OfT-W» CAHT1 I à- . ,,. txnCTXD UOtKDUTELl -TOE» ' V,VV -,,M. v. Tin «dil. J»i'- 2». 18T1. A ' afroi fei iffleartateathâl m an i . .. Oounl Biaaaarek and If. ,,. ... ç,.-,.»r «nid: "(Jen. Itourhaki j, ( -. -.v, a Cms. Vin Werfet ¡mil t sliortlv suiTi'iiiler. Fains ta i ttaj or tv.«, when i, \ ill le leleneed ti» f ...... 1 traill a partj .h. I C'lT.« t n- -.di.«to Willi «- ration." Keg "1 «UtaJ it wtmld -., i,; : n ,. i\ pai y in Frailee to make I , doeed ilio interview, ¦teil f«»r tin- ea.iitu- ]... ¡ of Parie tore been «opened. I .".i:« is \ i .«mi.i.is.Tin: li;o- LOU M«! K. I., m ,¦«., Vi .,><l.,y. Jan. Bt, M1 « tel gram iuiiu Yeieeillee, iyi : .. Itere -.vi*1! pfopoattla foi .. B pi , * I t' al tbe ffaniaoo . .'.li the Loiiois of \s-r, \ ¦ able. Bt. Denii wA the iii Cent of |] : ly led to UM arkins of terms. i nit ead Gen. Viney continentU, 1 « .. 'ilio oir-.in;.'«i;)(:.t r." xkiu. The French denujids by f..r lee tall °- 1er, .- s Qutt if Fern ..« ::u nu ..il.;.ii.iii..l r.iHvnder and T\ iii n.t »;.il iin.- t.hole wni on German tenas, 1".-. it':, u!io has in lib ;, i ii.il «W<ffj^iiMrai nf thoiio terms by tho I:, h 1... .;.: ii and rmflune. nul tim aten to I. \T. I v I UXSAD1 IN" HU liANló Ol 1 1 von, \»( i'.iicm! i>, Jan. OS. MU» A epeei ' tell run lo The ].:<.',¦ i legrapk, f: i. Veifeaillce, Boya th«re Li solid gitnind f«u l«i ring iLtt Paria will aniTendex t<»-d.iy. i.M.'Y IV'T. ! Ii.IATE. t ¡WT IB 11 \mi.>.Ai.i.i v ii.i ti us nu.: \ r- NS 1 \ I.I.I NU I'.Al'K IN -. m IT.A3 A TACK os HoM'U.i i: im- kini.m.-ini nncB ectxacei at duo*, l.».N.,« V. Ta, i.l. m . - eate rl le all aigfat» «¦ id |0 « -1)11 lilli i! .4 'J. lit ti;»- im 'itiwlallr .li 'Ii. ., ii »'.«¦- v. kag froi'i Ute í Ui/y. BBVd A cat 'i Prend '..'.¦ '. ' f Übe Pt« en ataaday, at DUeo, «ÇAnuplete. Hu troopi -. Prnt" s;.t:i K«. i. nt. Jil«.- French !.. !.¦,.! hi P retreated I BJ A «'¦ m Brontrnt, Bwitzerland, Jan. H, .-«!- li ttol t!.<- An.Í thr s nth «ire now at Riamoot The] t tli* raUwa3 tireen 1 yona .um' ..- mt :i al Bj ina» V Germant, I,.1..- abend «n« «1 their attempt to b&i. i. « . i :.. 'i han uni: «I., «I tin- » :«. «l Ana.«-. Um Btrex t [l i .. .-!¦- .:i li..\ tt HTi. ander i .e ifon atente al earalrr hart arv ii. Th« Pre Hil' ob Hou Irj hat adran «i lo i nd Noarba a Ham aaya tbat the Oei Btai ... -...n« i.. inakiiu a qi i tfoor of th« inli.iiiii.iui«. er.il i..:1;, d On Ih« M.- I and ililli1 iii« ii.in ..« ,f .A « tata l bt lu ai ti pr :.¦'.; «el,, t ., te. ,. i¦. « :!:, im,. |] diaeori r.\ al I "t bj til' r. ig i hu antat Hie Bel| 1*ji I ' THE anorni h tiu «: kmi is n RKETRErrnitOTBn U m ..i ni; OBI \ i POWI Be» .I.in. la, i«7l. 1 ' ¡c rrner l.,« mg iin in*j«..irn« »1 foi mu- week» Ai « lion i" the "i. ni. ii- » Mli«- (|iii»<i.i!i od Um Treaty irfParia trat ad'.jii««!. Tin Confer rardedaaafai a à - Uoo baa bai b reeeirt d ben OaatH m ;. .. ;,, ..-.'. -|. ,i -. .... ¡Brelj on ¦an ! i«.i iimtri ti. n. a ...i nut .n tin-mten.-.¡a and a«aakaa>efl ol ti Rimrpi an P »wera, OEXMUAl n<ni.[i.s m:us. VAIS. TI!K roUCI OI Till. M.W (,dVl.l:\MI NI. MahiuI'. Iii« «d.i.. .I.m VI, 1 1. Minis'« i M.ittus bj alunit to iaaoe a díplo- BkntB «ir»iii.ir ta Um tootla jinllnj al ¦pela. It will Hi«»* aiaaaeriatlii laae» aa/, uti aiaaMaéeahí ha i I" -'iiuiiliiic with ant I'.iim-, Tli« . ,!,« r- att nr ant I»nk.« »,f ataatpeMttt ure l,n]«lliip Bi.i.ini t«. eetettaVna tin ir f, tun altltmle t-'V-ar-l II.«- .* Km/. -It.« !.. i :. rs Imv. m nt «mt ;i m.iiil tiVUiiii v.l.i. Iith. > nd1,!«*. thtir ItlBBtB li Mtt in Die .i<i»r,.a hita»; atMBVaaa» CHINA. orrr-iM. D»anPATCn iu«.u ki:\k-ai.mih m. i.oi»- '''¦«. l-iuK.ia.N.« or am. uwAnnài i-auii . i OMOITIOM ok nu: KMi'iitK. Wasimni.tiin, Jan. ¿i. -A «Vapajaen fr«m Betw« A K'l.il-, niiliiui. lilli- tin A-i.it.c tint, ditad H".' ¡. « .dnr.id.i. Wllauii/. ( iii!'!», Ile« i, 1m(i, |,.,.,rtH ai N .. vvi>» ¡aituiint iin- ntuin tntinit Batea, aita tal «r- ,,f Bet »'all und (/nurd, in "ii,j,ki,y willi Mr .* »oil ian,] part/, fruin I1« kin. Adn.irul ICkIk« had * si «li.'i rn.ii » with Minister Ixi* i «-«.n iii i,/< |,, Mat .»""i's, und »»o willi reifhrd t»i Hie BtwaatB*] vmlt I«, Miti-a fur Hie, ¡lurnoa* nf » ntalilisliiUK " Ht »ty etUi that ."-.«i try for Hw- jimUi tlnii uf nur xliljiwri« kfd seam» n .Baa] u a«a tnaaacd Uul la Mm ucxt Mr. U » and 44. inlr.il KikIl-ith ihotild (roto Core», and «Velare ihe-lr de- i-'rt» and -mrpi.»«., they havlnir apcod that It Tn,|ht be mi '. ufii r tOOaUog Viititvn their purpose to the Corean t.t'v.riiiii.-nt, to tome away, aiiuoiuit injf thi'ir intention 1<> i. tu ¦ in .1 SO ntl for an an»v.<-r, winch BOOM jirovi-iit .' ¦ t.. .ween our »«'o-.le», avoid any BBBaafOBOl Ol aasttlBB, aaa] Isavri tin Ir linafrmutiou to augment tbo «Jaaiars ti refusa'. Hiiriiu- tlio lourney to and rrttirn from Prkln, tliO ian- were f royo 1. ere received with courtesy, and it ivis remnrled that nowhere did tliry ure» any cr»-id net ntli.r |hn Hat t.f aini.it.iiity toward onr people. In Pekin, Prtaoi Kaag ami the officers of ,thr> Imperial Gah i,"-t retamal the visit which had been made to them. Tlie itifct i it w was very ntrrot-alile, hut thl tr convi raation «BaaesiSaael to prticr.ilitips. Mr. Seward onco or twice lii-tith «TBoa (K-Tloiiß niattcm, but dlM-in-sion val aioiilrd bj ttit ni. TI«- Admiral 1»ronrlnced fromlmprffilonahe recrlrcd f-Min varions »curer», that the Imperial C.ovcrnment tin- (icist ladt It liiii'Mit cope with any jrreat Western Tower anil that it will avoid far It ran any orca- i war, Hence tb» earm-nt d.-Mre It ha» »bown to heal ;he breach with France caused hy the Tl.-n-Taln «Tiir. Tin- position of the Government Is full of ditll- cuatie«. Tin« literati, the influential class (poaisil-ly tlte li-iviriilnR clan« in Chin,.), kanied in the lit/ rature and maxim* of a by-'-one aire, look at the customs handed down by t'ielr ancestors tis the only enlightening one», and in for«.gn improvci.ients soo at once daners to tin im ehe« r.:id to the repose of the empire. The octiinl ii.«va riimeiit tbm between two Are», l.etween the nn- crtiiinty t,f ir.ov'pi; or. cr'ated by treaties and eontact v i'Ii Weat« rn nations, and the danger of progress tendió«; to revolution ; and re ncei-nlt.«- thi» irroprcasililo c, i.tli't las Admiral write» as follows I cannot hat BBS ruin to tho près nt dvtmefv, and In surveying the pressai c a-abUon of lbs osnntrj. I d<> not lulu lade that It «It'M i rea fruin < Jiman lnua-tr Miltir.iii« o. , wbicbaiesaao a r> lbs bichiways af traffle und travel, are Baa (üvti with mud. Temples, oaee bBB|> mil. .-ut. ure in run,«. It niin tmitle at vant i'i|n mf, mid n .'i- in i fett win :i new to.in any I liiive ever «et u, ar«i amm ir.ii.ai-.-v.it :«, having had nor pall« apparently for ci tin lea; mai Me i.ruti.i-H ot One preportlcms, have piers s i«l ,te a\, »titi lal It'll aa-i lies. While nea,''«'« I. dee,«y, or It lu li.al ka evil v pillule Wura. tile, pi-np.e aro Still liulm- t Igoro is, and, in tha main, w. ii elad ai d da ao- oK'.iiir t., their own i«i< ia, aad Bwnalagly eonti ntad, i-i« .u i ekln the wail» a m< i. lachase the faltara i'r,i- pei .. whose I'.i-i.n is too «m red i.n audience »»uti '..n .:, i n.i., saadori u- ob the i< rta* opon winch emiia.1- »nriors *»<. foreian sovereigns, who, brtmght np ra pa a. Sl 11.nml. ii willi woitieu and . -.muchs, mid Uimw- 1111.' nuil ini; of the World «iiit.t.iln Hu- wit,Is oi lils li,- 1, .- yet LbS duli f re _-ul,it uti: all the atT.nih of China, and whose order Is arid .if «teat-aarof Hear, Hi-elf. Nu« no tan KinI hii-tury ami Call ta aeo la tl.e 'nat l ban . i.un,matt d be eaasea whleh preredea e ..i gi « Government. Juli;»-.! '. tu tim extent .'f Uti i tie nu«'. Muii.ii'itiioii, -. r i«, . It la bow ilpa for dlaaolutioa K.cept fur tim w. r wilh Prussia, Francs « probabl] have Invoked t«n sword ui retinae the 'i i. lala maiva« re. T. e day ol retrioatlon uow noat- poni d. .u.i 1 feat it is unit u lesplh Tbe tom of Ibis letter la u ur . ly that of an ordinary !..nut dlspatcb, bat, anowina sonictbln/j: of thi mt. nor of < till,"., 1 lune fi it it a d ity to iii ve | on the laipresslons l t in r. ii ,\. «I. ti.,-->¦, I an .iw.ir«, are not those enter- t..num1 tit lioine, imt tliev ur«- sinti n, a-:.! t ni wtilpie- aare tboec abo nay ball« ve tium bouh«1. lot tlio event a a-leh may nat now- be itrtant MB. bwasd at 1-KKiN . ivrrnviv.v-r vrmi V. «i I lil'liii AM» Till. YAMi.N. Tin- /slinri^liiti Courier, Dec. (5, «mrs the foi« lowiiif details of Mr. 8-ward's ini«iv;w with Tillite KutiK aid other Chiiiot-.e ofli MM at I'.-kin "\«.:..,e at toa cap'al, rMeretarj Beward, Admiral r ; '-, ami Mr. Gi urge I -, ward, th Consul-Genenil, ¡.«I thor desire t«> pay a v.-it to tb* Tsuug-ll- .van i-:., tu representtna the CaalBaat Oovenunenl V reply W:»s iihimI a».'r«i-iiiL' to Uni. ji-.i'pii.s.il, inn! appolntiag u tnuo i««r tbelr reoeption. <>.' I ,! iv ii.-iii.i 1, lust Iii' v wan alKiut U> -I.it i.ir tlio Yui.'ii-ii, a BOM waa l.ro.iclit »t/if 1n»r tn.it l-rlm-e Kuiifr Ixl ttei ti en.ldi lily «a-ii-i-ii wiih vin'« ni coln, mul woiil.l be im «oin tn si-e ttniu in.i tb« othtw saeuibers of the l'amen v,in- awallini Hani. .-tiitl wiuilil lie hal ii iy t«' BM ttu-m. Ir wh» fur a ., -ii-t,i,n wiietii i li.i-v should no1 postpone tli- ii i. .*, i P i r. v, ry ws i»-i ... i, «... it .t. r.iiL- that th. ,r pre :».»»; 11 had u.i vtalt to 'i .m Taman «ni bo. toe Pnnce nan! ni «...., tli«;.- r.-Kitiv.-il to pioiec.l, and Bi-i ived by the nenbers «>t the Yamen, vanh riei.t ,.i, '. \ ..nil apparent cordiality. Tin v wer« profuse m ilu ii «. xj.r«---,. i.- «'f r.-ifit-t at tito »ii.l.li'ii ii.disp.iMtinii which prevented the Priaee frees bein« j.re.-« i,i lu peraoB. las Inteirview laated a eonaiderable ..ii iiii-iiir-Mi v a.- di., mill 'i, h'i the blah officia -, fui | froru the raetrainte of pnnue .líTaír», cuinou th.-.r ..; I. (bl bolah H Of foM.Wty. ti tt da] I'liin' Kuna.' B nt t.« .Mi. Seward a note full ;. this! iviuj failed toses the dlstlnirulsbed ibe day before, aad a. !<«.'! when It would be cou venicni for Mr. I* ..¡ii«! and his partj U> receive :i\i-it fi.uii bim, 'i'" s then on the po nt ol saartln ild bill ipp.1 :. ..u ti. n return. «Veeordlngly, two days aNar i iej came back, thi Prince la'iietn e them al the i;u--mi i «vail«.n, reiterate*! bia epoloariei nt irf' nt iii ti. an i ipresai «t bis fjjratltud« t«» the Ainericans for 'l fib i.il-ii.p, ;tii«i especially bl ob i with tin- Hiir':: .i «'t. li-- then m-« !i'«<ii bis antorrapb lu the s ..f i,¡i-ii.ü,s «>r tin- party, and t. ¦'-, y< » .. i large boa <it macuini ol in. -i -ti-,conUj bl te ei jii.f.iid vasee, inoiiz«-.-«, «vlikf-, .u., .\ bad ia« «une familiar, thro-ich the dl*- - iiml in«- state papers ni »uceesälvi American tera H l f, witn the name of Wen-Blanc, one of t'i.,-1' political >.'.¦! i-es wi.ii. «sritn little «oitward ,,-t .'. nianage i.crol and din«ct mlcbty in- a ,.i wi.n, tin petiir't, «as the creal r "f lb« «i.... nu -i.t ina bine at Pt-aiuK \t the T-..in'i' v.nu' a Mr. Beward Mked f.»r bim. .'tnl was i«'.'i thal In eoBsaquenes ol <!.¦- clinini health, be bail no1 been there tor nearlj o .ut '.« i: in askiua wI» th« r in u..ty would prerenl him from receiriui a viait from Mr. beward. Hi- replj a - tnat the imallneai ol lui« pout li.ii-e, Ar., nilli- li-.iii in 'it t' so ,':¦ ;iii'_'iii-lied a irii'--t ', but if Mr -' -uni would pennil bira, he would «rlait them at tbelr siii« m.-. \ t-tiie belni sppoiuted, lu- rame at orrlingly,siidexpr«-»»ed (Treal plea ire at seeing N!r. B ward, v. ii ii \. o e ante di ni and olitical impor¬ tance be -'«ti'"i well m |u.iittt'-il; »ml siiiii thal the t lum-li ni hi- friendlli ess t.i t luna v. us nirravi d on li Is liang*«) lo .irt and e mid ni r in- « :itti d. 'IJIK WEST iM»n:s. 1...K 01 mi. < I.:-AM'.it.mi. l'\< li I«: UKI ..-ll'i/.i li.VIllilVAl. tu nu. i. -. .»mi¬ li IN AT KIN'.-K'N MOTBMBrt t- ol' TIIK IHKNI.T.lAli.l lil. IO l.I.AIl'I.l. lill, LOiT i \lil.l KlMOSTOHi .Tiirnnirn, «Tan. 21..Hw Weal lui,., ai u Pa iflt 0 mpaaj v st^arashlp «i oaadi i na ra a ti ei ntl « ait.it-, nu (MOW «it..ii.ula) BB tah 11 rist., ami [. apldl]. Bai Hi-Hi ami pa.-v lui is wi it b.ivt.i, lett I.i r.tlt/ii Wiu- ln.it. Tin liUi-ellt.n of a htil.i-idv to th' I'-Litlt- Mall Hteriin »¦t. p Coapaay >.f Ron y..ik is Mtiini, A temperar]» . -i Irai î fur a li.oiillil.t hue tu New Vi., k ha-lu en iii.id«-, aft. r ti ni- ii'uiith- t.h- (.».vi minent will mihi-.- t!u Companj ti« .un pat i u, rs sad fr. I»rht bott oajtv A lill ni s m fiom tim UtIIIib «'.ii.nn-i ketrntn» J.min In tin'nini. of the pHaelpal bgUsh military and ii.nal -im.i... li ti.-- v.«-! iinii« s. lit. Hornet, with <.«i Ryan or. board, continues al pi :, \. ii tig foi a ni un ««t at me and ii ni ne i- iniii.-i ¡i. in Nea Y'tik. Three Bpanlsl e^aBhsata ar.- v. ,,i« bli k lu r. Havana, .Int.'.'4 The Maiiiner Hat la BBS ret urtu .1 to .lin,, u lor provlaiuna sud iniiiast, bavlag Is . n unaac- t-eaaful In bet aattempl to crapple the loat cable oa ae- i.uii!. of heavy weatbi r. In abuel a fortnight »ho will Mall again to trj toreeovei tha Mat cabla. M.-<TI.I.AM.«»I S CABLE IUSI'ATCin.S. . 'Iii«- Hum I'.nliiinii-iit is t-\i»«tlt«l t<» a.-..-i mi' at li. iiiii mt lite '.'in nf Mon li. .Lord Penzonoi in Ins f)opodtj «if atoad <»f t'n I'li.itute Court of Kullana, has mated to Madams Lynch lett« r.» of admlnlatratton on the will of l.\ l'r« »i deni Lope« of Paraiuay. The execution of the original will of Lopes waa proved by the afli«l.»'.it of Gea Me- M;«h.in. Hu- form, r Miniri.r of the Tinted Wale» to r.ti,i^ru.i.\. i'l.NNHYl-V \NIA CHARITIES A DI.-C'il'l: ¡IN«; iil.l'tilii'. I'llIIAI»! I.I'IIIA, .lilli. W».Iff. 'I'ImUIIÍI-* Ii. Kit: i l'H's.,1. nt "t the Ii«.«i«l i.f I'u!.he riiiiritn-, «loi « uni «.-u. a v.ii ahaarlag in cunt of the jeal'« wi.rk lu bil n it t«i the I> liitiatuie. II«- tOJTIl it i- mt BBpleaaanl duty t«> etMomanieate la you nffl- clalli my «I« in« rat« i\ formed opinion that the li ..ml of t i.iiiiiii--ii«ii< is ni Publie < Imrlt ee bavi ri ndered in. »i i vice «if n ^^.«.. tañí«- Importanoe or valut to the stat.- ; ami tii.it tin y li«»«- left wl.iiilv uni" rioiin. d ti itlea wl.u li the publil «.iifiili'iitlv h i.'.ed tOtbetU ti» i.entti-. The, ii,ve nlleved tbe U^alatureof du n ramaibllltr. In tneoon- ? ali-ratmu ot tin- Appi-pnation Uni« nt tin pr«-.-. t.i .-. .. m.n, ii.e\ will u- f.iiin.l hut t.» lu m added to ita emnar- raaaiuenfa. Tiny bare n n.i ed to re« orón» nd the appll iaiii.li». i,I rl.iii» luatitutioui tn tbe I iciUBlon of otln ra, luvolvln-r the Mate i.y tln-ir an doin«; (11 the LecUlnture »¦la Hld oin J Hull M «-.»nilli' ;,dation») In catiiiiiiitt.ilf, ol wiiich H..-V bave ein.w11 tin iJjelveetobe altbontaufl n i.t diai iniii'-i.t te <!<.!<.' I tb* prm ti- al i" arti " or the Impartant and poatlblj verj sstrlaBs reaaltlui .i.tn-e riiien« ei Tbevbavt not n ide a tbiirunih luveanaaitltin, fiiliowisd lu ttitr- i.tiU.-.n repun-, .it«, tin-ii.iiilitlim of any Bingle i.oui iintiix. pnAaTii m ii-.iiutii m which Biases «i n ali«»., d t<> »i »t .-..ll.tiir f..r tin li .itt. i.tnut li,.! ,.i« «Mm-»"-,, o 'I'Uieil I.i »¦< a lum «.th 1«' acoirtiiin ill .1 H¡.« In till li. |i,ei.,t|ll.- « Ill-llll-l In- «tun Lillie »nd .».rn« liol.al instit uti.ni» of I Iii- ,-t;.t<- re« riving M ti la' aid ! Have niin,it,,enili anti tuil.i nnihl.v e»pit,.l.-.| tin- mon« > m aiipioprl.it« d for their aid. i Aecjotnpliab the ..i.ir-. t». lor which tin v an n < -t.ii.ii-hiii I Oomply fally s .th tn. law« in laiton ti. tii.-ni. i. Bearii squally all inri«, ol UM stilt«. Iii the ca««-of more than «»ne pul.lu iualHutiftii. tlif'Vi"'iiiif"iitTT haie iu««i it brouatil flielr nnlire flint Hirlr an«wer» nn all these point* should be tlrta to Hie |,illili, t lint i ti««v Bim ild reiKirt to ymir linnnralile bedienOB tliein without tQnlTOCallOB. nain»» Bark «tralirlitfiirw.»!"!! und earnest BBttts. s«» lie« iimo un ii to wl.niii, tor tin« flrKt time In Us politn al lilatory. thin Bitte, tiie.itiuirl ,,f Ann-man lllx-ity, lind emifl'lrd Vis¬ itatorial imwcr-, iii',ie,| with liiriult to Hie H:iti«li King »ml lils Ixird fli,nn llnr« TTie nilly aeflon taken liy Hie Hot ni under tin* laiportaal «s« ti« ii Al li. ha* here to refer Hie miIii».. t of (Bortala liivestiiriitliiii» informally to a Vin- li I n t «'oiuiinliis. Tin- inrinl'iTH of that » otnn.ltt«e. ni», t- in itii aloa (i deera, hart forms ii.,- letttred eel to pie- parr nr lo couimuiaiat»' any rrpnrt c1 ciiicluiioui ar- Il.'r.l nt. I tlkttttnrt rerfumTiiMnl Hi.it Hie t of April Î4, MML tttabUibtnt the Board ni Pabtte < hatlue*. bating railed to a, «nu hdsii u.- oiiJtiU lui windi U aas «an*«.!«1«!, " leptalta. He continues: Tlie tXBtttaaet of the Ttnird lnnilca*r* tnothor lesson. It siinnaj i.eiuefortli.ni I"« nuaylraaia, at laaat i*» bald t.« bart beta deiatwttratod. tatt for all» tbat we hart imt mude a creat poUUtel diateTBt) 'n prantiLir govern- tiiental powert to Commission« «,f "«;, iitlet.'ieti nf lL.lr- tx-nilent meant. " I liardlv entertain a dnulil Unit Ino m inl>ern(jf the Board of IMildlo Charities ifould huvo .equiti-rd thetnaelvat cr «lum»],', if they had txvn eui- I'l.'ied lu wolli Uis lei I;», for li Niiffleleiit halury paid tin "ii iii.iitliiv, under a ii_».«aLiy lucUioditval and exacting Chief of linn au. Tbt Board <i>n=lgf«i of ITelnter Clymer, fTiarles A. wood«, («r«,. i, Barriton, Hen. Dianen Ooltmta, mud the I'lesrleiit, Tin- repart tMtftt Mr. «ilvnicr froni It* mt- ¡Oitmt, mi ne.nt of bia dome-tic. alMirtlrn«. The re,i«rt Is i«eut In « ItbOUl the i -iiirnrii nee ol II,«« Iin.ird, U.caJ»0 ti-cy refused Bl hold the tier, n«.iry BBetttBg» DLA Til OP HAMMETT. Tine victim of iir.m)? mr. aUiACXSMRIL Ilai-'iîerty, VBoea ghooting is ii:uiat«d on our third pai;r, d.ed at« n'rlntk la.-,tcvi lim»:. Ho wa* con- scloua until a few moments before death. Ono of thu Btfetattagfaittta at Bt. I'atrlf-1,'6 (.'üthedral f-aio Lim a!> lutioii. In conversation mt.Hi a frioad a little wiitin be¬ fore lui death, he said ho did not MtaBl anyoi.o for sl.e-i'liiif: lum; lie Lad btaegfet it on liliubulf. Lil. Sa«:, a.i:\« isooti u.'i: r II .ri;i t.'y c-.j'liid, aud wai MIBrtaad to flrnl that hie putlf l.t was di ad. Ho had entcr'-iii.« 1 «troti^ hopos of bit r Mattrv (v nnp to Hio mciuti.t Bnttlag btaa a abort tat pterloat At-.tp. m. a ri Ita of the decent«d arrived ftorn nilaÉatBBl », whither the hotly «sill he t.iki n tn «liy for li i."!1 i.f. In (i. naaattdbjr tgortlag atea laeebatt tapai tfoaatei a t ..i. wts thi« Ight aad Itaraaall, nu: INDIANA OVTtUOmí IN rtl.iK'iTtNU.A OFTACIIM1 N'T OK SOI lill BJ slTM'RI«IT>. Sam Fr.-W« i ( o, ,T an. lil..Volunte«-rs frt.'. Fan i »i< p.» weat tat te Cad v.e tadfaua wbe reaualttcd lae (i"j red'iHc.ii in Jaran al rfllaga. Ibtj Mtaxaed «ai n i lit« d thal Ha y fi'iii.d two a ¡.otu they "dl"i.j»ed of." It io fBaitu that -j Hous ti «bit w10 arise fr.nn tlii.i ao- tinn, ss about t.fXX) Indlun« sr" In the % i-ilty, llvlnijf between Dppn tad Lower California. Yettardiy afI r- iiiini! a an.» ««f Indiana »tt» mpted tu utoji tat Lou «t»i»je- le« Maire, m ar old Ban i % >. Liant, ('rodelii.n.ßh nml io »oMlpro were mirrir'""! en the« antot tie lui, tt Ballet tatt of Preteott» A.-u na. i«y i.v. indi,m-, and l st 'it buri-« «. i»r. BtigHt »»¦ ibot In the «I."Mill« r. Jue ..tin «.is amputated. F. Myers wau neveirii .. tended. It Bappoted that »«s.-rni Apeebet wert killed, anbaeojoentlj Captt. Hawter and Min ti .ii overton«; th! In UbBBanddeiCBttd tin.Ia., killing terara!. ____________ Tin: WOBKIMOl.DPI cnvintion. Ai rtAvy, J.m. 23..At the Workingmi ¡r- »Con- riiiilliin It daj. tht tesetttltfl a I Ite-i'i». létal la reta. tinn le emipt rattoa and i Bitted labtt wtrt ad ptad, i ad it» «i.iriit wa» InatraakV d la im '«is br.-t eBdetTtn to orp.,1,1/¦ tlie colored Bien Into loeJettot. Tb« i'r. .-(«lent h .aItu in.stiin i i«« ««in »iMin»I «mi Banttora Fientoa. i (lina?, kuti CBttttt] In i »'l.i'inn to ¡li» Importation ol Mea, »tul to urara upon th.m ir. j--»»' uro of law« j.r, tiri..:« tbe workiucaien. Tua »ogg »Ui ia of iba Proal« deni in reference to tbe «ration of a Burean of Labor tJtatistiea. almilar to tbat now In exlstenea InMaaaefbn« aettt» »»ir«: a.«o adopted. Ri-tolniiom \wr«» tdopted tskiiift the Le« i ..-. for a «relierai law te liMjorporatt T.¡i«:« s11. nint,a, a k,..L' «' «n na to repeal th< .i» tv.ti eiafar-ouiken to air« a bond bafota tarakina la ouït- ataa» and aaK'ng Ina LraiJilttnre to peaa alaw aaalaal te employaient tit Inooaintte-t m ta to u.lio «.haiaioof st« .in« ailert. H M.l.i'Ai I.-i-H' AJBOCIAfKni. BosToit, Jan. «SS»--The Maaaadtnaetti Bpifit- ti \ee(,( iiiiinii held it* aniiii.il ( onvi iilion st Witt ii ni I«, «t.iy. Tin re v;i* t f.i.r atti ..dame. The nftrr- aeeawattak«ea iipvitii prelfnlnerr batlaatt, ami .i«l- «Irt «te bj -;ie,i'., i- of in. .ii iputation. In tia« af-. r- i.n Ike ... it ion uns ..i ¦.. ., foi the i, si uni: \i ,ir by i) choice of Edwin "... <-f Hn.a.ii..ii, l-l.. .- deni v h. Williams ol Bosi skuuij; ead tbe aaaat Ililt of \ let I'reald» lit.s .t.-, !:ts| i r.ir. Tur PEüIAH ::i:c ition-tamma'Y m.iht. Killi.ml O'iiiirnian, on behalf of the Tant« n aa] BaU Qeaerel noBinilltoii. tsfl Plai Rt U, N'. h«. >»¦-,,-ni:i.« ,.t I p. »n., »atbtEatptrt '.'..¦', aeeaaipaali «i i«y ...unit IM Ki ni ina and M invite,I .,-..« st -, io f «.-nally mi '.- i "tr"1 ¡'." lana wbe ure axpoea 1 to arr'vo on tho ifeaaiablp naaata ApartefOraflaava hand fun «*.. «t the iinisi. ha tbe aataatta» ead» at I p.m. a dinner mm Berrett At It jj m. Um ¦. reí tj aaa 4itT Qnaranrine, i,-,ii lim iii ;..i" mi ti in 'i fron i¡.. it ¦«» Ben Ij D .'« i.« inda «!¦ aben tbi But ... ktslj «l. PEBSOlfALITIEi BTÍSLBOBAPB .Ti:»L Noah I'. >'¦ ngliah, a promineul lawyer) '., li«»-» H s.,- ,¡, .'. r ..... _lin \i -.«-H iiiii-îiir»1 Woman Rnflraa« fi atodt tiela Lia« _!>¦ Al »ia.» L U ||;(. t .r,,rJ l'i. ., I. .t. _The Pretadent hat i roanlied Rnaplpb Braid Hellié al V -/¦ - i. al. .S«.r»a> »t IS m: ..lula B. OL _The 8enate eonfinned only one nomiuation yea« Uttl/.thtlafa H li" ,' fcr tb* l.-c. It M-'i.-r _Gril Morgan "f Ohio *t hi- own reqtu « i, n «., »«--1 (r 1.1 * in «i I'. «t i 'o "i «.k1 Ota. ,«l.a«ule mt I-« u «i-l«..«Mt m i l| _Thef.ill'iwiiiL'-ti.-ini»il IrnateM of Ibu Hebrew .t PI»»i h,.l ,». ... k* >.,» Ladjn <«f li«.» i., A takal l'iatiasab, Wilhaiii Kr.«,-».,», n »f u,u .»,..», »,. ,-. I. ,a'.i«:rl ui ltira,,... TELEGRAPHIC ROTBB. ... Tile ( ¡o vene ir ol' .laman L'.1! ira BTBnd lia li(|l.et la» :,. il« e .;.-., «r: ,.;!..¦ .«. r. in ¡.,rt »I h lil,- ... The min lal iii«! ¡t< In s t .»Tri the .Asiatic anil il'..I lill h :ii i'ren r«pr«».:,t 11 e ,11 i, | « ., le« :. a,I ,11 «i« la J'.ol r"H'l I "!'¦ _Tbt Jan.aira toett fa inta are prepaiini to avail thama» li' l.i I.« (r,. t na« » ul lin- Lea »t«»iia«Li|i isanaau^, c«lii«o » I BBS tttt ... At the «katini.' matea la Rreht-wter bad tr«*n- in«. la»t»«« u (»a., imi,- .»: Rraak Swift, far r¿-" a «iü<», .s», a m i éttt TI"- .«¦ " «'. ti M '" I l _Havana un febantt eomplain tlint tlir^oiitlnni mi i> lal» I-'1 » * .i""1 ' '" . '. ' '¦'¦'.' I . I "dit Ss i al, al " il »a.« "I Mt w-lura ami Nrw-orlraui art foo» fini id I«« I««, .!.n«. _'I hr Beallah 'Tie Bbanarrh lias «branghl f<» Il »rana tli» »rew of tli» B t Mi m»» --na«,¡ian ««f M.l.ll«»- r ., I, a!. ¦¦: «a I .«Il lil« Hil uni. ¦. Ii.it- .D ber »,n»<t Îlolaa M m » i-. :,»«. 1 «i. ' _The l'.Tcriiiivr f'iiimnitt«1«- of the Maaaaeh Ita -.-»¦- ranpantn tilt«*«* h»» u«»«i«i«*»lj mal i«« Mtitnat latan t n m1 lil* I Ib* »air uf l«-«r BMCk «a» »Uile.1 tu Ui« Ia |ll«'I I«* '¦. _A deputation el Traatorr dtrfca aart hut ra- tuni».l la W*lll*ft** lr« m Baal* Fl k**ia| n i«er ut»ii«4»ii the iram- ii,.ri»t,,.n m .¦«f'-i« Huilier of «av«,.,»»! ,,. |,,,i,. ,. neaatl li ana rj. .el io f.«ur 'ifti' ir.,n »af« «an ntfaflÉ' fr-««u Ib» l»r:(,;i,,ia «f railw«» r«,minn'i,' at., Il ib »a...i.« u,,-i« ,- iLi.llal. r», «ilt- _Letters frmn peteoni who went t«i Ifandalene with It«» I«""'«'''''' -: "' -,....ii.re il,«- r«-|,r« -entaii «m t., »«,,»«i.i«ia uu'r«i». lr. «v I t.i t.» uIitIt wurlb 1«»». fr»«»i w«l»r ra« n.«t I.« i.-i«. r-.l lad il ¦ I..' ¦» IB !'.¦ '. Mlhtag ItlUin II'» While tl.e f.'l »I» ll,IT, »le IT, Bl, »11» f..r g»tliB| »W»». _A H«» letj ian liri n nriiani/cd ni Chicago, Ululer f » n«'"« "f Ü-» fr»i,rli ttttttttt Ail iriaimaBuii.' f«,r t,,e maymt ..f «en.i :.(.; »«"Il ««"I m |.len,rat. .«f a,nrultur« t<> Hi» »ut« nuat »lui im i,m-,..le t-r-u'li i«i«.i.ir ti-«» L.'.ii M i'alui» r ii l'ie-|,|. i.t .f li,» (ir.'.u »al uo. »mi Vi«- l'r . l.-iali finia a.l ¡arta of WtlB comj ri«** naj u.ai,! le» ai,»' «fa» » innata. _The etnil I or s if tin filien tal powder Company, .alma» ««.rk» »r» in s..utt. H i; !' «ra ile. hell . m».!,iv in It «.«..n »»«- t«rl«l. A «tatriarol »a« lin-l« -l «««in» a '«ir >ur],lu> nf mer f. «. «." «Ulli,« < «unpin» fttmtmt I" j.«» «t««li»r f«r rlnllar if all«.w«-»l t«. »»Iii» iu»tl»r» SB SB ttwimitm "I fr-.tn an l«, twent» f,,rjr ii,,e,tl,a. Th« « ',«in Btla, tat* pal.i »Ulllatl ia*l« 'lill llH-l« «if MpttSBBttM lil« |a_t liU , » H - m> Um am» ( asiai.iik-'-hy SLtOBAVB. laaat Tarr. liriag mar Wieeaattt) M»-., wa« fn,i«n Ui !»»l!i H MttttT« , "_\V. It. (»rnvrs. ¡i rih/rii of Clatk Cuiiiity, AiL., wa» fullO'l fr««I»D Ul llcitll Ujl »e. I. _lüinielrf, who wax implii atril in fhe rabherj of the Mat I«11« l B**k «1.1.1 I1« Ile f. .. Mi iraienlar, of U'mnnptKii,. _Two( liildreii wen poitooedbi ta.stin»t: «»f the aaaSaat« al » titi |4.»««1 i,(, ai^ uk lia. m.ui ol a *ria,[a<i»t . o.«rr «I« ,lr.....i »I a iu IJillurl. Maa«. .Tin-lion*«-of William Crowen, b1 Braidwood. lil aa« liirn-l « « <!.'. an Bat W.l un uni »i.l tax ,«f I i.,in « ijill!r»n |«»rnla»l ii ti « Skn.ea 'I tt ..II », latlntl in mt knaar Baa* ¦««,.« "r km IHat\ li* paall» ..'- l«l« l.i» ni »IU inpiiug I.« rea ,a» tb» rhiklrrl, _'lln Mniiite« rs of Hie Kitid-rti «ailed the Cali- f..rr,.a l^r,«! Aaajrial« «ia pt .;¦..¦ ||4 «. rii«nfna». I«. I..ii«-r. «fa tint»l in NiwJera»» «ul lui» in «»n Iriiie«»».. aat n»kl»r.| I iL. h»»» kalt ,,.,',;... L-l« I" »n San Mt) .»«, l,.r t iKilati«,« yflt,» A «ti I.ti¬ ler > Uti "' aliieri'i«- In Won eater. M i««., «reatetday, Edwia T. How »ni «a M '.rt |,. .i« .1. :¦« .- » iimMatt jttmmliriwHk Mta i" ».iiimli m «'«ilr«««. »iel »a« »-ula-tinal I«, Ih« M»t,. Pi,aon f.ir I) jaar« tli» fir«« I»«' J»»" »if »lii'l» i«. Im |,lirej lu ».«liUr« r«i.ti«»iu»*l. au«! II.« reii.ait r «.f ttt tiru» tt h»r»I l»lM.r. _J .uni i< Bl hgotea, proptiet-ot of (Ik- Variety Tlie- a»»r m ll»n«ii»ii». tua I lf»i**. a L«»'ru ni»»tr»l »,i,t>l.«»e.i i«, t,,,.,,«» 11\, Ih» n »ri»»l»'l "" » ."' fl' «f ktÄ »# I'r .nie . Optlm II"»«» » n»«l »»ia',li»bOH-a4 »«iii« w»»k« Bt*» I'I«» <»r«'..l 11.r» lad c1 II»'» »'«I U.n.lr«! Ib« faaria»«-r Bt »on ui ftMt, «ixl Ik* l«ll«i tm»'. li»»»» ia I«lau«I «li««"""1 WASHINGTON. Tur iVT"vT i»oi\-7 ttQüWLKt iv riiNr.p.r-"«.ri'o- TOooXD Aiiui.niDN Of Tin; At U>1 MT« -i'HI PACtntX HAM.Kii».l> i.iM QCBSTIOM .«4M" OTHESMKMOTAL «'«iMLill'L.Vlilli I.N TUM Df" BBItn IHII'AIIIMI NT. (IT T. ti (,¡t'"ll TO TITI! Tritt' .TI W'tsllIM.KlN, Vi i'-U'siI ,; , J.,11. î», un. The rr-ent Iftr-nlti«-...a sf n ob law it VTs thi iii» alaoi of «Malata, hoi in ".itijy ii^urs'i tha i ti« a of the AcaVr..y in nie m MOM of Madto, of OOBJBBb* Tho ti illina punishment awarded to the of¬ fending cadets, who ha\e merely teen coi.finrd within ci'rtain l.tnltaon the parade pround, U thoujil.' to shu'v i remark ii,lo Ht It of appreciation of the gra«. ity of UM off. lim eonnnitted on the part of tin off OTOI I Academy, and tho poiaihlllty of tbo occurr; ncoof atiy lUtli SBiTBfMM Ir.-ieb uf Ha» Ipl.i.I protea that t'.ci » MOMMtattOg rndli ally wron«; tolaMaOMOMMMlOt ti;« liifct'.iitinn ti«, it require« correct,ou. Iho cad«' C'iii .«.ntcd tho outrage f-Uowtd no j.« ti!:« :u-» i.'ci but, as tipptars from pajera aiilnnittod to the M I.Wry Cointnl'tro Ly tho \s'nr Drparttnc.it, had tho lr-nttdcnce to h Id a n.fct'.iig and ftpp«»lnt a eomtiilttao to preparo an edlrchi to tho Si-pcr- lntendent, J'u-tlfying their conduct. This adcircni rover», ciirht or ten pupea of pa; BT, lad li ^uly sit;: i y the three cadets toiu-tiiut.iiK the Con-in it I te. It la nut Imprenable that the Invtstlwtlon cf tho aff-ir by tho Military Committee will lead U the adoption of a rt Iti- lion dn-ictlng the «rentary of V ar to ilirmXi '!,¦ flint clan of cadet , and to m¡ikl on lr n.t il...'o elis ^-0 IO UM BBafinTI Of fhl ÉimlSIIJ. M the charge t!u.t tl.cy aro incompetent to n.ai.'.t.-.in pn pat ti... I; l.i.e. Tliri affair Las M ttrcr|-«h« nrd the < ppei»iti««:i ir. COBgRM to .ToM l'uirt, that, van It bM tar thl carty atass of ni aeasion, a proposition to rntii'-'y ale!1 ¿li the Aca«! Bl IJT Would he illili,.'i . 'v «i-pi. rtri?. Al MM pn mil-, iit'v cunncftid witt military lr| Hall tends to nir-.be a »pct'it'tf,i:-t ia »li«» Mil fcrfcr- M -*- Cure the BOOMMOf bl« h a liil!. Bl Mltof « IM tjbteui of m. ti.ry t.!-.. tat f the ti.rou.i-i'iut iho c t.'try. m::« 11-'. '. . yeanifo,ran le ,'uitl-ir ilevi' i-cd eo a-« to f'iiii.h It.;:«..- W. -l i'. ,nt ni;.-¦'!< i to the army. The .-enatc:.i: .'ii'ii.r,- t aOUBltl 11 Mad I met I I I t' i. toalay tilt- fOMtoM of tim BBJ M ni ¦>: :1 «« n.t« n it un the luiiids MMOi hythe ftosoi filial I K. it-'.4.1«. Mr. H".;-:'L:aili If. I * ». '. mittcil au atBBBBI ut to tlie OMOMIMmII behalf of fin aaBlbaad Csarpaalaa Ite ot-atoadO! not only that iii-at wa» DO law n- ¡inn: s th. Crmpinles to serii.-annually r.«int.u r.-.; the GaMtOBaOBl Ut) 'ho int. t -: ) aid on the Uiiited .ct.it. s .in.'á», bit tii.it «ath r'.;iili'i''i'i n' on iho part of tr." .;.r i. i.rrei.t MMUI wai a violation of iv ip .' al praatotoB t«> the tniiiriiry, and tli.it thl ati « in OBBjrjBai »'iowa d that nu au, li paytin ..t uy ti..« ( ,i ipal y vat ever coot« mnlate J. lio ci. iiucd ti; «t If tit» üovtniíuent Ililli.lid Its MadfMMM, to tlio Omb paniei by buntf the road for tho tram.-. MtO(j of troop«, and tho foraaiuinií of all supplies for tho army, tLo Iiiduii.", and th.: i'atiilo InBBfllBB. thsl ono- half of the i-i iiiprns.iLii.il .'ur rai li 3i»r»,.« e, wi... h hy ¡aw la to be applied to t! o repayment of the pt mci,»al and !::?.DP rt on (ho {'tilted »4iati B llanda, wou'il roto.ily r> pay the int«t»r»«t, bM cxt-tiirtiisb the prii <-ix»al bah re tho maturity of the h«.iir|a. That for some reason, only om>- t. nth part <«f tho (lo-, i riment traniiport.it sa ¡« no'.»- tOM l> way of tho Tacil o lii.ilw iy, and th..t tim MJTMMto from even thhi service, IncludiiiK ma.i seniio. had re¬ paid ii.ore« lilian oinxiiiarUT of the inU're.st paid l»y the t...\ «i i mr ii», »'th'i-j/h tlt<« no« -t of Unit MMBaM ha« ac- cruud duriUK the construction of th« r«aU, The ti '. r t on the entire i- i-> of r ". u Rtalc« Ixnoli« amount,-ii only to Sa,s77,r."j ira annually, wlillo prior to the louf-ti .iai.ui of the road the tlovtrn- ii.« i.* Uaii-'.ori.iiioii MMM tlio continent MM f7,tx i.onn, and wi«i,',l now, aMaoM Ihe rell.-oail. BO '- ttott tlti.iaitvijo to t:'..i)00,GCO; that MMMh M'cl -, l'ardu i Oh w. M paul MaUaOM m lrsiiM fur «:;iri> Lao] the linlt<3d biatt-s uiuil-t MOtVOM tho tonulnl of the Lwo tb.«n un- fliilah.-il nij.di.tlie Outrai and tho Union, a distant o of 83* mile», while now a mail of u-n times the w«'i<l.t ii iirrii «1 a.l no way from omaha to H.in Fran«-lace, 1,913 mile«, '. »r l.-as than ft«.,'»". He stated thal tlio arti.iu of the Coi i-rmcnt olllt «rs in rt-t.iitilnir tho w Imlo euuip«-nsa- tion for n-rvici'i, iia«ed ou the l.l.-a that tho OtMBOMM arc li ibio to «cuil-uitiinally IMMMOM MOIMMOM MM by il.u Iii tod .--t.it«.«. hal fill« n heavily BOBO many; tiiat it hal BMBMl a diIfBM ,,ti"ii In the »«' cuni..-.4 «f iii. I'm«'.", PaWtts atatatoaad ali ne al ti.. \ cm, between the i«t of Ot tôlier ami tie »th day of iHitiiili r, uinl yi ¦: hu MMMttol H »' nu. li a. umi \.as not oi.ii witlio'it law, hut a direct violation of ti;n qBMfl min <¦( the law. Ile oVtOOl w-ith a OM i'lt-ln -ive v u w of tha ad «»alagM raaull lau lo tai «atofi mm 'it and the raaOtrj Maat tha araili-MlMo al Ihs road, ard bariated thal tho Him ruinent «ml to Ml la mtté faith lowan! thus/« tlir.iii.i'h vtliotM- eiit-n-'y and nu una lins initioinil work had '"-'"i « mied tn asases Ma h na, ti., rjaas- iu.lt.«- BM a' to no OBS ...| .ii on the .!'¦! a t, tho furîlu r ri.iiHi.lctnft.il i,f -iii h v.lit i«--1.m..-il at .ii tr in »t mci i.i-- on '\ «-.lue ..I iv in- if. A niliior is i-iiiri-iit li. le Th-it .IiiK-c tiff«», A«a«i «ant Bel ntary of tin Iut.Ti"i. is MM «0 lu- IMMIISll. lad ina! tin President ha« tendered tin- pa -1 r i. »n toa ft mu j ita- man. BaMataft rtii.it lad Caasaraa in atoaoaf the »mm of M t.ioi i»- i:. i' N«-»"in. Wim, tha) t-av, a itnarh Itrni ililli an,an |hM law v, r, iiud a man i.f .Tli at t-x.a utive ability. II« bM .ii«ii B limitant «OOI n-«« in, iiml waa con lim d tor a'nu.-ii l.iiii'V I'ri-on in Ivj. Tin- Hoar«- .lunn-i.ii-y I'liiiitii.ttt-e h.m- ,»i:i.iil, without .'..-«¦. I repart » MU proUMUng i Mate fraoi let yian an; ti» ar di.ty upon »-. .mi.« in tiait-it.ii far asia, which tii\ i.^ pat h v ii-1 iijioii the « MsaM <»f ti"- Mate hauMliig Iii«- tas, 1 lie ApproprinfiiiiiH t i.iniiiiit'-.-, tin-, n iiniiiif?, I he.i-il SMPHMMO f.'uti ti«- Na .«'tai :. I of tin 'I i.u.-ury j and Wai, in icmlioii to iii li. u in u s iu Ihc.r I«|i,irt- I incuts. r..-i!iiii«-t«T-<¿> nenn Cte-will iitrairi appeiirt'd ami ma.!.- MMMkSM at-'aln.-t t»ayiUK iui«s«'V ¿t o T,,,,|. nf hit itv t-o.mai il.iiiii.il by Iii.in for Sllftsad il.iin.nri .«», re-ultin«.' fruin the Ile pat tini-nt's withdraw Mg a contract f«»r «tamp«-«! «-.nrelopea awarded thi-ui. ou tho m «aadMai thai aewaaahto to exi.-ut. mm sime, it wa.« iiftirw.iiil awardi-ii Io Menais. Kay i io. uf New- ^ rk. lins il.itii has 'a-eti ver) p«-rsi.-t«»ntly pressi-d, .ii.«1 a- i at tiit-.ly r«-ist» d I«« .Mr. « re-iwell, w ti«, In«.-, cn i-cviT.il titiu B henrd lu i¡i|i<isiiiiin. The Muli «-uti,-il".-,. M whit it was iifi-rn «1 were BBBhM !" «tr. <., UtBBgh It wa» i-X|>ei lud to repair! this inoi-iiinii. II.i- « onimittei un Education .uni I,abat have referred to thiiii a Linn wlin li iiivohi s tim ri eo.-nituui of an ad¬ vance In piit.hc law and the rules of war of a In m li« lal rliiir;n-t«T. Tin-c1,uni i that of the Williiuu .-in«! Mary l'ollein-. al Wiiilanihliur:'. Vi., the liisiiti.tnni nt win« li w.i-iiiiu'tuu calvad « alb «tute t-dMaaMaa, and bobmmM to|««.inji». it is for dam.ip-ri Hiistainiil from our troops dm in»; the war. A-ulc from thOjMMM «»r oth-rwlse nf .in- particular i laiiu. the point of BBBBrBl Ir-^ue Is whetlnr the prim iple ackunw li iIko.1 hy the «ii ne va t SBaTOMj Um' all nirtitutions uf aBBTBlBg ami charity Shall bl du nr.-d neutral property, not to he usciUhy eil In r out' slant, and to !.». NMBMOOMi IM «l.»ui ;. » im ah titallv mi urrlii«: from military opérations, shall ho acWiiowledired anJ MMMMÍ In our h-arislation. 1'rnf. Kwell w11 M leard iu hehalf of tin- Vuiriiiia MlMM dur- in»; tin week. Sei n tari Itoutwili BM Is f««re the Committee of Way» anti ans of the Iloii-e this moriilnir, n-sistin«: the al««»- '..lim i«f the Im omi tax. He n pre-«nti d that the proha- lile lev.-nue fruin that (MOM Would Is- between IS und 14 millions, while the coat of it* collection would not tv» half a million. A connurent resolution, from the Kansas I^»«¿-i»l;itiire, has 1«-.-n it. em-il her«-, passed with only four neitatlve vol.»! in the lloiise. and none in the rtouate. IBloMBf to the Chi-roUee ni utial lOOtM trouilles. It lakes SJNOMl in fav.ilofllie settlers, and SfpaaM MMMHMtj Hu-"Joy l'un hii.se." It Is claimed that there MB settled «M 'he tr.ut ulKiut aaVaM iiiluihitaiits, many of whom B>BB» tlien« MaMMMMl to the ratiflcation nf the tnii'.v, ami an- therefore « iclmled fnitn its pt,,v niions, bul who «till sel--, led their homes in the faith tin« ltiev would Im- allow«-d topOMMMI te the tiovirn- iiniil price. Tim b»BbMMMM «ask that < nimms« BBS! «uch laws mav la- n«*c«-s«nr> to «i-cure tlw- ritltls uf tViti« /l./e«»ittiara, and als,» the «IkIH «>f tbe rtt.te to tOBOM land" Tin- i-a-na tor» and pn sa-ntativen an instructed tai u«<- nil Ih.lr infltii-ii. I toMMM BBI h a rcsiikt. bBMSBS a bill no* MOBMf declarluK the validity of the " J.y punIhosa*' t'»»'»» résolutions are of «onie Importance. The ,-sr nat«-I'oiiimittecou Appn»priatl..iis han t»«-*-ii :«t wi.ri. on Hie Inila airead) piu»»^«! I») "»<' '»"'i-« aMTOM emlilav-. nid lip«-« M ""«m t«. (..> t «omi of thein MMM the f-enat«-. Th«- K-ie«utlve, Jiati« lal, and lii-i'i-ilntiv e MBOàMMtdM ca.ia-ldi ration to«flOJ and will pmhahly i,e tin «heil t.' morrow. Tli«-l-iisliiiBa.il r«»eueral has addn'«««-d a eommunlea tluii to Henalor Itainia-J, Cliaini.ati of tl>< « oiiiuiltrei« on I'oat «iflln« and l'o«t R«>a«ls, on the aabjert of peti Uoub ureeeuled tv ConsTr««, pr«> in« that tbe ma;mf«vc turf nml »ale of istiir>fpcd envelope« hy the (lovernmon?, anl the prlntll g of ou.siiiesi» card« on "Hie «aine Bt dis« ou lill' rd. Alimii. the «»I '«'ctii'ii* to the piaver. he »in«, that aneb a tblag aa <.«-mtcrf« itmi" Btaiaptd enrtUjpea lia« nut » «ii k' OWB, pi lia many of Hu ataatpa p :ire«l mi i ni rlrin«« iM'i'ome Iniihe .'mil an- lost, Ulm «iil«|e«tliiir UM i. it< t m i.« tent lo tbe Dead Letter Ofbee. Tea «««-t ol nn lopes sold i»v the Denei tat« m, wbea tampered with tir m i it,t« «nid ti) tbe trade In B ve,a. dons not show lli.it iii (lUiei-iiiii-ut will iiKiliiinuiH« the I'IL'Iih'H*. It is [j .I'ii,i .,re retail .«h m t,t al«.ne Iii KtW-Yttk, IB B "1 hv n Ona nbote name is attaebed to tbe petltloat, m ina- factured end «told Uti irar i'..,,!<X),s|«jof «Telopea. Tala fact, Hu 1 «,«tn «« -tei <»<in< ral saj -, ia «viili« ht to fut" Hu tiiteinrnt tbat the*! mpedenreloj im.si'ies*, which :,..l;a,»i- tieneflclal to tbe people eira tht publie Ber¬ rin opt «-.ii s a.s .m ...iidioiiKiliscriiuijiauou ..,,'a.nst the Ban I< pt li.»de uf Hr country. VINVIE REAMS STATl E. FOKiMI. i wah.ino or nn M'OKK-l KAMI AI'LHI N(,K ASH L1TTI.K ENTII^IA^M. |BÏ TtLKlilUPII TO THR TRI 1«L.'.'KI Wa«miv(;T'iv, Jen. 2.1.Th« sc<no in the Hn'np Ia t:..s evenlntr, was «]ulte a hrlil'aiitor.e. Avery larga a'1 !'« BM BaaBHMad, In ad»l:tiou to Hie officials and tbttrfaa J «.-, ami ptebabtr alaiprr one was compelled togo awaj fr.in Inability to net into tho Cijulol at ni', ile 1 niiifi.l hall, rising In IU aerial iiropo.- tion», aad ituitii vlfh tho mftened radiance of lim ..nun . frescoes, waa crowded to Ita utmost caji ,<iiy. An an urato.-leal tribuí« , -t was compounded of Bdxed el« menta of success and failure, tho latter, prrhrpa, pruluiuii'.at« s. A «mail platform In the ceuter of the rotuiid i, BB- built around Hie .statue, was pro¬ vided with seats fi r the orators, artist, und the Joint OOBatftlM OB PabUt BniMiiigs and (.lound», under Wbottdlraetloa ti»« ceremonies we»e corni ictc<L Tho Prt bmiiiI and Tbe rttaaltat. beta appealing in l n: «I'h um', ip nt«, .-. ee BBttod on the rii-*Ut, while ,: wi»«- Beaatora and BepretenteUree. Early during tbe proceeding! «coral eliaquent beaqatta aad m itlia wera aanl In Mitt Rr.n.i, uxonipauied by u , ral rae,i», bearing Inset Iptlona »¦,..;'' ntarv t«i th» 1 her work. Of tbe speeches, it is c tu I thal ... 't wat tbe nett actable, Senator Pa«ttertoa't then t Snltb -t, und Senator Carpenter*! iii. moat «., i ,i. Indeed, tone points la the I tter were forced, i (Las well at ona nr two refereoeea, liri alto iiiited ;.:.«; «¡»fr »tried. Tbt »lxi- »li of Mr. Brook i«1 ,.. ,t «¦.' I«,th brerttr ead i ilnt, l :. ., red to be a cr ra' i irdli t as to the ftltbfnln« «f i i little eü'irt 1.1 enlofixa tat a 'k from ,1...''..,- lut that Btaad-polnt. CriticUm, rilli room, unir.» MT. « al I»-:.t« ii - rnt -i.«« il t <i io esteemed. Jmlgi Hart», :.i ., peoter, and Meure Tnimlmll ami Cal» l,,iu b; thei ¦, testified te tbt eocuracy of tin iii, «'lui. waa con Iderableapplaua «in tua retaoral f tbe flag» with which tbe statue wat dnped. aad w «> or twt.-i, dui'inir the »peech of Qtaa» hi.ni«», it mu r.inew« «i. od \. te, the great Bedienet merely Btood ,«»!. M «t Kearn was, of course, "thr ulm, ried »errera." i i hi nilj iii tutaaijt It aij Hill ibu looked vail, un«i an usually uti r.n Una, eat .vine a black robe, with orerdnta of whin poplin, and a teat) w¡,ito hat, m,d«-r whi h tlie bright tyet and brown. uria, ian m.«imiiiii uy aided bet lu tan fir*» pu .- ¦¦ quit«ibu ¦. u':ir. On thr whole, tbt tara« n.. m pastea off « eil, in tpite of tho ¡'ait t-a'. au BMMb rhetoXU uearl) produced repletion. [CKSEItAl PHE IS DISPATCH | \Y i uisi.ruN, Jan. 25..The unv.iilifi£ «»f IGai Beata'a ríame of Lincoln took platt to-tilirlir, in tim Ki, tai d. i of tbo Capitol, which wai oi.liiaiitiy lliunluatcil Bad d.elad Vtlb l'ai.'*. One of thrm, loadn iaf «'a'l- fnn.as.ik, was suui/iinled over tho ptatue, I'r-«iin.t Crant, Vicr-I'rei.'.'Ient CotfBZ. Otn. ¡-"herman, Jud»:« lei.i-, thr im "it i'..hiu! Bnihllngi aa t uranna*, and the oraton of tbt oceetlon oooupwd a ita ia the platform. Xiatra waaeeery burn aodlanct, Including Jii'lK'Hrf thf qupn ino Court and mein nora of Congress, With their f.tr « After meale by Hin Marine nr.nr!, Senator BtotrlD of Vermont aaid teat foinyear» acó linio trill was c\t ployed "i tb« Pott-« »111 l .«t $«'»o a year, In.t mir li wi fauth th.iL ife« ((inlil iin s jin li IHK bell» r. CiiiiirTi-sn Kav« li« r aaotxlertoexeetttt aitatne of the late Preslilent tin« eiln. (Bat oiat m aud tin- urtlnt wem uow batata Uio iptetttott. ludgt 1 ivis of the Snpron.e Cn'irt fhen. aceor(*.ln»r to the prusi uni ,e, jin«,.<-,«:. ,1 -'. a t.a v ill tin- «.r.iinr. As soon ud tiiia wad uono tbt osa«: m lily Limke fottb In tm> i 'in.'i. H «i'i rT.-'-m* OH of Illlnoii in Hie eo'irse tibiare- laid that, prarions to the paaaage of tba ictby Ml, girtna te Muí.s; líe¡un tun ex.cii'ion of His waa» a uiunbor of persona bad made itatnettet and btadt bf L_coln, ami oh« aim niu'.i- a mist f«viiu (.ittiuua by lincoln. 'liiirio«:ro aaeh a striking rateiublan. io Lincoln that Congntt ordered frota her e itettu of '..fe »io-, ^fttr ¿ringa brief aoeoant of Um artitl and hw per- »u:,.ii blatory, and bar visit to Bome,he taidshe »a>,, e ,1 lu procuring a Lloek of inarhlo without a Btein -t fitiiin<- ei bh m of 'n'- pura obere« tor itad motlea Life "f bim tht statu-it int» :i«'.r«i t«. r«'nr tent Altboagh Uncoln wal iiftä-u ». en in a happ> fiainr » f mind, '.ii. re aera rtmis with bim of neat deftaaaioa aaenielaaeholy When burdened with thougbt ais oenntenance alwayabad a pentive exuretrton, and thla waa abet tbt «irti.si had tndaaron I to prtterre ia BuurbUk lVrhapstim iiiii!i««t compliment ho could pay, aa be Baaed upon tba itatue, waa the raadincaa to exclaim '- l:.is ¡s Mr. I.iucolu." OHier» woald liubn of Um extoutlonof the aiiiet. Bepretentanra Callum ««f ii.m;.,i«, aftBt avj lag that, u.« s in« lulu r fruin thr furn.n hnir ol'Mr. I.' .c.«!n, it tra.» deemed proper he ahould make a few narks on this n aaton» alindtd to tbt fatl that fromtb« aarllttt hlttoc] «iiin han,au rare ll,o World'! herotl nli«l U'liefai'ot* hare been honored hy tbt erection of aonumenti tod Mulptnred »tatuoa. Genlni al «rir i ,,ui»i tnake tbemarhlt i-|M-.ii,. Tit art of iculpture ind tiic nerfcetion of th" in.« arts are eTidenoea of tht degree »«f ctrilizatian. a* the* advance In form ami beauty» aa the i«c<«|.!e risa m cultora and moral attainment. Tnera wen non present 1». rsmiM from all p.'rti» of the republic, iikIuhiiu* UM ',. » t '«ii;;.-u an s j i.a t).<« mahen and expound« r«, ««f tim :. ¡ne-, m j vi lol the press. Dirtne rr««\ ! it rtlt04i up men tot great pnrpotet. Tbe people ri.ii'in«! Waahlngton aa taa "Knumir" mid Ltatota as ih, "Htvior"ofttu country. Tba »;ri.it(--t actrecorded in inn !ii«t<,iy was the freeing of 4,mjo,t«nu of daree» Monumeata and s»:itne^ will bare erambled Intodmd be¬ fore thi act abell bt fiirgottea. Tat ipeekrr*! allusion «,i ni.u,.i dbermaa «a* loudlj applauded; aad» la conclusion, be said, Iel thla itatue bt preaarrtd lutuo «'.ipitni m the nain«1 of JasU» e, Union, and Lil Urn. Bankt began hit remarks witu tin aaaertfon that n Mi .as ahleb dbrtingulahed tho l'rrnidruiial of Mr. Lincoln were greater than anywbleb oc¬ curred tiara tbt fiiiiiil.itinii of the Hnirrnuirnt. I.imnln bad ureater ctpecttlet than tbott allaeaed to ordiaary mea. Hedltenaiged hitdutlea with gm-h earneMue^s, um .ntl, m d suiiisrt aa t»« enroll bia nama wiin tbt «areat ('ivii uilminlitratort, Rieareataaaaa of bia mi.- i«» w ia the Int« re»t he timk ni tho welfare of all in« ii. In tbt m r> bteÚUÜBg of tho vni, at a timo aben party iptrft rta ugh, Luuwlnwas with iiiinenity prert uti d from Bttking a \ t-.it to Qen. MçCItUen m Ma» ryland, by which he woald have periled hit tafety. it Brat ael t»i embenaaa ihr General with Unpracucahla ¦iiiri lions, but to aire a.lii««1 In relationtto bliper- BOnal wrlt.ire. "I want .Mrt'lellin to mi« ried," he ».lid, " ii«i hi« sure«--* lu «,ur sue«-««»«*." Lincoln hud n,i pertonal tninio*ltl a Tbott wim ilitHu-od irom him wri, nut necetttrily eatranged from him. alwaya counted on re« m ila'mu. U waa thla iiii.irtt¿ that drew t«. nur t tie bearta at all rías*-«'* of tin« peaftt. it waajoat that biafljntrtof aadortng latrblt iaotild l* pbModta tin Capital, t«» remind oa aad our fueei Mora o' the vii tu«-, chara« ter, »aoeett, tnd derotlen fe the pruM Ipb s which hr ad.... .»t. .1 and dal« nded and died in maintaining. Beprt -eui iii.r Brook! nf New-York isad: It «va* tp- propriate that, In unveiling » itatat iikr thi«, a " mo- n.it" siiniihi bi iíiv»1!! an o»i)«i«riunity tu expresa for htm« ¦alf and «aaaociataa their aaaaama (attrttt both in tlie maa ead la tbt monument tht meaoiial of tin« Maa. Ile who acted m foremott a part at Mr. Uaeola in Hut portion of our blatery tbt most exerting ¡mi bmmB perilous, «av» that of our rerotatlonarj er*,.¡n. iititi.«i, i,, t »inly to such a BBBBMaial as Hi.h, hut to have it placed here und-r tba ¡treal >i »me of ItaCapltoL Wa bare bo Pantbtoa'au VaUean, at i'luakoih» k nor at fifnatmlnitai Abbey wherein to entomb oui itluatrloua men,or to« re« I st ituet to Huir boaor. Vet tbt lime i omlng, nay. ii la in part mmr, \.li.-ii this It.ilmuí.» nuil the sin iniin ling h lill and «.-riniiiil« will h«- ¡illili with pn tines, painting», frr ,««¦-. itatutry, broattt, trleaaa, hatrtlhift. tad» otbtt mona.Mntt of thu world'* remarkable bmb Hut In the work hero that w«- aie DBTtlliag Is the doutih- nieniorial of not only a Cbb f Maglatratt, in tba prime of life, foiiily »hot down, hut t i»> memoritl «>f a woman'i banalwort a women'! plai th art. Tin l'.ilithei ni. the V.ttlriiu, tba gnat Ullis» tim« of Parla, laiiminii, ii ii i Barlte, bring oeei te oat rta Um vorbtof Miine i'hui m Praxltelet of anUquity, but Hin dura nn mar si»- mtaauMnts. batta, oi «tann -, tin- niiirer work of Hie lairei MB, While hen- in this Uni,nula aa aaw tea the eqeel rlgbta of woaaaa.U not with the hallnt, willi the peattl, thr rhine;, the arii«tie lti!»tru menta» to parpBlaatt "the bamaa form divine.'' gbt» tunat»1 tin« man thus Bculptaredl «rertaaeta tren m tin eelamith s of In« co-antiy, fot* te a reatored Union bt luril tn mnivr tiii'iu all fnrtiuiate in the trying ImurM of bia (leulh, a* he Is thu* Intérêt c«iim» rated to the Republic by Inn martyrdoB», teuaurtaliBed atuoag all mankind: Cortunato, too. oa being thu.« banded down te pnistrVity by a wumaa'a lore of e noble art. oaa of tba few »if the iuiiui.it.il n,uni-n that wi-rr n,,t urn to «lie. Hrniitnr fJarataterel WltetaMa «aid. tbat patatag by tin Bttlttt «.f wnrll-whie fatiir, Canareta employed a youagglrlta asteatt tbtatatae, The tele«-tton of tbt arl,at wa* mott fortunate, is» tipton ftiu rai.y mllnw,-,l after aacleal modela, their prodnctitmi rrsemhiiuK neither men nor goilt: aad. a.s au UlastraUoa, h<- ref«ii««l to (IreenoUaxb'l «.t.itilt«1 Of V.a-iiilin-t«in in the K.ist Capital «irotin.li», It hailii»- Ixru compared to an EogUahiuan just from Um bath. It iiKikrd ao tuon« ike Waablturtta than* pn/t Ijrhter. Art ha«l oomplettlk Uiumphed orer n.i- tlire. He «jMikr »if the fieriloin of the W't-«t,' w-hleli «u lint trainineled t.y the .-.lu,,ill,,ii of thr f.^-l^-n IchtOat, and rlateni ftirfan bbVIiim of Mt Lteeota el UM »i»-«ii cation of the Gettysburg Oamtaty pratar eloqatatt th. n the oratinii of Kilwurd fcver»-tt. He eulogittd tbt Wetten arti»t for havinf« iflvru t-i tin- i-»uiii.tr> a true ri-prei-iitatloii of Hkicoln. The «fattie was «atisraet»ir>'. JmU'r Halts, for lu.iny rtaVTt tbt per«»Uisl flleinl of Mr. Ian««In, auilniriied in iii to BUT ee, To the faaclnatteg, .lurk riiii dameel, be axpraaaed bia own .»¡»-i m.« thank» of the people of Wtttontte« To tbe i'r« »f»l« ut. Vu»-- Presidí nt, tin- JiiiU» «,f Hi»1 Mupr» ii.* ('«.uri, Iba hrad» of m-p.ittrnentt, tin ihkIi ataelal tfleert, Bdlltaryaad naval herne«, the matron», the Ix-IU» snd Iwuux tit the audi- nui. in« now preaeated Um uiwi»t. mi«« Bataa. Tin* ladv, the H«\iiOt«ir ttttn «1 the«-»iiieiuitlnt words. Btopptd apan the ptattorm, bowtd, and retired, fniiown.i by taa tpplaaat af the ataaaaBly« nie cr«»wd iin»t-re(j »onie tune in the rotuuda rxaiiilitln« Hie .tatu»'. A iiuiu- l*r of .-ohired ih rMiii» availe.l them«, lu* of the »aine opl>»>rt«iiiily. Miuuv hy Hie Marine liami couclud« ii li*«' cxerclees. ALBANY; KOBI EXTTtAOJUHVWíY BAIUMkAD sim-i:1- I,IK -TKM.ls p., Hi. C1 j. ,.., RAIL-TRACKS is i.vi'KV Dil BCTtOB « ...:¦» V|-., .»¦ A M HUI 'UKI) KUM1' BTOCKHi i.i»i:ii. A mi wv, .i.m. ML.The Legieletae ia doiag ttat work, ibtngb tf tbe áaDttl ami r au aataportani tar. r... ii -. in ,.i« -, ¦< ¦>¦ must ,.,,) ..,..,,,,.,,. I.«.v.--. r, tetlaat labt latte»»» t4 erny dt , ead are ¦temed t., tba Baflrtad Caaaaitttta t titi «.< I th.smnrnii-,; f»-,ivr li .ti« «¦ of hu Inteiiii.ni t«, tBtttÉBtt «» hill «bait« Til g tri.ii.il »t, am rtedecl rtU«ajr,4*BM ag throiiatb BtBettfl ami t,i«.< )».«, ami «««tin«. I,nar lb* ( ,t. li wltbWtettattttr«Otaaty. tbeeeel Bh _te right af, wea for sich t road v.nuid i,««t f, 'm loa Hi tyMQJtg Mt-aOeatt ii« the Btaet« .ami Mr. m -> b thi Staat, baie ataBBMaateealy in. ¡ghi .ni a at «i« at Hut m m of he Dry ii««. 1.1 . ¡,. ray, ami ¡Batter« Bora MkaaaVCBeBfaaj te"gridlrtB" the riiy b) an *-<»t»ti »lou" of their tra. ««, tim to m.ike BBt tfgbtb - o'h» r Kaftroed Campealei ia rona eoeaeetl a '.' tut!. ama tiio said RaOrtad Oat pea« te tzn nd Um li..»sfro'n Avenue A, nn r ii I Beti I«. .< r, a? T* let] tint I nt., hy a double tra« k tbtoagb TatalJ tbllll -'. to Lc\ i-ajrtnu-ave.; Üniao ttkrtBgb Ltstagtl i\. t, Mgtb Hi-s-t.; thence -%rTTt*l Matt" -t. to flflbBIB Also, frrni I> xli irti r. i.« hy «.'outdo track, thrmi-h l',..-tj-se- >ini--f. t«> 1 i-t!, Also, from Av. une li, throneli lereatetBte ami Kiirht» onth-st.«., by Maate toadla, te «iveaae a. an... Créai Ata.a by a eeab»*, traca, tatonga i Hi«'1.a« t HI sir. A!«", finn Avrn,,,1 H, hy tra.:., tlirour'h Tw lft !. «t. fo .-. -, nth .¡- Mt I'1 «.luido iratk tareagb Btniath-ere.tt Weil B St.; thence through \\ -. I.' It ¦wntli -I. to W. ttier.ee tareagb Washington «f. toÄhriigopber it.,and tin ne throui-h Chil-t'-i'Li r -t. by*V.n<iliif bael North Iii n « r. A,-i. fi'in W.isl.i'i,»«,, jt \iy Mmtfim trnrli, tteeagb Cb It to biiHiB'-.r; th.ii.s, thrniiK'i WTtaBTt to T,-.e¡fih-t>t. A!»B, fr« ¦ '¦'¦ Tatlfia at. by Atabla li ali, tenant p<_' ata -nr« r«. Btttatast.; tbtaet t: langa « Butt (¦:.«* to r tb ;i,".; H-enei thr"U.-!i IBatt ive, to Twetti third ' ; thrnco ti ro igb Tw rt\ -tit t.: t. ..> tbt Netta Btrcr. Als,«, from T,-i li avr. t,.r, .;¦ ¦ « tra« k, la Flmt-aie. Al¡»o, fr«ui Ti.l.-r.-'onrM: t 'Ino.: h Ii-ti..!-., hy (!oi.h> tia.I», In l,.it> teta '. A',su, fn ni I'lr-t-ave., hy »tiiu'.e trick «, ttgBagl T'i!;-«y flftli »i,, i r;,ri/ f'ifii t' ti LBxtagtea .iv.-., t.« cooneel witit the doll!«lo track thtttta to aisttttb i-t. a. «I i iftli-aw. Al-o, through Clialnbi rvst., frein OtttBWl h «f., Bf .liiiclr trai k lo fTaihtegtlfl -,*., au,I fn.ni VV.. iblagtrt «t. Bg geebb) truck to tbe Nurla IU'.cr. A!»o, the l.ecessu . coiiuectiont, tiirnou1«, A.. It Ih it'.il.'ult to ertimat« the BtaBMfl WV h such a b'.'t lias of becoming a law. A -omi-«v'.it »' dial ««I, aiv Introducid by Mr. Gi'nrf, au I a ithora*u«a* the Avenue (I ! lora».--Railroad to BSttai Hs trai I . pas-nl the .«¦« .t.» yesterday. Tîiis lull, too, nia.« a hot*-rai.r a«l thr Lex-.i:gt«»n-ave. Thr |fu.'i.w,iuk aie tue ÉBtaflB of »lui rout»1! authunzr.l by It: From Avenue C, tl.roiiii'i .«« «.- onteenth and Eighteenth st*., hy single tracks, to Av»-i A; thence, hy don''' tr.n '., thteagb Avenue A »«»Twent third-rtf.; theneo tl.rnugh Twoiity-tblrd-at., by dinit'l«! track, to liest ave.; thence th.-ou.-h Fu st-aie. hy dmil ¦¦ » track, to Thirty ti ith-st.; thence throurh Thirty flit h i»i.«t T.urtj sixHi-isfs., by eine-lc traá-lcs, to LA|BglBMI1 " * thence tnrough Ix-xinixion-avo., byftlouble trae!., ta» Ki.rty »''corni ,t.; them e through Forty««« »«ml sf., hy «¡oalil«! track, to Foui tli ave. Also from lirr.-uwiih-' , t'lroui-h liiarllon-st., hy «uikIo tr.idt, to West »I., an«!, \>y .inir'.c track, ttirniiit'i West lion«t»»n-«t., from W-!i'ii". ton-*t. to \\e«t «».; theiiro U.aV.>n.!i Wcaat «t., by «luulilu track, to « 'hanil« «t. Mr. Gou(lrn.li u|«t>« .ireil before tbe Ki;!» b1 Ootnatttta of Iii«* aVseei.ihly this aft nicm ti ! i. n ..fii»l (bel they wnuld appoiuta day wheu ho mlK..t im btBN la habt f of liLs bttl repealing tho Ki le Clai-aitlcatioa law TI « Ci»ni!i.lti»ie, with that caution which alway&char.tct« t- izei i.«',iiici .n» lu iaatlBg with a p^rty tiK^sura, in« focaed him tbat tiny weald BtaaMai Ma a retal 1. .n nt,ve BBBBlaa» The p-inllc w:!l bo »rralfl, «I lo lea« n that the Riiilroad Coinnuitec of tLe Aniriniib1 U now» or^-an.7.» d, and lu du- t'nir will he h .ml lunii Thi' fol¬ low mg is a parapapa ttnai a Ubi which Mr. <»oo»iri! b lias re« i lv. d from an F.rlr «to« kholili r ; " I a'li a poor man, und wa« iudui ed »orr,«' ven ra aro buy wiih n./ bardaarlnirttoaharetof tba urie »t..« * di "A. At that Urne dirideuila h.nl not been stopped, but the vi ry llr«t di\ Idend «lu«' nie w i* pi.«-. «I. Bim th« n I li ive re.eiwd mit,hil', ead havn mci my property «te- pm late in the luMids ol au innuoial and dod »let} h«k mt of aotuadteU." Mr. I^tnco of Queens hns lnfroiluced a resolution Int. the Assembly whh h may possibly «ult In finnie W\Wf ¦etetBtty and iuiportaiiit ItgUattML 'Hie i reamb.c n«1'« firth that the statute books aro burdened ^vitli a i.i-t nuinhi-r of acts of special legislation, wii.ili BlteM BB ¦lispeiisa-d with hy Hu pt tit (pi of sii'talle p »irruí law«. Tbt ratolatloa proridtt Pat toe tppol itmeul "f a ipe« »I cniiiiiiitlr«- o/ nun', to tie iiaine«l bj tea Bpethet, lo ««.n- »nler what panoral iiws it i- .. «li» al to m.nt in «rl r to reduc«; the preaeat kian «en m ioIiumoI ipecia k-gtal» Hon. lieiia'o¡: Thayer Introdticed a bill pBVTMteg tba» tilt aer«aral Boardtef Town Auditora tbn u»rhn.«t tbo -i '«» stiaii tt their nnt annual me« tlnu audit ami «ii tw ea« u jier-on wini wii-s drafted into UM lerrlet of the Unite»! ¦tatetoraeataaubttituiethe -uiuof tóoo, with i,i>.-i fioin the time of Mich payawat fbtre will be no racanviea t. ii« year arnon»; entertet! for New'York city, ezoeat taeb bmj accur by -i all . *i»;i.itioii, atebaagael reMdence. 'Wv Hovernof ii »* ¦ir, iii»;«i t«, renomineta all a he ». riaa expire ir.u /»«ti. Irai iii^- lo iii«, i-i natu to coi tin.i at rejc l. LBOISLÂltYI P80CSEDIBrO& .«.K.N.vrK....Albany, fea. V, i8:! riilli wi-re ifitrmiiut «1 to cli.ii ter I lu- 1.«¡iiii- ahí« I.« m n ai.«I li us! «'niiipany nf N, w-York; ant In <: l"i 4 liuarde of i.'Wii Auditors to audit and allow Bat h «Iran, «I piTaii.i .n the lal«; war who paid i'.'tin tee a tuliatltuts that Binn w nh int<treat, tbe lame to in raittsd by tai ¦.- tiun-, prnviiliuK for raiting by taxation annually t City of BriMiklyu the au.nt now inri '«n/.-.i j», be raiai i; aad, te a»l«liiioii, ts.»**», to be derated toward uBfraytea tbe expenses of at, Peter'i Hospital In that city; to pay ea»h ci l»-r in the «uni t of Appeal! a mltn of ti. so ,,. r unnuiii, and auth..ruin«.' tin t,r.\ lind,. Etal Bruadway, and Battery Uailroad ' uni peau «.' axteud their tra«l»i thrisifth various -trn ta and aveaaea. .Sotnes were «xiren of Milt to build atufara rattreada tbrougb the rtninties of New «York an.I \l, «I« rstei. iwi.| to .m,riul iho «Now Vui'k aid OtwegtMldlaad KallfeM charUr. The hiil to ettend the time of col'ei tíiil' tates wai petite. Tin- lull to prerent boa« hollina, fet-melUnf, cr udi ring of «lead tu malt althln th» eorpuratt limits «it w-Vnrk, vaa reportad. The foUuwteg lr.ll» wi re dltfMMOd of as tintcl Un|iiir« teg tba 1 mon rerrj « oBpan) t ¦ > run imiii« al rateanna Parr« vi ry li minnies m Um a »ilit 11 m> .tbild readiaa ; couferrlni apon «Courte of Oi er eud Denainer power te trent new tríala te irlinlnal as m third »«in % «riant« mi; rvtr.« eoaiptaaatton to Ihr cb rk* lu the Stall I». ; alt¬ in« lit paitad. A bili wa«« ri'ported »nviiiir additional powers Ut .'¦.111* p. ?is-.rs to (Iii ide cmii iii-«. Tne cniiieiiirnt resolution InateartlBg Mfhate ».! «¦ iii-ii-»1» frnm Mea York to proi ia 'le paat_»i< 1 . 11 to ::¦¦ t .1 ur, » w tria ti« Seneca tribe of liuli iii nu tht a Heir in.» retervtUon, ead to pcolaot Uktrtghtttf »hut Bottler*, wa« tdoptec Aiiiouiiini a--i:mhi.y A lur^'o Dumber ot petitíotu wen receiTed to refund money te tbe «iraft. «1 men ns;,.11 tt ear. Mr. 1.11 III J'< »UN presented a petit! « from an lor«1«! woman lettlna forth that, uudir th« Fifi« mh Amrml« ment, she hat beta mr!»1 a ellison, thertfors tbe arlr» liege of iuk »!««mill bt graated to n. t ami .»««k.u»; for a law mahluK provision fin tllowiug women mncraliy te rate. On motion of Mr. Ltttlejobn, the pettttea waa ve« ferred t.» iin JaiUclarj Committee, The foilowlna billi w. re n uorted; TWPriatteaAppro« priatíoa bil for t:.< n lb I al tbt Ui«««>ki»,ti lr««u raba r Company; rttttng la tbt lîoar.ls of luptrrtttta .».!- dm..11.ii powart; to ex'» ud the U-ui-tlt of the BOW« Ynrk lastitutlou fnr tue llllnd; maktiiK rex, »- tilín* com »i iiiiii: time of imlentiiiiuK tppntnUeetj toettebttlh a pubttt park lu thr Semite« lT Wai,I Mea Yerb; allowina lae Bega iniaraaea 1 «tapaar «ii Mew-Yerk te acreaet it- eepltel Mock, tecaM-purailiig UM rtllage of East Ni w Ynrk; anth. nziu*1 ibe eonttruo» lion and extension "f Hu railway tr^ ks in l'\v. ifih «I., Nea V.iik; al«o, »mrmlliiif .the |{ro«ik!in I'oln« t ny IwroattegtbaComuiitaionan1 mian t«. It^oat allowina them to make repairt to a cartela extest with.»m raft r- euc« tO UM («uniui'li «nllliell. and t<« nrtall noiii- iii.--| f.ii(.iiint) r»urpotei; andcbaiterteglet «Ni w f«etg Uva bto» k lit~iir-.il.» ». Cn-mpsny. A tua to charter in< New »nrk Hura;ltr Iniurance Cum¬ pa uv wa» iiiimdu»'« d. I he reaOlniHia ca.liiiK <>n tn« « eiñral, Hudaoli lilieraml Krie llullniad Ci l.ipJti.l« » mi (let.llli«l HltlelUCIlt* of tin Ir li||»lli»va.« Will intn|i(|l 1 The f(illi»wln_ tulls wm«- «tl-.|n««>t«l of .ia uola-d : * Amen 1- liiK Ihr «harter tf the Kiovkl'u Hvu.eopaHn<- Hi.jjeu_.iy tad(teaaetegItt«ataM paitad; tuthonateji tea Impri*- oaneut of panpne tuatluiedof Itkiay iu k.u«» i oui.iy ill th»1 «ni» :.ti..i> Of thill mm1 v lu.,*, .»,. uf .11 Ui»; MUCe urisoii.Uiiril naillii».'; ai>i>riii>ri.ti.ua; tT.isi ¡w tiir um.ta uf .N.-w York for Hu- Anti« tam ( « n.ruer) ig umrial tlllilf i-eadiuf. AdJ.iuniKl. . Tilt: .Miin.i.ia | mon HU at LAMB JàCËLÊO*, Miri.s. J.in. 12..Tin» yeffB t,0,d .till «-.«lU-s mm h iut«tfeit. So Ulai iH-fnih« ,-iy_ iiiithoiitlrs lum r\i«r traiisptre«! 10 the cas»' The liratid Jury Igaartd UM lull r«n niurter. wrin-li is iiK«*rd»<l ,.y Kal prttmon and foaraalB t* c<|iiiial>-ut tu auao f|,ninl fat IHImt, a ra'ilnal pegar» «aUni.t*. thai Yerici <an in", er 1>« «-«ililli tesl aud ¿d»!.««-. a »».»»«> /,i .«».;ti«, a* nil tin,»I «,.¦.:..I pi«M* lias laren li .-»I lim Hu- tmttt wit] imt he uied ilnritiK Ih. term of the Court. . er-rrr baa been it liberty time latl May.


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THE END APPROACHING!covnr NSMASCtvnviewoftubànvatioh.i IBAK1. M T.:\ IT <"« I OfT-W» CAHT1 I à-


' V,VV

-,,M. v. Tin «dil. J»i'- 2». 18T1.

A ' afroi fei iffleartateathâl m an

i . .. Oounl Biaaaarek and If.,,. ... ç,.-,.»r «nid: "(Jen. Itourhaki

j, (-. -.v, a Cms. Vin Werfet ¡mil

t sliortlv suiTi'iiiler. Fains

ta i ttaj or tv.«, wheni, \ ill le leleneed ti»

f...... 1 traill a partj.h. I C'lT.« t n- -.di.«to Willi

«- ration." Keg "1 «UtaJ it wtmld-., i,; : n ,. i\ pai y in Frailee to make

I , doeed ilio interview,¦teil f«»r tin- ea.iitu-

]... ¡ of Parie tore been «opened.I .".i:« is \ i .«mi.i.is.Tin: li;o-

LOU M«! K.

I., m ,¦«., Vi iî .,><l.,y. Jan. Bt, M1« tel gram iuiiu Yeieeillee,

iyi :

.. Itere -.vi*1! pfopoattla foi.. B pi , * I t' al tbe ffaniaoo

. .'.li the Loiiois of \s-r,

\ ¦ able.Bt. Denii wA the iii Cent of

|] : ly led to UM arkins of terms.i nit ead Gen. Viney continentU,

1 « .. 'ilio oir-.in;.'«i;)(:.tr." xkiu. The French denujids

by f..r lee tall °-

1er, .- s Qutt if Fernr» ..« ::u nu ..il.;.ii.iii..l r.iHvnder and T\ iiin.t »;.il iin.- t.hole wni on German tenas,1".-. it':, u!io has in lib ;,i ii.il «W<ffj^iiMrai nf thoiio terms by thoI:, h 1... .;.: ii and rmflune. nul tim aten to

I. \T. I v I UXSAD1 IN"

HU liANló Ol 1

1 von, \»( i'.iicm! i>, Jan. OS. MU»

A epeei ' tell run lo The ].:<.',¦ i legrapk,f: i. Veifeaillce, Boya th«re Li solid gitnind f«ul«i ring iLtt Paria will aniTendex t<»-d.iy.

i.M.'Y IV'T. ! Ii.IATE.t ¡WT IB 11 \mi.>.Ai.i.i v ii.i ti us nu.: \ r-

NS 1 \ I.I.I NU I'.Al'K IN

-. m IT.A3 A TACK os HoM'U.i i: im-

kini.m.-ini nncB ectxacei at duo*,l.».N.,« V. Ta, i.l.

m .-

eate rl le all aigfat» «¦ id|0 « -1)11 lilli i! .4 'J. lit ti;»- im 'itiwlallr

.li 'Ii.

., ii »'.«¦-

v. kag froi'i Ute í

Ui/y. BBVd Acat

'i Prend '..'.¦ '. ' f Übe Pt«en ataaday, at DUeo, a» «ÇAnuplete. Hu troopi

-. Prnt"s;.t:i K«. i. "« nt. Jil«.- French !.. !.¦,.! hi

P retreated IBJA «'¦ m Brontrnt, Bwitzerland, Jan. H,

.-«!- li

ttol t!.<- An.Í

thr s nth «ire now at RiamootThe] t tli* raUwa3 tireen 1 yona

.um' ..- mt :i al Bj ina»

V Germant, I,.1..- abend «n« «1 their attempt to

b&i. i. « . i i« :.. 'i han uni: «I., «I tin-» :«. «l Ana.«-. Um Btrex


[l i .. .-!¦- .:i li..\ tt HTi. anderi .e ifon atente al earalrr hartarv ii. Th« Pre Hil' ob

Hou r« Irj hat adran «i loi nd Noarba

a Ham aaya tbat the OeiBtai ... -...n« i.. inakiiu a i« qi

oí itfoor of th« inli.iiiii.iui«.er.il i..:1;, d On Ih« M.- I and ililli1 iii« ii.in ..« ,f

.A « tata l bt lu ai ti

pr:.¦'.; «el,, t .,

te. ,. i¦. « :!:, im,. |] diaeori r.\ alI "t bj til' r. ig i hu

antat Hie Bel|1*ji I '

THEanorni h tiu «: kmi is n RKETRErrnitOTBn

U m ..i ni; OBI \ i POWI Be».I.in. la, i«7l.

1 h« ' ¡c rrner l.,« mg iin in*j«..irn« »1 foi mu- week»Ai« lion i" the "i. ni. ii-

» Mli«- (|iii»<i.i!i od Um Treaty irfParia tratad'.jii««!. Tin Confer rardedaaafai a

à - Uoo baa bai b reeeirt d benOaatH m ;. .. ;,, ..-.'. -|. ,i -. .... ¡Brelj on¦an ! i«.i iimtri ti. n. a ...i nut .n tin-mten.-.¡a anda«aakaa>efl ol ti Rimrpi an P »wera,

OEXMUAl n<ni.[i.s m:us.

VAIS.TI!K roUCI OI Till. M.W (,dVl.l:\MI NI.

MahiuI'. Iii« «d.i.. .I.m VI, 1 1.Minis'« i M.ittus bj alunit to iaaoe a díplo-

BkntB «ir»iii.ir ta Um tootla jinllnj al ¦pela. It willHi«»* aiaaaeriatlii laae» aa/, uti aiaaMaéeahí ha iI" -'iiuiiliiic with ant I'.iim-,

Tli« . ,!,« r- att nr ant I»nk.« »,f ataatpeMttt ure l,n]«lliipBi.i.ini i¡ t«. eetettaVna tin ir f, tun altltmle t-'V-ar-l II.«-L« .* Km/. -It.« !.. i :. rs Imv. m nt «mt ;i m.iiiltiVUiiii v.l.i. Iith. > nd1,!«*. thtir ItlBBtB li Mtt in Die.i<i»r,.a hita»; atMBVaaa»

CHINA.orrr-iM. D»anPATCn iu«.u ki:\k-ai.mih m. i.oi»-

'''¦«. l-iuK.ia.N.« or am. uwAnnài i-auii .i OMOITIOM ok nu: KMi'iitK.

Wasimni.tiin, Jan. ¿i. -A «Vapajaen fr«m Betw«AK'l.il-, niiliiui. lilli- tin A-i.it.c tint, ditad

H".' ¡. « .dnr.id.i. Wllauii/. ( iii!'!», Ile« i, 1m(i, |,.,.,rtHai N .. vvi>» ¡aituiint iin- ntuin tntinit Batea, aitatal «r- ,,f Bet »'all und (/nurd, in "ii,j,ki,y willi Mr.* »oil ian,] part/, fruin I1« kin. Adn.irul ICkIk« r» had* si «li.'i rn.ii » with Minister Ixi* i «-«.n iii i,/< |,, Mat.»""i's, und »»o willi reifhrd t»i Hie BtwaatB*] vmlt I«,Miti-a fur Hie, ¡lurnoa* nf » ntalilisliiUK " Ht »ty etUi that."-.«i try for Hw- jimUi tlnii uf nur xliljiwri« kfd seam» n

.Baa] u a«a tnaaacd Uul la Mm ucxt Mr. U » and 44.

inlr.il KikIl-ith ihotild (roto Core», and «Velare ihe-lr de-i-'rt» and -mrpi.»«., they havlnir apcod that It Tn,|ht bemi '. ufii r tOOaUog Viititvn their purpose to the Coreant.t'v.riiiii.-nt, to tome away, aiiuoiuit injf thi'ir intention1<> i. tu ¦ in .1 SO ntl for an an»v.<-r, winch BOOM jirovi-iit.' ¦ t.. !» .ween our »«'o-.le», avoid any BBBaafOBOl OlaasttlBB, aaa] Isavri tin Ir linafrmutiou to augment tbo«Jaaiars ti refusa'.

Hiiriiu- tlio lourney to and rrttirn from Prkln, tliOian- were froyo 1. ere received with courtesy, and itivis remnrled that nowhere did tliry ure» any cr»-id netntli.r |hn Hat t.f aini.it.iiity toward onr people. InPekin, Prtaoi Kaag ami the officers of ,thr> ImperialGah i,"-t retamal the visit which had been made to them.Tlie itifct i it w was very ntrrot-alile, hut thl tr convi raation«BaaesiSaael to prticr.ilitips. Mr. Seward onco or twice

lii-tith «TBoa (K-Tloiiß niattcm, but dlM-in-sion valaioiilrd bj ttit ni.

TI«- Admiral 1»ronrlnced fromlmprffilonahe recrlrcdf-Min varions »curer», that the Imperial C.ovcrnment tin-(icist ladt It liiii'Mit cope with any jrreat Western Tower

anil that it will avoid a» far n« It ran any orca-i war, Hence tb» earm-nt d.-Mre It ha» »bown to

heal ;he breach with France caused hy the Tl.-n-Taln«Tiir. Tin- position of the Government Is full of ditll-cuatie«. Tin« literati, the influential class (poaisil-ly tlteli-iviriilnR clan« in Chin,.), kanied in the lit/ rature andmaxim* of a by-'-one aire, look at the customs handeddown by t'ielr ancestors tis the only enlightening one»,and in for«.gn improvci.ients soo at once daners totin im ehe« r.:id to the repose of the empire. The octiinlii.«va riimeiit I« tbm between two Are», l.etween the nn-

crtiiinty t,f ir.ov'pi; or. cr'ated by treaties and eontactv i'Ii Weat« rn nations, and the danger of progress a«

tendió«; to revolution ; and re ncei-nlt.«- thi» irroprcasililoc, i.tli't las Admiral write» as follows

I cannot hat BBS ruin to tho près nt dvtmefv, and Insurveying the pressai c a-abUon of lbs osnntrj. I d<> notlulu lade that It «It'M i rea fruin < Jiman lnua-tr Miltir.iii« o.

, wbicbaiesaao a r> lbs bichiways af traffle undtravel, are Baa (üvti with mud. Temples, oaee bBB|>mil. .-ut. ure in run,«. It niin tmitle at vant i'i|n mf, midn .'i- in i fett win :i new to.in any I liiive ever «et u, ar«iamm ir.ii.ai-.-v.it :«, having had nor pall« apparently forci tin lea; mai Me i.ruti.i-H ot One preportlcms, have pierss a« i«l ,te a\, »titi lal It'll aa-i lies. While nea,''«'« I. dee,«y, orIt lu li.al ka evil v pillule Wura. tile, pi-np.e aro Still liulm-

t Igoro is, and, in tha main, w. ii elad ai d f« da ao-oK'.iiir t., their own i«i< ia, aad Bwnalagly eonti ntad,i-i« .u i ekln the wail» a m< i. lachase the faltara i'r,i-

pei .. whose I'.i-i.n is too «m red i.n audience »»uti'..n .:, i n.i., saadori u- ob the i< rta* opon winch emiia.1-»nriors *»<. foreian sovereigns, who, brtmght np ra i»

pa a. Sl 11.nml. ii willi woitieu and . -.muchs, mid Uimw-1111.' nuil ini; of the World «iiit.t.iln Hu- wit,Is oi lils li,-

1, .- yet LbS duli f re _-ul,it uti: all the atT.nih ofChina, and whose order Is arid .if «teat-aarof Hear,Hi-elf. Nu« no tan KinI hii-tury ami Call ta aeo la tl.e'nat i» l ban . i.un,matt d be eaasea whleh preredeae ..i gi « Government. Juli;»-.! '. tu tim extent .'f Utii tie nu«'. Muii.ii'itiioii, -. r i«, . It la bow ilpa fordlaaolutioa K.cept fur tim w. r wilh Prussia, Francs« probabl] have Invoked t«n sword ui retinae the'i i. lala maiva« re. T. e day ol retrioatlon i» uow noat-poni d. .u.i 1 feat it is unit u lesplhTbe tom of Ibis letter la u ur . ly that of an ordinary

!..nut dlspatcb, bat, anowina sonictbln/j: of thi mt. norof < till,"., 1 lune fi it it a d ity to iii ve | on the laipresslonsl t in r. ii ,\. «I. ti.,-->¦, I an .iw.ir«, are not those enter-t..num1 tit lioine, imt tliev ur«- sinti n, a-:.! t ni wtilpie-aare tboec abo nay ball« ve tium bouh«1. lot tlio eventa a-leh may nat now- be itrtantMB. bwasd at 1-KKiN. ivrrnviv.v-r vrmi

V. «i I lil'liii AM» Till. YAMi.N.Tin- /slinri^liiti Courier, Dec. (5, «mrs the foi«

lowiiif details of Mr. 8-ward's ini«iv;w with TilliteKutiK aid other Chiiiot-.e ofli MM at I'.-kin

"\«.:..,e at toa cap'al, rMeretarj Beward, Admiralr ; '-, ami Mr. Gi urge I -, ward, th Consul-Genenil,

¡.«I thor desire t«> pay a v.-it to tb* Tsuug-ll-.van i-:., tu representtna the CaalBaat OovenunenlV reply W:»s iihimI a».'r«i-iiiL' to Uni. ji-.i'pii.s.il,inn! appolntiag u tnuo i««r tbelr reoeption. <>.'I ,! iv ii.-iii.i 1, lust a» Iii' v wan alKiut U>-I.it i.ir tlio Yui.'ii-ii, a BOM waa l.ro.iclit »t/if 1n»rtn.it l-rlm-e Kuiifr Ixl ttei ti en.ldi lily «a-ii-i-iiwiih vin'« ni coln, mul woiil.l be im «oin tn si-e ttniuin.i tb« othtw saeuibers of the l'amen v,in- awalliniHani. .-tiitl wiuilil lie hal ii iy t«' BM ttu-m. Ir wh» fur a

., -ii-t,i,n wiietii i li.i-v should no1 postponetli- ii i. .*, i P i r. v, ry ws i»-i

... i, «... it .t. r.iiL- that th. ,r pre :».»»; 11 hadu.i vtalt to 'i .m Taman «ni bo. toe Pnncenan! ni «...., tli«;.- r.-Kitiv.-il to pioiec.l, andBi-i ived by the nenbers «>t the Yamen,vanh riei.t ,.i, '. \ ..nil apparent cordiality. Tin vwer« profuse m ilu ii «. xj.r«---,. i.- «'f r.-ifit-t at tito »ii.l.li'iiii.disp.iMtinii which prevented the Priaee frees bein«j.re.-« i,i lu peraoB. las Inteirview laated a eonaiderable

..ii iiii-iiir-Mi v a.- di., mill 'i, h'i the blah officia -,

fui | froru the raetrainte of pnnue .líTaír», cuinou th.-.r..; I. (bl bolah H Of foM.Wty.

ti tt da] I'liin' Kuna.' B nt t.« .Mi. Seward a note full;. this! iviuj failed toses the dlstlnirulsbed

ibe day before, aad a. !<«.'! when It would be couvenicni for Mr. I* ..¡ii«! and his partj U> receive :i\i-itfi.uii bim, 'i'" s then on the po nt ol saartln

ild bill ipp.1:. ..u ti. n return. «Veeordlngly, two days aNar

i iej came back, thi Prince la'iietn e them al thei;u--mi i «vail«.n, reiterate*! bia epoloariei nt irf' ntiii ti. an i ipresai «t bis fjjratltud« t«» the Ainericans for

'l fib i.il-ii.p, ;tii«i especially bl ob iwith tin- Hiir'::

.i «'t. li-- then m-« !i'«<ii bis antorrapbluthe s ..f i,¡i-ii.ü,s «>r tin- party, and t. ¦'-,

y< » .. i large boa <it macuini olin. -i -ti-,conUj bl te ei jii.f.iid vasee, inoiiz«-.-«, «vlikf-, .u.,.\

bad ia« «une familiar, thro-ich the dl*-- iiml in«- state papers ni »uceesälvi American

tera H l f, witn the name of Wen-Blanc, oneof t'i.,-1' political >.'.¦! i-es wi.ii. «sritn little «oitward

,,-t .'. nianage i.crol and din«ct mlcbty in-a ,.i wi.n, tin petiir't, «as the crealr "f lb« «i.... nu -i.t ina bine at Pt-aiuK

\t the T-..in'i' v.nu' a Mr. Beward Mked f.»rbim. .'tnl was i«'.'i thal In eoBsaquenes ol <!.¦-clinini health, be bail no1 been there tor nearlj I« o

.ut '.« i: in askiua wI» th« r

in u..ty would prerenl him from receiriui a viait fromMr. beward. Hi- replj a - tnat the imallneai ollui« pout li.ii-e, Ar., nilli- li-.iii in 'it t'

so ,':¦ ;iii'_'iii-lied a irii'--t ', but ifMr -' -uni would pennil bira, he would «rlait themat tbelr i« siii« m.-. \ t-tiie belni sppoiuted, lu-rame at orrlingly,siidexpr«-»»ed (Treal plea ire at seeingN!r. B ward, v. ii ii \. o e ante di ni and olitical impor¬tance be -'«ti'"i well m |u.iittt'-il; »ml siiiii thal thet lum-li ni hi- friendlli ess t.i t luna v. us nirravi d on li Is

liang*«) lo .irt and e mid ni \« r in- « :itti d.

'IJIK WEST iM»n:s.\« 1...K 01 mi. < I.:-AM'.it.mi. l'\< li I«: UKI

..-ll'i/.i li.VIllilVAl. tu nu. i. -. .»mi¬

li IN AT KIN'.-K'N MOTBMBrt t- ol' TIIK

IHKNI.T.lAli.l lil. IO l.I.AIl'I.l. lill, LOiTi \lil.l

KlMOSTOHi .Tiirnnirn, «Tan. 21..Hw Weallui,., ai u Pa iflt 0 mpaaj v st^arashlp «i oaadi i na ra

a ti ei ntl « ait.it-, nu (MOW «it..ii.ula) BB tah 11 rist., ami

[. apldl]. Bai Hi-Hi ami pa.-v lui is wi it b.ivt.i,lett I.i r.tlt/ii Wiu- ln.it.Tin liUi-ellt.n of a htil.i-idv to th' I'-Litlt- Mall Hteriin

»¦t. p Coapaay >.f Ron y..ik is Mtiini, A temperar]». -i Irai î fur a li.oiillil.t hue tu New Vi., k ha-lu en iii.id«-,

aft. r ti ni- ii'uiith- t.h- (.».vi minent will |» mihi-.- t!u

Companj ti« .un pat i u, rs sad fr. I»rht bott oajtvA lill ni sm fiom tim UtIIIib «'.ii.nn-i ketrntn» J.min In

tin'nini. of the pHaelpal bgUsh military and ii.nal-im.i... li ti.-- v.«-! iinii« s.

lit. Hornet, with <.«i Ryan or. board, continues alpi :, \. ii tig foi a ni un ««t at me and ii ni ne i-

iniii.-i ¡i. in Nea Y'tik. Three Bpanlsl e^aBhsata ar.-

v. ,,i« bli k lu r.Havana, .Int.'.'4 The Maiiiner Hat la BBS ret urtu .1 to

.lin,, u lor provlaiuna sud iniiiast, bavlag Is . n unaac-t-eaaful In bet aattempl to crapple the loat cable oa ae-i.uii!. of heavy weatbi r. In abuel a fortnight »ho will

Mall again to trj toreeovei tha Mat cabla.

M.-<TI.I.AM.«»I S CABLE IUSI'ATCin.S..'Iii«- 'Ó Hum I'.nliiinii-iit is t-\i»«tlt«l t<»

a.-..-i mi' at li. iiiii mt lite '.'in nf Mon li.

.Lord Penzonoi in Ins f)opodtj «if atoad <»ft'n I'li.itute Court of Kullana, has mated to MadamsLynch lett« r.» of admlnlatratton on the will of l.\ l'r« »i

deni Lope« of Paraiuay. The execution of the originalwill of Lopes waa proved by the afli«l.»'.it of Gea Me-M;«h.in. Hu- form, r Miniri.r of the Tinted Wale» tor.ti,i^ru.i.\.

i'l.NNHYl-V \NIA CHARITIES A DI.-C'il'l: \« ¡IN«;iil.l'tilii'.

I'llIIAI»! I.I'IIIA, .lilli. W».Iff. 'I'ImUIIÍI-* Ii.Kit: i l'H's.,1. nt "t the Ii«.«i«l i.f I'u!.he riiiiritn-, «loi «

uni «.-u. a v.ii ahaarlag in cunt of the jeal'« wi.rk lu

bil n p« it t«i the I> liitiatuie. II«- tOJTIlit i- mt BBpleaaanl duty t«> etMomanieate la you nffl-

clalli my «I« in« rat« i\ formed opinion that the li ..ml oft i.iiiiiii--ii«ii< is ni Publie < Imrlt ee bavi ri ndered in. »i i

vice «if n ^^.«.. tañí«- Importanoe or valut to the stat.- ; amitii.it tin y li«»«- left wl.iiilv uni" rioiin. d ti itlea wl.u li thepublil «.iifiili'iitlv h i.'.ed tOtbetU ti» i.entti-. The, ii,ve

nlleved tbe U^alatureof du n ramaibllltr. In tneoon-? ali-ratmu ot tin- Appi-pnation Uni« nt tin pr«-.-. t.i .-. ..

m.n, ii.e\ will u- f.iiin.l hut t.» lum added to ita emnar-raaaiuenfa. Tiny bare n n.i ed to re« orón» nd the applliaiii.li». i,I rl.iii» luatitutioui tn tbe I iciUBlon of otln ra,luvolvln-r the Mate i.y tln-ir an doin«; (11 the LecUlnture»¦la Hld oin J Hull M «-.»nilli' ;,dation») In catiiiiiiitt.ilf, olwiiich H..-V bave ein.w11 tin iJjelveetobe altbontaufln i.t diai iniii'-i.t te <!<.!<.' I tb* prm ti- al i" arti " or theImpartant and poatlblj verj sstrlaBs reaaltlui .i.tn-e

riiien« ei Tbevbavt not n ide a tbiirunih luveanaaitltin,fiiliowisd lu ttitr- i.tiU.-.n repun-, .it«, tin-ii.iiilitlim of anyBingle i.oui iintiix. pnAaTii m ii-.iiutii m which Biases«i n ali«»., d t<> »i »t .-..ll.tiir f..r tin li .itt. i.tnut

li,.! ,.i« «Mm-»"-,, o 'I'Uieil I.i »¦< a lum «.th 1«' acoirtiiinill .1 H¡.« In till li. |i,ei.,t|ll.- « Ill-llll-l In- «tun Lillie »nd.».rn« liol.al instit uti.ni» of I Iii- ,-t;.t<- re« riving M ti la' aid !

Have niin,it,,enili anti tuil.i nnihl.v e»pit,.l.-.| tin-

mon« > m aiipioprl.it« d for their aid. i Aecjotnpliab the..i.ir-. t». lor which tin v an n < -t.ii.ii-hiii I Oomply fallys .th tn. law« in r« laiton ti. tii.-ni. i. Bearii squally allinri«, ol UM stilt«. Iii the ca««-of more than «»ne pul.luiualHutiftii. tlif'Vi"'iiiif"iitTT haie iu««i it brouatil tü

flielr nnlire flint Hirlr an«wer» nn all these point* shouldbe tlrta to Hie |,illili, t lint i ti««v Bim ild reiKirt to ymirlinnnralile bedienOB tliein without tQnlTOCallOB. nain»»Bark «tralirlitfiirw.»!"!! und earnest BBttts. s«» lie« iimo un iito wl.niii, tor tin« flrKt time In Us politn al lilatory. thinBitte, tiie.itiuirl ,,f Ann-man lllx-ity, lind emifl'lrd Vis¬itatorial imwcr-, iii',ie,| with liiriult to Hie H:iti«li King»ml lils Ixird fli,nn llnr« TTie nilly aeflon taken liy HieHot ni under tin* laiportaal «s« ti« ii Al li. ha* here to referHie miIii».. t of (Bortala liivestiiriitliiii» informally to a Vin-li I n t «'oiuiinliis. Tin- inrinl'iTH of that » otnn.ltt«e. ni», t-in itii aloa (i deera, hart forms ii.,- letttred eel to pie-parr nr lo couimuiaiat»' any rrpnrt c1 ciiicluiioui ar-Il.'r.l nt.

I tlkttttnrt rerfumTiiMnl Hi.it Hie a» t of April Î4, MMLtttabUibtnt the Board ni Pabtte < hatlue*. bating railedto a, «nu hdsii u.- oiiJtiU lui windi U aas «an*«.!«1«!, "

leptalta.He continues:Tlie tXBtttaaet of the Ttnird lnnilca*r* tnothor lesson.

It siinnaj i.eiuefortli.ni I"« nuaylraaia, at laaat i*» baldt.« bart beta deiatwttratod. tatt for all» tbatwe hartimt mude a creat poUUtel diateTBt) 'n prantiLir govern-tiiental powert to Commission« «,f "«;, iitlet.'ieti nf lL.lr-tx-nilent meant." I liardlv entertain a dnulil Unit Inom inl>ern(jf the Board of IMildlo Charities ifould huvo.equiti-rd thetnaelvat cr «lum»],', if they had txvn eui-I'l.'ied lu wolli Uis lei I;», for li Niiffleleiit halury paid tin "ii

iii.iitliiv, under a ii_».«aLiy lucUioditval and exactingChief of linn au.Tbt Board <i>n=lgf«i of ITelnter Clymer, fTiarles A.

wood«, («r«,. i, Barriton, Hen. Dianen Ooltmta, mud theI'lesrleiit, Tin- repart tMtftt Mr. «ilvnicr froni It* mt-¡Oitmt, mi ne.nt of bia dome-tic. alMirtlrn«. The re,i«rtIs i«eut In « ItbOUl the i -iiirnrii nee ol II,«« Iin.ird, U.caJ»0ti-cy refused Bl hold the tier, n«.iry BBetttBg»


Tine victim of iir.m)? mr. aUiACXSMRILIlai-'iîerty, VBoea ghooting is ii:uiat«d on our

third pai;r, d.ed at« n'rlntk la.-,tcvi lim»:. Ho wa* con-

scloua until a few moments before death. Ono of thuBtfetattagfaittta at Bt. I'atrlf-1,'6 (.'üthedral f-aio Lim a!>

lutioii. In conversation mt.Hi a frioad a little wiitin be¬fore lui death, he said ho did not MtaBl anyoi.o forsl.e-i'liiif: lum; lie Lad btaegfet it on liliubulf. Lil. Sa«:,a.i:\« isooti u.'i: r II .ri;i t.'y c-.j'liid, aud wai MIBrtaadto flrnl that hie putlf l.t was di ad. Ho had entcr'-iii.« 1«troti^ hopos of bit r Mattrv (v nnp to Hio mciuti.t oíBnttlag btaa a aborttat pterloat At-.tp. m. a ri Itaof the decent«d arrived ftorn nilaÉatBBl », whither the

hotly «sill he t.iki n tn «liy for li i."!1 i.f. In(i. naaattdbjr tgortlag atea laeebatt tapai tfoaatei at ..i. wts thi« Ight aad Itaraaall,



Sam Fr.-W« i ( o, ,T an. lil..Volunte«-rs frt.'.Fan i »i< p.» weat tat te Cad v.e tadfaua wbe reaualttcdlae (i"j red'iHc.ii in Jaran al rfllaga. Ibtj Mtaxaed «ai '«n i lit« d thal Ha y fi'iii.d two a ¡.otu they "dl"i.j»ed of."It io fBaitu that -j Hous ti «bit w10 arise fr.nn tlii.i ao-

tinn, ss about t.fXX) Indlun« sr" In the % 1« i-ilty, llvlnijfbetween Dppn tad Lower California. Yettardiy afI r-

iiiini! a an.» ««f Indiana »tt» mpted tu utoji tat Lou «t»i»je-le« Maire, m ar old Ban 1» i % >.

Liant, ('rodelii.n.ßh nml io »oMlpro were mirrir'""! enthe« antot tie lui, tt Ballet tatt of Preteott» A.-u na.i«y i.v. indi,m-, and l st 'it buri-« «. i»r. BtigHt »»¦ ibotIn the «I."Mill« r. Jue ..tin «.is amputated. F. Myerswau neveirii .. tended. It l« Bappoted that »«s.-rniApeebet wert killed, anbaeojoentlj Captt. Hawter andMin ti .ii overton«; th! In UbBBanddeiCBttd tin.Ia., killingterara!. ____________

Tin: WOBKIMOl.DPI cnvintion.Ai rtAvy, J.m. 23..At the Workingmi ¡r- »Con-

riiiilliin It daj. tht tesetttltfla I Ite-i'i». létal la reta.tinn le emipt rattoa and i Bitted labtt wtrt ad ptad, i ad

it» «i.iriit wa» InatraakV d la im '«is br.-t eBdetTtn toorp.,1,1/¦ tlie colored Bien Into loeJettot. Tb« i'r. .-(«lent

h .aItu in.stiin t» i i«« ««in »iMin»I «mi Banttora Fientoa.i (lina?, kuti CBttttt] In i »'l.i'inn to ¡li» Importation olMea, »tul to urara upon th.m ir. j--»»' uro of law« j.r,

tiri..:« tbe workiucaien. Tua »ogg »Ui ia of iba Proal«deni in reference to tbe «ration of a Burean of LabortJtatistiea. almilar to tbat now In exlstenea InMaaaefbn«aettt» »»ir«: a.«o adopted. Ri-tolniiom \wr«» tdoptedtskiiift the Le« i ..-. for a «relierai law te liMjorporattT.¡i«:« s11. nint,a, a k,..L' «' «n na to repeal th< .i»

tv.ti eiafar-ouiken to air« a bond bafota tarakina la ouït-ataa» and aaK'ng Ina LraiJilttnre to peaa alaw aaalaalte employaient tit Inooaintte-t mta to u.lio «.haiaioofst« .in« ailert.

H M.l.i'Ai I.-i-H' AJBOCIAfKni.BosToit, Jan. «SS»--The Maaaadtnaetti Bpifit-

ti \ee(,( iiiiinii held it* aniiii.il ( onvi iilion st Wittii ni I«, «t.iy. Tin re v;i* t f.i.r atti ..dame. The nftrr-aeeawattak«ea iipvitii prelfnlnerr batlaatt, ami .i«l-«Irt «te bj -;ie,i'., i- of in. .ii iputation. In tia« af-. r-

i.n Ike A« ... ition uns ..i ¦.. .¦ ., foi the i, si uni: \i ,ir

by i) choice of Edwin "... <-f Hn.a.ii..ii, l-l.. .-

deni v h. Williams ol Bosi skuuij; ead tbe aaaatIlilt of \ let I'reald» lit.s .t.-, !:ts| i r.ir.

Tur PEüIAH ::i:c ition-tamma'Y m.iht.

Killi.ml O'iiiirnian, on behalf of the Tant«n aa] BaU Qeaerel noBinilltoii. tsfl Plai Rt U, N'. h«.>»¦-,,-ni:i.« ,.t I p. »n., »atbtEatptrt '.'..¦', aeeaaipaali «i i«y...unit IM Ki ni ina and M invite,I .,-..« st -, io f «.-nally mi '.-i "tr"1 ¡'." r« lana wbe ure axpoea 1 to arr'vo on tho

ifeaaiablp naaata ApartefOraflaava hand fun «*.. «t

the iinisi. ha tbe aataatta» ead» at I p.m. a dinner mmBerrett At It jj m. Um ¦. reí tj aaa 4itT Qnaranrine,i,-,ii lim iii ;..i" mi ti in 'i fron i¡.. it ¦«» Ben Ij D .'«i.« inda «!¦ aben tbi But ... ktslj «l.

PEBSOlfALITIEi BTÍSLBOBAPB.Ti:»L Noah I'. >'¦ ngliah, a promineul lawyer)

'., li«»-» H s.,- ,¡, .'. r .....

_lin \i -.«-H iiiii-îiir»1 Woman Rnflraa« fi atodttiela Lia« '« t» _!>¦ Al »ia.» L U ||;(. t .r,,rJ l'i. ., I. .t.

_The Pretadent hat i roanlied Rnaplpb BraidHellié al V -/¦ - i. al. .S«.r»a> »t IS m: ..lula B. OL_The 8enate eonfinned only one nomiuation yea«

Uttl/.thtlafa H li" '¦ ,' fcr tb* l.-c. It M-'i.-r

_Gril Morgan "f Ohio *t hi- own reqtu« i, n «., »«--1 (r 1.1 * i» in «i I'. .¦ «t i 'o "i «.k1 Ota.

,«l.a«ule mt I-« u «i-l«..«Mt m i l|_Thef.ill'iwiiiL'-ti.-ini»il IrnateM of Ibu Hebrew

.t PI»»i h,.l ,». ... k* >.,» Ladjn <«fli«.» i., A takal l'iatiasab, Wilhaiii Kr.«,-».,», n »f u,u .»,..»,»,. ,-. I. ,a'.i«:rl ui ltira,,...

TELEGRAPHIC ROTBB.... Tile ( ¡o vene ir ol' .laman L'.1! ira BTBnd lia li(|l.et

la» :,. il« e .;.-., «r: ,.;!..¦ .«. r. in ¡.,rt »I

h lil,-... The min lal iii«! ¡t< In s t .»Tri the .Asiatic anil

il'..I lill h :ii i'ren r«pr«».:,t 11 e ,11 |« i, | « ., le« :. a,I a« ,11 «i«

a« la J'.ol r"H'l I "!'¦

_Tbt Jan.aira toett fa inta are prepaiini to availthama» li' -« r« l.i I.« (r,. t na« » ul lin- Lea »t«»iia«Li|i isanaau^,

c«lii«o » I BBS tttt... At the «katini.' matea la Rreht-wter bad tr«*n-

in«. la»t»«« u (»a., imi,- .»: Rraak Swift, far r¿-" a «iü<», .s», a mi éttt TI"- .«¦ " «'. ti M '" I l_Havana un febantt eomplain tlint tlir^oiitlnni

mi i> lal» I-'1 » * .i""1 ' '¦ '" . '. ' '¦'¦'.' I . I "dit Ss i

al, al n« " '¦ il »a.« "I Mt w-lura ami Nrw-orlraui art foo» fini id

I«« I««, .!.n«.

_'I hr Beallah 'Tie Bbanarrh lias «branghl f<»Il »rana tli» »rew of tli» B t Mi m»» --na«,¡ian ««f M.l.ll«»-

r ., I, a!. ¦¦: «a I .«Il lil« Hil uni. ¦. Ii.it- .D ber »,n»<t Îlolaa M

m » .» i-. :,»«. 1 «i.'

_The l'.Tcriiiivr f'iiimnitt«1«- of the Maaaaeh Ita-.-»¦- ranpantn tilt«*«* h»» u«»«i«i«*»lj mal i«« Mtitnatlatan t n m1 lil* I Ib* »air uf l«-«r BMCk «a» »Uile.1 tu

Ui« Ia |ll«'I I«* '¦.

_A deputation el Traatorr dtrfca aart hut ra-tuni».l la W*lll*ft** lr« m Baal* Fl k**ia| n i«er ut»ii«4»ii the iram-

ii,.ri»t,,.n m .¦«f'-i« Huilier of «av«,.,»»! ,,. |,,,i,. ,. neaatl li ana

rj. .el io f.«ur 'ifti' ir.,n »af« «an ntfaflÉ' fr-««u Ib» l»r:(,;i,,ia «f railw«»

r«,minn'i,' at., Il ib »a...i.« u,,-i« ,- iLi.llal. r», «ilt-

_Letters frmn peteoni who went t«i Ifandalenewith It«» I«""'«'''''' -: "' -,....ii.re il,«- r«-|,r« -entaii «m n« d»t., »«,,»«i.i«ia a» uu'r«i». a» lr. :¦ «v I t.i t.» uIitIt wurlb1«»». fr»«»i w«l»r ra« n.«t I.« i.-i«. r-.l lad il ¦ I..' ¦» IB !'.¦ '. Mlhtagt« ItlUin II'» While tl.e f.'l »I» ll,IT, »le IT, Bl, »11» f..r g»tliB| »W»».

_A H«» letj ian liri n nriiani/cd ni Chicago, Ululerf » n«'"« "f Ü-» fr»i,rli ttttttttt Ail iriaimaBuii.' f«,r t,,e maymt..f «en.i :.(.; »«"Il ««"I m |.len,rat. .«f a,nrultur« t<> Hi» »ut« nuat »lui im

i,m-,..le t-r-u'li i«i«.i.ir ti-«» L.'.ii M i'alui» r ii l'ie-|,|. i.t .f li,»

(ir.'.u »al uo. »mi Vi«- l'r . l.-iali finia a.l ¡arta of WtlB comj ri«** naju.ai,! le» ai,»' «fa» » innata.

_The etnil I or s if tin filien tal powder Company,.alma» ««.rk» »r» in s..utt. H i; !' «ra ile. hell . m».!,iv in It «.«..n »»«-

t«rl«l. A «tatriarol »a« lin-l« -l «««in» a '«ir >ur],lu> nf mer f. «. «."

«Ulli,« < «unpin» fttmtmt I" j.«» «t««li»r f«r rlnllar if all«.w«-»l t«. »»Iii»

iu»tl»r» SB SB ttwimitm "I fr-.tn an l«, twent» f,,rjr ii,,e,tl,a. Th« « ',«in

Btla, tat* pal.i »Ulllatl ia*l« 'lill llH-l« «if MpttSBBttM lil« |a_t liU , » H

- m>

Um am» ( asiai.iik-'-hy SLtOBAVB.laaat Tarr. liriag mar Wieeaattt) M»-., wa«

fn,i«n Ui !»»l!i H MttttT« ,

"_\V. It. (»rnvrs. ¡i rih/rii of Clatk Cuiiiity, AiL.,wa» fullO'l fr««I»D Ul llcitll Ujl »e. I.

_lüinielrf, who wax implii atril in fhe rabherj ofthe Mat I«11« l B**k «1.1.1 I1« Ile f. .. Mi iraienlar, of U'mnnptKii,.

_Two( liildreii wen poitooedbi ta.stin»t: «»f theaaaSaat« al » titi |4.»««1 i,(, ai^ uk lia. m.ui ol a *ria,[a<i»t . o.«rr «I«

,lr.....i »I a M» iu IJillurl. Maa«.

.Tin-lion*«-of William Crowen, b1 Braidwood.lil aa« liirn-l « f« « <!.'. an Bat W.l un K» uni I» »i.l tax ,«fI i.,in « ijill!r»n |«»rnla»l ii ti « Skn.ea 'I tt ..II », latlntl in mt knaarBaa* ¦««,.« "r km IHat\ li* paall» ..'- l«l« l.i» ni »IU inpiiug I.« rea ,a»

tb» rhiklrrl,

_'lln Mniiite« rs of Hie Kitid-rti «ailed the Cali-f..rr,.a l^r,«! Aaajrial« «ia pt .;¦..¦ ||4 «. rii«nfna». I«. I..ii«-r. «fa tint»l in

NiwJera»» «ul lui» in «»n Iriiie«»».. aat n»kl»r.| I iL. h»»» kalt,,.,',;... L-l« I" »n i» San Mt) .»«, l,.r t iKilati«,« yflt,» A «ti I.ti¬ler > Uti "' aliieri'i«-

In Won eater. M i««., «reatetday, Edwia T. How»ni «a M '.rt |,. .i« .1. :¦« .- » iimMatt jttmmliriwHk Mta i"

».iiimli m «'«ilr«««. »iel »a« »-ula-tinal I«, Ih« M»t,. Pi,aon f.ir I) jaar«tli» fir«« I»«' J»»" »if »lii'l» b» i» i«. Im |,lirej lu ».«liUr« r«i.ti«»iu»*l. au«!II.« reii.ait I« r «.f ttt tiru» tt h»r»I l»lM.r.

_J .uni i< Bl hgotea, proptiet-ot of (Ik- Variety Tlie-a»»r m ll»n«ii»ii». tua I lf»i**. a L«»'ru ni»»tr»l »,i,t>l.«»e.i i«, H« t,,,.,,«»

11\, Ih» n »ri»»l»'l "" » ."' fl' «f ktÄ »# I'r .nie . Optlm II"»«» » n»«l»»ia',li»bOH-a4 »«iii« w»»k« Bt*» I'I«» <»r«'..l 11.r» lad c1 II»'» »'«I

U.n.lr«! Ib« faaria»«-r '¦ Bt »on ui ftMt, «ixl Ik* l«ll«i tm»'. li»»»»

ia I«lau«I «li««"""1

WASHINGTON.Tur iVT"vT i»oi\-7 ttQüWLKt iv riiNr.p.r-"«.ri'o-

TOooXD Aiiui.niDN Of Tin; At U>1 MT« -i'HIPACtntX HAM.Kii».l> i.iM QCBSTIOM .«4M"OTHESMKMOTAL «'«iMLill'L.Vlilli I.N TUM Df"BBItn IHII'AIIIMI NT.

(IT T. ti (,¡t'"ll TO TITI! Tritt' .TIW'tsllIM.KlN, Vi i'-U'siI ,; , J.,11. î», un.

The rr-ent Iftr-nlti«-...a sf n ob law it VTsthi iii» alaoi of «Malata, hoi in ".itijy ii^urs'i tha iti« a of the AcaVr..y in nie m MOM of Madto,of OOBJBBb* Tho ti illina punishment awarded to the of¬fending cadets, who ha\e merely teen coi.finrd withinci'rtain l.tnltaon the parade pround, U thoujil.' to shu'v i

remark ii,lo Ht It of appreciation of the gra«. ity of UMoff. lim eonnnitted on the part of tin off OTOI IAcademy, and tho poiaihlllty of tbo occurr; ncoof atiylUtli SBiTBfMM Ir.-ieb uf Ha» Ipl.i.I protea that t'.ci »

MOMMtattOg rndli ally wron«; tolaMaOMOMMMlOt ti;«liifct'.iitinn ti«, it require« correct,ou. Iho cad«'C'iii .«.ntcd tho outrage f-Uowtd no j.« ti!:« :u-» i.'ci

but, as tipptars from pajera aiilnnittod to theM I.Wry Cointnl'tro Ly tho \s'nr Drparttnc.it, hadtho lr-nttdcnce to h Id a n.fct'.iig and ftpp«»lnta eomtiilttao to preparo an edlrchi to tho Si-pcr-lntendent, J'u-tlfying their conduct. This adcircnirover», ciirht or ten pupea of pa; BT, lad li ^uly sit;: i ythe three cadets toiu-tiiut.iiK the Con-in it I te. It la nutImprenable that the Invtstlwtlon cf tho aff-ir by thoMilitary Committee will lead U the adoption of a rt -¦ Iti-lion dn-ictlng the «rentary of V ar to ilirmXi '!,¦

flint clan of cadet , and to m¡ikl on lr n.t il...'o elis ^-0IO UM BBafinTI Of fhl ÉimlSIIJ.M the charge t!u.t tl.cyaro incompetent to n.ai.'.t.-.in pn pat ti... I; l.i.e. Tliriaffair Las M ttrcr|-«h« nrd the < ppei»iti««:i ir. COBgRM to

.ToM l'uirt, that, van ItbM tar thl carty atass of niaeasion, a proposition to rntii'-'y ale!1 ¿li the Aca«! Bl IJTWould he illili,.'i . 'v «i-pi. rtri?. AlMM pn mil-, iit'v cunncftid witt military lr| Halltends to nir-.be a »pct'it'tf,i:-t ia »li«» Mil fcrfcr- >» M -*-

Cure the BOOMMOf bl« h a liil!. Bl Mltof « IMtjbteui of m. ti.ry t.!-.. tat f theti.rou.i-i'iut iho c t.'try. m::« 11-'. '. . yeanifo,ranle ,'uitl-ir ilevi' i-cd eo a-« to f'iiii.h It.;:«..-W. -l i'. ,nt ni;.-¦'!< i to the army.The .-enatc:.i: .'ii'ii.r,- t aOUBltl 11 Mad I met I I I

t' i. toalay tilt- fOMtoM of tim BBJ M ni ¦>: :1 «« n.t« n it

un the luiiids MMOi hythe ftosoi filial IK. it-'.4.1«. Mr. H".;-:'L:aili If. I * ». '.

mittcil au atBBBBI ut to tlie OMOMIMmII behalf of finaaBlbaad Csarpaalaa Ite ot-atoadO! not only that iii-atwa» DO law n- ¡inn: s th. Crmpinles to serii.-annuallyr.«int.u r.-.; the GaMtOBaOBl Ut) 'ho int. t -: ) aid on theUiiited .ct.it. s r» .in.'á», bit tii.it «ath r'.;iili'i''i'i n' on ihopart of tr." .;.r i. i.rrei.t MMUI wai a violation of iv

ip .' al praatotoB t«> the tniiiriiry, and tli.it thl d« ati « in

OBBjrjBai »'iowa d that nu au, li paytin ..t uy ti..« ( ,i ipal yvat ever coot« mnlate J. lio ci. iiucd ti; «t If tit»

üovtniíuent Ililli.lid Its MadfMMM, to tlio Ombpaniei by buntf the road for tho tram.-. MtO(jof troop«, and tho foraaiuinií of all supplies for tho

army, tLo Iiiduii.", and th.: i'atiilo InBBfllBB. thsl ono-

half of the i-i iiiprns.iLii.il .'ur rai li 3i»r»,.« e, wi... h hy ¡awla to be applied to t! o repayment of the pt mci,»al and!::?.DP rt on (ho {'tilted »4iati B llanda, wou'il roto.ily r>

pay the int«t»r»«t, bM cxt-tiirtiisb the prii <-ix»al bah re thomaturity of the h«.iir|a. That for some reason, only om>-

t. nth part <«f tho (lo-, i riment traniiport.it sa ¡« no'.»- tOMl> way of tho Tacil o lii.ilw iy, and th..t tim MJTMMtofrom even thhi service, IncludiiiK ma.i seniio. had re¬

paid ii.ore« lilian oinxiiiarUT of the inU're.st paid l»y thet...\ «i i mr ii», »'th'i-j/h tlt<« no« -t of Unit MMBaM ha« ac-

cruud duriUK the construction of th« r«aU, The ti '. r t

on the entire i- i-> of r ". u Rtalc« Ixnoli«amount,-ii only to Sa,s77,r."j ira annually, wlillo

prior to the louf-ti .iai.ui of the road the tlovtrn-ii.« i.* Uaii-'.ori.iiioii MMM tlio continent MMf7,tx i.onn, and wi«i,',l now, aMaoM Ihe rell.-oail. BO '- ttotttlti.iaitvijo to t:'..i)00,GCO; that MMMh M'cl -, l'ardu iOh w. M paul MaUaOM m lrsiiM fur «:;iri> Lao] the linlt<3dbiatt-s uiuil-t MOtVOM tho tonulnl of the Lwo tb.«n un-

fliilah.-il nij.di.tlie Outrai and tho Union, a distant o of83* mile», while now a mail of u-n times the w«'i<l.t ii

iirrii «1 a.l no way from omaha to H.in Fran«-lace, 1,913mile«, '. »r l.-as than ft«.,'»". He stated thal tlio arti.iu ofthe Coi i-rmcnt olllt «rs in rt-t.iitilnir tho w Imlo euuip«-nsa-tion for n-rvici'i, iia«ed ou the l.l.-a that tho OtMBOMMarc li ibio to «cuil-uitiinally IMMMOM MOIMMOM MMby il.u Iii tod .--t.it«.«. hal fill« n heavily BOBOmany; tiiat it hal BMBMl a diIfBM ,,ti"ii In the»«' cuni..-.4 «f iii. I'm«'.", PaWtts atatatoaad ali ne al ti.. \cm, between the i«t of Ot tôlier ami tie »th day ofiHitiiili r, uinl yi ¦: hu MMMttol H »' nu. li a. umi \.as not

oi.ii witlio'it law, hut a direct violation of ti;n qBMflt« min <¦( the law. Ile oVtOOl w-ith a OM i'lt-ln -ive v u w

of tha ad «»alagM raaull lau lo tai «atofi mm 'it and theraaOtrj Maat tha araili-MlMo al Ihs road, ard bariatedthal tho Him ruinent «ml to Mlla mtté faith lowan!thus/« tlir.iii.i'h vtliotM- eiit-n-'y and nu una lins initioinilwork had '"-'"i « mied tn asases Ma h na, ti., rjaas-iu.lt.«- BM a' to no OBS ...| .ii on the .!'¦! a t, tho furîlu r

ri.iiHi.lctnft.il i,f -iii h v.lit U« i«--1.m..-il at .ii tr in »tmci i.i-- on '\ «-.lue ..I iv in- if.

A niliior is i-iiiri-iit li. le Th-it .IiiK-c tiff«», A«a«i «ant

Bel ntary of tin Iut.Ti"i. is MM «0 lu- IMMIISll. lad ina!

tin President ha« tendered tin- pa -1 r i. »n toa ft mu j ita-man. BaMataft rtii.it lad Caasaraa in atoaoaf the»mm of M t.ioi i»- i:. i' N«-»"in. Wim, tha) t-av, i» a itnarh

Itrni ililli an,an |hM law v, r, iiud a man i.f .Tli at t-x.a utive

ability. II« bM .ii«ii B limitant «OOI n-«« in, iiml waa con

lim d tor a'nu.-ii l.iiii'V I'ri-on in Ivj.

Tin- Hoar«- .lunn-i.ii-y I'liiiitii.ttt-e h.m- ,»i:i.iil, without.'..-«¦. I repart » MU proUMUng i Mate fraoi let yianan; ti» ar di.ty upon »-. .mi.« in tiait-it.ii far asia, whichtii\ i.^ pat h v ii-1 iijioii the « MsaM <»f ti"- Mate hauMliigIii«- tas, 1 lie ApproprinfiiiiiH t i.iniiiiit'-.-, tin-, n iiniiiif?, Ihe.i-il SMPHMMO f.'uti ti«- Na .«'tai :. I of tin 'I i.u.-ury jand Wai, in icmlioii to iii li. u in u s iu Ihc.r I«|i,irt- Iincuts. r..-i!iiii«-t«T-<¿> nenn Cte-will iitrairi appeiirt'dami ma.!.- MMMkSM at-'aln.-t t»ayiUK I« iui«s«'V ¿to T,,,,|. nf hit itv t-o.mai il.iiiii.il by Iii.in for Sllftsadil.iin.nri .«», re-ultin«.' fruin the Ile pat tini-nt's withdraw Mga contract f«»r «tamp«-«! «-.nrelopea awarded thi-ui. ou tho

m «aadMai thai aewaaahto to exi.-ut. mm sime, itwa.« iiftirw.iiil awardi-ii Io Menais. Kay i io. uf New-

^ rk. lins il.itii has 'a-eti ver) p«-rsi.-t«»ntly pressi-d,.ii.«1 a- i at tiit-.ly r«-ist» d I«« .Mr. « re-iwell, w ti«, In«.-, I» cn

i-cviT.il titiu B henrd lu i¡i|i<isiiiiin. The Muli «-uti,-il".-,.

M whit I« it was iifi-rn «1 were BBBhM !" «tr. <., UtBBgh Itwa» i-X|>ei lud to repair! this inoi-iiinii.

II.i- « onimittei un Education .uni I,abat have referred

to thiiii a Linn wlin li iiivohi s tim ri eo.-nituui of an ad¬vance In piit.hc law and the rules of war of a Inm li« lalrliiir;n-t«T. Tin-c1,uni i that of the Williiuu .-in«! Maryl'ollein-. al Wiiilanihliur:'. Vi., the liisiiti.tnni nt win« li

w.i-iiiiu'tuu r« calvad « alb «tute t-dMaaMaa, and bobmmMto|««.inji». it is for dam.ip-ri Hiistainiil from our troopsdm in»; the war. A-ulc from thOjMMM «»r oth-rwlse nf

.in- particular i laiiu. the point of BBBBrBl Ir-^ue Is

whetlnr the prim iple ackunw li iIko.1 hy the «ii neva

t SBaTOMj Um' all nirtitutions uf aBBTBlBg ami charityShall bl du nr.-d neutral property, not to he usciUhyeil In r out' slant, and to !.». NMBMOOMi IM «l.»ui ;. »

im ah titallv mi urrlii«: from military opérations, shall ho

acWiiowledired anJ MMMMÍ In our h-arislation. 1'rnf.

Kwell w11 M leard iu hehalf of tin- Vuiriiiia MlMM dur-

in»; tin week.Sei n tari Itoutwili BM Is f««re the Committee of Way»

anti M« ans of the Iloii-e this moriilnir, n-sistin«: the al««»-

'..lim i«f the Im omi tax. He n pre-«nti d that the proha-lile lev.-nue fruin that (MOM Would Is- between IS und 14

millions, while the coat of it* collection would not tv» half

a million.A connurent resolution, from the Kansas I^»«¿-i»l;itiire,

has 1«-.-n it. em-il her«-, passed with only four neitatlvevol.»! in the lloiise. and none in the rtouate. IBloMBf to

the Chi-roUee ni utial lOOtM trouilles. It lakes SJNOMl in

fav.ilofllie settlers, and SfpaaM MMMHMtj Hu-"Joyl'un hii.se." It Is claimed that there MB settled «M 'he

tr.ut ulKiut aaVaM iiiluihitaiits, many of whom

B>BB» tlien« MaMMMMl to the ratiflcation

nf the tnii'.v, ami an- therefore « iclmled fnitn its

pt,,v niions, bul who «till sel--, led their homes in the faith

tin« ltiev would Im- allow«-d topOMMMI te the tiovirn-

iiniil price. Tim b»BbMMMM «ask that < nimms« BBS! «uch

laws a« mav la- n«*c«-s«nr> to «i-cure tlw- ritltls uf tViti«

/l./e«»ittiara, and als,» the «IkIH «>f tbe rtt.te to tOBOMland" Tin- i-a-nator» and K» pn sa-ntativen an instructed

tai u«<- nil Ih.lr infltii-ii. I toMMM BBI h a rcsiikt. bBMSBSI« a bill no* MOBMf declarluK the validity of the " J.ypunIhosa*' t'»»'»» résolutions are of «onie Importance.The ,-sr nat«-I'oiiimittecou Appn»priatl..iis han t»«-*-ii :«t

wi.ri. on Hie Inila airead) piu»»^«! I») "»<' '»"'i-« aMTOMemlilav-. nid lip«-« M ""«m t«. (..> t «omi of thein MMMthe f-enat«-. Th«- K-ie«utlve, Jiati« lal, and lii-i'i-ilntiv e

MBOàMMtdM ca.ia-ldi ration to«flOJ and will pmhahlyi,e tin «heil t.' morrow.

Tli«-l-iisliiiBa.il r«»eueral has addn'«««-d a eommunlea

tluii to Henalor Itainia-J, a» Cliaini.ati of tl>< « oiiiuiltrei«

on I'oat «iflln« and l'o«t R«>a«ls, on the aabjert of petiUoub ureeeuled tv ConsTr««, pr«> in« that tbe ma;mf«vc

turf nml »ale of istiir>fpcd envelope« hy the (lovernmon?,anl the prlntll g of ou.siiiesi» card« on "Hie «aine Bt dis« oulill' rd. Alimii. the «»I '«'ctii'ii* to the piaver. he »in«,that aneba tblag aa <.«-mtcrf« itmi" Btaiaptd enrtUjpealia« nut » «ii k' OWB, pi lia many of Hu ataatpa p :ire«l mi

i ni rlrin«« iM'i'ome Iniihe .'mil an- lost, Ulm «iil«|e«tliiir UMi. it< t m i.« tent lo tbe Dead Letter Ofbee. Tea «««-t olnn lopes sold i»v the Denei tat« m, wbea tampered with

tir m i it,t« «nid ti) tbe trade In B ve,a. dons not showlli.it iii (lUiei-iiiii-ut will iiKiliiinuiH« the I'IL'Iih'H*. It is

[j .I'ii,i .,re retail .«h m t,t al«.ne Iii KtW-Yttk, IB B "1hv n Ona nbote name is attaebed to tbe petltloat, m ina-

factured end «told Uti irar i'..,,!<X),s|«jof «Telopea. Talafact, Hu 1 «,«tn «« -tei <»<in< ral saj -, ia «viili« i« ht to r« fut"

Hu tiiteinrnt tbat the*! mpedenreloj im.si'ies*, which:,..l;a,»i- tieneflclal to tbe people eira tht publie Ber¬

rin opt «-.ii s a.s .m ...iidioiiKiliscriiuijiauou ..,,'a.nst theBan I< pt li.»de uf Hr country.




Wa«miv(;T'iv, Jen. 2.1.Th« sc<no in theHn'np Ia t:..s evenlntr, was «]ulte a hrlil'aiitor.e. Avery

larga a'1 !'« BM BaaBHMad, In ad»l:tiou to Hie officials and

tbttrfaa J «.-, ami ptebabtr alaiprr one was compelledtogo awaj fr.in Inability to net into tho Cijulol at

ni', ile 1 niiifi.l hall, rising In IU aerial iiropo.-tion», aad ituitii vlfh tho mftened radiance of

lim ..nun . frescoes, waa crowded to Ita utmost

caji ,<iiy. An an urato.-leal tribuí« , -t was compoundedof Bdxed el« menta of success and failure, tho latter,

prrhrpa, pruluiuii'.at« s. A «mail platform In the ceuter

of the rotuiid i, BB- built around Hie .statue, was pro¬vided with seats fi r the orators, artist, und the JointOOBatftlM OB PabUt BniMiiigs and (.lound», underWbottdlraetloa ti»« ceremonies we»e corni ictc<L ThoPrt bmiiiI and Tbe rttaaltat. beta appealing inl n: n« «I'h um', ip nt«, .-. ee BBttod on the rii-*Ut, while

,: wi»«- Beaatora and BepretenteUree. Earlyduring tbe proceeding! «coral eliaquent beaqatta aadm itlia wera aanl In Mitt Rr.n.i, uxonipauied byu , ral rae,i», bearing Inset Iptlona »¦,..;'' ntarv t«i th»

.¦ 1 her work. Of tbe speeches, it is c tu I« I thal... 't wat tbe nett actable, Senator Pa«ttertoa't

then t Snltb -t, und Senator Carpenter*! iii. moat«., i ,i. Indeed, tone points la the I tter were forced,

i (Las well at ona nr two refereoeea,liri alto iiiited ;.:.«; «¡»fr »tried. Tbt »lxi- »li of Mr.Brook i«1 ,.. ,t «¦.' I«,th brerttr ead i ilnt, l :.

., red to be a cr .« ra' i irdli t as to the ftltbfnln« «fi i .¦ little eü'irt 1.1 enlofixa tat a 'k

from ,1...''..,- lut that Btaad-polnt. CriticUm,rilli room, unir.» MT. « al I»-:.t« ii

- rnt -i.«« il t <i io esteemed. Jmlgi Hart»,:.i ., peoter, and Meure Tnimlmll ami Cal»

l,,iu b; thei ¦, testified te tbt eocuracy of tin iii,«'lui. waa con Iderableapplaua «in tua retaoral

f tbe flag» with which tbe statue wat dnped. aad w «>

or twt.-i, dui'inir the »peech of Qtaa» hi.ni«», it mur.inew« «i. od \. te, the great Bedienet merely Btood

,«»!. M «t Kearn was, of course, "thr ulm, ried»errera." i i hi nilj iii tutaaijt It aij Hill ibu

looked vail, un«i anusually uti r.n Una, eat .vine a blackrobe, with orerdnta of whin poplin, and a teat)

w¡,ito hat, m,d«-r whi h tlie bright tyet and brown. uria,ian m.«imiiiii uy aided bet lu tan fir*» pu

.- ¦¦ quit«ibu ¦. u':ir. On thr whole, tbt tara«n.. m pastea off « eil, in tpite of tho ¡'ait t-a'. au BMMbrhetoXU uearl) produced repletion.

[CKSEItAl PHE IS DISPATCH |\Y i uisi.ruN, Jan. 25..The unv.iilifi£ «»f IGai

Beata'a ríame of Lincoln took platt to-tilirlir, in timKi, tai d. i of tbo Capitol, which wai oi.liiaiitiy lliunluatcilBad d.elad Vtlb l'ai.'*. One of thrm, loadn iaf «'a'l-

fnn.as.ik, was suui/iinled over tho ptatue, I'r-«iin.t

Crant, Vicr-I'rei.'.'Ient CotfBZ. Otn. ¡-"herman, Jud»:«lei.i-, thr im '¦ "it i'..hiu! Bnihllngi aa t uranna*,and the oraton of tbt oceetlon oooupwd a ita ia theplatform. Xiatra waaeeery burn aodlanct, IncludingJii'lK'Hrf thf qupn ino Court and mein nora of Congress,With their f.tr «

After meale by Hin Marine nr.nr!, Senator BtotrlD ofVermont aaid teat foinyear» acó a» linio trill was c\t

ployed "i tb« Pott-« »111 l .«t $«'»o a year, In.t mir li wi fauthth.iL ife« ((inlil iin s jin li IHK bell» r. CiiiiirTi-sn Kav« li« r

aaotxlertoexeetttt aitatne of the late Preslilent tin«eiln. (Bat oiat m aud tin- urtlnt wem uow batata Uioiptetttott.ludgt 1 ivis of the Snpron.e Cn'irt fhen. aceor(*.ln»r to

the prusi uni ,e, jin«,.<-,«:. ,1 -'. a t.a n« v ill tin- «.r.iinr.

As soon ud tiiia wad uono tbt osa«:m lily Limke fottb In tm>i 'in.'i.H «i'i rT.-'-m* OH of Illlnoii in Hie eo'irse tibiare-

laid that, prarions to the paaaage of tba ictbyMl, girtna te Muí.s; líe¡un tun ex.cii'ion of His

waa» a uiunbor of persona bad made itatnettet andbtadt bf L_coln, ami oh« aim niu'.i- a mist f«viiu (.ittiuuaby lincoln. 'liiirio«:ro aaeh a striking rateiublan. ioLincoln that Congntt ordered frota her e itettu of '..fe»io-, ^fttr¿ringa briefaoeoantof Um artitl and hw per-»u:,.ii blatory, and bar visit to Bome,he taidshe »a>,, e i» ,1lu procuring a Lloek of inarhlo without a Btein -t fitiiin<-ei bh m of 'n'- pura obere« tor itad motlea Life "f bim thtstatu-it int» :i«'.r«i t«. r«'nr tent Altboagh Uncoln waliiftä-u ». en in a happ> fiainr » f mind, '.ii. re aera p» rtmiswith bim of neat deftaaaioa aaenielaaeholy Whenburdened with thougbt ais oenntenance alwayabad apentive exuretrton, and thla waa abet tbt «irti.si hadtndaaron I to prtterre ia BuurbUk lVrhapstim iiiii!i««tcompliment ho could pay, aa be Baaed upon tba itatue,waa the raadincaa to exclaim '- l:.is ¡s Mr. I.iucolu."OHier» woald liubn of Um extoutlonof the aiiiet.Bepretentanra Callum ««f ii.m;.,i«, aftBt avj lag that, u.«

s in« lulu r fruin thr furn.n hnir ol'Mr. I.' .c.«!n, it tra.»

deemed proper he ahould make a few r« narks on thisn aaton» alindtd totbt fatl that fromtb« aarllttt hlttoc]«iiin han,au rare ll,o World'! herotl nli«l U'liefai'ot*hare been honored hy tbt erection of aonumenti todMulptnred »tatuoa. Genlni al «rir i ,,ui»i tnake tbemarhlti-|M-.ii,. Tit art of iculpture ind tiic nerfcetion of th"in.« arts are eTidenoea of tht degree »«f ctrilizatian. a*the* advance In form ami beauty» aa the i«c<«|.!e risa m

cultora and moral attainment. Tnera wen non present1». rsmiM from all p.'rti» of the republic, iikIuhiiu* UM

',. » t '«ii;;.-u an s j i.a t).<« mahen and expound« r«, ««f tim:. ¡ne-,m j vi lol the press. Dirtne rr««\

! it rtlt04i up men totgreat pnrpotet. Tbe peopleri.ii'in«! Waahlngton aa taa "Knumir" mid Ltatota as

ih, "Htvior"ofttu country. Tba »;ri.it(--t actrecordedin inn !ii«t<,iy was the freeing of 4,mjo,t«nu of daree»Monumeata and s»:itne^ will bare erambled Intodmd be¬fore thi act abell bt fiirgottea. Tat ipeekrr*! allusiont« «,i ni.u,.i dbermaa «a* loudlj applauded; aad» laconclusion, be said, Iel thla itatue bt preaarrtd lutuo«'.ipitni m the nain«1 of JasU» e, Union, and LilUrn. Bankt began hit remarks witu tin aaaertfon that

n Mi .as ahleb dbrtingulahed tho l'rrnidruiialof Mr. Lincoln were greater than anywbleb oc¬

curredtiara tbt fiiiiiil.itinii of the Hnirrnuirnt. I.imnlnbad ureater ctpecttlet than tbott allaeaed to ordiaarymea. Hedltenaiged hitdutlea with gm-h earneMue^s,um .ntl, m d suiiisrt aa t»« enroll bia nama wiin tbt«areat ('ivii uilminlitratort, Rieareataaaaa of bia mi.-,« i«» w ia the Int« re»t he timk ni tho welfare of allin« ii. In tbt m r> bteÚUÜBg of tho vni, at a timo

aben party iptrft rta ugh, Luuwlnwas with iiiinenityprert uti d from Bttking a \ t-.it to Qen. MçCItUen m Ma»ryland, by which he woald have periled hit tafety. itBrat ael t»i embenaaa ihr General with Unpracucahla¦iiiri lions, but to aire a.lii««1 In relationtto bliper-BOnal wrlt.ire. "I want .Mrt'lellin to mi« ried," he».lid, " ii«i hi« sure«--* lu «,ur sue«-««»«*." Lincoln hud n,i

pertonal tninio*ltl a Tbott wim ilitHu-od irom himwri, nut necetttrily eatranged from him. U» alwayacounted on re« m ila'mu. U waa thla iiii.irtt¿ that drewt«. nur t tie bearta at all rías*-«'* of tin« peaftt. it waajoatthat biafljntrtof aadortng latrblt iaotild l* pbModtatin Capital, t«» remind oa aadour fueei Morao' the vii tu«-,chara« ter, »aoeett, tnd derotlen fe the pruM Ipb s whichhr ad.... .»t. .1 and dal« nded and died in maintaining.Beprt -eui iii.r Brook! nf New-York isad: It «va* tp-

propriate that, In unveiling » itatat iikr thi«, a " u« mo-n.it" siiniihi bi iíiv»1!! an o»i)«i«riunity tu expresa for htm«¦alf and «aaaociataa their aaaaama (attrttt both in tliemaa ead la tbt monument tht meaoiial of tin« Maa.Ile who acted m foremott a part at Mr. Uaeola in Hutportion of our blatery tbt most exerting ¡mi bmmBperilous, «av» that of our rerotatlonarj er*,.¡n. iititi.«i,i,, t »inly to such a BBBBMaial as Hi.h,hut to have it placed here und-r tba¡treal >i »me of ItaCapltoL Wa bare bo Pantbtoa'auVaUean, at i'luakoih» k nor at fifnatmlnitai Abbeywherein to entomb oui itluatrloua men,or to« re« I st ituetto Huir boaor. Vet tbt lime i» i omlng, nay. ii la in partmmr, \.li.-ii this It.ilmuí.» nuil the sin iniin ling h lill and«.-riniiiil« will h«- ¡illili with pn tines, painting», frr ,««¦-.

itatutry, broattt, trleaaa, hatrtlhift. tad» otbttmona.Mntt of thu world'* remarkable bmbHut In the work hero that w«-

aie DBTtlliag Is the doutih- nieniorial of not only a Cbb fMaglatratt, in tba prime of life, foiiily »hot down, hut t i»>

memoritl «>f a woman'i banalwort a women'! plaith art. Tin l'.ilithei ni. the V.ttlriiu, tba gnat Ullis» tim«of Parla, laiiminii, ii ii i Barlte, bring oeei te oat rta Umvorbtof Miine i'hui a« m Praxltelet of anUquity, butHin dura u« nn mar si»- mtaauMnts. batta, oi «tann -, tin-niiirer work of Hie lairei MB, While hen- in this Uni,nulaaa aaw tea the eqeel rlgbta of woaaaa.U not with thehallnt, willi the peattl, thr rhine;, the arii«tie lti!»trumenta» to parpBlaatt "the bamaa form divine.'' gbt»tunat»1 tin« man thus Bculptaredl «rertaaeta tren m tineelamith s of In« co-antiy, fot* te a reatored Union btluril tn mnivr tiii'iu all fnrtiuiate in the trying ImurMof bia (leulh, a* he Is thu* Intérêt c«iim» rated to theRepublic by Inn martyrdoB», teuaurtaliBed atuoag allmankind: Cortunato, too. oa being thu.« banded down tepnistrVity by a wumaa'a lore of e noble art. oaa of tbafew »if the iuiiui.it.il n,uni-n that wi-rr n,,t urn to «lie.Hrniitnr fJarataterel WltetaMa «aid. tbat patatag by

tin Bttlttt «.f wnrll-whie fatiir, Canareta employed a

youagglrlta asteatt tbtatatae, The tele«-tton of tbtarl,at wa* mott fortunate, is» tipton ftiu rai.y mllnw,-,lafter aacleal modela, their prodnctitmi rrsemhiiuKneither men nor goilt: aad. a.s au UlastraUoa, h<-ref«ii««l to (IreenoUaxb'l «.t.itilt«1 Of V.a-iiilin-t«inin the K.ist Capital «irotin.li», It hailii»- Ixrucompared to an EogUahiuan just fromUm bath. It iiKikrd ao tuon« ike Waablturtta than*pn/t Ijrhter. Art ha«l oomplettlk Uiumphed orer n.i-

tlire. He «jMikr »if the fieriloin of the W't-«t,' w-hleli «ulint trainineled t.y the .-.lu,,ill,,ii of thr f.^-l^-n IchtOat,and rlateni ftirfan bbVIiim of Mt Lteeota el UM »i»-«iication of the Gettysburg Oamtaty pratar eloqatattth. n the oratinii of Kilwurd fcver»-tt. He eulogittd tbtWetten arti»t for havinf« iflvru t-i tin- i-»uiii.tr> a true

ri-prei-iitatloii of Hkicoln. The «fattie was «atisraet»ir>'.JmU'r Halts, for lu.iny rtaVTt tbt per«»Uisl flleinl of Mr.Ian««In, auilniriied in iii to BUT ee, To the faaclnatteg,.lurk riiii dameel, be axpraaaed bia own .»¡»-i m.« thank»of the people of Wtttontte« To tbe i'r« »f»l« ut. Vu»--Presidí nt, tin- JiiiU» «,f Hi»1 Mupr» ii.* ('«.uri, Iba hrad» ofm-p.ittrnentt, tin ihkIi ataelal tfleert, Bdlltaryaad navalherne«, the matron», the Ix-IU» snd Iwuux tit the audi-nui. in« now preaeated Um uiwi»t. mi«« Bataa.Tin* ladv, a« the H«\iiOt«ir ttttn «1 the«-»iiieiuitlnt words.

Btopptd apan the ptattorm, bowtd, and retired, fniiown.iby taa tpplaaat af the ataaaaBly« nie cr«»wd iin»t-re(j»onie tune in the rotuuda rxaiiilitln« Hie .tatu»'. A iiuiu-

l*r of .-ohired ih rMiii» availe.l them«, lu* of the »aine

opl>»>rt«iiiily. Miuuv hy Hie Marine liami couclud« ii li*«'



I,IK -TKM.ls p., Hi. C1 j. ,.., RAIL-TRACKSis i.vi'KV Dil BCTtOB « ...:¦» V|-., .»¦ A MHUI 'UKI) KUM1' BTOCKHi i.i»i:ii.

A mi wv, .i.m. ML.The Legieletae ia doiagttat work, ibtngb tftbe áaDttl ami r au aataportani

tar. r... v« ii -. in ,.i« -, ¦< ¦>¦ must ,.,,) ..,..,,,,.,,.

I.«.v.--. r, tetlaat labt latte»»» t4 erny dt , ead are¦temed t., tba Baflrtad Caaaaitttta t titi «.< t» Ith.smnrnii-,; f»-,ivr li .ti« «¦ of hu Inteiiii.ni t«, tBtttÉBtt «»

hill «bait« Til g i» tri.ii.il »t, am rtedecl rtU«ajr,4*BM agthroiiatb BtBettfl ami t,i«.< )».«, ami «««tin«. I,nar lb* ( ,t. li

wltbWtettattttr«Otaaty. tbeeeel Bh _te right af, weafor sich t road v.nuid i,««t f, 'm loa Hi tyMQJtgMt-aOeatt ii« the Btaet« .ami Mr. m -> b I» thi Staat,

baie ataBBMaateealy in. ¡ghi .ni a at «i« at Hut m h« mof he Dry ii««. 1.1 . ¡,. ray, ami ¡Batter« BoraMkaaaVCBeBfaaj te"gridlrtB" the riiy b) an *-<»t»ti»lou" of their tra. ««, tim to m.ike BBt tfgbtb -

o'h» r Kaftroed Campealei ia rona eoeaeetl a '.'tut!. ama tiio said RaOrtad Oat pea« te tzn nd Umli..»sfro'n Avenue A, nn r ii IBeti I«. .< r, a? T* let] tint

I nt., hy a double tra« k tbtoagb TatalJ tbllll -'. to Lc\i-ajrtnu-ave.; Üniao ttkrtBgb Ltstagtl i\. t,

Mgtb Hi-s-t.; thence -%rTTt*l Matt" -t. to

flflbBIB Also, frrni I> xli irti r. i.« hy .»

«.'outdo track, thrmi-h l',..-tj-se- >ini--f. t«> 1 i-t!, n«

Also, from Av. une li, throneli lereatetBte amiKiirht» onth-st.«., by Maate toadla, te «iveaae a. an...Créai Ata.a P» by a eeab»*, traca, tatonga t« iHi«'1.a« t HI sir. A!«", finn Avrn,,,1 H, hy ;»

tra.:., tlirour'h Tw lft !. «t. fo .-. -, nth .¡- Mt I'1

«.luido iratk tareagb Btniath-ere.tt Weil BSt.; thence through \\ -. I.' It ¦wntli -I. to W.ttier.ee tareagb Washington «f. toÄhriigopber it.,andtin ne throui-h Chil-t'-i'Li r -t. by*V.n<iliif baelNorth Iii n « r. A,-i. fi'in W.isl.i'i,»«,, jt \iy Mmtfimtrnrli, tteeagb Cb It to biiHiB'-.r; th.ii.s,

thrniiK'i WTtaBTt to T,-.e¡fih-t>t. A!»B, fr« ¦ '¦'¦

Tatlfia at. by Atabla li ali, tenant p<_' ata -nr« t»

r«. Btttatast.; tbtaet t: langa « Butt (¦:.«* to r tb;i,".; H-enei thr"U.-!i IBatt ive, to Twetti third ' ;

thrnco ti ro igb Tw rt\ -tit t.: t. ..> tbt Netta Btrcr.Als,«, from T,-i li avr. t,.r, .;¦ ¦ «

tra« k, la Flmt-aie. Al¡»o, fr«ui Ti.l.-r.-'onrM: t 'Ino.: h

Ii-ti..!-., hy (!oi.h> tia.I», In l,.it> teta '. A',su,fn ni I'lr-t-ave., hy »tiiu'.e trick «, ttgBagl T'i!;-«y flftli»i,, i r;,ri/ f'ifii t' ti LBxtagtea .iv.-., t.« cooneel wititthe doll!«lo track thtttta to aisttttb i-t. a. «I i iftli-aw.Al-o, through Clialnbi rvst., frein OtttBWl h «f., Bf.liiiclr trai k lo fTaihtegtlfl -,*., au,I fn.ni VV.. iblagtrt «t.

Bg geebb) truck to tbe Nurla IU'.cr. A!»o, the l.ecessu .

coiiuectiont, tiirnou1«, A..It Ih it'.il.'ult to ertimat« the BtaBMfl WV h such a b'.'t

lias of becoming a law. A -omi-«v'.it »' dial ««I, aiv

Introducid by Mr. Gi'nrf, au I a ithora*u«a* the Avenue (I! lora».--Railroad to BSttai Hs trai I . pas-nl the .«¦« .t.»

yesterday. Tîiis lull, too, nia.« a hot*-rai.r a«l thr

Lex-.i:gt«»n-ave. Thr |fu.'i.w,iuk aie tue ÉBtaflB of »luirout»1! authunzr.l by It: From Avenue C, tl.roiiii'i .«« «.-

onteenth and Eighteenth st*., hy single tracks, to Av»-i m»

A; thence, hy don''' tr.n '., thteagb Avenue A »«»Twent

third-rtf.; theneo tl.rnugh Twoiity-tblrd-at., by dinit'l«!track, to liest ave.; thence th.-ou.-h Fu st-aie. hy dmil ¦¦ »

track, to Thirty ti ith-st.; thence throurh Thirty flit h i»i.«t

T.urtj sixHi-isfs., by eine-lc traá-lcs, to LA|BglBMI1 " *

thence tnrough Ix-xinixion-avo., byftlouble trae!., ta»

Ki.rty »''corni ,t.; them e through Forty««« »«ml sf., hy«¡oalil«! track, to Foui tli ave. Also from lirr.-uwiih-' ,

t'lroui-h liiarllon-st., hy «uikIo tr.idt, to West »I., an«!, \>y.inir'.c track, ttirniiit'i West lion«t»»n-«t., from W-!i'ii".ton-*t. to \\e«t «».; theiiro U.aV.>n.!i Wcaat «t., by «luulilutrack, to « 'hanil« r« «t.Mr. Gou(lrn.li u|«t>« .ireil before tbe Ki;!» b1 Ootnatttta

of Iii«* aVseei.ihly this aft nicm ti ! i. n ..fii»l (bel theywnuld appoiuta day wheu ho mlK..t im btBN la habt fof liLs bttl repealing tho Ki le Clai-aitlcatioa law TI «

Ci»ni!i.lti»ie, with that caution which alway&char.tct« t-

izei i.«',iiici .n» lu iaatlBg with a p^rty tiK^sura, in«focaed him tbat tiny weald BtaaMai Ma a retal .»

1. .n nt,ve BBBBlaa» The p-inllc w:!l bo »rralfl, «I lo lea« nthat the Riiilroad Coinnuitec of tLe Aniriniib1 U now»

or^-an.7.» d, and lu du- t'nir will he h .ml lunii Thi' fol¬low mg is a parapapa ttnai a i« Ubi which Mr. <»oo»iri! blias re« i lv. d from an F.rlr «to« kholili r ;" I a'li a poor man, und wa« iudui ed »orr,«' ven ra aro t«

buy wiih n./ bardaarlnirttoaharetof tba urie »t..« * di"A. At that Urne dirideuila h.nl not been stopped, butthe vi ry llr«t di\ Idend «lu«' nie w i* pi.«-. «I. Bim th« n Ili ive re.eiwd mit,hil', ead havn mci my property «te-pm late in the luMids ol au innuoial and dod »let} h«k mtof aotuadteU."Mr. I^tnco of Queens hns lnfroiluced a resolution Int.

the Assembly whh h may possibly r« «ult In finnie W\Wf¦etetBtty and iuiportaiiit ItgUattML 'Hie i reamb.c n«1'«

firth that the statute books aro burdened ^vitli a i.i-tnuinhi-r of acts of special legislation, wii.ili BlteM BB¦lispeiisa-d with hy Hu pttit(pi of sii'talle p »irruí law«.Tbt ratolatloa proridtt Pat toe tppol itmeul "f a ipe« »Icniiiiiiitlr«- o/ nun', to tie iiaine«l bj tea Bpethet, lo ««.n-

»nler what panoral iiws it i- .. [¦ «li» al to m.nt in «rl rto reduc«; the preaeat kian «en m ioIiumoI ipecia k-gtal»Hon.

lieiia'o¡: Thayer Introdticed a bill pBVTMteg tba» tiltaer«aral Boardtef Town Auditora tbn u»rhn.«t tbo -i '«»

stiaii tt their nnt annual me« tlnu audit ami «ii tw ea« u

jier-on wini wii-s drafted into UM lerrlet of the Unite»!¦tatetoraeataaubttituiethe -uiuof tóoo, with i,i>.-ifioin the time of Mich payawat

fbtre will be no racanviea t. ii« year arnon»; entertet!for New'York city, ezoeat taeb i« bmj accur by -i all .

r» *i»;i.itioii, atebaagael reMdence. 'Wv Hovernof ii »*¦ir, iii»;«i t«, renomineta all a he ». i» riaa expire ir.u /»«ti.Irai iii^- lo iii«, i-i natu to coi tin.i at rejc l.

LBOISLÂltYI P80CSEDIBrO&.«.K.N.vrK....Albany, fea. V, i8:!

riilli wi-re ifitrmiiut «1 to cli.ii ter I lu- 1.«¡iiii-ahí« I.«m n ai.«I li us! «'niiipany nf N, w-York; ant In <: l"i 4

liuarde of i.'Wii Auditors to audit and allow Bat h «Iran, «IpiTaii.i .n the lal«; war who paid i'.'tin tee a tuliatltutsthat Binn w nh int<treat, tbe lame to in raittsd by tai ¦.-

tiun-, prnviiliuK for raiting by taxation annually tCity of BriMiklyu the au.nt now inri '«n/.-.i j», be raiai i;aad, te a»l«liiioii, ts.»**», to be derated toward uBfrayteatbe expenses of at, Peter'i Hospital In that city; to payea»h ci l»-r in the «uni t of Appeal! a mltn of ti. so ,,. runnuiii, and auth..ruin«.' tin t,r.\ lind,. Etal Bruadway,and Battery Uailroad ' unipeau «.' axteud their tra«l»ithrisifth various -trn ta and aveaaea..Sotnes were «xiren of Milt to build atufara rattreada

tbrougb the rtninties of New «York an.I \l, «I« rstei. iwi.|to .m,riul iho «Now Vui'k aid OtwegtMldlaad KallfeMcharUr.The hiil to ettend the time of col'ei tíiil' tates wai

petite. Tin- lull to prerent boa« hollina, fet-melUnf, crr« udi ring of «lead tu malt althln th» eorpuratt limits «itN« w-Vnrk, vaa reportad.The foUuwteg lr.ll» wi re dltfMMOd of as tintcl Un|iiir«teg tba 1 mon rerrj « oBpan) t ¦ > run imiii« al rateannaParr« vi ry li minnies m Um a »ilit 11 m> .tbild readiaa ;couferrlni apon «Courte of Oi er eud Denainer power tetrent new tríala te irlinlnal as m third r« »«in % «riant«mi; rvtr.« eoaiptaaatton to Ihr cb rk* lu the Stall I». ; alt¬in« lit paitad.A bili wa«« ri'ported »nviiiir additional powers Ut .'¦.111* p.

?is-.rs to (Iii ide cmii iii-«.Tne cniiieiiirnt resolution InateartlBg Mfhate ».!

«¦ iii-ii-»1» frnm Mea York to proi ia 'le paat_»i< 1 . 11to ::¦¦ t .1 ur, » w tria ti« Seneca tribe of liuli iii nu thta Heir in.» retervtUon, ead to pcolaot Uktrtghtttf »hutBottler*, wa« tdoptec Aiiiouiiini

a--i:mhi.yA lur^'o Dumber ot petitíotu wen receiTed

to refund money te tbe «iraft. «1 men ns;,.11 tt ear.Mr. 1.11 III J'< »UN presented a petit! « from an lor«1«!

woman lettlna forth that, uudir th« Fifi« mh Amrml«ment, she hat beta mr!»1 a ellison, thertfors tbe arlr»liege of v« iuk »!««mill bt graated to n. t ami .»««k.u»; for a

law mahluK provision fin tllowiug women mncraliy terate. On motion of Mr. Ltttlejobn, the pettttea waa ve«ferred t.» iin JaiUclarj Committee,The foilowlna billi w. re n uorted; TWPriatteaAppro«

priatíoa bil for t:.< n lb I al tbt Ui«««>ki»,ti lr««u raba r

Company; rttttng la tbt lîoar.ls of luptrrtttta .».!-

dm..11.ii powart; to ex'» ud the U-ui-tlt of the BOW«Ynrk lastitutlou fnr tue llllnd; maktiiK rex, »-

tilín* com »i iiiiii: time of imlentiiiiuK tppntnUeetjtoettebttlh a pubttt park lu thr Semite« lT Wai,IMea Yerb; allowina lae Bega iniaraaea 1 «tapaar «iiMew-Yerk te acreaet it- eepltel Mock, tecaM-purailiigUM rtllage of East Ni w Ynrk; anth. nziu*1 ibe eonttruo»lion and extension "f Hu railway tr^ ks in l'\v. ifih «I.,Nea V.iik; al«o, »mrmlliiif .the |{ro«ik!in I'oln« A» t nyIwroattegtbaComuiitaionan1 mian t«. It^oat allowinathem to make repairt to a cartela extest with.»m raft r-euc« tO UM («uniui'li «nllliell. and t<« nrtall noiii- iii.--|

f.ii(.iiint) r»urpotei; andcbaiterteglet «Ni w f«etg Uvabto» k lit~iir-.il.» ». Cn-mpsny.A tua to charter in< New »nrk Hura;ltr Iniurance Cum¬

pauv wa» iiiimdu»'« d. I he reaOlniHia ca.liiiK <>n tn«« eiñral, Hudaoli lilieraml Krie llullniad Ci l.ipJti.l« » mi(let.llli«l HltlelUCIlt* of tin Ir li||»lli»va.« Will intn|i(|l 1The f(illi»wln_ tulls wm«- «tl-.|n««>t«l of .ia uola-d : * Amen 1-

liiK Ihr «harter tf the Kiovkl'u Hvu.eopaHn<- Hi.jjeu_.iytad(teaaetegItt«ataM paitad; tuthonateji tea Impri*-oaneut of panpne tuatluiedof Itkiay iu k.u«» i oui.iyill th»1 1» «ni» :.ti..i> Of thill mm1 v lu.,*, .»,. uf .11 Ui»; MUCeurisoii.Uiiril naillii».'; ai>i>riii>ri.ti.ua; tT.isi ¡w tiir um.tauf .N.-w York for Hu- Anti« tam ( « n.ruer) ig umrial tlllilfi-eadiuf. AdJ.iuniKl. .

Tilt: .Miin.i.ia | mon HU at LAMBJàCËLÊO*, Miri.s. J.in. 12..Tin» yeffB t,0,d

.till «-.«lU-s mm h iut«tfeit. So Ulai iH-fnih« ,-iy_

iiiithoiitlrs lum r\i«r traiisptre«! 10 the cas»' The liratidJury Igaartd UM lull r«n niurter. wrin-li is iiK«*rd»<l ,.yI« Kal prttmon and foaraalB t* c<|iiiial>-ut tu auaof|,ninl fat IHImt, a ra'ilnal pegar» «aUni.t*. thai Yerici<an in", er 1>« «-«ililli tesl aud ¿d»!.««-. a »».»»«> /,i .«».;ti«, a*nil tin,»I «,.¦.:..I pi«M* lias laren li .-»I lim Hu- tmttt wit]imt he uied ilnritiK Ih. term of the Court. . er-rrr baabeen it liberty time latl May.