New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-12-11 [p 3].€¦ · MAT. CLINTON wiahefl to let hia...


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MAT. CLINTON wiahefl to let hia frieikiaand the pnbbc know, tbat be wttl aell the beM Peach

Urcbard, (Red Aah) and White A«b l.'oala, dry *nd in troodaaaVr, froni uud. r aheda. at the loweet poaaible pneea, foraaaa, boiD vard No. Bflttoerck-et., corner of Revinxtonrtrt^,aad alao, ffoiu boata now diachanina. Orrlera by rxpreaaSuMledto. MAT. t'LINTo.N.


ajpj Wbite Aah Pittaton Coal, of all flBBB, cleaa and ra goodaaaVrr, aaitabla for atearn atippitif, and aiomeatic parpoaeaIroac ita loata or yarda la thia city, WiRiaaiMbbeich. »nd

fkraoklya.Tha a lanht lea are each aa to it to a va

aaad diapatcA to Teeaele loadina: at New Tork or at PortiwiB-fertitrolar attentic* |iren to tbe delivery of Coal for oo-

aatatu" porj oa. a

Apply at tbe eflice, eor. Broadway and Wall-et, rr yarda,Weat. nr ar Morton-ot. i cor IfltaVet. acd 9U>-st. And foot ol.jcBvrmeur-at., city. Foot of North 10th-at., WilliAaialrarah,jbct of Guld-at., BriTiklyn._ir /¦ ^A PEB TUWj.BmB 'jiialify Peachffl *-± tjryj f rrcbard Red Aah Coel, Nut tize. Stoveaod r.«M*eaatlo weat market phcca. AI«o, bat rmalityBBckun.itira Coal. vrry cheap, from yard No. 107 Anthony-at, near Broadway._

PER TUN for the best PeachOTckud Red Aah Coal flflflflMBfld from boata

ia.1 twtTun frota vard, acn-eraid aud delivered. YardaMn aru Delancv. eor. Ooertk-it., and No. 260 r'.»«r IJth-at.,MweenAkeukteaA-aiadB. JAMESMOOBX.

$4 75

^olifcan Prcscnts.HuliiUy Ooona baaJB Rubber.

DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! BALL8!BALLkt: BALLSImade only by New- York IUbber

Campany, contikfina uf a mtai vari. ty ofINDlARUBIiER DOI.L 11EADS ofoll slzm and ofFCLL LENOTH DOLLS Ai.d BAI.LS in pxat var.ety,

Tia:Bat RaIIa allaitea.AraliAK'ini Parh.r Balla, all aiaea: will not Irreak flkBMLFaney colrrr Balla, all aiaea; wili not break (ila**.Landacape Balla, all aixea (brmlit colora); will not brcak

duldeii Balla, all aizea | will not break c!a*aTlirae BaJl« (< xi <rattafl the BatB.ill) ar-anew Andbeauti-

fnl artuir. intiuilid lor I'tilur and indoor play and no par-Uirabonlulif wiihont theiu if ex< rciaeaand taflath ,u w,nt..rare OMMnbta. Bold at ri tail by tlie Toy dtaleiabtciierally. bytbe dun ii at all the Kublvr atorea and wboleaale Tuy hou«eaand by the coae only at tbe depot of tlie company, No.4i MaidenJane (up ataira).

GOLD PENCILfl anii PEN CASES ofthoBBMfl BMMBhta ratteme, alao Oold Pr-na and Silver

Caiea frum ttie different nianufactiirer«,iiit;liidinj the PatetitReatrvoirFen. Conitantly onhand a weil aeieeted aasort.nitLt of the aboTe. OKOROK M. BKLL,

Btationer, Ita. r* Naaavi-at.


N. V haa oainlantly on liaml a lara;.' vane.ty uf Kancy Con-fcatiunrrv. Liip.or Altnoiula. Frnicli Cuinlit*. Ouui Dropa.Jelly I'n pa,Cuiuiiiopiaa. PaJiti-Tiaya. KiutarFru.t aud Fttrw*eta, ('ake Ori.aiu.nla, aud otlu-r articit-a aiiilable for th.iboli'lkva and uaual tra<le. Jutt recaired from Paria, invoiceaaf Kriii' li f!,i'i 1'arte T' ya, p'htii y BflBflfl, ¦'.'.. ic.

PORTE MONNAIES, of Aincricitn, Kn^lisliand Fr< nch mannfacture, inclnding tlie Vjeirt Turkey

Mcrccro, Papier Mncheami Prarl. Alao. TortoiaeShell andFtail (nrd CiiM-R couatantlv on Iiand.

OEOROE H. UELL," BBBMBMBT, No. 158 Naaaaa st.

K II ..ul U8EFUL PRE8ENT8- A. a.BAGLBY tV Co., nianuiaciitrerii. aoHeit tba attaartoa

cf (ba tn.i'i', tbe'- aenerally. to tluir atoa-k (of rc-

irT,*Buiii,,tiii tur>|i.i (ioiil P.Tia. Oold aud Hiiver P.eflfland I'ni Caaea, in eiidb tt vniirty a( patt'-mt. priadptafl «ndairet, ioa< th. r witb uur exuimioti Caflflfl. BOU atulatlvir, with pen «nd pi nril, fliMraaflaTfl lur taflflfl. whicb,for liauty of wiukinanaliip. prindpla ni' ruii'truruun, atuldnn bilitv. ei l.pac atiylhuig nf the kirid prenuualy rxliibit-ed. Si v("n aizea jateaitail aml M»rninlid. We wonld alaocall attention to onr anperior Oold Paaa, whieh need boprool ot ttieiraiijieriunty flSMBBl their ineieaaed demand,aad the ntimeio'ip attemptB at nnnation. No. 277 (IrvingHorne) Blflfldaaj, and No. 12 Miiden 'ane.

TIIOSE \v 1k. nrf detlroufl of ai;lecting liaml-H.ii.a- PUESENTS fur the HoUdaja t'io .id eaBtataa

th>. faaflfl Moiu.aie*, Ciini Caaea, Oold I'ena. Paarllaad PanCaaea fruin tha BflflflBtBBflflB tnhand. I.y OEO. II. BELL,dealer ia Koieirn flflal Uomeatic iSution.ry, No. IX Naaraan-at. .


IDatcljcs, 3cu)clnj, Cv'c.

WA'icm.s AND JEWELBY-tTEBOEN-.i-l N WATCiiES..JkMl rerr.vnl by thfl anlmcrilirr,

BBBBflTfltyBBfl Jalea Jaraanflaa Waiebaa, wit'i t rtuicateafriiii biiti witlienrliWalci:. warranti'd perfert tmie-keepera,lor >ii,i Bt lrat llirti Iha- ii-i,,il i.r.i-a t \Y Atchi a.koine in bautina caaea, duplux Btid 1--Tira. perln t liiue-ki rpern,

ludep. i i.i i,t Sicotid WflBBBflfl «nd fflaBBtBaBflflflflkflB, furBBatafl korai a, ta aold aad Hilv.r t-aata.

Ppleodid (inld l'ocket ChrouoiueUia, wbiuh riui witliui.tBuy vanniiun.

Eiiatiii'l WiiUlra fur liulira.Oold and RihrCI Li-virt. I).tr.,lieil I.i vert, LapiBB, DO>

plini. eiul rll iil'i i M] h I ot YYaiehra. All tt tlie above for.Ale at lett thkii the uaiml j.rieea.Diainoiulr, lliau Tlflfl, RmitA Ear-Riusa, Fiugcr.

aataga, aad CrflMf a, lejr aata taw; aaaa«liu' (a. iii l.ipilu \\at(laca,4 liolt-ajeweled.»25 (tl

FiueOold llilnilied Lt-vera, fui: jeva.led. '» 00Gflld Enarni Watebeo, for a. do WOoldlliintiig Watihue. forladiea. i>» 00Oold Himlinj; Patent Levera, Btff aeuta. M JJOBilvi r i'ntiir l.evera.f I»tu2n 00Hilvn li.ttiriied Levera, full jiweled. 1^ to 18 (KIISihi r l.epni. «. 4 holit lewrleil. BM

aad all Othei Uudl ol AVatrhea nt eipially luw pm-.-a.Ala*' nil Btadeol (luMC'iaitia, pata K..1.I U.'.l.luui KinM,

fnid Bayi aad Baala aold lVna aml Paaeila, RoldHu.i awreihtnible'a, ilian i"id Ktntt nnd Pina, Brac-leta. cubl iaOCketa,

Cufl-l'inr-, Ear-BuifB, aold aml ailver Sp.-rUclet, HrakAat-Pini Finiirr-K.i,ir«, ailvtr KruitKiint-, atariiaa butmSiaona, (iipa, r-orka, BaV, at mucli BBB BaBBi taa natml

pneea. Watcbn and Jearelrj aaeban|ad. All vvateheflwarranti'd to kn p (tood or the rumey retuni, ,1.WaU'hea. t \otkt BBfl Jowiliy tt'libir.d ;n thfl BMfl imnti-r,at n.uch lesa than tha niual pricea. OSOBflB 0. Al.l.KN.lmporter uf Wfltebsfl and .lewelrv. w .olcale and ret ul,No. II \\a.!-rt., (up-Haim,) near Bruailwny.t'orui-rly at

No. 61 Wall-M.

WrAT('HES mui JEWEIaiRY.-SQUIREt*f f IiltcTIIKH.Nus MPaHna »t. and 1«2 Bowery, wouldaaiflhfl Bttri.tiuii of ilii.r truudt and ciiatuiuerathat ar. vlaitina the city, it flv v are tn waal ol a tine Ou.daflblflb.aathaaBcaaWy.TBhira, Coopar, T..v.ur, flBflflMMeeUI ii.t. .1 n»al ra; oi Bllref wara, lach im I orhe, Bp* naTea-att*. or Oold Jewa Irr. kc. that we are now preparedBsMer than avrr to aell tne abeve-menuonea g'..,ia, nu ttie

aioatreuautikl'ltitinua. OvafllBektalaiBBaBflwaBaBMflB Laa ItaflBtM tttte, laaapBtafl Bafcd BlaraYMOtV. Om BMdfl uf

floiriK bnarueaa m to huy ai.d aeB fur itOi aml «.."<.a wnr-

BJflflfld aa itpa'-arntrd. IflflB cuatuiu ia BMMflflfliBMaf flaflheitnl

SUBVEYORS1 COMPAS8EA.l-'ivi'-iiwhNea bi CoBBnaBMfl fci aata, Th-v nt pa 4>f«rTa»J"»>

wartauttii BBd will U-timl luw by thr luiiker. \\ M. CI>A\ IS, Nu. BB Watcr-H-.tViril'lorv




'O THE LAD1ES..Our Fnll fltyleoU*M. itr*'. Mtarea''t Drabatid Btaok F, It, Blach

BBfl larah B*ava» Buanata, arith a kaaatifbtl Baarar bidrngHat la.r I.odiea an.l Miaaea. mr.Ie fnmi thfl Ik'H atock in

airiktt A!r* a laifie aud liAihUonie aaaorttiieut ofataaBand aanl n id. red Ckjt of ibe bteat Pina?**'.«">.. w,tl,.,;"T'.tyirpot Drab aad S.lver Felt. Hlack an.l ItaklaiMiBai[aaflTlata lor bu>t, Utaaafl and Cb.ldrebb, at U()NAHt«M. Beld eatkl.lfabniHiil, No. 238 Bpwttt.

Copartncreiiiti.DlgaSOLDTIOiN of COPAKlNEIkSIIII'..

The i jparU.e^hip b« retefeie vittini; bi't wi'i'ti the un-

flrmau.ii. u.'ler thfl nitne of WUOD ^ CON K.l T a tluaaav dia.olvt.lbT i-.utua! coiiaef.t. Tha atlatr.IflifjMfl tinn

loba arttii,; j th. aaid Joaanh Y\ ood at Na -T5 W e*t. thi l>ktrdNkwVork.I)ecl0.1^.josKniW()oi)


Jnonroncr; Compamc».IFE IXsribANFE X:ifioii:.l l.oau FumlLifr Aaauraiire Soiiety of Loualun; (.teneral A«aur'*

0«5cr, Nu 7 (itai.i! .-t Jetaey t'itv. TBa nlxne (...iiii'.uiyeant.T.i;. r io rtlrcl ntaurance' on tne liTet ol persona rea-deai bj kba l i. re.l statit. aad oa Callfcraia »ud oiber tj*-tiaj hai/nti,. at fAir ratea of premiutn. lur MBBBBj aBMpBJrtua, Ak. aiti'ik aa hIkuc. to


J. I.EANUER RTARR, Oeneral Aaent.


8H1PLINE, No. 2<i Broauway..The atteutiou of partieaerdcri.xrt t-m* fn rnt'ebrornia m Specieor OaMDaat, yo.,Mdirtcicd to tbe nouce of New-York auderwntert. at hut.

DAVI8, BI1O0KS J. Co Uenexal A*cnta.Ncw-Yoaa, Sept. 16,18J£-

ataaai A Jchsios .__,,,THK NKYY -\ORK ANP SAN KRANt'!<C(>.STr YM-

81111' LINB bal ua arrauxed witli Ma-aara. WnllMJ *cFirl. tt. a aiTt tr aukjd. whicb h« betrii ilreitieal aat-

Mf.etorv bTtlieuuaaertianed, they are now wiMrna to MflIliutai ,, t ..iu Sa'i K-..i,.' -ci' lo New i.'.'k. aiM M mtkelbefAueie.iuilic« in praiuiuui for coiiiina nader Ihe t>ro-

IbMio ol the tuard of Mr-r,. OajTiton \ >retx. from Pkti-aaa tt. BB. A ...,' c loa.t, ta haa hren an.lit yet allowed on

Bieeienanlrdby flie joard of \le*m Mowpien, Hnrtado

Art"r Muti nl Inturance Co, (5i|tned) Zaa.Cikyk.4;,Ti'.Mtitttalliik.irknceCo, (Sigi.ed) ALIBKD OuOtt*.BtwOioikMutia. Inauirtuee Co;.(Sltt.rd) T. B.SkTTBBTBWalTB.Con.merrta: IcmraiKe ( *>., (fifnedl l»as. L U. Smith.Albtit r >>;:t.ial Ici Co, (Signed) Wai tka R Joasa.TVae t.un Mtitiial Inaomtcero^ (S-anedl A. B.NBL8011.Wetc..,.: ., 1 f ,:,M-cl'o. (Siatied) Ei.yvik»d\\ aLTfcit.

t'obtaVtruBlliafo, (Siantd) .».'. L\TH«°rL ^'__aitiAa.Hut.u IflanrkBcaCo (b^ned) N. H. Os-ood.

MFTl'AJ, FIKEINSUBAJNCE, wtMBjOflMiaCAr:'i'.\V-Tbe Republic Fire lnaur»nce bumraiia

of the City of New-York.tnaorance Bi^iiinata No. « W ak>a: 4.0:1 tt YY ..laat, g;Tbe Ctarter of thu CompanT rtqw* tn*t foar-flftha or

BapiobU .ajter payiua a. v.ia "per ceat. pcr tam,?a to **B^tixk>.oldkra) are to be flWidetfwith tbe puliev holderA

_" "

_ROBERT S. UONht, Preaidant.

V F Cvbbt, KecreUrv.M. B (. piea af ibe 1'karter of thia Company may ba oa>

Bkaatd on apphcalioa at the otSee.


aad Ckatham at, in tta Harlem Railroad BaiUm- atotakmg t.kt aa rx nt* buldii..-*. kr on tta nxaxt fav.rrabk-umi. . JOHN BRUCE, Preewienl.Dakiel B*ajiEk,SecreUry._

Bnlcfj bu QlBrtioii.B*r *, . w,AVM- .¦"*'".. AkKtioneer.Y BANG8, BROTHER 6c Co.-Trade

Sale* Rooia*. No. 13 Pcrk-row.MONPAY EVENINO, Pec. 13. kt « o'cloxk.BooxaELLXX'a 8TOClt\-An extrxktiv* eolle^uoti :

t-oir-., n«:.g k luge ka*ortin.-jit of Lbrkry c .pie* of xkluxb>SUiidaid tt orka, lllu«tr«t*d Booka. richly bound Bibloa aodFraytr Book*, Staplt and Faucy Stataouery. A..

BY S. URAPEIk.-Tl'ESDAV, Dee 14. araBOxT. S. Navy Yard, Broo>.)yn, at noou, for cash ori

deltyery. Bankabie money only received.Bipk.xe op Pbovisions a.*xd CLoT)ll-»e.oV'iba. Raiaina,14 lb». Bntter, 15 Ita. Cliee.. WI Elonr Barr-1*.I.i ki t. op Yards ai-dPock*.2 H ra, ; Ht/ntta' BH-

lows, 1 Oi! Clotb, 1 4.xair ( irpet, 3 Carpeta, 12C:ai-, 114;Cen.rut Barrrlr.Bixr.AU or Co>4TKtCTfo*», 4iC..3ri tnns, mt.r orleas,

Juiik and Sbakiiig*, kit ofxanra* Cnppinga, k_ &» eraptyBarro;* sjoenptyCaaka, I'temrrvOil Caax.,JTeakrrtlejkfiBkke-pans. 1 fiab r.rttle. II Saiire-pana, 2 Oridirona, 3Kiying-j'.n*. lot of old Woig't., S Uanging-lempe, llLan-Irin., ll Px.b-covera. 14 Cork Jackere, 'i2 Angors, 2 Brao»suxl Bit..4 0imleta,3Tenor-eaua .x'Jlaw-hamnjera, 1 Rivetdo., 1 Wrerrh do., SPinrtr«, 2 Tapo-line., 20 Chisel. andOoxigea, | Pallet-knife, I Putty-knife, 2 Serexxt-dxiyera, 2Cro.vs, 2 Carjienters' Otiage., 2 Adzr«. 3 .v'pjkr-sliaTra, 3Snioothiiig-planoa, SJack do., 1 Fore do.. 1 Bead do, 1Monlding do.. I Blook tto.. 1 Broao-*_, | H01. na malleta, 4I.ainpa, 1 Hand-yice. 1 Saw-aet, 1 Ooiting-brash. 5 Hxn-1-aawe.

T.y F. Colion, at Sulea Rooin, N..s. 59 Beekmann and 89Ann-at.


Auitien-rooui.tbe larg. at and moit cboicearleotioxi of EneliahLaiitiakbiie Ooiaatiberry 'Irex* ever offered in tiua market,receividdirrct from one ot tbo moat celekrated and rxton-aivc Nuiat.if in EcgUnd. contitting of Crown Bob. Roar-ing Lir.n, Whttl Sn.ith. Ch unpain. RiftasaMa, LancaahiroL.d. Raugor, Huutaman. Higbwayman, King Cruuwood,Oro. nOcean. Roc'awooxl fJreeu Walui.t. Il.-arx of Oak,Oretn Lkuiol, Buuker BBL Litarty, Ho'!v, Bounu- Laas.Wbite Lion. 1c, wilb all tba toaaUag varietiea. t,he taatkdapUdtotb. xl.male, a* rexomiiirndrrl by A. 8. Pxmnney,iu hia vt 1,1 k on Fi uita : and alao from (oxerai oiher borticul-turiil*. They aro vi ry vigorxois and thrifty.thr frnif largrin.i I'.i.x- fUvor. They w, i be put up in lota to luitcua-t. loxir.

E. Coi.tom, Atutione. r.

SALE of FURN1TURE. CHAIRB, MAT-TBKBBEB, erx, kr, llllj DAY, (Satnrdiy.) Pec.

II, at lb} o-'b>ck, ar tbe Anction R0011.3, Noa. W Beckinanar.d 99 Atra al_ -. :srro oanortrnont of every deecriptiou of( at.t.r; f-'.n .'...-I-. iwh aa Frcnch Bcdstoad*. MahogauyChai:e. Dnaarag Bnrcant. Mi.rhlc-top, Centcr. Card. Piningatid ExtaaaiOB Tablca. a)l kind. of Mattreaaea Pa.l-Itwn, Cbr.mbcr Eurnitnre. kr.kc. Alao a rory large lotoi eanad Maple, BlacK Walnut aud Bo.ton Rocking Cuaira.Firtt-rcte chtrfe for dx aler*. Sale pcremptory.

pINK CARRIAGE HOi^ES.Pei-mptotrA Bata lo OoaaaaTbIbIb itiii bo tmi st ant-tion at theIla/aar, No. Irl Crx,.by-«t., Now-Yx.rk, on thr llth Pecem-lix-r iii.tan», at tl.e timir of9 o't-lork. I'. M. of that day, a

pairei tatodeoeaa BAY CARE1AOE BOEaEB, kind andgontlr in eitha-r tingleor double barnra*. Hax.- trottx-d m 9.19, and sre 7 and K years old, 16 hands higb, ponybuilf. Tigxtfier with a handaomo d'Hihit- Hanit-K*, Saddleand good ainglr Haint-n. A!*n, two handaotne noxv .'AR-BJAOEB, oaeOi tbe. parut-tilarlynitablo fora pbyaician.(aale pmitivr. end tho proporty can be viexvei and exam-iufd at any on thr prrniiMb.

W. A. C.BTKB, Auxitiou-ir.

GROCERY STORE. HORfiE, VVAGON,kc.MONPAY, n.-c. 13. kt ontho pr.-ni

ison. ih. xi.tii, loi.ienta of a fii.t-clas* Orocery Storr, No.l^i Foraytb-rt.. i.,rner Beeter. T»-oa. BpaOBB. Oil-Can, Bnt¬ter. Laid. C.gaia. Ac witb I'ialfx.rui S, a!ra, Eixturea, < "injtx-r, Ac. Alao, a fn o lllack Horre, (irrcery Wagon audIIbiu.m, ail iu vxotkiiig

R. W, Wr«TCOTT, Auctioiix. r.

H0U8EHOLD I I'RNT'l URE.-On MON-PAY MORNINO, KJ o-flock. at No 146 Oroenwich.

nv. Hn* boon tiM-d but a.l.ort tmn, a-id ooiuprue* an elc-c nt varicty ot Burcuui, BotBB, Sofk Btdrtoaxi*, Mahogany,\\'ah ut ai.d Cottago Chxir*, Rtckor*. Book Caax-s, 15.-1-ateaila, Foather B<d», Mattnaaaa, Paillaaao*, Curpi t«, Ituga,Piiiicg. Curd and Centt-r Tablxs. Chauitar Eurnitnre rn

aaito, Mn.orr, Hall aud Bolai Lampi, Ac. Thiatale will tafctind wcrihy tbo atft-ntion of hou.t'kc. pcra, asall will bepi n-ji 5 tonly aold, run or aliiue.

Anthosv J. BlaBBBBBB, Anctinnoer.


ou ll.'i H, I.TH, UtTII, 2i»TH and J1ST-STS.. and on \\ E-Nl E B., 111 thr XVIIItb WARPofthe CITY of Al-'C'IION.-ANTHO.NY BLEECKER willk.ll ii aurliuii, oa THI'RSDAY, Prc.."J, lSi2,at 12o' ibe Mx-rtbunla' Excbai-go, tlie following viluablo RealE.tatf. vig-Ou Avtnt.t-B..4 Lota nl OlBBBd rtuated on tho weat

t t- oi Avi our U batwaea Wtk and 17tli--t*., co.umcnciug.,( t.rl frotn i7tl.itOu H.lli iu il ou ITthatB PI fine Building Lot*, 10 of tho

».ine (roaBaa ob IBlhal., and7 rVoMrngoa I7ih-*t.. all lyingtoeaebedy aotweea AvaaaaeA and B, dircctly in roar ofthr alvovf, and cointniTirMii 99 (5 >.; I inehei Rroai Awaaaa B.On lixtl *B.__too,19ehewa Lot.ofOrouudntuat.-douthe

Borlb *ulf ef IHtli tt, bt- .aea l*t-av. aud Aveuuc A., coiu-»i x licmg 99 teot itft af Itt-ar.Ob B ib-.t..KLot. r-ituati-d on tho sxnfhuib-of 20th-*t.,

beawaaa Ut-av. and Ax-euue A coimueocing 99 fcof lixjiLcb.-r vxott x,t Aveaaa a.A)*o.17 Lot* ntuatod on the nrrth »:.!o of Jtth-«t.. bo-

twoen l.t-av. and Avounc A, iu of tho aauio romiuencitut71 fitt fiom Avanue A, and 7 coumn-nung 138 fcct ldii.xt.t. ln ni lct-ax.Bb 21st-kt.~AIi-o, IS Lota of (iround »:tuntcd on the ao-.ith

aidc ot 2lst st, betweee latav. and Avcnuc A, couuii-ncing99 mt xt.t <t lat-av.The above lot* are all beantifully sitnatod for immediato

ltiiproxoniont, xithtr tot hurnoM ptirpoa. *or tor d.v.iling*.Tft atn et. 1.1. xt blch thi* propx rty 11 mtuatcd, arr a!l paxod,Mid Hith ai.d 2oth-tt*. aro BBWaPBd Tnia nveaarty i* ntuatx-.liu a rapidly improi ni-.ghl.orhooxl. and otli-r. unuaxial m-

flatQBMIBlB ti r in.tftn.i i.t. Tbo tt-iun xx UU b !.!¦. ra] to thopan*, *t:r! will bo niaiU- kaowa aa Uie d.iy ofaab

liiap* deacrfbica tbe above piopeily aaa ta hnd af theaucticin r, No, 7 Biond tt. |.',lo<

T3EEEMPTORY SALE ofPROPERTY iaA Ul EEMAB hnd PEARL 9T8..JAMEfl M. Ml!.-LEB xxill rtil 011 thxt Ittk of Jauuary, 1R53. at tbo M r-

-.-. Exchange, aJJ tbal valaaBta pn-co orprapertTinlk-i km.ti.-kt, Not. '.'3. 2.» and 27,. onUiuing BBJBthae li^ BBlfiont a;<l n ar. bv Bal ta d. pth. Al*o. tho twi ataneioPi-oi! at Hi '¦ -'-''! ' nd 2-.I7. bstwaea Pri k-»ll|i BJld Brt-k-11:1.u m !>. a BBapaaad athai parttoatanal tlie aastieaoas*sijNo. 81 Manlou-lane.

Auri'nH Mii.lfb, Anctio-ioi r.

I^Eh'EMPlOK'V SAI.i: ..1 VALUABLELOTB, on Irxingtea. UaadBd-avaj. 32.1, sith, 34th

Bl .1 Sxitb-.-..AHHIAN II. MI'LL' K wiBaeB *t Ptibhc Anction on

THl'RBDAi Dec H>. laBtf, at B oVIox-k. at the Mer-ch.-'i'ip' ExcbaL(:e. ibe tollovx mg liotcribtd pro;>. i'v \./

MioMi-AV.Poai Lota on th weatariy aida o: 2.1-av ninti.i cing on tha 1 utl xi. B ri rnrr o: Jith tt. anJ|d-ax 1.. !. -i it. iacbx r. by 92 bal ta depth.

'i iiim y im 11111 sT.-Tweere Lota on the aoutbeny *.deOf94tb-*t. liui- oniiiU-lv in the rt ar of tho laat doatiib d

h .t ti-. t in xt /-ih. byse ttit y rnebea todepta.PBIBB-av.Eixc l.i t* iu tho xveale.-ly atde 01 3J-av.,

1 taa < n th- Mmth v. t -t cortirr of 3Stb-»t.. 1 BOB .'widtb by tv IkMt ia dkxpth.

' iii.iiTii st Sta Lot* on the aoatborly tnlaUf aib B liiiiix diktelv in the roar ot tho Utt di *chtadlct^. iiixh -'- (eel iu x.idth bv9S 1. -: tincheain di pth.Lexikgto.n-av.- 'll.r.a I-.:» on tha waaaaijrx ot

Lexington-ev, romanenciag ou the aouth-wi3x:-'i rt, n,b -1 t. t t;; taahea ta xxidt'.i by 100 hel taU,.iio I. t on tbo wr«fcr!v aida ol L. \inzton av., 4.1 :'oot 4Jtaahes nortbulv imn ^ 'hat. h u<- 2A t.-et U| luihe* mwidtb by l« t, tta death, ... ,. _,

'liiiRrv-nnii-sT..Etohl Lota ou tbe ntoiheny 1_r>tj .pt rouu-i ut.i.fJl-t feel eaateriy from 1^ A.ii4'mi-*t .

OBCh N tict 4, inchc* iu wuitb ly !I8 f<et 9 uuiiee 111

Baaaa Lsss on the toutberly tido efSSthet, e auneaeli |29 icet eaat ol Lx xiLfa a ax., civ.!i ~ kaal l» iaahaa

11. xxidth bvtISfnt tl inchis BBdeyih.TJHBTT-a8a9oatvaT.- Taro Lot.ou tbeBawtkarly .ide ot

SSd-at. coaan 1 B30 fcel weaterli f.oui Ptb-ev^eeehkOleat 111 widtb t,y 118 fn- I Ia. he* ir. d.-ptii.Teana Ita tbova ilciM.b. .1 vxi,;ta*oldun.'«r tb.- u»,ial

r.rtrittiousa* to geueral nuiaaucra. Tou per. > u:. of u.o ev. and the j'* feeeofeJlOajreaealot. tt. BB r*ul <"u li.e dar ot vxlt-: 3<> px r .vut oa tho lotkday ol JauiJt^ B4 it. xili. B tito doexi* vx i!i ta rrady tor Il.teiv tke 1...K1.X-I-. 90 pei tti.t.. 1 au rcmaiii on bo>id aad¦oataaaa lor one ae tuce yeafa, at 7 Mt.axtoeaaasa,p»xsb!e atn i-aiiiiiallv. Purt'.aae.-i to pay lor andnroioiik m.iia-.'*. Mip»can taiiadat tha otfico oi theauctionter, No WaD-el, eoaapi B Ntw-.t.

JoHB ll. Al-n.N. A'l, *.. r..^_.^.


ot AKT are» b. I'ort offtrct'. at public aale in tbia eoaawy..PAN IP AUSTEN, Jb.. Will *e!l at kiiction 011 xx r.H.NEVPAY Ihe 15th. Till U.-DAY. 16tU,ac.l KR1PAY. I7thin* the Oallt ri.» of the Auioricaii Art-l'uion. tba x-ntirr c,..-

tol bv B ot t!. ^ai l!viraiuod Paiulingx Pravtiiig*, and Sfiilp-turo. tho proxiucti.n of Artu-nran *x J rt-anioiit Arttat*. aaungWhich will ta n-uiid ikdnunkble wcrk* by Leutxe, D.irx.d.lluiitii.gdxn. Eilu.oiida, Krnsttt. RoMitor, Hick*.,t,:rop*ey, Orey, and other of our uiost diatindaaabea'1 Art.tts.

Al»o. a large fadk . tnu af x i.a:rax-od St.-e! PiBtei. Ltchingaand Wood Cut*. xvtll woitby tbe elteutii* 01 pubhatars.'iTo wl.t-it wi be sxj',1 w.lta'iit roeorve, audare now on ex¬hibition day aud evening, kt No 4:17 Broadway.

... L. VkMOBWATBX, Anctioijeer.1I.L 8ELL, THIS DAY, (Snturdav.)\V Daeeabei 11. at \H o'clock, at tbe Said* Roora.

No. 14 Wtl! tr.. FVeueh Cabinet Funnturo. beina tta ot Frarria Blix-au't »:n.k, in cioinectiou with an m-voice of choKo tecond hasd Furn^tare. of the ruauufactureof A. Roux, PoriMil, and otkt ra, rouaiatiug in part ofBaBaBSBi ak-Otol t il. enrvod walnut »cf.que Suit^ Stifka, Chaira,Aiui-Cba:ra, kc ; Roaewood Ceaiter, Pior and SidaTab.,..

it -:c- Koax wood Bcdataada. kc. Bureaua,, Ei ccgi.urc* in roaewood aud walnnt. anuoar a'glacexe oui iiu pexhe Sirt* iu brocatri'.e, togaihrr a gen-eral aaroitniet.t, all ofwbuh ia wa.anted to ta of the rintrlaw. ai.d of tbt- khove ttxark. Alao. a line ol Frvucli PUte,Mirror*. oral, aikctx 1 and pit r. to br acld without r-irrx.,Aito. a tJLf ot re aad Kob Rny long, ajnare, and6-4 ?nawl*. Ac, tog. tbef »:th tn BMortu.. ut i'i t- rr.iemrn'tCotiiloiU-r* aud Skrtifs. figured and piain. Menno, Caah-BBeta aud TLitat. The abore gnods were aent otu a* ita-

plea. and ara wortby of luapoctioti.

SHER1FF SALE .By Virtue of nn Exx-ou-tioti. I will *eU at Aikchoo.'on WEPNESPAY, Pecem-

kerfsl*A2. at 10 o'clock A.M. at No. 16 Aunty-place. a

tjcartity of Aab Laiuber. fawed for Wagoc topa. S ikfta, aodt tht r puiDajaea. Alao, a Stoani Box, Yk ork Benchoa. kc1 puipoeee THOMAS CARNLEY, Sher.lT.

Jai. B Tsaav. Depntv. ,_ _,Tbe al ovt Sale 1* poftpxvned natsl MONDAY next. Pec.

19. THOMAS CAENLEY. Shkwiff.JA*. E. TtBKY, Drpnty

Mllrnt T., Aactiaaeer.ORTGAOE SALE of NEW and 8EC-OND-UAND FIRNITCBE-RaraoTed tor eonve-

nitncr of aale-HENRY T. LEEDStnil aell aaabove, atKi o'clock 1 HIS DAY. at aaJearoorr, No J4 Liherty-at.. anaa«.rrn.ent of new aud atcrmd-band Fnnutare, hc eocanet-lci of oue aoita Roaewood Pa/lor FBrn.tare. Burcao, V.'aah-lUiad. r. Side aml b'ufa TahieA Srrrina;-*-kt ParlorClaira. Rockira and Eaay C^iaira, Eeateeada. Sofaa. ooeTete-A-Ta>. bj C'r :,.#, D Pluah, Mirrora. Ol Paiat naa, Obbaa.fliiia. Plated Tntlery. fcc-. in Urxt. yanKy. Alae a vanetytf Faacy fjooda. CaU»>riraoQ martua^ of aale.

D. t. Ur l oil. A'-Ct::.I..k.-. Bv C W. HoLBtca.."IVILL tw 8<.M THIS DAY. (.SarnrtUy) at

v v ]r|| o'clock at tAlea-rnom. No. 54 Berknian-tt a »a-rirty of aecond-hand Fnrnrtnre. a htr«" !ot of rane teaxCka'iri and Rockm. n.tboxacT. blaiU walriut Aad roapatBrrittrada ruahocanv Bamaa YYVushatx-id*. flaBBflB a-idrardTablra 5ktaa. ."¦ota B'da. Ixwktnt (..Aaaea. Macreaaea.hc- kc.

jAbnek 4>li, Anetiooeer.Vftfl VEBY DEMKABLE BriLDIXta'*m>\J\J LOTS un FLATI'.L'SH AV I/NION. PRESI-DENT TARROM.. M'lNTddMkaRY and MAfd.MB-STS.. ai.d lruh and llth-ava.JAMErt < OLE will aell atanctica,aa TUESDAT, Dec. 14, l&ii. at iJ uVlorA.utheMrrcliar.fb' Esi lianne. New-Yii-'t. thr fo:'owin« vtliahleLota. vii:

23 Lota on Fatbuah-aT.24 Lott au l'th-av.GLotaun lltl,-ak.

14 Lotanu LTataavat12 Lota un Preaiih-iit-af.33 Lota un Carro!!-at.44 Lota on Mouroniery-et.I < Lotaon Macun.b-at.

Thu property ia BBfl of tbec.hotrett in tlie Vlllth YVard,au.i .»tha- iur it'deamb> that haa br-rr. o'f.-red for aale furar.n.e time att_ eulier for irnprovrmmt or inveatmenCTbr aBBBflBBM it. f.,r tiia- ur«-nia>({ of FUtbuah-av. are notuiyall roltected. auit a la'ye pnrtiao of the avenae it now nn-dr-r eflflBract for tradma aud oa\ .ua. Ibfl .'ruunai ia elevated.and ti.e cty rrade awtagaYtfha a.vra thia property a rorn-

naMBBBfi l iew of >'. w-Yurk Bay. Staten laiand, ano tke mr-rr.undu,*- rrmntry. Evry lot offe-ed will br aold to tbehichrat bidda-r. A larre portien of the pnrchrtae iiioneyn,ay reu.ain Bfl br d and ninrtiace. Mvpt ran be hadat thaofficet of tlir Aoctioneer. No. AT Fnlton-at. Brooklyn. audNo iTTall ai lfiii fiai. m iif BTaaati MTTT. MillPHVk VANDERBII.T. No. JFronr-at-. Brooklyn, unrler wboaedirrrtron tbr preperty ktill beaold.N. B..All taxea and aaartamenta are paid.

iliorses, Carriagco, *Cc.

CAHRIAGE IIOKSES for SALE.One p.airof aound. atvliah, bav Carman Horara. I and 7 yeara

old. akeat 16 hanaa high. Apply to JAMES V Kl'M \N.No.196 Bn/ume-»t.

H0B8E ftn.1 (IKt fi.r BALE.HoTM i« .larkbay. 8 veart old. 16 hanrla liith. annud and kind. raiaed

iu \Yr»:em Naar-York Oi| co»t f^-V madi Bfl on» of tli.-bert; Hameaa: all tut'tl'.rr. r.rr. piratrlv. Ad.iretr BOB8IAND UIU. Bux No. l.MIl.Poat-Odice.

(Dccan Stcamcrs, «Cc.

ArSTIkWLlA-rlipi-er Lin.v.K..r POBTPHil.H'atd B1DNEY*a^iraetv.The A I new cUpp»r

¦hipOLANI E. I apt r ( .Ta)lor. will aail on tlie I5:hinit. havinaanpenurarrunii'iodatioiM for pasaerur/era. to Y\ M. T. l»l OAN. No. ti Proatat

V LLIOTT, ARKEI.L kCo.. No lf. Pevl-tt.KI >.-i.l.l. i. NORTON, No. 81 O.d-slip.

TOB AI'SII.'ALIA DIRECT..New-VorkX^ and Canaria Ii.apatrh L:nc.The ... u.inlul V 1 cbpperpnrk^t-fl.:;! BOTHNIA, J itt'.-a A. Avrry. ro:n:iiaiule!,

rdaa. aad only B} yrarl old. wiil aa.1 t..r tlie«¦,.. pofl r. T!iii«p!endiil ahiptakTBat] u.a/te tne very iticceealul voyaae t.) Caaifornia. audberwnnacder havitut areat expeiteaca iu thaAatr i i< fM . ii,tiif.: r. u nv ryp, ct k va-ry ahort pAaaate;.: tweea-aWkj ara- \rr> Lia-h. and thoroaahly i

a- d i.r< <i ap » itfa Btata Rootna ti.r tl e eotnfort olurawtle BfltBOflfll An expenrticed anrteou will arvotupinyBM alaip. withflthai proper attaadanta, Al! p< bbbmmmbbtakinc i a-.'tbr nrr ri'-pr. rf.illv llllilafl to BXaaaiaa furt'ieia-nlvia bkturo eniafint ala wbere, aa koard,PMi 21 Kattairer, oi to Bl TLER BROTIIERS, Noa. 163 and 1 ISBuuthat., N. Y.

171OB CHAi;i.KSTOX. BAVANNAH bm!M.OIUDA.-U'ee»ly V. S. Mail Line..Tha U'w

and faat-fi'.i.a ateatnei MABION, M. DailJnai.der, viill 1,-aye Pi. r No. 4 North Riv.-r on BAT-I'RDAY. Dec. ll.aij/.'. in. I'.M.. prr.aaelT. PoriYaiBhtBpply Bfl li'tnl. wbrre all l.illa ut lading willlie aiaued, audfor putatb'r. at tlu- i,ll

SPOFFORD. TIlKbTOHfl CO. Na.MSaaBbMSavtiiiii.ili patrrn^in. th ki t«t.l tbr.maii wi'houl t.i: M

cliarar. Tliriuigh ticketa to Jacka..iiki!:,' BJ| 11 Pilatka,B3a. No liilla of laiinm nan.d altir BBfl .Steaitierhat aailrd.


Thaapleni EMPIBE CITY, llenry Mhatla,er. will aailnoaa tba abh «t taot ut waiiaa M,

N. R.. o:. MONDAT, Dca. 13, mJ B'bdook, I'. M. Btafliflily.BbTII ur rAMAOa 1.) BABABi 8MB BBW flfll BIBfl

Ni:w ARRkNul MENT.I.tdiet' an.l fl flk r St loaa"Forwud Sklaxiii bertlia. ''O

Stetrate.,....,,.ttSpecir only taken on fri'izlit to 11 -ivana.Ki.ulit taktn to N> a .lr'«^t.'5(, crntt per cubic foot.Bhippera ol tr. .Jit are reoueated to aupply tli.'BaMttaa

v. ith the Conipany a billa ul l.ulina. arlnch may be had ou ap-phcatloB at tba afllee. NaottawiwnwfflMaaaaaaVNo bilaul' le.l.iut ticna .1 aftal Ifl o'cltxk ou tlie day of

aailn.n For frelant or paaaaate. apply taM- O. R(lEKRT.S, No. 177 Waflt-flt, cor. Y\arrea-«t.

TaJEW-TOBI an.l SAN FKAXCISCO1> STEAMSIIII' UNI -TMROt OH tu SAN F1UV-CIW 0 ..' IO I"'< rHUATFS no DETENTIONoathaISTimUB..Tha new and apleadka Maaaaahip CNITKHSTATES, I.MO, \Y'u, t. Berrv, OommAudrT, kk.Hksava New-Totk, frata ptar l N R.. for ASPINYVALL,Navy Bay, on Wl IiM.SD.YY .Ian ... at J o't-iu- k P. M ,

rriciarlT. cutiuect'iia at Paua'ua with the new Aeahla . ¦-

iine ati-Miitu B W1SFIELD 84 OTT, *!"" tuna. KdivsrlIhinr Coromander. which ateamahii l-a\ « Panamaoatlaaamval of thepaaaetmrri by the I'NITK.I) 9T kTEfl tor rfiiiI co atoppiai only at Aeapalca flxbmTl te y. ?a.'lt. It. B.. uuifiudklioua. n-ii"i,iHoti, upeaa^ and

ar.fity. are anaarpaaaed. Au BBaflflMBBfld flhja iaa ta at>tarliidtoiaiii MtUBH_

I'ltaei'trra will be lau. ed on tlie whart At Aapinvtall, and

..piSrSa BStatf tl,.« BM t. keu for tlu. lin.

«BoUonly.^No»Br«^|T _ Co nfueni Ageutt_JONEB A Ji»IIN.-t).'-.',>»WaJl-at.

1 >\'->AU: 10 SAN I liAXl I>('().-r,.iira Cal ta ai«: taro Beeond Cal in I'aj.rntfra ran beba i

a.r, in the aupenurahip A. CHE.-t.-

PKk.l'^atpirrN^k..... « ^^I'MU'.n xtTATEB mail sti:\m<hipU COMPANT, t arith thaPACIFIC M\II.BTEAAISiUP (XlMPANl OnWl tauh I s .Maill.meBwCALIFOB>lAandOBECK31f,TM Ilw-.i BM A«i¦¦ >.

wall and IVimua-Tlir aplriutid new and

S N..t miDbudrr. TtUlmilcnW EDNESUAY.Decetnl '¦ '.of YY.rr,: H Birei "... PatanehlatJ -

riMBMlj'- ttianuiaviill bem readineaa at Panatua tu re-

i iTBtleEL DORADO'S paaaenaera, and aail iaaniBflBMaltfor San I ranc . o. Nu eflbrtt will be apared on tha part f. ,(ll ... , -ttuizeri tl rcuab w tiexpraii.Uon. eutuitirt ki.d aatirty.

axTtsor raxi; to xsriswAiL.Lattire' Sa'uon. Stat.-R.K.m.flBSLt.wkrAft »i:d PorwaM aataaa, du. *»


..! R V' \4| ... e. T.aiiait of tbe Itthmaa«"' ex-

r, . i. , , riOfl tlironxli patasi' by t...- :-4

BBbteBllfla] Staaue nfraan NVw-Vork. havr prrfeivuceuf aa-

,:. baard t.' e Pa. dic VI».. >t «a»ar*, ,.t f. ,r f.-k ui Pauaiiaa to San Fnuciaco oa tbe moat

Bv ral ii totTUA I. J}* . .

CUAKLl'!!i A YY IMTNKY. at thaOaflea of tV » ..

Nu 1"7 \Y't»l-»t.. corner ut YYa-rcu at

N B.-Sl.ippcrt a:c waaeflted to mpply tlienuvlvea wtAL'r- CtaanpaayV ktUaof la<Lu*. aibiAarkll ue at«nedattl<aeaBca heta . i of 10 aud 1 o clock of tne «kj or


"t' NXI'EEIUI.T I.IXE fi.r SAX FK'VNflS> CO. aadr bne aikta| Ticketa^^^.^^.^'^'^'^fTheaea | ' Bearnatap STtiBOFTHB w .OT.'rcotuut. taiiiieakT. Croaa I .. i Btb 9, NflrtB River at 3.7', , ck P M. r..' trlv, BB MONDAT, IVk flt, tor .tan JuxneVl Novte, dirtrt, caaneel n, with tha popahr ni iil V

ll? Vu ^^A,'.^':>!;:.¦ !Tr iV miLe^L^,:.'^^^*^n'i?V-a MOBB-MaVBtaM tnd

J$|». i | .f otber taMB. None trt employed*" ^D.'b'aLLFN. Atetit. Ba. 9 BlMllJ |llafl ^ ataira.

rnir. i li.'sr CLA88 MEW sTEAMsim;1 ANDES Bxr*rtH«tchiaTfa.Comm»r>aWtrjMbiitrotuN.'-.-Yutktor Liverpuol. on \YLUNE>UAI,the 5th Jat-uirv. 18M. Aton

I'aaaaae rnoney, fint Cabin-. w

wmukTS .nLt£*: and fltag * Iow

mea'J&TM E CI NARD- No. flBowla. Urern.



tr^lY-V.^rYVAV^^o^ACMKtTlrt.r?UttStr^S ^a^flM1Z^fffi- ""

aSSr^aB?^ rllksFl^ORrNKBLL,RE»--,itiV^kWivi^r^ifsPKS;^Saaalrmiia Jl^f"'

Peracna wiahmj to aend for {«-f^e?_V_.nC,llt ahita.hrtaBtat the* out bv^y o th- kbov«jnatn^^ fc ^areicforrnrd that M^Bwa "' J ,n Thiadrr.^aShtT-MMMi^

t% 83 Southat. N. Y., and htA^wJTtTZJHLivtrpt^rAckruleav. New-York «th and BBfl of ^cry

"ISB-onPwkeM leare New-Ycrk erery BBMBBM Thutv

aay Forrtaaaae arrlr M aboafl._

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANT1 -For RIO JANEIRO, VALPABAUK>»* T££MA.-The tvplendid new «eamer JOlIN L. «?»»;,2.500 tan. burden., Robert H P»S*»^^n^14 fordapatcbed lor tbe aboye porta on WakBaaAT, flMB^Bfl^aaapaaaata awly. haTtaa aaperb acaratawiartlalTraM, appty aa imm

cCca flf tbe Compaay, Ho M 9aj»th at.

sTEAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK and,J GLASOOW.-The Olaanw and New-York ?t-ania!. a

Company* poweTfal new S:**ky-r.ip OLA>OOaV, Ulta.i andi 4X-0 bnr*e-po aver, Rabert Craig, Cttimnaadef, willaail from New-York tor Oatogow oo SATL'RPA Y, 13th Jiw-aa*v at 12 o'clock. aoon.

FirstCebia, iSaaOonState Roottn).BHBFimC*ixtn,iMixl»kpSuteR4>ok.s>.taf-cdCabia.¦

ftrewra-d't fra uieiaaied.Apply ta J Mc SYMON. No. 33 Broadwwf

Stcamboate and Uailroubs.


BCOTOB, MOUNTfl POCE. BROWVS POCK, (Mid-aletewrj.' and RER BANK .Tta new and splx-ndid *fesrt>boat THOMAS HCNT. Capt. A H. HagawrTy, will ieeretta Ne.-Haven Pier, Peck-alip, Exat Riv., at fnilt.ra:

raoM KEW-TOBK. PBOBI BB BE W*Bl'BV.WednreHay. Pao. I, 7j A M. Wednradixy. Per I 11 A. M.Tntirtxiav.tvr.tSA. M. ThttradaT.'IW. i II, \.M.Fnday. 1W 3 9 A. M. Frvrtav. IV, t l.-j P M.Salnrxiav. I»r 4. 1 P. U Monday. Pee 6, 1 P.M.TneaxtsV. rW. 7. H P. M. We,ln».lav. IW. », 2* P M.Thnradav. Pee a. B p M. Frwar, P-c. I". 7 A. M.rWardtv". Per. 117A.M. IbbBbW P-e. !3, 9 A. M.Tueauav, Per. 14. 7AM Tv'tday. Pee. 14, 1B4 A. M.Tbo il oa S-.uam will mn tn ronnection with boit

Ptt ... to rx.nvry paiaenant to all parta of the .nntry. Alr-rrmr* are forbid truating tta above boat on the aoeount -aftke owna.a

piENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JER-V^ SEY.-Now-York to Eaaton. Px Faro $1 TA-F.llArrangement, comuirncing Noxrmher 15.1x52. Loave PierNo. 1 Nortb River dailv, for EasUai kvid interm -duareplaces at 8 A.M, 12 M.. aud 3.4.x P M. and for SomorviKaat 4.45 P.M Retaxuiag, Lrave Pkullipabanj at S and 3 A.M.and 3.14 P.M.


DR P.ERON"1 CELEBRATED FEM.VLEPILI.S..Th:* w. ndortul and inafly estaBBBlad roiiio-

dr can te had at h.a office. or may be .ut by mail u> anyaddrra*. 'fffico. romer of Broadxt'ty and Hotuton-axt.. ov-rtbe drugt:oro. The Poctor ktrend* aacliuivrly |a *n o.Tnepgaclice. Houn trom 9 o'clock A M. to 12 M snd from 9BD9P.M.

DR. PRBBTON" I r.MAI.K PANACRA,Nos. 1.2 and 3, ia a rei i«-dy which app'ioa to every

diteaae and krrezfjiarty. Rehef" guaran:-ed in al! caaea,wbm takm xxith advue. Sant by mail with tall ditPr.crtjl per nninber. Oftico No. 3t*5 Bowery. Conaulta-Uon* c*y and evt ning.

GREAT CURE for DYSPEPSIA.-DrIIOl'OHTON'S Pepxia or Oottr-.o J-iice. proparrd

from rrnoet. Thenatural reniedy far thu diitroxama co.u-

phunt. Af :.->, J. BALL k Co., Be. 100 Na*»Au-*t.

CJRAHAM'" ONGUENT is the bbbm oi a9 won.lrr.'ui romponnd tbat wiil make the vt

mn.terhe ar hair f row bke mamo in aix week*..taininx or L.r,ni,» the fkkx, Pnce. $1 per bottle, S bot-tles, $4 .. a* .t to aay part of tbe. .nnrrv.

K. O.OI UlAM. Be ll A-n st

MEDK INAL U8E8oi*theWILDCHER-nv.Kxt- . ti, a thr ¦tstoaaeal al kaetiea, Wil-l

Che.y l.a* been kti. B B ',ii B BVi rv .::ip >r-*.nt mctioinulvutueV Ereryl o.iy kt.-ow th x tm.-t. bn: hobndy knew howtorxtrart i> oTsa-ntisI piopeiliee. Every n al ergivea r\: I(l.xrry Tea to ber cbiklrea tor Wonaa, for Coldx, and fortinia: even rirra., ar ,t Bkfalta our countryBrr in tho babtl ot makiuf a itniound ot frrup af W .1( herry h. r< nuA otbrr ing.-- .i n:*. :o be n.x. d in inriag a*an t'ltinotr to coinplaint* iactBa nt 11 Ifcal ch.tnattiil tcuoa.It i* timn«t by oxpenmrnt tiix' tho V\ ild Cl.t rry po»ac*»eaox. t. tur ti-i ra i" I' qaahtie* than wai avi.ltod to it.Fortlo n>»t tftre ( II r !iowlonr .; gba, Liver Complnmt*. x. i provedtot.t bcineknown to man. Pr. Wiatara B*J.aaaa of WUd Ctany i* a cbt.lical extract, coankI, aailarextzael ir.-m T-u, which inliaucn it* xaluo. Ita... n *. in runcg palmonarv di* aoos, in almo.«t ri er, la'tor our r-f | Ir,-nian* could di n.i BBBbXB, bae aateatohedtl ofiunitx. p.,.,1 ><i t.'n m tor, nf.**tbat IViatxr'* ltx!*a-n ..!'\x ild Cberry pcKotoa a pm.cipie heri-tofoge u:iknoxxuamong u.oili. a! men.

ItiBia gi bbIbii|Tl0d 1 Bl TW on t'iexv-ripi>or.I ,.r at ¦. le ei x A B .¦. I' I

fjeaei. aixaBta, W ;1 bbbb . Mttowaa*.No X Will an. a.: John Milba i. No 1^; Bioadwuv AtUiraad Irrn, lloi.-o D S. Ipl Itio-

MEDICAL ADYI8EH and ILLRRIAGEOUIDE.A praa eaitnal aaaarrkafo. jaiibHahed,..... i .-. I by 8TBINOER k

TOWN8ENP, No Qt, J C.HAEEIOT. No.iOj Bntod-way; and by the BBtbor, M. LAEMONT, Pbyaiciao tadSnff.aa, Ne Cl Kt-Bdr-af.. aorasf af Br.»..Uay. N. Y.,wbere ho tn-af* *1! thoae complaiut*, ftoi.i 12 M. tiil 3 P M.


THE WONDEBF1 l VEOEIMBLE PROPt'CTlDMofwhich tl medicine ia conipoaad. haa eagaged tbe iixl ta\ MOfLondoe, Paria, . a thi chi fcittea oi Earope.Ir. ttankaa been Btotad, aad pr.rrl»:ine<l hy tiie high-»tlia-nxa lt. tl.e V n -'ly of thofr eitli «. and f"*t tflOniab hax-1,, | rt » i. iadiacoverer by tta Acada.iie* tf Medit ¦! e oi ¦ doa, y tinbnrgh. P*n*. Brrhn and V li BB i Pbe

¦¦ ol Prat MOI Morat- ia too well kuowti in tb- 9i iantillWarUtor ;mre any eulogyh. rr. Ho naaa baa dki_k«morato Barfaaee tba ii*--ful and taam f .1 aeienca to xx btob hts ht«husbfxndxxofed, ho haa doi a Be bbb Biaae thectr-ru.t of lha x.or'i in hi* r.-teart-.'io* lattto VBgBlahlr k.nfoont; the tataiiiral pr. dartiotn of Rl BaeBB re

(tioiitol the Nortb. thr auaawiM plaaM *nd hrrbsot theEs»t. aod ot tbe groar Sout'iom Coatkaentof Aaatrahai withit«*djarr9t Nlauds, aroal-tr tifiohar-o Irrn H- h.xx iu-

trodi coii now naeataea iatba Medtoal Art, aad_p_obablyi'. :.r it ,i-t to p:,>n:ox, thr ho t'th atd inc-ra. tba bapptoesaut than ti.v Btl N l;x tu miti. P Kttg BaOjOBIB tairabto Petrra, l'n Lteaot Mena a..uarH i-'-lxx-itha n-rvoua

totar,kiaaabt< byhBeaaoeacitemx itandimpr n: n

i itioi,* in a learid aeaeaa of tlir year, wio, i ,! :. t bia owu

kuowbdgt ,.i ,i rabvi Mfaaa, aad tbr aoma ti. tb aataa la faial teni. na-i f AShiekof oaeeftbeaaBva tnboa atlrnath ir.di.i.,1 him ..> ta.k- amedid ,i-.oaithart ot. ot hevba roii.mon tx' a moxmtotaaaa region ot tho coua-

try, whtob ia a Bw daya aot oal* reateeed Uaa to TigBfeaaI, bi.t r. ii. we.t t BBBBglB of lu* coiutitutioo ia a

inarvilioii* dtgrce. ,,,,,.Thi* lo rb l.a*. from timo ln.» monal, b-t n beld atmost

ii teaetaltoaby tae aafI\ a i, for ttoliBisaaalBktaa litjea.Itiaiega:drd x tbemuibeaveaf tpeciflcpiaviifcdbyakxBarekf ,mi al! diac.ikt*, both a* a prcvi ::x ,. a,'id enia, aa I their

. of ;t kccouut* M th ir :.". 11 trom dia"B*e,knd tl.eektraor.hLf.ry loiuox -y t.i wkitb th) y att.xm. Pro-i,., r't ... , rateaiB,aa ln* laeoxraty. waa to praeanuai.tttv of tbe herb and tt* r.-.t«. wb:eh hr foiwardedtoiheihi. 11!. iy*aHjapitol. Loadwn. witbaaaa-

aodeffbl proprrt:... PU. caaiai id.:ionbta botaaiat to 4 *tinf .iM..d. wa* ii

aici»n to give tbx .¦¦ !¦. a .¦- . kl Bai Ua -.:

ca*e of ii' rxoiuaffl.c:.. i.t ti - aaatl kop. le** i.- re a. aaf i

uloui. tbe pi-difrcxeiv ... rdli IB xi h., b, -. Bdi r

me luii ot Ibe df,u, ta th* PkannacoBxea aaaeeeaajeeol

Kd : IB llo v xt. ir oaj B¦ nafor. I-'i-

,. -, « teal i.-it I.... ...iiroiein-


, Ul HEBIIt one oi tta priL-c, b maktog tbiaCOE*H1A1. Ir * obrainrd a- gteal aappaaa bx th. P:..pnotorMadMar-Dtact'ir r. M.. M .-. M D ' H"

, toos Hra.1t.Ld Miu.l Cou.plaiat*: it i» tba nieatal pbyaii luaa aeagUttcr. and nev. r i>:r loi.nd. Ba m'v aBnal iw ti: tba- r.u

..f.aiiiii.iat. r to * ii.ii.d aiiaaial4 Ia eaata algia,lliadaclt. v.rtito. hee, aad theMuoujlrain of NotXbQr A.t rt ona .-wiil pro io. -

an aatoiiiai.ii.g ihort perk d oi time ui.l it wiil ai-o emoxe

Dapavaaiea. Excita. ant-aTendai t «aok.a,Maeplaaaaeaa, DBIika of Boeiety, faeapaeity StadyofBeMMtoB. Laa* of Mei Mfy CeanMxoa, (lidduiiiM. Bloo.1 to,,, Hi "V .¦ Hy* i Iof -.. f l» -r-m-t. ... r-a

kaintv.Ac. It^aa-aml reito.-r ti'e su.trti - at.a. r. tbr ru.aOiBtxil.aaaew rl.r baab bbb

aatxryed B, todaaa oontintialohefrfn'taeMBBua'pianimity ofkp.rlt*. and nroloug bfo.

Perax n», fp*'« o bamto ara re-atored by thr nae af a l»Ottie or txvu to «lo«rhanaiiii ti.eik.n t -,« a c i!y co'or to a tas-i-

aiOtoMPLKXlON. ,

M.rk tta n k.ry tbxt nexrr faila to pomsh thenarnie's law*. fuhrtiou after tuuctiou giva way irrel-r *

delanv n o' tl - H< Ua* Uctaa,'

co.u- t-'rv'

t ou. .t.-'ike to aori-tvjn.tioa,heata and flutheiof ihr on '.if ».igilte*t BOBBBMB, i Btot :.- ll *f ex.ateikfo thomd feru.uukte : tbe «to

.iioat .-ute becoine*, aurif ¦oifMfildyteptio* aet* n. aaah at riatn!ef,cy, e .nat.irtt.or Iliiiimg ntatii-axvata taax ineM sa.i torpor attrr oa:.-

bioath, ferrrd tr. tne. kc.Obiectiona ta' e been naturtlly n-vie to tn- BrtoB b.-

caaae tta traak ihit tiaabeen throwii kal i Otv

n».ttonto.t. waoldctaapar; bnt tta t_-t ia, ttaCaranalcs: lc: Wr otto-drd for V .». aud ought to bo toaab dearer «*

minyot thr-..igrtdieuts fonpi-e .t. tr. auong ttalortiixst thirx" :n natore : whtren. the o-hen arr in_ksnp of ctaap drugx worth but ht:V. m muney. *_d leaa -a

Weaeeaaa 'her.ada-r us-t Bb al m bmb bbm tapiacediu this Cord'.al m the cure ot tbe aixiadiei mxratioaeetabcx-e acd t!to of thoae which hltowa, vix Lo-s ot Miutolar EtfrgT Qeaetal Prostratioo, trntabuiry, aad all Nae-vob* AateBona, Indigeation, Situx^LucM oi tta Urvaa_ ke.L'cder iu mf-lecte the laoat daugx:r,_ Ispirnag tt blood U prevented. the :t readeradsoft and eaav. and rhe *u9erer i* *oon retton-4 trtHn theawful cot.,::t:oL of CoMuB-ption to a ke*lri»y nvi coui-

tiurkbie oxiite^.e.TlafreiiBOOtiirrrei.iblcrr-j.ejT. a: any tbat .kk* av. MB-

BbxOj aaeeaaad '±* i~-&bui,. ih; Medic-Ea.

PR MOtMsaVf IN'Vin.iRATTSV. CwRPlALHatkiidi* ronstantiy Cnncg tbe .Vipianr*. rrh-r-ig

the B enu! andbodtly iiieapa.ry "f tbe uotoftunate aoap.f,a* tta thiuaand C-TtifioBtea rr*..-:vei wili thow.

$!.000 Rr-WARDSome " Pateat MaOiCiue Men." whti are envioxuo*' t.xe

in.n.enae txicfea* af Dr Manto*! brtlfaixBBM Cxirdial na^esaid that ho tubi_he.i lirtiuoti* aignatB.a. Pr Mo~aw.ltray any ol tLoae nien $1,000 for eath rictitio'ia tertihoxx-they can prodrce.

¦0 MF.RCCBY OR OPIUM-SOLEMX 0ATIIPr. Miiae Uvinf rtornCy taartl that souie Pbyauia-* aud

BSterai Ptuxgiata lave aaa-rted thathit Cofd.i cootaiaedMe.arv indOpiom, ba* uiade tlie folloiaiug arUdxi .f...

tt tattar thoae Phjatc^naMid Praggiatt kvoppoaed il ooa-

txioed Merrury orOynom. frotn the siajalaf eoxxrry with

wbtch it aet* npon particular .tiseatea, or from iU great ia rehertcg rak*n. or oat of eovy. ta kuow* tk.>r

Stofx- of Vx-i Yurk C./y amd Caxwkfy af Maxa- Faw*, .. _

On tfat ltith ef Jaaa. A. P ,r,,bu-. bwdrad aad _"?-*__peraocxly appearod aoforonie. Andrew H Miekle. M.y¦"*.¦tta Ciry o: New-York, Mrtcaif Mrrae. wboby me ae-nf dn-

ly gwcre. d-thdepoae and My that thnw is ao Caj-oairrj-ib-l-nixte or cther Mercanal ?r*Twt»* o~i m?9n'lK."kand -aLafocrariig. or B cexitaj^dm *___,. *_S2br the Bxme of Pr. Morae'* Inv-^c-rating Elixir ar Cordixl,and that il kicea not cotuun a parocie of <->Pi__,ll-J|0___-.wara to befora air in.a 39th day of Jone. 1946.Swart tc tarnra aie, ¦¦ 4-* ^ j^^jj^ __.,.,

PHYSICIANS ,Aa ntelbfnt. beme^, ixitiaeientioaa rhyatcian Biaa*^ei

tbe moat anetal DpetniaeTB of aariety. aad perhape, ri-rtt'-irir the leaat ippr«r trW. ATraileaujanorMa-rhania^ H be ware ralled ipon tn tba nurht, rtartirtxhtrly il ea

waaauweil, and tbe ntaht cnld and «>rmy. to ro tu wirrkor cn a jeanroev of aureral aulee, to do a moat diaaflieeabM>ob. wooM eonaider therriaebree tnanRed.bat pkyajeaaaa are

Vav>atanfiyd<eB« BBB, aad "8011111 afccat djin* 4reod:'' hx

whu h thrT fjet but itttle rtMatka, aad awriT nmea Maapay.Tbere ar? anch rcrn that pracnce m tli theonea of rnea>


QI bMMbbbTrtbtre Bre a elrat M men wbo tdrertiae " No Care no

Pav'-'Advue rra-e.' Be, hc. r/TeterH:::* that tHeyarenaaVar phvate tca. Toev akoald be aTorted. They kak no

pav aaaflliaa. but cbarje extrAvarbntly (M the aatrn-na

aVhath tbej i-vA-'khlvirge yxra to rraTcaa^^ma of tne

vanooa kiree with whieh tbetr ahops arr ct.ed. laeae te.-

tawi are trrrTti . h»-tt |t ;s .heaper a- i far better to tettheadvuecf a rbvrcian tn tood afanaTtaA. Sotn-ot t.i

qnacAt a-vi* tbeiraeiTet xTeo: lompames. ac and pnteoitn a I'orrc drh-ent dearr.rnooi ot curt attt, whteb. tt

tla-tre-M BeflMTfl tbMB,wBWtBBBthfl dead. lheyar*xrrat fcti'-tota.

PILLS, va. COMMON ^EN!=E.Teeple eae ie»e cocimea aenaa m aaunt mediciaa BBM)

iip'titaj e"er »'jt>;ecr. Thoaaanda ot livra are Asnaal.Taaanriced ard rostttttitiona nuncd br BBl aaa of Bhyaic.TheyandertaAetoreatoreweaAly and debib.tA.vd childmaand tiek peraoca. rt'dacics their atrer.»--h bv bBbBbBBBJ ttv-int them, Puia, Ptlla. Manv axk perso-a .-..: an Aawuntot 1'illt tnrceient tokillaaox. The coaafa-t uaeof pybaic:» M t o.:ahaa:t iro itteni^t to BMB aBBflflBBaflM the axmarn.11aeaaTbydnT-.n4ttr.em iu w:th oia'.iacut aai aalrca.A doae or two cf PaBB, juaiicioatlT taki 3 oncc orrwio A

year. are aorccr.tsri uacfal aa Uiut-ua-nr iu MBflfl aa BarnaandCntt. They w..o attempt to aBBBMBBfla BM) avateru bytbe cae of;e. or cure tliieaac by oiutuieata. BBB fooU.

OtTBI AL!."*Tlvrr are uiedi. mea adkertiaed. au..i and re.""imetir|eal

tocBte tli diaeaaea. nu tuatter now BpOflflMfl et- rltattratlxr auatnrr iha aiuwaeea n.ay be, t'ie flaaaVjbM wffl flfltOJflfllTb a it not to' Kkerv one kne va a uattJiiillM mar wtll enreBataaaBBBBBBa, na>t whtt will cnre Dya-Bflflaiy wM BM WflaifllBM. Bflfl ITere are a i-ertain BBBB BaTd:araa»aana r ttttt BBB 8BM8 ikise, . BflBMBB of m*d-.j*r'» 1" n;ai.ii.ied, orevin a flflBjM flBBBaMBfl ot

rttrautil tiary t'tiia^, tkiilremove. l".>reva'tple Ihseaar-itbat aaa braaata BMrflajflflBBBfliBBflC T-rvrjral drtaontha Viflal ar Marvaaa naaaa, M BM eaae rtxrat or t ol'the BfllTflaa Syatetn, i»t elofle ntet'il apphcattOB,orfrrma waaaaaflrcaBM piBflBflfld, MBBfta^ v:th ttiera alorytrain a/aBfaaaji mraapflaaafl, an-1 ca-;a..air. in a ihort anae,taWtirmt of the rread ind nnn.l Sh-rd n::j c:i '.ruaa:tv.-

- t Coapoaad, kearinf ta* aamaufDr. Mi'H^l- Sinvitpratrof Cardtal. ahll rehflTfl.aad ia1 ahart ( - ttere the tyitcm xsd 1 .1.11 ;xai to tliairtiarnral krai'h aa^ vtgcr.

HOW PRM'ARKIYTlie manner nf paraflatafl a medicne ts e moat important

'¦orbflBV-'ktion. f..r. -miaaa «r...a i» iicae propcrly. the retnadyia wW,' y trert ard worte than narletA tor :nit-ad of remov-mt th'd'aer.a.'ta yon expect, :t arill retarna a hold oa the

bec i!'."i ttr"ii^»r acd more ilWealt ot removal,ti"ni. the tyetrm becemea hahitttateii to :!, u ;: were a aea-BflalafltBia. Very Iow heat ahoald be tiTiploved in obtain-int an extraet, otherwtae the TaflktaBI BB tenala will be di»-ti| ated. ar.d teme of the parta documpoaiii iltcnnt. or evcn

I'ertroynx if. The rranier ef preparuf t.'in CofflMl u inchgt t rrnrirr the extractioa and tha ret nl j:i ol ill the mc-liictcal virttirtcf the ;!ant, and eflflaMBtZattaj th u :.. .'..tiralie 'ittsit. 'er pr. p rty reftilatiUit the flflaa, aad kt thotan',- ft.-e RBaBflBII it palatalle Aud aceeplaWa to tbeaiotr.ach.

Tlir COMMON EXPBEdSlONof tliuae uliu l.a»e flafld th;a Kvtiter BB; "1 had hrard your

1 r apokaa att bal waa tmm tt the inereduMaa tar. aar.l to iM tiienta.baviet tri4Nl varteut 'u» lie'uei teid fcf

¦. piiti ..*e i.lirtereut Sartiipar' iiaa) witboat denrmxi aeftl f hait a'tiii^r t'ven up all h.ip-a ot deriviiiaany

.1 wbea I naidiaaad aw. nf jtrarfniTtial I hadnofa.ili whatevar ei ita brueri"tit uie; ba' tr haa.I fcel

hava ahbonaii 'ria not thrao weakva. I aui aatudcdIle lialf a ilerru boc ea 1 took will catfl me.'

Ai'oile r taya "I ht,i cr.vttilt^ii irveral distinirnihed1,4 .-.'uu'e .tM I co'iid BOt be currd.othen pre-

rtr.t'^l thit tlinigand that, bn» ..1 MI ,.ef uutil 1 pro-ttirrd aoaaa 01 your CaaataL I tu.iat aay it completclyri ..'.i t ..

Anotlirr aava "I Mflfl a.irpnvil nt the etf'ff *flfll PMiliai had. \Y hl .'. i ti"t hearot it before . It would haveaake.i tne tr tu ii rrptnie, beaidea yean otuicntal and bodilvBBBBl u|."

TESTIMOM kltflNo i.t'wat api t flnMbal aflai tl,.' BBBBJ BBaBaaflMMiflfla] teati-

lanaiaa nl a^BBaBadfl to tba PraflfltaflH wttmwttt bberty to

p.blu!itl.riii.i;. :.,kk ,1 ^ ara .-f t' e aaaay taaaaaaafl OaaaMaMBa re.-,.r»,.<i

.beiuij nt iibetty lojuibiiaii lueiu.

I.KT PAC1I >PH\K rt'R TMKMSKI.VK3.Hcar whr.t tlie celebrated ku.l diatitiauitlie.l Da. YVitoo-

MABB. of thfl Maaaa. litiaetta Ina.ue Iluapita! aaya of itY'bs- 1> »M HusilTbl, YYuRkF.riH. June I. 1843.

Dr ir Sir.. !t tivea BM pleaauri' M taflMaa fflfl thfll oue ulBTT | al., t.ta wl.ilt; iu Il.wl.n. BBM utidawuie u, Canlialv ii.rb hc ti .1. u.e ha li.j Ukrn t»u *ee*A an.l that h« iarr.tirely u.itd. Ile looka likea uew BflflflM whuaoahoat a tin.e tinai toakad au palr uhI ihia, th.I iy taaarre-

'% ahla tu rawl jr,..,i.d. 1 thoflflhl il t. «i.. Iy paaaib . nl;ui I'Net-,u n «..iii li.a t'i." .ui'ii«:li and fa al ra; hia uae. I pr. « ...i\ tba "-nl BMflaY'rne und ia m eaarain t!i^ Boap tsl l.ui they k*er«of aarfln t. Iu tl.t'1:1, ,ui tBua invpaiuiit lald praaitrad BflflBfl al1 ulial. which aBatBadTaaaaa, I bm BMMflfld aa flflhfll

.ke ,l,n '. I alia'.l rtei we. bb1| IfleflflflflBBBa18 abeaavTai aa opaattaaity aacaaa, Ti.e ieTMttar la myToanflar daya I BieR nmeaibar, aabeina ro --i ¦¦..doneoi'tlie 11,1 at ak'lifial I'livaia ana in iha I'ti.ia-il tltttro, and . ("unlial t, rj h.alily ap.ik.-ii flf, b >t Wflflfla* of theiiiirrdulona aa to iu'i..eiita uutil I t. it tu'uia-xpe. t.'.ll- aadlatiafactorily coaviaced to tha aflaitrary. It nrwt e .. ti. vuu 1,11I1111V nvliai a vaat anioarM of lintrmi., ioai Curdial ia aileviaiing. YVil'i my war-neet

« itli. a lui kulir bartbllh, liuppinraa aad COOtinaeil tncaMflAI louitni 11 iy tnily youra, II. A YY u)l»YY¦ \KD, M D.

THE MKDK'AL JOUBMiXflI(a\e oel ia a tumV ralaiiee tbat '-.'.t h."-n «u,'ketit"-yle I,

1111. n tl'.i peiiilii.ii to ai.yuib.r BiepfliMloa BB thfl BBBVflcomplaialA Ii baa ta umny veil^nt ind detp»rat« rAiraa-il, ard radlial aarva, ai'nr pttienta hai' baaa n'landoned andtli.-,. .-oi -'.tti.ti ptaa aaaaad Bapi leaaby "ied:cal practittonerar t.i at ti t'.ulreai.'linl rbHrnrterMk Baitaa I'tkllX l~-kll IM a a',,n> ut'-re tllM C'l'dtkl WA»

k,...i" araapaaw uv-r Hirflfl yea«a, v,H rnyopaortaaitiaa ot,ii.1k,ii«iiI it, ert-tt. iiiimeruita. the raally eiereat

laa oVmaaat ai .1 tbM » ittaaM a 4,uitlr ailvrrtiaa'tneii*. tell*fui iltelt. bake f.-n a cnee af w a^neat, wtueli had raaiatrd all irea'inerii tor nv»r Ur- yeirt, both tn fh;« place aad

'Philadelfhia and tlir peraua a tair eaadiilara laraaieida,.. 11 iBfld -;ient luin

iliri . k. 'I.. rrl rehi f, tnrl waa rtired with twnrv fuiirdoita.awarthafliT Maiii^Caafltal Y. i\K.ndai.L. M. D

Da M.'R>r "ii BaaaMMBBflBMa you re jncatcd my opui-mn t tl" vtrtn. 4 ut ronr Invixuratinn (. onlial 1 ain uow

prepared togibe it- 1 have hailit inprictice aad pnitribeda ., - ... DMnrhi .. 11 ¦'.

. it my da. btad Btaferi-cer r,y»r tn vthint ot the kind it .th w!::. .'1 I atn a '..|uuut-ed. both ai t ItBM uiid r> aaun.kl.l.i priuaatwhich . n .. h .! ^'U. an Ican witb r. flaaad 1: Mtbe 08 thfl

rtuu 1 nitrir buiiiui. iihaaaaaala-nu e ot the rnoet trut.tileA.iiu- torui*. axit 10 Ul aaaaata an.1Mlnkbie iiiiduine.

BKNJAMIN tVaUUCB, M. D.Brooklyn. N Y HflT. 2\. i:4B.

CtaaajflaBfl a« trflll aa |hyaMiflBB an'1 Btaaiaaada af otherainaRpartaol Statoi .''.aaua. iiitoriiut't - 0 thfl I-'. '!n8pl \|,,.,,, ..,. , YYV an j ud'th inly a tew. Tha ful-

BEV t <»H v ,<\d aad iu.kiy reape.'"'.!- (r«n'l-man.

Bapta t pera ta the followtag flflaTatf-i-atrai Br. laaTflar'B BBMB. It apeaki for if-elf-Da Maaaa DaarBtt I imi eaaatbBBBad M BrfB yfl a

BtatoBkaat of the henafli I derired tt Mflflieayflar CkaMml,b.'.ekin((. by i" Hn-nf. I .Dail reuder a b-ntrit to thote Brhflarfl aaMraaa afl I aaBahaaflk

I waa ttfietid fur tttany "ftitlui wth pkint tn the lie«d andd'n.neaa "l a,r;hr,'t"i;etiier wth /r»a' nerveit d«btlity. au

uuick t'at itwaavi;'li mn. h c'lrf^r-Tiity it me to waik or

keep about Mv d'r,»anye iyr»;nnA alao, were rmirh derti aed I naa H ipu»e a r.nt'.ie-r ot r-n-dien, bat laeeived

' aatll 1 BBBb .aaa CaMaM. wtucb,t>i'Ot!t'i 'br . aaaa, baa laaBMBfl tin to

more tkan mv nanal lieal'h. aa I am now en, lyint betterhealth tban I bave detir for « nu-ntierot Tr»n I am now

rjeyraraut nf. I bel Bflfl it B8 De au mvaluab: I taedicioewhirh 1 IfltBflMMBMl ro rny Darrberooa ae-iaa.utaace, aadthey are very lar«e. u 1 bave been a min.tter a *-re»t oaAtiv

y. a.-a. 1 hope thia haaty atteUb tuay be at tuuch baneQt tj

you aa the ::ied:c.i.e haa to tue.

JiT. 7.18ict JOHN dSUEU, Jeraey City.

MKTHODI.-T CLKROiMAN.Tbe toilowioz. waa aect to onr Ajent in Rahway by Rev.

(r Tamian 0: t :r Metiu-dut EpiK. jps.1 ot thamoat learned aud reapretrd in tbe couuectiun-and ia an-

other proof ot the wouderta! efiv a ut Dr. iloraa"a Invbjur-at'.na Cordiai orarhe aj-atem.mtv-Nti Hjt.::« t r tome yrara paat. aa yut

are aware. rxpen uitdxreUljea., I -1 1"

trm. attenaird w:th conttant and aiar-uu.* Irritat: ,n ot :..i

TLitat itud LttCaia, I waa kt your :aataa..k. ai.d m couae-

uucnce of tavina rc«d Cavpt. McLea-'t Jacitird txatamony;.. ;t. lel^lf, induc.d to try I>r. Murae'i far-faubed E.ixir.

I afl a*. i-'Jc ta the hope thau in the Ckbnndoncaut iU pru.i.a rtttai .ou.. but, I aun boand 111 cauaiior to

a.'kuuv«:t.Ut thitt 1 had uot tned .t U.B8 befora I Uecku lo.:cx eaca ta aaJmary aflecti; and I uakT now kiy witb

(ait Mcl^-nn. "tbat I VOflMBflfl uoar bu withuatiton. .. It !.k* done u»o u.ot- «.A>al than any

urtkuriaa reu.tdr I bave tnrd. and ;f thiaatata.urut itdoe.u-rd bv vun of n.T im|->lUnce, yoa uuv bave uiv fu.,1 ca.u.

M-ut to uaake it puld'a. J- O. TCISO.H.Bahttav AiiKuatu. 1W-

BitToK Apnl M.Da. Mot.K-De-rSir niaveaa^aa^n'lyamietedi'jr

rreat Phyeven .atatahBf and PrY*"J;tion of the arbata N-noaa *ym*- A' V^J *5°JZt?mtBettTrrtnya'.tacn ot Dtrxtraera m Ibfl flBB^BMa.pat;ed CT riinjini Ifl Me Eara. I rafieTed with Dvt-lt'a-A. 4krataa it the Momaeh, and i«enT»tiona oflfvV flab-Irt, Kflard bBBI yonr Cordiai »u parnealariy idnptad tor

SaBBBMBBBBVaai proeared a bof.e, and toiay Mtoa

MMBflBBaad burpnae betora I had n-M the bottia^wuukTanot" r naai uadeefl, one half doren borica carefl. mo".*", have never been ao arupraad at aiy reanlt E

ni'y ile 1 cooAittcr yo;r Cordiai a jrett bieatnj, and willcxund'itiUK u far aa layi u» my power. Y.n axe at

1-BfBmltBOIIMaa^^pa laaYBAB) Mn Baflal aa aaon aa BaaMBla two flflflflj tt

rdiaJ riaedeiuaudfarrit larapbdly m-

creaatn/. gnvirt in e»ery Mafaatsa rutire aatiafaction, aa yo<iw^l) ae» by ihe uur eroea teati'tiouiala I bav- recetvad AudfPrWarr'»<l re ya'« 'roru titre 10 tiaae. Tbe ooe fretn 10*10Kobtrtaen Eal, of ReaKinr yoa are at litarty to jrabhah.I hare ttren per«OT a.iy aciuaintird with him lor a nnmbero' veaia. and y.-a caa p4t apon hia atatrmmtOf yeara. an j -^ gr jr-

^ ^ tyggggm t ^jjg

RaaDiac, Na*. M, 1V.IDb. Dtott.Dear 8:r I a»n freai'y MaaBBBB H yoa fur

caJ.itx my attrntjoa M Dr. htotre'a l8vi?oraaai,,fur I am tare it baa doae tbr me what no <Aher medic.necoald. I have been ahiicted for a rear paat with ayeat

Ipraattaaoti at tha wtbele Nerv.tja Syatem, attendad anth a

arcat Nervooi acd Mmuvl Debihty.Depaabnon. OuViaaMa,Loaa of Meiuury Ccnfuaion of Tho.ifht to ancb a aVarta aa

ta rrtdtr it impoaaible lor ma to ker?p any th .-xlita aa any

.ae eabjeet, evea wtato eoweta-| with a tnmL _I waa

obikgeetogirexTpkay preBaaw^^.i oV.pigbt »cthe f have baen *""l-^J»_*'____^gpkv^,_,. nanag ail tta F«^^»_f^(__r_axxr^^tgat_a_^Q«"B____laipi-M'of. waa. that tbe modjciae waa -aB.ftl.aiil.lBsrif. sa taoat of theat. tban aseieae. Irocxirr meadatioaandtag of tta propnetor.txvu pa.mprtr. airocst

,_.. . n_v.

rwnteS I -It Btroneor; aad aow. ^Ui' aa-a

taken bat fear of lha nibotUeayeoepniaae, I fc*J waU.I sm Mfutned of my ladebtedno- to tta Conbal «**"¦__'__rormag taahb. IJ__all alway. "itf^^JSSFremedv Reapectlxillv vciir*,


To Dr J. tt-.^YOTT. Prtiladelphia.~~

BaooxLTB, Aag 1«, !*«..Pa MoBtt-Dear Sir My »>t>.ta»W«« ____!_!*

the 1a*t wren rea- witb Oeaeral Weakaeaa, Praa^on,SowrStoaiach. Dvapereia. Coar.yeaeax Extiaa»e B_*°**"... .nd Hoada^je. broojrht on, ae I bebeye. «xx^_Bad__r

by a -rere Co!d dnriog wckaea*. whicb aearly tervxxinatetftar! io tax-era) prryaiciaae were empltrrexi, ead a graaxtrway medicino* to no r^rpoee. An __¦« tbeireatwxareaai-mr r, .. eordt*!* aad oftar inedietoee advaattoae wr tae BBbbbt.-r-»e *. v-on. And at t»f a rriead ol tba aaaxily leuaastoafmr to rry y'cnr cordial. wh ch 1 did, with ao bope tk_B itwx. d ope'rato with anv tattor efect tban tbe oUwra. aail.-tce snd foel utx beart oxpaad toaratd voa. kwy dear aB-_w.irn I lr.form von "ahe ba* not rx-t takea thi.e bettkaa, aawal.«dv ob.t* be-ter heelth than ata ba* lor tweary yaawe. .-. .... to trn»date. Coauranrsa. Headarbe, Narvcaxawaaaa,Pxira. Irvtrperra, ail are goae. aad I bare not tbe IkxaatdaaM.t will alrmiefelr rewora tar to oomplete beaJtb I aaeJlrv.r fako rloatuio l- retotninending it to otta. traaklBdtn hke rratner. tt ::b my brif rearvctkv

BVLVF.STEE H. WOBTMEW.OP1NIONS OF THE PEESS.> -th the x::. nti a of o»r readera to tba adyaet___a

nient ot Pr. Mt.*e'* lav igoraung Cordial in anof tar i. iiliaaot tt:« paper. tt'e bave h.-arti it iicu_aiax*i*d br aoxna efcrr moat ce !ebra\tei Pbyxuciaax a* ibe beat rentedy aoldtoethoae coniplaia.a it ia ta cara, aad ar* ____*kccwa aiaay caaea ourwlvra ot Pebil.ty kbat it baa _.__*curfd. and thiuk it a valueble preparatkoa, aad we*>tfcv ¦ tbt ujuue it boara.

t'ku%'d*fr+i'i » cr-riv Bitawf.We arr not aa adv.-rate for Pateat Medicine* ta ita faa-

eral .. a. of tta wrxrrh bnt we maat aay tkat ihe lavuaar-aiifg Cordial." aalvxarr-B. d on our lawt paire. baa a ivpaoeioaalar above the '-^nack'' turdic n«* ol tke day. Tta ".Cor¬dial." it will ta aeer, « rnpplied w holtxale aad recaU, byPr Dyaet,Be IS2 North it»t.

Bo.iV- DkNV V-. AagJEBBBTbx mccoM of Pr Mt*.e'i I'ivij(o rating Conbal, appeaio

to ta ef tbe moat oxtraorxiuiary character. Wo pib.iahlO-tUv Iwecagtj aatoataltobeBaB, one from Tho.uax Llovd,No. 38 Priu.e-*... of th* cry, aud ou* from Rov. Mr.tthi'.e. of Lvia Mr. L!>rdbel.e\ee tta ra.edtcino toikved taa hte". knd Mr kVtata Bootna to eatertain an i,,iilit!.-D<e 'n il. efritiicv lnteiligeat metx hketbaeew ou!d t.ot praiao ao atronjly whal that ibey did not lally b*>-i.exe to be troe.

Th, (,.-;.ien Ra/*.Tbo OxJxl F< !l.vx'. Paper. ptii !-xbra the following- " Amoog

Ihe nuiiienoia extra... ot >r*.t:.-ne* recommoa.iod for tbal.xiig in.n of rtervoxit d'4e*a*ra, (irpendiug nrxon proatrattoaii li.-bility, from whatrv. r cx'iao prodnc-a, Pr. MoBBe'BI..t toitioii Cordial brars ihe palm of ittpenotity." It .¦ Dtbreal a \ al-ia1' ..'" -dii-inr, and havingaoon tt aaed! dat-ided advanta/r m a numher of caaea, weaaafxx-I'Oil.l'lxUll t w tk plr.iUTf, knd with f'tll cootadciice ia ita. Ui t'ria


Pre,,ar.dbvM MORSF. M P, aud for «*> by CIIA».H RINO, Oenoral Ager.t No 1 >J Broadway, New York, toxx beBB al order* mu*t be k.litro*aid.

AdF.NTS.Boiton, W. V S|>eB.-. r. Ho. 123 Waah ngton «t. Katridga

A Co S| rmti. 1,1,lliia* b Havaa) Worce*ter, M 8. OreeaiLtxxtll, Jol.a Miynar.l, Uartford. John P.U.rtt, Provi-.!, i,. U I. J Balab * S ,.n Huliadelphia, O. W. PyotttoS, bx Au.! F M. Wtrml. No. I llarmony Court Balumora,Rigria and Brottatx ai.d S S Hanoe; tttalnngton, L. D.(i.'iNBii; Bx. liuioiid. Vt, Hoiim-tt A Boata, No. l2AM*iu-M ;Albaay. N. Y', tt' N Jaaia b, No ^1 Bn>a.lw»y; BuBxIo,N. Y Jubu L Coleo au 1,-ro'ito, Cauada. Lyuian Broth-ii*.x. Co and c.tira, aa advartiaaa, thniugnoiit tba I'aion.It * i.i up, lughly conx-entrated, in Pint Botilea, tkeaauM Ia.. ia Be alaa*.

And aold tor $9 per Bottto t> for $19; $24 thadoxEntatad aottildiin to A.t ot Congrraa, in the year 1917, byMetcalB Mevaa,tatteCtorkxOaaeaB tta Putrut Coart

f,.: i'.. So.iihein ot ibe State ot New-York.

KADICAL CURE ol HERNIA or BUP-II RE Pr ORORliE Boefixn. baviag

tak.u an aaaea at Nu. .VvS, New-York, may baroi.sult. 4 oo Thuraday. Fnilay aud Saluiday of reeh «x*k .

Dr. II ouiiiuri to turr II.,.,,. or Kuptuir in sll ita foraia,:hx-rilv ru.drting thr ii*><. f rtu**r«iiiioecr4aary. Ita alao,it. ...: patttoaBan l« l»i*e**ea of FamaJea, lo tta snrgi.-altr.atn. nt of II. riionhoids or Pilea, Prelapans or Haniia

TtaOrai Bar dav* af aeeh week ta may ta foead at kiett,.- No .' Kxtte'rplace, or luiirtiiBry, No 40 Liaola at,

Kxx-li, Ai1!..


CAND6* H0ARH01NI>C0UGH8YR(JPOorly»lightliil and sure rataad*for s . on»;h. H.<ar.aoM, lixOaou**, ke. It caiuiut be|WBtaa>dtoobigbly. tt ho!e*alo and ai PiCNUS-S MatnaaxxtkprngStire, No 71 James-it.. and Dru»: Sioraa geaeraliy.

T'Rl'SSES, shoiil.ter Braees, FeiuaJe 8up>1 poii.ta. Laxe Stookiiua, Knee-Cap aad kittaf BaaaV

....« Spinal SiiiM'or.*. Iiwinmieiita lor Kaotk-Kaaaa aaatt -. knrtaol ibr Joiota, aml all kiudaol Belu and BkaikdaawBt. ao I h.ldtrii'i Ttxitaea on hnud and tnaxte to order, at D».OLOY r RS. No 19 Auait ar*r tta Mmmm \

£egal Noticet.irto-


IN PUBBUANCE af aa or.ler of th« 8urBBiei 'I.' eaarg "' Haxt Y<. i. I w.n ,-«a. m na «M al rut>

;. ...i^ri al ll.r Mrohalila' 1> IB tB* 4'lly .rt BaW tnet,ua thr tweaty, .1 ,r ..I Janrary. ia tk* >. tr l*SI at IwaKs...'.-. k i..« n, Iba lu" kaacnbral llawl K.ktte tat Bra*lay|MI-.. .rrati. Jrt-raaa,|, lur Ih,- uaniurnl xaf l.ia d.4>l* A'l .wrtaiaI...... ja.r.a! .,i «,lait.iat.. lyim tn.l laanwi ,a thr li'.h WarJ .4 lhal j .,1 N.-W y..rh, oa tka wmthrrlv a.. ... o.'h .t aajatoai with thaI il.'J »a* lkrfrt.ii. itbkii a..l .,1 ,a koundeal t« u kilWwati.ti ni.n. j-j aa* hBB.IrrJ and t»r..t» »>r fawt a«at lha B>*a4

i » M.uth ri-t.!j cuwi .>! O.e .air, mi Baa nf *Blh at. aadlalax ,.,i,iai,."t .aml.,.. laat ,i, .n'. IwaaQ n,r .'**' and IWOi.. kM i, th- taa. aa h.ngrr<l ta.1 klty arvaa I.I Baa aml oaw hallBB !..-* ,.n Ib* ra.larly aaa, ail onn hi.n.lra.1 and tl'if llart and

.... I, n thr ai.lrl')- l.l.a Tka il.|* ...,»«. ...I lll.lai.t!i rVamr Iw^l'.ng hx>n»a tka paf oaal. af

tha'i.i.trhi.r r.-nry w.l1 hr, rea..n-a) talirfj,,,! ,t tha aale,i»J tl.d ia i.i kwliTarf New York. D.eBahaf

uahuikl vam corr.Wa II. Vax (airv, I'BB *?"!"

IN PUBBTJANCE wt aa or.ler of tke Hurro-tatr of tl.' l',,..uty ,,IV»t,,l i* h-raby |IXaa, 11 a h*v,a« xlaiini UbbxH rBANCIS I all AV, l*4a af th* Irt,,. a-w y..rk I.aaaad, t,i »,.rnt t'jr aaitra »,.u.-hatn rhexaal.i thr o.lawrihwr ,t ... ..*.» Ba r*. B, n*lwiy io lha t'kty of Brwgstk.aaaf baBaa 9m iwaafraBrl atoB Haj aaat OataJ Naw-V. .k. tbt I i. t.aull. .lal ,a ,Xw.'i,l»t. WM,:0|.., P» fP.B OA.449ltn Ktrrator

N PURBUAVCE ef au onler nf the Hurro-, I ,...lf .i >r« 1, .k. w.t.aia ar.akf ..v-n toallpat

M kevaaj. '!.. i.»ti»»i<i Jijlix' \x i ai >1Klt.UiU m thr $BB of* > i | r .1 ¦¦ -.1 BtBfl .-. f lha BBBBB, « fh BSSJSBjjfBth. aol |. II-ai.t.a tlla ,1 li.. huM-al. %: I J Avanua I.' ia IBW Cltf... X,* t.a-k .... .rr I tBtl tha twaa-irtk tlayvl|Ma*; ariL -Ualad,14.-w Vwk tba 1-aMlb alay ul .S..V-...I »r, laWI.

_s. HAwL xx -r.KI V AJmr At-

1N PUBBUANCE of aa onl.-r ot* tb« rttirnr-aatoB ih. ( ..ii.iy .* Nrw fark, nofua m karahy giv*8 *»i all

..MNaafcayin* siai* k**ia*1 900IB9 ft'gtUET. WsUb Im.. th" <ily ..! Kaxx f.atk. .Irer«ar~l. to p.w-«B« tha ai taat

»tth v.-n. hr..- tharnrf lo th* .u'.-.nbrr at ha .*«... «J.x SIN.aMa. _. Yr.rk on ..r laaf-.r. Uw TU ..? <4 Umrrk awti.

Ilatr.l <t,w Tofaytbr. tkird day nl Bept.. l** l.wx.n 9* »1 Oltl Aff *«UI*(lll!. IteaaMf.

IN Pl RMANCE of au order oi ihe Hurro-- ,.«,.y .1 B B li. MBai i* harakyawao U *il

..),,, ,.. .ii,.. aiii.i.t uiMN M \cr. u. ,.( fl.a Cly of f*awV ,k ,.i*li-.f.k«r. ilacra..1 i.. pr^.-ai thr aaaxa w.O> a.Mark.» IXaraol to (U . .U< i.laii. at tha oaVr uf W ,«hlinaa X X.lafk, Bo. 114*.Br. .dwiy loM Prai.klrtk Beeae kk !h« C.iy ot f4*« Ynrkasor ha..... ii . i4x|, Jay ol Ba/ik » it. Dtuad Maw Voxk, thr aoaX day ul*

. IvtnH tHIBDUla. Ktantor..11 laaXjnaB HAHK1KT* W Al tf. V t-r,.w.f

IN Pl RSI ANCE af «n or.ler of the Sarro-gatoafakeCi NgafBaw-f 'i nna-r | kaaakeOeaBlBaJ p*r

aaaa haane <!*,¦» *aama-1 4 4 Ml » I. X | A KKP. kxt* of tk* CHy ta*Sa* l.rk an. l.ii.l*. dawaaaral. Ix> .**SB| Uk* aankw w«k

ara..I to tha ...Ia, r.l^r at iha>rnVa.l B rolM Wr-t IMb at. in Uix- < ity B Ba.. fark. <aa af haaVrrw-~.ih day.d tartrmtwr aral IHUrd .Naw furk, Oaa lllbi

.t... Jaaa, law. xi.xk- cLAKKt. Xs.atna... ...Oa»B»

IN PUR8UANCI ol aa order of Jeeae C.>....ik Ka*..Buxrt*iai<>id thr|-,.aiity tf K.aa*. **>»*" «* baratr

a ' < U> law l» ail -. ¦¦ ,.»,.¦! rmmm tayaraat W4I.II R Ml'.ot.N.a. Uie ..f tka- (.ly ol Bx. kl/u, dr., tbat Uarw,., trVt,A t..arhit.t tha a,ui»a, w,-h »'f«;hrTi thrrsof, l«. Ib* aat>¦t, .. XX U.l IAB K KltSIPM It > \"1 llnwaaa.( ..UVaCaly\. - \ . ,, ,n laaw. tha tonnh day sf April aaxL-Oatad.Sairl.^r.e^. v4A,?.i,A,"/i,;:.xxTaB. i 'if"-"-

JN Pl'RhUANCE of an ord«r of the Borro-%%.., ,. U.a X ,,..l>0 .>! >** Y^,xk l.rUaa a. I.arad.1 ajVam to all B*V

a. nahaviiigrUii.igax""''1- ult'.l. W (.UKKB late of iim I ,k«r ,1brw Wk mrrrbtnt. da. aaaa.l. to ^raaalg tba aaflka. w«k voacberedrxraW. to tl.* -ulaaaribrr at thr atiar* of Mortia.r Brx.>a, .to ttr,Bfoadway. m tha. >xy '¦( Baw V.nk. >an -.r taatrarotk* waaaatawnxli aaga Jaii'.arr aatt. Datcd Itaw T ,k rb* 14th day of J.ily l*BJ

MliltflMr.K BlUiVVM. Adawntatrit.*-.yl7ltw«aiS XMII k xiKl.t.V AdnnmaUatxit

VOTICE iaherel.ygiien, that the proceeda1^ .iiheaalaof tbaraal aHatral JOMB C SM1TH kataof tbaxI ly ol Brw Toxk. drajaaaaaal. ute.y flkitia vadrr tb* otir.r ut Ib* Sarroaafe ol thr ro.ii.iy of Xrw Tork. by Towle, anl1 br abiU-.t.tited ; taid SorriayaU, tolaw. a. ibr awroaax-i iBi'l n

Ib* x Bl ox Brw York, aa tba tweaty lo.irthdayof Jaaairy aaul, aitnorVrt a tb* farranoa ol tbat day. -Dalel tbis BAbdagaf Or

.r .ro*. idtxawj A. VV KKAliroKD Awxr.

VEWYORK 8LPREME COURT.-Clt-_ X aad mt of Baw York.Tha K.-nh Aiaaricaa BailBaf A*a.j'.a ata.oat J.tX, b. Dn.aaty. inal A '.aatlt .1., ha abd W.f

« Vkraf. Tumuimu h* tr'.ut. (Cob. acrt**rye4.) 7« Ua*Itprr.BpX5T.ibrayeaaBaad Yoa .ra harat. iai.Ikwaal aaw rw Maaawrr tfce eiMn'^iiM m Ihia axtaoa aabirb araa Blad ttlbwif.. . .1U rx.k of tb* x *y aad Cxyaat> af Mi. Tork. st tba C.ty

Hall. aa Ibr txfy <k* Baw Tark on Iba IMX dxw af Ortobrr. I>*J. aaatU. ¦erv« a .<py ol yoar new, t tulbsssal eaaa»*i_t oa Okr xat

.. it -kcar oSbs. Xat. lo Vk'aii ib, m tka City «f ">. T*rk,witbia tweaty dari ttter taa -nia< of tkxa MMnk.a oapaa. ax.l'i-.....- ,» of tutk eervata, aad if yxn 6ol ta aaaxyaf tbe avd,... jrla.i.1 aitbiB tb* naw ifca-e-.d. th* pttiatiflk ta tbn tctiaa wil

- CtAift Bf tbs fa^af d^manxivl ia tba tuik-BB".- Otfd0- lVIPP*. BAK.VAKl) B PAtUrOBS,

( I....4 flaiau**' AltooB-w

^LPREME COURT..Traaaai U. ColnunO >St Zaebeua r*ikrf. Betwj 0*U~t.t.k. w^xv, aad _._._»~er.IV,» T1«kxwa Woile aad I^Vina kkf »*___^lttl"'a.l kjoaiath bia .*.. tir. b.mbaB Bad _«___. Wt ..?.Ai..... T.T *- S.«.h k- VV____. 0____2__ -*SU En-«7 CMawturk aad t^l%4^_1?S^^Al4Jtl:M.i,w ... J. »* Oaxrxnark. a-raa-A T._gX47_WT» "".j__|'TH.'MAS VXHICE aad Ofk l«U. t»-*' *mf.Tl^,

~,Ll^J'S-S-JXir»"rt^BBxie &'SWn.r.rrl .. *^^__-_Lj» ,u cAVw af ita Cbktfc sf tk* CMtBafflllatt _ H.a« IKtava wll BB-* «._>- ______ __.

o4 lawewB A K"
