fl Wttl W fv i > > t M < 1 w bi utt J1 r = VOL LIVNO 318 I NEW YOUR FRIDAY JULY 15 1887 PIVCE TWO CENTS i = THE STRIKERS LOCKED OUT- gO SKTTLKXtKNT OF TIIK ItnOOKLTN- ItOAn XfmATED UTJllKV- Uore Train Running Veierilar Cot Blur tn neftise in Dt plnce lrc >rnt E plijre In Make Room for the Attempt nt Arbitration Hlcaallr FRI All efforts t end tlio etrlko of tho onjrl noirs awl llromenon tho Brooklyn Elovntod llntlrnnd yesterday resulted In Inlur nnd the fltlit was continued with bitornoll on tho imrt of tho strikers who lould a t complete surrender on their part would alone satisfy tho company The road was In much bettor shape than nt any time since tho ttrlko began Col Martin sold that he had fourteen regular trains running six minutes lioadwiynnd that eo many engineer rind lire lion hail applied for work that Master Me- chanic ¬ Ballwotld havo no difficulty In hiring mon who wore entirely competent Thirty eight now men had boon employed on Wednes- day ¬ Mid seventeen yesterday In another day Cot Martin expected to be nble to otieiato the road on the old schedule and- to moot all the demands of tho public The director aud stockholders who crowded the imitu ofllco in Sands street In the morning re- reived Col Martins report with smiling faces and again expressed their determination not to budge on Inch undor any circumstances from tho ixitloy which has prevailed since tho strike began A despatch was received from Frnd Uhlman member of tho Board of Direc- tors ¬ nnd one of tho heaviest stockholders In tlio i oud who Is in Ilavariii with this advlco to lilt 10101 droctr Stic It oul Ilrlkor were in session an early hour In 1ythlnti Hull East Now York apparently as determined us over to maintain tho Oht but tvKlontly ntur ° B that some way to intttlemont might soon bo reached Scouts ciime In from time to time nnd reported that luvoral of tho now employees would deler the company before night and that more trains wore running than on the two previous days no greater headway than Olteen minutes wiii mnlntalned I and that tow coreous patron- ized ¬ Judge Gilbert Robertson with Secretary 0 J Madden arrived in Brooklyn at 8 oclock and mot Florence F Donovan his associate in the Htate Board of Mediation and Arbitration in the Clarendon Hotel Commissioner Pur cell telegraphed that ho would be in Brooklyn lat night but eo on with the work Com- missioners ¬ Donovan and Robertson went to the Sand street office of tho company at 10X Whitney was already there anxious to contribute in some way to a settle- ment ¬ of tho trouble The company was ropro- ecutcd by Edward Lauterbacb its counsel General Manager Martin and Messrs Pettus and Snodokor of the Executive Committee Mr Donovan said that he and his associate wore there in their official capacity a it be- came ¬ the duty of the State of Mediation- and Arbitration to Doaf all cases of trouble arising between employers and em- ployed ¬ In large corporations of this kind and they doslrod was to learn the exact views al the company with relation to tho points at issue and nothing further The position of the company said Mr Lnutorbttch boars no relation whatever to the mon lor whom the arbitrators appared Tiles mcnhuvodonu long and vlce for the company but left of their own ao curd on u notice ono hour long The company In Its duty to tim public undur Its frnchls at once endeavored to replaco measure It lies succeeded in doing so Slid hy tomortow It is expected that tho road will be fully manned I cannot nee how inytliliig ciu be arrived at by arbitration lUmtover nilUt beth couuouwnoes to tho road and tho Itivestmentl for one would never content to discharge cue mon WOO Imvo coma to us In tills omoruoncy to make way for men who deliberately Itift us ot their a6ccrd Tills makes It imtiossllilo to own lu a body the mon who bit In it body and under tilt rules of tholr ordor1 they LIre loyal they cannot come blclt us a unit Thirty so vim crow anil made room for thirty Boveu more Ve urn now tunning on slxinln- utos tluio and are tukll more than ordinary precautions for t wo havo come to a conclusion that ought to bo read to all em- ployees ¬ who may httlko that they cannot all Iliiiilly como hue in a body na they nro bound- to do if loyal to otcli other The now men who bat run tbo jeopardy of personal vlolulcoof- which we IWVH hud a tow must bl retained Iud protectud and It is really t ton to tniK 01 arbitration I would bo gmd If anything could bo Invented or suggested to udjii u ibliigu to tills situation but 1 do not be ¬ the hllll mind l N oqual to the problem lulu no to arbitrate but I welcome am olllcliil investigation Tin men tlilnl Unit they have a little right to bo tonIdurud in this matter said Conuuls dOlor Donovan They had a number of > sent to Col Martin of which ho twk iu jgniziinco Messrs tngruhttm and HarKiimt rtprexintlng the Engineers und Plruiiions Diotliorhonus wont with therein raUUea and asked Cob Martin If some Biigucs- tl ns toOth nut bo made and the matter ainl- caUy adjusted It scorns to me that a vonlor sobs ought 10 ho hold and tho case made clear- Aslunilurntiuid the mon they uro willing to let tlio pay remain for future consideration and ret their claims on hours of labor and promotion In cubes of ditchnrges they want tile rpuueur mon to go first und in promotions the older Th ilanmnds soot to me at flrstCol Mar- tin npilrd which I refused to consider were In their terms that Incruham could- not midorso them hnd tibltruilon first boon sought tho trou- ble ¬ might havo beon settled In an hour I is not IOsbiblf now bOld Mr fcnoileker- Meurs Donovan und Itnbertson continued to urge a conference Mr Lnulorbuch again UccliMd that the Iliinpany would stand by tho- m w mon but llually agreed to tibet a commit- tee ¬ oniioiurlkors who ho suggested should u distinctly Informed of the torms of the corn Eiiiy Cbmml sloiiur Donovan sent Secretary Jfuldea to tho lumiliiuitrtor of the striker in trtet nv York with a request that n deleil tion oclock b > sent to the tinnuu street otco Tli eommlttoe of engineers and firemen JfiHi hOt munugod tim strike headed by I C halllr Wrllht arrived at tho ufllce prompt lr hour accompanied Mums ClHpji II member of tho Urotborho- odIr Now Jernuy and Chief Fireman bargeant ill i of Whitney and CommlSluuellonoran Imil Itobortson were Mr Lnulnrliacli was the spokesman for tho eonpanr smut made substantially the same he had made in the morning it- WOUld he said bean Injustice to tIle men yho came to us In the hour of need t 0 dis ebart thorn to make place for those who loft us Our original loyalty was llrst to you bu DOM vt must be loyal to tho men who our ufslhtance Those men will not bo dls dIel but whel vacancies have to be filled the IllN 9iniloyios 1111 them front the ranks of > 1 Clapp said It seems to mo there is Kl 010 Ill lndultandlnl nil round 1 dont think blamed entirely and I I Mint think tho committee which sated for the oUjIr trod firemen avoided making Ilne 1 dont think Mr Martin uW limo iiiuu he bits got I dont think thoy hint I I UL Martin replied that if that lured out s e CCul1 dlfcchuoro them and other t met Il0uuUIIrlellit spoku IXI came Pint tli of Brother jool 01 Locomotive Firemen he said as 101 UH I WIl notified and met First Ktiglnoer Ur5bmtin tlo representative of his Brother t jul who from tho West on the name a un 1 ito organization I represent l Is not ono or or We have boon jrwi received by nil railroad officials and they Itru LOII reudy to meet its half way Mr I atmlll minI myself found some things In the which ought not to have been there IflI I Irlk I hem out I must say lint when u on Col Jlnrtln ho treated us ery rettaly We have come prepared 10- Jk t CIIIwlonl Wo mily hlve asked ro but comiel we L tCIII Illhu eArh Ilho Irumoo askod for ueiio I BUfc lovi Crfl I1 Col Martin would discuss these Polt4 t limo men have just grievancrs The Ilr WIts liurriid no doubt by tbe discharge fl I f ttii tttii whhh wits ilium by Mr Mar i eiVi S Our Presence The impreiulon hn gone itViftt II I lr fiiKrahin ant I mjsoiXordend the i I tiis I Knot BO Wo sanctioned Itand- n idling in go belays ntiy trilunuilud eiimt I Irll l trrlly that these lon hlvo i grivI- t Inl > i It oi jlil wild that tho t roiil hiul boon i mi a yanrs llhiiiit makinuany money nil In niillii nf this act that tho wnges of the- emeu n 11 IIOKII He olio Ilorall dunlpl th 114t lie eomuilttje 11- Jllo11r nresontlui tho was lIL thor had Roneoft without gettIng 11e ° 1 enoo 4tr couulUerablo dUctualon J Lut- e S b L baclr announced with oven greater emphasis than ho hnd dune at tho mornIng conference tlllthlbu Ultimatum of the company was that llromon nnd emtlneoni would bo retained und that whoa vacancies occurred the old men could nil them If thoy felt no die posed Under no popslble Circunhsbnnceewould bo taken buck In n body Ho asked tho representatives ot the strikers thoso terms wor satisfactory I Wrlaht slid Clapp very firmly and I loudly responded No Mr Wright nalds Uo far an I nm concerned I would hot work nain for this road under any circumstances hut I am HorrJor tho poor men thrown riot of say Col Mjirtln that you have sot competent men I tell you you have not and that some of your mOURn 14io public should bo In ¬ tho PerIl they run by riding behind some of these men I toll you gentlemen this trouble will not end toUR or tomorrow Wo have the power to tlo up every street railroad in this city but wo wont do that It wOldontto all parties concerned that no bo reached nndoroxlMlnc- clrcnmsti ncos and although the confnronco continued till nearly i oclock and pacific BUR costions wor made by Monsrs Clapp nnd HnrKonnt company would not yield an Inch from lin flat as given by Mr Lnutorbach Tho committee returned to Enst New York and reported tho fruitless result of the con- ference ¬ to tho strikers whose hopes of being relieved from their embarrassing situation are now centred In Chief Arthur who Is ox pooted from the Yet today OmrnlsKlooer Donovan Robertson and wl at tho City Hull this morning to begin Investigation of the strike This order was Issued yesterday by Col Martini 1 Master MtOuinto c All of the fnllowlnr antic to al snot Hr uifn now employed sad al lhn onJnr pliijrd tad a ropy of tb > em on bulletin pt a boards lb At one i To alt Xmiliryrtt an < fIremen oUrooyn KterattA Kail 004 °° P ° Notice U lierebr glees that under no clreumtancs- will any of the employee of nbc rDs be dliohdrired to make place for any of the former employee nt this company hID Mintix General Jan e end Committee It WBI rumored in East Now York last night that It became necessary the strike would bo extended to other roads Mes rs Wright and bmiieant said that there was no such In- tention ¬ at present and that tho situation would prohahly remain unchanged until the arrival- of Chief Arthur Col Martin said last night that trains had been run during tIne rush hour on six minutes headway and that to further pro- gress ¬ would be made cay putting the road in- complete worklDaoror Ho had every reason ho said to the new mon and had no for whatever that any accident was likely to occur through carelessness or Incom- petenoy lie did not see how an investigation by tbo Htato Board of Arbitration or tho visit of Chief Arthur could change the situation be ¬ tween tho company and Its late employees Tine decision of the company not to discharge tho new men wr 1 absolutely final ABE TUB XNIOHTB INTEHFKRINO The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers goon under In tho light with the Brooklyn Ele- vated ¬ Itatlroad said a surface rnllrontl mart last night nt a meeting of his fellow workers Cntnulnl his remarks ho said tell you thor are certain Knights of Labor doing all can for Mr Martin They are getting engineers and firemen for him and havo been since they hoard of tho tie up We all know of theoxeluslveuess of this Brotherhood Well that exclusiveness Is mak- ing ¬ some of the K of L feel that they are not doing wrong to other branches of toll when they dont extend n helping hand to the Broth- erhood ¬ In their trouble If they dont get back quick the Knights of Labor will procure enough engineers nod fire ¬ mon to man the road and when they have done so will organize these men into a local assembly under the jurisdiction of tho laws of the Knlgbte of Labor and what will be worse UIin the opinion of tho Brotherhood at homo al over the country this I local assem ¬ bly will attached 10 District Assembly 19 Then wl begin the light against exclusiveness In lab organizations as exemplified by tho Brotherhood CAVOUT IIIJT AT LAST A ThleYlns Deserter from the Ilrlllth Jfnyr Arrested In Knne Cttr CHICAGO July 1410 of Plnkortons agency today arrested In Kansas City William Hogg Wolesley Markham Assistant Paymas ¬ ter In the British navy He will bring him to Chicago tomorrow In April 1838 Markham then senlnl as Assistant Paymaster on the Ihlp Espolr lying at Port Hamilton obtained a furlough to go over to Shanghai promising to return in five days Alter he had bon absent eight days an examination of his showed a shortage of L186 Mark I ham was traced to a small place In Japan but I there the Iral was lost and It was con cluded that had fled to Bal Francisco He was then duly proclaimed a deserter from tho English service Soon after it was learned that 1arkhnI had forged the name of tho Cltain Espolr to n requisition on tho Treasurers chest nt Honl Knllor f60 and had cashed tho at branch of the Shanghai and Hong Kong Bank Ho had also lorced Lieut Adamss namo to u requisition tor 5000 and still another requisi- tion ¬ for IJIXK and obtained the money The British Admiralty placed the matter in the hands of the Scotland Yard service It was learned that Murkham hnd spent large sums of money at Shanghai His lavishness was centred upon a woman named Oussle who had recently come to HhnnKlml land Han Francisco where she was a well known memberof the domlraondo Such was her Influence over the lulthe1aymasler that ho gave bertCCOO In got of this sum was an order on the Oriental flank of Shanghai for which silo purchased for him and SUtho only money he hud left when he sot sail for Yokohama whore be arrived on April SO 1830 Finding that officers wore on his track ho again tied this tuna taking passage on the steamer City of Sydney i to ian F rsoclco Ho was followed on the next steamer by the woman Wand who by this time had spont most of the money ho hud given her- On iteamorlfdlOY Markham irotacounlutcd with rnllRo detective who was returning home search bra Chinese murderer who had committed suicide after being captured The detective on reaching- San Francisco made In1lulrlol as to whether- any man nf appearance watt wanted but as no notification of his crime had been received ho was allowed to leave Kan Francisco unmolested A month hirer advices wore received by the San Francisco polled that Markham Wil wanted but by this tlmo all trace of wins lost When the case was put into the hands of the Plnkortons the unit search was for the womal Bland who lint returned to Hhe was fount In Los Angeles living with a gambler nrfmed Newman Site said she hail heard nothing of Markham since his arr11111 Amen ¬ ica A close watch was kept never the loss and It was found that another tumbler named Charles Rich had supplanted Newman In her affections A dotectivo Mot his clew by a letter addressed to lllch In Markhams hand- writing ¬ und postmarked Kansas City Richs reply to the letter was addressed to Luke Charles Rich In Kansas City and from some Indiscreet remarks dropped by Oui slo Bland while excited by champagne It was learned that Markham was the man and that he wits In Kansas City Ho was working there as an insurance solicitor under an assumed name NcbKlblee Ctmraei Asiilnet the Flnttmeh- Aaylam Tho mother of the unfortunate epileptic usury Bcbalble yesterday wu surrounded by a group of friends In her home at 89 Meserole Street WllUami burgh listenIng to the tory of the poor fellow recap- ture and return to the banns Aurlnm at tlatburh- orgt of tits Htan itrert police ay < that he hai II I- Iayhu t nfl many ca ee of cruelty to poor patients I In nd l he aandi rJ to appear before an In committee tile information I poe arnedby him of thoee rrJIa l ot brnullty end u When Schalble back to the asylum he tnlilOn Arnold and llallahan Li star Cheney cud another wMUIAm be bad forgotten were I be leencnof whom badomplaltied Imported Alien Wtduak J 0 Julius Langbeln R counsol for tho United Watchmakers of North America mailed yester- day 1 hobbles A Appleton agentol the American VTaliham Watch Company a letter of protest against Ibe Importation by them of alien workmen under con- tract 11 appears by routraets which Mr Langbeln has secured that watches makers hay been from time tu tune ng4iedon behalf of the company In Kngland Switzerland and France to come out here sod work their expenses being advanced and a contract being enured Into bi them that they would refund the money out of their anilng II I Is affirmed that the Units Watennuksri have proof of a doien violations I of the law ty various companies Labor und Wugee About KOO workmen at the Black Diamond Htoal Morkeif lark Hrothen A Co > IltutiurKb Sleuth C4erli5 hcruiiie the llrlnlefued to reinstate a num Lvrttt um MI men recently diecharireo An adulUiiiial torts ot I flnktrion men arrived In IMtteburjili yesterday and were sent at once to the coke reduna The strikers are weakening Tblrly rive sink rat Youngstown remd work yeeterdiy Ml fam- ine were victelat West Leleenrlng It wee eipecltd trial loins of iheui would resist but they walked out peaceably and made DO threat The bootee made tacaul WItS promptly oacucUd by new men who are towatwytk iM t SHE REFUSES THE PRINCE 3tlt9 LESLIK DECLINES TO JIMRir TUE RUSSIAN KOHLKUAtr- Ife plo III rUITe Daly Unfolded but Vail < o Slave tier Thei Marquis de L Tllle aad Ike Prtnee Will Mat FtIt conrlgM 18B7 bit Tn ID PrInting tied Pu5Ua5tng- AuoeianMi LONDON July lThlr will be no duel between the Marquis dp and the hue sino Prince lrlor whu a few jays ago played respectively parts of oowhider and cow- hided In Hyde Park The Marquis thirsted for blood so ho told his friends but varoutlduo- ncos ¬ which were brought to Prince to disappoint the noble Marquis in his longIng Ue was appealed t by r Leslie not to increase a painful eandallnd declared that consideration for was suf- ficient ¬ to Induco him to lot the Marquis alone Ho has proposed marriage to Mrs Lcillo and has been refused but that did not diminish- his princely politeness and consideration Mrs Leslie who has grunt confidence in the ability of the MarquIs to do things well also ad- vanced ¬ tho argument that the Marquis who she says Is the let duellist In the world would either poke a swor or send a bullet into tho Princes that It was beneath him entirely to bo run through or shot by a man like De Leuvlllo The Prince refused to con- sider ¬ tho question of danger but bo decided that If Mrs Leslies feelings wore not at stake his dignity na a genuine and unquestioned- Prince would prevent him from flghitingwlth n gentleman who was not even 1 genuine and an unquestioned Marquis- The fight between tho pRMod111111 and the darkwhiskered been funny and I am sorry to have no hope of evor tolling THE SUNS readers all about the tray The honor of the Prlnco risked in not resent- ing ¬ a blow In tho face is sheltered by tho af- firmation ¬ of Mrs Leslie and of her com- panion ¬ Miss Bennett who wore in tho with tho Prince that the blow carag his fnoo did not really touch him This account which does not agree with that of other eyowltnessos makes tho Princes posi- tion ¬ I good deal batter Mrs Leslie declares that although the has refused to marry the Prince she want to be just to him and sho Buys ho is n real Russian Prince Ho took pains to prove It to hoc plainly and clearly when he proposed to her Ho showed her lotor tom- bs mother who 1 > a princess and priest oonfeisor Mr Leslie says told her also that the Prince thoroughly genuine The Prince cannot he bond to tell about these things Mrs Leslie thinks bo has gone to the Continent 1 There was no reason why he should stay after she had rolusod him Persons acquainted with tho Prlnco thought ho might perhaps bo lound at Cromwell Uot dunces Earls court With tbo hope of being tibia to tail what kind of a prince Mrs Leslie lund had tIm great good sense to refuse I wont- to look for him The address is a Ito bOIK In a IHtlo quarter Inr to find place an a In n book would retire to for recuperating purposes and quiet whom fortune lUll stopped smiling The Prlnco could not bo found there It wits the convic- tion of tho people that ho was In Paris but his address wins not known The head of tho fam- ily ¬ Is tile gentleman who Mrs Leslie thought- was tho fattier contetBor The gentleman who would ruthor not have tile name printed was iiulte sure that ho was an English clergyman He was onco chaplain of the Duchess of North ¬ timberland but had not managed a church for eovtn years The uentloman seemed to be very fond of the Prince who he said did fool- ish ¬ things sometimes but not very often Ho knew nil about the Prince Ho bad in fact a pedigree written by tile Highness and the facts the pedigree contained co to show Mrs Leslie has had the moral con rage to that the opportunity of allying herself more or loss distantly wltn nearly nil tho groat folk and titles that there nre Tho full name of th Prince who desired to marry her U Georges UrltttntT IM laurie He- N tho son of 1rlnce David Erlstolt anti of Princess limbo nod Unrdiitii of Jllngrelin This makes him tho cousin of the Prlnco of Jlln- gruliu whom the Czar has been trying to set- up on tho llulgai Ian throne The lt Incas only sister Is married to Prince Ferdinand heir to YItitonstclnUorlobourc HH grandmother on liio fathers ililo WitS Ihl fznroviw Nina daugh- ter ¬ of George XIII last King of Georgia who rolud in favor of tho ltu Blan Czar In 1802 Ho hits a cousin murrlad to Aoiilllo Murat Bonaparte Another ooti ° In Is married to Prince Constantino of Oldllburl who is tho cousin of the herman There is likewise romance enough in his family to capture an culinary romantic heart Ills great aunt was stolen In tine Caucasus whon she was a child by tim Turks She was raised a Mnliammoilitn and put In the Sultans hnrem111d Is the mother of the present Turk ¬ Bulul who bait such hard luck The great Inarnud by accident that she was not born a Mohammedan She turned Chri thin loft tho hlroU and illud lu a The I two brtlcr One is a schoolboy and the other the point a ihort tlmn ago ol marrying a grand princess of Persia The affair fell throuiih Our PrInce has many other claims to our respect In- cluding ¬ n fireeating undo In Pirls who l Is a prince with many gs and ts In his name The above IH enough to show that In the way of re- lations ¬ Prince Erlstoff IB well to the front refused HO many titles wrapped up In Havlnl Leslie wautH nothing to do with titles at all She was av the theatre tonight and not u solitary titled was In her box All her friends sympathize with her In havlugbeon brought Into an unpleasant position and con- gratulate ¬ her on having sent the tilled quar rellftrs oft The Marquis has apoioglrud In writing for having whipped the Prince in r Leslies carriage The sensation has consort talk about th- eJarqulond developed u theory concerning new It makes him the son of a yon clover Oxford street hatter Ay a boy ho wee oven smarter thll bN father Ho con- cluded ¬ that the life Marquis was much gayer titan that of thin vory cleverest hatter and wont in for a gay lift TIlE LORDS TAKE ThRill TPTtV They DIscuss the Coercion mil nnd I Passe the Second lending LONDON July ILIn tho House of Lords this afternoon Baron Ashbourno Lord Chan- cellor ¬ of Ireland moved the second reading of tho Coercion bill In making the motion he dnscuibctl the bill as n measure that was In ¬ tended to counteract the criminal demoraliz- ing ¬ system of Intimidation now reigning In Ireland a system that coerced lon peoplo and interfered with every relation of life Neither sex nor ago was spared from this odious ferocious cowardly tyranny I was a slander upon the trades unions to compare them with tile National League and It was absolutely startling to hear Mr Gladstone cloak tho abominable system of buycot- tlntt under the euphemism of exclusive dealing The bill was called a coercion hill but what liberty existed In a country where A man was pot allowed to take grazing build A hOUAI or supply goods to his neighbors with himself to outrage anti murder Olt oxpolnA opll could not buy sell employ or bo employed without being subjected 10 the direst tyranny 1 In submitting a measure that was necessary for the protection of honest subjects the Ministers hail a right to rely upon tIm loyal cooperation of the opposition Instead of resolute obstruction A weak bill would be worthies ° nnl this measure while strong enough to terror to evlldoeis would not jeopardise tho liberty of a single In- nocent man IRheer Earl Iranvllle said that the Govrment finding Itself tlnltblfl to malnlln all hy the machinery r to tip plY tQ exltI for further powers but when restrictions were pro posed suspondlngoommon- pernonal rlKhtsthe clearest proof was required Jo justify an exceptional law The state of Ireland was ns peitcoful nnw as It was in ISSS when the ordinary law was found to hosiif- flclont The m was of a deplorably dan- gerous ¬ character lurwould certainly lead to gravis evils in Ireland The Duke of Argyll Lotl Carnarvon and others spoke and the hi watt then rend a sea ond time The will be discussed in committed tomorrow A Rolhorblld Gala to lt Petersburg I DEnLiN July 1n Rothschild tho head of the rrt firm of passed through Berlin today on way to Kt Petersburg It Is supposed Ibe oblecl I of bit Juurney Is la uegoilate concerning th Russian conversion loan Turning Urnnuii Clerk Oat ofHassIa DinuN July 14The Tageblatt laS that Russia baa ordered all llh routler merchant dllll teplemUr Dermas clerks Wlal Uiey Buy have la UN i f A POMOE3SIXI I prEl Coy Island Slack IlrlvWr Capturehlm sad JCr a Pence that le Wrn Uiiard The Driuhton Beach Improvement Com- pany ¬ Is the principal owneVot tho Oonoy Island Elevated Railroad nnd hi ambitious to equal between Brighton and Wort firJohtop thf profitable little railroad btjnlnesa Unfit vor Manhattan Beach pooplo carry tn ovor the marine railway bdtwooflbHZ hotehi nnd Brighton There are tuUri malr jnwoengorn to EM carried but there are 60 same facili- ties ¬ for preserving a monopoly Tbo com roil ton of Henry UamlltonfCoaocmno stage line to b mol l t V Onl measures ttifp bythttvilroad company recently was th tor otlon of a tight board fence so arranged Alto fore tbO side of trafllo to the very doors of tit eloff UvTaUroad station and to completely pbsoojatho watt iou stages from tho viwAfipoiahUPuavn gore liamlltonB nooe tIt roppca onehalf- De was Indignant and sWum that4ho fenoo must go But the railroad J opisWere alert and with slime of Chief t4itaflOa men and some special policemen th7 lava td the fenoo with strong guard Fof ityoweeketbIe wine continued until the dolaaiv8calmnos of the Hamilton forces seemed to rtitilat ttno longer necessary i ir- On i ew Wednesday night the enceprptocllng force was reduced to one muD UpecialOfUcer John Engan A jout 1 > n itAgo load of Hamil ¬ tons mon dosremlod upon Lagan Ila was seized gagged with a ptw> ofeanww and Hung into OKtiikv He was further tortured by being warded about in the ollffBprlnged vehicle ion t hour When he raturnedto his floe bo round the fence was down I Chief McKane was notified and yesterday morning Hamilton and six of Ills drivers were arrested lila stages wets stopped but Were allowed to resume running upon liIItagre mont that ho would takeout n back Ueene for each of thorn The Chlf said tnnt tilt fence being put up by the Brighton Beoctuceople oa their own property wntfentltiod to the fall pro ¬ motion of the law PfJicemun wf stationed to oversee lie rebuilding with antlers to shoot any ono who interfered with the work Last evening tho war between the Scent elevatedl and tile 5cent stages ns carried on voiced toots and shouters I I WARLIKE MAJOR FITtPATJlIUK- Hr ban Fought la Any Nnmber of Battle arid at I at One IlaidisHoiid Combat Lawyer Henry ClayHonderson of West Chester village bus sued Major Rudolph Pita patrIck landlord of the Bt Boniface Hotel in West Chester for damages done to Hender sons eye by Fitzpatrlcka list tfftqIfAfarsa an ntliloteand has a big military record Ho served In the Popes Iriah Brigade llthe O rl- buldlan war as a masters raito on board the United Utates stenmbomt liarksldeltt the civil war and was Gout ONolsr1 Adjutant WhODIID1 vadedCunnda in 1806 oildlB 1874 A- Ho I I is now an Irish patflot of Ihomet War ¬ like order but be rocontlr had nllttlo dlffl- cnlty with hia landladyMrs Barney iCrtrroll about tho payment of his nt He declined to pay any rent until MraViCarroll made some needed repairs his housowblch ho claimed she was bound to da by the lease Lawyer Henderson totd Mrs Carroll that lease bound tine Major to make the vreiatrs if bo wanted thorn The affair culminated in a summons sent by Jill lice Cox to the Major fjomraandlng the Major- to appear at tho ToTmHall yesterday and show cause why he should not be ejected from Mrs Carrolls preml ell The Major met Law- yer ¬ Henderson In frontof the Town Hall yes- terday ¬ morning Arratii I cried the Meter what for are you making trouble between two neighbors 1 am not makingtrouble replied Lawyer Henderson with dignity You lIeI shouted the Major You lie yourself nnsweied tho lawyer Thou the Major smote Henry Clay Hender ¬ son and the latter fiercely retaliated by nerv- ing ¬ upon tile Major a summons In n civ 11 no- tion ¬ for damage Tho Major went InoUo tho Town Hall snit settled bl suit with Mrs Cur tIll und all day yesterday he laughed Lawyer Henderson and hula suit for damages to scorn Renter flying or the Poison he Took Albert Homey of Port Jorvis who took mor- phine ¬ and turned on the gas In the Grand UnionHotel on Tuesday nitfht tugetoutof tie iinanclat troubles re tnalneil unconscious sit day yesterday Hellevue Hoi pltal Ills treatment consUted of the latest anil most approved rstoratle measure Including the Inhalation- of oxygen xas ami the hypodermic Injection of nntltlotes but he sank as the day wore onand the doctors say he will die In the afternoon Mrs Remey and Postmaster Ryal of Port Jervle arrived ot the hospItal Mrs Itemey aid that lien husband seemed to be cit rlf lit when he left home on Tuenlav morliln but ihe had afterward learned that he lied tied loins business triubles Heruey was until recently senIor partner In the nrm of Kemey IL Demon drunrliis ot IorrJervl Itemey bai servod asarnttinbrof the village ouril of Trustees A few days since was announced lhat he h lrecleIppolumont as I p cud reek tu lbs It vernment ral way mall ser- vice Slid he went to Nets YrS on Monday as was un- dentood t iy his friends take his new flare lbs Item Itemey A dissolved I and It then first became publllr nol1ia the senior I partner was In debt car- beyond I his ability to pay a condition nf tunics brourht about It Is reported by recent nnfortunate ventures In Hail street Ileiney and lila wife formerly tuna IOta Hweezv belong to hIghly respectable coil widely eon nertea furrltlei of the town of Mlnlsmk Kemeys father I Is an aired and well tn do orange Uounty farmer whocould and dnubllei would have come to his sons assistance Obituary James Pfyfe for thirty years a wholesale merchant Maiden lane but for many years retired from business died on Wednesday evening last at his reldence SOT West Hfty seventh street aged 87 years Ur Pfyfe was bun In Barclay street and be was fond of leMnif how his mother held him up at the funeral of Alexander Hamilton to see the list and sword ou the cof- fin Another of Mr Ffyfes stories was his skating olien a boy from the Hie of St Joints Qiisr up to the old Collect lond at Canal street outer the old I stuns bridge that crossed the pond at Uroadwar and down to the present site of the Toinln Mr Pfyfe was for neirly thirty years Treasurer of the Colleirlate Dutch huirh corporation lie had been a melD er of the tleufral Society of MechanIc and tradesmen state I lA and was Its 1reeldent In 1H4H lie was mice a director of the ilechsnic Nsilnnal Rank This funeral win be from the house tomorrow and the burial wit be In Greenwood on Wednesday Mr Pfyfe tins who survIve I him are John u Pfyfe a Day street grocer and J W Pfvfe a Front street octree broker U leave a large fortune V Cownn Supreme Reconle and Seats of the Knlgbuot Pythlaa died I troJt Louisreiierdaycfcanecr James Madison Conner of the flrm of James Conners- Son tyii found I known wherever there are tip se tees died his home U Mitchell place at 7 ocluak test nigh I Mr i i caner lied not been well slut Le suf- fered Irons an attack ot plennsr two year ago A J little over to weeks ago he attended the tuneral of a sister and was unable to leave his bed thereafter Mr Conner Wee born on Nov Z Ihl In Doston where Ills ratter James Conner wee the manaver of a type foundry Two years later his lather nraoved to thlaclty and ee- tabtutied the United Mate type Laundry The boy practically grew up In the business At the age of 14 h- bonll to team i he practical work nf type founder anil for the past forty years he has ileailliy followed the business He eicelled as a designer I new facet fur type and as an inventor of new machinery appli- ances for type founders A hue tin trunk In the family residence Is required i to hold l the patents taken out to cover his Invenilotm He was a member of the lid Vo- lunteer hire Department running Kith A Knglae tie leaves a family of four sons and two daughters Manuel R De Klvasdled last evening at his home 00 East t llirflftb street llrooltlyn Win la an Archery Contest WASIHNOTON July HTho annual moot of the National Archery lallon ended today with the election of officers as follow Preildent A Kern of helms O Prrnldent C C Beach ot Michigan heereiary l1ruuror 118 Uwynnor Cincinnati u A Iiaih or Brooklyn was chosen cue of lIne Executive Commltiee A leant match aiXhe arsenal gronndi during the day was wun by the Brooklyn team with a wore or 1540 gaiuit lai for the Potomac of VVaililnmon U A haiti with a score of UK and L W UkXiim with a score of 4 n led the sbootlni for their restiecil e teams Mr VV A lark of Cincinnati hss let all compeilior with whom lie has taken part during She meet aud oil I retain for another year the title of archery cbampton of the United baIL IluBhIo OrlvlPff Park floes BDITALO July HTho results of the races- at the Driving Park this afternoon were as follow first Hace Purie ftttOs seven furlongs Ben namaian first Uaruum second and Up egrove third Time I RutUatu pI P- 4hCoflditaCePUTl2Ci 11 mile and a furlong Isrlts- Otit Panama second anti lad Unity third flue I VA < N annals pl 12i x Third Rsnerurne I tiM seven furlongs MarwrrlU- flrit Danville second and Joe frisson third Time ISI Mutuals pall fll1 fourth BcTpurse 250 mil and a furlong Berlin tint haula t IMaue reoond and llellevue third Time 1 Ju lUlU 5 paid 7do- Hfih liace lurst 3O Inn furlongs lAitra Court soil lint Tour Pitor seconds aud harry Roe third Titus I 12u Mutuaii paId teen Oh If Tame leewheret Ii A Glogerlcb tho newly appointed Demo- cratic ¬ Interns ICeveuue Collector look possession of hit ome at fourth avenue and Fourteenth sirit at th- cl aof buslnes yesterday Morris Prledsam the seti lug publean Incumbent wet him and furuially tanned the offlo over Oaei BltTvrlte Mr Bont- Aitat i 4 wa la Ut wes >ar wiltovi rxUaa NEWS FROM TIIEOLD WORLD ma POPE SATS nn jotrYA1 SHOULD HAVE COSIK TO HOME Dentil of tile Great Oumaaker Kraprt Fee Celebrates the Full ofthr Death The Land Illll CrtlloUrd bv Churchill LONDOS July UIA despatch from Rome to the Chronicle says Tbo Pope conversing- with nn American Archbishop said Dr Mc- Olynn lost his best opportunity by not coming I Home while Cardinal Gibbons was hero Ho would have seen that the Church by not con ¬ damning the Knights of Labor was the sup- porter of the many against the feudal system whether tho feudality is represented by slavery territorial right or modern capital usa DEATH OF FftEDEltlCK KIWI The Orstest Cejmnem Hither la the W rtd file la heutsh Prussia BitntlN July 14 Alfred Krupp tho well known Gorman metal founder and gigan- tic steel gun manufacturer died today In his villaiienrEsson RhenUh Prussia UorrKrupp wee born at Esson in 1812 Sixty years ego tho father of Alfred Krupp founded the manufactory which in his sons hands grew to such enormous propor- tions His fat her started the works on a very small scale and with limited moans At first fat cmpored only two workmen The manu ¬ factory hind grown to large proportions before oldMr Erapps son Alfred made the dls h covcry that put his establishment far ahead of all similar concerns In tInt world Ho discov- ered ¬ tho method of catting stool In very largo masses In 1S51 he qntto the London Ex- hibition ¬ a block of steel weighing 4500 pounds and he has for years been able to east steel In one mass weighing more than 400000 pounds He manufactured n treat variety articles for use in various pcaoofuMnduBtrlo but his worldwide fame wee mado by the production ot tho enormous steel sieee suns with which tho Germans did such terrible elocution when they invested Paris Krunp made his first cnnnon In 1840 The guns ho produced nt that time were small field- pieces but ho rapidly Increased th ero of his cannon and twenty years aco they we re bought In large namb ra bv all the European powers i or several years post Krupp has given rage ar employment In his Iron mines stool facto- ries ¬ and foundries to ovor 1DOOO men tin 1RIIfr Krupp declined to accept tho letters of nobility offered to him bythe King of Prus- sia ¬ lie wa one of the wealthiest men in let ¬ manyand did much for the welfare of his nu- merous employees A few weeks ago it was announced that he intended to start a dally Bwsnai erat Essen for the benefit of his work- men Jomo of Krqpp processes in the manu- facture ¬ of bto l end the making of cannon were Terr carefully kept from tho knowledge of tim outside world None but employees was ad- mitted ¬ to his great foundries commits ¬ sion appointed by this Government a few years AO to study tho qneatlon of cannon foundries and armaments abroad tried In vain to set I Krupps permission to enter his works TUB FALL Of TilE BATILEf- mrlm em He r GainS Behavior havIng the flay CtUltleP- ABIB July l4The fall of tho Bastllo was commemorated today with decorum A dem- onstration ¬ wits made nt tho statue of Strns burg this morning but it was entirely of a peaceful nature Members of the Patriotic League and of other associations with ban- ners ¬ and trumpeters marched post tho statue and deposited upon It colossal memorial crowns As this was done there were a few crfos from the procession of Vivo In France I Vive la Republic and Vivo Doulnnorl but there wore no attempts at disorder President Orovy accompanied by all the members of tho Ministry left the palace of the Ersi5o at SJi this afternoon to attend the re- view ¬ of the troops An escort of cuirassiers preceded und followed the Presidents cur riigo The jieoplo along tho route greeted the President with cries of Vise CnSvyl President Grevy timid itis Ministry woro greet ¬ ed with some Isolated cries of Vive lion langorl and Itoilini I and a row hisses on their arrival ut Lungchnmps to witness the re- view ¬ 1 but cries of s Ivo In ltoiuibiiqtei doml natoul anti tho people seemed generally dls posiid to bo rlendlr The review of the troops pasted off without incident It was witnessed by an Immense but orderly crowil which cheorod the troops heartily Tho march punt begun at 410 oclock und was finished at CiO Tim President and Cabinet then returned to Paris Tile populace this evening Is calm anti all fears of disorder have vanished President GriSvy hUll addressed a letter to ten Ferron Minister of War In which he says The review wa marntdoent I admired the martial henrIes arid perfect preclelnn of the troops Convey to them my hearty oungraiulatloiu Henri Itocliefort Deputies Lafaaut and Lo guorro and n number other Irroconcllablos attempted to excite a hostile demonstration during the review at Longchnmps today but the people around quickly drowned out their voices with cries of Vive GreVy len Boulanger hems sprained n foot nndAII unable to be present nt this review at Clermont Ferrand today The fate was celebrated throughout Franco without disorder DEflATING TIlE LAND SILT Charchlll and Ftrnel Slake Remark that Fall to Pleate tbr Tories LoNDON July HID tho House of Commons this evening Lord Randolph Churchill resuming the de- bate on the Land bIll objected to Mr Uanntrmana amendmsnttthat the bin be rejcotedontyas railing ratio lesue There was a general agreement he saId that a bill wa absolutely necessary to afford relief to the lilA tenantry He lid not see that the tenantry would derive any benefit from the clause dealing with eric lout tanielllte cheerA1 He would fear to Intruet irish aitelitik tile advUere of the Inndlordt with the powers conferred upon them under that clans itrtei- of hI t from the Cnuiervailve benches and cheers I What would have been the slate of Ireland It ills clause bad been in operation taut winter He did nut doubt that front one quarter to one half nf the tenantry would have been evicted coo the result would have been a state of tumult and Unorder nppatllnK to contemplate lheersI Lord Itandolph euneited eeveral change In the Mil that did nottileaie the Tories Mr Tarnell saId the iovernment propoied to abolteh eviction by eiecutlnv them under another name with t e object ot nettlnit slit of the record of such tranino tlontaervleiloni I The attempt to hoister up the Judi- cial rents as the beets for purchase would defeat his own end because the land would not be purchased on the Judicial basis lie warned the Government that their land scheme would nt affect the national feelIng In Ireland The present measure would simply be retarded ai a monument ot stupidity and Inaptitude A speedy revision nf scorn was absolutely necessary lie mutfeitetl that If tie Uovern- ment Was 1110 disposed to accept the advice of the Cow Commission It might at Least meet the irish mom Kr halt way The amendment Intended to kilt the bill was then de- feated and the bll was read a second time It seas ue tided to consider the tWin committee on next Thursday Germans Insulted la France BEBUN July 14A German resident of Cou dry Department of Nortl Krance wrllee to a Monu helm journal that the anl Herman feeling InCoudry le terrible saul that he anti other llermani had narrowly eecaped being killed lie and his countrymen were In suIted In the itree a dally arid It was hardly Mfe to yen hire nut Me would be nbllued 10 mote toht herr a he tied no hop that the pervecntlon would ceaie The Krnu ZtUuHi referring in thli letter anvalt 1 is In tolerable that Herman should have tu endure such treatment trance M it says must be tnale to under- Hand that there le a Shoe far and no further In the mat- ter The PtvUtlici Taarklatl pubUhei In a prominent post lion a uumber of verse reminding France lhat the Ucr man hand meals upon tie eword Pra Trndall Attacks Sir Gladstone LONDON July 14Irof Tyndall In a com- munication ¬ pabllihed today says list he ba received numerous letters from all parts ot America on the irIsh home rule queitlon soul they all recommend the utmost refinance to M r illailetnne policy I naimut h aa > a- rrot lndalLa a deeoerat gamester nilicalled a statesman ha ehoaen to Invoke lxiu rant foreign opln Ion aialnet fie Instructed oplqlou of bU own country men It U worth showing that American opinion li not entirely on one tide TBJ German frown Prince Octtlnv Well LONDON July 14Tite condition of the Gor- man ¬ frown Prince who hn returned to London front the ill ot Witbt contInues to Improve liii voice U clear and baa almoit regained Its normal strength The condition ot his larynx I Is a 5 latlitaclury lu Crown Prince tlilted the throat hoi lul In ilnlilen xmare to day and wa keenly Inureted In all he saw PA > partloular attention loan od man who had just beeu cured of a growth similar to that In his own throat I Ksuperor William at Oaaslaaee- DERUN July 14 Emperor William arrived at Constance today lie was received by liii Grand Dole and Oreuu Duchess of Baden who afterward ae companhsd him 50 she steamer o Malone Tb Rinperots- tocul on the 4eck ef the vassal witto isavtsg sad waved m1uIiheinWasetow ctvE hUNTING AT- JL RAuIY41 FeetOffleo Clerk Tklnh he Maw the Mar dresS GIrl In LHelbo Fgr Basket KxnwAT July 14 Another now chile to the famous Beltway mystery camo to light to ¬ day Sloven Perkins a wellknown Post Office clerk of New Brunswick says ho thinks ho saw the unknown doatl girl lu life The person ho has reference to used to cull at his general delivery window and ask for letters directedi to Kittle M Noony The name on tho dead girls handkerchief could not be definitely made out hut it Is certainly K M Noony Noorz or Noory Perkins further states that bo used to see the girl he speaks of In company with n mart named Timothy Byrne who fre- quently ¬ inquIred for letters In that name It yihi bo remembered that the name Timothy- yrno was found on a rubber stamp in the dead girls Ptitciicl William Byrne clerk in Alnxnndor Stewart Bakers grocery In Milton tim acetic of the Knhwny murder was treated to n moonlight drlvo tonight hv Detective John Keron- M ityor J J Daly and Chief of Police William Tooker They took him Into tbo outskirts of Rahwiy anti questioned him about tbo statement ot Murk Kocfe who stays he lurmtillod the egg basket found beside tile body of the deed gin as one ho bad seen old Mrs Sarah Baker mending In her sons store about a month boforo the mitrdor- On the mnrnliiit of the discovery Eeele nllcccd in hit nQldav It Byrnes told him that tho basket was tho same that Mrs linker had owned Byrnes tonight denied that ho saw or spoke to Keofe on the day the body was found and said further that bo never saw the basket at linkers The police took Brruoss statement In the form ot an nflldavlt and dropped him nt Bakers irocery nt lOP M There were two rumors in Itnliwav today One was that Billy Byrnes hail loft town anti the other that the murdered girl had slept for three nights previous to her death in a barn on Bakers promises Serloa Charge Airalnet is Urooklyn Mast CBICAOO July 14 Mrs A Crook welltodo rssld nL of this city has been arrested crud will tomor- row be placed under fi 000 bonds on a charge of abduc- tion It la al effwTthat recently a respectable well educated 17yearold jlrl named Nine Hope was engaged here by Mr Crook to act a > a compan ton for an elderly lady la the east but was really Intended si a victim for Mrs Crook husband Charles Crook of 21 Monroe street nronklrn Under fetes preilosas 511 Itopo was kept over nijtit In Crooks aparmeute but suocesslulty resisted Crook and made her escape next day bock Col ant MIss hope Is- auln at bsr home In Chicago Time officers who made the arreit claim to bass obtained possessIon nf cores pondnc between Sirs Crook intel tier husband reveal Iniraplot most leveling In detail The advertisement which entrapped Mis lisp was answered by fully hO other girls The HroollTD Directory does not contain any inch paine and addreaa as that liven In thIs despatch sno000 Missing thom Xewpaper Coffers PuiLADELrnu July 14 Joseph M White who hi been cashier of the Times newspaper odlee for about ten years Is said to be a defaulter to the amount of at least JOOOO An lamination of ilr Whites books wa made a short time ago and as a eoiuequenee be was asked to tender hi resIgnation which be did As Indicated by the hocks the peculation have been win on for at leant nine years Suiplclon wa at varIous times aroured by the eilravairam habit of White but It was dispelled by the platement made bj himself that his wife had fallen heir to quite a urge sum ot money U now appeara however that neither he nor lila wife has any property or money beyond White Income from hi position end that the money taken by him lass been squandered In a lavIsh way In maintaining a position In toclety which his salary ot USOU per year would not warrant Flooded by a Cload Burst KOOALCS Arizona July 14 Thero was a cloud burst on the mountain southwest of this town In Sonora yesterday and within half an hour the town was almost Hooded On the west side of the town I Is a large cray and In a few minutes ir swilled to the width of more than UIH fort Stoat of the damage was done In f oral en In Snnnr Ore houses were washed away and otis child Irnwned A little Me Mean boy aged 1U years whrn ht mother house was swept aw y attempted to held a trunk anti was taken town with ihe current AlUioujrh the current was swift tie held on After the stream inbrt Ud a large party went out and found him alive flrs nOtes Irma mown The German Arnbnaendor Protests LONDOX July 15 Count von Miinstor tim German Amhacsador at Paris recently remonstrated with U Honrens aralnut the violent attacks made upon Jermany by the French Kadlclal press eipo- olallv Otis article dubbing tIme fount hlmiilt the Grand Mailer nf the order nf tjplea end ilesrrUJnz the German hmbavsy as a nest of retnlleit Lrrd Lyons the Hrillfth Amun sadnr a 10 protested saying that If luch attack were allowed the ponlllon of Ambas- sador would become untenable M Hnuren was nii- icerclv grieved and expreued hImself lu tho most friendly terms To Try to Break the Telegrapher Union BOSTON July 14At the Convention of the Railway Telegraph Superintendent to day the eubjectot the Telegraphers tnlnn wise Introduced by President Hwlf and the entire ritual and convolution of the or- der acre read The oath administered to the Initiates was especially called to the attention of the members ot the assocIation That part which pledges every mem her not to teach telegraphy to any person without time content of tIme chief telegrapher was strongly de- nounced and there was a general derUrmloii ot an In lenrion to take prompt measures to prevent operators Joining the union No Iteatoa Shown for Sir Kennedy Murder WASIHNOTON July 14A Coroners Inquest wee held today upon the body ot the late Joseph 0 O Kennedy who was murdered In the street yesterday afternoon bv John Daily Time jury found a verdlot In accordance with the facts flatly the murderer was present but manlfee ed perfect miiutertnce Very little Is knnwn to the police with regard to the latter a history He has been In the hospital for pauper twice and once wa locked up for ninety days for hit Unit Dr Wallace blllott an entire stranger with a brick Ue said he thought the Doctor wa a Uaiuollo priest The Arrested Knight of Ol John Gill John Foster George F Worloy James McDonald and John A Caiey of Plstrlct Assent blyOl Knight ot Labor who were arrested for con- spiracy to cause a strike at the shoo manufactories of llanan A Sons and lardmer A genes awl deprIve U M llartt foreman for the latterOrm of employment wee before Judge Uarretl yesterday on writs of Habeas corpus Declsln reserved Mother and Daughter Drowned Br J nxLAND L L July 14Mrs Jane flazeltlne and her fiveyearold daughter were drowsed while bathing near her last night The child went be yond IU depth and In attempting to rescue It tIme mother was also carried out to deep water by the tile sail built sank before isl4tanc arrived lime bodies were recov- ered Mr Uazeltlae was employed at tbe tluhlenbirg Home luwaa Prohibition Ticket DEB MOINES July It The Prohibitionists to ¬ day put this ticket In the field her Governor K O- Farnham of Plymouth 1leutenantGovernnr VVllllam C Oadwell of Harrison Superintendent of 1ublle In- struction Prof Stephen N tellous of Iowa cttyi Julie ot supreme Court Judge Charles II Lewis of Wood bo ry county Two Fourth of July Fatalltle ELIZABETH July 14 Joseph Wessly 14 years of age son ot Adolf Wesly of 841 Lafayette strict died of tocjsw In Elizabeth llosiiltal this morning lie wns- iho tin tbe hand with a toy pistol on July 4 tvlllle KeU the llyearold son it liavld u Held died Monday of lockjaw the result of a similar wound In tIme hand re- ceived on July 4 Complaint Acntnet Phil Daly LONO BRANCH July 14 Robert S Dunham who was forced by the town authorities to close his pool room on Droadway today went to Freehold and made a complaint before the utile authorities against Ihllln Duly proprietor of the elegant gambling establishment of posit the West Bud Hotel Wilson Guilty of Murder s RocnESTEB July 14At midnight tonight the jury In the tVllsun murder trial at Auluti brought In a verdict of guilty of muriler In lime lint degree aiAllKH ritU11 TIIK 2JL 1Uft4 VII Prince Blimarck ha cone to Vanla- llauan Henmil who was cbarced with belnc mph ested In time betrayal of uonlmi and the surrender ut Khartoum has been arqultieil at Cairo queen Victoria yesterday laid lbs foundation stone of the women memorial itatue tu the Irinco Lnnmrl In nindnor Pars Seven thousand persons were pres- ent chIefly woman A careful review of the hop prospects in the Mnhavrk valley kliow than ihe vines monk ilei Meilybeilthy and rriitinilnir with a musiwci humeter uf only one third irn average > lenl tierauie of She yards obliterated by the ravajcrs ot tier last year The DlvUlaa sod AdmUlr tonvetitlnn of l nitth lii hats era tfitliiy iued reoatn iuluatiis adnilkiilon nf the Territory a > a whole slid declurlni fur illvuinii on the seventh standard parallel It alfo irotesteit aicstiut the ranny of anirrew In tefuliiK sainUaloii The stockholders of tbe Cnnmll lated ruad met In New Haven yexerday and unanlmouily ratified the lessee te- cenlli tacit br tIns directors which glee she CmisuIl detect tosmi cninilete control fur ninety nine year nf id hew haven ant ortllttlnptAu road lime fiuuiruiiKk road the Connecticut Valley road and the Btacufuril tnt New Canaan road four workmen npou awaffoMIn forty feel above the finnrof lbs Hall or HepreseDladves nf Ihe new utate House aMuinbU A Ii V were precipitated to he mar ¬ tie flour biow yesterday by hit l reiklnuf a plank leorx Caldwell and Ml Jackson Were killed onlrUbk and the other badly Injured The Uoroair found that thor had Uen criminal niilljteuce on Ine part ol tha cad their ajeilt there will be held Tat Oofoaur coAQsteti ail ins ffttftHlBf u lbs hull4Jju- eoniraciigrt JiA jo 1 A PRESIDENT AND PASTOR GREAT FOTKB AT Tilt Hilt ITV A CLEVlLAKi VAil OIIIJ flr Mre Cleveland ansi tier Ilstlnjrnthe Sins Imuil Wlnalns Host e r Hum IrrlcndiA- tlerland 5 send llendrlok linnner UTICA July h4Tho President and Mrs Clovolnnd did not retire tOrost nt Senator Kernnna residence until alter 1 oclock this morning Mrs Cleveland to tho last moment made light of the fatigues of the day and oven ing at Clinton and Utica They wcro up at 7 At 0 oclock carriages canto and tho President Mrs Cleveland Senator Kernan and two of bin eons were driven to the station The President and Mrs Cleveland occupied places on tho rent platform of their special earns tbe train pulled out and returned salutations to waving hand kerchiefs and lifted hats Thoy remained la this position until the train reached tho west- ern bounds of the city and started northward The journey to Alder Crook was without other incident than the appearance of groups at the various stations as the train passed A request from Benson that the people might Jjj have arsopportunily to see the Protldent waR V answered by this train running slowly through the vlllngo while tbo distinguished travellers woro once more upon the roar platform Ono of Mrs Clevelands eyes IB very much in flamed and pains her exceedingly Dr Berth ol Utica who wits called In pronounced It either a blind boll or tile sting of an insect IonESTPOBTJulyU ThoViarty wore greeted Rt the Alder Crook depot by Dr AG Brewer and the Itov ill r and Mrs Clevelandand were driven rapidly from tine AldorCroek station over threa miles of sandy road to this vlllago Thoy passed llnilroad Commissioner John D Her non summer residence and Mr Karnan bowed to them from the veranda The bow wile cordially returned 1 Arrived at Mr Clevelands residence the guests at once proceeded to enjoy tbo rostof which they wore so much In nobel Tho windows of their room i wore opened and the curtains closely drawn f rA but the breeze from the pinecrowned Adlron > ducks so near at hand drifted down tempting ¬ ly nnd the curtains were pushed back slightly that i H might more froolyontortho chamber Tim village contains hut thrco or four hum dred Inhabitants mostly engaged In the lum- bering ¬ and tanning Industries and thorewaq no crowd on hand to welcome distinguished guests Neal the son of the Ilov Mr and Mrs Cleveland was home from school to assist in the entertainment of his uncle and aunt The only attempt at decoration was made at Alder Creek whore a largo flog and H Clove land and Bendricks campaign banner were flung to the breeze The President took special notice of tho latter After dinner both the President and Mrs Cleveland appeared on the veranda of the par ¬ sonora and Mrs Cleveland rap down tbe step and walked about the lawn Later In the day Commissioner Kernan and Postmaster Water bury called and arranged for a public recep- tion ¬ at the personage tomorrow evening The Rev Mr Cleveland has been pastor of the Presbyterian church hero for eight years and Is very ponnlar with all cjaisea At 5 oclock this afternoon Postmaster Water bury took the President Mrs Cleveland and the Presidents sisterinlaw for an hours drive Mrs Cleveland who had already made herself a guttural favorite with the people won many new Irlomls during the drive by respond lag to the slightest evidence of recognition The party returned from the drive at 040 having driven about tern miles over a route which the President intel nnvor before taken Both the President and Mrs Cleveland ex- pressed ¬ themselves as being delighted with tbo picturesque scenery Ton was served nttortlio drive and the party remained quietly In the house during the evening An Incident of the day occurred in connec- tion ¬ with Mrs Clevelands parasol Senator Kiernan took charge of It ne Mrs Cleveland left the carriage at the Utica depot nod neg- lected ¬ to return it as she ontciod tho car Time parasol was brought to Alder Crook on the next train by Baggage Master Perry to whom Mrs Cleveland sent an especial word of thanks The progninimo of the Presidents move- ments ¬ after tomorrow Is ns follows Saturday tnorninq In company with Koerotary and Mrs Kalrthlld the party will make nu excursion to the Thousand Islands leaving limo about 3 oclock They will go via Wntertown and Cape Vincent thence by steamer down the St Law- rence ¬ ai tar as Alexandria buy and return to Clayton whore they will again hoard their special traIn for Korostport Mr nnd Mrs Falrchlld will continue on to Caenov Hunilny mornlngtho President and wife will i attend divine service hero nt which the Rev jjl Mr Clovolnnd will preside anti in tim after- noon fl the Prosliicnt may accompany his broth- er either to White Lako Corners or Alder Creek whore ho holds services on alternate Sundays Monday morning the party will leave for Catevovla whore theY will remain during the day the guest of Secretary Fairchild Tuesday they will visit Vnyottovlllo the ProsIdentR old homo and on Tuesday evening the journey to WitHhlngton will be begun They expect to arrive at the capital ut noon on Wednesday C BTUACUSE July ILRoot Post 151 O A R tonight adopted resolutions Inviting the Pres- Ident and Mrs Cleveland to visit Syracuse while in title vicinity A Reception Committee was appointed to convey tlio Invitation to the President Heat Kills a Standard Bearer John Biircholr aged SB of 10 First street was found dead In his bed yesterday afternoon Deputy Coroner Dr Ilerold found that hIs death aas doe to beat prostration and alcoholism Unrcholi was a bookkeep- er ¬ housed noisy that his real name was not Burcbolibnl- hrelbeer Von Alvenbolz and that he had been the etandi anti bearer of the Culraisler of the Imperial Guard of rmperor VVllllam tie had relatIves In llrooklynaoq In Chicago Overboard from the Sirius J D Francis of 283 Sixth street Jersey City reported to the police of tins steamboat qna4 last night that while tbe Iron steamboat Slrlu was returning from Coney Island he saw a man otiS 0 had been sitting on the rail of the lower deck fall over boerd The boat was stopped but nothing more was seen of hIm sod no one knew who he wa Suicide From a Ferryboat When the IIoboLon ferryboat Montolair was In midstream on her 11 it trip to New York last evening a man climbed over the rail and disappeared In the water He was about live feet nine welt built and fashionably dressed He wore a gold chain and seemed to be about 33 t Fell In > n Vat of Dolling Water White working near n vat of boiling hot water In Smith i Cams leather factory Newark yesterday afternoon Peter Schseffer lost his balance and fell In- He was scalded so badly about the body that It ii feareil- he cannot recover The Weather Testerday- Indicated ff9 by hludnuts thermometer 8A IL tItle i o A tlTlt ° t IIAtll42tJM H4 ° JI1 K MtIt- a I M K5 ° uP M 78 ° U midnight 76 ° jlverai Al uty45 Average on July IX ISsue 7l ° fc I Signal Office Prediction Fair woather stationary temperature JOTX1AUH ABOUT ioiry Muslo In Battery Park this evening at S ho SosS SUly ninth Keglment band The Calf Butchers Association haying failed to estab- lish ¬ a monopoly Is to be dissolved An unknown man was etruok and killed by a Harlea Railway engine at Uedford Park yesterday Philip Murphy aged 10 ot 2ii4 gash Kurlrflrtt street was drowned yesterday whims batblug at tins loot cl West tilghtyelthth street Commissioner Xewton has appointed II D Billing and John K Kennelir Inipectnrs of 1avlug and Joseph I Coney Itiipector Itepavlng Mrs Maria Maxwell the woman wbo setaimited Cant IlLsseyeKldow iltu a hatcheS on VteUncfcday night f wa held for trial at Juei Market yenlerday Asiemblymaii Patrick Conner charged hie ton George aired ix al I sex Market > eiter lay with va- grancy The lad was committed to the orkhouie The Open Stuck and train Hoard or Sew York llmltfl tins teen InciirpnnteiJ with a capital stuck t sitxe tot the purchase and sale of kUckf grain provlFlona andolC The Police1 ommliHnnerereluseJ yesterday Utrtoron the case sgslnit tapt Al a Ire ut tint rciiursi or r aunn Keeper Krumin who wanted another bearing to ret in some new testimony James Cnrbrane a driver of a lumber trncl was over cunie by the heal In Ihe IlirbiiVen t erry hmsnue i tstrrdar and tiled He lived elth lila InrullJ ill i nest ILIr- teentli street this dry Julie Ian lloen wan taken III yestgrdsy hlent trndliiK to the motion calemlsr ot tU Lurrusiu In lie latters abssumie end was ublleett to tm home fir the day IK experts tu tall the Surrogate caknilar today the tnltod Labor tony In the rerrntrenth illrtrlct met at sa Ninth avenue last evening nnd they eieciel- juliu I K ijulilvan Jane I II I Magus mil Ahuoit ilainil ton delega es in use Syracuse tiinven l n siuI i hnrlei 1a A i oung John Savage bnd Adolj li tl et2 altcruatr Charles Knuwitnnof 4H SuSCt Hfly icrenlhurre a conductor on the liljth avenue tlevnid r llrf ail vu run ver by an engine mi Medneslar nUlit tvllle trnij tciiro thetriuk tfltr iixlit sire cal I lath uuiue antI died yesterday miirnliigat em the Kmiievelt llmpltul The Urowu Dora who rode away In their fattier a fur nllure wagon trnrn their hone I In Harlem on Tuesday nlvliL got bonn yesterday Willie holnayeare oil returned alnne umirge who l ie H nyse found with the wigon In the annezs Jutrlcl They had hiss taLon a Ids they said- llenrirUng the pcrsuutei t painter msreu1 to obtain considerable nutorlety ai well sa comtuiiliHt liy hIs statements that he se > I4acklito by the tabor organuzallsiisefthlrIiy sad prCvmslol front securing qmptoymeo got a loan ye5rejob In sing Sing yestdq Item dtaacotu kiinyhhn ost hIs pies at gatLIj 01 usd5- m jh

Library of Congress · fl Wttl W fv i > > t M < wbi utt 1 J1 r = = VOL LIVNO 318 I NEW YOUR FRIDAY JULY 15 1887 PIVCE TWO CENTS i THE STRIKERS LOCKED OUT-gO SKTTLKXtKNT OF

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Page 1: Library of Congress · fl Wttl W fv i > > t M < wbi utt 1 J1 r = = VOL LIVNO 318 I NEW YOUR FRIDAY JULY 15 1887 PIVCE TWO CENTS i THE STRIKERS LOCKED OUT-gO SKTTLKXtKNT OF

fl Wttl W fvi > >

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wbi utt J1r




Uore Train Running Veierilar Cot Blur

tn neftise in Dt plnce lrc >rnt Eplijre In Make Room for theAttempt nt Arbitration Hlcaallr FRI

All efforts t end tlio etrlko of tho onjrlnoirs awl llromenon tho Brooklyn Elovntodllntlrnnd yesterday resulted In Inlur nnd thefltlit was continued with bitornollon tho imrt of tho strikers who lould at complete surrender on their part wouldalone satisfy tho company The road was Inmuch bettor shape than nt any time since thottrlko began Col Martin sold that he hadfourteen regular trains running six minuteslioadwiynnd that eo many engineer rind lire

lion hail applied for work that Master Me-



Ballwotld havo no difficulty In hiringmon who wore entirely competent Thirtyeight now men had boon employed on Wednes-day


Mid seventeen yesterday In anotherday Cot Martin expected to be nble tootieiato the road on the old schedule and-

to moot all the demands of tho public Thedirector aud stockholders who crowded theimitu ofllco in Sands street In the morning re-

reived Col Martins report with smiling facesand again expressed their determination notto budge on Inch undor any circumstancesfrom tho ixitloy which has prevailed since thostrike began A despatch was received fromFrnd Uhlman member of tho Board of Direc-


nnd one of tho heaviest stockholders Intlio ioud who Is in Ilavariii with this advlco tolilt 10101droctr Stic It oul

Ilrlkorwere in session an early hourIn 1ythlnti Hull East Now York apparently asdetermined us over to maintain tho OhtbuttvKlontly ntur° B that some way tointttlemont might soon bo reached Scoutsciime In from time to time nnd reported thatluvoral of tho now employees would deler thecompany before night and that moretrains wore running than on the two previousdays no greater headway than Olteen minuteswiii mnlntalned


and that tow coreous patron-ized


Judge Gilbert Robertson with Secretary 0J Madden arrived in Brooklyn at 8 oclockand mot Florence F Donovan his associate inthe Htate Board of Mediation and Arbitrationin the Clarendon Hotel Commissioner Purcell telegraphed that ho would be in Brooklyn

lat night but eo on with the work Com-


Donovan and Robertson went tothe Sand street office of tho company at 10X

Whitney was already thereanxious to contribute in some way to a settle-ment


of tho trouble The company was ropro-

ecutcd by Edward Lauterbacb its counselGeneral Manager Martin and Messrs Pettusand Snodokor of the Executive Committee

Mr Donovan said that he and his associatewore there in their official capacity ait be-


the duty of the State of Mediation-and Arbitration to Doafall cases oftrouble arising between employers and em-ployed


In large corporations of this kind andthey doslrod was to learn the exact viewsalthe company with relation to tho points at

issue and nothing furtherThe position of the company said Mr

Lnutorbttch boars no relation whatever tothe mon lor whom the arbitrators apparedTiles mcnhuvodonu long andvlce for the company but left of their own aocurd on u notice ono hour long The companyIn Its duty to tim public undur Its frnchlsat once endeavored to replacomeasure It lies succeeded in doing soSlid hy tomortow It is expected that thoroad will be fully manned I cannot nee howinytliliig ciu be arrived at by arbitrationlUmtover nilUt beth couuouwnoes to thoroad and tho Itivestmentl for one would nevercontent to discharge cue mon WOO Imvo comato us In tills omoruoncy to make way for menwho deliberately Itift us ot their a6ccrdTills makes It imtiossllilo to own lu abody the mon who bit In it body and undertilt rules of tholr ordor1 they LIre loyal theycannot come blclt us a unit Thirtyso vim crow anil made room for thirtyBoveu more Ve urn now tunning on slxinln-utos tluio and are tukll more than ordinaryprecautions for t wo havo come to aconclusion that ought to bo read to all em-ployees


who may httlko that they cannot allIliiiilly como hue in a body na they nro bound-to do if loyal to otcli other The now men whobat run tbo jeopardy of personal vlolulcoof-which we IWVH hud a towmust bl retained Iud protectud and It is reallytton to tniK 01 arbitration I would bo gmdIf anything could bo Invented or suggested toudjii u ibliigu to tills situation but 1 do not be ¬

the hllll mind lN oqual to the problemlulu no to arbitrate but I welcomeam olllcliil investigation

Tin men tlilnl Unit they have a little rightto bo tonIdurud in this matter said ConuulsdOlor Donovan They had a number of

> sent to Col Martin of which hotwk iu jgniziinco Messrs tngruhttm andHarKiimt rtprexintlng the Engineers undPlruiiions Diotliorhonus wont with thereinraUUea and asked Cob Martin If some Biigucs-tl ns toOth nut bo made and the matter ainl-caUy adjusted It scorns to me that a vonlorsobs ought 10 ho hold and tho case made clear-Aslunilurntiuid the mon they uro willing tolet tlio pay remain for future considerationand ret their claims on hours of labor andpromotion In cubes of ditchnrges they wanttile rpuueur mon to go first und in promotionsthe older

Th ilanmnds soot to me at flrstCol Mar-tin npilrd which I refused to consider were

In their terms that Incruham could-not midorso them

hnd tibltruilon first boon sought tho trou-ble


might havo beon settled In an hour I isnot IOsbiblf now bOld Mr fcnoileker-

Meurs Donovan und Itnbertson continuedto urge a conference Mr Lnulorbuch againUccliMd that the Iliinpany would stand by tho-m w mon but llually agreed to tibet a commit-tee


oniioiurlkors who ho suggested shouldudistinctly Informed of the torms of the cornEiiiy Cbmml sloiiur Donovan sent SecretaryJfuldea to tho lumiliiuitrtor of the striker intrtet nv York with a request that n deleiltionoclock

b> sent to the tinnuu street otcoTli eommlttoe of engineers and firemen

JfiHi hOt munugod tim strike headed byI ChalllrWrllht arrived at tho ufllce prompt

lr hour accompaniedMums ClHpji II member of tho Urotborho-odIr Now Jernuy and Chief Fireman bargeantill i of Whitney and CommlSluuellonoranImil Itobortson were

Mr Lnulnrliacli was the spokesman for thoeonpanr smut made substantially the same

he had made in the morning it-WOUld he said bean Injustice to tIle menyho came to us In the hour of need t 0 disebart thorn to make place for those who loftus Our original loyalty was llrst to you buDOM vt must be loyal to tho men whoour ufslhtance Those men will not bo dlsdIel but whel vacancies have to be filledthe IllN 9iniloyios

1111 them front the ranks of

> 1 Clapp said It seems to mo there isKl010 Ill lndultandlnl nil round 1 dontthink blamed entirely andI IMint think tho committee which sated forthe oUjIr trod firemen avoided makingIlne 1 dont think Mr Martin

uW limo iiiuu he bits got I dont think thoyhintI

I UL Martin replied that if that lured out se CCul1 dlfcchuoro them and othert met Il0uuUIIrlellit spoku IXI camePint tli of Brotherjool 01 Locomotive Firemen he said as101 UH I WIl notified and met First KtiglnoerUr5bmtin tlo representative of his Brothert

jul who from tho West on the namea un 1 ito organization I represent lIs notono or or We have boonjrwi received by nil railroad officials and theyItru LOII reudy to meet its half way MrIatmlll minI myself found some things In the

which ought not to have been thereIflI I Irlk Ihem out I must say lint when

u on Col Jlnrtln ho treated usery rettaly We have come prepared 10-Jkt CIIIwlonl Wo mily hlve asked ro

but comielweLtCIII Illhu

eArh Ilho Irumoo askod forueiio I BUfc loviCrflI1 Col Martin would discuss these

Polt4 t limo men have just grievancrs TheIlr WIts liurriid no doubt by tbe dischargefl I f ttiitttii whhh wits ilium by Mr MarieiVi

S Our Presence The impreiulon hn goneitVifttII

Ilr fiiKrahin antI mjsoiXordend thei I tiis IKnot BO Wo sanctioned Itand-

n idling in go belays ntiy trilunuilud eiimtI Irlll trrlly that these lon hlvo igrivI-

tInl>iIt oi jlil wild that thot roiil hiul boon i mia yanrs llhiiiit makinuany money

nil In niillii nf this act that tho wnges of the-emeun

11 IIOKII He olioIlorall dunlplth114t lie eomuilttje 11-Jllo11r nresontlui tho was

lIL thor had Roneoft without gettIng11e ° 1 enoo

4tr couulUerablo dUctualon JLut-eS b L

baclr announced with oven greater emphasisthan ho hnd dune at tho mornIng conferencetlllthlbu Ultimatum of the company was that

llromon nnd emtlneoni would boretained und that whoa vacancies occurredthe old men could nil them If thoy felt no dieposed Under no popslble Circunhsbnnceewould

bo taken buck In n body Ho askedtho representatives ot the strikers thosoterms worsatisfactory I

Wrlaht slid Clapp very firmly andIloudly responded No

Mr Wright nalds Uo far an I nm concernedI would hot work nain for this road underany circumstances hut I am HorrJor tho poormen thrown riot of say ColMjirtln that you have sot competent men Itell you you have not and that some of yourmOURn 14io public should bo In ¬

tho PerIl they run by riding behindsome of these men I toll you gentlemen thistrouble will not end toUR or tomorrow Wohave the power to tlo up every street railroadin this city but wo wont do thatIt wOldontto all parties concerned thatno bo reached nndoroxlMlnc-clrcnmsti ncos and although the confnroncocontinued till nearly i oclock and pacific BURcostions wor made by Monsrs Clapp nndHnrKonnt company would not yield anInch from lin flat as given by Mr Lnutorbach

Tho committee returned to Enst New Yorkand reported tho fruitless result of the con-ference


to tho strikers whose hopes of beingrelieved from their embarrassing situationare now centred In Chief Arthur who Is oxpooted from the Yet today

OmrnlsKlooer Donovan Robertson andwl at tho City Hull this morning

to begin Investigation of the strikeThis order was Issued yesterday by Col

Martini1 Master MtOuintocAll of the fnllowlnr antic to alsnot Hr uifn now employed sad al lhn onJnrpliijrd tad a ropy of tb> em on bulletinpt aboards lb At one iTo alt Xmiliryrtt an< fIremen oUrooyn KterattA Kail

004 °°P°Notice U lierebr glees that under no clreumtancs-

will any of the employee of nbc rDs be dliohdrired tomake place for any of the former employee nt thiscompany hID Mintix

General Jan eend CommitteeIt WBI rumored in East Now York last night

that It became necessary the strike wouldbo extended to other roads Mes rs Wrightand bmiieant said that there was no such In-tention


at present and that tho situation wouldprohahly remain unchanged until the arrival-of Chief Arthur

Col Martin said last night that trains hadbeen run during tIne rush houron six minutesheadway and that to further pro-gress

¬would be made cayputting the road in-

complete worklDaoror Ho had every reasonho said to the new mon andhad no for whatever that any accident waslikely to occur through carelessness or Incom-petenoy lie did not see how an investigationby tbo Htato Board of Arbitration or tho visit ofChief Arthur could change the situation be¬

tween tho company and Its late employeesTine decision of the company not to dischargetho new men wr 1 absolutely final

ABE TUB XNIOHTB INTEHFKRINOThe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

goon under In tho light with the Brooklyn Ele-vated


Itatlroad said a surface rnllrontl martlast night nt a meeting of his fellow workersCntnulnl his remarks ho said

tell you thor are certain Knightsof Labor doing all can for Mr MartinThey are getting engineers and firemen forhim and havo been since they hoard of tho tieup We all know of theoxeluslveuess of thisBrotherhood Well that exclusiveness Is mak-ing


some of the K of L feel that they are notdoing wrong to other branches of toll whenthey dont extend n helping hand to the Broth-erhood


In their troubleIf they dont get back quick the Knights of

Labor will procure enough engineers nod fire ¬

mon to man the road and when they havedone so will organize these men into a localassembly under the jurisdiction of tho laws ofthe Knlgbte of Labor and what will be worseUIin the opinion of tho Brotherhood at homo

alover the country this Ilocal assem ¬

bly will attached 10 District Assembly 19Then wl begin the light against exclusivenessIn lab organizations as exemplified by thoBrotherhood


A ThleYlns Deserter from the Ilrlllth JfnyrArrested In Knne Cttr

CHICAGO July 1410 of Plnkortonsagency today arrested In Kansas City WilliamHogg Wolesley Markham Assistant Paymas ¬

ter In the British navy He will bring him toChicago tomorrow In April 1838 Markhamthen senlnl as Assistant Paymaster on the

Ihlp Espolr lying at Port Hamiltonobtained a furlough to go over to Shanghaipromising to return in five days Alter he had

bon absent eight days an examination of hisshowed a shortage of L186 Mark

I ham was traced to a small place In Japan butI there the Iral was lost and It was con

cluded that had fled to Bal Francisco Hewas then duly proclaimed a deserter from thoEnglish service Soon after it was learnedthat 1arkhnI had forged the name of thoCltain Espolr to n requisition on thoTreasurers chest nt Honl Knllor f60andhad cashed tho at branchof the Shanghai and Hong Kong Bank Hohad also lorced Lieut Adamss namo to urequisition tor 5000 and still another requisi-tion


for IJIXK and obtained the money TheBritish Admiralty placed the matter in thehands of the Scotland Yard service

It was learned that Murkham hnd spent largesums of money at Shanghai His lavishnesswas centred upon a woman named Oussle

who had recently come to HhnnKlmlland Han Francisco where she was a wellknown memberof the domlraondo Such washer Influence over the lulthe1aymasler thatho gave bertCCOO In gotof this sum was an order on the Oriental flankof Shanghai for which silo purchasedfor him and SUtho only money he hudleft when he sot sail for Yokohama whore bearrived on April SO 1830 Finding that officerswore on his track ho again tied this tunataking passage on the steamer City of Sydney

i to ian F rsoclco Ho was followed on the nextsteamer by the woman Wand who by this timehad spont most of the money ho hud given her-

On iteamorlfdlOY Markham irotacounlutcdwith rnllRo detective who wasreturning home search bra Chinesemurderer who had committed suicide afterbeing captured The detective on reaching-San Francisco made In1lulrlol as to whether-any man nf appearance wattwanted but as no notification of his crime hadbeen received ho was allowed to leave KanFrancisco unmolested A month hirer adviceswore received by the San Francisco polled thatMarkham Wil wanted but by this tlmo alltrace of wins lost When the case was putinto the hands of the Plnkortons the unitsearch was for the womal Bland who lintreturned to Hhe was fountIn Los Angeles living with a gamblernrfmed Newman Site said she hail heardnothing of Markham since his arr11111 Amen ¬

ica A close watch was kept neverthe loss and It was found that another tumblernamed Charles Rich had supplanted NewmanIn her affections A dotectivo Mot his clew by aletter addressed to lllch In Markhams hand-writing


und postmarked Kansas City Richsreply to the letter was addressed to LukeCharles Rich In Kansas City and from someIndiscreet remarks dropped by Oui slo Blandwhile excited by champagne It was learnedthat Markham was the man and that he witsIn Kansas City Ho was working there as aninsurance solicitor under an assumed name

NcbKlblee Ctmraei Asiilnet the Flnttmeh-Aaylam

Tho mother of the unfortunate epilepticusury Bcbalble yesterday wu surrounded by a group

of friends In her home at 89 Meserole Street WllUamiburgh listenIng to the tory of the poor fellow recap-

ture and return to the banns Aurlnm at tlatburh-orgt of tits Htan itrert police ay < that he haiIII-

Iayhut nflmany ca ee of cruelty to poor patients IIn

nd lhe aandi rJ to appear before an Incommittee tile informationI poe

arnedby him of thoee rrJIa l ot brnullty endu When Schalble back to the asylum

he tnlilOn Arnold and llallahan Li starCheney cud another wMUIAm be bad forgotten wereI be leencnof whom badomplaltied

Imported Alien WtduakJ 0 Julius Langbeln R counsol for tho

United Watchmakers of North America mailed yester-day 1 hobbles A Appleton agentol the AmericanVTaliham Watch Company a letter of protest againstIbe Importation by them of alien workmen under con-tract 11 appears by routraets which Mr Langbeln hassecured that watches makers hay been from time tutune ng4iedon behalf of the company In KnglandSwitzerland and France to come out here sod worktheir expenses being advanced and a contract beingenured Into bi them that they would refund the moneyout of their anilng II IIs affirmed that the UnitsWatennuksri have proof of a doien violationsI of thelaw ty various companies

Labor und WugeeAbout KOO workmen at the Black Diamond

Htoal Morkeif lark Hrothen A Co> IltutiurKb Sleuth

C4erli5 hcruiiie the llrlnlefued to reinstate a numLvrttt um MI men recently diecharireo

An adulUiiiial torts ot Iflnktrion men arrived InIMtteburjili yesterday and were sent at once to the cokereduna The strikers are weakening Tblrly rive sinkrat Youngstown remd work yeeterdiy Ml fam-

ine were victelat West Leleenrlng It wee eipecltdtrial loins of iheui would resist but they walked outpeaceably and made DO threat The bootee madetacaul WItS promptly oacucUd by new men who aretowatwytk

iM t



Ife plo III rUITe Daly Unfolded butVail < o Slave tier Thei Marquis de LTllle aad Ike Prtnee Will Mat FtIt

conrlgM 18B7 bit Tn ID PrInting tied Pu5Ua5tng-

AuoeianMiLONDON July lThlr will be no duel

between the Marquis dp and the huesino Prince lrlor whu a few jays ago playedrespectively parts of oowhider and cow-

hided In Hyde Park The Marquis thirsted forblood so ho told his friends but varoutlduo-ncos


which were brought toPrince to disappoint the noble Marquis in hislongIng Ue was appealed tby rLeslienot to increase a painful eandallnd declaredthat consideration for was suf-


to Induco him to lot the Marquis aloneHo has proposed marriage to Mrs Lcillo andhas been refused but that did not diminish-his princely politeness and consideration MrsLeslie who has grunt confidence in the abilityof the MarquIs to do things well also ad-


tho argument that the Marquis whoshe says Is the let duellist In the world wouldeither poke a sworor send a bullet into thoPrinces that It was beneath himentirely to bo run through or shot by a manlike De Leuvlllo The Prince refused to con-


tho question of danger but bo decidedthat If MrsLeslies feelings wore not at stakehis dignity na a genuine and unquestioned-Prince would prevent him from flghitingwlth ngentleman who was not even 1genuine and anunquestioned Marquis-

The fight between tho pRMod111111 andthe darkwhiskered beenfunny and I am sorry to have no hope of evortolling THE SUNS readers all about the trayThe honor of the Prlnco risked in not resent-ing


a blow In tho face is sheltered by tho af-


of Mrs Leslie and of her com-


Miss Bennett who wore in thowith tho Prince that the blowcaraghis fnoo did not really touch him

This account which does not agree with thatof other eyowltnessos makes tho Princes posi-


Igood deal batter Mrs Leslie declaresthat although the has refused to marry thePrince she want to be just to him and shoBuys ho is n real Russian Prince Ho took painsto prove It to hoc plainly and clearly when heproposed to her Ho showed her lotortom-bs mother who 1 > a princess and priest

oonfeisor Mr Leslie says told her alsothat the Prince thoroughly genuine

The Prince cannot he bond to tell aboutthese things Mrs Leslie thinks bo has goneto the Continent1 There was no reason whyhe should stay after she had rolusod himPersons acquainted with tho Prlnco thoughtho might perhaps bo lound at Cromwell Uotdunces Earls court With tbo hope of beingtibia to tail what kind of a prince Mrs Leslielund had tIm great good sense to refuse I wont-to look for him The address is a Ito bOIKIn a IHtlo quarter Inr to findplace an a In n book wouldretire to for recuperating purposes and quietwhom fortune lUll stopped smiling The Prlncocould not bo found there It wits the convic-tion of tho people that ho was In Paris but hisaddress wins not known The head of tho fam-ily


Is tile gentleman who Mrs Leslie thought-was tho fattier contetBor The gentleman whowould ruthor not have tile name printed wasiiulte sure that ho was an English clergymanHe was onco chaplain of the Duchess of North ¬

timberland but had not managed a church foreovtn years The uentloman seemed to bevery fond of the Prince who he said did fool-ish


things sometimes but not very often Hoknew nil about the Prince Ho bad in fact apedigree written by tile Highness and thefacts the pedigree contained co to show

Mrs Leslie has had the moral con rage tothat the opportunity of allying herself moreor loss distantly wltn nearly nil tho groat folkand titles that there nre

Tho full name of th Prince who desired tomarry her U Georges UrltttntT IM laurie He-N tho son of 1rlnce David Erlstolt anti ofPrincess limbo nod Unrdiitii of Jllngrelin Thismakes him tho cousin of the Prlnco of Jlln-gruliu whom the Czar has been trying to set-up on tho llulgai Ian throne The lt Incas onlysister Is married to Prince Ferdinand heir toYItitonstclnUorlobourc HH grandmother on

liio fathers ililo WitS Ihl fznroviw Nina daugh-ter


of George XIII last King of Georgiawho rolud in favor of tho ltu Blan Czar In1802 Ho hits a cousin murrlad to Aoiilllo MuratBonaparte Another ooti ° In Is married toPrince Constantino of Oldllburl who is thocousin of the herman

There is likewise romance enough in hisfamily to capture an culinary romantic heartIlls great aunt was stolen In tine Caucasuswhon she was a child by tim Turks She wasraised a Mnliammoilitn and put In the Sultanshnrem111d Is the mother of the present Turk ¬

Bulul who bait such hard luck Thegreat Inarnud by accident that she wasnot born a Mohammedan She turned Chrithin loft tho hlroU and illud lu a

The Itwo brtlcr One is aschoolboy and the other the point aihort tlmn ago ol marrying a grand princess ofPersia The affair fell throuiih Our PrIncehas many other claims to our respect In-


n fireeating undo In Pirls who lIs aprince with many gs and ts In his name Theabove IH enough to show that In the way of re-


Prince Erlstoff IB well to the frontrefused HO many titles wrapped up InHavlnl Leslie wautH nothing to do with titles

at all She was av the theatre tonight andnot u solitary titled was In her box Allher friends sympathize with her In havlugbeonbrought Into an unpleasant position and con-gratulate


her on having sent the tilled quarrellftrs oft The Marquis has apoioglrud Inwriting for having whipped the Prince in rLeslies carriage

The sensation has consort talk about th-eJarqulond developed u theory concerning

new It makes him the sonof a yon clover Oxford street hatter Ay a boyho wee oven smarter thll bN father Ho con-cluded


that the life Marquis was muchgayer titan that of thin vory cleverest hatterand wont in for a gay lift


They DIscuss the Coercion mil nnd IPassethe Second lending

LONDON July ILIn tho House of Lordsthis afternoon Baron Ashbourno Lord Chan-


of Ireland moved the second reading oftho Coercion bill In making the motion hednscuibctl the bill as n measure that was In ¬

tended to counteract the criminal demoraliz-ing


system of Intimidation now reigning In

Ireland a system that coerced lon peoplo

and interfered with every relation of life

Neither sex nor ago was spared from thisodious ferocious cowardly tyranny Iwas aslander upon the trades unions to comparethem with tile National League and It wasabsolutely startling to hear Mr Gladstonecloak tho abominable system of buycot-

tlntt under the euphemism of exclusivedealing The bill was called a coercion hillbut what liberty existed In a country where A

man was pot allowed to take grazing build A

hOUAI or supply goods to his neighbors withhimself to outrage anti murderOlt oxpolnA

opll could not buy sell employ orbo employed without being subjected 10 thedirest tyranny 1 In submitting a measure thatwas necessary for the protection of honestsubjects the Ministers hail a right to relyupon tIm loyal cooperation of the oppositionInstead of resolute obstruction A weak billwould be worthies °

nnl this measure whilestrong enough to terror to evlldoeiswould not jeopardise tho liberty of a single In-

nocent man IRheerEarl Iranvllle said that the Govrmentfinding Itself tlnltblfl to malnlln allhy the machinery r to tip

plY tQ exltI for further powers but whenrestrictions were pro posed suspondlngoommon-pernonal rlKhtsthe clearest proof was requiredJo justify an exceptional law The state ofIreland was ns peitcoful nnw as It was in ISSSwhen the ordinary law was found to hosiif-flclont The m was of a deplorably dan-gerous


character lurwould certainly lead togravis evils in Ireland

The Duke of Argyll Lotl Carnarvon andothers spoke and the hiwatt then rend a seaond time The will be discussed incommitted tomorrow

A Rolhorblld Gala to ltPetersburg I

DEnLiN July 1n Rothschild tho head ofthe rrtfirm of passed through Berlin todayon way to Kt Petersburg It Is supposed Ibe oblecl I

of bit Juurney Is la uegoilate concerning th Russianconversion loan

Turning Urnnuii Clerk Oat ofHassIaDinuN July 14The Tageblatt laS that

Russia baa ordered allllh routler merchant dllllteplemUrDermas clerks Wlal Uiey Buy have la UN

i f

A POMOE3SIXII prElCoy Island Slack IlrlvWr Capturehlm sad

JCr a Pence that le Wrn UiiardThe Driuhton Beach Improvement Com-


Is the principal owneVot tho Oonoy IslandElevated Railroad nnd hi ambitious to equalbetween Brighton and Wort firJohtop thfprofitable little railroad btjnlnesa Unfit vorManhattan Beach pooplo carry tn ovor themarine railway bdtwooflbHZ hotehi nndBrighton There are tuUri malr jnwoengornto EM carried but there are 60 same facili-ties


for preserving a monopoly Tbo com roilton of Henry UamlltonfCoaocmno stage line

to bmol l t V

Onl measures ttifp bythttvilroadcompany recently was th tor otlon of a tightboard fence so arranged Alto fore tbO side of

trafllo to the very doors of tit eloffUvTaUroadstation and to completely pbsoojatho wattiou stages from tho viwAfipoiahUPuavngore liamlltonB nooe tIt roppca onehalf-De was Indignant and sWum that4ho fenoomust go But the railroad J opisWere alertand with slime of Chief t4itaflOa men andsome special policemen th7 lava td the fenoowith strong guard Fof ityoweeketbIe winecontinued until the dolaaiv8calmnos of theHamilton forces seemed to rtitilat ttno longernecessary i ir-

Oni ew

Wednesday night the enceprptocllngforce was reduced to one muD UpecialOfUcerJohn Engan A jout 1 > n itAgo load of Hamil ¬

tons mon dosremlod upon Lagan Ila wasseized gagged with a ptw> ofeanww andHung into OKtiikv He was further torturedby being warded about in the ollffBprlngedvehicle ion t hour When he raturnedto hisfloe bo round the fence was down I

Chief McKane was notified and yesterdaymorning Hamilton and six of Ills drivers werearrested lila stages wets stopped but Wereallowed to resume running upon liIItagremont that ho would takeout n back Ueene foreach of thorn The Chlf said tnnt tilt fencebeing put up by the Brighton Beoctuceople oatheir own property wntfentltiod to the fall pro¬

motion of the law PfJicemun wf stationedto oversee lie rebuilding with antlers to shootany ono who interfered with the work Lastevening tho war between the Scent elevatedland tile 5cent stages ns carried onvoiced toots and shouters I I


Hr ban Fought la Any Nnmber of Battlearid at I at One IlaidisHoiid CombatLawyer Henry ClayHonderson of West

Chester village bus sued Major Rudolph PitapatrIck landlord of the Bt Boniface Hotel inWest Chester for damages done to Hendersons eye by Fitzpatrlcka list tfftqIfAfarsaan ntliloteand has a big military record Hoserved In the Popes Iriah Brigade llthe O rl-

buldlan war as a masters raito on board theUnited Utates stenmbomt liarksldeltt the civilwar and was Gout ONolsr1 Adjutant WhODIID1vadedCunnda in 1806 oildlB 1874 A-




is now an Irish patflot of Ihomet War ¬

like order but be rocontlr had nllttlo dlffl-

cnlty with hia landladyMrs Barney iCrtrrollabout tho payment of his nt He declined topay any rent until MraViCarroll made someneeded repairs his housowblch ho claimedshe was bound to da by the leaseLawyer Henderson totd Mrs Carroll that

lease bound tine Major to makethe vreiatrs if bo wanted thorn Theaffair culminated in a summons sent by Jilllice Cox to the Major fjomraandlng the Major-to appear at tho ToTmHall yesterday andshow cause why he should not be ejected fromMrs Carrolls preml ell The Major met Law-yer


Henderson In frontof the Town Hall yes-terday


morningArratiiI cried the Meter what for are you

making trouble between two neighbors1 am not makingtrouble replied Lawyer

Henderson with dignityYou lIeI shouted the MajorYou lie yourself nnsweied tho lawyer

Thou the Major smote Henry Clay Hender ¬

son and the latter fiercely retaliated by nerv-ing


upon tile Major a summons In n civ 11 no-


for damage Tho Major went InoUo thoTown Hall snit settled bl suit with Mrs CurtIll und all day yesterday he laughed LawyerHenderson and hula suit for damages to scorn

Renter flying or the Poison he TookAlbert Homey of Port Jorvis who took mor-


and turned on the gas In the Grand UnionHotelon Tuesday nitfht tugetoutof tie iinanclat troubles retnalneil unconscious sit day yesterday Hellevue Hoipltal Ills treatment consUted of the latest anil mostapproved rstoratle measure Including the Inhalation-of oxygen xas ami the hypodermic Injection of nntltlotesbut he sank as the day wore onand the doctors say hewill die

In the afternoon Mrs Remey and Postmaster Ryal ofPort Jervle arrived ot the hospItal Mrs Itemey aidthat lien husband seemed to be cit rlf lit when he lefthome on Tuenlav morliln but ihe had afterwardlearned that he lied tied loins business triubles Herueywas until recently senIor partner In the nrm of KemeyIL Demon drunrliis ot IorrJervl Itemey bai servodasarnttinbrof the village ouril of Trustees A few dayssince was announced lhat he h lrecleIppolumontas Ip cud reek tu lbs It vernment ral way mall ser-vice Slid he went to Nets YrS on Monday as was un-dentood tiy his friends take his new flare lbs ItemItemey A dissolvedI and It then first becamepublllr nol1ia the seniorI partner was In debt car-beyondI his ability to pay a condition nf tunics brourhtabout It Is reported by recent nnfortunate ventures InHail street Ileiney and lila wife formerly tuna IOtaHweezv belong to hIghly respectable coil widely eonnertea furrltlei of the town of Mlnlsmk Kemeysfather IIs an aired and well tn do orange Uounty farmerwhocould and dnubllei would have come to his sonsassistance

ObituaryJames Pfyfe for thirty years a wholesale

merchant Maiden lane but for many years retiredfrom business died on Wednesday evening last at hisreldence SOT West Hfty seventh street aged 87 yearsUr Pfyfe was bun In Barclay street and be was fondof leMnif how his mother held him up at the funeral ofAlexander Hamilton to see the list and sword ou the cof-

fin Another of Mr Ffyfes stories was hisskating olien a boy from the Hie of St JointsQiisr up to the old Collect lond at Canal streetouter the oldI stuns bridge that crossed the pondat Uroadwar and down to the present site of theToinln Mr Pfyfe was for neirly thirty years Treasurerof the Colleirlate Dutch huirh corporation lie hadbeen a melD er of the tleufral Society of MechanIc andtradesmen state IlA and was Its 1reeldent In 1H4H liewas mice a director of the ilechsnic Nsilnnal RankThis funeral win be from the house tomorrow and theburial wit be In Greenwood on Wednesday Mr Pfyfetins who survIveI him are John u Pfyfe a Day streetgrocer and J W Pfvfe a Front street octree broker Uleave a large fortune

V Cownn Supreme Reconle and Seats of theKnlgbuot Pythlaa diedI troJt Louisreiierdaycfcanecr

James Madison Conner of the flrm of James Conners-Son tyii found I known wherever there are tipse tees died his home U Mitchell place at 7 ocluaktest nigh I Mri i caner lied not been well slut Le suf-fered Irons an attack ot plennsr two year ago A Jlittleover to weeks ago he attended the tuneral of a sisterand was unable to leave his bed thereafter Mr ConnerWee born on Nov Z Ihl In Doston where Ills ratterJames Conner wee the manaver of a type foundryTwo years later his lather nraoved to thlaclty and ee-

tabtutied the United Mate type Laundry The boypractically grew up In the business At the age of 14 h-

bonll to team i he practical work nf type founder anilfor the past forty years he has ileailliy followed thebusiness He eicelled as a designerI new facet furtype and as an inventor of new machinery appli-ances for type founders A hue tin trunk In the familyresidence Is requiredi to holdl the patents taken out tocover his Invenilotm He was a member of the lid Vo-lunteer hire Department running Kith A Knglae tieleaves a family of four sons and two daughters

Manuel R De Klvasdled last evening at his home 00East t llirflftb street

llrooltlyn Win la an Archery ContestWASIHNOTON July HTho annual moot of

the National Archery lallon ended today with theelection of officers as follow Preildent A Kern ofhelms O Prrnldent C C Beach ot Michiganheereiary l1ruuror 118 Uwynnor Cincinnati uA Iiaih or Brooklyn was chosen cue of lIne ExecutiveCommltiee

A leant match aiXhe arsenal gronndi during the daywas wun by the Brooklyn team with a wore or 1540gaiuit lai for the Potomac of VVaililnmon U Ahaiti with a score of UK and L W UkXiim with ascore of 4 n led the sbootlni for their restiecil e teamsMr VV A lark of Cincinnati hss let all compeiliorwith whom lie has taken part during She meet aud oilI

retain for another year the title of archery cbampton ofthe United baIL

IluBhIo OrlvlPff Park floesBDITALO July HTho results of the races-

at the Driving Park this afternoon were as followfirst Hace Purie ftttOs seven furlongs Ben namaian

first Uaruum second and Up egrove third Time I

RutUatu pI P-4hCoflditaCePUTl2Ci 11 mile and a furlong Isrlts-

Otit Panama second anti lad Unity third flueI VA < N annals pl 12i x

Third RsnerurneI tiM seven furlongs MarwrrlU-flrit Danville second and Joe frisson third TimeISI Mutuals pall fll1fourth BcTpurse 250 mil and a furlong Berlintint haulat IMaue reoond and llellevue third Time 1 JulUlU 5 paid 7do-

Hfih liace lurst 3O Inn furlongs lAitra Courtsoil lint Tour Pitor seconds aud harry Roe thirdTitus I12u Mutuaii paId teen

Oh If Tame leewheretIi A Glogerlcb tho newly appointed Demo-


Interns ICeveuue Collector look possession of hitome at fourth avenue and Fourteenth sirit at th-

cl aof buslnes yesterday Morris Prledsam the setilug publean Incumbent wet him and furuially tannedthe offlo over

Oaei BltTvrlte Mr Bont-Aitat i 4 wa la Ut wes >a r wiltovi rxUaa



Dentil of tile Great Oumaaker KraprtFee Celebrates the Full ofthr Death

The Land Illll CrtlloUrd bv ChurchillLONDOS July UIA despatch from Rome

to the Chronicle says Tbo Pope conversing-with nn American Archbishop said Dr Mc-

Olynn lost his best opportunity by not comingI

Home while Cardinal Gibbons was hero Howould have seen that the Church by not con ¬

damning the Knights of Labor was the sup-porter of the many against the feudal systemwhether tho feudality is represented by slaveryterritorial right or modern capital


DEATH OF FftEDEltlCK KIWIThe Orstest Cejmnem Hither la the W rtd

file la heutsh PrussiaBitntlN July 14 Alfred Krupp tho well

known Gorman metal founder and gigan-tic steel gun manufacturer died today In hisvillaiienrEsson RhenUh Prussia UorrKruppwee born at Esson in 1812

Sixty years ego tho father of AlfredKrupp founded the manufactory which in hissons hands grew to such enormous propor-tions His fat her started the works on a verysmall scale and with limited moans At firstfat cmpored only two workmen The manu ¬

factory hind grown to large proportions beforeoldMr Erapps son Alfred made the dls

hcovcry that put his establishment far aheadof all similar concerns In tInt world Ho discov-ered


tho method of catting stool In very largomasses In 1S51 he qntto the London Ex-hibition


a block of steel weighing 4500 poundsand he has for years been able to east steel Inone mass weighing more than 400000 poundsHe manufactured n treat variety articlesfor use in various pcaoofuMnduBtrlo but hisworldwide fame wee mado by the productionot tho enormous steel sieee suns with whichtho Germans did such terrible elocution whenthey invested Paris

Krunp made his first cnnnon In 1840 Theguns ho produced nt that time were small field-pieces but ho rapidly Increased th ero of hiscannon and twenty years aco they we re boughtIn large namb ra bv all the European powersi or several years post Krupp has given ragear employment In his Iron mines stool facto-


and foundries to ovor 1DOOO mentin 1RIIfr Krupp declined to accept tho letters

of nobility offered to him bythe King of Prus-sia


lie wa one of the wealthiest men in let¬

manyand did much for the welfare of his nu-merous employees A few weeks ago it wasannounced that he intended to start a dallyBwsnai erat Essen for the benefit of his work-men Jomo of Krqpp processes in the manu-facture


of bto l end the making of cannon wereTerr carefully kept from tho knowledge of timoutside world None but employees was ad-mitted


to his great foundries commits ¬

sion appointed by this Government a few yearsAO to study tho qneatlon of cannon foundriesand armaments abroad tried In vain to set

I Krupps permission to enter his works


mrlm em He r GainS Behavior havIng theflay CtUltleP-

ABIB July l4The fall of tho Bastllo wascommemorated today with decorum A dem-onstration


wits made nt tho statue of Strnsburg this morning but it was entirely of apeaceful nature Members of the PatrioticLeague and of other associations with ban-ners


and trumpeters marched post tho statueand deposited upon It colossal memorialcrowns As this was done there were a fewcrfos from the procession of Vivo In France I

Vive la Republic and Vivo Doulnnorl butthere wore no attempts at disorder

President Orovy accompanied by all themembers of tho Ministry left the palace of theErsi5o at SJi this afternoon to attend the re-


of the troops An escort of cuirassierspreceded und followed the Presidents curriigo The jieoplo along tho route greeted thePresident with cries of Vise CnSvyl

President Grevy timid itis Ministry woro greet ¬

ed with some Isolated cries of Vive lionlangorl and ItoiliniI and a row hisses ontheir arrival ut Lungchnmps to witness the re-view


1 but cries of s Ivo In ltoiuibiiqtei domlnatoul anti tho people seemed generally dlsposiid to bo rlendlr

The review of the troops pasted off withoutincident It was witnessed by an Immensebut orderly crowil which cheorod the troopsheartily Tho march punt begun at 410 oclockund was finished at CiO Tim President andCabinet then returned to Paris

Tile populace this evening Is calm anti allfears of disorder have vanished PresidentGriSvy hUll addressed a letter to ten FerronMinister of War In which he says

The review wa marntdoent I admired the martialhenrIes arid perfect preclelnn of the troops Convey tothem my hearty oungraiulatloiu

Henri Itocliefort Deputies Lafaaut and Loguorro and n number other Irroconcllablosattempted to excite a hostile demonstrationduring the review at Longchnmps today butthe people around quickly drowned out theirvoices with cries of Vive GreVy

len Boulanger hems sprained n foot nndAIIunable to be present nt this review at ClermontFerrand today The fate was celebratedthroughout Franco without disorder


Charchlll and Ftrnel Slake Remark thatFall to Pleate tbr Tories

LoNDON July HID tho House of Commonsthis evening Lord Randolph Churchill resuming the de-

bate on the Land bIll objected to Mr Uanntrmanaamendmsnttthat the bin be rejcotedontyas railingratio lesue There was a general agreement he saIdthat a bill wa absolutely necessary to afford relief to thelilA tenantry He lid not see that the tenantry wouldderive any benefit from the clause dealing with ericlout tanielllte cheerA1 He would fear to Intruetirish aitelitik tile advUere of the Inndlordt with thepowers conferred upon them under that clans itrtei-of hIt from the Cnuiervailve benches and cheersI

What would have been the slate of Ireland It ills clausebad been in operation taut winter He did nut doubtthat front one quarter to one half nf the tenantry wouldhave been evicted coo the result would have been astate of tumult and Unorder nppatllnK to contemplatelheersI Lord Itandolph euneited eeveral change Inthe Mil that did nottileaie the Tories

Mr Tarnell saId the iovernment propoied to abolteheviction by eiecutlnv them under another name witht e object ot nettlnit slit of the record of such traninotlontaervleiloniI The attempt to hoister up the Judi-cial rents as the beets for purchase would defeathis own end because the land would notbe purchased on the Judicial basis liewarned the Government that their land scheme wouldnt affect the national feelIng In Ireland The presentmeasure would simply be retarded ai a monument otstupidity and Inaptitude A speedy revision nf scorn wasabsolutely necessary lie mutfeitetl that If tie Uovern-ment Was 1110 disposed to accept the advice of the Cow

Commission It might at Least meet the irish momKr halt wayThe amendment Intended to kilt the bill was then de-

feated and the bll was read a second time It seas uetided to consider the tWin committee on next Thursday

Germans Insulted la FranceBEBUN July 14A German resident of Cou

dry Department of Nortl Krance wrllee to a Monuhelm journal that the anl Herman feeling InCoudry le

terrible saul that he anti other llermani had narrowlyeecaped being killed lie and his countrymen were InsuIted In the itree a dally arid It was hardly Mfe to yenhire nut Me would be nbllued 10 mote toht herr ahe tied no hop that the pervecntlon would ceaie

The Krnu ZtUuHi referring in thli letter anvalt 1is Intolerable that Herman should have tu endure suchtreatment trance M it says must be tnale to under-Hand that there le a Shoe far and no further In the mat-ter

The PtvUtlici Taarklatl pubUhei In a prominent postlion a uumber of verse reminding France lhat the Ucrman hand meals upon tie eword

Pra Trndall Attacks Sir GladstoneLONDON July 14Irof Tyndall In a com-


pabllihed today says list he ba receivednumerous letters from all parts ot America on the irIshhome rule queitlon soul they all recommend the utmostrefinance to M r illailetnne policy I naimut h aa > a-

rrot lndalLa a deeoerat gamester nilicalled astatesman ha ehoaen to Invoke lxiu rant foreign oplnIon aialnet fie Instructed oplqlou of bU own countrymen It U worth showing that American opinion li notentirely on one tide

TBJ German frown Prince Octtlnv WellLONDON July 14Tite condition of the Gor-


frown Prince who hn returned to London frontthe ill ot Witbt contInues to Improve liii voice Uclear and baa almoit regained Its normal strength Thecondition ot his larynx IIs a 5 latlitaclury lu CrownPrince tlilted the throat hoi lul In ilnlilen xmare today and wa keenly Inureted In all he saw PA >

partloular attention loan od man who had just beeucured of a growth similar to that In his own throat


Ksuperor William at Oaaslaaee-DERUN July 14 Emperor William arrived

at Constance today lie was received by liii GrandDole and Oreuu Duchess of Baden who afterward aecompanhsd him 50 she steamer o Malone Tb Rinperots-tocul on the 4eck ef the vassal witto isavtsg sad wavedm1uIiheinWasetow




FeetOffleo Clerk Tklnh he Maw the MardresS GIrl In LHelbo Fgr Basket

KxnwAT July 14 Another now chile tothe famous Beltway mystery camo to light to¬

day Sloven Perkins a wellknown Post Officeclerk of New Brunswick says ho thinks ho sawthe unknown doatl girl lu life The person hohas reference to used to cull at his generaldelivery window and ask for letters directedi

to Kittle M Noony The name on tho deadgirls handkerchief could not be definitelymade out hut it Is certainly K M NoonyNoorz or Noory Perkins further states thatbo used to see the girl he speaks of In companywith n mart named Timothy Byrne who fre-


inquIred for letters In that name Ityihi bo remembered that the name Timothy-yrno was found on a rubber stamp in the

dead girls PtitciiclWilliam Byrne clerk in Alnxnndor Stewart

Bakers grocery In Milton tim acetic of theKnhwny murder was treated to n moonlightdrlvo tonight hv Detective John Keron-M ityor J J Daly and Chief of PoliceWilliam Tooker They took him Intotbo outskirts of Rahwiy anti questionedhim about tbo statement ot Murk Kocfewho stays he lurmtillod the egg basket foundbeside tile body of the deed gin as one ho badseen old Mrs Sarah Baker mending In hersons store about a month boforo the mitrdor-On the mnrnliiit of the discovery Eeele nllcccdin hit nQldav It Byrnes told him that tho basketwas tho same that Mrs linker had owned

Byrnes tonight denied that ho saw orspoke to Keofe on the day the body wasfound and said further that bo never saw thebasket at linkers The police took Brruossstatement In the form ot an nflldavlt anddropped him nt Bakers irocery nt lOP M

There were two rumors in Itnliwav todayOne was that Billy Byrnes hail loft town antithe other that the murdered girl had slept forthree nights previous to her death in a barnon Bakers promises

Serloa Charge Airalnet is Urooklyn MastCBICAOO July 14 Mrs A Crook welltodo

rssld nL of this city has been arrested crud will tomor-row be placed under fi 000 bonds on a charge of abduc-

tion It la al effwTthat recently a respectable welleducated 17yearold jlrl named Nine Hope wasengaged here by Mr Crook to act a > a companton for an elderly lady la the east but wasreally Intended si a victim for Mrs Crookhusband Charles Crook of 21 Monroe street nronklrnUnder fetes preilosas 511 Itopo was kept over nijtit InCrooks aparmeute but suocesslulty resisted Crook andmade her escape next day bock Col ant MIss hope Is-

auln at bsr home In Chicago Time officers who madethe arreit claim to bass obtained possessIon nf corespondnc between Sirs Crook intel tier husband revealIniraplot most leveling In detail The advertisementwhich entrapped Mis lisp was answered by fully hOother girls

The HroollTD Directory does not contain any inchpaine and addreaa as that liven In thIs despatch

sno000 Missing thom Xewpaper CoffersPuiLADELrnu July 14 Joseph M White

who hi been cashier of the Times newspaper odlee forabout ten years Is said to be a defaulter to the amount ofat least JOOOO An lamination of ilr Whites bookswa made a short time ago and as a eoiuequenee bewas asked to tender hi resIgnation which be did As

Indicated by the hocks the peculation have been winon for at leant nine years Suiplclon wa at varIoustimes aroured by the eilravairam habit of White butIt was dispelled by the platement made bj himself thathis wife had fallen heir to quite a urge sum ot moneyU now appeara however that neither he nor lila wifehas any property or money beyond White Incomefrom hi position end that the money taken by him lassbeen squandered In a lavIsh way In maintaining aposition In toclety which his salary ot USOU per yearwould not warrant

Flooded by a Cload BurstKOOALCS Arizona July 14 Thero was a

cloud burst on the mountain southwest of this town InSonora yesterday and within half an hour the town wasalmost Hooded On the west side of the town IIs a largecray and In a few minutes ir swilled to the width ofmore than UIH fort Stoat of the damage was done Inf oral en In Snnnr Ore houses were washed away andotis child Irnwned A little Me Mean boy aged 1U yearswhrn ht mother house was swept aw y attempted toheld a trunk anti was taken town with ihe currentAlUioujrh the current was swift tie held on After thestream inbrt Ud a large party went out and found himalive flrs nOtes Irma mown

The German Arnbnaendor ProtestsLONDOX July 15 Count von Miinstor tim

German Amhacsador at Paris recently remonstratedwith U Honrens aralnut the violent attacks madeupon Jermany by the French Kadlclal press eipo-olallv Otis article dubbing tIme fount hlmiiltthe Grand Mailer nf the order nf tjplea end ilesrrUJnzthe German hmbavsy as a nest of retnlleit LrrdLyons the Hrillfth Amun sadnr a 10 protested sayingthat If luch attack were allowed the ponlllon of Ambas-sador would become untenable M Hnuren was nii-icerclv grieved and expreued hImself lu tho mostfriendly terms

To Try to Break the Telegrapher UnionBOSTON July 14At the Convention of the

Railway Telegraph Superintendent to day the eubjectotthe Telegraphers tnlnn wise Introduced by PresidentHwlf and the entire ritual and convolution of the or-

der acre read The oath administered to the Initiateswas especially called to the attention of the membersot the assocIation That part which pledges every memher not to teach telegraphy to any person without time

content of tIme chief telegrapher was strongly de-nounced and there was a general derUrmloii ot an Inlenrion to take prompt measures to prevent operatorsJoining the union

No Iteatoa Shown for Sir Kennedy MurderWASIHNOTON July 14A Coroners Inquest

wee held today upon the body ot the late Joseph 0 OKennedy who was murdered In the street yesterdayafternoon bv John Daily Time jury found a verdlot Inaccordance with the facts flatly the murderer waspresent but manlfee ed perfect miiutertnce

Very little Is knnwn to the police with regard to thelatter a history He has been In the hospital for paupertwice and once wa locked up for ninety days for hitUnit Dr Wallace blllott an entire stranger with a brickUe said he thought the Doctor wa a Uaiuollo priest

The Arrested Knight of OlJohn Gill John Foster George F Worloy

James McDonald and John A Caiey of Plstrlct AssentblyOl Knight ot Labor who were arrested for con-

spiracy to cause a strike at the shoo manufactories ofllanan A Sons and lardmer A genes awl deprIveU M llartt foreman for the latterOrm of employmentwee before Judge Uarretl yesterday on writs of Habeascorpus Declsln reserved

Mother and Daughter DrownedBr J nxLAND L L July 14Mrs Jane

flazeltlne and her fiveyearold daughter were drowsedwhile bathing near her last night The child went beyond IU depth and In attempting to rescue It tIme motherwas also carried out to deep water by the tile sail builtsank before isl4tanc arrived lime bodies were recov-ered Mr Uazeltlae was employed at tbe tluhlenbirgHome

luwaa Prohibition TicketDEB MOINES July It The Prohibitionists to ¬

day put this ticket In the field her Governor K O-

Farnham of Plymouth 1leutenantGovernnr VVllllamC Oadwell of Harrison Superintendent of 1ublle In-

struction Prof Stephen N tellous of Iowa cttyi Julieot supreme Court Judge Charles II Lewis of Wood bo rycounty

Two Fourth of July FatalltleELIZABETH July 14 Joseph Wessly 14 years

of age son ot Adolf Wesly of 841 Lafayette strict diedof tocjsw In Elizabeth llosiiltal this morning lie wns-iho tin tbe hand with a toy pistol on July 4 tvlllle KeUthe llyearold son it liavld u Held died Monday oflockjaw the result of a similar wound In tIme hand re-ceived on July 4

Complaint Acntnet Phil DalyLONO BRANCH July 14 Robert S Dunham

who was forced by the town authorities to close his poolroom on Droadway today went to Freehold and made acomplaint before the utile authorities against IhlllnDuly proprietor of the elegant gambling establishmentofposit the West Bud Hotel

Wilson Guilty of Murder sRocnESTEB July 14At midnight tonight

the jury In the tVllsun murder trial at Auluti brought Ina verdict of guilty of muriler In lime lint degree

aiAllKH ritU11 TIIK 2JL 1Uft4 VII

Prince Blimarck ha cone to Vanla-llauan Henmil who was cbarced with belnc mph

ested In time betrayal of uonlmi and the surrender utKhartoum has been arqultieil at Cairo

queen Victoria yesterday laid lbs foundation stone ofthe women memorial itatue tu the Irinco LnnmrlIn nindnor Pars Seven thousand persons were pres-ent chIefly woman

A careful review of the hop prospects in the Mnhavrkvalley kliow than ihe vines monk ilei Meilybeilthy andrriitinilnir with a musiwci humeter uf only one thirdirn average > lenl tierauie of She yards obliterated bythe ravajcrs ot tier last year

The DlvUlaa sod AdmUlr tonvetitlnn of lnitth liihats era tfitliiy iued reoatn iuluatiis adnilkiilon nfthe Territory a > a whole slid declurlni fur illvuinii onthe seventh standard parallel It alfo irotesteit aicstiut

the ranny of anirrew In tefuliiK sainUaloiiThe stockholders of tbe Cnnmll lated ruad met In New

Haven yexerday and unanlmouily ratified the lessee te-cenlli tacit br tIns directors which glee she CmisuIldetect tosmi cninilete control fur ninety nine year nf idhew haven ant ortllttlnptAu road lime fiuuiruiiKkroad the Connecticut Valley road and the Btacufuriltnt New Canaan road

four workmen npou awaffoMIn forty feel above thefinnrof lbs Hall or HepreseDladves nf Ihe new utateHouse aMuinbU A IiV were precipitated to he mar¬

tie flour biow yesterday by hit lreiklnuf a plankleorx Caldwell and Ml Jackson Were killed onlrUbkand the other badly Injured The Uoroair found thatthor had Uen criminal niilljteuce on Ine part ol tha

cad their ajeilt there will be held TatOofoaur coAQsteti ail ins ffttftHlBf u lbs hull4Jju-eoniraciigrt

JiAjo 1 A




Mre Cleveland ansi tier Ilstlnjrnthe SinsImuil Wlnalns Host e r Hum IrrlcndiA-tlerland5 send llendrlok linnner

UTICA July h4Tho President and MrsClovolnnd did not retire tOrost nt SenatorKernnna residence until alter 1 oclock thismorning Mrs Cleveland to tho last momentmade light of the fatigues of the day and ovening at Clinton and Utica They wcro up at 7

At 0 oclock carriages canto and tho PresidentMrs Cleveland Senator Kernan and two of bineons were driven to the station The Presidentand Mrs Cleveland occupied places on tho rentplatform of their special earns tbe train pulledout and returned salutations to waving handkerchiefs and lifted hats Thoy remained lathis position until the train reached tho west-ern bounds of the city and started northward

The journey to Alder Crook was withoutother incident than the appearance of groupsat the various stations as the train passed Arequest from Benson that the people might Jjjhave arsopportunily to see the Protldent waR Vanswered by this train running slowly throughthe vlllngo while tbo distinguished travellersworo once more upon the roar platform

Ono of Mrs Clevelands eyes IB very much inflamed and pains her exceedingly Dr Berthol Utica who wits called In pronounced Iteither a blind boll or tile sting of an insect

IonESTPOBTJulyU ThoViarty wore greetedRt the Alder Crook depot by Dr AG Brewer andthe Itov ill r and Mrs Clevelandand were drivenrapidly from tine AldorCroek station over threamiles of sandy road to this vlllago Thoypassed llnilroad Commissioner John D Hernon summer residence and Mr Karnanbowed to them from the veranda The bowwile cordially returned 1 Arrived at MrClevelands residence the guests at onceproceeded to enjoy tbo rostof which they woreso much In nobel Tho windows of their room iwore opened and the curtains closely drawn f rAbut the breeze from the pinecrowned Adlron >

ducks so near at hand drifted down tempting ¬

ly nnd the curtains were pushed back slightlythat iH might more froolyontortho chamber

Tim village contains hut thrco or four humdred Inhabitants mostly engaged In the lum-bering

¬and tanning Industries and thorewaq

no crowd on hand to welcome distinguishedguests Neal the son of the Ilov Mr and MrsCleveland was home from school to assist inthe entertainment of his uncle and aunt

The only attempt at decoration was made atAlder Creek whore a largo flog and H Cloveland and Bendricks campaign banner wereflung to the breeze The President took specialnotice of tho latter

After dinner both the President and MrsCleveland appeared on the veranda of the par ¬

sonora and Mrs Cleveland rap down tbe stepand walked about the lawn Later In the dayCommissioner Kernan and Postmaster Waterbury called and arranged for a public recep-tion

¬at the personage tomorrow evening

The Rev Mr Cleveland has been pastor ofthe Presbyterian church hero for eight yearsand Is very ponnlar with all cjaisea

At 5 oclock this afternoon Postmaster Waterbury took the President Mrs Cleveland andthe Presidents sisterinlaw for an hoursdrive Mrs Cleveland who had already madeherself a guttural favorite with the people wonmany new Irlomls during the drive by respondlag to the slightest evidence of recognition

The party returned from the drive at 040having driven about tern miles over a routewhich the President intel nnvor before takenBoth the President and Mrs Cleveland ex-pressed


themselves as being delighted with tbopicturesque scenery Ton was served nttortliodrive and the party remained quietly In thehouse during the evening

An Incident of the day occurred in connec-tion


with Mrs Clevelands parasol SenatorKiernan took charge of It ne Mrs Clevelandleft the carriage at the Utica depot nod neg-lected


to return it as she ontciod tho car Timeparasol was brought to Alder Crook on thenext train by Baggage Master Perry to whomMrs Cleveland sent an especial word of thanks

The progninimo of the Presidents move-ments


after tomorrow Is ns follows Saturdaytnorninq In company with Koerotary and MrsKalrthlld the party will make nu excursion tothe Thousand Islands leaving limo about 3oclock They will go via Wntertown and CapeVincent thence by steamer down the St Law-rence


ai tar as Alexandria buy and return toClayton whore they will again hoard theirspecial traIn for Korostport Mr nnd MrsFalrchlld will continue on to Caenov

Hunilny mornlngtho President and wife will i

attend divine service hero nt which the Rev jjlMr Clovolnnd will preside anti in tim after-noon


the Prosliicnt may accompany his broth-er either to White Lako Corners or AlderCreek whore ho holds services on alternateSundays

Monday morning the party will leave forCatevovla whore theY will remain during theday the guest of Secretary Fairchild

Tuesday they will visit Vnyottovlllo theProsIdentR old homo and on Tuesday eveningthe journey to WitHhlngton will be begunThey expect to arrive at the capital ut noon onWednesday C

BTUACUSE July ILRoot Post 151 O A Rtonight adopted resolutions Inviting the Pres-Ident and Mrs Cleveland to visit Syracusewhile in title vicinity A Reception Committeewas appointed to convey tlio Invitation to thePresident

Heat Kills a Standard BearerJohn Biircholr aged SB of 10 First street

was found dead In his bed yesterday afternoon DeputyCoroner Dr Ilerold found that hIs death aas doe to beatprostration and alcoholism Unrcholi was a bookkeep-er


housed noisy that his real name was not Burcbolibnl-hrelbeer Von Alvenbolz and that he had been the etandianti bearer of the Culraisler of the Imperial Guard ofrmperor VVllllam tie had relatIves In llrooklynaoqIn Chicago

Overboard from the SiriusJ D Francis of 283 Sixth street Jersey City

reported to the police of tins steamboat qna4last night that while tbe Iron steamboat Slrluwas returning from Coney Island he saw a man otiS 0

had been sitting on the rail of the lower deck fall overboerd The boat was stopped but nothing more wasseen of hIm sod no one knew who he wa

Suicide From a FerryboatWhen the IIoboLon ferryboat Montolair was

In midstream on her 11 it trip to New York last eveninga man climbed over the rail and disappeared In thewater He was about live feet nine welt built andfashionably dressed He wore a gold chain and seemedto be about 33 t

Fell In > n Vat of Dolling WaterWhite working near n vat of boiling hot water

In Smith i Cams leather factory Newark yesterdayafternoon Peter Schseffer lost his balance and fell In-

He was scalded so badly about the body that It ii feareil-he cannot recover

The Weather Testerday-Indicated

ff9by hludnuts thermometer 8 A IL

tItle i o A tlTlt °t IIAtll42tJM H4 ° JI1K MtIt-a I M K5 ° u P M 78 ° U midnight 76 ° jlverai Al

uty45 Average on July IX ISsue 7l ° fc ISignal Office Prediction

Fair woather stationary temperature

JOTX1AUH ABOUT ioiryMuslo In Battery Park this evening at S ho SosSSUly ninth Keglment bandThe Calf Butchers Association haying failed to estab-


a monopoly Is to be dissolvedAn unknown man was etruok and killed by a Harlea

Railway engine at Uedford Park yesterdayPhilip Murphy aged 10 ot 2ii4 gash Kurlrflrtt street

was drowned yesterday whims batblug at tins loot clWest tilghtyelthth street

Commissioner Xewton has appointed II D Billing andJohn K Kennelir Inipectnrs of 1avlug and Joseph IConey Itiipector Itepavlng

Mrs Maria Maxwell the woman wbo setaimited CantIlLsseyeKldow iltu a hatcheS on VteUncfcday night fwa held for trial at Juei Market yenlerday

Asiemblymaii Patrick Conner charged hie tonGeorge aired ix al I sex Market > eiter lay with va-grancy The lad was committed to the orkhouie

The Open Stuck and train Hoard or Sew York llmltfltins teen InciirpnnteiJ with a capital stuck t sitxe totthe purchase and sale of kUckf grain provlFlona andolC

The Police1 ommliHnnerereluseJ yesterday Utrtoronthe case sgslnit tapt Al a Ire ut tint rciiursi or r aunnKeeper Krumin who wanted another bearing to ret insome new testimony

James Cnrbrane a driver of a lumber trncl was overcunie by the heal In Ihe IlirbiiVen t erry hmsnuei tstrrdarand tiled He lived elth lila InrullJ ill i nest ILIr-teentli street this dryJulie Ian lloen wan taken III yestgrdsy hlent

trndliiK to the motion calemlsr ot tU Lurrusiu In lielatters abssumie end was ublleett to tm home fir the dayIK experts tu tall the Surrogate caknilar today

the tnltod Labor tony In the rerrntrenth illrtrlctmet at sa Ninth avenue last evening nnd they eieciel-juliu

IK ijulilvan Jane IIII Magus mil Ahuoit ilainil

ton delega es in use Syracuse tiinven l n siuI i hnrlei 1aA i oung John Savage bnd Adolj li tl et2 altcruatr

Charles Knuwitnnof 4H SuSCt Hfly icrenlhurrea conductor on the liljth avenue tlevnid r llrf ail vurun ver by an engine mi Medneslar nUlit tvllle trnijtciiro thetriuk tfltr iixlit sire calI lath uuiueantI died yesterday miirnliigat em the Kmiievelt llmpltul

The Urowu Dora who rode away In their fattier a furnllure wagon trnrn their hone IIn Harlem on TuesdaynlvliL got bonn yesterday Willie holnayeare oilreturned alnne umirge who lie H nyse found with thewigon In the annezs Jutrlcl They had hiss taLon aIds they said-llenrirUng the pcrsuuteit painter msreu1to obtain considerable nutorlety ai well sa comtuiiliHt

liy hIs statements that he se > I4acklito by the tabororganuzallsiisefthlrIiy sad prCvmslol front securingqmptoymeo got a loan ye5rejob In sing Sing yestdqItem dtaacotu kiinyhhn ost hIs pies at gatLIj 01 usd5-

m jh