vf i PAOlOItlES FOB SALE ! M)NO IRIAN I) CITY"""""1 1.000 to 100,000 square fMt BP; tt ssiu ecrjpanryj ww iiiuin id pan n KUJIAN CALI.MAN COM PATH, P. Bridge I'laaa, im - IMAM) CITY. ,lACTORY AM) (lAltAfiU BITES. T.OW, 10,000, 11,000, 23,000, 38,500 square fecbtJand, 10.08 icr aquaro foot up; good locations, corner properties, don transpor- tation. E. KOLLMEH, 180 Montague at., loom 013, Brooklyn. TrMriKlv Cn Industrial Walrrfroata ' C'a Fortlnndt 81. (.'ort,5307 BUSINESS gLACES TO LET. AbV 14th,. 8t. to CUIh St. (Inclusive), East Itlirr ( Nurtli Itlvrr. f ,, ADJOINING PENNSYLVANIA STATION 7fli Ave., 30th to 3 1st Street 17 Story llulldlnr. NOW BEING ERECTED Near Main l'ot tHffce. About 20,000 Feet Per Floor Unobstructed Unlit. No manufacturing. STORES, LARGE OFFICES ENTIRE FLOORS. Apply to Your Own nroker or REGENT REALTY CO., 31 WKST I ST. STORE Fer Reut, Immediate Foasniloo. A step frcm Madison av., convenient lo Grand Central Depot, 27 East 40th at., 131100: excellent Hrht: adanted tor anv hllh claaa business: moderate tent on long lease. (Mr. Gerety) FltlCDK FOX I CO., INC., 14 West 40th st. Thone 940 Vanderbllt. -O- FFICES Executive offices In high class office building can be rented for over 4 years for less i than 33 a ft. Opportunity for lawyer or big concern. S.Oigood Pell&Co. Tel.noiOVan'hlltl 17W.4lat.,N Y. Attractive parlor floors and store on West 43th St., near 0th av. Good for dressmaker, oostumer, furrier, tailor, hair- dresser, ic. Reasonable rents. Also small jfcnt offices and space for manufacturers. "tses Agent, .7 West 45th. OFFICES AND STUDIOS. WITH norm iignt, at ill East X3d st. Apply on premises or JOHN V. PEEL CO., 362 West 23d St. Above &0lh St. 5th Av, to East Itlvrr. STORE, Madison av. and 73d St., beautiful store, best section of city: three year lease, 34,500 per year. A BARGAIN. JOHN KAVANAOH, 003 Madison Ar. Miscellaneous. STOKES AND LOFTS. . CENTRALLY I.OCATED ALL SIZES. LOUIS SCIIRAG, 142 WEST 23D ST. Borough of Hrooklrn. 10,000 Sq. Ft. Sale, Rent. WAREHOUSE. SiAriiiNi: shop, FACTORY, AUTO REPAIR SHOP, SERVICK STATION. NEAR TERMINALS AND FKRKIFX F.. 160 BROOKLYN. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. APARTMENT HUNTING UNNECESSARY, Immediate or October occupancy. Mrs. DINGLEMAN. Speclallat. 120 W. 72. Col. 830. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED Above 5!)th St. 5th Av. U, North Khrr. WAITT INVESTING. CO., INC.. 309 WEST 86TH ST. Two rooms with bath, unfurnished, $2,700 per year. Including mald'a service. RESTAURANT ON PREMISES. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. NEAR BROADWAY'. lf9th, 201 West.-Fn- ur. five light t; rooms and bath; hardwood floors; elec-t-- light, new law house; magnificent en- trance; owner's management; no elevator; hut Immediate possession. Inquire mperlntendent. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. TUB BURkTHuJuEfHtODAtIo tlon salo of desirable home sites at Hotel Aator, June 22. 23, 21. Particulars apply to J. CLARENCE DAV1ES. 110th st. and 3d av., or JOSEPH r. DAY, 32 Liberty t., Agents ami Auctioneers. HONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. BROOKS k MOMAND. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, 115 B'WAY. TEL. RECTOR 2267. $..,000 second mortgage for sale; liberal dis- count to quick purchaser; security consists of a new three family brick house In New- ark recently valued by reputable firm at $22,000. There Is a first mortgage of $10,-PO- due In three years. B., 595 CITREALESTATE From Battery to 14th St.. Inclusive. GREENWICH VILLAGE, West 4th St., $14,500. SO PERRY ST.. $15,500. Other desirable properties for sale. WILLIAMS-DEXTE- CO., INC.. M Grove St. 5518 Spring. GREENWICH VILLAGE Private house, 20x to: suitable for alteration; $10,000. 155 West 14th St. HOUSE, seven story brick, 73x81, for sale or 0 let; suitable for lofts, D. Mllano, 4S New Bowery. Above 14th St. to 50th St. (Inclusive). East River to North River. SEVEN story office building, above 20th st. ; rents $15,780; February. 1021, rents $22,000; prlco $110.000. BHARUM. 170 Broadway. WEST BSTH ST., NEATt STH AV. Two dwellings. 40 ft. front: unusually for residential or business alteration; possession 00 days. M. MORGENTHAU, JR., CO.. 206 Broadway. Cortlandt 3(06. Above 59th St.-- 5th Av. to East Hirer. FO"n SALE t story building with stores, 20x80 : 57th-58t- h sts., Ixington av. 5 story bldg. ; stores and lofts, 20x70. Lex- ington av. 58th-59t- h sts. It tory private house, Mad. av . 125th-12at- CHAS. SCIU'LEB, Room 201. 7 East 4Sd. Abote 39th St 3tli Av. to North Rher. BARGAIN. PRIVATE HOUSE. 1) West S.",d ft., four story and basement duelling: plot 20x102: good condition: pos- session 00 days, Inspection by appointment only. Price $30,000. First mortgage $20,000. 'R8. IIIRSCH. Lenox 2897. BEST tingle flat In 70's. Price $33,000. Rents $4,000, $5,000 in October. Only 17 room apartment can be had for occupancy. Act quick. 8LAWSON & HOBBS, 162 YVest 72d St. Itoraogh of Manhattan .Miscellaneous. THE owners are anxlcus to sacrifice: 104 East Rflth st., 30x100; price $38,000. 140 West 119th St., 20x100; prlco $22,000. f.8 East 120th St., 27x100: price $30,000. PEASE & ELLIMAN. 340 Madison av. Tclephono Murray x;ill 6200. Borongh of Bronx Sale or Rent. EOILD HOME Lots $500: take L or subway to Woodlawn. trolley to Yonkers av. BELDEN. 213 W. 125th BRONX FLAT BARGAIN. Five story triple, no heat, hot water supply: trice $18,000; terms. ELLIOTT, 134 Nassau. Btekman 2iW4. TWO FAMILY BRONX, $5,000. 1317 Balcom av . near Westchester av. Nine J rooms, baths, porches: near new suhwny: I IUt 41 Ofin rn.h Nassau. I .'4nj advertisement n the host and pound column, of THE SUN AND XEW XOR&HERALD offers a real possibility' qI recovering loar lost property. REAL ESTATE OUT OF CITY. Kpuyten DujttII and Itlverdale, Above Harlem River. FIELDBTON'. New York Clty'a Mont Accessible Suburb, CKORGK, HOWE. 027 Firth Avenue, N. T. Itorough vf IlrooUlyn Sale or Rent, plot on gowanus hay, below any bridges, which also haa a wide frontage on a main avenue; very desirable tor storage, warehouses, factorlea, garagea, brick or lumber yards, with office and other buildings and atuble. NEL80N, 405 lat at,, llrooklyn. Y ET wash laundry or any bualneaa would imcrecd In Ilia beautiful brick building. 231x7.1, coiner Went Olli at, and Sheopshead liny mail, Coney Island; possession. Owner, ELLIOTT, 131 Nassau at. Itorough of (lueens. LARGE barn, 40 alalia and 11 room frame dwelling, 1WH100; 012 Boyd av., Woodhaven, for salo or rent, cheap, HH A HUM, 170 Ilroadway. TWO family house. 12 rooms, two baths; two blocks from subway; two blocks from school; 0, GOO; $2,000 cash: con take Imme- diate possession, Hoi 211, fitelmmy- av,, Long Island City. I.oiibt Island Kale or Kent. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. - NEW Colonial brick dwelling, heated garage, jsjlx large roonu, lllcil bath, hot water heat, ; all Improvements; onn block from t'ipiasi subway station; 11,500 cash requited, bal- ance reasonable terms, l'hono or writ") .1. H, WITHERS, f,2 Vandeibtlt av., Km York cli.v, Telephone Vanderbllt 73G7 COUNTRY HOME. NOIITII SHORE Hour New York: old fashioned house, 8 rooms; fine old fruit and shade trees. 1 nne land, handy to station, and rood hatbor; price $0,300, to settle estate. Write or rail, owner's repiesentatlve, DANIEL M. RI.Il-AR- 1270 Broadway. FOREST HILLS GARDENSFOR SALE. New modern house, six master bedrooms, with four baths and garage: occupancy Au- gust in, 1020; convenient terms. B 531 SEASHORE bungalow, 13,000; at Saltalre, Fire Island; five rooms, bath; large porches, surf nnd still water. bathing; also others at higher prices. O. F, LOUCKS, Bay Shore, L. I. Telephone STi. SPRINGFIELD, L. 1. Houses and lots; bar gains. ai.jiADE-iiwii.- i. uypusu .ibhvu, Telephone Springfield 1817. WATERFRONT Country Estate, aerei, 15 rooms, modern house, large garage, stable; wonderful trees, orchards, farm (planted), lake nnd about 400 feet on nay. HIG HARG IN! Telephone 154 Port Washington, L. I. Weilcliester Sale or Rent. BROADWAY, South, 304. Yonkers.-Mu- st leave city. Mill eell beautiful three family house with garden In front; beautiful back grounda; all perfect condition; Improved garage; electricity; 40x103; Park Hill rectlou, good opportunity quick buyer. OWNER. JAS. D. McCANN, 11 North av.. New Rochelle. Homes New Rochelle Larch-mon- t, Pelham. w Jersey Hale or Rent. AT 20 per cent, below current prices, new 8 room tapestry brick home, coaey and romplete, large lot; high and well shaded; near express station, W. W. WILSEY, 2 Avondale road. Tel. 537 Rldgewood, N. J. ADIRONDACK cottage, one acre. $700; homes and farms, North Jersey, rent. W. N. WRAY, Cloeter. N. J. BLOOMFI ELD-GLE- RIDGE. LOW PRICED NEW HOUSE. $S,500 Six rooms, tile bath; all modern im- provements: good lot. BEST BUY IN BOROUGH. $9,000 Seven rooms; all Improvements; fine location and lot 75x150. MARTIN REALTY CO.. SO Broad at., Bloomfield, Phone 1216. COMMUTER'S beautiful country home, tight room house, good outbuildings; four acres good anil; 10 minutes to station; price $5,000 cash. MERRITT R. LAMSON. Freehold. N. J. FOR SALE 15 acres, 9 room house and out- buildings. A. W. Fund, Hillside ae., Liv- ingston, N. J;, P. O. Chatham, N. J. Price $11,000; half cash. HANDSOME RESIDENCE. UPPER CLINTON AVE. Fifteen rooms, three baths, entirely modern; aluablc cor- ner plot, 100x223; three-ca- r ga- rage and stable. 60t of purchase price may remain on mortgage. A. E. ALLSOPP, INC , Kinney BIdg., Newark, N. J. HOLLYWOOD. West End. Elberon, Deal-Sev- eral choice cottages still for rent. WAR-DEL- A BURKE, West End, N. J., office near railroad station. LOTS were never so cheap, because building Is cxpenshe. Common sense rays buy them now and build later. We spiclallxe on building plots, from the flncit In Palisade and Grunt wood with view of Hudson River and New Y"0rk, at from 30 to 40 cents per square foot to those a mile further away In the woods at 5 to 10 cents per square foot. REID & LOWERY CO.. at Junction Fall-sad- N. J. Tel. 830 Cllffstd. PROPERTIES in Morrlstown and vicinity. EUGENE V. WELSH. Morrlstown. N. J. THREE room furnished bungalow; modern; secluded, wooded section; bathing; High- lands. N. J. Information, 418 De Kalb av Brooklyn. Connecticut Sale or Bent. LADD & NICHOLS. Tel. 1717 Greenwich, Conn. SAYHROOK POINT.-O- ld corner store and garage, right at station and boat landing; heat property there for any business; will rent for cost of necessary repairing, about $200, or will remodel and lease or aell It; also good 11 room house, cheap. W. R. SMITH, 110 East 123th St. Massachusetts Sale or Rent. FOR estate near Boston. M. F. GORDON, 875 Fulton st., Brooklyn. rennsylvunla Sale or Rent. BEAUTIFUL country estate of 53 acres In I ths Penllyn-Gwyned- d Valley suburban sec- tion. I 20 miles from City Hall, Philadelphia, I 1M to 2 hours from New Y'ork city. Colonial mansion house with 5 living rooms, 9 bed chambers, 2 baths, located in 5 acre lann with old atiado and shrubbery; gardener's J cottage, 7 rooms, all conveniences; large garage and coach house, large barn and poultry houses; 15 acres woods and meadows with stream and lake; a beautiful place In every detail; In excellent condition; owner leaving for Australia about August 1; price $75,000, or rent furnished at $(1,000 per year. II. J. DAGER, Agt., Ambler, Pa. Miscellaneous Sale or Rent. NICE farm, commuting distance; possibili . ties lUl i a t.i.i.i over 50 acres; borders river; fine view; 900 peacil ireea. eifijib luwiu nuuaa; uarns; Horses, tools; crops. OWNER, room 1820, 154 Nassau. FARM PROPERTY. BEAUTIFUL shore farm, overlooking Casco Bay, 36 mllqs from Portland, Me.; 00 acres, rich tillage soil, 3 growing pine and spruce, pasture land: 11 room house, large bam, hen house and sheep shed; also Ice pond and lco house: f!v room cottage, boathouse and wharf: this will make a fine gentleman's estate: price $7,500 for oulcl; sale. Address FRANK L. CLARK. 1007 Building. Portland. Me. SMALL and large farms on salt water. East- ern Shore; list. J. WATERS RUSSELL, Chestertown, Md, REAL ESTATE CUBA. FOR SALE. One hundred and sixty acres of land, fac- ing the beautiful Bay of Celnfuegos, Cuba, the most Important commercial port In Cuba after Havana, and without a doubt the best and largest bay In the Island. This property has a water frontage of at least 1,000 yards, and therefore admirably suited for the building of a dry dock, tho water being deep all along the entire front, Including the very good creek that lays mid- way of the property at the water front. There la also plenty of limestone specially Allied for the manufacturing of the finest Hmo (there Is a Hire kiln In operation). Also a atocj quarry, from which large amount of blocks are quarried every jear for bulldln purposes. There Is also a large tra"t of timber land which has never been touched. For full particulars addrcen FRANCISCO CABRERA PEREZ. Zayas No. 4, Santa Clara, Prov. Ela. Clare. Cuba. REAL ESTATE WANTED. TO RENT or buy. I.x20 room house, nlsjicd. In mountains or bv lake, for board-liu- ,' purpost-- . Jl. S., 2831 Broadway. WILLIAMS-DEXTE- CO.. INC.. FO'iOrovr St. ,4 Spring 5318. r.n dlAoose of lour YVashlnaton Square and Gteeuwreli Village properties to advanUje. THE SUN SUBURBAN HOlfES TO LET AND FOB SALE. AT Long Uracil, L. J, On account of auil-'de- n change of plana we will aubleaae at racrlflce house I have rented nt 11,000 for four rummer months! attractively furnished i Immediate possession; beat location, near ocean; fi mnster'ej bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 double maids' rooms and bath, and garage. Tel. 8053 Col,, before DelS, or between 1 and 2:30 nr 0 and 7. sale Hummer home on the HI. Law- - I tree, OJIbway Lodge, Thousand Islands. In Chippewa Hay, Hlver Bt. Lawrence: this flno summer realdence Is fully equipped anil furnished i furnace heat, seven larKit Bleeping rooms, three bathrooma. sonants' quarters, .electric lltclit plant, yacht houseboat house; ready for occupancy: aalo IncludeH 1 In libit group cf Islands; sate to close the estate i of the late Henator K, D, Hawkins. For K.rma apply to WILT8E ft DI5 YOUKU, agents, Aleaiidrq Bay, N, Y, FOR delightfully situ, atod high around, about 8 acres: house 12 rooms, electricity, running water, nuthouses; large porches, fine shrub trees, fruit; near station and school; low prlco; commutation loss than an hour. OWNER, 442 West 162d st . New York city. FURNISHED, seven room liouae; ocean block; (1,300. 211 lleach 143th, Ncpon-se- t. L. I. SUBURBAN HOMES WANTED. FURNISHED houso wanted for summer, Westchester, within one hour of city: five master's, two maids' rooms required; strict-- I l.v private family of adults, Address full par ticulars, WII.L.IAMH. room a;, nn uroanway.. WANTED To lease. 7 or 8 room house: to Union Hall or Jamaica statldn. A.. 1147 rullon st. SUMMER RESIDENCES TO LET. AT Sound lleach Rent for summer $000; furnished homo: garage: near station, golf, bathing: will sell. E. C , 315 Herald square. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home of 10 rooms; garage; convenient to water and station: June 15 to Sept. 15. Apply QUINN. 192 Woodland av.. New Rochelle. Telephone New Rochelle 142. FOR RENT Old fashioned summer home on Kennebec River oppclto Oardlner, Me.: 8 rooms, 5 sleeping: stable: $300 for season. Plume Schuyler 2402. FOR RENT In nerkshlres, summer season. furnished cottage, 5 rooms; $25 per month. For particulars write Mrs. E. M. GUILDS, box 43, East 'Lee. Mass. LARC'IIMONT. Cool location; comfortably house; 8 bedrooms, 3 boths, electricity, gas; garnce. half acre of land: $1,200, three months; furnished. H. f. PERRIN, 7 East 42d st. Telephone Murra Hill 2122 or MORRISTOWN Furnished 12 roonn. five baths, sleeping porches, hardwood, library, billiards, water heated, electric; garage, etables; 10 acres lawns, orchards, gardens fSOO per month, nr lease. DOCTOR, 333 West 24th. 1160 Chelsea: 11 to -', SUMMER houses, N. Ji. rooms; fishing, bathing, woods: near tho ocean. Inquire FISCHER, 27 West 111th St. Thone University 5790. . TO sublet to October 1; Immedlato posses- sion; suite of four rooms and two hatha or tuo looms and bath. In Hotel Nothorland, 5th av. and 69th st. Telephone Plaza 3719 for appointment to Inspect between S'30 and 10 A. M. TO LET FURNISHED From June 15 to September 15, 7 rooms, 2 baths, upper two family house, situation fine: $150 a month. Phone O. 5R4.T, from 5 to 8 P. M. Address 140 S. Munn. East Orange. N. J. TO LET Hudson River farm house and garage; good water, good roads; nice, clean place; 8 rooms; 35 miles out; season, $:rX E. 1). HEMINOVEH. Oarnervllle. N. Y. SUMMER RESIDENCES WANTED. BUNGALOW wanted for six people, conven- ient distance New York city ; near hathlng beach. B. 11.. 405 Herald Bquare. FACTORIES FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR bargains In commends! water front properties see JOSEPH T. MULLIGAN, 53 liberty et. From Battery to 11th St.. Inclusive. APPROXIMATELY 2.500 squaro feet: imme- diate possession. JOSEPH E. VIDAL, 27 Wa rren: Barclay 8273, OFFICES AND STUDIOS, all sizes: Immediate possession; 7th av. sub- way express station. ARGOS, 41 7th av., en- trance 13th st. Watklns 5980. Above 14th St. to 59th St. (Inclusive). East River to North River. .'RT studio, large room, high ceilings: suit- able for picture gallery, antiques or scenario rurposes. 637 Madison av., cornur 69th st. See Sunt. TOR ftUBLEASK : rulte of three offices; telephones, te.i West 4Bth st. Apply loom 321, Guaranty Bide.. '5th av. 'SMALL, prliate office, with outside offlco prhllegf, oenoomng am av. ir.quuo room 613, 351 5th av. Aboe 59lh SI. 3th A. to Vast l'.Ucr. LOFT, 50x100; plentv of light. Inquire 2121 1st av., near 100th. Above 59th St. 5th A v. to North River. VERY DESIRABLE SPACE IN BUILDING. NORTHWEST CORNER 75TH ST. AND AMSTERDAM AV., 10,000 SQUARE FEET ONE FLOOR. 2 STORES ON GROUND FLOOR; SPRINKLED THROUGHOUT AND HIGH GRADE IN EVERY RESPECT. AP- PLY REPUBLIC PLAYES ROLL CORP AT ABOVE ADDRESS. Rorough of llrooklyn. BUILDING, 10x100 ft., six light lofts, base- ment; steam heat, electricity; eleator. Owner, on premises, 170 Sands st.. Brooklyn. HOUSES T0JjET-URNJffli- mp IT-- m H'PtT . .I.fta t.nma llvlnc n,l porch, dining, large foyer hall, butler's pantry, kitchen, 5 open fireplaces, 4 master's iiedrnoms, 2 tile baths and sleeping porch, 1 master, 2 maids' and sewlnc room on third floor; two car garage: every modern con- -' venlenc. with large grounds: must he seen to be appreciated. A., 1715 Wnhlnirton Height'". ' APARTMENTS FURNISHED. APARTMENT RENTING SPECIALIST. First class furnished apartments; bargain; Ions and short lenses; avoid hunting. Tele-pho- Cathedral 5823. ' A living room, two bedrooms, bath and kitchenette, to let for summer or for the month. Apply superintendent, 152 YVest 58th st. APARTMENTS of two rooms and bath; all modern improvements; ready June 1. For Information call at 158 East 01st Bt., or tel ephone Plaia 4815. A. A. Four large outside rooms overlook- ing gardens; bath, portch, electricity; r: $33. Phone Jerome 4140. A PARTICULARY attractive 2 room and kitchen apartment, 157 West B7th at., for four months or longer. Phone Circle 1423. ANSONIA IIOTEL-Sub- let for three months two rooms and hnth: $123 per month; ref- erences. P., 10 Herald square. BROADWAY, 156th St. Eight extra large all outside rooms, routh and east exposure, compicto except linens, from June 24 to Sep- tember 11 for $600: 'ecn by appointment. TrIrhone rortlanut xixi. BEAUTIFUL apartment .hotel, Marie An- toinette; BUblet June 15 to October 1, three large rooms , and bath; fourth room If de- sired. Inquire apartment 31. COMFORTABLY furnished three room house- keeping apartment; sublet six months. HOAR, 682 Academy at. Phone Wadsworth 2400. npanment n. DOCTOR, living, sell, rent, 66th, 334 YVeat, , ...., IlVe rfJIIIK, UHUOU....J IBIB.I BVIUV Hlately clean. Phone Circle 5313. WRIGHT. YINTIRH furniture. Including piano nnd graf-onol- a, of five room apartment G. E., 630 YVest 127th at., corner Riverside Drive, all for $t00. RIGG8. FURNISHED four outside room apartment until October: cool for summer; elevator; awnings: screens. 158 West 58th St.; lele- - phone 2892 Circle. FOR Rent Furnished apartment on River-sld- e Drive. June, July and August. Call -- .,.., lvn Hl.n.l.n A GENTLEMAN having nicely furnished six room apartment In YVest ROth st.; two baths, all outside rooms, 'will sublet until October I; may be leased longer: will aell contents: sacrifice. For full particulars apply STEWART, 123 YVest 80th St. Phono 0208 Schuyler. GRAND CONCOURSE, 1770 (Bronx, at 173th st.). Six rooms, facing three streets; high- est grade furniture; piano; adults. Phone Melrose 2342. HANDSOME bed, living, dining, kitchen and bath room: purchaser can rent apartment (1A). 2120 Harrison av., near 180th. Tltrimc Fordham 15U, extension AND NEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920. APABTMENTS FUBNISHED. HANDSOMELY furnished, delightfully cool eight room anartment in sublet till October or longer In lintel Ansonla: housekeeping or linens and laundry thereof! one block front subway, "L" station and park; beautiful view of river and Ilroadway; Hill floor. Apartment can lie seen by ap- pointment or telephone Columbus .1010, nr write Mrs. DAVID RU88EL, care Hotel Ansonla. i MADISON AV Al'ARTMENT,' bedroom, bath, kitchen and private ttn-- 1 trance: fully furnished; 1123 month to Octo-be- r. Telephone Vanderbllt fl2M."i Wednesday. ' NICE, large front rooms; private bath; j cooking privileges, 57 7tlh St. Col, 7104. ONE parlor, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, for Immediate occupancy, until Sept. 15, nt 1 East nilth nt, Call Plaia 31)54, riverside' puTve. iw. at HOTirsi'- .- HUni.ET FOlt ONE YEAH FHOM JUNE !2I, COMI'OItTAIlLY liTJHNIHHED HHANI) NEW APARTMENT, OCCUPIED SINCE NO-- I VEMflEHi PAltTIEH GOINO AUHOAI), t'OUIl HOOMH, HATH, KITCHEN: ALL OHT8IDE EXPOSUItlli OVEHLOOKINtl RIVER; ELEVATOR: TELEPHONE: REQUIRED: 1250 A MONTH. PHONE AUDUHON 0010. APARTMENT 3F. SIX exceptionally large rooms, two baths, 'handsome furnishings, excellent location, near Riverside Drive and.mldtown section; Immediate possession, OWNER, Schuyler 6803. SIX room apartment; large, airy, completely furnished; mahogany, Oriental rups, benu-tlfu- l lamps, piano, real homo for leaponslble people, summer; fliiu month. 47 Last 5Kth st EUITB for rent, Immediate possession, until October 1; two attractively furnished rooms and bath: maid service; $250 a month. Apartmtnt On. Hotel Langdon. 2 East Bfltli at. TO sublet until October or longer, Just for rental, exceptionally desirable apartment, two bedrooms, drawing room, bath and kitchenette; all light: u doors from Mh nv.; meal service in apartment If dealt ed; nlgheat trferonces; seen by appointment. J, 11.. 00 Wall st. TO sublet to October 1, Immediate posses- sion, suite of four rooms and two bains, and two rooms and bath, In Hotel Nethorland. 5th av. and 50th st. Telephone Plaza 11740 for appointment to Inspect, between 8:30 and 10 A. M. TO sublet until October, large, light, airy IKIng room and bedroom with kitchen prl lieges; rent $43 per month, references required, BUNDBTRUP. 001 West 160th st. TO let at less than unfurnished rent for summer, beautifully furnished aprtment of rooms nnu J Datns, at jiu J.ast rtn at.: Piano, sliver and linen If lequlred. Bee superintendent. TEN rooms, 4 master bedrooms, for sum- mer months, with nrlvlleue of taking over two year lease. Apply NEWPI'ROER. 133 l,!!! ' ark West. Phone coiumous TWO room suite. 2.",0 a month until October 1, lestaurant nnd paid service. 1 East "(1th, Apt. 318 Phone Plata 805. VERY desirable furnished apartment to mil nom juna is to uctoDer l; Dcaroom, sitting room and bath. $100 per month. Very desirable location, close to elevated and subway; well suited to couple ur two men; excellent dining room on first floor or building. Apartment 33, 102 West 80th St., Hotel Anderson. References required. Phone Schuyler 7868. WILL sublet furnished apartment. 3 rooms nnu Dam, tor tne summer mnnine. HOTEL MARIE ANTOINETTE, 67th st. and Broadway, suite 303. WEST END AV., furnished suite of three rooms and bath WEST 72d, 20. Beautifully and completely furnished duplex, six rooms; June 15 to uctoner l Columbus 237. 5STH ST., East, between Madison and Park avs. Furnished apartment, with servlco and restaurant: 3 rooms and bath; best residential section; occupation from Junt 1. rent $300 per month. Inquire CR1CIITON vTSTiT lvyvitr Trm.nivii rn itr.fi 5th nv. 7IST. 171 West.-W- llI rent our beautifully furnl'hed 5 room apartment in tne uoni-tcn- ; sliver, linens, piano, refrigeration. $200 to responsible party. ENFIELD. 72D ST.. 158 West Two room apt. with kitchenette nnd bath, rent $108 per month. 70TH ST. and West End av., overlooking Hudson, 7 rooms, 3 baths: attractive for summer. Apply Apt. 8 East for appolnt- - monl. Columbus 6300. S6 Riverside Drlve.-El- ght room.""3 baths, elevator, $275. five rooms, elevatoi. $1C0. ERNEST TRIBELHORN, 308 West nitb 03D ST., S. W. CORNER MADISON AV. Newly decorated apartment, one room and bath, $60 up; two rooms, bath, $75 up, hqtel service, extraordinary value: block from park: lestaurant. HOTEL ASHTON, 12TH. .3 West. Two rooms, bath, kitchen- ette, furnished. $100. Chelsea 5724. WEEKS. 103D. 161 West. Desirable building (near subway), sublet summer months, five rooms, completely furnished, Christian adults. Apartment 3A. . 115TII, 010 West. Three rooms, kitchenette; Immaculately clean; Immedlato occupancy. Call Morningsifle 3aa. apartment ,ja 415 West 115th St. Attractive five rooms and bath In elevator apartment house; completely furnished, close to Columbia Uni- versity; June 15 through September at $125 per month; lease for year or more can KA nrranrraH trtnlra nnnnlntm.M tiV telenhone. catneurai apartment .i.. 787 LEXINGTON AVE (61). Three large, !..!. U,V.. nlnnn Tl,A uglll rooms, imwi, wn nr.,, ,......, u Oct., $100 monthly. DUNNING. Plara VO). Lone Ilai(il. FOREST HILLS GARDENS FOR RENT. Modern, well furnished 5 room aaprtment with 2 baths. Possession Juno 15 to Octo- ber 1. Telephone Boulevard 6274-- New Jersey. ATTRACTIVE furnished four room apart- ment. East Orange, from June 15 to Sep- - .,,. ivinuer i.; i ovsn uut, nlnr.i by appointment. Phone Orange 34Q.M. EIXiEWATEK. N. J. To sublet, four rooms completely lurnisnea: cicctuc ubiu, two blocks from 130th st. ferry. Phone Cll ftslde 320 Party W. WEST HOIIOKEN. N. ILL LEASE 5 ROOM APARTMENT AND 8UN PARLOR, ALL IMPROVEMENTS; BEAUT1FULLLY SITUATED ON HILLTOP, OVERLOOKING THE RIVER AND NEW Y'ORK; REFER- ENCES REQUIRED. PHONE UNION 4029. 324 MOUNTAIN ROAD. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED From flattery to 14th St.. Inclusive. 10TH ST.. 06 West. Apartments, six rooms and bath; electric lights, Immedlato pos- session: rent $123; month's deposit; building being thoroughly renovated. 13TH ST., 241 YVest. 4, 5 rooms, all im- provements. Chelsea 6016. Superintendent. Above 14th St. (0 59th St. (Inclusive). ICast niver to North River. ARTIST bungalow apartment; private roof garden, with fountain; living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two baths, open fire; elevator building; ready. October 1. DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN 4 CO., 15 East 40th at. Tlaia 9200. GRAMERCY section, two rooms and bath; open fire; outside room; long lcae If icasonahle figures. Mr. BOHANAN, Stuvve'ant 6347. TWO rooms and bath, parquet floors, electric lights, $100; one room and bath, $73. 61 YVest 48th st. 264 YVest 23th St. Five rooms, oath, eloctrlo lights, &c: newly renovated; rents $65 up; leases; Immediate possession. Apply Janitor. Above 39th St. Cth Ar. to East River. UNFURNISHED apartment. 'Madison iv.. near 84th St., large, cool, quiet room, tiled hathroom; references. Telephone Lenox 7699. Yhore 50th St. 5th Ar. to North River FOUR and five room apartments. Apply -- .... . nil IV.., (MMl. -- . MANHATTAN Av., 370--3 rooms, bath, $73; high class elevator apar't. Superintendent. NATIONAL STORAGE. 146 YVest POth St. Storage, $5 month vanload; motor vans moving: moderate rates. 1702 Riverside. 72D ST. Apartment, two rooms and bath, twelfth floor, southern exposure, moderate rent. 116 YY'est 72d St.. apartment 12E. 104TH ST. YVest. Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping In private house; $00. Academy zuiu. 316 YVest 102d St. Bachelor apartment, suit- able for two gentlemen; Hudson view; choice floor; tiled bath, shower. Washington Heights, Above 123th St., West of 8th Av. FORT YVASHINGTON AV.. 131 (Nathan Hale, corner mist st.i. nix 10 nine rooms, $150 up. Tel. YY'adsworth 0230 or Cortlandt rmatr immediate oossesslon. RIVERSIDE DRIY'E, 700 (148th).-S- Lx ami ground floor, $175 up: suitable seven rooms, . . .... . C.ril...! -- It. piiysirian. .muuumi .Kurt vvumnm rtwii 1818T (Broadway). Elevator, 0 and B rooms, i.n Wnrt-.,-,- t, .. rtnto OJ Ul tlUS40IU,l. ,( V. .1, Miscellaneous. LOOK FOR TOUR APARTMENT NOW. Don't delay. Fall rentals will be difficult to secure nnd high In price. See us y while our list Is complete. J. CLARENCE DAYTCES. 51 East 42d St. (15) Vanderbllt 9744. An Advertisement in the Lost and Found Columns of THE BVU AXD NEW YORK HERALD offers a real possillUtu 0 recovering pour lost proptrtp. .i7,rti,r, it. "i. . .ui i i.i APABTMENTS UNFURNISHED Dorougli of Irronx, SIX rooms, all Improvements; near J 80th st.;' rent 00. BLANK, 2,117 Clinton nv. Tel, Fordham 8157, llorough of Droolityn, BIX and seven room apartments, all Im- provements, at reasonable xent; beautiful neighborhood, overlooking Sea, Hate. KEHN. 'Real Estate. 3128 'Mermaid i av., Coney Island. Tclopljono Coney Island oei. New Jersey MIsceUaniMxjs. MODERN apartment, furnlshl, 0 rooms and both, near Hrlek Church station: July and August fS5 month; telephone J57, J'lOQINH, 6i;i.Moln st., East Orange APARTMENTS WASTED. Furnished, WANTED Four or five room furnished npartmtnt. July 1 to October 1, preferably neighborhood University Heights. If you want to feel your apartment will liave ths boat pf care, wrlla A 1002 Brooklyn, .''aX of Antral Park, between 70th and 110th ata four or five room d apartment to Oct, 15 by threo adult, father, mother, daughter; references; stein price, ' M llermd aquare. Unfurnished Sale or long lease; YVashlngton square. Gramorcy Park, Chelsea, Park av;. River-aid- e Drive anil all desirable locatlona, for eelect list of responsible clients. .T. CLARENCE DAVIES, "i Last 42d st. (21a) Vandeixillt 0744. FURBISHED ROOMS TO LET. CENTRAL PARK " WE.HT 240mlde iuuiiib, mine ur singm. to ., FURNISHED ROOMS, "TWO OR THREE. 1,yj;hh,l'VnNlmKl)- - FRIY'ATE LA- - il?'-'- : COLUMHUS CIRCLE LOOALITY. 4 .i.r,riiv. uikci.w FURNISHED rooms to let; desirable for summer. 831 Beverley road. Brooklyn. rARI.OR FLOOR, 2 ROOMS AND rarVATB BATH, SUITABLE FOR DOCTOR; 2D AND 3D FLOOR FRONT; RUNNING WATER AND ALL CON VEN FENCES. 29 WEST BOTH ST. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. large rnoin. mii.n-l,l- n iTh.i..,- -. .. w..u. housekeeping. NOBLE. '1HREE rurntsneu rooms to let, kitchenette nnd bath, from Juno to Oct. Aijly Hupt., 152 Wist 58th st. YVEST LND AY'., 2rt3. AHnu'tlvely furnished large private rpom nnd bath. 35TH ST.. (II West. Froia room for two: nicely furnished: Improvements; references. 48TII, 102 West-N- ice doubln room; respect- able couplo or friends, homelike; Improve- ments. 50TII ST., 14 West-Liv- ing room, bedroom. bath; $100 a month forsurramcr; gentlemen; references. 03O ST.. 31 West-par- lor and bedroom. Apply MURPHY. 2d floor, east. '1ST. 331 YVest-La- rge private bath; single; minims water; gentlemen; rererences. .31) ST. (Lexington Av.). Large sunny room, suitable for one or two; private family; $12 a week, rhone Rhlnelnnder 1015. 71ST, 60 YVest. Two rooms, together or sepa- rate; newly furnjshed; electricity; refer- ences. 2D St., 47 West-M- ost attractive small room for single centlenmn. nrtvutn hnth. $35 per month. DURYL'A. 73TH ST.. 103 YVest.-La- rge, airy rooms. Kiicnenrtte. in select nouse; electricity. 831). 15 YVest. Cool outside room: quiet, home; gpeclal summer' rates. 92D St., 12 YVest Attractively furnished sin gle rooms, electricity, elevator; lefereuces. Phone 5008 Riverside. 01TH (6W YVest End av.). Two large, at- - irucuveiy turnisnea rooms ana Dam: grand piano, private houso: together, separately. 107T1I, 324 large, at- tractive room, suitable for two; select; luvpraiue 112TII ST., 601 YY'est. Front room, well fur- - nlfthiwl ..tftvnlnr nnnHm.nl- - l - lainenrai ,siu. 115TH, 181 East. Laige or amall rooms, to ur weparate. 440 CENTRAL PARK YVEST (At I04th St.). sieauiiiui jront suite or tnreo rooms, fac- ing park; artistic summer furnishings: Im maculately clean; elevator, electricity; in modern npartment; ideal for one or two bachelors seeking unusual surroundings and service: also square side room. TENBROOK. Academy 2600. Itorough of Bronx. BRYANT AY'., 1872 (cor. 170th). Comfor- table room, facing Exposition, S0-- ? 10; housekeeping; transients. Borough of Brooklyn. A CORNER ALCOVE. SUITABLE TWO OR THREE: PERMANENT. 175 fiTH AY'.. BROOKLYN. Rorough of Queens. BEAUTIFUL large, light room, opposite Rockanay Park depot, newly furnished, no other roomers, two blocks from ocean; for one or two persons: gentlemen preferred; five months or more: le.i.vinnhL,. Telephone Belle Harbor 2373. UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. LARGE front room, adjoining bedroom; un- furnished; suitable business couple, furnish If necessary. Mrs. SMITH. 122 East 51st ROOM to let. Apply Tailor. 129 WAVERLEY PI.ACE. BOARDERS WANTED. DON'T worry about a comfortable place to live all year round: we can accommodate you; best of food; rates reasonable; no chil dren: American or European; 18 minutes from Pennsylvania Station. THE INN, 42 State St., Flushing, L. I Telephone Flushing 1215. MADISON AV., 213 (near 36th).-Attrac- tlve room; excellent table; references. 72D, 269 West.-Cho- lce double room; single room: June 5. 104TH ST, 70 YVest Two large rooms; excel- - tent poaru: reasonaoie; pnone. COUNTRY BOARD. Long Island. FAR ROCKAWAY. The Shirley, Broadwav and Mott av., five minutes from station anil beach: extensive lawn and shade; Christians. Miss SEAMAN. ROCKAWAY PARK, 158 113TH ST. Comfortable rooms, balconies; overlooking ocean; special season rates. Telephono Be le Harbor 1688. SIFK. Btaten Island. FIRST class house, boarders or convales- cents; boating, bathing, fishing, commut- ing 8 minutes; within walking distance of station. Shore road. Phone 11 72-- J Tottenvllle. THE EVELYN LODGE. Charming, Homelike, All Year Residence. 20 Mln. Delightful Sail Across Bay. Elegantly Furnished; Excellent Cuisine. Parlors. Porches. Lawns, Comforts. YVeekly $20 Up: Capacity 75; Booklet. 11 Y'ears Under One Management. 71 Central Av.. St. George, S. I. New England. BOARD for the summer at the Burlank Homestead, YValden Heights, Vt. Terms reasonable. rennsylrnnla. WOODLEIGH. Towanda, Pa. Steam heat, elcetrlc lights, private bath rooms, good food, farm attached; owner trained nurse: automobiles; room for guests' cars; send for booklet. Address Miss ELIZABETH LAMB. Country Board Wanted. COUPLE wtth child (2 years) want room (with bath) and board, Bayshore or Baby lon. Address, with description and terms, B-- , 594 or teltphone Rhlnelander lira. ELDERLY American, Trotostant, physician and wile desire lor August, Hcptomoer or longer accommodations as paying guests In i refined home with excellent table at tlie sea-- 1 side, near New York, where companionship . supersedes business Interests; rates must bo! moderate. Address with references ana full particulars, DR. ti. i;uuak dcan, 3: YVashlngton av.. Scranton, Pa. WANTED Hoard for family 2 adults, 2 chil- dren within commuting distance of New York city, Juno 15 to September 13; private family or farm preferred. A., 1003 Fulton eL DOGS. FOR SALE SHEPHERD DOG. One of the handsomest dogs In this country. wolf gray, 2V, years old. fully trained for po- lice work; wonderful watch dog. Apply ROB- ERT McCALLUM. South Bay Kennels, 33 Mlllburn av.. Baldwin,. I. Tel. 420W- Frecport. FOR SALE. .DIAMONDS bought, sold for cash only; tatea bought. BENNETT, 175 Broadway (upstairai, RLECTRIOAL contractor will aarrlflca bust- - ness, entire atock ond appliances on ac- count of sickness; compelled to go Yvestl good opportunity for party who wants swtah. Ilshed business and splendid future prospects. leiepnone juenmona mil nw;i. ELECTRICIANS, experta, apnrtment wiring, so; oiner electric woric juri as rcum-nblo- ; efficient workmanship guaranteed Bryant IN98, FOR HALE. OPPORTUNITY FOR A GOOD ELECTRI- CIAN AND MOTOR REPAIR MAN TO BUY A FULLY EQUIPPED BUSINESS, ELLC TRICAL AND MACHINE S1IQP. ESTABLISHED TEN YEARS. TERMINAL; PRICE $4,000. A. C, BOX 117 S'llV.llt'tl t .M llDrtrtLM vxr FOR SALE-Mlilnl- ght blue velvet and black satin dolman wrap, afternoon or evening; perfect condition: cost $173, aell $00. e Lenux 8H71, NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, Wo guarantee to rent, or aell a better Na- tional for less money than any other cash register company; absolutely guaranteed; n.onthly payments; also buy or exchange, re- pair, ACME CASH REGISTER CO, (Est, 1800), 3411 W. 42d at. (9th av.). Bryant 1335. PORTLAND CEMENT delivered, tots of 100 bags; slate surfaced rhlngles; low prices. RUBBER ROOFING CO., 5 Cortlandt st. Cortlandt 4920. ZEBU COW AND HULL, 2 AND 3 YEARS OLD. YVE1R, 432 EAST MD ST, TELE- PHONE PLAZA 5249. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AGENT nnd distributor for manufacturer for Rockland and YVestchester counties; abso- lute territorial rights for long term; adver- tising campaign now on, surface cars, Ac. ; email advance payment for good will neces- sary; urtlcle now In high class New York stores. Is repeat seller. If you can show rosults, apply D 28 Herald square. COAL 2,000.000 TONS, AT TIDE WATER. ONE TO FIVE YEARS' CONTRACTS. AT $7.75: TOOLS ONE AND TWO. MAIIER, S09 WEST 33D ST. FOR SALE-FO- UR BERTHS, FRENCH LINE, SAILING JULY (I. HAWLEY, ROOM 412, 200 5TH AV. I will undertake .to place Issue of stocks or bonds; some particulars or no reply. A., ipog Fulton st; MAN. capable organizing selling staff, can secure profitable proposition, investment secondary: Btate qualifications. A., 1009 Fulton st. MECHANICS. ATTENTION Sacrifice small earage, 20 cars; fully equipped repair shop, gasoline selling station, machine shop, all tools; good established trado service station; will rell at sacrifice; territory Jamaica; leaving town, Apply by mall H. Williams, 529 Gates av., Brooklyn. Call Jamaloa 4062, OPPORTUNITY for tourists to engage a was four vears with the Royal Flying Corps overseas; finest creden tials: memner or tno itovai Aero i;iuu. aim holder of International certificate, Is open for engagement with Individual desirous of taklnor un flvlntr as a sDOrt: will consider acting as guioe ror party wisning to tour me battlefields of France and Flanders. 1)., 21 Herald square, ' ON acrount of need of ready cash I offer at a substantial sacrifice to quick buyer my stock Interest In mercantile business, now earning 29. net profit nnd paying 13 dividends, w. w., 44 iianem. STEEL lockers put up and repaired at reasonable prices. JOHN HOYT, 525 East 157th st.. New York city. WANTED $3,000, good Investment; principal with substantial tonus returneu in w uays. W. B.. 140 Harlem. YVANTED Canltal for the financing of auto mobiles fold on time payments. Address for Interview ELTEI1, 38 weawa. INFORMATION WANTED. ALL persons and Institutions knowing abont resldenco of Mr. Nlekolil Efgraforlch Par-chi- are requested to deliver audi Information to the Diocesan Council of the Ruasl,n Church of New Y'ork, 15 East 97th St.. New York city. ALL persons and Institutions knowing shout residence of Countess Sophia Nlkolserna Tol- stoy sre requested to deliver such Information to Diocesan Council of the Russian Church of Nw York. 15 East 97tli St.. New lorn city. RICHARD T. LYNCH.-Informa- tion as to whereabouts of former Judge Richard T. lynch Is requested; liberal reward tor ac- curate nformation. T. L.. 204 Herald square. M0T0R30ATS, LAUNCHES, ET0. A SLOOP YACHT FOR SALE. First class condition; 33x50x14 ft. beam; very complete; one stateroom, two toilets; cost $8,500; will sacrifice $2,000 cash: can bo Inspected. Answer by letter to LLOYD A. SMITH, 1,129 Fulton nv., Bronx, Tele-pho- 5360 Rector. MARINE PAINT. Best for waterfront buildings; outlasts all other paints. White, gray green, $3.60 gal-Io- barrels; $3.73. 5 gallon cans. RUBBER KOuf UNO U(J.. o ijortianot at. vurt. NEYV. magnificent, high speed cruiser for .sale, specially designed and mint oy Charles L. Scabury & Co., for both Southern and Northern waters: is 73 tt. u in, over an 13 ft. fl In, beam. 3 ft. 0 In. draft; has two 200 horsepower high Speedway motors with contract speed of 20 miles per hour, and has every convenience for living and cruis- ing aboard; Is fully equipped and Immedi- ate delivery may bo had; yacht can be seen by applying at Consolidated Shipbuilding Corporation Basin, Morris neignis, isew Y'ork, or communicate with YV. F. S. HART, 33 Wall at.. New Tork city. Telephone Han- over 6677. THIRTY-SI- foot raised deck bay cruiser In commission, complete Inventory, first class shape: $4,000. Inquire Capt. ARTHUR H. POYV'LES, YVIlson Point Road, South Norwalk. PURCHASE AND EXCHANGE. YVANTED Contents of house; high class furniture only; no dealer. A., 1003 Fulton at., or telephone Franklin 5337. FURNITURE. DINING room suite, extra fine quality ma- hogany, for sale. Call Mornlngalde 8933, 9 A. M. or 12-- BIRDSEY'E maple suite, double bed', mat- tress, spring. Immaculate princess dresser, two chairs, $100; no dealers. E., 71 Herald square. PROPOSALS. OFFICE of the Quartermaster' General, Clothing and Equipage Division, Munitions Building, YVashlngton, D. C. Sealed pro- posals In duplicate will be received here un- til 11 A. M June 3, 1920, for furnishing all or any part of 50,000 raincoats. Informa- tion on request. MACHINERY. YVANTED Two or three slow speed trailers for use with tractor; capacity about three tons: will buy or rent. Phone Astoria 2233. MOVING AND STORAGE. THE Empire Motor Van Co. of 10 East 21st st.. Bayonne. N. j. expect to leave Bay- - onne on Saturday, June 0. for Scranton, Pa., would Mice to taxe a load or household mods or freight to Scranton or vicinity. Phono Bayonne 1380. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTsT' ' Over 70 yeara' practice, all communica- tions strictly confidential; handbook on patents free on request; special facilities for office consultations. MUNN CO.. 233 Broadway LEGAL NOTICES. TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a Hen held by us against the following described property: One chestnut gelding, one gent's raddle, one bridle, one old blanket, one roller, one halter, belonging to Joan Sawyer of New Y'ork city, and one piebald mare pony, ono small Mexican saddle, one bridle, one halter, belonging to G. M. Anderson of 220 YVest 48th st.. New York city, and now In our possession, we will sell such personal property at public auction to the highest bid- der to ratlsfy such Hen, at Visa, Doerr 4 Carroll Horso Company, at 153 East 24th St., In the borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 17th day of June. 1020, at 10 CENTRAL PARK RIDING ACADEMY. LVC. Dated, Juno 1, 1920. srruATioNS wanted femah. Cooks. 4c. COLORED, first class cook, would like posi- tion country or city. Address MUs C. George. 318 Mott v.. Bronx, M. T care FoJ. : ' ,iM SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE PiMiti.. An.. COOK, young, good, plain, In email family: light housework considered! Long Ialand only; Southampton or vicinity; willing and obliging, E., 54 d Herald square. COOK, amal'l laundry, willing to wait on table; care fllst floor; country preferred; wage. $73. R, M,, caro Flynn, 320 YVeat 4llth st. COOK and downstairs work, reliable colored woman, wishes position, country only, In small American family. Jones, 201 YVest 21st n. muno wneisea no4n. COOK Lady wishes to place good, plain cook with private family In city. Yvrlto or call, Mrs. Carny. 050 Columbus av. COOK, French, with boy 15, wishes position together With Christian American family for Biimmer. E 62 Herald Bquare. COOK, alonrt; city, country; neat, colored; obliging; particulars. Hcllgrave, 300 Lenox av. COOK. Competent German cook, American family; country, seashore preferred: $70; no cards, 432 East 58th at., Dorln'a bell. COOK, Austrian, first class In small fam- ily, without children, wishes position, coun-tr- 302 East 57th. . COOK, Swedish, wishes position In country; competent, YYrlto only, care Cerwen, 319 East 68th st. COOK wishes position, private family, In city. YVrlto A. M care Devercat, 047 Am- sterdam av. ' COOK, excellent; city, country; would clean apartment, cook dinner; colored, Harlem 0559, COOK. Good plain cook; two In family; no .laundry; city preferred. E. Bums, caro " nncn, ion west aatll st COOK, excellent; understands German cook- ing; week; sleep home. Sheridan, 1335 3d nv. COOK, English, work by day nr week; city. C, 174 Herald iquare. COOK Country for summer. taement, 73 jasi turn, COOK, first class, wishes accommodations, tan unineiander 3324, between COOK, good, for a mouth or by day; bct references. 147 East 51st Bt. COOK wishes position, city or near city; ref- erences. 238 East 42(1 St.. Kelly. COOK, oxcellent help with housework; city; $73; reference 229 East 80th. EXPERIENCED cook; city references. Fltz- - patricic, lai west 110th st. MIDDLE age woman deslroa position as cook or chambermaid In tho country: com- petent, reliable. D., 27 Herald square. RELIABLE middle aged woman, German, wishes position plain cook and light house- - "' "mail rnmny; adults only. Call Huebsch, 1746 1st av.. one flleht. SWEDISH woman; first clasa cook pre- ferred; kitchen maid kept; leave city; u or $83 per month. 210 East 02d 1. YVOMAN as good, plain cook; country July. Write S. It., 125 East 34tli. Chambermaid. Ac. CHAMHERMAID-Ne.- it, refined, light colored woman, experienced light chamborwork, sewing or waitress, first class small private family; best referenco; city or country. S. Miller. 331 YVeat 35th st. CHAMBERMAIDS, two, would like positions .nti"v"!h'r;-P"ivat- 8 or Vubll:- - Call, all week, at OH AfllBERM AID. Mother desires position "uulutr " nernian speaKing family $00 month. YVharton. 152 YVeat 91et. CHAMBERMAID-WAITRES- country, cltv wages Present position, 120 YVest mm m., apartment 411. CHAMBERMAID In email family; sewing; speaks French and English. I. M., '233 West 24th St. YOONO woman, good chambermaid, willing uu urn." waning, clean: gooa rererences; adults, good Christian family. Box C, adver- tising, 1351 av. A. Dresnmakera, Seamstresses A- - Milliner. ABSOLUTELY" competent American dress- maker; evening" dresses; remodelling; $4.B0. Miss Fnlrmun, Schuyler 2601. Phono morn- ings before 0. A hand sewer wonts employment, home or out, competent. C, 200 Her- ald square. ARTISTIC, smart gowns quickly made; also remodelling. Audubon 2900, apartment 31, dressmaker. i)nMSMAKER-MILLINE- Fiench, makes atunnlng, chla street, evening gowns, hats; make your figure Btouj or slender; graceful lines, becoming appearance; hats, gowns ar- tistically remodelled; homo or out. 173 East DRESSMAKER Experienced Bklrt fitter would like position at seashore for summer. Address L., post office box 3, Madison Square Station. DRESSMAKER, up to date, quick; also ex- pert remodelling. Address Designer. 3525 Broadway. DRESSMAKER, experience, colored; quick' $5 dally. 316 YVest 119th. care Sims? LADIES' garments altered, repaired; dra- peries, curtains, lampshades made, 4c; ex- perienced; out dally, $3.50. Phono morn- - iiiks. i laza oiiia. DRESSMAKING, gowns, wraps, remodelling: home preferred. Smith, 123 West 43d. 4878 Bryant. DRESSMAKER. High class, one customer June, out, $4. C. 200 Herald DRESSMAKER, first class, gowns, wraps, .inivuuinifi, uui, liny, LI., ill otin- - iici win, -- icimii square DRESSMAKER, first class; dally; city or country; references. Gowns, 160 East 88th. General Housework, Ac. COLORED girl, general housework; coun- try; no washing: adults. Abbott, 60 YVest 159th, - COLORED girl for general housowork. YVrlte Adams, 101 West 75th at. GIRL, colored, wishes half time housework. YVarren. 332 West 52d. Phone Circle 0638. time noueeworKer, mitiaie age; com- petent: no Sundays; colored. Harley, 300 Lenox av. HOUSEWORK. Competent. trustworthy young colored cook, excellent baker; soups desserts, creams; will do general work small fa llv ...... nf.r.np.. -- ll II I . ,.......v v.. wen rai(;, aOVI YVest 53d: no cards. HOUSEWORK. Respectable colored woman wishes housework; $17 a week; sleep out; reference. 2121 7th av. Audubon 1000, apart- ment 51, HOUSE WORKER, good cook, apartment, Christian family. Phone from 9 to 12, Schuyler 4248. HOUSEWORKER; sleep out: email family; competent; colored; $15; fare. NIbb, 300 HOUSEWORKER, experienced, with child. Atlduhnn 0110. nlurtinnnt flj 13-- -. 140th" ' HOUSEWORKER, neat, colored, reliable; no Sunday; good worker. Krlton, 306 Lenqx HOUSEWORKER, half time or neat: light colored; competent. 306 Lenox av. HOUSEWORKER, excellent housekeeper. good cook; no washing: references, n., 00 Herald square. HOUSEWORK and cooking, girl, part time afternoons. O'Connell. Tel. 6604 Schuyler. HOUSEYVORKER, small family; sleep homo. in west nisi st.. Apt. ei. lxiundresses. &c. DAY'S work, Flnhlah: washing and lronlmr I uy nay. muuiii. .oo cast inin. LAUNDRESS, competent, colored, wants laundry taken home. Apartment 6, 234 West 63d. LAUNDRESS, first class, by day; private city references. E., 07 Herald LAUNDRESS First class laundress, day's work. Audubon 9110. 149 YVest 140th, apartment 31. COLORED woman wishes laundry work home: rererences. rrater. 123 YVest 134th. YVASHINO. YY'oman goes out washing. Iron ing or otnce cleaning, airs, liodnar, 337 East Bfltli st.. apartment 8. YVASHINO taken home by dozen: reliable woman. Mrs. Barnes. 18 West 99th. WASH taken home; open air drying; neat. colored. Ramsey, 240 YVest 129th. YOUNG woman, Swedish, wishes position as laundress or general housework. L. Roes, 303 East 40th at., care Peterson. Nurses. &e. NURSE wants to take full care of child, age two to four years; $60 month. Write Miss A. Haasnoot, apartment 1. 404 rallsade av.. West New York. Jersey city. NURSE, experienced, wants to take care of children; country preferred. Miller, 1388 Clliton av.. Hronx. N. Y. city. NURSE (children), experienced, competent: entlro charge; beat references; wages $80 to $83. H. E.. 302 Amsterdam av. nRPINED middle aged widow wishes oosl. tlon take caro Invalid or child, help light housework; willing to travel; good sewer; references. YVrlte N. Needcn. 627 Union av.. Bronx. No cards RELIABLE colored girl to) take care of one child, June 8, city or country; good wages, Samuels, 31 West 09th St. Waitresses. Ac. WAITRESS or parlor maid; best references: private family. 8tockbrldge or vicinity. ' Write M. v.. care iticaey. ii ast TBtn. YVOMAN with 15 wUhea posi- tion as waitress In country hotel where boy could make himself uaeful. S. L., 116 d, Harltmi ' SITUATIONS WANTED-OTA- LE Miscellaneous. COMPETENT ladlea maid and """tj'" wishes permanent position; cy. I first claaa references! no objections to it chamber work. U., 23 Herald square. COMPETENT.colored Blrl wants Home work In npartment; adults; ileep In; no laun- dry; reference- -. SI9 IVcat 39th. Ureen, cam YVard. DAY'S work, laundress, cleaning, cook, s; anything; competent. Atkins, phone tHu iinncm. DAY'S worker; half tlmo; cook, chamber- maid, waltlnr. laundry, cleaning; lefcr- - encea. Aiorningsiiie .... DAY worker, packing, useful, .reliable; cam- phor rugs, clothlnn. Geratel, phone Hor- - iem iisue. DAY or week; cooking, cleaning or waai)ing. BOX 704, 14U4 3d nv. DAY'S work, waBhlng or cleaning. Apollen, 70 YVeat 109th - DAY'S work cleaning. Wood, 70 YVest Hi", Phone 7473 Harlem. FRENCH lady's, maid; good Beamatreaa anJ packer; reference. D 20 tf-a- ld aquare. HALF time. A. M. or P. M.! neat, colored; reliable; particulars. Pratt. 306 Lenox av. LADY'S maid, rellablo; excellent dreaa-make- r, halrdrcaaeri French, German, Eng lish. K 73 jieraia diuu. LADY'S maid, Hwedlsh girl! .excellent refer-ence- s; $18 a week; room and board heraeir. A., 1604 Brooklyn. LADY'S maid, dressmaker, wlahea position; good reference. YVrlte M.. 280 8th av. MAID. Neat, refined young colored woman, experienced useful lady's maid; neat sewer, light cooking; small apartment; one or two professional or private ladles; reference, YVrllo Miller, .'31 YVest 35th eL SlAID, actress, or matron theatre; mending, halrdrcaslng, manicuring; colored. Love, auu t,cnox av. MAID. Young French woman wlahea posi- tion as maid to young girl; light chamber- - WOTK, 1IOX JIM, 2Jf .III nv. RELIABLE woman to care for lady'a or bachelor's npartment by day or week. 73 west 0, airs. .yncn. SEAMSTRESS or chambermaid, young French girl, well educated, dealres steady position ror city, vvnio jane, ituj wet "'" TRUSTWORTHY woman, caretaker pr vate houso or apartment; Immediate; living rooms; mall only. Mrs. E. Dale, 13T YVeat hm st. YVOMAN. colorod, wants day work, half time. 2X1 East 11th at.. Pauline. YOUNG French lady, refined, well educated, going to Long Blanch for the summer, wishes pupils. Special caro given beginners; best references. M. A., 11 West 87tli Bt., New York. YOUNG married woman (colored) deslroa part time work. Forte. 48 YVest 90th. YOUNG colored girl wonts few hours' work. uyiiuin. .wi went it-- u m. YPUNG woman wnnta light work, anything, sleep home. 73 YY'est 82d, Janitor. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. A position as manager or superintendent of tea room In New Y'ork city; familiar hand- ling help, also preparing various dishes adapted for tea room use; experience five years; reference furnished. Address E,, 04 Herald Bquare. A Ladv, refined, experienced: salesroom, office; take charge: trustworthy. C, 240 Herald Bquare. A highly recommended French visiting teach- - cr wishes summer engagements. St East 59th. A French course and English literature. Mrs. Martin, 66 West 69th Bt. . BOSTON Representative. Young lady (28). familiar with business, desires to represent Nnw Y'ork concern In Boston; ladles' or cUl-dre- n's wares preferred. Box 2478, Botu. Mass. CORRESPONDENT, extensive experience, creative ability, Inlatlve; also caption writer: publicity; educated; travelled, L. N., 264 YY'est 04th st ENGLISH undorgraduato nurse (30), or mother's keeper, desires position; refer- ences; disengaged; Particulars to D., 25 Herald Bquare. FRENCH GOVERNESS, PROTESTANT, GOOD REFERENCES: NEYVLY LANDED. L. M., care French Evangelical Church. 126 YY'est 16th st. FRENCH visiting teacher aeeka summer po- sition. YVrlte A. Llcme, Osslnlng School, N. Y. GOY'EHNBSS, nursery, English, desires posi- tion; children In arms, physical care, en- tire charge: reply statins salary. Write Stetlne. 132 East 73d. GOVERNESS, experienced, English, German, kindergarten, music; best physical care: children over 4; city references. Box 131 1039 3d av. GOVERNESS Young French woman wanta a position as govorncss or useful com- panion; excellent city references. 124 East 38th. GOVERNESS Young American: English branches; French; music: physical care: successful with backward children; slate full particulars. Hagen. 15 YVest 103d st. GOVERNESS, disengaged, languages, music; entire charge. Address Gov- erness. 301 YVest 89th St. GOVERNESS, young French woman, wishes position to one or two children; reference, Mile. P., 2.53 West 24th st. , GOVERNESS, visiting, takes children morn- ings or afternoons. D 42 Herald rquare. GOVERNESS, tutor, French, German, Eng- - llsh: full charge: references. 231 East 72d. HIGHLY educated young French teacher (piano) wishes position, governess. 51 East 69th. LADY wishes position for her experienced nursery governess, with one or two young children. Call at 43 YVest 69th, Wednesday, between 10 and 12. MANICURING Expert home or out, by ap- pointment. Butler, 129 New st. (opposite tubes), Newark, N. J. Market 740.- MANICURING. Rejane. Hours 10 to fi; 1162 Broad at.. Newark. N. J. MANICURING, home or appointment. Lewis, 18 centre at.. NcwarK. N. J., opposite tube MANICURING, home, out. Swanson, 291 Belleville av., cor. Oriental St., Newark. N.J. MOTHER'S helper, excellent sewer, house- keeper; refined American woman; refer- ence; city, country. Address A. Clinton, 211 YVest 102d st. NRSERY' governess, French Parisian; good seamstress; excellent references. Apply before 5 I'. M., apartment KC, 156 East 79th st. NURSERY governesa, German, competent, takes entire charge. YY'rlte N. M., 742 3d av. REFINED young lady desires a situation ni a companion for elderly lady or couple: prefer traveling In Europe or America; can speak Italian fluently and have the best ref- erences. Margaret M. Rlgall, 294 Maple at., Holyoke, Mass. REFINED young French woman desires po- - oiviuu na vuuijaiiiuii ui kutciiivan, i.ici- - rnces exchanged. Apply Mile. Daspas, 149 Pierrcpont st Brooklyn; graduate French insuiiuf. SPANISH lady, graduate teacher from Ma- drid, seeks position In Bummor or perma- nent school: also teaches French: 14 years' experience. P.. 34 Herald square. STENOGRAPHER, consider moderate salary on account of being out of practice: Knows little Spanish. Harris, 433 Lenox av. Phone 637 Morn, between 0 and 7 P. M. STENOGRAPHER', graduate of business school where business experience and office appliances are taught, seeks position where ability counts. A. J. C. telephone Plata 6162. TYPEYVR1T1NG wanted to do at home. Harris, 433 Lenox av. rhone 637 Morn. between 0 and 7 P. Jl. YOUNG educated lady, speaking French, English, Italian, German, wants position In business or private family. D., 40 Sun- - Herald. Herald square. Y'OUNG lady wishes position, companion to lady, Invalid, nr children, few hours even- ings. Box 13, 679 2d av. Housekeepers and Janltrcsea. CARETAKER for summer: 10 years' refer-- ' ence; colored. Blount. 120 YVest 131th. GENTLEYY'OMAN. speaking several lan- guages. Is experienced and capable, good character, desires position as a managing housekeeper In small refined hotel. Institu- tion or prtvato house. P., .0 1 1n aid square. HOU8EKEEPER. American woman, middle age, neat, good, economic cook, wishes po sltlon small, plain business family, small apartment, adults or one grown child, living In Harlem or nronx; reasonable; references. Protestant. YY'rlte, call YVorden, 416 YVesT 53d at. HOUSEKEEPER. Refined woman wlahes position as working housekeeper to business couple or small family: excellent references. Phone Columbus 7640. Mrs. Harry Freeman. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ACCOIJNTANT Books systematized, audited, opened; lax specialist; arraiwmcntr firms without bookkeepers, corporation, partner- ship accountancy; vaennable. Greene, 1,437 Hudson Terminal Building. Telephone Cort landt 1371). ACCOUNTANT. Certified public accountant, available Saturdays, Sundays, evenings, de- alres engagements; personal sorvdeo given: moderate fees. E., 70 Herald square. ACCOUIiTArrrS, auditing, artteroatlilng. arrears written up, bookkeeping service. Merit Audit Co., 59 4th ar. Tel. S12S B i lr'nrTiWlirffr''lfnT-rMnv'r- F JC9SSPri KM fa

The Sun and the New York Herald. (New York, NY) …...rent for cost of necessary repairing, about $200, or will remodel and lease or aell It; also good 11 room house, cheap. W. R

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Page 1: The Sun and the New York Herald. (New York, NY) …...rent for cost of necessary repairing, about $200, or will remodel and lease or aell It; also good 11 room house, cheap. W. R




! M)NO IRIAN I) CITY"""""11.000 to 100,000 square fMt BP;

tt ssiu ecrjpanryj ww iiiuin id pann KUJIAN CALI.MAN COM PATH,

P. Bridge I'laaa,im


,lACTORY AM) (lAltAfiU BITES.T.OW, 10,000, 11,000, 23,000, 38,500 square

fecbtJand, 10.08 icr aquaro foot up; goodlocations, corner properties, don transpor-tation. E. KOLLMEH, 180 Montague at.,loom 013, Brooklyn.

TrMriKlv Cn Industrial Walrrfroata' C'a Fortlnndt 81. (.'ort,5307


AbV 14th,. 8t. to CUIh St. (Inclusive),East Itlirr ( Nurtli Itlvrr.

f ,,


STATION7fli Ave., 30th to 3 1st Street

17 Story llulldlnr.NOW BEING ERECTED

Near Main l'ot tHffce.About 20,000 Feet Per FloorUnobstructed Unlit. No manufacturing.


Apply to Your Own nroker orREGENT REALTY CO.,


STOREFer Reut, Immediate Foasniloo.

A step frcm Madison av., convenient loGrand Central Depot, 27 East 40th at.,131100: excellent Hrht: adanted tor anvhllh claaa business: moderate tent onlong lease. (Mr. Gerety) FltlCDK FOX

I CO., INC., 14 West 40th st. Thone940 Vanderbllt.

-O-FFICESExecutive offices In high classoffice building can be rentedfor over 4 years for less ithan 33 a ft. Opportunityfor lawyer or big concern.

S.Oigood Pell&Co. Tel.noiOVan'hlltl17W.4lat.,N Y.

Attractive parlorfloors and store

on West 43th St., near 0th av. Good fordressmaker, oostumer, furrier, tailor, hair-dresser, ic. Reasonable rents. Also smalljfcnt offices and space for manufacturers.

"tses Agent, .7 West 45th.

OFFICES AND STUDIOS. WITHnorm iignt, at ill East X3d st.

Apply on premises orJOHN V. PEEL CO., 362 West 23d St.

Above &0lh St. 5th Av, to East Itlvrr.STORE,

Madison av. and 73d St., beautiful store, bestsection of city: three year lease, 34,500 peryear. A BARGAIN.

JOHN KAVANAOH, 003 Madison Ar.

Miscellaneous.STOKES AND LOFTS.


Borough of Hrooklrn.

10,000 Sq. Ft. Sale, Rent.WAREHOUSE.

SiAriiiNi: shop,FACTORY,




APARTMENT HUNTING UNNECESSARY,Immediate or October occupancy. Mrs.

DINGLEMAN. Speclallat. 120 W. 72. Col. 830.


Above 5!)th St. 5th Av. U, North Khrr.WAITT INVESTING. CO., INC..

309 WEST 86TH ST.Two rooms with bath, unfurnished,$2,700 per year. Including mald'aservice.


NEAR BROADWAY'.lf9th, 201 West.-Fn- ur. five light t;

rooms and bath; hardwood floors; elec-t--

light, new law house; magnificent en-trance; owner's management; no elevator;hut Immediate possession. Inquiremperlntendent.


TUB BURkTHuJuEfHtODAtIotlon salo of desirable home sites at Hotel

Aator, June 22. 23, 21. Particulars apply toJ. CLARENCE DAV1ES. 110th st. and 3dav., or JOSEPH r. DAY, 32 Liberty t.,Agents ami Auctioneers.



115 B'WAY. TEL. RECTOR 2267.

$..,000 second mortgage for sale; liberal dis-count to quick purchaser; security consists

of a new three family brick house In New-ark recently valued by reputable firm at$22,000. There Is a first mortgage of $10,-PO-

due In three years. B., 595

CITREALESTATEFrom Battery to 14th St.. Inclusive.

GREENWICH VILLAGE,West 4th St., $14,500.

SO PERRY ST.. $15,500.Other desirable properties for sale.

WILLIAMS-DEXTE- CO., INC..M Grove St. 5518 Spring.

GREENWICH VILLAGE Private house, 20xto: suitable for alteration; $10,000.

155 West 14th St.HOUSE, seven story brick, 73x81, for sale or0 let; suitable for lofts, D. Mllano, 4S

New Bowery.

Above 14th St. to 50th St. (Inclusive).East River to North River.

SEVEN story office building, above 20th st. ;rents $15,780; February. 1021, rents $22,000;

prlco $110.000. BHARUM. 170 Broadway.

WEST BSTH ST., NEATt STH AV.Two dwellings. 40 ft. front: unusually

for residential or business alteration;possession 00 days.

M. MORGENTHAU, JR., CO..206 Broadway. Cortlandt 3(06.

Above 59th St.-- 5th Av. to East Hirer.FO"n SALE t story building with stores,

20x80 : 57th-58t- h sts., Ixington av.5 story bldg. ; stores and lofts, 20x70. Lex-

ington av. 58th-59t- h sts.It tory private house, Mad. av . 125th-12at-

CHAS. SCIU'LEB, Room 201. 7 East 4Sd.

Abote 39th St 3tli Av. to North Rher.BARGAIN. PRIVATE HOUSE.

1) West S.",d ft., four story and basementduelling: plot 20x102: good condition: pos-session 00 days, Inspection by appointmentonly. Price $30,000. First mortgage $20,000.

'R8. IIIRSCH. Lenox 2897.

BEST tingle flat In 70's. Price $33,000.Rents $4,000, $5,000 in October. Only 17

room apartment can be had for occupancy.Act quick.

8LAWSON & HOBBS, 162 YVest 72d St.

Itoraogh of Manhattan .Miscellaneous.THE owners are anxlcus to sacrifice:

104 East Rflth st., 30x100; price $38,000.140 West 119th St., 20x100; prlco $22,000.f.8 East 120th St., 27x100: price $30,000.

PEASE & ELLIMAN.340 Madison av.

Tclephono Murray x;ill 6200.

Borongh of Bronx Sale or Rent.EOILD HOME Lots $500: take L or subway

to Woodlawn. trolley to Yonkers av.BELDEN. 213 W. 125th

BRONX FLAT BARGAIN.Five story triple, no heat, hot water supply:

trice $18,000; terms. ELLIOTT, 134 Nassau.Btekman 2iW4.

TWO FAMILY BRONX, $5,000.1317 Balcom av . near Westchester av. Nine J

rooms, baths, porches: near new suhwny: I

IUt 41 Ofin rn.hNassau. I

.'4nj advertisement n the host andpound column, of THE SUN AND XEWXOR&HERALD offers a real possibility'qI recovering loar lost property.


Kpuyten DujttII and Itlverdale,Above Harlem River.


New York Clty'a Mont Accessible Suburb,CKORGK, HOWE. 027 Firth Avenue, N. T.

Itorough vf IlrooUlyn Sale or Rent,plot on gowanus hay,

below any bridges, which also haa a widefrontage on a main avenue; very desirabletor storage, warehouses, factorlea, garagea,brick or lumber yards, with office and otherbuildings and atuble. NEL80N, 405 lat at,,llrooklyn.

Y ET wash laundry or any bualneaa wouldimcrecd In Ilia beautiful brick building.

231x7.1, coiner Went Olli at, and Sheopsheadliny mail, Coney Island; possession. Owner,ELLIOTT, 131 Nassau at.

Itorough of (lueens.LARGE barn, 40 alalia and 11 roomframe dwelling, 1WH100; 012 Boydav., Woodhaven, for salo or rent,cheap, HH A HUM, 170 Ilroadway.

TWO family house. 12 rooms, two baths; twoblocks from subway; two blocks from

school; 0, GOO; $2,000 cash: con take Imme-diate possession, Hoi 211, fitelmmy- av,,Long Island City.

I.oiibt Island Kale or Kent.AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. - NEW

Colonial brick dwelling, heated garage,jsjlx large roonu, lllcil bath, hot water heat,; all Improvements; onn block from t'ipiasisubway station; 11,500 cash requited, bal-ance reasonable terms, l'hono or writ") .1. H,

WITHERS, f,2 Vandeibtlt av., Km Yorkcli.v, Telephone Vanderbllt 73G7

COUNTRY HOME. NOIITII SHOREHour New York: old fashioned house, 8

rooms; fine old fruit and shade trees. 1 nneland, handy to station, and rood hatbor;price $0,300, to settle estate. Write or rail,owner's repiesentatlve, DANIEL M. RI.Il-AR-

1270 Broadway.

FOREST HILLS GARDENSFOR SALE.New modern house, six master bedrooms,

with four baths and garage: occupancy Au-gust in, 1020; convenient terms. B 531

SEASHORE bungalow, 13,000; at Saltalre,Fire Island; five rooms, bath; large

porches, surf nnd still water. bathing; alsoothers at higher prices. O. F, LOUCKS, BayShore, L. I. Telephone STi.

SPRINGFIELD, L. 1. Houses and lots; bargains. ai.jiADE-iiwii.- i. uypusu .ibhvu,

Telephone Springfield 1817.

WATERFRONT Country Estate, aerei,15 rooms, modern house, large garage,

stable; wonderful trees, orchards, farm(planted), lake nnd about 400 feet on

nay. HIG HARG IN! Telephone 154

Port Washington, L. I.

Weilcliester Sale or Rent.BROADWAY, South, 304. Yonkers.-Mu- st

leave city. Mill eell beautiful three familyhouse with garden In front; beautiful backgrounda; all perfect condition; Improved

garage; electricity; 40x103; Park Hillrectlou, good opportunity quick buyer.OWNER.JAS. D. McCANN, 11 North av.. New

Rochelle. Homes New Rochelle Larch-mon- t,


w Jersey Hale or Rent.AT 20 per cent, below current prices, new

8 room tapestry brick home, coaey andromplete, large lot; high and well shaded;near express station, W. W. WILSEY, 2Avondale road. Tel. 537 Rldgewood, N. J.

ADIRONDACK cottage, one acre. $700;homes and farms, North Jersey, rent.


$S,500 Six rooms, tile bath; all modern im-

provements: good lot.BEST BUY IN BOROUGH.

$9,000 Seven rooms; all Improvements;fine location and lot 75x150.

MARTIN REALTY CO..SO Broad at., Bloomfield, Phone 1216.

COMMUTER'S beautiful country home, tightroom house, good outbuildings; four acres

good anil; 10 minutes to station; price $5,000cash. MERRITT R. LAMSON. Freehold. N. J.FOR SALE 15 acres, 9 room house and out-

buildings. A. W. Fund, Hillside ae., Liv-ingston, N. J;, P. O. Chatham, N. J. Price$11,000; half cash.


Fifteen rooms, three baths,entirely modern; aluablc cor-ner plot, 100x223; three-ca- r ga-rage and stable.

60t of purchase price mayremain on mortgage.


Kinney BIdg., Newark, N. J.

HOLLYWOOD. West End. Elberon, Deal-Sev- eral

choice cottages still for rent. WAR-DEL-

A BURKE, West End, N. J., officenear railroad station.LOTS were never so cheap, because building

Is cxpenshe. Common sense rays buythem now and build later. We spiclallxeon building plots, from the flncit In Palisadeand Grunt wood with view of Hudson Riverand New Y"0rk, at from 30 to 40 cents persquare foot to those a mile further away Inthe woods at 5 to 10 cents per square foot.REID & LOWERY CO.. at Junction Fall-sad-

N. J. Tel. 830 Cllffstd.PROPERTIES in Morrlstown and vicinity.

EUGENE V. WELSH. Morrlstown. N. J.THREE room furnished bungalow; modern;

secluded, wooded section; bathing; High-lands. N. J. Information, 418 De Kalb avBrooklyn.

Connecticut Sale or Bent.LADD & NICHOLS.

Tel. 1717 Greenwich, Conn.SAYHROOK POINT.-O- ld corner store and

garage, right at station and boat landing;heat property there for any business; willrent for cost of necessary repairing, about$200, or will remodel and lease or aell It;also good 11 room house, cheap. W. R.SMITH, 110 East 123th St.

Massachusetts Sale or Rent.FOR estate near Boston.

M. F. GORDON, 875 Fulton st., Brooklyn.

rennsylvunla Sale or Rent.BEAUTIFUL country estate of 53 acres In I

ths Penllyn-Gwyned- d Valley suburban sec-tion.


20 miles from City Hall, Philadelphia, I

1M to 2 hours from New Y'ork city. Colonialmansion house with 5 living rooms, 9 bedchambers, 2 baths, located in 5 acre lannwith old atiado and shrubbery; gardener's J

cottage, 7 rooms, all conveniences; largegarage and coach house, large barn andpoultry houses; 15 acres woods and meadowswith stream and lake; a beautiful place Inevery detail; In excellent condition; ownerleaving for Australia about August 1; price$75,000, or rent furnished at $(1,000 per year.II. J. DAGER, Agt., Ambler, Pa.

Miscellaneous Sale or Rent.NICE farm, commuting distance; possibili

.ties lUl i a t.i.i.iover 50 acres; borders river; fine view; 900peacil ireea. eifijib luwiu nuuaa; uarns;Horses, tools; crops. OWNER, room 1820,154 Nassau.


BEAUTIFUL shore farm, overlooking CascoBay, 36 mllqs from Portland, Me.; 00 acres,

rich tillage soil, 3 growing pine andspruce, pasture land: 11 room house,large bam, hen house and sheep shed; alsoIce pond and lco house: f!v room cottage,boathouse and wharf: this will make a finegentleman's estate: price $7,500 for oulcl;sale. Address FRANK L. CLARK. 1007

Building. Portland. Me.

SMALL and large farms on salt water. East-ern Shore; list. J. WATERS RUSSELL,

Chestertown, Md,


FOR SALE.One hundred and sixty acres of land, fac-

ing the beautiful Bay of Celnfuegos, Cuba,the most Important commercial port InCuba after Havana, and without a doubtthe best and largest bay In the Island.

This property has a water frontage of atleast 1,000 yards, and therefore admirablysuited for the building of a dry dock, thowater being deep all along the entire front,Including the very good creek that lays mid-way of the property at the water front.

There la also plenty of limestone speciallyAllied for the manufacturing of the finestHmo (there Is a Hire kiln In operation).

Also a atocj quarry, from which largeamount of blocks are quarried every jearfor bulldln purposes.

There Is also a large tra"t of timber landwhich has never been touched.

For full particulars addrcen FRANCISCOCABRERA PEREZ. Zayas No. 4, SantaClara, Prov. Ela. Clare. Cuba.


TO RENT or buy. I.x20 room house,nlsjicd. In mountains or bv lake, for board-liu- ,'

purpost-- . Jl. S., 2831 Broadway.WILLIAMS-DEXTE- CO.. INC..

FO'iOrovr St. ,4 Spring 5318.r.n dlAoose of lour YVashlnaton Square andGteeuwreli Village properties to advanUje.



AT Long Uracil, L. J, On account of auil-'de- n

change of plana we will aubleaae atracrlflce house I have rented nt 11,000 forfour rummer months! attractively furnished iImmediate possession; beat location, nearocean; fi mnster'ej bedrooms, 2 baths, 2double maids' rooms and bath, and garage.Tel. 8053 Col,, before DelS, or between 1 and2:30 nr 0 and 7.

sale Hummer home on the HI. Law- -I tree, OJIbway Lodge, Thousand Islands.

In Chippewa Hay, Hlver Bt. Lawrence: thisflno summer realdence Is fully equipped anilfurnished i furnace heat, seven larKit Bleepingrooms, three bathrooma. sonants' quarters,

.electric lltclit plant, yacht houseboat house;ready for occupancy: aalo IncludeH 1 In libitgroup cf Islands; sate to close the estate

i of the late Henator K, D, Hawkins. ForK.rma apply to WILT8E ft DI5 YOUKU,agents, Aleaiidrq Bay, N, Y,

FOR delightfully situ,atod high around, about 8 acres: house 12

rooms, electricity, running water, nuthouses;large porches, fine shrub trees, fruit; nearstation and school; low prlco; commutationloss than an hour. OWNER, 442 West 162dst . New York city.FURNISHED, seven room liouae; ocean

block; (1,300. 211 lleach 143th, Ncpon-se- t.

L. I.


FURNISHED houso wanted for summer,Westchester, within one hour of city: five

master's, two maids' rooms required; strict-- Il.v private family of adults, Address full particulars, WII.L.IAMH. room a;, nn uroanway..

WANTED To lease. 7 or 8 room house:to Union Hall or Jamaica statldn.

A.. 1147 rullon st.


AT Sound lleach Rent for summer $000;furnished homo: garage: near station, golf,

bathing: will sell. E. C , 315Herald square.

BEAUTIFULLY furnished home of 10 rooms;garage; convenient to water and station:

June 15 to Sept. 15. Apply QUINN. 192Woodland av.. New Rochelle. TelephoneNew Rochelle 142.

FOR RENT Old fashioned summer home onKennebec River oppclto Oardlner, Me.: 8

rooms, 5 sleeping: stable: $300 for season.Plume Schuyler 2402.

FOR RENT In nerkshlres, summer season.furnished cottage, 5 rooms; $25 per month.

For particulars write Mrs. E. M. GUILDS,box 43, East 'Lee. Mass.LARC'IIMONT. Cool location; comfortably

house; 8 bedrooms, 3 boths, electricity, gas;garnce. half acre of land: $1,200, threemonths; furnished. H. f. PERRIN, 7 East42d st. Telephone Murra Hill 2122 or

MORRISTOWN Furnished 12 roonn. fivebaths, sleeping porches, hardwood, library,

billiards, water heated, electric; garage,etables; 10 acres lawns, orchards, gardensfSOO per month, nr lease. DOCTOR, 333West 24th. 1160 Chelsea: 11 to -',

SUMMER houses, N. Ji. rooms;fishing, bathing, woods: near tho ocean.

Inquire FISCHER, 27 West 111th St. ThoneUniversity 5790. .

TO sublet to October 1; Immedlato posses-sion; suite of four rooms and two hatha or

tuo looms and bath. In Hotel Nothorland,5th av. and 69th st. Telephone Plaza 3719for appointment to Inspect between S'30 and10 A. M.

TO LET FURNISHEDFrom June 15 to September 15, 7 rooms,2 baths, upper two family house, situationfine: $150 a month. Phone O. 5R4.T, from 5

to 8 P. M. Address 140 S. Munn. EastOrange. N. J.TO LET Hudson River farm house and

garage; good water, good roads; nice,clean place; 8 rooms; 35 miles out; season,$:rX E. 1). HEMINOVEH. Oarnervllle. N. Y.


BUNGALOW wanted for six people, conven-ient distance New York city ; near hathlng

beach. B. 11.. 405 Herald Bquare.


FOR bargains In commends! water frontproperties see JOSEPH T. MULLIGAN, 53

liberty et.

From Battery to 11th St.. Inclusive.APPROXIMATELY 2.500 squaro feet: imme-

diate possession. JOSEPH E. VIDAL, 27Wa rren: Barclay 8273,

OFFICES AND STUDIOS,all sizes: Immediate possession; 7th av. sub-way express station. ARGOS, 41 7th av., en-

trance 13th st. Watklns 5980.

Above 14th St. to 59th St. (Inclusive).East River to North River.

.'RT studio, large room, high ceilings: suit-able for picture gallery, antiques or scenario

rurposes. 637 Madison av., cornur 69th st.See Sunt.

TOR ftUBLEASK: rulte of three offices; telephones, te.i West

4Bth st. Apply loom 321, Guaranty Bide..'5th av.

'SMALL, prliate office, with outside offlcoprhllegf, oenoomng am av. ir.quuo room

613, 351 5th av.

Aboe 59lh SI. 3th A. to Vast l'.Ucr.LOFT, 50x100; plentv of light. Inquire

2121 1st av., near 100th.

Above 59th St. 5th A v. to North River.VERY DESIRABLE SPACE IN BUILDING.



Rorough of llrooklyn.BUILDING, 10x100 ft., six light lofts, base-

ment; steam heat, electricity; eleator.Owner, on premises, 170 Sands st.. Brooklyn.


IT-- m H'PtT . .I.fta t.nma llvlnc n,lporch, dining, large foyer hall, butler's

pantry, kitchen, 5 open fireplaces, 4 master'siiedrnoms, 2 tile baths and sleeping porch,1 master, 2 maids' and sewlnc room on thirdfloor; two car garage: every modern con- -'

venlenc. with large grounds: must he seento be appreciated. A., 1715Wnhlnirton Height'". '


APARTMENT RENTING SPECIALIST.First class furnished apartments; bargain;

Ions and short lenses; avoid hunting. Tele-pho-

Cathedral 5823. '

A living room, two bedrooms, bath andkitchenette, to let for summer or for the

month. Apply superintendent, 152 YVest 58thst.APARTMENTS of two rooms and bath; all

modern improvements; ready June 1. ForInformation call at 158 East 01st Bt., ortel ephone Plaia 4815.

A. A. Four large outside rooms overlook-ing gardens; bath, portch, electricity; r:

$33. Phone Jerome 4140.

A PARTICULARY attractive 2 room andkitchen apartment, 157 West B7th at., for

four months or longer. Phone Circle 1423.

ANSONIA IIOTEL-Sub- let for three monthstwo rooms and hnth: $123 per month; ref-

erences. P., 10 Herald square.BROADWAY, 156th St. Eight extra large

all outside rooms, routh and east exposure,compicto except linens, from June 24 to Sep-

tember 11 for $600: 'ecn by appointment.TrIrhone rortlanut xixi.BEAUTIFUL apartment .hotel, Marie An-

toinette; BUblet June 15 to October 1, threelarge rooms , and bath; fourth room If de-

sired. Inquire apartment 31.

COMFORTABLY furnished three room house-keeping apartment; sublet six months.

HOAR, 682 Academy at. Phone Wadsworth2400. npanment n.

DOCTOR, living, sell, rent, 66th, 334 YVeat,, ....,IlVe rfJIIIK, UHUOU....J IBIB.I BVIUV

Hlately clean. Phone Circle 5313. WRIGHT.YINTIRH furniture. Including piano nnd graf-onol- a,

of five room apartment G. E., 630YVest 127th at., corner Riverside Drive, allfor $t00. RIGG8.

FURNISHED four outside room apartmentuntil October: cool for summer; elevator;

awnings: screens. 158 West 58th St.; lele- -phone 2892 Circle.FOR Rent Furnished apartment on River-sld- e

Drive. June, July and August. Call--.,.., lvn Hl.n.l.n A

GENTLEMAN having nicely furnished sixroom apartment In YVest ROth st.; two

baths, all outside rooms, 'will sublet untilOctober I; may be leased longer: will aellcontents: sacrifice. For full particularsapply STEWART, 123 YVest 80th St. Phono0208 Schuyler.

GRAND CONCOURSE, 1770 (Bronx, at 173thst.). Six rooms, facing three streets; high-

est grade furniture; piano; adults. PhoneMelrose 2342.

HANDSOME bed, living, dining, kitchen andbath room: purchaser can rent apartment

(1A). 2120 Harrison av., near 180th. TltrimcFordham 15U, extension



HANDSOMELY furnished, delightfully cooleight room anartment in sublet till October

or longer In lintel Ansonla: housekeeping orlinens and laundry thereof!

one block front subway, "L" station andpark; beautiful view of river and Ilroadway;Hill floor. Apartment can lie seen by ap-pointment or telephone Columbus .1010, nrwrite Mrs. DAVID RU88EL, care HotelAnsonla.

i MADISON AV Al'ARTMENT,'bedroom, bath, kitchen and private ttn-- 1

trance: fully furnished; 1123 month to Octo-be- r.

Telephone Vanderbllt fl2M."i Wednesday.' NICE, large front rooms; private bath;j cooking privileges, 57 7tlh St. Col, 7104.

ONE parlor, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths, forImmediate occupancy, until Sept. 15, nt

1 East nilth nt, Call Plaia 31)54,

riverside' puTve. iw. at HOTirsi'- .-HUni.ET FOlt ONE YEAH FHOM JUNE



REQUIRED: 1250 A MONTH.PHONE AUDUHON 0010. APARTMENT 3F.SIX exceptionally large rooms, two baths,

'handsome furnishings, excellent location,near Riverside Drive and.mldtown section;Immediate possession, OWNER, Schuyler6803.SIX room apartment; large, airy, completely

furnished; mahogany, Oriental rups, benu-tlfu- llamps, piano, real homo for leaponslble

people, summer; fliiu month. 47 Last 5Kth stEUITB for rent, Immediate possession, until

October 1; two attractively furnishedrooms and bath: maid service; $250 a month.Apartmtnt On. Hotel Langdon. 2 East Bfltli at.TO sublet until October or longer, Just for

rental, exceptionally desirable apartment,two bedrooms, drawing room, bath andkitchenette; all light: u doors fromMh nv.; meal service in apartment If dealt ed;nlgheat trferonces; seen by appointment.

J, 11.. 00 Wall st.

TO sublet to October 1, Immediate posses-sion, suite of four rooms and two bains, and

two rooms and bath, In Hotel Nethorland.5th av. and 50th st. Telephone Plaza 11740for appointment to Inspect, between 8:30 and10 A. M.

TO sublet until October, large, light, airyIKIng room and bedroom with kitchen

prl lieges; rent $43 per month, referencesrequired, BUNDBTRUP. 001 West 160th st.TO let at less than unfurnished rent for

summer, beautifully furnished aprtment ofrooms nnu J Datns, at jiu J.ast rtn at.:

Piano, sliver and linen If lequlred. Beesuperintendent.

TEN rooms, 4 master bedrooms, for sum-mer months, with nrlvlleue of taking over

two year lease. Apply NEWPI'ROER. 133

l,!!! ' ark West. Phone coiumousTWO room suite. 2.",0 a month until October

1, lestaurant nnd paid service. 1 East"(1th, Apt. 318 Phone Plata 805.

VERY desirable furnished apartment tomil nom juna is to uctoDer l; Dcaroom,

sitting room and bath. $100 per month.Very desirable location, close to elevatedand subway; well suited to couple ur twomen; excellent dining room on first floor orbuilding. Apartment 33, 102 West 80th St.,Hotel Anderson. References required. PhoneSchuyler 7868.WILL sublet furnished apartment. 3 rooms

nnu Dam, tor tne summer mnnine.HOTEL MARIE ANTOINETTE,67th st. and Broadway, suite 303.

WEST END AV., furnishedsuite of three rooms and bath

WEST 72d, 20. Beautifully and completelyfurnished duplex, six rooms; June 15 to

uctoner l Columbus 237.

5STH ST., East, between Madison and Parkavs. Furnished apartment, with servlco

and restaurant: 3 rooms and bath; bestresidential section; occupation from Junt 1.rent $300 per month. Inquire CR1CIITONvTSTiT lvyvitr Trm.nivii rn itr.fi 5th nv.7IST. 171 West.-W- llI rent our beautifully

furnl'hed 5 room apartment in tne uoni-tcn- ;

sliver, linens, piano, refrigeration. $200to responsible party. ENFIELD.72D ST.. 158 West Two room apt. with

kitchenette nnd bath, rent $108 per month.70TH ST. and West End av., overlooking

Hudson, 7 rooms, 3 baths: attractive forsummer. Apply Apt. 8 East for appolnt- -

monl. Columbus 6300.S6 Riverside Drlve.-El- ght room.""3 baths,

elevator, $275. five rooms, elevatoi. $1C0.


Newly decorated apartment, one room andbath, $60 up; two rooms, bath, $75 up, hqtelservice, extraordinary value: block frompark: lestaurant. HOTEL ASHTON,

12TH. .3 West. Two rooms, bath, kitchen-ette, furnished. $100. Chelsea 5724. WEEKS.

103D. 161 West. Desirable building (nearsubway), sublet summer months, five

rooms, completely furnished, Christianadults. Apartment 3A. .

115TII, 010 West. Three rooms, kitchenette;Immaculately clean; Immedlato occupancy.

Call Morningsifle 3aa. apartment ,ja415 West 115th St. Attractive five rooms

and bath In elevator apartment house;completely furnished, close to Columbia Uni-versity; June 15 through September at$125 per month; lease for year or more canKA nrranrraH trtnlra nnnnlntm.M tiV telenhone.catneurai apartment .i..787 LEXINGTON AVE (61). Three large,

!..!. U,V.. nlnnn Tl,Auglll rooms, imwi, wn nr.,, ,......, uOct., $100 monthly. DUNNING. Plara VO).


FOR RENT.Modern, well furnished 5 room aaprtment

with 2 baths. Possession Juno 15 to Octo-ber 1. Telephone Boulevard 6274--

New Jersey.ATTRACTIVE furnished four room apart-

ment. East Orange, from June 15 to Sep- -.,,.ivinuer i.; i ovsn uut,nlnr.i by appointment. Phone Orange 34Q.M.

EIXiEWATEK. N. J. To sublet, four roomscompletely lurnisnea: cicctuc ubiu,

two blocks from 130th st. ferry.Phone Cll ftslde 320 Party W.WEST HOIIOKEN. N. ILL LEASE 5



From flattery to 14th St.. Inclusive.

10TH ST.. 06 West. Apartments, six roomsand bath; electric lights, Immedlato pos-

session: rent $123; month's deposit; buildingbeing thoroughly renovated.13TH ST., 241 YVest. 4, 5 rooms, all im-

provements. Chelsea 6016. Superintendent.

Above 14th St. (0 59th St. (Inclusive).ICast niver to North River.

ARTIST bungalow apartment; private roofgarden, with fountain; living room, kitchen,

two bedrooms, two baths, open fire; elevatorbuilding; ready. October 1. DOUGLAS L.ELLIMAN 4 CO., 15 East 40th at. Tlaia9200.

GRAMERCY section, two rooms and bath;open fire; outside room; long lcae If

icasonahle figures. Mr. BOHANAN,Stuvve'ant 6347.TWO rooms and bath, parquet floors, electric

lights, $100; one room and bath, $73. 61

YVest 48th st.264 YVest 23th St. Five rooms, oath, eloctrlo

lights, &c: newly renovated; rents $65 up;leases; Immediate possession. Apply Janitor.

Above 39th St. Cth Ar. to East River.UNFURNISHED apartment. 'Madison iv..

near 84th St., large, cool, quiet room, tiledhathroom; references. Telephone Lenox 7699.

Yhore 50th St. 5th Ar. to North RiverFOUR and five room apartments. Apply

-- .... . nil IV.., (MMl. -- .

MANHATTAN Av., 370--3 rooms, bath, $73;high class elevator apar't. Superintendent.

NATIONAL STORAGE. 146 YVest POth St.Storage, $5 month vanload; motor vans

moving: moderate rates. 1702 Riverside.

72D ST. Apartment, two rooms and bath,twelfth floor, southern exposure, moderate

rent. 116 YY'est 72d St.. apartment 12E.

104TH ST. YVest. Three unfurnished roomsfor light housekeeping In private house;

$00. Academy zuiu.316 YVest 102d St. Bachelor apartment, suit-

able for two gentlemen; Hudson view;choice floor; tiled bath, shower.

Washington Heights, Above 123th St.,West of 8th Av.

FORT YVASHINGTON AV.. 131 (NathanHale, corner mist st.i. nix 10 nine rooms,

$150 up. Tel. YY'adsworth 0230 or Cortlandtrmatr immediate oossesslon.RIVERSIDE DRIY'E, 700 (148th).-S- Lx ami

ground floor, $175 up: suitableseven rooms,. . .... . C.ril...! -- It.piiysirian. .muuumi .Kurt vvumnm rtwii1818T (Broadway). Elevator, 0 and B rooms,

i.n Wnrt-.,-,- t, .. rtntoOJ Ul tlUS40IU,l. ,( V. .1,

Miscellaneous.LOOK FOR TOUR APARTMENT NOW.Don't delay. Fall rentals will be difficult

to secure nnd high In price. See us y

while our list Is complete.J. CLARENCE DAYTCES.

51 East 42d St. (15) Vanderbllt 9744.

An Advertisement in the Lost andFound Columns of THE BVU AXD NEWYORK HERALD offers a real possillUtu0 recovering pour lost proptrtp.

.i7,rti,r, it. "i. . .ui i i.i


Dorougli of Irronx,SIX rooms, all Improvements; near J 80th st.;'

rent 00. BLANK, 2,117 Clinton nv. Tel,Fordham 8157,

llorough of Droolityn,BIX and seven room apartments, all Im-

provements, at reasonable xent; beautifulneighborhood, overlooking Sea, Hate.

KEHN. 'Real Estate. 3128 'Mermaidi av., Coney Island. Tclopljono Coney Island


New Jersey MIsceUaniMxjs.MODERN apartment, furnlshl, 0 rooms and

both, near Hrlek Church station: July andAugust fS5 month; telephone J57, J'lOQINH,6i;i.Moln st., East Orange


Furnished,WANTED Four or five room furnishednpartmtnt. July 1 to October 1, preferablyneighborhood University Heights. If youwant to feel your apartment will liave thsboat pf care, wrlla A 1002Brooklyn,

.''aX of Antral Park, between 70th and110th ata four or five room d

apartment to Oct, 15 by threo adult, father,mother, daughter; references; stein price,' M llermd aquare.


Sale or long lease; YVashlngton square.Gramorcy Park, Chelsea, Park av;. River-aid- e

Drive anil all desirable locatlona, foreelect list of responsible clients..T. CLARENCE DAVIES,

"i Last 42d st. (21a) Vandeixillt 0744.


"WE.HT 240mlde

iuuiiib, mine ur singm. to .,FURNISHED ROOMS, "TWO OR THREE.

1,yj;hh,l'VnNlmKl)- - FRIY'ATE LA- -

il?'-'- : COLUMHUS CIRCLE LOOALITY.4 .i.r,riiv. uikci.wFURNISHED rooms to let; desirable forsummer. 831 Beverley road. Brooklyn.



rnoin. mii.n-l,l- n iTh.i..,- -. .. w..u.housekeeping. NOBLE.'1HREE rurntsneu rooms to let, kitchenette

nnd bath, from Juno to Oct. Aijly Hupt.,152 Wist 58th st.YVEST LND AY'., 2rt3. AHnu'tlvely furnishedlarge private rpom nnd bath.35TH ST.. (II West. Froia room for two:

nicely furnished: Improvements; references.48TII, 102 West-N- ice doubln room; respect-

able couplo or friends, homelike; Improve-ments.50TII ST., 14 West-Liv- ing room, bedroom.bath; $100 a month forsurramcr; gentlemen;references.03O ST.. 31 West-par- lor and bedroom.

Apply MURPHY. 2d floor, east.'1ST. 331 YVest-La- rge private bath; single;

minims water; gentlemen; rererences..31) ST. (Lexington Av.). Large sunny room,

suitable for one or two; private family;$12 a week, rhone Rhlnelnnder 1015.71ST, 60 YVest. Two rooms, together or sepa-

rate; newly furnjshed; electricity; refer-ences.

2D St., 47 West-M- ost attractive smallroom for single centlenmn. nrtvutn hnth.

$35 per month. DURYL'A.73TH ST.. 103 YVest.-La- rge, airy rooms.

Kiicnenrtte. in select nouse; electricity.831). 15 YVest. Cool outside room: quiet,

home; gpeclal summer' rates.92D St., 12 YVest Attractively furnished sin

gle rooms, electricity, elevator; lefereuces.Phone 5008 Riverside.01TH (6W YVest End av.). Two large, at- -

irucuveiy turnisnea rooms ana Dam: grandpiano, private houso: together, separately.107T1I, 324 large, at-

tractive room, suitable for two; select;luvpraiue112TII ST., 601 YY'est. Front room, well fur- -

nlfthiwl ..tftvnlnr nnnHm.nl- - l -lainenrai ,siu.115TH, 181 East. Laige or amall rooms, to

ur weparate.440 CENTRAL PARK YVEST (At I04th St.).

sieauiiiui jront suite or tnreo rooms, fac-ing park; artistic summer furnishings: Immaculately clean; elevator, electricity; inmodern npartment; ideal for one or twobachelors seeking unusual surroundings andservice: also square side room. TENBROOK.Academy 2600.

Itorough of Bronx.BRYANT AY'., 1872 (cor. 170th). Comfor-

table room, facing Exposition, S0-- ? 10;housekeeping; transients.



Rorough of Queens.BEAUTIFUL large, light room, opposite

Rockanay Park depot, newly furnished, noother roomers, two blocks from ocean;

for one or two persons: gentlemenpreferred; five months or more: le.i.vinnhL,.Telephone Belle Harbor 2373.


LARGE front room, adjoining bedroom; un-furnished; suitable business couple, furnish

If necessary. Mrs. SMITH. 122 East 51stROOM to let. Apply Tailor.



DON'T worry about a comfortable place tolive all year round: we can accommodate

you; best of food; rates reasonable; no children: American or European; 18 minutesfrom Pennsylvania Station.

THE INN,42 State St., Flushing, L. I

Telephone Flushing 1215.

MADISON AV., 213 (near 36th).-Attrac- tlve

room; excellent table; references.72D, 269 West.-Cho- lce double room; single

room: June 5.104TH ST, 70 YVest Two large rooms; excel- -

tent poaru: reasonaoie; pnone.


Long Island.FAR ROCKAWAY. The Shirley, Broadwav

and Mott av., five minutes from station anilbeach: extensive lawn and shade; Christians.Miss SEAMAN.

ROCKAWAY PARK, 158 113TH ST.Comfortable rooms, balconies; overlooking

ocean; special season rates. Telephono Be leHarbor 1688. SIFK.

Btaten Island.FIRST class house, boarders or convales-

cents; boating, bathing, fishing, commut-ing 8 minutes; within walking distance ofstation. Shore road. Phone 11 72-- J Tottenvllle.

THE EVELYN LODGE.Charming, Homelike, All Year Residence.

20 Mln. Delightful Sail Across Bay.Elegantly Furnished; Excellent Cuisine.

Parlors. Porches. Lawns, Comforts.YVeekly $20 Up: Capacity 75; Booklet.

11 Y'ears Under One Management.71 Central Av.. St. George, S. I.

New England.BOARD for the summer at the Burlank

Homestead, YValden Heights, Vt. Termsreasonable.

rennsylrnnla.WOODLEIGH. Towanda, Pa. Steam heat,

elcetrlc lights, private bath rooms, goodfood, farm attached; owner trained nurse:automobiles; room for guests' cars; send forbooklet. Address Miss ELIZABETH LAMB.

Country Board Wanted.COUPLE wtth child (2 years) want room

(with bath) and board, Bayshore or Babylon. Address, with description and terms,B-- , 594 or teltphone Rhlnelanderlira.ELDERLY American, Trotostant, physician

and wile desire lor August, Hcptomoer orlonger accommodations as paying guests In irefined home with excellent table at tlie sea-- 1

side, near New York, where companionship .

supersedes business Interests; rates must bo!moderate. Address with references ana fullparticulars, DR. ti. i;uuak dcan, 3:YVashlngton av.. Scranton, Pa.WANTED Hoard for family 2 adults, 2 chil-

dren within commuting distance of NewYork city, Juno 15 to September 13; privatefamily or farm preferred. A., 1003

Fulton eL


FOR SALE SHEPHERD DOG.One of the handsomest dogs In this country.

wolf gray, 2V, years old. fully trained for po-

lice work; wonderful watch dog. Apply ROB-

ERT McCALLUM. South Bay Kennels, 33Mlllburn av.. Baldwin,. I. Tel. 420W-Frecport.


.DIAMONDS bought, sold for cash only;tatea bought. BENNETT, 175 Broadway

(upstairai,RLECTRIOAL contractor will aarrlflca bust- -

ness, entire atock ond appliances on ac-

count of sickness; compelled to go Yvestlgood opportunity for party who wants swtah.Ilshed business and splendid future prospects.leiepnone juenmona mil nw;i.ELECTRICIANS, experta, apnrtment wiring,

so; oiner electric woric juri as rcum-nblo- ;efficient workmanship guaranteed

Bryant IN98,




TERMINAL; PRICE $4,000. A. C, BOX 117S'llV.llt'tl t .M llDrtrtLM vxrFOR SALE-Mlilnl- ght blue velvet and black

satin dolman wrap, afternoon or evening;perfect condition: cost $173, aell $00. e

Lenux 8H71,

NATIONAL CASH REGISTER,Wo guarantee to rent, or aell a better Na-

tional for less money than any other cashregister company; absolutely guaranteed;n.onthly payments; also buy or exchange, re-

pair, ACME CASH REGISTER CO, (Est,1800), 3411 W. 42d at. (9th av.). Bryant 1335.

PORTLAND CEMENTdelivered, tots of 100 bags; slate surfacedrhlngles; low prices. RUBBER ROOFINGCO., 5 Cortlandt st. Cortlandt 4920.ZEBU COW AND HULL, 2 AND 3 YEARS



AGENT nnd distributor for manufacturer forRockland and YVestchester counties; abso-

lute territorial rights for long term; adver-tising campaign now on, surface cars, Ac. ;

email advance payment for good will neces-sary; urtlcle now In high class New Yorkstores. Is repeat seller. If you can showrosults, apply D 28 Heraldsquare.COAL 2,000.000 TONS, AT TIDE WATER.


LINE, SAILING JULY (I. HAWLEY,ROOM 412, 200 5TH AV.I will undertake .to place Issue of stocks or

bonds; some particulars or no reply. A.,ipog Fulton st;MAN. capable organizing selling staff, can

secure profitable proposition, investmentsecondary: Btate qualifications. A., 1009

Fulton st.MECHANICS. ATTENTION Sacrifice small

earage, 20 cars; fully equipped repair shop,gasoline selling station, machine shop, alltools; good established trado service station;will rell at sacrifice; territory Jamaica;leaving town, Apply by mall H. Williams,529 Gates av., Brooklyn. Call Jamaloa 4062,

OPPORTUNITY for tourists to engage awas four vears with the

Royal Flying Corps overseas; finest credentials: memner or tno itovai Aero i;iuu. aimholder of International certificate, Is openfor engagement with Individual desirous oftaklnor un flvlntr as a sDOrt: will consideracting as guioe ror party wisning to tour mebattlefields of France and Flanders. 1)., 21

Herald square, '

ON acrount of need of ready cash I offerat a substantial sacrifice to quick buyer

my stock Interest In mercantile business, nowearning 29. net profit nnd paying 13

dividends, w. w., 44 iianem.STEEL lockers put up and repaired at

reasonable prices. JOHN HOYT, 525 East157th st.. New York city.

WANTED $3,000, good Investment; principalwith substantial tonus returneu in w uays.

W. B.. 140 Harlem.YVANTED Canltal for the financing of auto

mobiles fold on time payments. Address forInterview ELTEI1, 38 weawa.


ALL persons and Institutions knowing abontresldenco of Mr. Nlekolil Efgraforlch Par-chi-

are requested to deliver audi Informationto the Diocesan Council of the Ruasl,n Churchof New Y'ork, 15 East 97th St.. New York city.

ALL persons and Institutions knowing shoutresidence of Countess Sophia Nlkolserna Tol-

stoy sre requested to deliver such Informationto Diocesan Council of the Russian Church ofNw York. 15 East 97tli St.. New lorn city.RICHARD T. LYNCH.-Informa- tion as to

whereabouts of former Judge Richard T.lynch Is requested; liberal reward tor ac-

curate nformation. T. L.. 204Herald square.


A SLOOP YACHT FOR SALE.First class condition; 33x50x14 ft. beam;

very complete; one stateroom, two toilets;cost $8,500; will sacrifice $2,000 cash: canbo Inspected. Answer by letter to LLOYDA. SMITH, 1,129 Fulton nv., Bronx, Tele-pho-

5360 Rector.MARINE PAINT.

Best for waterfront buildings; outlasts allother paints. White, gray green, $3.60 gal-Io-

barrels; $3.73. 5 gallon cans. RUBBERKOuf UNO U(J.. o ijortianot at. vurt.NEYV. magnificent, high speed cruiser for.sale, specially designed and mint oy

Charles L. Scabury & Co., for both Southernand Northern waters: is 73 tt. u in, over an13 ft. fl In, beam. 3 ft. 0 In. draft; has two200 horsepower high Speedway motors withcontract speed of 20 miles per hour, andhas every convenience for living and cruis-ing aboard; Is fully equipped and Immedi-ate delivery may bo had; yacht can be seenby applying at Consolidated ShipbuildingCorporation Basin, Morris neignis, isewY'ork, or communicate with YV. F. S. HART,33 Wall at.. New Tork city. Telephone Han-over 6677.

THIRTY-SI- foot raised deck bay cruiserIn commission, complete Inventory, first

class shape: $4,000. Inquire Capt. ARTHURH. POYV'LES, YVIlson Point Road, SouthNorwalk.


YVANTED Contents of house; high classfurniture only; no dealer. A., 1003

Fulton at., or telephone Franklin5337.


DINING room suite, extra fine quality ma-hogany, for sale. Call Mornlngalde 8933,

9 A. M. or 12--

BIRDSEY'E maple suite, double bed', mat-tress, spring. Immaculate princess dresser,

two chairs, $100; no dealers. E., 71Herald square.


OFFICE of the Quartermaster' General,Clothing and Equipage Division, Munitions

Building, YVashlngton, D. C. Sealed pro-posals In duplicate will be received here un-til 11 A. M June 3, 1920, for furnishing allor any part of 50,000 raincoats. Informa-tion on request.


YVANTED Two or three slow speed trailersfor use with tractor; capacity about three

tons: will buy or rent. Phone Astoria 2233.


THE Empire Motor Van Co. of 10 East 21stst.. Bayonne. N. j. expect to leave Bay- -

onne on Saturday, June 0. for Scranton, Pa.,would Mice to taxe a load or household modsor freight to Scranton or vicinity. PhonoBayonne 1380.



Over 70 yeara' practice, all communica-tions strictly confidential; handbook onpatents free on request; special facilitiesfor office consultations. MUNN CO.. 233Broadway


TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a Henheld by us against the following described

property: One chestnut gelding, one gent'sraddle, one bridle, one old blanket, one roller,one halter, belonging to Joan Sawyer ofNew Y'ork city, and one piebald mare pony,ono small Mexican saddle, one bridle, onehalter, belonging to G. M. Anderson of 220YVest 48th st.. New York city, and now Inour possession, we will sell such personalproperty at public auction to the highest bid-der to ratlsfy such Hen, at Visa, Doerr 4Carroll Horso Company, at 153 East 24th St.,In the borough of Manhattan, City of NewYork, on the 17th day of June. 1020, at 10


srruATioNS wanted femah.Cooks. 4c.

COLORED, first class cook, would like posi-tion country or city. Address MUs C.

George. 318 Mott v.. Bronx, M. T careFoJ.

: ' ,iM


COOK, young, good, plain, In email family:light housework considered! Long Ialand

only; Southampton or vicinity; willing andobliging, E., 54 d Herald square.COOK, amal'l laundry, willing to wait ontable; care fllst floor; country preferred;wage. $73. R, M,, caro Flynn, 320 YVeat4llth st.COOK and downstairs work, reliable colored

woman, wishes position, country only, Insmall American family. Jones, 201 YVest 21stn. muno wneisea no4n.COOK Lady wishes to place good, plain

cook with private family In city. Yvrlto orcall, Mrs. Carny. 050 Columbus av.COOK, French, with boy 15, wishes position

together With Christian American family forBiimmer. E 62 Herald Bquare.COOK, alonrt; city, country; neat, colored;

obliging; particulars. Hcllgrave, 300 Lenoxav.COOK. Competent German cook, American

family; country, seashore preferred: $70;no cards, 432 East 58th at., Dorln'a bell.COOK, Austrian, first class In small fam-

ily, without children, wishes position, coun-tr-

302 East 57th. .

COOK, Swedish, wishes position In country;competent, YYrlto only, care Cerwen, 319

East 68th st.COOK wishes position, private family, In

city. YVrlto A. M care Devercat, 047 Am-sterdam av. '

COOK, excellent; city, country; would cleanapartment, cook dinner; colored, Harlem


COOK. Good plain cook; two In family; no.laundry; city preferred. E. Bums, caro" nncn, ion west aatll stCOOK, excellent; understands German cook-

ing; week; sleep home. Sheridan, 13353d nv.COOK, English, work by day nr week; city.

C, 174 Herald iquare.COOK Country for summer. taement, 73

jasi turn,COOK, first class, wishes accommodations,

tan unineiander 3324, betweenCOOK, good, for a mouth or by day; bct

references. 147 East 51st Bt.

COOK wishes position, city or near city; ref-erences. 238 East 42(1 St.. Kelly.

COOK, oxcellent help with housework; city;$73; reference 229 East 80th.

EXPERIENCED cook; city references. Fltz- -patricic, lai west 110th st.

MIDDLE age woman deslroa position ascook or chambermaid In tho country: com-

petent, reliable. D., 27 Heraldsquare.RELIABLE middle aged woman, German,

wishes position plain cook and light house- -"' "mail rnmny; adults only. CallHuebsch, 1746 1st av.. one flleht.

SWEDISH woman; first clasa cook pre-ferred; kitchen maid kept; leave city;u or $83 per month. 210 East 02d


YVOMAN as good, plain cook; country July.Write S. It., 125 East 34tli.

Chambermaid. Ac.CHAMHERMAID-Ne.- it, refined, light coloredwoman, experienced light chamborwork,sewing or waitress, first class small privatefamily; best referenco; city or country. S.Miller. 331 YVeat 35th st.CHAMBERMAIDS, two, would like positions.nti"v"!h'r;-P"ivat-

8or Vubll:- - Call, all week,

atOH AfllBERM AID. Mother desires position

"uulutr " nernian speaKing family$00 month. YVharton. 152 YVeat 91et.CHAMBERMAID-WAITRES- country, cltvwages Present position, 120 YVestmm m., apartment 411.

CHAMBERMAID In email family; sewing;speaks French and English. I. M., '233

West 24th St.YOONO woman, good chambermaid, willing

uu urn." waning, clean: gooa rererences;adults, good Christian family. Box C, adver-tising, 1351 av. A.

Dresnmakera, Seamstresses A-- Milliner.ABSOLUTELY" competent American dress-

maker; evening" dresses; remodelling; $4.B0.Miss Fnlrmun, Schuyler 2601. Phono morn-ings before 0.A hand sewer wonts employment, home orout, competent. C, 200 Her-ald square.ARTISTIC, smart gowns quickly made; alsoremodelling. Audubon 2900, apartment 31,dressmaker.i)nMSMAKER-MILLINE- Fiench, makes

atunnlng, chla street, evening gowns, hats;make your figure Btouj or slender; gracefullines, becoming appearance; hats, gowns ar-tistically remodelled; homo or out. 173 East

DRESSMAKER Experienced Bklrt fitterwould like position at seashore for summer.Address L., post office box 3, MadisonSquare Station.DRESSMAKER, up to date, quick; also ex-pert remodelling. Address Designer. 3525Broadway.DRESSMAKER, experience, colored; quick'

$5 dally. 316 YVest 119th. care Sims?LADIES' garments altered, repaired; dra-

peries, curtains, lampshades made, 4c; ex-perienced; out dally, $3.50. Phono morn- -iiiks. i laza oiiia.DRESSMAKING, gowns, wraps, remodelling:

home preferred. Smith, 123 West 43d. 4878Bryant.DRESSMAKER. High class, one customer

June, out, $4. C. 200 Herald

DRESSMAKER, first class, gowns, wraps,.inivuuinifi, uui, liny, LI., ill otin- -

iici win, -- icimii squareDRESSMAKER, first class; dally; city orcountry; references. Gowns, 160 East 88th.

General Housework, Ac.COLORED girl, general housework; coun-try; no washing: adults. Abbott, 60 YVest159th, -COLORED girl for general housowork. YVrlte

Adams, 101 West 75th at.GIRL, colored, wishes half time housework.

YVarren. 332 West 52d. Phone Circle 0638.time noueeworKer, mitiaie age; com-

petent: no Sundays; colored. Harley, 300Lenox av.HOUSEWORK. Competent. trustworthyyoung colored cook, excellent baker; soupsdesserts, creams; will do general work smallfa llv ......nf.r.np.. -- ll II I .,.......v v.. wen rai(;, aOVIYVest 53d: no cards.HOUSEWORK. Respectable colored woman

wishes housework; $17 a week; sleep out;reference. 2121 7th av. Audubon 1000, apart-ment 51,

HOUSE WORKER, good cook, apartment,Christian family. Phone from 9 to 12,Schuyler 4248.

HOUSEWORKER; sleep out: email family;competent; colored; $15; fare. NIbb, 300

HOUSEWORKER, experienced, with child.Atlduhnn 0110. nlurtinnnt flj 13-- -.

140th" 'HOUSEWORKER, neat, colored, reliable; no

Sunday; good worker. Krlton, 306 Lenqx

HOUSEWORKER, half time orneat: light colored; competent.306 Lenox av.

HOUSEWORKER, excellent housekeeper.good cook; no washing: references, n., 00

Herald square.HOUSEWORK and cooking, girl, part time

afternoons. O'Connell. Tel. 6604 Schuyler.HOUSEYVORKER, small family; sleep homo.

in west nisi st.. Apt. ei.

lxiundresses. &c.DAY'S work, Flnhlah: washing and lronlmr I

uy nay. muuiii. .oo cast inin.LAUNDRESS, competent, colored, wants

laundry taken home. Apartment 6, 234West 63d.LAUNDRESS, first class, by day; private

city references. E., 07 Herald

LAUNDRESS First class laundress, day'swork. Audubon 9110. 149 YVest 140th,

apartment 31.

COLORED woman wishes laundry workhome: rererences. rrater. 123 YVest 134th.

YVASHINO. YY'oman goes out washing. Ironing or otnce cleaning, airs, liodnar, 337

East Bfltli st.. apartment 8.YVASHINO taken home by dozen: reliable

woman. Mrs. Barnes. 18 West 99th.WASH taken home; open air drying; neat.

colored. Ramsey, 240 YVest 129th.YOUNG woman, Swedish, wishes position as

laundress or general housework. L. Roes,303 East 40th at., care Peterson.

Nurses. &e.

NURSE wants to take full care of child, agetwo to four years; $60 month. Write Miss

A. Haasnoot, apartment 1. 404 rallsade av..West New York. Jersey city.NURSE, experienced, wants to take care of

children; country preferred. Miller, 1388Clliton av.. Hronx. N. Y. city.NURSE (children), experienced, competent:

entlro charge; beat references; wages $80to $83. H. E.. 302 Amsterdam av.nRPINED middle aged widow wishes oosl.

tlon take caro Invalid or child, help lighthousework; willing to travel; good sewer;references. YVrlte N. Needcn. 627 Union av..Bronx. No cardsRELIABLE colored girl to) take care of one

child, June 8, city or country; good wages,Samuels, 31 West 09th St.

Waitresses. Ac.WAITRESS or parlor maid; best references:

private family. 8tockbrldge or vicinity. 'Write M. v.. care iticaey. ii ast TBtn.YVOMAN with 15 wUhea posi-

tion as waitress In country hotel where boycould make himself uaeful. S. L., 116 d,



Miscellaneous.COMPETENT ladlea maid and """tj'"

wishes permanent position; cy. I

first claaa references! no objections to itchamber work. U., 23 Heraldsquare.COMPETENT.colored Blrl wants Home work

In npartment; adults; ileep In; no laun-dry; reference- -. SI9 IVcat 39th. Ureen, camYVard.DAY'S work, laundress, cleaning, cook, s;

anything; competent. Atkins, phonetHu iinncm.DAY'S worker; half tlmo; cook, chamber-

maid, waltlnr. laundry, cleaning; lefcr--

encea. Aiorningsiiie ....DAY worker, packing, useful, .reliable; cam-

phor rugs, clothlnn. Geratel, phone Hor- -iem iisue.DAY or week; cooking, cleaning or waai)ing.

BOX 704, 14U4 3d nv.DAY'S work, waBhlng or cleaning.

Apollen, 70 YVeat 109th -DAY'S work cleaning. Wood, 70 YVest Hi",

Phone 7473 Harlem.FRENCH lady's, maid; good Beamatreaa anJ

packer; reference. D 20 tf-a- ld

aquare.HALF time. A. M. or P. M.! neat, colored;

reliable; particulars. Pratt. 306 Lenox av.

LADY'S maid, rellablo; excellent dreaa-make- r,

halrdrcaaeri French, German, English. K 73 jieraia diuu.LADY'S maid, Hwedlsh girl! .excellent refer-ence- s;

$18 a week; room and board heraeir.A., 1604 Brooklyn.LADY'S maid, dressmaker, wlahea position;

good reference. YVrlte M.. 280 8th av.MAID. Neat, refined young colored woman,

experienced useful lady's maid; neat sewer,light cooking; small apartment; one or twoprofessional or private ladles; reference,YVrllo Miller, .'31 YVest 35th eLSlAID, actress, or matron theatre; mending,

halrdrcaslng, manicuring; colored. Love,auu t,cnox av.MAID. Young French woman wlahea posi-

tion as maid to young girl; light chamber- -

WOTK, 1IOX JIM, 2Jf .III nv.RELIABLE woman to care for lady'a or

bachelor's npartment by day or week. 73

west 0, airs. .yncn.SEAMSTRESS or chambermaid, young

French girl, well educated, dealres steadyposition ror city, vvnio jane, ituj wet "'"TRUSTWORTHY woman, caretaker pr vate

houso or apartment; Immediate; livingrooms; mall only. Mrs. E. Dale, 13T YVeathm st.YVOMAN. colorod, wants day work, half

time. 2X1 East 11th at.. Pauline.YOUNG French lady, refined, well educated,

going to Long Blanch for the summer,wishes pupils. Special caro given beginners;best references. M. A., 11 West 87tli Bt.,New York.YOUNG married woman (colored) deslroa

part time work. Forte. 48 YVest 90th.YOUNG colored girl wonts few hours' work.

uyiiuin. .wi went it-- u m.YPUNG woman wnnta light work, anything,

sleep home. 73 YY'est 82d, Janitor.



A position as manager or superintendent oftea room In New Y'ork city; familiar hand-

ling help, also preparing various dishesadapted for tea room use; experience fiveyears; reference furnished. Address E,, 04

Herald Bquare.A Ladv, refined, experienced: salesroom,

office; take charge: trustworthy. C, 240Herald Bquare.

A highly recommended French visiting teach- -cr wishes summer engagements. St East

59th.A French course and English literature.

Mrs. Martin, 66 West 69th Bt..

BOSTON Representative. Young lady (28).familiar with business, desires to represent

Nnw Y'ork concern In Boston; ladles' or cUl-dre- n's

wares preferred. Box 2478, Botu.Mass.CORRESPONDENT, extensive experience,

creative ability, Inlatlve; also captionwriter: publicity; educated; travelled, L.N., 264 YY'est 04th stENGLISH undorgraduato nurse (30), or

mother's keeper, desires position; refer-ences; disengaged; Particulars toD., 25 Herald Bquare.FRENCH GOVERNESS, PROTESTANT,

GOOD REFERENCES: NEYVLY LANDED.L. M., care French Evangelical Church. 126YY'est 16th st.FRENCH visiting teacher aeeka summer po-

sition. YVrlte A. Llcme, Osslnlng School,N. Y.GOY'EHNBSS, nursery, English, desires posi-

tion; children In arms, physical care, en-tire charge: reply statins salary. WriteStetlne. 132 East 73d.GOVERNESS, experienced, English, German,

kindergarten, music; best physical care:children over 4; city references. Box 1311039 3d av.

GOVERNESS Young French woman wantaa position as govorncss or useful com-

panion; excellent city references. 124 East38th.GOVERNESS Young American: English

branches; French; music: physical care:successful with backward children; slate fullparticulars. Hagen. 15 YVest 103d st.GOVERNESS, disengaged, languages,

music; entire charge. Address Gov-erness. 301 YVest 89th St.GOVERNESS, young French woman, wishes

position to one or two children; reference,Mile. P., 2.53 West 24th st. ,GOVERNESS, visiting, takes children morn-

ings or afternoons. D 42Herald rquare.GOVERNESS, tutor, French, German, Eng- -

llsh: full charge: references. 231 East 72d.

HIGHLY educated young French teacher(piano) wishes position, governess. 51

East 69th.LADY wishes position for her experienced

nursery governess, with one or two youngchildren. Call at 43 YVest 69th, Wednesday,between 10 and 12.MANICURING Expert home or out, by ap-

pointment. Butler, 129 New st. (oppositetubes), Newark, N. J. Market 740.-

MANICURING. Rejane. Hours 10 to fi;1162 Broad at.. Newark. N. J.

MANICURING, home or appointment. Lewis,18 centre at.. NcwarK. N. J., opposite tube

MANICURING, home, out. Swanson, 291Belleville av., cor. Oriental St., Newark. N.J.

MOTHER'S helper, excellent sewer, house-keeper; refined American woman; refer-

ence; city, country. Address A. Clinton, 211YVest 102d st.NRSERY' governess, French Parisian; good

seamstress; excellent references. Applybefore 5 I'. M., apartment KC, 156 East79th st.NURSERY governesa, German, competent,

takes entire charge. YY'rlte N. M., 7423d av.REFINED young lady desires a situation ni

a companion for elderly lady or couple:prefer traveling In Europe or America; canspeak Italian fluently and have the best ref-erences. Margaret M. Rlgall, 294 Maple at.,Holyoke, Mass.REFINED young French woman desires po- -

oiviuu na vuuijaiiiuii ui kutciiivan, i.ici- -rnces exchanged. Apply Mile. Daspas, 149Pierrcpont st Brooklyn; graduate Frenchinsuiiuf.SPANISH lady, graduate teacher from Ma-

drid, seeks position In Bummor or perma-nent school: also teaches French: 14 years'experience. P.. 34 Herald square.STENOGRAPHER, consider moderate salary

on account of being out of practice: Knowslittle Spanish. Harris, 433 Lenox av. Phone637 Morn, between 0 and 7 P. M.STENOGRAPHER', graduate of business

school where business experience and officeappliances are taught, seeks position whereability counts. A. J. C. telephone Plata 6162.

TYPEYVR1T1NG wanted to do at home.Harris, 433 Lenox av. rhone 637 Morn.

between 0 and 7 P. Jl.YOUNG educated lady, speaking French,

English, Italian, German, wants positionIn business or private family. D., 40 Sun- -

Herald. Herald square.Y'OUNG lady wishes position, companion to

lady, Invalid, nr children, few hours even-ings. Box 13, 679 2d av.

Housekeepers and Janltrcsea.CARETAKER for summer: 10 years' refer-- '

ence; colored. Blount. 120 YVest 131th.

GENTLEYY'OMAN. speaking several lan-guages. Is experienced and capable, good

character, desires position as a managinghousekeeper In small refined hotel. Institu-tion or prtvato house. P., .01 1n aid square.HOU8EKEEPER. American woman, middle

age, neat, good, economic cook, wishes posltlon small, plain business family, smallapartment, adults or one grown child, livingIn Harlem or nronx; reasonable; references.Protestant. YY'rlte, call YVorden, 416 YVesT

53d at.HOUSEKEEPER. Refined woman wlahes

position as working housekeeper to businesscouple or small family: excellent references.Phone Columbus 7640. Mrs. Harry Freeman.


ACCOIJNTANT Books systematized, audited,opened; lax specialist; arraiwmcntr firms

without bookkeepers, corporation, partner-ship accountancy; vaennable. Greene, 1,437Hudson Terminal Building. Telephone Cortlandt 1371).

ACCOUNTANT. Certified public accountant,available Saturdays, Sundays, evenings, de-

alres engagements; personal sorvdeo given:moderate fees. E., 70 Heraldsquare.

ACCOUIiTArrrS, auditing, artteroatlilng.arrears written up, bookkeeping service.

Merit Audit Co., 59 4th ar. Tel. S12S

B ilr'nrTiWlirffr''lfnT-rMnv'r- FJC9SSPri

