NATIONAL VOLUNTEER FIRE COUNCIL · Logo presence on the NVFC home page, Annual Report, and Info...


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Being a corporate member of the NVFC is an important and key business strategy. Every benefit level provides opportuni�es to develop rela�onships, increase visibility, grow sales, and show your support of the NVFC and to the fire, EMS, and rescue forces. Individual members of the NVFC – close to 20,000 strong – represent a wide range of service levels, ranks, departments, state associa�ons, and more. They are looking for informa�on, educa�on, programs to implement, na�onal advocacy, discounts, news and who are the recognized service providers. Through corporate membership you'll be seen, recognized, and validated. Your ads will be spread across a mul�tude of media, you'll get to network at na�onal board mee�ngs, have your logo included in highly sought a�er publica�ons, and see first-hand the programs and informa�on they members do. You can even plan out and build your marke�ng messages through targeted online ads.

Corporate membership is just not ads. It's a rela�onship with the NVFC that con�nues to build and grow depending on your goals and mission. Your support also allows the NVFC to advocate on behalf of the volunteers, create needed programs and tools, and develop new content. There are a number of member levels to meet your needs and budget. Make plans now to grow your business and partner with the NVFC.

We look forward to welcoming you to the NVFC. If you have any ques�ons, please contact me at (202) 887-5700, or


Company Name Primary Contact

Address City/State/Zip

Phone Email Address


Top 4 Reasons to Join

Exclusive member benefitsSee all the membership benefits

on the back of the page.

Get your message directly to customers We have close to 20,000 members - membership continues to grow yearly.

Access to decision makersAbility to partner with the NVFC

on the National Award and speakingopportunities at

Board Meetings.

Support volunteer

first responders70% of our nation’s firefighters are volunteers; nearly 800,000.

Show your support for them.

Please charge my: American Express Visa MasterCard Discover

Make check or money order payable to the NVFC. Do not staple check to invoice. If using a Purchase Order (PO) please consider this your invoice.

Card # Exp Date CVV No.

Billing Address Total to charge

Name on Card Signature








Please select ONE of the following membership categories:

CHAIRMAN’S CLUB - $20,000 SUPPORTER - $10,000

All the benefits of Sustaining Membership, PLUS: 12 complimentary banner ads in Dispatch e-newsle�er (318x 55

px or 120 x 300 px) 8 complimentary month-long ads on the NVFC web site (120 x

300 px)* Logo recogni�on and web site link in every issue of Dispatch e-

newsle�er (first placement) 6 complimentary registra�ons to the NVFC board mee�ngs 10 complimentary Individual Memberships in the NVFC Opportunity to host “Coffee Crash Course” webinar Prospec�ve connec�on for thought-leader ar�cles related to

their product/industry Logo presence on the NVFC home page, Annual Report, and Info

Pack Logo included with company profile and link on the Corporate

Members page of the NVFC web site

All the benefits of Sustaining Membership, PLUS: 8 complimentary banner ads in Dispatch e-newsle�er (318x 55

px or 120 x 300 px) 6 complimentary month-long ads on the NVFC web site (120 x

300 px)* Logo recogni�on and web site link in every issue of Dispatch e-

newsle�er (second placement) 4 complimentary registra�ons to the NVFC board mee�ngs 8 complimentary Individual Memberships in the NVFC Opportunity to host “Coffee Crash Course” webinar Logo presence on the NVFC home page, Annual Report, and Info

Pack Logo included with company profile and link on the Corporate

Members page of the NVFC web site

CHAMPION - $5,000 ADVOCATE - $2,500

All the benefits of Sustaining Membership, PLUS: 4 complimentary banner ads in Dispatch e-newsle�er (318x 55

px or 120 x 300 px) 4 complimentary month-long ads on the NVFC web site (120 x

300 px)* 2 complimentary registra�ons to the NVFC board mee�ngs 4 complimentary Individual Memberships in the NVFC Company logo included with company profile and link on the

NVFC web site

All the benefits of Sustaining Membership, PLUS: 2 complimentary banner ads in Dispatch e-newsle�er (318x 55

px or 120 x 300 px) 2 complimentary month-long ads on the NVFC web site (120 x

300 px)* 1 complimentary registra�ons to the NVFC board mee�ngs 2 complimentary Individual Memberships in the NVFC


Networking opportuni�es with poten�al customers

One complimentary Individual Membership in the NVFC

Acknowledgement in materials and at events throughout the year

Subscrip�on to the NVFC's e-newsle�ers

10% discount on NVFC adver�sing rates

Year-long recogni�on and company profile with link on the NVFC web site

Ability to promote your support of the NVFC and use “Proud supporter of the NVFC” logo

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*Please note: the month-long web ads will be shown in rota�on with other Corporate member ads.
