MY TIME LINE Maria Luisa Perez Sandoval A01274427


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MY TIME LINE Maria Luisa Perez Sandoval A01274427

1st. year

I borned in Mexico City on April 5, 2000

Pregnacy test out dated August 25, the day of the bithday of my dad and my grandma

I was bauptized on August 25, too

2nd. YearI turned 2 years old and went to the beach for the fist time

3rd. yearMy parents gave me my party of 3 years old and brought me some people dressed as winnie pooh and clowns

4th. YearIt was the first time that i went to Six Flags

5th. yearI turned 5 years and my party was of super powerful girls

6th. yearMy younger sister Diana was born on January 4, 2006

My birthday was a picnic and I remember that didn’t like me the cake

7th. year

My family bougth a beach house in Veracruz.

8th. Year

I started primary school in the Sigmund Froyd College

9th. year

It was the 15 years of my cousin Paty

10th. yearI enter 4th grade and i met one of my favorite teachers

11th. year

My parents separated that year

12th. year

I went to live in Mexico City and began to study in Anglo Español Institute

13th. yearI between the high school in Defensores de Anáhuac College.

I returned to live in Tecamac

14th. Year

My birthday party was like a pool party and everyone got wet

15th. yearMy mother arraged my 15th birthday party

I study in ITESM

This week began the first partialI start high school

I go daily to Pachuca

I always ues technology to school

I’m meeting new friend

I’m meeting new teachers

I’m learning new things

I’m starting a new stage in my life

I’m accommodating to the changes

