Music, Stress Relief and Productivity: How far do they correlate?


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  • 7/31/2019 Music, Stress Relief and Productivity: How far do they correlate?


  • 7/31/2019 Music, Stress Relief and Productivity: How far do they correlate?


    LCB 1042-Academic Writing Assignment #1 (Synthesis)

    Stress and productivitySpeaking of relaxation, by having a classical music played in the background, a

    suitable atmosphere is created for the people to have relaxed conversation despite

    accomplishing the given tasks attentively. Supplementing this statement, Jensen (2001) as

    cited by Phillips says that It is possible that classical music helped the participants relax

    creating an opportunity for them not only to succeed at the problem solving task, but also

    have a more interactive communication experience..

    ConclusionAll in all, music does affect stress levels in certain ways. Music also affects the way

    people deal with their work or given tasks by manipulating the stress level. In simple words,

    it is a three ways, triangular relation. However there is a limitation of how long you played the

    music for, and which type of music you like. Although the Mozart effect is still in its mists and

    shadows, there is enough evidence to conclude that classical music is the best option to

    alleviate stress. So, pickup an iPod and start curing those stresses!


    Campbell, D. (n.d.). The Mozart Effect Resource Centre. Retrieved from The Mozart EffectResource Centre:

    Chimento, M. M., & Tafalla, R. R. (2006). The Effects of Music on Perceived Level of Stress.

    Journal of Undergraduate Research IX.

    Clearinghouse. (n.d.). Retrieved from Clearinghouse:

    Lasser, J. (n.d.). Music, Relaxation, or Silence: What Facilitates Optimal Spatial-Reasoning?

    Department of Psychology.

    Phillips, C. (2010, December 03). Does Background Music Impact Computer Task

    Performance?Retrieved from
