MMW Waiting for Restoration


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  • 8/7/2019 MMW Waiting for Restoration


    Waiting For RestorationRestoration is a bit of an interest of mine. Not just the restoration of the peoples of the earth to relationship with Father. I also have an interest in the restoration of physical things. I drive a 1976 Triumph 2500TC, by preference, which gives me acertain insight into what it takes to keep old equipment in good nick. It is the former

    restoration that is at the centre of this writing.The act of restoring something to its former beauty, or glory, takes an act of suspending the processes of logic and the function of valuation. My car currentlyowes far more than it will ever fetch - its intrinsic value is in the pleasure I enjoy indriving it and the joy that it is usually the only one in any car park I go into.

    I am not suggesting that any narcissistic tendencies that I have are present in Father for even a mille-second. On the contrary I believe He desires restoration, not fromthe point of view of ownership but because of the love He feels toward us , Hiscreation. He seeks us to restore our relationship to Him because of the relationshipwhich develops as a result of His love.

    He is different from me in another aspect as well, I have to find the parts and either do it myself or get another to. He, having provided the solution to the problem of reconciling to a flawed humanity expects us to make the first move and then helpothers make their first move. That is the fundamental thing with His restoration plan,it is up to us.

    The death and life of Jesus is the value added mechanism in the recon ciliation of man to God, He adds something, for each of us, that makes returning to Father attractive. I used the words death and life in that order deliberately. It is Jesusdeath that gives us a bridge that we can communicate with God over and more oftenthan not it is God who comes to us when we call on Him and it is His life thatprovides a model for the way we should learn to live in love.

    You see in many ways Jesus is a cultural revolutionary. During His earth life Hestood against all sorts of social and religious injustices. I believe that He stood for something different in the eyes of the Hebrew public, that as well as the love that Heelicited from the people through His own love walk.

    In just the same way that Jesus lived, so should we standing against the excesses of our time, loving the unlovable and downtrodden. It is so easy to get drawn into thenorms of life as everybody else lives it. Just the peer pressure of everyone having aperception of you can make Christ living just that lit tle more difficult.

    As I said in the beginning Restorers tend to forgo rational value judgements. Goddid that to rescue you and I, He allowed someone very special to Him to die just sothat connection could never again be broken. In a way He parlayed a Son into many

    sons and daughters, such is the extent of His love for us.We start out Before Christ as shards of broken pottery and over time Father turnsus into a thing of beauty, and in the process we get to enjoy fellowship with our Master. I personally find that something that is worth sharing with the people I amencountering. I hope that by having Jesus in me He draws them to Himself and thatwhen they are ready He will give me the words of life that they seek

    Others are entitled to the joy and p eace, the life we enjoy, are we sharing with themthe Love of the Lord in our lives? I hope so.