Message from our new...


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NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Message from our new President

Dear INLA Colleagues,

It is an honor to have been selected to serve as your President for the coming two

years. I look forward to working with all of you in furthering the goals of the

Association over this time. Each of the fundamental pillars of the organization:

• to strengthen relations among lawyers concerned about problems of nuclear


• to facilitate the exchange of information, and

• to promote cooperation are significant in our coming endeavors.

I particularly consider the facilitation of the exchange of information as an element

that supports the others. I look forward to working with all members, the Board

and the Working Groups in assuring we are taking the steps we can to maximize

that exchange. Myself and members of the Board of Management are always

available to talk and listen regarding any ideas or suggestions or comments on

INLA activities.

As an update, we have a group of INLA members already assembled who are

working on the INLA 50th Anniversary Congress in 2020, in Washington, DC. We

will be providing further information on that in the near future.  

In addition, this message is not only an introduction, but an opportunity to wish all

well for the holidays and new year - all about the globe. May the coming year be a

successful and joyous year for all members.



NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Message from our new President

I want to thank our departing President, Jacques Lavoie, for his tireless service

and his arrangements for an incredibly successful Congress in Abu Dhabi. His

contributions are appreciated and the Congress was a wonderful event.

Also in particular, I want to thank Brigitte Helderweirt, who has been a guiding light

and organizer of all things INLA for her years of service with organization. We all

wish her and her husband a wonderful retirement and hope they will stay in touch.

It is impossible to capture all of her contributions over the years, so I will just leave

it at – Thank You Brigitte!


Bill Horin.  


Looking back at the successful 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress in Abu Dhabi!

We can all look back at a very successful 23rd Nuclear Inter Jura Congress, which

was held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from 4 to 8 November, 2018, with as its overarching

theme “International Cooperation in Nuclear – Sustainability, Excellence &

Innovation”, which saw one of the highest turnouts ever with over 300 participants!

Congratulations to Jacques Lavoie, immediate past President of INLA for having

been able to pull of such a feat! Most conference papers are available here: You can also access all the photos on

the conference website:


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

New INLA Members – Welcome!

We welcome all the new INLA members who have joined us since September 2018, to


§ Al Amimi Mohamed, Manager Strategy and Planning Emirates Nuclear Energy

Company (UAE) -

§ Al Falasi Maytha, Compliance Analyst (UAE) -

§ Aljneibi Sultan, Senior Material Management Equipment Manufacturing Engineer

(UAE) -

§ Al Khoori Sarra, Senior Compliance Specialist NAWAH (UAE) -

§ Cavaleri Claudio, Barrister (Belgium) -

§ Dams Kim, Legal Counsel, Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (Belgium) -

§ Dantas Afonso, Student at University of Lisbon School of Law (Portugal) -

§ Dauda Sharif Muntasir, Lecturer/Barrister Nile University of Nigeria (Nigeria) -

§ Dinleyici Ahmet Sefa, Student LLM, Prospective Legal Counselor Ministry of

Turkey (Turkey) -

§ Fairchild Jamie, Policy Analyst Natural Resources Canada (Canada) -

§ Fontaine Jean Elie, PhD Candidate University of Bern (Switzerland) -

§ Grigalashvili Ina, Legal Specialist LEPL Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety

(Georgia) -

§ Kumar Ramesh, Director Hyderabad High Court Bar Association (Pakistan) -


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

New INLA Members – Welcome!

We welcome all the new INLA members who have joined us since September 2018, to


§ Kwon Jihyun, Governance Coordinator NAWAH (UAE) -

§ Laxale Karyn, Government and Strategic Programs Advisor, Australian Nuclear

Science and Technology Organisation (Australia) -

§ McRae James, Assistant General Counsel US Department of Energy (USA) -

§ Merino Aguilar Mariel, Student Energy and Natural Resources LLM (Bolivia) -

§ Moffatt Michael, Pre-Doctoral Lecturer and Researcher University of Vienna

(Austria) -

§ Morris Anja, Legal Associate Negota Law (Norway) -

§ Nyirarukundo Triphine, Legal Officer Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority

(Rwanda) -

§ Park Sanggil, Nuclear Specialist Lee&Ko (Republic of Korea) -

§ Santhana Anandaraman, Compliance Manager NAWAH (UAE) -

§ Hans van der Wouden, Manager Dutch Nuclear Pool (Netherlands) -

We encourage each one of you to join any of the Working Groups (WGs) of INLA to

interact with all other INLA members throughout the years and exchange views and

latest legal developments from your jurisdiction.

You can read more about the 7 WGs of INLA on our website:


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Meeting of the Board of Management, Abu Dhabi

• The last meeting of INLA’s Board of Management was held on Saturday 3 November, 2018, at Abu Dhabi, the day before the commencement of the 2018 INLA Inter Jura Congress.

• An important outcome of this meeting was also the agreement on the venue of the 24th INLA Congress, which will be held in Washington, DC, in September 2020!

Election of the Board of Management on 7 November, 2018, Abu Dhabi

As per INLA practice, INLA members also elected a new Board of Management at the end of the INLA Congress, and we’re happy to share the new composition of the Board!

• AMEYE Evelyne Spain

• ABDEL-AZIZ Ahab Canada

• BEYENS Marc Belgium

• DOMINGUEZ Cristina Argentina

• FORK William USA

• GÜLEL BIRSEN Abide Turkey

• HORIN William USA


• JAVANAINEN Jyrki Finland

• LAMM Vanda Hungary

• LAVOIE Jacques Canada

• LEGER Marc France


• NOMURA Toyohiro Japan

• REYNAERS Els India





NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Election of the Board of Management on 7 November, 2018, Abu Dhabi

• President Mr. William Horin

• Immediate Past President Mr. Jacques Lavoie

• 1st Vice President Mr. Marc Beyens

• 2nd Vice President Mrs. Els Reynaers

Mr. Patrick Reyners has accepted the request of the Board to renew his terms as

Secretary General and Scientific Advisor of INLA.

A word of appreciation for our departing Board members  

The four departing Board members are Ulrike Feldmann, Mark Herlach, Rafael

Manovil and Santiago Ripol.

We would like to honor particularly Rafael Manovil and Ulrike Feldmann for their

active involvement in the Board of Management. As everyone knows, Rafael and

Ulrike both have a very long association with INLA and have always been one of

the driving forces behind key milestones in the history of INLA.

Rafael hosted an incredible 21st INLA Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina – who

can forget the beautiful historic buildings in which the conference events were

organized, not to mention the unique polo match!

Ulrike has co-organized many successful events on behalf of the German branch

of INLA over the years and has tirelessly worked as a Chairperson of Working

Group 4 on Radiation Protection.

We appreciate their decisions to step down, thank them for all their contributions

to INLA over the years, and sincerely hope we can count on their continued

engagement with INLA, albeit in different capacities.


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Thanking Ms. Brigitte Helderweirt, Secretariat of INLA  

INLA will not be quite the same without Brigitte Helderweirt overseeing the

Secretariat of INLA. Who hasn’t personally been in touch with Brigitte over all these

years – since the inception of INLA really! Her tireless dedication, professionalism,

eye for detail and promptness ensured that the communication between all of us

and the organization of all INLA activities ran as smoothly as possible. We will

miss you, Brigitte, but wish you a happy retirement full of travel adventures!

Brigitte’s shoes will be filled by Ms. Bernadette Keymolen, who’s had the

opportunity to work side by side with Brigitte these last months and we’re

confident the INLA Secretariat is in excellent and very capable hands!

Bernadette’s email address is:

. News from the INLA Working Groups


o Working Group 4 – Radiation Protection:

§ We’re happy to welcome Mark Sanders as the new Chairperson of the Working Group focused on Radiation Protection. Anyone keen on joining this WG 4 can contact Mark directly at:

o Working Group 7 – Nuclear Transport:

§ The WG7 chairperson, Khalil Bukhari, provides below a description of his Groups’ terms of reference and objectives:

§ Purpose & aims: Bring together participants from variety of backgrounds linked to transport industry (legal, insurance, regulators, trade bodies, govt) to highlight, analyse and advise on/provide practical solutions to legal & related issues affecting the industry (e.g. salvage insurance gap, denial of shipments, residual liability outside of scope of nuclear conventions etc.)

§ Alignment: The Chair to work to ensure work of WG7 is aligned with other international organisations having a focus on nuclear transports (WNTI, NEA, IAEA, WPNLT, BIMCO, WNA)




NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Academic Corner – training programs & publications  

o A. The International Nuclear Law Essentials (INLE): 18-22 February 2019

• When: 18-22 February 2019

• Application deadline: 4 February 2019

• Application Note: Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. It is advisable to apply as early as possible because a limited number of spaces are available.

• Where: Paris, France

• Organizer: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

• Application form: more information about the program, including the fees and application form are available here:

News from the INLA Working Groups  

o Working Group 7 – Nuclear Transport:

§ Common Transport Terms: The WG7 to review transport terms with intention of producing a paper recommending a model set of terms to be used as a common basis for global nuclear transport contracts – currently there is a lack of clear understanding in the transport industry as to what is required in contracts to address nuclear specific liability and insurance coverage issues

§ Endorsement/Approval: WG7 to examine possibility of having such terms endorsed/approval by relevant bodies (e.g. INLA, WNTI, NEA, IAEA, WPNLT, BIMCO, WNA) that would provide the transport industry the confidence and assurance to make use of such model terms.

§ Future papers: WG7 to promote industry discussion and cooperation to develop written papers highlighting relevant issues with potential solutions & “food for thought”.



NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Academic Corner – training programs & publications  

o B. Certificate Course Nuclear Law & Energy, TERI School of Advanced Studies, Delhi: 4-8 March, 2019:

§ The Nuclear Law Association, India and the TERI School of Advanced Studies are happy to announce the 6th edition of the Certificate Course on Nuclear Law & Energy, which will be held between Monday 4 – Friday 8 March, 2019, at the TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi, India. The course includes a site visit to the Narora Nuclear Power Plant on the last day.

§ All information is available here:

§ If you’re keen to participate, please, do send an email to:

o C. International School of Nuclear Law (ISNL) (Montpellier):

• When: 26 August to 6 September 2019

• Where: Montpelier, France

• Organizer: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in co-operation with the University of Montpellier

• Application form: the application for the 2019 summer session will be available in January 2019 – see:

o D. Save the date – Nuclear liability workshop: October, 2019:

Save the date: International Workshops on the Indemnification of Nuclear Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident

• When: 8-10 October 2019

• Where: Lisbon, Portugal (subject to confirmation)

• Organizer: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

• Registrations: registrations will be opened beginning of 2019 and will be processed on a rolling basis because of a limited number of spaces available.


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Academic Corner – training programs & publications  

§ After two successful workshops on the Indemnification of Nuclear Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident organised in France in November 2001 and in the Slovak Republic in May 2005 (proceedings available on the NEA website), the NEA organised the 3rd International Workshop on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident in co-operation with the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic in October 2017. This Workshop assessed the practical implementation of currently applicable international nuclear liability conventions in conjunction with, among others, non-convention States regimes, assuming all modernised international instruments have come into force. Over 170 participants from 33 NEA member and non-member countries attended the workshop. The programme and discussions followed a specific scenario (a nuclear incident occurring at a nuclear installation that would cause transboundary damage) and the sessions were prepared based on responses to a tailored questionnaire gathered by the NEA Secretariat from 27 NEA member and non-member countries.

§ The 4th International Workshop on the Indemnification of Damage in the Event of a Nuclear Accident will be a unique opportunity to continue exploring the practical application of the international nuclear liability instruments and potential consequences, including with regard to non-convention States, in case of a nuclear incident occurring at a nuclear installation. It will address, in much more detail, topics identified by the workshop participants for further discussion, e.g. the determination of the nuclear damage to be compensated and transboundary claims handling.

Job positions / research opportunities / internship announcements  

§ The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) accepts applications for internships from students from its member countries throughout the year. If you are interested in applying for an OLC internship, please send a cover letter and your resume or CV to


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Job positions / research opportunities / internship announcements  

These internships are open for full time students who:

§ are enrolled in the field of international law (and most preferably, private or public international law, environmental law);

§ speak fluent English and have excellent analytical and drafting skills; knowledge of French would be an advantage, as would knowledge of other languages used at the OECD;

§ are capable of working in a team in a multicultural and international environment.

Contract duration is up to six months and is for a full-time programme (40h per week). Please make sure your availability clearly appears in your cover letter.

Price for INLA – Membership fees – Introducing PayPal

All good things come with a price! We try to keep the membership fee as nominal as possible and would encourage all INLA members to kindly settle any outstanding membership fees at the earliest.

For 2019, the INLA Board of Management has decided to fix the membership fee's amount at 90 EUR for ordinary members and 20 EUR for students.

As you know, the PayPal system has now been launched to facilitate all membership payments; or for onward disbursement by the domestic chapters of the membership fees they collected. Should you have any questions in this regard, please, don’t hesitate to contact:

Remember: on-line directory of all INLA members

Should you want to quickly find a contact of any of the INLA members while on the go, do think of consulting INLA’s on-line membership roster:


NEWSLETTER INLA UPDATE – NO. 3 (12) – Winter, 2018

Would you like to announce something in the forthcoming INLA Update? Feel free

to send us an email at: and

Feel free to suggest!

As you know, we have created a “suggestion box” on INLA’s website to enable all INLA members to share their suggestions with regard to INLA’s activities, or any topic of relevance to INLA. Feel free to send your ideas and feedback to:

Carltoon – by Carlton Stoiber
