ME 280 Lab Final Project - … · ME 280 Lab Final Project Begins March 26th for...


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ME 280 Lab Final Project

Begins March 26th for sections 4 and 5,

and March 30th for sections 2 and 3

Due April 21st for sections 4 and 5 and

April 22nd for sections 2 and 3

100 points total

15 points Return project

assembled and functioning

15 points Freehand sketches of all


30 points Project presentation

40 points Assembly modeling

Group Grading: Each member will grade

the other members contribution to the

project. You can lower a grade as much

as 25 points but you cannot raise it.

Each student will model their own

components and save them in their team


Each group will have about 8 minutes to present their project

This is a formal presentation

DO NOT wait for a group member

You must turn in a complete, functioning assembly to receive the 15 points

Assembly constraints will be tested during the presentation

Each group will present at least one exploded view, with trace lines, of their project
