Make Up and Costume




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Face make-up ideaWe're taking inspiration from the joker and we viewed this video to help us create the look on Emma (In order to create a more realistic clown.)  

The JokerWe attempted to re create this make up for our clown.

Clown wigAs the person playing the clown is a female we have to use a wig to cover up her hair. Grace happens to have an old dress up wig we can use- we don't have to spend any extra money on the costume.

Male Black coatThe easiest way to dress up the clown would be an all black outfit. This kind of coat will again give the appearance of a male clown and the make up will stand out against the black outfit- My Dad has a coat just like this so I will bring it to the shooting day, Emma can just slip it over her clothes.

'The finished look'At the beginning of the clip, we have a man who's face is hidden which hides his identity, he is wearing normal clothes for a male as he is dressed in a grey jumper with a shirt underneath which is all you see in the shot. We thought that this was a good idea because straight away people know that the clown isn't actually a real clown, he just uses it as a dress up to steal the little girls and do it to them, he is actually just a man but he's insane and enjoys kidnapping children and dressing them up as clowns, he is a serial killer but we wanted him to look normal at the beginning because it makes people feel scared as no one would think he was actually a crazy murderer because he looks normal. He is looking at pictures of children he had kidnapped and was targeting and the photographs were covered in fake blood, we wanted it to be clear that it was fake so that the audience will understand that the serial killer uses face paint, and fake blood to dress up the little girls as clowns, rather than thinking it was real blood and that he had killed them because the idea of our thriller was to be creepy and twisted with a very psychotic edge, rather than a gory, aggressive murder type film.