Magazine review analysis


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Magazine Review Analysis


Large font is sued to immediately attract attention of the audience and directs them to the start of the article. This is a feature I will use to successfully make my article easier to read.

The use of a consistent colour scheme is also employed. This allows the audience to pick out sections and know what their purpose is. For example they know that the red writing is titles of films.

A rating system immediately allows the audience to gain a direct review without the hassle of reading through the details which makes reading the reviews easier. This is something I will definitely emulate in my magazine review.

Full page image not only grabs attention but also allows the audience to instantly recognise the review of which film or film series without reading the title. This allows finding the review they want easier to find.

Use of comedy/sarcasm allows the reviewer to connect with the audience while delivering a message. This makes the review more unique and enticing to the audience.


• In terms of layout, 3 equal columns of text contain the detailed information on the left page with titles above with a second page dedicated to one image from the movie. This is called a double page spread and is effective at holding 3 details in 3 key areas. The title, a summary of the review, the details, the exact pieces that makes the movie what it is and the image, which gives the audience further insight into the movie snd is the main attraction piece. I will try to fo;;ow a similar layout to this as I believe it is not on;y simple and easy to understand but allows the correct amount of details to be conveyed.