Magazine Deconstructions Ryansoanesa2.blogspot.com

Magazine review

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Page 1: Magazine review

Magazine Deconstructions


Page 2: Magazine review

One popular convention is to use a double page spread and use large images from the film as this really catches the eye and promotes the film well.

Using stills from the movie that is being reviewed is also another good convention to use, as it makes you want to see what else there is.

Big clear title so you can easily see what film is being reviewed.

The other important convention is the review it’s self witch is often small, because else the reader won’t bother to read it if it’s lot of text. It is white on a black background to help it become more eye catching.

Facts about the film are also another good convention because it really gets the reader interested in the film in just a few lines.

Page 3: Magazine review

In this review they use a one image that takes up a full page and a bit more, this is a good convention as they use a very strong, iconic image, with gains eye contact with the reader.

One convention of this review is that they have included their own branding at the top of the page.

They put the title very big and bold in all capitals so it stands out and the reader can easily see what film they are reviewing and they also include the age limit of the film.

A very good convention this review uses is the verdict and stats section (with a graph) where if the reader doesn’t want to read all the text they can simply just look at this and get a summary.

Page 4: Magazine review

On this magazine review they use a big bold title that stands out so you can instantly see what film they are reviewing.

One good technique they use is this banner, it’s got a green background and yellow writing so it stands out from the rest of the page, and gives you a quite from the critic and it’s full of strong emotive words.

On this review they use the generic convention that all film reviews do of putting a movie still as a large picture as it shows people the film and also the main characters in the film.

They have a verdict section at the bottom of the page which gives you a summary of the film and their rating witch is easy to read.