Madougu Revival Force 1



Flame of Recca - Fanfic

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Shinjiku: This story is placed right after the Ura Butso Satsujin (UBS) Tournament.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Hayau’s POV)


“So Kouran, why did you call me here? What is it that you that you deem so important that we have to discuss it in person?” I asked my cousin Kouran Mori, who had driven me away from my work so suddenly.

“This is...” replied Kouran as he took out a scroll from his suitcase and began to unroll it in front of me.

The parchment was yellowed by age. It looked like it had survived hundreds of years. Inside written in Ancient Japanese told about a few strange mystical artefacts from long ago. The ink was smudged and faded, so it was difficult to decipher.

“What is this?” The bangs of my spiky black hair obscured my vision as I brushed them away and I muttered to myself, still engrossed with the parchment trying to decipher it.

“This parchment was taken from the times when ninja’s walked Japan. This parchment is from one of the most powerful and secretive ninja clans ever. The Hokage...” Kouran explained.

“Oh.. But what is it about? I have trouble reading Ancient Japanese and the ink is so smudged and faded.” I asked puzzled.

“It is about madougu, my dear cousin.” Answered Kouran. “Madougu are the holy artefacts of the Hokage, They have strange mythical powers. This parchment contains information about the different types of madougu and their powers.”

“Why are you showing me this?” I questioned him, he usually wouldn’t have told anyone about this.

“Well you see... if anything should ever happen to me, I want you to continue my work. Recently my scientists suspected that there is secret hidden information somewhere on this parchment. And I thought, being such a great scientist that you could help me uncover the secret hidden information on the scroll.” Replied Kouran as he handed me the scroll.

“….Fine I’ll help you... but only because this... madougu seem to be very interesting.” I agreed as I took the scroll from him.

[End Flashback]

Last week I had managed to find the hidden information. After a series of complicated tests and experiments, I had found it. It was hidden on the back of the parchment and was written with some kind of invisible ink that was almost impossible to detect.

‘I know I shouldn’t have help Kouran... but this is all so intriguing... I just have to find out more and more!!’ I thought to myself as I began to unroll the scroll and read the hidden information.

[The hidden information on the scroll]

Originally there was only the Makai Dougu. The Makai Dougu was a powerful weapon that could either bring chaos onto the world or bring prosperity by erasing the mistakes of mankind and undoing anything even death. The Makai Dougu was placed in a shrine on top of a mountain so that it would be hard if not impossible to steal the Makai Dougu. It was protected by six warriors day and night.

But one day, the sixth warrior, Kai rebelled against the others and stole the Makai Dougu. He then used the Makai Dougu for evil and the world was thrown into chaos. Then the five monks, Kou, Shigure, Kirisaki, Hajime and Dougu challenged Kai. Summoning all the powers of the earth, they managed to kill him. Then they split the Makai Dougu into 15 different pieces.

Each piece transformed into different artefacts. They named these artefacts Madougu from the word of “MAkai DOUGU”. As the Madougu were originally part of the Makai Dougu, it would be possible to combine all the madougu and revive the Makai Dougu. This was the five warrior’s greatest fear. In order to stop this, the five monks then started a clan to protect the madougu. The five warriors named the clan “Hokage”.


(Hayau’s POV)

I realized how important this information was right after I read the scroll. If it gets into the wrong hands... who knows what will happen!! I quickly decided to hide the scroll and keep it locked up inside the safe. But suddenly, when I was just about to roll up the scroll, the whole scroll started to shine brightly.

‘What’s happening!!?’ I thought as my vision dimmed and everything started to disappear.

[Inside Hayau’s Mind]

“What the..!? Where am I?” I shouted bewildered at where I was.

It was dark. There wasn’t a speck of light to be seen. It looked like there was no way out. Everything seemed strange… But deathly familiar...

“Are you that stupid? I thought you were supposed to be a world renowned scientist. Don’t tell me you can’t even recognise your own mind.” A voice asked from behind me.

“ mind..? Who are…!!?” I asked as I turned around. But I stopped short looking at the young man in front of me,

A young man in his early twenties with untidy black spiky hair and bangs that almost covered his face. He was wearing a lab coat and was smiling profusely at me.

“You… YOUR ME!?” I screamed at the exact mirror image of me.

“On the contraire, you are my descendent. You see my friend, I am your ancestor from long ago.. To be precise the time when the Makai Dougu was still in one piece .” Replied my copy as he began to walk towards me.

“ So.. What do you want!? Answer me!” I asked, tired and nervous it looked like I wouldn’t last a minute against this guy.

“Nothing much other than your mind, soul and body.” he answered smoothly as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, my whole body was in pain. My body was so unerringly painful that I collapse to the ground and my vision started to blur.

Just as I was about to pass out he smiled and said, “By the way, the name’s Kai. Nice to meet you..” and the whole world became black.


Shinjiku: Like it? Well there is more coming your way!

Next Episode: The UBS tournament has just ended. Everyone has a home to go back to except Kaoru. When Recca offers Kaoru a proposal will he accept it? And suddenly a new enemy appears and asks Kaoru to join forces with him. What will he choose?