LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet


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  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet


    BROWNACT:Government Code 54950(The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be poste

    at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #10

    Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda . Copies of the agenda are available from the La

    Merritt/Uptown District Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons w

    disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours pr

    to the meeting.

    L A K E M E R R I T T / U P T O W N C O M M U N I T Y B E N E F I T D I S T R I C T

    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    Phone 510.452.4529Fax 510.452.4530 info@lakemerritt-uptown.org www.lakemerritt-uptown.org





  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet


    L A K E M E R R I T T / U P T O W N C O M M U N I T Y B E N E F I T D I S T R I C T

    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

    Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530 info@lakemerritt-uptown.org www.lakemerritt-uptown.org

    Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Board of Directors MeetingMinutes of December 5, 2013 - 8:30 a.m.Kaiser Center 2nd floor Conference Room, 300 Lakeside DrivePresent: Deborah Boyer, Chris Curtis, Robert Wilkins, Andrea Kirkpatrick, Mike Brown,

    Lorie Alemania, Laurie Cooperman-Rosen (by phone), Steven Douglas,Michelle Lane, Lucinda Alipio, Don Rogers, CJ Hirschfield

    Absent: Indrajit Obeysekere, Nola Montgomery, Aliza Gallo, Mike Huaco, CourtneyBelanger, Ben Weinstein

    Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator,Tori Decker/Office and Operations Manger, Fiona Simms/AdministrativeAssistant

    PR Consultants: Nancy Amaral/Gallen.NeillyGuests: Ke Norman/Nailphoria Day SpaDiscussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

    SUBJECT D ISCUSSION CTIONCall to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:37 a.m. No action required.Public comment andannouncements CJ announced the Fairy Winterland celebration.Chris mentioned the Great Wall holiday show

    on December First Friday. Michelle announcedthe Block Gallery video art walk in Old Oaklandwhich will run through January. Steve

    mentioned the upcoming 2.Oakland event andKe announced that Nailphoria Day Spa has

    moved to a new location in the Uptown on 17th


    No action required.

    Approval of the minutes ofOctober 3, 2013 The minutes of October 3, 2013 meeting werepresented for review. Chris moved andMichelle seconded themotion to approve theminutes of October 3,2013 as presented.The motion wasapprovedunanimously.Financial Report Tori presented the year-to-date cash available

    summary and the detailed expense report for

    CJ moved andDeborah seconded the


  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet



    review. She noted that the districts havereceived a total of $1,355,867.22, which less the

    reserve and hardship reimbursements of$85,882.04 leaves $1,269,985.18 cash available.Tori stated that the DISI expenses to date total

    $60,757.98, ORG expenses total $192,080.73,

    and SOBO expenses total $676,888.47. Thecash remaining equals $340,258.00 andincludes assessment income over the budgeted


    motion to approve thefinancial reports.Themotion was approvedunanimously.

    2014 meeting schedule The proposed 2014 meeting schedule waspresented to the board for review.

    Michelle moved andAndrea seconded themotion to approve the2014 meetingschedule. The motionwas approvedunanimously.Approval of office networkupgrade to cloud filestorage

    Fiona noted that currently all digital files are

    stored on the office managers computer, whichpresents a security risk. Since it would be costprohibitive and would require a large amount of

    staff time to purchase, install, and maintain a fileserver for the office staff recommends that the

    districts take advantage of Microsoft 365software, subscriptions for which are offered

    free to non-profit corporations. This softwarewould store all files in the cloud and wouldallow staff to remotely access not only office

    files but also Microsoft web applications.Though the product is free, there would be an

    upfront cost of $4,000 for initial set-up and

    staff training. The cost would be split evenlybetween the two districts.

    Chris moved andAndrea seconded themotion to approve theallocation of 2,000for the office upgrade.The motion wasapprovedunanimously.

    SOBO Updates Andrew explained that we currently have 3 BigBelly solar trash compactors installed in the

    Uptown and staff would like to request $35,560from the unanticipated assessment collection

    over the annual budget. There was discussion ofwhere the compactors should be placed, the

    technology that the compactors provide andhow we use it. The board recommended thatwe increase the number of the purchase to 10

    with the locations to be determined by the

    district staff.

    Andrew reported that the Ambassador program

    is running well. He noted that the Block byBlock executive team held a meeting with staff

    to discuss priorities and goals for the comingyear including the development of a homelessoutreach program, the implementation of the

    SMART System, and using the SMART system

    Deborah moved andRobert seconded themotion to approve thepurchase of 10additional Big Bellytrash compactors. Themotion was approvedunanimously.


  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet



    to create a district watch program.The hanging plants have been removed and

    shipped to Oregon to be replanted. They willreturn and be installed next April.

    Andrew explained that staff is waiting to hear

    the decision on the Franklin Square minorencroachment permit before we begin workingon the Harrison Street median in an effort to

    consolidate those items into one masterencroachment permit amendment.

    Andrew lastly noted that in the coming year thefocus of the S.O.B.O. committee will be to

    maintain the projects currently in place.

    DISI Updatesa. Gallen.NeillyAssociates ReportSteve reviewed the DISI budget planning


    Steve updated the board on the success ofPlaid Friday and noted that there were 45+Oakland business and more than 30 pop-up

    vendors involved in the event. Latham Squarewas activated with vendors, music and live art

    and 10 bars hosted pop-up retail vendors duringthe night. He noted that many businesses have

    reported increased sales.

    Nancy reviewed the highlights of the

    Gallen.Neilly & Associates report and listed therecent press releases and clips about the


    Other Chris announced that Pet Food Express issponsoring CatVidFest2 on the Great Wall ofOakland.

    Adjournment to executivesession The meeting was adjourned to executivesession at 9:31 a.m.***CLOSED SESSION***

    Discussion of additionalpersonnel compensation Deborah advised the board that the ORGcommittee had reviewed the established goalsfor OVM, Peralta, and Block by Block and notedthat overall goals were achieved and sometimes

    exceeded, justifying bonus compensation forexceptional performance. After brief discussion,Michelle moved and Andrea seconded the

    motion to allocate additional compensationfrom LMUDA as follows:

    OVM: $7,000

    Block by Block: $3,000Peralta: $1,250

    Each ambassador: $75 gift card

    Michelle moved andAndrea seconded themotion to allocateadditionalcompensation toOakland VenueManagement in theamount of 7,000, toPeralta ServiceCorporation in theamount of 1,250, toBlock by Block in theamount of 3,000,and 75 in the form of


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    a gift card to eachAmbassador.Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 a.m.

    Minutes taken by: Fiona Simms, Administrative Assistant


  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet


    Lake Merritt/Upown District Association

    YTD Cash Summary-February 2014

    YTD Budget Actual Annual Budget

    Cash Available

    $638,431.25 $651,081.67 $1,190,980.46

    Unallocated Carry Forward $135,763.48 $135,763.48 $135,763.48

    Less Reserve $73,344.70 $73,344.70 $73,344.70

    Total Cash Available $700,850.03 $713,500.45 $1,253,399.24


    DISI $9,916.68 $4,314.04 $63,500.00

    ORG $36,363.28 $32,511.32 $206,954.76

    SOBO $141,196.78 $126,929.30 $847,181.00

    Total Expenses $187,476.74 $163,754.66 $1,117,635.76

    Cash Remaining $513,373.29 $549,745.79 $135,763.48

    Please See Attached

    Prior Year Reserve andAssessment Income

    Please See Attached

    Please See Attached

    Please See Attached


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    10:19 AM


    Cash Basis

    Lake Merritt Uptown District Association

    February 2014 Expenses

    C ur r. A ct ua l C ur r. B ud ge t C ur r. V ar ia nc e P er ce nt Y TD A ct ua l Y TD B ud ge t YT D V ar ia nc e P er ce nt A nn ua l B ud ge t V ar ia nc e E xp la na ti on


    Banner Program 0.00 291.66 -291.66 0.0% 0.00 583.32 -583.32 0.0% 3,500.00

    17.50 875.00 -857.50 2.0% 35.00 1,750.00 -1,715.00 2.0% 10,500.00

    0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.0% 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.0% 6,000.00

    Misc 255.38 125.00 130.38 204.3% 255.38 250.00 5.38 102.15% 1,500.00 Includes payments to DISI Startegic Planning facilitator

    Public Relations 1,273.65 1,250.00 23.65 101.89% 2,523.65 2,500.00 23.65 100.95% 15,000.00

    Public Space Development 0.00 333.34 -333.34 0.0% 0.00 666.68 -666.68 0.0% 4,000.00

    1, 546.53 3, 375. 00 - 1, 828.47 45.82% 2, 814.03 6,750. 00 - 3, 935.97 41.69% 40,500.00

    Special Events

    Arts & Culture 0.00 833.34 -833.34 0.0% 0.00 1,666.68 -1,666.68 0.0% 10,000.00

    1, 50 0. 00 7 50 .00 75 0. 00 2 00. 0% 1, 50 0. 00 1 ,5 00 .00 0 .0 0 1 00. 0% 9, 000 .00 I nc lud es s po ns or shi p of EB BC Bi ke t o W or k D ay

    Holiday Event 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4,000.00

    Total Special Events 1,500.00 1,583.34 -83.34 94.74% 1,500.00 3,166.68 -1,666.68 47.37% 23,000.00

    3, 046.53 4, 958. 34 - 1, 911.81 61.44% 4, 314.03 9,916. 68 - 5, 602.65 43. 5% 63,500.00

    Non-personnel expenses

    Accounting Expenses 0.00 541.66 -541.66 0.0% 0.00 1,083.32 -1,083.32 0.0% 6,500.00

    Computer Service & Support 25.00 166.66 -141.66 15.0% 100.00 333.32 -233.32 30.0% 2,000.00

    0.00 208.34 -208.34 0.0% 0.00 416.68 -416.68 0.0% 2,500.00

    Fees & Permits 0.00 166.66 -166.66 0.0% 20.00 333.32 -313.32 6.0% 2,000.00


    Directors & Officers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 1,237.00 1,258.00 -21.00 98.33% 1,258.00 Paid in full

    General Liability 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2,916.00 2,987.00 -71.00 97.62% 2,987.00 Paid in full

    Total Insurance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 4,153.00 4,245.00 -92.00 97.83% 4,245.00

    Misc 0.00 41.66 -41.66 0.0% 7.00 83.32 -76.32 8.4% 500.00

    Occupancy expenses

    Rent , par king , ot her oc cupanc y 1, 701.97 1,757. 84 - 55.87 96.82% 3, 403.94 3,515. 68 - 111. 74 96.82% 21,094. 00

    Total Occupancy expenses 1,701.97 1,757.84 -55.87 96.82% 3,403.94 3,515.68 -111.74 96.82% 21,094.00

    Office furniture & equipment 0.00 125.00 -125.00 0.0% 107.52 250.00 -142.48 43.01% 1,500.00

    Postage, shipping, delivery 13.84 41.66 -27.82 33.22% 13.84 83.32 -69.48 16.61% 500.00

    Printing & copying 0.00 250.00 -250.00 0.0% 0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.0% 3,000.00

    Supplies 209.14 291.66 -82.52 71.71% 665.03 583.32 81.71 114.01% 3,500.00 Includes purchase of ink for printer

    Telephone & telecommunications 166.27 208.34 -42.07 79.81% 333.02 416.68 -83.66 79.92% 2,500.00

    Total Non-personnel expenses 2, 116.22 3, 799. 48 - 1, 683.26 55. 7% 8, 803.35 11,843. 96 - 3, 040.61 74.33% 49,839.00

    ORG/Special Projects

    Annual Breakfast Meeting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5,000.00

    0.00 83.34 -83.34 0.0% 0.00 166.68 -166.68 0.0% 1,000.00

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 5,000.00

    Total ORG/Special Projects 0.00 83.34 -83.34 0.0% 0.00 166.68 -166.68 0.0% 11,000.00

    Personnel & Related

    1,273.65 1,250.00 23.65 101.89% 2,523.65 2,500.00 23.65 100.95% 15,000.00

    Staff Personnel 10,592.16 1 0,592.98 -0.82 99.99% 21,184.32 21,185.96 (1.64) 99.99% 127,115.76

    0.00 333.34 -333.34 0.0% 0.00 666.68 -666.68 0.0% 4,000.00

    Total Personnel & Related 11, 865.81 12, 176. 32 - 310.51 97.45% 23, 707.97 24,352. 64 - 644.67 97.35% 146, 115. 76

    DISI Projects

    Total DISI Projects

    Training & Prof. Develop.





    Merchant/Retail Support

    CBD Sponsored Events

    Public Relations


    Business Attraction and Retention

    Consulting & Legal Expenses

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    10:19 AM


    Cash Basis

    Lake Merritt Uptown District Association

    February 2014 Expenses

    C ur r. A ct ua l C ur r. B ud ge t C ur r. V ar ia nc e P er ce nt Y TD A ct ua l Y TD B ud ge t YT D V ar ia nc e P er ce nt A nn ua l B ud ge t V ar ia nc e E xp la na ti on

    1 3, 98 2. 03 1 6, 059 .14 - 2, 07 7. 11 8 7. 07 % 3 2, 51 1. 32 3 6, 363 .28 - 3, 851 .9 6 8 9. 41% 206,954.76

    1,917.00 1,916.66 0.34 100.02% 1,917.00 3,833.32 -1,916.32 50.01% 23,000.00

    Maintenance 22,659.13 22,660.00 -0.87 100.0% 4 4,659.13 45,320.00 -660.87 98.54% 271,920.00

    Misc SOBO expenses 55.33 166.66 -111.33 33.2% 55.33 333.32 -277.99 16.6% 2,000.00

    PROW Maintenance 1,778.77 3,333.34 -1,554.57 53.36% 2,792.72 6,666.68 -3,873.96 41.89% 40,000.00

    Residential Beautification 0.00 166.66 -166.66 0.0% 0.00 333.32 -333.32 0.0% 2,000.00

    Security 39,554.95 40,438.41 -883.46 97.82% 7 7,505.12 80,876.82 -3,371.70 95.83% 485,261.00

    0.00 1,916.66 -1,916.66 0.0% 0.00 3,833.32 -3,833.32 0.0% 23,000.00

    6 5, 96 5. 18 7 0, 598 .39 - 4, 63 3. 21 9 3. 44 % 1 26, 92 9. 30 14 1, 196 .78 - 14, 267 .4 8 8 9. 9% 847,181.00

    8 2, 99 3. 74 9 1, 61 5. 87 - 8, 62 2. 13 9 0. 59 % 1 63 ,7 54 .6 5 3 23 ,2 40 .2 2 - 15 9, 48 5. 57 5 0. 66 % 1,253,399.24TOTAL EXPENSE



    Landscaping Staff Person



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    2014 Broadway Shuttle Funding Sources:

    $290K MTC Lifeline Transit$176K Alameda County Vehicle Registration Tax$132K Jack London Square (funded $100k for first 3 years, increased funding in 2013)$100K BAAQMD (grant application pending, $100K is estimate)$36K CBDs (requested amount up from $32K for first 4 years)$15K Forest City (funded $10k for first 3 years, increased funding in 2013)$10K SF Bay Ferry


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    Pricing and Deployment for creating a more Specialized Staff

    2013 Pricing

    Safety Ambassadors 327.00

    Senior Ambassadors 200.00

    Team Leader 80.00

    Operations Manager 40.00

    Weekly Total 647.00

    Annual 33,644.00

    Employees 16.18








    Pay Rate 14.60$ 16.50$ 33.47$

    FICA 1.12$ 1.26$ 2.56$

    WC 0.64$ 0.73$ 1.47$

    Liability 0.37$ 0.42$ 0.85$

    Unemployment 0.88$ 0.99$ 2.01$

    Subtotal 17.61$ 19.90$ 40.36$

    Weekly Hours 546.00 61.00 40.00

    Annual Hours 28,392.00 3,172.00 2,080.00

    Annual Billing 499,914.98$ 63,119.63$ 83,958.83$

    Overhead 1.88$ 1.88$ 1.88$

    Benefits 1.88$ 1.88$ 1.88$

    Profit 1.95$ 1.95$ 1.95$

    Bill Rate 23.32$ 25.62$ 46.08$

    Weekly Hours 546.00 61.00 40.00

    Annual Hours 28,392.00 3,172.00 2,080.00

    Annual Billing 662,229.30$ 81,253.65$ 95,849.26$

    ANNUAL BILLING 839,332.22$


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    Proposed Pricing and Deployment

    Wages based on average hourly rates for current Tier 1 Ambassadors and provides for wage

    increases for Tier 2, Team Leaders and Operations Manager.

    Pricing accounts no significant decrease of total hours compared to 2013. The hours

    associated with the Admin Assistant will allow hours equal to that amount for the

    Operations manager to spend in the field.

    PRICINGAdmin / Data


    Safety Amb

    Tier 1

    Safety Amb

    Tier 2Team Leader



    Pay Rate 13.00$ 14.25$ 16.00$ 17.00$ 34.47$

    FICA 0.99$ 1.09$ 1.22$ 1.30$ 2.64$

    WC 0.78$ 0.85$ 0.96$ 1.01$ 2.06$

    Liability 0.33$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.88$

    Unemployment 0.78$ 0.86$ 0.96$ 1.02$ 2.07$

    Subtotal 15.88$ 17.41$ 19.55$ 20.77$ 42.12$

    Weekly Hours 24.00 326.00 176.00 80.00 40.00

    Annual Hours 1,248.00 16,952.00 9,152.00 4,160.00 2,080.00

    Annual Billing 19,820.86$ 295,121.18$ 178,895.97$ 86,398.62$ 87,603.38$

    Overhead 2.24$ 2.24$ 2.24$ 2.24$ 2.24$

    Benefits 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

    Profit 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$

    Bill Rate 22.17$ 23.70$ 25.83$ 27.05$ 48.40$

    Weekly Hours 24.00 326.00 176.00 80.00 40.00

    Annual Hours 1,248.00 16,952.00 9,152.00 4,160.00 2,080.00

    Annual Billing 27,665.69$ 401,680.09$ 236,424.71$ 112,548.05$ 100,678.09$

    ANNUAL BILLING 878,996.62$

    Downtown Oakland / Lake Merritt CBD Safety

    Dollar Amt Hrs Per Year Weekly hrs

    Downtown Oakland 25,370.88$ 524.16 10.08

    Lake Merritt 28,953.60$ 723.84 13.92

    54,324.48$ 1248.00 24.00



    Cost of Admin Assistant

    Gained Position $ Value

    Field Hrs gained by Operations Mgr


    Based upon conversations we have engagedin regarding the desire to take the account

    into a data driven (work smarter, not harder)

    approach, adjustments have been made to

    the current deployment. Included in those

    adjustments is the additional admin position,

    wage increases for tenured employees, and a

    Longevity Bonus for those employees as well.

    Admin / Data Entry 24.00

    Safety Amb Tier 1 326.00

    Safety Amb Tier 2 176.00

    Team Leader 80.00

    Operations Manager 40.00

    Weekly Total 646.00

    Annual 33,592.00

    Employees 16.15



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    Cost Breakdown by District


    Admin / Data


    Safety Amb

    Tier 1

    Safety Amb

    Tier 2





    Pay Rate 13.00$ 14.25$ 16.00$ 17.00$ 34.47$

    FICA 0.99$ 1.09$ 1.22$ 1.30$ 2.64$

    WC 0.78$ 0.85$ 0.96$ 1.01$ 2.06$

    Liability 0.33$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.88$

    Unemployment 0.78$ 0.86$ 0.96$ 1.02$ 2.07$

    Subtotal 15.88$ 17.41$ 19.55$ 20.77$ 42.12$

    Weekly Hours 10.08 147.00 76.00 33.60 16.80

    Annual Hours 524.16 7,644.00 3,952.00 1,747.20 873.60

    Annual Billing 8,324.76 133,076.12 77,250.53 36,287.42 36,793.42

    Overhead 2.14$ 2.14$ 2.14$ 2.14$ 2.14$

    Benefits 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

    Profit 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$

    Bill Rate 22.07203$ 23.59916$ 25.73713$ 26.95883$ 48.30694$

    Weekly Hours 10.08 147.00 76.00 33.60 16.80

    Annual Hours 524.16 7,644.00 3,952.00 1,747.20 873.60

    Annual Billing 11,569.28$ 180,391.95$ 101,713.14$ 47,102.47$ 42,200.94$

    ANNUAL BILLING 382,977.78$

    Admin / Data Entry 10.08

    Safety Amb Tier 1 147.00

    Safety Amb Tier 2 76.00

    Team Leader 33.60

    Operations Manager 16.80Weekly Total 283.48

    Annual 14,740.96


    Annual Cost

    Position 2014 2013 Hours +/- 2014 2013 2014

    Safety Ambassador N/A 241 23.32$

    Tier 1 Ambassador 147.00 na 23.60$ 180,391.95$

    Tier 2 Ambassador 76.00 25.74$ 101,713.14$

    Team Lead 33.60 26.14 7.46 26.96$ 25.62$ 47,102.47$

    Operations Mgr 75% in field 16.80 17.14 12.60 48.31$ 46.08$ 42,200.94$

    Admin 10.08 22.07$ 11,569.28$2014 2013 On-Street +/-


    Downtown Oakland With Longevity BonusHours Billrate


    TOTALTotal Hours 283.48 284.28 2.06


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    PRICINGAdmin / Data


    Safety Amb

    Tier 1

    Safety Amb

    Tier 2





    Pay Rate 13.00$ 14.25$ 16.00$ 17.00$ 34.47$

    FICA 0.99$ 1.09$ 1.22$ 1.30$ 2.64$

    WC 0.78$ 0.85$ 0.96$ 1.01$ 2.06$

    Liability 0.33$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.88$

    Unemployment 0.78$ 0.86$ 0.96$ 1.02$ 2.07$

    Subtotal 15.88$ 17.41$ 19.55$ 20.77$ 42.12$

    Weekly Hours 13.92 179.00 100.00 46.40 23.20

    Annual Hours 723.84 9,308.00 5,200.00 2,412.80 1,206.40

    Annual Billing 11,496.10 162,045.07 101,645.44 50,111.20 50,809.96

    Overhead 2.31$ 2.31$ 2.31$ 2.31$ 2.31$

    Benefits 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$

    Profit 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$ 2.05$

    Bill Rate 22.243079$ 23.770204$ 25.908179$ 27.129879$ 48.477987$

    Weekly Hours 13.92 179.00 100.00 46.40 23.20

    Annual Hours 723.84 9,308.00 5,200.00 2,412.80 1,206.40

    Annual Billing 16,100.43$ 221,253.06$ 134,722.53$ 65,458.97$ 58,483.84$

    ANNUAL BILLING 496,018.84$

    Lake Merritt Uptown Security

    Admin / Data Entry 13.92

    Safety Amb Tier 1 179.00

    Safety Amb Tier 2 100.00

    Team Leader 46.40

    Operations Manager 23.20

    Weekly Total 362.52

    Annual 18,851.04

    Employees 9.06


    Annual Cost

    Position 2014 2013 Hours +/- 2014 2013 2014

    Safety Ambassador N/A 305 23.32$

    Tier 1 Ambassador 179.00 na 23.77$ 221,253.06$

    Tier 2 Ambassador 100.00 25.91$ 134,722.53$

    Team Lead 46.40 34.86 11.54 27.13$ 25.62$ 65,458.97$Operations Mgr 75% in field 23.20 22.86 17.40 48.48$ 46.08$ 58,483.84$

    Admin 13.92 22.24$ 16,100.43$

    2014 2013 On-Street +/-


    Lake Merrit Uptown With Longevity BonusHours Billrate


    Total Hours 362.52 362.72 2.94TOTAL


  • 8/12/2019 LMU Board Meeting March 6, 2014 Agenda Packet



    Pricing includes Longevity Bonus structure which has been put into overhead costs in

    the amount of $9,984 which is split between the two programs based on hours

    allocations to be utilized for 6.4 employees who currently meet the qualifiers for the


    Position Summaries

    Admin Data Entry

    Inclusion of a 24 hour per week Admin/ Data Entry position to assist the program in assuring

    that all paperwork and filing is maintained, Smart System is updated and back office workload is

    accomplished. This will allow Operations Manager to dedicate more of their time to on-street

    functions of the CBDs. (This position would not require a guard card)

    Safety Ambassador Tier 1

    Entry level Safety position with compensation starting at historical rate of 13.50 per hour and

    follows a wage matrix that tops out at $14.50 per hour after 2 years (wages do not disrupt

    current compensation rates). The wages will be capped for this position until the level of a Tier 2Ambassador is reached by performance and desire to take on additional responsibilities.

    Dollar Amt Hrs Per Year Weekly hrs

    Lake Merritt 5,705.86$ 220.46 4.24

    Downtown Oakland 4,278.14$ 180.18 3.47

    9,984.00$ 400.65 7.70

    Cost of Longevity Bonus in Dist Hours


    Position 0-90 Days After 90 Days 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years

    Admin / Data Entry 12.50$ 13.00$ TBD TBD TBD TBD

    Dollar Amt Hrs Per Year Weekly hrs

    Lake Merritt 11,569.28$ 488.26 9.39

    Downtown Oakland 16,100.43$ 679.48 13.07

    27,669.71$ 1167.74 22.46

    Cost of Admin Asst. in Dist Hours


    Position 0-90 Days After 90 Days 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years

    Safety Amb Tier 1 13.50$ 14.00$ 14.50$ Capped Until performance dictates increase


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    Operations Manager

    As we enter into a more data-driven and community involved program it is important for the

    Operations Manager to devote much of his time to new initiatives while assuring that all current

    programs and policies are being adhered to.

    The Operations Managers current salary is budgeted at $69,617.00 and we would propose a

    3.0% increase which will take him to $71,700.00


    The objective for an update to the deployment was to assure that we have a Seasoned

    Ambassadoror Team Leader scheduled for every shift. Based on this objective the below

    deployment allows for a Tier 2 and above to be present for every shift in both districts.

    Position HoursPrimary

    AssignmentSun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Total

    Admin / Data Entry 8am-5:30pm Office 8 8 8 24

    Oakland Tier 2 Per Schedule Per Schedule 8 12 16 16 16 8 76

    Oakland Tier 1 Per Schedule Per Schedule 24 24 22 29 32 16 147

    Lake Merritt Tier 2 Per Schedule Per Schedule 16 20 16 16 16 16 100

    Lake Merritt Tier 1 Per Schedule Per Schedule 24 20 24 55 40 16 179

    Team Leader Varies Both Districts 0.0 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 80

    Operations Supervisor Varies Both Districts 8 8 8 8 8 40

    93.3 97.3 107.3 145.3 133.3 69.3Total Scheduled Weekly Hours 646


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    Breakdown by CBD

    Position HoursPrimary

    AssignmentSun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Total Wkly Hrs


    76Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 2

    7am - 3:30pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 8 40

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 4 8 8 8 8 36

    76Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 2


    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 1

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 8 40

    7am - 3:30pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 8 40

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 7 8 8 23

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 8 6 6 8 8 44

    Team Leader Varies 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 33.6

    Operations Manager Varies Both Dist 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 16.8


    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 1

    Oakland Hours

    Admin / Data Entry 10.08

    Safety Ambassador 223

    Team Leader 33.60

    Operations Manager 16.80

    TOTAL 283.48

    FTEs 7.09

    Lake Merritt Hours

    Admin / Data Entry 13.92

    Safety Ambassador 279

    Team Leader 46.40

    Operations Manager 23.20

    TOTAL 362.52

    FTEs 9.06

    Position HoursPrimary

    AssignmentSun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Total Wkly Hrs

    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 2


    Lake Merrit

    7am - 3:30pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 8 40

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 324 8 8 8 28

    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 2


    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 1


    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 8 16

    7am - 3:30pm Bike / Foot 8 8 16

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 4 8 8 8 36

    4pm- 12:30am Bike / Foot 8 8 8 24

    7am - 3:30pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 7 31

    12:30-9pm Bike / Foot 8 8 8 8 32

    4pm- 12:30am Bike / Foot 8 8 8 24

    Team Leader Varies Both Dist 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 46.40

    Operations Manager Varies Both Dist 4.64 4.64 4.64 4.64 4.64 23.2

    Safety Ambassadors Lake

    Merritt/Uptown Tier 1



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    Longevity / Performance Bonus

    Concerns were expressed regarding how we can assure those high quality employees stay with

    the ambassador program and are rewarded for their hard work and loyalty. Block by Block

    shares those concerns, and it is something that we face in every program we provide services to.

    It is with this in mind that we propose the adoption of a bonus structure Pilot Program that is

    designed to benefit qualified employees with a financial reward at the end of the year.


    Must have been continuously employed with Block by Blocks Lake Merritt / DowntownOakland Safety Program for a period of at 2 years.

    Must remain employed with Block by Blocks Lake Merritt / Downtown Oakland SafetyProgram throughout 2014 as of January 1, 2015.

    Must have reached through performance the level of a Tier 2 Ambassador or TeamLeader.

    If the employees anniversary date falls within 2014, they will qualify for a partial bonuscommencing from their 2nd anniversary date until January 1, 2015

    Bonuses are not accrued and will be forfeited upon resignation, termination, orcancellation of the bonus program.

    Must not have acquired greater than 4 attendance points throughout 2014 Must not receive a disciplinary Corrective Action Notice due to performance, or poor

    behavior that rises to the level of a Final Warning throughout 2014.

    Annual Hours P/H $ allocation Total $'s Total Employees Annual Bonus

    9152.00 0.75$ 6,864.00$ 4.40 1,560.00$

    4160.00 0.75$ 3,120.00$ 2.00 1,560.00$


    Team Leader

    Total Included in Overhead Costs

    Performance/Longevity Bonus

    Safety Amb Tier 2

    Tier 2 to Team Leader, and

    employed greater than two

    (2) years


    hours per


    Longevity and



    Team Leader 35+ 1,560.00$

    Fulltime Ambassador's 35+ 1,560.00$

    Part-time Ambassador 24-34 $750.00

    Part-time Ambassador 8 to 23 $375.00

    Part-time Ambassador under 8 hours $0.00Those whose 2 year anniversary falls within the bonus

    period will receive a bonus commensurate with their average

    weekly hours beginning the month following their

    anniversary date.


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    2 4 OVM Goals

    Goal:Explore new creative fundraising models

    Identify board members that can assist in obtaining grants and sponsorships

    Partner with PSC for workforce development grants

    Partner with BBB for crime prevention grants

    Develop sponsorship program for enhanced ambassador services and beautificationprogram (e.g., sponsor a hanging basket, or additional ambassador hours)

    Explore crowd funding opportunities

    Goal: Create Homelessness support program Work with BBB on strategy Create informational handout for city, county and regional support groups

    Establish working relationships with local support services

    Expand ambassador training to facilitate support services

    Participate in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Point in time(PIT) count if possible

    Goal: Create a CBD specific community watch program (CWP) Work with community, stakeholders, OPD neighborhood coordinators, and BBB

    Create community watch handbook to train volunteer block captains Setup and refine the communication system for the CWP

    Register up to 30 block captains to participate in the program

    Goal: Create criteria for evaluating sponsorships/partnerships Utilize the strategic plan to identify whether projects are valuable and align with our


    Goal: Facilitate public space development and median improvements Participate in the redesign and rollout of phase 2 of Latham Square

    Complete the landscaping of the 27th streets median

    Successfully manage the maintenance of all our medians and public spaces in the districts

    Move Franklin Square under our Master Encroachment Permit, landscape, maintain andmanage the area, install new furniture


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    Goal: Market business clusters Work with Gallen.Neilly & Associates to create cluster specific one sheets for three distinct

    markets: press, stakeholders, and brokers

    Cultivate and build productive partnerships with new Chamber leadership, Visit Oakland,Broker Focus Group, 2.Oakland, and similar groups


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    Confidential Page 1 of 7


    Customer Name:Downtown Oakland

    Lake Merritt Uptown CBDs 1st

    Quarter review Date:

    Primary Contact: Steve Snider 2nd

    Quarter review Date:


    Contact: Andrew Jones 3rd

    Quarter review Date:

    BBB Operation

    Manager: Ted Tarver 4th

    Quarter review Date:

    Date written: 8 January 2014 Operations Manager Signature:

    General Manager Signature:



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    Confidential Page 2 of 7



    Recruitment, Retention & Staff Development to Mirror the Abilities and Successes of Tenured Staff

    Plan of Action


    Utilize tenured staff to provide mentorship and assistance to new employees

    through a phased training system which will be delivered by senior team

    members and monitored by Supervision

    Develop three phased, six week training materials to be used by tenured staff

    in the training of new Ambassadors that is reflective of the past experiences,

    and the needs of the districts.

    Research and recruit from entities and forums outside the current norm to

    find potential ambassadors that come to us with a higher level of knowledge

    and abilities.

    Develop on-going training materials with the assistance of the CBD staff, BBB

    corporate and local entities and agencies which are specific to the challenges

    and opportunities in Lake Merritt and Downtown Oakland.

    Develop account specific and ongoing testing which emphasizes district and

    situational knowledge.

    Develop a job satisfaction survey through Survey Monkey (or like survey

    service) to bench-mark current views of the Ambassador team about their

    work environment and positions.


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    Confidential Page 3 of 7

    Examples of Measuring the Goal


    1. Increase in Ambassador knowledge measured through the utilization of account

    specific testing on district and situational knowledge.

    2. Decrease in turnover rate which is currently at 64%

    3. Increase in employee morale and job satisfaction measured by providing

    ambassadors with quarterly job satisfaction surveys through Survey Monkey.

    Quarterly Activity Summary


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    Confidential Page 4 of 7



    Assist in the CBD Management in the Creation of a Homelessness Support Program

    Plan of Action


    Assist in the creation of an informational handout for city, county and regional

    support groups by enlisting BBBs homeless task-force director.

    Play a lead role in the development of working relationships with local support

    services, and develop a common ground approach to the issues of

    homelessness in the CBDs

    Develop and/or modify current BBB written materials, and obtain information

    from local support groups to provide specific training to the Ambassador team.

    Enlist guest instructors from members of local support service groups to

    maintain their buy-in and to help strengthen their relationships with the CBDs

    and Ambassador team.

    Utilize the SMART System to track the progress of outreach to specificindividuals.


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    Confidential Page 5 of 7

    Examples of Measuring the Goal


    1. Monitor number of homeless contacts specific to the individual. Assess whether

    they have been transitioned into services.

    2. Meet with service agencies several times to see if their client goals are being

    met by utilization of the Safety Ambassadors team in a supporting role.

    3. Provide on-going testing of the Ambassador team to ensure knowledge of

    homeless services offered and the approach the CBDs want them to take

    when dealing with homeless issues.

    Quarterly Activity Summary


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    Confidential Page 6 of 7



    Assist the CBD management in the implementation of a community watch program (CWP) with community

    stakeholders, OPD neighborhood services coordinators.

    Plan of Action


    Take an instrumental role in the recruitment of business block captains through

    the distribution of written materials and the recognition of interested parties.

    Develop talking points for the ambassadors to use when approached by, or

    when approaching interested stakeholders.

    Attend initial community watch meetings, and provide through the

    collaboration of the CBD staff written materials to be used at those meetings in

    an ongoing basis.

    Work through BBB corporate and CBD management in the development of a

    communication system to be utilized by the CWPs.

    Enlist the involvement by OPD in the support of the program by developing and

    using current relationships in the department.


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    Confidential Page 7 of 7

    Examples of Measuring the Goal


    1. This goal will be measured by the number of block captains recruited and

    the number of CWP groups formed.

    2. Feedback from the CWPs on the success of their meetings, and the materials

    provide to them by the CBD.

    3. Tracking of incidents reported by the CWPs, and the responsiveness of those

    agencies responsible for providing the requested services.

    4. Increase in quality of life crimes committed in areas that have formed a CWP.

    Quarterly Activity Summary


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    Peralta Service Corporation a subsidy of the Unity Council

    The Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt Uptown

    District Association

    PSC CBD Goals for 2014


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    Peralta Service Corporation a subsidy of the Unity Council


    Being more efficient in delivery of Graffiti & Power washing Services throughout the CBD District:


    Purchasing a portable Paint-Spraying & power washing Unit that can be rolled around on wheels to abate

    Graffiti (large & small tagging) which will save on cost & time.


    PSc will provide expanded training to PSC Maintenance Staff for greater efficiency. The training will be

    provided for by internal and external resources.


    A. More Customer Service Training- The training would be provided by The Unity Council Workforce

    Development Staff

    B. More Safety Training (Once a Week) - The training would be provided by Cleansource Inc.

    C. More in the Field one on one Eye For Detail Training- The training would be provide by PSC General

    Manager and Operations Manager.

    D. To have a Trained Professional come in and train each worker how to properly pick-up syringes in the

    field of work and how to place them in the proper containers.

    E. How to remove Blood and other Toxins from the sidewalks, workers will be certified after training.


    Collaborate with City agencies to reduce cost for a savings to the district, for those funds to be allocated

    to other improvements in the district.


    A. To work in collaboration with PWA Staff /CBD Staff/PSC Staff to acquire 2 dumpsters one for illegally

    dumped items and one for regular trash.


    The need for the dumpsters to save a tremendous amount of cost to PSC/CBD paying out over $20,000 a year

    in Dump Fees.

    B. Continue to report, discuss, and collaborate with City Agencies about the Major Maintenance Issues

    affecting the District and the City.


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    New Tree-Well, median & Landscaping Projects throughout the District.


    Work with PSC Horticulturists /CBD Management and staff to identify special project needs throughout


    Proposed Landscaping Projects 2014Timeline

    1. 80 Grand- February 2014, 3 Days for completion2. Tree well meshing- March 2014 30 Days 1-2 Weeks for completion3. Franklin SquareMid March 2014, 2 Weeks for completion4. 21st & Webster- May 2014, 1 Week for completion5. Project 4(Trash Receptacles & Snuffers)- May 2014, 1-4 Weeks for completion6. Project 8(Broadway East @ 19th)-June 2014, 1 Day for completion7. Project 10- (Broadway East 20th-21st- June 2014, 1 Week for completion8. Project 1(Tree Braces)- July 2014-also depending on city permits. 1-2 Weeks for installation2014 Completed Projects

    1. Project 3- Change of palette for BART planters- completed2. Project 9- Broadway West Planters- completed
