List of excel formula for 1st trimester


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List of excel formula for 1 st trimester

1. Sum- sum(number1, number2,……….)2. Average(num1, num2,…….)3. Max(num1, num2,…………)4. Min(num1, num2,…………)5. Count(val1,val2,…….) or count(range) this operates on range of cells6. Countif(range, condition)7. Sumif(range, condition)8. If(condition, value when condition is true, value when condition is true)9. Product(val1, val2,……………)10. Round(value)11. Roundup(value)12. Rounddown(value)13. INT(value)14. Trunc(value)15. And(condition1, condition2,…….)16. Or(condition1, condition2,…….)17. Today()18. Datediff(date1, date2)19. Concatenate(text1, text2, ……..)20. Left(text, num of char)21. Right(text, num of char)22. Mid(text start num, num of char)
