Leadership development speech




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A Path to Leadership Success Discovering and Developing

the Leader Within

Vicki Whiting, Ph.D.

Gore School of Business

Westminster College

1840 South 1300 East

Salt Lake City, UT 84105

(801) 832-2640


© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Session Goals

Define leadership

Lay out a path for leadership discovery

Provide tools and techniques to bring out leadership capabilities in others

Develop your own leadership capacity

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Leadership is the ability to

influence the behavior of

others in a goal directed


© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Leadership Development Path








© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

• Define values

• Identify strengths

• Manage perceptions

• Prioritize goals

• Create action plans

• Execute plans

• Eliminate obstacles

• Engage mentor networks

• Enable the team

The Leadership Development Process

Identify leadership vision

Articulate values

Identify talents and passions

Manage perceptions

Define goals and dreams

Create action plans

Overcome obstacles

Establish network of mentors

Support followers

Celebrate successes

Reflect on leadership journey

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Identify Leadership Vision

Write down three accomplishments over the past five years of which you are especially proud, and share these with someone you trust.

Write down two magic moments that you have experienced over the past five years. Describe these to someone new.

Write down an obstacle that you thought would keep you from achieving one of these moments or achievements. Explain to someone who would like to learn from you how you overcame this obstacle.

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Leaders will be most successful influencing the behaviors of others in the areas of their life where they find the greatest sense of achievement and

magic. As you consider your leadership legacy, be certain that it resonates with past successes.

Articulate Values

Conduct a values sort

Review your list of values

Rank order your values

Share your top three values with those you work with

Ask those with whom you interact about their values

Discuss as an organization how personal values align

with organizational values

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

When developing leadership skills it is important to have value alignment between the leader and the follower. You must be trusted to be a leader mentor.

A critical piece of trust is to hold shared fundamental values.

Identify Talents and Passions Individuals who are successful in influencing the behavior of others find their “Sweet Spot”,

that is, the place where their talents and passions align.

High Talent + High Passion = Success!

High Talent + Low Passion = Lost

Low Talent + High Passion = Whiner

Low Talent + Low Passion = Blamer

Clarify your talents

Conduct a strengths analysis, what comes easily to you

Ask 10 people who know you well what you offer to them

List your knowledge, skills and abilities

Identify your passions

If you had a day all to yourself with no one to whom you were accountable, what would you do?

If you had a magic wand and could be anything you wanted, what would it be?

What are your passions? What are your talents? In developing your leadership legacy you must use your signature strengths and apply them to something you care deeply about.

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

People choose to be influenced by those who have passion for the project

being undertaken and an ability to be successful in that project.

People will follow you if you are fulfilling your high talents and high passions.

Manage Perceptions

Clarify how you will establish your credibility. List how each component of credibility can strengthen how others look at you. Reputation





Ten judgments are made within the first 30 seconds of meeting someone. Consider the judgments others are making of you and consider if these are the

judgments you would like others to have of you

Seek feedback from trusted others as to how others might judge you

Acknowledge the judgments you make of others, then look for confirming or disconfirming data

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Perception is reality

Identify Goals

Write down what is it that you are trying to accomplish

You need to know what it is that you are leading others to follow

Make a list of individuals who can assist you in achieving

your vision

Share your goals with those who can assist you

Give examples, paint a picture, tell a story so that others

might share your vision

Explain what is in it for them if they choose to follow you

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Leaders know where they are going. They have a vision of what might be. Leaders are successful when goals are shared and others become excited

about the opportunity to be part of something meaningful.

Engage Others in the Action Plan

Ask others for input

Establish milestones and clear actionable steps leading

toward goal accomplishment

Resonate with those who buy into your goal

List shared desires and outcomes

Identify what is in it for them

Provide positive reinforcement

Ask how they feel about the progress being made

Be open to ideas for ways to improve

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Resonate with those who are working with you toward the shared goal.

Establish a path for those who have joined you in your vision.

Enable people to take action toward goal accomplishment.

Overcome Obstacles

List obstacles that stand in the way of goal


Determine how to address each obstacle

Focus on the problem, not the people

Turn to your mentors for ideas and support

Work ON the business, not IN the business

Brainstorm solutions with those invested in the outcome

Be tenacious

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

There will be setbacks and mistakes. Leadership development involves a high

level of resilience, self-esteem and tenacity. The greatest leadership lessons

come from failures.

Remain positive with people, but realistic about problems.

Establish a Mentor Network Mentors challenge, protect, direct, instill confidence, take

risks, encourage responsibility and inspire others

Write down the names of people who have crossed your path that played a major role in making you the person you are.

Consider leadership skills in which mentors can assist your growth.

Write down the names of individuals that have something to offer your leadership development.

Engage these mentors in conversation

Listen to the lessons they offer by asking questions such as:

“What keeps you awake at night?”

“How did you get to where you are today?”

“How did you know to make that choice?”

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Begin mentor interaction asking yourself, “I wonder. I wonder what story this person can tell me. I wonder who this person has been influenced by. I wonder what this person can offer me because I know that my journey is

not yet complete.

I wonder what this person can teach me.”

Enable the Team

Bring people engaged in your leadership vision together

Ask questions relating to their ability to accomplish the goal

Do they believe they can accomplish the tasks?

Is the reinforcement they receive perceived as fair?

Do they value the rewards they are receiving for their contribution?

Offer encouragement

Provide mentoring

Allow for shared leadership

List the skills needed for goal accomplishment

Identify individuals who possess the needed skills

Ask the individual to lead in their areas of strength

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

A leader is only as effective as those who choose to follow. Allow for

participation, delegation and growth. Identify complimentary talents, and let

others lead within their area of expertise.

A leader of everything is a leader of nothing.

Celebrate milestones

Write thank you cards

Bring flowers

Buy lunch

Say “Thanks for…”

Brag about a person’s contribution

Give a gift certificate

Celebrate creatively and liberally

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

As milestones toward the final goal are met, take time to celebrate intermediate wins. Success breeds success. Don’t wait until you have

arrived at your goal to acknowledge the contributions and progress being made. Thank them and encourage continued success through individual,

sincere positive feedback.

Reflect on Leadership Development

List the initiatives that you have the talent and passion to


Review your leadership vision

Conduct progress checks throughout the leadership path

Ask for 360 degree feedback

Don’t be afraid to fail. Ask yourself, “What is the worst

that could happen?”

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Leaders fail at every single goal they don’t pursue. Reflection on vision,

implementation and momentum will allow for leadership adjustments along the path

to success.

“You will miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

– Coach John Wooden

Leadership Development

As a department, determine where you should introduce

the leadership development framework

Be clear on the learning outcomes you would like to

emphasize with regard to leadership development

Consider how to make leadership development personal

and meaningful for students

Focus on the value of leadership development for the

student, the department and the industry

© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

Instill in others the belief that each of them is a leader.








© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007

• Define values

• Identify strengths

• Manage perceptions

• Prioritize goals

• Create action plans

• Execute plans

• Eliminate obstacles

• Engage mentor networks

• Enable the team

A Path to Leadership Success Discovering and Developing

the Leader Within

For more information contact: Dr.Vicki Whiting, Ph.D.

Gore School of Business

Westminster College

1840 South 1300 East

Salt Lake City, UT 84105

(801) 832-2640


© Vicki Whiting, Ph.D. 2007
