Konnichiwa Namaste - 日本学術振興会...Namastemeans Konnichiwa Namasteis a method of greeting...


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NamasteNamaste means Konnichiwameans Konnichiwa

NamasteNamaste is a method of greeting in India.is a method of greeting in India.

In daily life, In daily life, NamasteNamaste stands for hello, stands for hello, good morning, good evening, good night good morning, good evening, good night etc.etc.--



Can you say Can you say NamasteNamaste

to meto me…………………………?!?!

About meAbout me……

My name is Rajeev.My name is Rajeev.

I am an Indian citizen.I am an Indian citizen.

I did my studies in India.I did my studies in India.

The meaning of my name !The meaning of my name !

In Sanskrit, In Sanskrit, RajeevamRajeevammeans means lotuslotus..

Sanskrit is one of the oldest Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in India and in the languages in India and in the world.world.

LotusLotus is the national flower is the national flower of India.of India.

LotusLotus shaped eye is a shaped eye is a beauty concept in India!!beauty concept in India!!(I am not beautiful (I am not beautiful ))

Lotus is related to Hindu Lotus is related to Hindu religion.religion.

About meAbout me……I live in this part of India, called KeralaI live in this part of India, called Kerala

This is not a statue, this is a human being!!This is not a statue, this is a human being!!


Boat in a lakeBoat in a lake

Tea plantationTea plantation

Martial art similar to Karate, but with weaponsMartial art similar to Karate, but with weapons Festival in a templeFestival in a temple

Festival in a templeFestival in a temple Elephants!!Elephants!!You can see elephants even on roadside!You can see elephants even on roadside!

My place in India, called My place in India, called KeralaKerala--in South Indiain South India

My studiesMy studies

School School –– (10 years (10 years –– from class 1 to class 10)from class 1 to class 10)English English Hindi Hindi Malayalam Malayalam Mathematics Mathematics Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) History and GeographyHistory and Geography

Three language systemThree language system

My studiesMy studiesCollege College

PrePre--Degree: Degree: English, Hindi, English, Hindi, PhyscisPhyscis, Chemistry, Biology, , Chemistry, Biology, MathematicsMathematics

Degree in Science: Degree in Science: English, Hindi, English, Hindi, Chemistry (Main), Chemistry (Main), Physics and Mathematics (subsidiary)Physics and Mathematics (subsidiary)

Bachelor of Technology Degree: Bachelor of Technology Degree: Polymer Technology (3 yearsPolymer Technology (3 years--graduate level).graduate level).

Master of Technology Degree: Master of Technology Degree: Polymer Technology (1 1/2 years).Polymer Technology (1 1/2 years).

PhD: PhD: Polymer TechnologyPolymer Technology

(2 years(2 years--undergraduate level).undergraduate level).

(3 years(3 years--graduate level).graduate level).

(3 years(3 years--graduate level).graduate level).

(1(11/21/2 yearsyears--masters level).masters level).

(Approximately 4 years).(Approximately 4 years).

India and JapanIndia and Japan

India and JapanIndia and Japan

Area Area -- 3,287,890 3,287,890 sq.kmsq.km..Population Population –– 1095 million1095 million

Birth rate Birth rate –– 22.01 births/1000 people22.01 births/1000 people

Area Area -- 377,835 377,835 sq.kmsq.kmPopulation Population –– 127 million127 million

Birth rate Birth rate -- 9.37 births/1000 people9.37 births/1000 people


Literacy Literacy -- Total 59.5%Total 59.5%(male(male--70.2%; female70.2%; female--48.3%)48.3%)

Number of Universities ~330Number of Universities ~330

Literacy Literacy -- Total 99.0%Total 99.0%(male(male--99.0%; female99.0%; female--99.0%)99.0%)

Number of Universities ~ 720Number of Universities ~ 720


24 Official languages in India24 Official languages in India--including English.including English.Total ~800 languages. Total ~800 languages. Hindi is the Hindi is the

national language.national language.My mother tongue is My mother tongue is


TamilTamil TeluguTelugu


Indian CultureIndian Culture

Different partsDifferent parts--different culturedifferent culture

India has been the birth place of many India has been the birth place of many major religious systems such as major religious systems such as HinduismHinduism, , SikhismSikhism, , BuddhismBuddhism and and JainismJainism..

So many languages!So many languages!

Famous Indian epics: Famous Indian epics: RamayanamRamayanam and and MahabharathamMahabharatham..

Vedas Vedas –– Actual period of origin is not Actual period of origin is not exactly knownexactly known--believed to be believed to be originated even before 5000 BC originated even before 5000 BC

OhmOhm--symbol of Hinduismsymbol of Hinduism

Indian cultureIndian culture--dance forms in Indiadance forms in IndiaBharathanaatyamBharathanaatyam

Indian cultureIndian culture--dance forms in Indiadance forms in IndiaBharathanaatyamBharathanaatyam

Indian culture Indian culture –– Indian wedding Indian wedding

Different parts of India, different customs!Different parts of India, different customs!

In general, the parents will find out girl/boy.In general, the parents will find out girl/boy.Through friends, news paper advertisements, marriage agencies etThrough friends, news paper advertisements, marriage agencies etc. c.

In most cases, caste and religion of both the families should maIn most cases, caste and religion of both the families should match!tch!

There is something called Horoscope matching also (matching of There is something called Horoscope matching also (matching of birth stars!).birth stars!).

My marriage!!My marriage!!

BrideBride’’s brother is receiving mes brother is receiving me--by washing my legs!by washing my legs!

I am giving an offering to my fatherI am giving an offering to my father--a mark of a mark of respectrespect

I am waiting for the bride to comeI am waiting for the bride to come

Bride is saying Bride is saying NamasteNamaste to everybodyto everybody

I am knotting the tieI am knotting the tie--called called ““thaalithaali”” in our languagein our language--an important step in the marriage an important step in the marriage –– Now she is Now she is

officially my wifeofficially my wife

Ring exchangeRing exchange

Here we areHere we are……Rajeev and Rajeev and SupriyaSupriya

Vegetarian feastVegetarian feast…………....

Our familyOur family

WifeWife’’s fathers father

My fatherMy father

WifeWife’’s mothers mother

My motherMy mother

I have an elder brother and younger brother too; my wife is haviI have an elder brother and younger brother too; my wife is having a sister and a brotherng a sister and a brother

IndiaIndia’’s contributions to science and s contributions to science and technologytechnology

Mathematics Mathematics –– concept of Zero, decimal system, algebra, concept of Zero, decimal system, algebra, square root and cube root.square root and cube root.

Physics/chemistry Physics/chemistry –– concept of atom.concept of atom.

Sports and games Sports and games –– Chess, Chess, ludoludo, snake & ladder, playing cards., snake & ladder, playing cards.

Yoga Yoga –– exercise for both body and mind.exercise for both body and mind.

Medical science Medical science –– SurgerySurgeryAyurvedaAyurveda –– Indian medicine Indian medicine

Mainly plants are used.Mainly plants are used.Slow curingSlow curing--but effective with no side effectsbut effective with no side effects

Current science and technology research in IndiaCurrent science and technology research in India

Information technology.Information technology.Space science and technology.Space science and technology.Agriculture.Agriculture.Polymer technology.Polymer technology.Biotechnology.Biotechnology.Materials Science.Materials Science.

Current science and technology research in IndiaCurrent science and technology research in India

Indian space program Indian space program -- milestonesmilestones

Established in 1962.Established in 1962.First rocket launched in 1963.First rocket launched in 1963.First Indian satellite launched in 1975 (built in India and First Indian satellite launched in 1975 (built in India and launched from Soviet Union).launched from Soviet Union).First successful satellite launching from India First successful satellite launching from India -- 19801980IndoIndo--Soviet manned space missionSoviet manned space mission--first Indian in spacefirst Indian in space--1984.1984.Planning unmanned moon mission in 2007Planning unmanned moon mission in 2007--20082008

Indian space programIndian space programHe is now the He is now the

president of Indiapresident of India--Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Dr. A.P.J. Abdul KalamKalam

Rockets and satellitesRockets and satellites

Rockets are used to carry satellites and spacecrafts to space.Rockets are used to carry satellites and spacecrafts to space.

Rocket is something which moves in one direction due Rocket is something which moves in one direction due to the effect of a reaction. to the effect of a reaction.

Rocket engine works based on NewtonRocket engine works based on Newton’’s third law of motion s third law of motion ––““for every action, there will be an equal and opposite reactionfor every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction””..

Rockets are used for what purpose?Rockets are used for what purpose?

To launch satellites, space shuttles etc. to space.To launch satellites, space shuttles etc. to space.

What is a satellite?What is a satellite?

Types of satellitesTypes of satellites-- astronomical satellites, communication satellites, astronomical satellites, communication satellites, weather satellites etc. weather satellites etc.

A A satellitesatellite is any object that is any object that orbitsorbits another object.another object.Earth is a satellite of sun.Earth is a satellite of sun.

JAXA satellite AkebonoJAXA satellite Akebono Image from a satelliteImage from a satellite

Artificial satellite Artificial satellite revolving around earthrevolving around earth

Examples of rocketExamples of rocket

Balloons Balloons –– when we inflate a balloon and when we inflate a balloon and leave it in the air, the air molecules leave it in the air, the air molecules inside the balloon will make the balloon to fly.inside the balloon will make the balloon to fly.

Hose of firefighters Hose of firefighters –– firefightersfirefighters are using very high are using very high force to counter the pressure exerted by the flowing force to counter the pressure exerted by the flowing water. water.

Types of rocket enginesTypes of rocket engines

Like automobiles, rockets are also moving with the help of enginLike automobiles, rockets are also moving with the help of engines.es.

Mainly solid and liquid engines:Mainly solid and liquid engines:

In solid rocket engine, the fuel is made up of solids.In solid rocket engine, the fuel is made up of solids.

In liquid rocket engine, the fuel is made up of liquids In liquid rocket engine, the fuel is made up of liquids –– they are not they are not exactly liquids; they are gases pressurized in liquid form for sexactly liquids; they are gases pressurized in liquid form for stability and tability and storage. storage.

Solid rocket motorSolid rocket motor Liquid rocket motorLiquid rocket motor

Rocket fuel isRocket fuel isCalled propellantCalled propellant

Space shuttleSpace shuttle

Space shuttle carries people to space.Space shuttle carries people to space.It consists of It consists of –– rocket motors, fuel tank and orbiter. rocket motors, fuel tank and orbiter. Orbiter carries the people.Orbiter carries the people.

OribiterOribiter Different space shuttles of NASA, USADifferent space shuttles of NASA, USA

Launching of a space shuttleLaunching of a space shuttle

Space shuttle Discovery Space shuttle Discovery -- NASANASA

Mission for 2005 launch Mission for 2005 launch ––to deliver supplies to International Space Station to deliver supplies to International Space Station

Space station Space station –– developed for humans to live in outer space for long time.developed for humans to live in outer space for long time.Space shuttles are used to carry humans to space stationSpace shuttles are used to carry humans to space station


International Space StationInternational Space Station

Space shuttle Discovery Space shuttle Discovery -- NASANASA

Do you know this boy?Do you know this boy?

Space shuttle Discovery Space shuttle Discovery -- NASANASA

He is He is SoichiSoichi NoguchiNoguchi, one of the crews of space , one of the crews of space shuttle Discovery. He is an employee of JAXA.shuttle Discovery. He is an employee of JAXA.

What about becoming one like these people?!What about becoming one like these people?!

Crew of space shuttle Discovery 2005 missionCrew of space shuttle Discovery 2005 mission


国際宇宙ステーション( ISS)の組み立て、そして宇宙実験など、実際に宇宙でのさまざまな活動に携わるのがこの「宇宙飛行士」です。日本では、現在ま


Space shuttle Columbia disasterSpace shuttle Columbia disaster

What happened?What happened?While returning to earth, space shuttle While returning to earth, space shuttle Columbia disintegrated into pieces killing all the Columbia disintegrated into pieces killing all the crews.crews.

Space shuttle Columbia disasterSpace shuttle Columbia disaster

What is the reason?What is the reason?During launch, a portion of the fuel tank foam insulation broke During launch, a portion of the fuel tank foam insulation broke off and hit the leading edge of the space shuttle damaging the off and hit the leading edge of the space shuttle damaging the same. During return, hot gases (~1600same. During return, hot gases (~1600°° C) penetrated through C) penetrated through the damaged portion, weakening it and finally disintegrating it.the damaged portion, weakening it and finally disintegrating it.

Broke off from hereBroke off from here

Hit here and damaged Hit here and damaged the structurethe structure


Fuel tankFuel tank


What is the leading edge of a space shuttle?What is the leading edge of a space shuttle?

This is the leading edge of a space shuttleThis is the leading edge of a space shuttle

It is made up of what?It is made up of what?

It is made up of a material calledIt is made up of a material calledcarboncarbon--carbon compositescarbon composites

In space shuttle Columbia, the leading edgeIn space shuttle Columbia, the leading edgeof the space shuttle got damaged during of the space shuttle got damaged during launching disintegrating it while returninglaunching disintegrating it while returningto earth from space. to earth from space.

CarbonCarbon--carbon compositescarbon composites

Composites Composites –– proper combination of two or more dissimilar materials to get aproper combination of two or more dissimilar materials to get a new new material which is having properties different from that of the omaterial which is having properties different from that of the original materials.riginal materials.

Wood is a composite of cellulose fibers held together by lignin.Wood is a composite of cellulose fibers held together by lignin.Automobile Automobile tyretyre is a composite of rubber and fiber.is a composite of rubber and fiber.

In general, for composites, we need a medium (can be a polymer) In general, for composites, we need a medium (can be a polymer) and a and a reinforcement (can be a fiber).reinforcement (can be a fiber).

CarbonCarbon--carbon composite is a combination of carbon fiber and a polymer carbon composite is a combination of carbon fiber and a polymer in liquid in liquid form called resin.form called resin.

CarbonCarbon--polymer composites are further heated to prepare carbonpolymer composites are further heated to prepare carbon--carbon compositescarbon composites

Applications of carbon compositesApplications of carbon composites

Why carbonWhy carbon--carbon composites are important?carbon composites are important?Compared to steel, these composites have very low weight Compared to steel, these composites have very low weight

Low weight is very important for spacecraft materials. Low weight is very important for spacecraft materials.

These composites have good mechanical and thermal properties at These composites have good mechanical and thermal properties at high temperature.high temperature.

But one problemBut one problem--these composites will oxidize at high temperature these composites will oxidize at high temperature and start degrading, thereby lowering the performance. and start degrading, thereby lowering the performance.

Therefore we need to protect the composite from oxidation.Therefore we need to protect the composite from oxidation.

We will give a coating on the surface using materials having higWe will give a coating on the surface using materials having high h oxidation resistance.oxidation resistance.

Carbon carbon composite

External coatingExternal coatingOxygenOxygen

Even with coating there is problem! Even with coating there is problem!

On heating materials will expand.On heating materials will expand.

In carbonIn carbon--carbon composites, the expansion of coating carbon composites, the expansion of coating may not match with expansion of the composite.may not match with expansion of the composite.

In that case, there will be stresses generated in the In that case, there will be stresses generated in the composite. composite.

This is not good!This is not good!

Carbon carbon composite


My research in JAXAMy research in JAXA

How can we improve the oxidation resistance of carbonHow can we improve the oxidation resistance of carbon--carbon composites by minimizing problems associated carbon composites by minimizing problems associated with thermal expansion mismatch?with thermal expansion mismatch?

Carbon carbon composite

Instead of doing something after preparing the composite, why caInstead of doing something after preparing the composite, why cann’’t we do somethingt we do somethingin the beginning itselfin the beginning itself……………………! !

………………………….Like doing something on the polymer.Like doing something on the polymer……………….Adding some good .Adding some good nanomaterialsnanomaterials……

This is what I am doing in JAXAThis is what I am doing in JAXA


How I made the composite?How I made the composite?

Not very complicated!Not very complicated!Cut the carbon fabric in 140mm x 140mm dimension.Cut the carbon fabric in 140mm x 140mm dimension.Brush the fabric with the polymer.Brush the fabric with the polymer.Take another sheet and brush the polymer again.Take another sheet and brush the polymer again.In this way, make 40 layers of fabric, all brushed with polymer In this way, make 40 layers of fabric, all brushed with polymer and and keep them one above the other in a metal plate called mold.keep them one above the other in a metal plate called mold.Heat it slowly under pressure. Upon heating, the polymer will Heat it slowly under pressure. Upon heating, the polymer will solidify.solidify.Finally we will get a strong composite. Finally we will get a strong composite.

Why am I interested in polymers and Why am I interested in polymers and composites?composites?

Because, they are there everywhere!!Because, they are there everywhere!!



AcrylonitrileAcrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneButadiene Styrene

Polyethylene Polyethylene terephthalateterephthalate

Different rubbersDifferent rubbers

Zip Lock is made of a Zip Lock is made of a polymer, polyethylenepolymer, polyethylene

Polymers and composites are there Polymers and composites are there everywhere!!everywhere!!

Chopstick is made of wood Chopstick is made of wood ––which is a natural composite of which is a natural composite of cellulose and lignin.cellulose and lignin.

Polymers in a food courtPolymers in a food court……

Protein is a polymer Protein is a polymer -- polyamidepolyamide

Polystyrene foamPolystyrene foam

Starch is a polymer of Starch is a polymer of sugarsugar

Ethylene Ethylene –– gas;gas;Flammable Flammable

PolyEthylenePolyEthylene –– solid solid and strongand strong

United we stand,United we stand,divided we falldivided we fall

Polymers Are Like TV: Both Have Polymers Are Like TV: Both Have Lots and Lots of Repeats Lots and Lots of Repeats

Mono means Mono means ““oneone””; poly means ; poly means ““manymany””; ; mermer means means ““segmentssegments”” or or ““unitsunits””..Therefore polymer is Therefore polymer is ““many unitsmany units”” of of monomermonomer

Different types of polymersDifferent types of polymers

Rubber is a polymer. It is elastic.Rubber is a polymer. It is elastic.

Plastic is a polymer. It is stronger than rubber with low elongaPlastic is a polymer. It is stronger than rubber with low elongation.tion.

Many fibers are polymers. Fibers are very strong.Many fibers are polymers. Fibers are very strong.

We can make same material a rubber or a plastic. Just heat it orWe can make same material a rubber or a plastic. Just heat it orcool it!cool it!

If a rubber is cooled well below room temperature, it will becomIf a rubber is cooled well below room temperature, it will become a e a very hard plastic (though it may not find much applications).very hard plastic (though it may not find much applications).

Some plastics, if we heat above room temperature, it will show Some plastics, if we heat above room temperature, it will show properties of rubber.properties of rubber.

But this behavior depends on lots of other factors tooBut this behavior depends on lots of other factors too--including including chemical structure and composition.chemical structure and composition.

How a green tea bottle is madeHow a green tea bottle is made

Green tea bottle is made using a polymer called polyethylene Green tea bottle is made using a polymer called polyethylene terephthalateterephthalate(PET).(PET).

It is made by the processes called injection molding and blow moIt is made by the processes called injection molding and blow molding. lding.


Injection moldingInjection molding Blow Blow moldingmolding

HeatHeat AirAir

Some plastics, on heating will melt and flow.Some plastics, on heating will melt and flow.On cooling, they will solidify and will become strong.On cooling, they will solidify and will become strong.They can again be melted. That is why some plasticThey can again be melted. That is why some plastic

are recyclable. are recyclable.

How an automobile tire is madeHow an automobile tire is made

It is a bit complex process. It is a bit complex process.

Making of a tire is called tire construction because it Making of a tire is called tire construction because it involves a number of steps.involves a number of steps.

Tire is made of rubber because of the many advantages Tire is made of rubber because of the many advantages of rubber over plastics, for example, elasticity. of rubber over plastics, for example, elasticity.

What is inside a tireWhat is inside a tire

TREADTREAD: Made by using the polymer rubber: Made by using the polymer rubber

BELTSBELTS: Made by the steel, coated with the polymer rubber.: Made by the steel, coated with the polymer rubber.

SIDEWALLSIDEWALL: made by using the polymer, rubber: made by using the polymer, rubber

BODY PLYBODY PLY: made by using a polymer, nylon fabric and then coated with rub: made by using a polymer, nylon fabric and then coated with rubber.ber.

BEADBEAD: Made by steel, then coated with rubber.: Made by steel, then coated with rubber.

INNERLINERINNERLINER: Made by using rubber: Made by using rubber

TireTire Cut a portion Cut a portion from the tirefrom the tire

Tire constructionTire construction……

After assembling all the components in a drum, After assembling all the components in a drum, We will get something like thisWe will get something like this……………………....



Tire constructionTire construction……

Tire mold(Heat and pressure)

Tire moldTire mold

Japan Aerospace Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Exploration Agency


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Research on rocketsResearch on rockets

HH--IIA rocket developed by JAXAIIA rocket developed by JAXA

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Research activities related to Research activities related to International Space StationInternational Space Station

Space station Space station –– developed for humans to live in outer space for long time.developed for humans to live in outer space for long time.Space shuttles are used to carry humans to space station.Space shuttles are used to carry humans to space station.

People live here. People live here.





Some research activities in (JAXA)Some research activities in (JAXA)

JAXA is also doing research to collect samples from asteroids.

What is an asteroid? What is an asteroid?

An An asteroidasteroid is a small, solid object in our is a small, solid object in our Solar SystemSolar System, orbiting the , orbiting the SunSun. .

Asteroids are small and have not changed much since the universeAsteroids are small and have not changed much since the universe is is formed. formed.

A soil sample from an asteroid can give us information about theA soil sample from an asteroid can give us information about theformation of the universe. formation of the universe.

Therefore JAXA prepared a satellite called HAYABUSA Therefore JAXA prepared a satellite called HAYABUSA and sent to an asteroid called and sent to an asteroid called ItokawaItokawa..

It is a very complex research and very unique too.It is a very complex research and very unique too.

The whole research is fully automatic.The whole research is fully automatic.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

HayabusaHayabusa project project -- JAXAJAXA

It will take 2 billion kilometers for It will take 2 billion kilometers for HAYABUSA'sHAYABUSA's to reach to reach ItokawaItokawa and come and come back. back.

Such a long journey requires a large amount of fuel. HAYABUSA usSuch a long journey requires a large amount of fuel. HAYABUSA uses ion es ion engine for propulsionengine for propulsion--not solid or liquid fuelnot solid or liquid fuel--first of its kind. first of its kind.

It is impossible for It is impossible for HayabusaHayabusa to land to to land to ItokawaItokawa for long time. The contact for long time. The contact lasts only one second. During this brief contact, HAYABUSA will lasts only one second. During this brief contact, HAYABUSA will fire a 5fire a 5--gram metal ball to the surface of gram metal ball to the surface of ItokawaItokawa, and collect pieces stirred up by , and collect pieces stirred up by the impact. the impact.

HayabusaHayabusa project project -- JAXAJAXA




HayabusaHayabusa was launched in 2003.was launched in 2003.It has reached It has reached ItokawaItokawa by now.by now.

JAXAJAXA--Research and development of next generation Research and development of next generation supersonic transportsupersonic transport

More comfortable and faster flightsMore comfortable and faster flightsEnvironmental friendliness with low noise and exhaust gas emissiEnvironmental friendliness with low noise and exhaust gas emission.on.EconomicalEconomicalSafe and reliableSafe and reliable

JAXA researchJAXA research

Research and development of aircrafts.Research and development of aircrafts.Clean engines.Clean engines.Small airlines.Small airlines.

Research and development of aviation safety and environmental Research and development of aviation safety and environmental compatibility.compatibility.

Technology to prevent human error.Technology to prevent human error.Unmanned aircrafts.Unmanned aircrafts.Better helicopters.Better helicopters.

Improvement of flying quality of aircrafts.Improvement of flying quality of aircrafts.

Our research group in JAXAOur research group in JAXA


I am thankful to JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of SciencI am thankful to JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) e) for giving me an opportunity for this presentation at for giving me an opportunity for this presentation at TsuruTsuru High High School.School.

I am thankful to Dr. Y. Sato (my supervisor) for giving me the I am thankful to Dr. Y. Sato (my supervisor) for giving me the permission for this presentation. permission for this presentation.

I am thankful to Dr. I am thankful to Dr. TakatoyaTakatoya for volunteering to accompany me to for volunteering to accompany me to TsuruTsuru High School for the presentation and giving me all sorts of High School for the presentation and giving me all sorts of help and support.help and support.

I am thankful to all the teachers of I am thankful to all the teachers of TsuruTsuru High School, including Mr. High School, including Mr. SadayukiSadayuki Saeki and Ms. Kaori Shimura Saeki and Ms. Kaori Shimura for the help and support.for the help and support.

Finally I am thankful to all the students for their patient hearFinally I am thankful to all the students for their patient hearing. ing.

Domo arigato Domo arigato gozaimasugozaimasu
