Intro to Democracy 2008


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  • 7/30/2019 Intro to Democracy 2008


    Democracy, Part IDefinitions and Directions

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    Defining Democracy:

    Your own ideasWhat are theessential

    characteristics ofdemocracy?

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    Robert Dahl, Polyarchy(1971) and On Democracy(1998)

    Samuel Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in

    the late Twentieth Century(1991) Arend Lijphart, Patterns of Democracy(1999)

    Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan, Problems of DemocraticTransition and Consolidation(1996)

    Freedom The Economist Intelligence Units Democracy Index
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    General Point #1:Democracy is getting

    more popular

    1900 no democracies (by standard of

    universal suffrage for competitivemultiparty elections).

    1950 22 democracies

    2002 121/192 countries classified aselectoral democracies.

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    Map of worlds political systems,


    L. blue=limited democracy pink=absolute monarchy;purple=constitutional monarchy gray & green =colonial authorityorange=empire

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    Map of worlds political systems,


    Dark Blue=democracy; light blue=limited democracy; yellow=authoritarian regime; red=totalitarian;purple=hereditary monarchy

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    The Economist Intelligence Units Democracy Index 2007:the lighter the color, the more democratic the place

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    Not all democracies are equally free

    89 Free countries

    55 Partly Freecountries

    48 Not Free countries(Source: Freedom

    House, 2003)

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    General Point #2:Mass democracy is

    modernDistinctions between earlier

    and later democracies:

    1. direct democracy (vselected representatives)

    2. exclusion (vs inclusion)

    3. civil and political rights?

    Greek voters, picture from National

    Geographic, 1944

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    Ways of Defining Democracy

    what it SHOULD be (normative)

    (government by, of, for the people)

    institutional characteristics -- by itsPROCEDURES (approach favored by CP)

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    What is a democracy?

    One basic definition:

    A system in which the most powerfuldecisionmakers are selected through fairand periodic voting procedures in whichcandidates freely compete for votes, and

    in which virtually all people have the rightto vote.

    (Samuel Huntington)

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    But is this enough?8 essential components of a full

    (liberal) democracy: the right to vote the right to be elected/eligibility for public office

    the right of political leaders to compete for supportand votes free and fair elections freedom of association freedom of expression alternative sources of information institutions that make government policies actually

    depend on votes and other forms of (voter) preference

    (Robert Dahl)

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    Levels of democracy (based on

    degrees of democracy): Full (liberal)


    Electoral democracy,semi-democracy,pseudo-democracy,

    Illiberal democracy

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  • 7/30/2019 Intro to Democracy 2008


    Democracy, Part II:

    Institutional Variations

    The 80s Kids: Fromleft to right, MargaretThatcher, RonaldReagan, Francois

    Mitterand, HelmutSchmidt. Source:

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    Variation #1:degree of territorial & political


    Federal System vsUnitary System

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    Federal system:

    Decentralized authority

    sovereignty constitutionally split between

    at least two territorial levels units at each level can act independently

    of the others in some areas.

    Citizens have political obligations to two(or more) authorities

    Examples: U.S., Canada, Germany

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    Unitary System:

    Authority & sovereignty centralized in oneplace (the capital)

    Policies largely set by the center No (or weak) intermediary layer between

    local and central government

    Local govt subservient to central govt Examples: Turkey, France, Britain

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    What are the pros and cons of

    federal and unitary systems?

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    Variation #2:Powers and processes of

    leadershipPresidential VS parliamentary


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    a. Title & power of head of state

    Presidential system:

    head of govt always called the president is

    elected for a prescribed period and generally cannotbe dismissed unless guilty of severe wrongdoing.

    Parliamentary system:

    head of the government usually (but not always)

    called the Prime Minister. His/her cabinet responsibleto the legislature (Parliament); can be dismissed

    through a vote of no confidence.

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    b. How head of state is chosen

    In Presidential System, presidents are

    popularly elected by populace

    In a Parliamentary system, head of state(president) selected by the legislature. Head of government (prime minister) usually

    is the leader of the ruling party.

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    How the people voted in Chiapas

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    c. Status of the head of state

    In a presidential system, president

    appoints the cabinet and they are

    considered subservient to him.

    In a parliamentary system, the prime

    minister serves as one among equals

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    d. selection of the cabinet

    In Presidential system, cabinet appointedseparately by president

    In a Parliamentary system, cabinet drawnin part from legislature

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    e. Length of term in office

    In a presidential system, legislators andpresidents serve fixed terms

    In a parliamentary system, legislators andpresidents serve a maximum time in office

    but a ruling party can call early elections ifit wants to

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    it is common in parliamentary systems to have apresident or monarch who is the CEREMONIALhead of state, and a PM who is in charge of the

    government Examples of Parliamentary systems: Britain,

    Turkey, South Africa, Germany

    Examples of Presidential systems: U.S., most ofSouth America

    Many countries have mixed systems, i.e.France

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    Turkeychief of state:President AbdullahGul

    head of government:PrimeMinister Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN(since 14 March 2003)

    cabinet:Nominated by PrimeMinister, confirmed by President

    elections:prime minister selectedfrom majority party, confirmed bypresident . President elected by

    parliament.Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, 2003

    Examples: Presidential orParliamentary?

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    Example: Brazil

    chief of state:PresidentLuiz Inacio LULA DASILVA (since 1 January

    2003) note - the president is

    both the chief of stateand head of government

    elections:president andvice president elected onthe same ticket bypopular vote for four-yearterms

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    United Kingdom chief of state: Queen


    head of government:Prime Minister Gordon

    Brown cabinet: Cabinet of

    Ministers appointed bythe prime minister

    elections: monarchy is

    hereditary; followinglegislative elections, theleader of the majorityparty or the leader of themajority coalition is

    usually the prime minister

    Gordon Brown, British PM (photofrom the Birmingham Post)

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    parliamentary system:

    pros and cons? + Strengthens parties

    over individuals

    + Encourages policy-based voting ratherthan voting based onindividual charisma or$$

    + Fusing of legislative& exec. branches canpromote efficiency

    - Gives the public lesschoice over leadership

    - Flexible electionterms can = lessstability

    - Fusing of executive

    & legislative branchescan concentrate toomuch power in oneplace

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    Presidential system:

    pros and cons? + Gives the people more

    choice over leadership

    + strong government-

    president more insulatedand can act with daring

    + higher levels ofgovernmentaccountability

    + Greater stability

    + Clear separation ofpowers

    - Power of presidency canbe abused

    - Can encourage deadlock

    between legislature &executive

    - Encourages charisma,$$, rather than substance& policies

    - Set terms= rigidity (badleaders cant be easilyremoved)

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    Institutional variation #3:

    Electoral systems

    (how voting works:

    who gets elected, and how)

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    Electoral systems: 2 main types

    1- Plurality System (Winner-take-all system) Single member districts; whoever gets the most votes

    wins the seat

    used by about 54% of worlds countries

    2- Proportional Representation (PR system) Multi-member districts; # of reps. determined by %

    of vote

    Used by about 35% of worlds countries, by most ofwestern Europe

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    Plurality Systems

    Single-member electoral districts (usually)

    Also called winner-take-all

    Simplest & most common form: First Past thePost : winning candidate is the one who gainsmore votes than any other candidate, but notnecessarily a majority of votes.

    Alternative: Ranked Choice/Instant Runoff Voting Encourages 2-party systems

    Examples: U.S., U.K, Canada, Rwanda

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    Proportional Representation(PR)

    Multi-member electoral districts Seats in legislature divided by % of votes.

    Most common type: List system: parties selectcandidates, who goes to legislature depends on

    what % that party gets preferential voting- voters rank preferences

    on party list

    encourages multi-party system

    Min. threshold (barrier): parties have to get acertain % of votes to enter legislature

    Examples: Belgium, South Africa, Spain, Norway,Turkey, Brazil

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    Sample ballot

    from Sonoma Co.,USA (Pluralitysystem)

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    Sample ballot

    from S. Africasnationalelections, 1994(PR system)Source:

    Example: Turkey

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    Example: TurkeyHow power is distributed

    Central government Sets rules & policies

    Appoints officials

    Government spending

    In Turkey, 15% offunds to localgovernment

    In Europe, 50%

    Municipal funding base

    In Turkey, 75% of cityrevenue from centralgovt.

    National Government


    81 Provinces

    (centrally appointed


    3, 215 Municipalities

    (elected mayor & municipal councils)

    35,000 villages

    Investment plans

    Road maintenance

    Social & cultural


    Caring for cemeteries

    waste disposal

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    Turkey: Top leadership

    Prime Minister (usually) from majority party Officially appointed by the President of

    the Republic from among themembers of the Turkish GrandNational Assembly.

    (cabinet) ministers nominated by the

    Prime Minister and appointed by theTurkish Grand National Assembly The Prime Minister, as Chairman of the

    Council of Ministers, shall ensurecooperation among the ministers, andsupervise the implementation ofthe governments general policy.

    The members of the Council of Ministersare jointly responsible for theimplementation of this policy.

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    The PMs duties:

    1)To provide cooperation among ministries, to supervise the execution

    of government general policy, to take necessary measures with a view toproviding public services as listed in the constitution and laws,

    To develop the principles required for an efficient administration of state affairs, tosupervise the implementation of the government program as well as thedevelopment of annual plans,

    3) To examine acts, regulations and recommendations on decisions in terms ofcompliance with the constitution and other regulations, and to maintain relations with

    the legislation organ, 4) To set and improve the principles on the preparation of regulations, to ensure

    the codification and publication of active regulations,

    5) To provide efficiency in administration, simplification of administrativeprocesses and procedures, to follow developments in state organization systems,

    6) To set principles for a more efficient system of supervision and inspection in thestate organization, and to carry out supervision and inspection if deemed necessary,

    7) To collect, evaluate and regulate important documents for Turkish Nation and State,

    to set up archive laboratories, to present archive documents to scientists and scientificactivities,

    8) To take necessary measures for an efficient crisis management at the time ofnatural disasters, migration and other important events threatening national security,and to ensure efficient coordination among public establishments in the crisismanagement.


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    Turkey: The president

    ARTICLE 101.The President of the Republic shall be elected for a

    term of office of seven years by the TurkishGrand National Assembly from among itsown members who are over 40 years of age andwho have completed their higher education orfrom among Turkish citizens who fulfill these

    requirements and are eligible to be deputies.

    The President-elect, if a member of a party, shallsever his relations with his party and his status asa member of the Turkish Grand National Assemblyshall cease.

    ARTICLE 102. The President of the Republic shallbe elected by a two-thirds majority of the totalnumber of members of the Turkish Grand NationalAssembly and by secret ballot.

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    Turkey: How Votes are Counted

    550 seats in Parliament

    85 electoral districts

    Districts have from 2-26

    representatives in theParliament

    PR List System (ClosedList)

    10 percent threshhold

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    Who won which provinces in Turkey,

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    p y,2002 and 2007 compared


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    France 577 deputies in the National Assembly

    577 legislative districts

    single-district, plurality system (2 rounds of voting) Candidates that win more than 50% in the first round win seat

    If no one does, 2nd round: the candidate that wins the mostvotes wins the seat

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    Pros & Cons of Plurality Systems:

    + gives voters clearchoice

    + maintains closegeographic linkbetween voters andelected officials

    + creates effectivegovernment -- clearmajority party andunified opposition

    - Not veryrepresentative; many

    votes wasted

    - Excludes smaller &minority parties fromrepresentation

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    Pros & Cons of PR systems:

    + highlyrepresentative: all ornearly all votes


    + encouragesdiversity & range of

    perspectives + Greater voter


    - Can lead tofragmentation &ineffective govt.

    -List PR, inparticular, canweaken link betweenvoters & elected

    officials (officials moreloyal to party thanvoters)

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    Note:Many countries used mixed-PR systems: some sort ofmixture between plurality &

    PR systems!

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    Examples: Mexico

    500-person Chamber of Deputies

    Elections every three years

    Parallel voting: 300 deputies elected in single-seat constituencies by first-past-the-postplurality

    Other 200 elected through PR voting with open-

    party lists country is divided into 5 constituencies