International solar PV testing - Seaward Group USA · Global Solar Council (GSC). The founding...


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Internationalsolar PV testing

DC side isolation switch

The PV150 Solarlink™ Test Kit contains more than simply the tools to meet allthe commissioning test requirements of IEC 62446 and other internationalrequirements. It holds the secret to making it more efficient, easier and safer.

Solarlink™ connectivity between the PV150 tester and Solar Survey 200R irradiance meter, allowsirradiance, module and ambient temperature results from the 200R to be transmitted over a wirelesslink and be recorded in real time in the PV150.This is the only PV installation tester with all of the PVelectrical test functions in one hand-held unit. And now, you can improve speed and traceability bydownloading all results via USB.

The solution to gaining the competitive edge? It’s in the bag.

Contact us for full details +44 (0)191 586 3511 or +1 (813) or email

Faster, safer, traceable solar PV testing. It’s in the bag.


SOLARF r o m S e a w a r d


WelcomeWith the growing globalemphasis on reducinggreenhouse gasemissions there has beena surge in emphasis onrenewable energytechnologies.


to this international solarPV edition of Current


Jim Wallace Editor

03 Welcome

04-05 Industry newsLatest industry news, views and events for the

global solar marketplace

06-07 Tech Talk

Phil Old considers the need for solar PV

installations to incorporate the highest

standards of electrical safety and system


08 Product feature We look at advanced new Solarlink technology for

PV test and measurement in site survey and

system commissioning work.

09 Solar Testing Q+A’s

We provide answers to some of the most

common electrical test questions raised by PV


10 Product round upA round up of what’s new in the solar PV

electrical T&M world.

11 CompetitionYour chance to take part in a short PV industry

survey for the opportunity to win $200 worth of

Amazon vouchers (or your local currency equivilent).

Publisher: Seaward, Bracken Hill, South WestIndustrial Est., Co. Durham, SR8 2SWEditor: Jim WallaceAssistant Editors: Siân Sweeney and Ian WatsonDistribution: www.current-knowledge.comEmail:

letters@current-knowledge.comTel: +44 (0)191 586 3511

Expert Electrical Safety Testing News & Advice

For a free subscription to future issues of

Current Knowledge please email us your details at


In Europe, although final solar PV installationfigures for 2011 have yet to be confirmed, reportssay that Italy has now overtaken Germany as theworld’s top solar PV market. Also, for the first timein history, the UK solar market is set to enter intothe list of top 10 solar countries – rising to anexpected seventh place.

It is also reported that USA more than doubledthe amount of solar electricity installed in 2011compared to 2010 and growth is expected tocontinue. Both India and China also haveconsiderable solar ambitions.

And it seems that there is more growth to come. The International Energy Agency claims thatcomprehensive policies supporting a largeportfolio of solar energy technologies have still tobe extended to most sunny regions of the world,where most of the growth of population andeconomy is taking place, and where seven out ofnine billion people will live in the second half ofthis century.

For many solar markets, the question is howpolitics and the economy will shape the energyrevolution in the future. But, despite the problemsassociated with feed in tariff cuts being introducedin some countries, the international picture forsolar remains bright and future opportunities areencouraging.

Against this background, for those of us withinthe industry, the challenge is to continue todevelop and drive new solar energy technologiesto meet this growing need.

This special issue of Current Knowledge examinessome of these issues with particular emphasis onsolar PV test and measurement issues.

We hope you enjoy it.

Best regards

Jim Wallace, Editor, Current Knowledge



Government summittackles solar issues

The Solar Future More details at■ June 26, The Solar Future UK ‘12, London UK

IntersolarMore details at■ July 9-12, Intersolar North America,

San Francisco, California, USA

Solar Power InternationalMore details■ September 10-13, Orlando, Florida, USA

The 27th European PV Solar Energy Conference & ExhibitionMore details at■ September 24-28, Frankfurt, Germany

The Sixth China International SolarPhotovoltaic Exhibition■ September 25 – 27, Shenzhen, China

Solar Power UK 2012More details at■ October 2-4, Birmingham NEC, UK

The 12th China Solar & PhotovoltaicExhibition and Conference & PVSEC-22 (Asia)More details■ November 5 – 7, Hangzhou City, China

6th Renewable Energy India 2012 ExpoMore details at■ November 7-9, Delhi, India

Expo Solar 2013More details■ February 20-22 2013 – Kintex, South Korea

The third Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM)

meeting held in London recently brought

together ministers from 22 governments and

the European Union to continue the

accelerated development of green energy


The summit included policy makers responsible

for 90 percent of global clean energy

investment. Of particular note was the launch

of the 21st Century Power Partnership, a move

that aims to advance the take-up of renewable

energy and renewable energy electricity

generation through policies and programs that

leverage smart grid technologies.

Of particular interest to the solar sector was the

release of a new global renewable resource

atlas by IRENA and the German Aerospace

Center. The atlas maps the potential for solar

and wind energy across the world, enabling

users to assess the cost-effectiveness of these

resources in different countries based on a host

of variables, including cost-effectiveness, local

energy prices and available incentives.

In a similar vein, the USA announced the launch

of an ambitious beta version of the Global

Rooftop PV opportunity map. The map

highlights the potential commercial market for

rooftop solar by charting the solar potential of

rooftops, providing an easily accessible platform

for assessing the suitability of solar PV on a


The summit also saw a ministerial round table

discuss the merits of solar technology in

shaping the low carbon future. Ray Noble, the

UK’s Solar Trade Association’s PV specialist

was in attendance and said: “The discussions

yesterday show that the important role of solar

is recognised internationally, and that includes

by the British Government. After the struggle

we've had to secure recognition for this

sector, it was a very uplifting event.”

A recent report on China’s efforts to reduce

its carbon pollution levels from the

Australian Solar Energy Society (AUSES)

makes interesting reading.

The stated aim is for China to reduce its national

carbon output per unit of GDP by 17 per cent

by 2015, and 40-45 per cent by 2020. To

achieve this, China has made a strategic

investment in renewable energy, with the

unstated aim of leading the world as it moves

into the next industrial revolution.

China is already the world’s leading

manufacturer and installer of wind turbines and

is the home of seven of the world’s top ten solar

PV manufacturers (up from four in 2009).

AUSES believes it won’t be long before China

takes the lead as the largest installer of PV and

that its strategic investment in solar will have

profound implications for the global energy mix.

This strategic investment has helped drive

down the cost of PV modules by more than 60

per cent over the last three years, sending PV

closer than ever to parity with other forms of


The US, Chinese and Indian Governments have

now all said they expect PV to be competitive

with fossil fuels by 2020 at the latest. Indeed,

China is likely to reach grid parity for industrial

users by 2014, and for residential users by


By this point, China is expecting to have more

than 100 gigawatts of installed solar capacity.

More at www.

China’s growing solar focus



A number of international solar PV

companies have come together to form the

Global Solar Council (GSC).

The founding companies include Applied

Materials, Dow Corning, DuPont, First Solar,

Lanco Solar, Phoenix Solar and Suntech.

The new group is intended as a high level

industry coalition to expand the global

deployment of solar energy in a sustainable and

cost-competitive way.

They will engage with policymakers to promote

the use of solar energy, and to emphasise the

importance of a supportive policy and trade


The new group will work alongside other solar

interest organisations such as APVIA, and


More details at

New Global Solar Council established

Solar global news digest

Got News?

Write to:

and it could feature in the next issue of

Current Knowledge

, USAA report says that the US solar industry couldemploy hundreds of thousands of Americansby the end of the decade. Research from theHoward H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy atthe University of Tennessee shows solar energyfollowing a similar growth path to mainstreamenergy in the coming decades. The USA morethan doubled the amount of solar electricityinstalled in 2011 compared to 2010 and growthis expected to continue in 2012. More at

, ItalyItaly's government has voted to cutincentives to solar projects and otherrenewable energy projects by approximately3 bil l ion euros per year, in comparison toprevious arrangements.As a result, solar incentives are expected tobe cut by approximately 35%. Nevertheless,Italy has also set a more ambitious aim thatrenewables will meet 35% of total electricitydemand by 2020.

, IndiaA new report says India's ambitious nationalsolar program has prompted rapid growth,driving prices for solar energy to impressivelows and demonstrating how government policycan stimulate clean energy markets. The reportfrom the Natural Resources Defence Council(NRDC) and the Council on Energy,Environment and Water (CEEW) says that, intwo years, cumulative installed solar capacityin India surged from 17.8 MW to over 500 MW.

, UKThe UK solar industry is preparing for a furtherreduction in feed in tariff rates to be introducedfrom 1st July. The Government’s Departmentof Energy and Climate Change (DECC) hasproposed that the new starting tariff levels willbe set according to the levels of of new solarinstallations during March and April. DECC hasmodelled for three different scenariosdepending on the level of capacity installed.More at

, JapanNew feed-in tariffs (FITs) for PV installationsin Japan are expected to begin in July. Underthe proposal, non-residential systems under10 kW will receive 40 yen/kWh for 20 years,excluding tax. Residential systems under 10kW wil l receive 42 yen/kWh for 10 years,including tax. The FIT levels are in line witha proposal from the Japan PhotovoltaicEnergy Association.

The most talked about new nanomaterial

could boost the efficiency of the next

generation of solar PV panels, researchers

at Michigan Technological University claim.

According to the material scientists, the

electrical conductivity of graphene, a two-

dimensional honeycomb of carbon atoms,

could make it a key ingredient in the next

generation of photovoltaic cells by improving

the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells.

In dye-sensitized solar cells, photons knock

electrons from the dye into a thin layer of

titanium dioxide, which relays them to the

anode. A group of researchers at MTU found

that adding graphene to the titanium dioxide

increased its conductivity, bringing 52.4 percent

more current into the circuit.

Yun Hang Hu, professor of materials science

and engineering, said: "The excellent electrical

conductivity of graphene sheets allows them to

act as bridges, accelerating electron transfer

from the titanium dioxide to the photoelectrode.”

Graphene has solar PV potential


Tech Talk


Getting technical

PV system safety is a burning issuePhil Old, PV applications engineer at Seaward Solar, looksat the fire safety implications of rooftop solar PV systems.

Given the growth in solar PV installationsworldwide, it should perhaps come as littlesurprise that international concern regarding thesafety and quality of PV installations has becomea regular consideration that cannot be ignored.

In particular, the presence of fire hazards orincreased risk of electrocution is a regularreminder of the dangers posed by incorrectlyinstalled or commissioned PV systems.

This was again the case recently in the UK, whennews of what is believed to be the country’s firstPV system fire made the headlines.

On this occasion it was reported that Kentfirefighters were called out to deal with a solar PVfire in a domestic property. The fire, which isthought to have been triggered by a faulty DCswitch, was said to have “wreaked havoc” at afamily home.

This situation is not uncommon. In recent yearsthere have been a number of reports of fires andof unsafe installations in domestic solar PVinstallations that could have posed a fire risk.

In the USA, after a well-documented solar PV“thermal event” that occurred in Bakersfield,California, in April 2009, the cause was put downto an undetected fault-to-ground in a groundedcurrent-carrying source circuit conductor at thesite. A subsequent analysis of utility-owned andoperated rooftop PV systems in North Carolinarevealed the presence of undetected ground faultsin approximately 10% of the systems surveyed.

Also in the USA, a report, ‘Fire Fighter Safety andEmergency Response for Solar Power System’spublished in 2010, prepared by the Fire ProtectionResearch Foundation, detailed several firescaused by PV systems. The believed causesincluded electrical malfunction, leaves and debrisunder the solar panels, electrical arcing andelectrical faults in inverters.

More recently, last year, in Australia, the NSWGovernment issued details of a survey of solar PVinstallations in western Sydney that found that18.5% of the installations had major defects. Ofthe 658 systems inspected, 122 were found tohave significant safety issues and a further 418(63.5%) were found to have minor defects.

These findings mirror that of a similar survey ayear earlier in France when safety inspectors fromthe electrical safety certification agency Conseulfound that 51% of all PV installations in the countryposed a potential safety risk and did not conformto regulations.

Clearly all these cases highlight the fire risks thatcan be associated with PV systems and supportthe need for thorough commissioning and regularperiodic electrical testing.

In many cases simple electrical faults or wiringfailures can therefore cause a serious inefficiencyin the ability of the system to produce power.Undetected faults may also develop into a firehazard over time. Without fuse protection againstsuch faults, elimination of a fire risk can only beachieved by both good system design and carefulinstallation alongside appropriate electricalinspection and testing.

In the main, proper electrical commissioningprocedures are among the best defences againstlatent fire or electrocution hazards – although onceinstalled, ongoing and effective electrical testingis also vital both to prove the continuing safeinstallation of a PV system but also to verifyongoing functional performance overextended periods

Tech Talk

IEC 62446

The fire, which is thought to have been triggered by a faultyDC switch, was said to have “wreaked havoc” at a family home.

This international standard was published inMarch 2009. When voting was taken on thisstandard, all member countries voted in favour,including the UK, USA, Russia, China and manyother major contributors.

However different countries take a differentapproach. In the USA, for example, there is avariety of regulations often defined by individualstates and the picture is more complex. Althoughthe National Electric Code exists as an overalldefining document, it has also had to be revisedon a regular basis in order to keep pace with themoving demands of the PV market.

In Europe, the standard has been adopted as aEuropean EN in many member states and isgenerally regarded as making a significantcontribution to improving the quality and safetyof PV systems.

In the UK, for example, the British MicrogenerationCertification Scheme has adopted the principlesof IEC 62446 as the basis for its testing anddocumentation regime. As a result, thefundamentals of the standard are effectivelyenforced because no feed-in-tariff will be paid toa consumer unless the installation has beeninstalled by an MCS accredited installer.

It is interesting to note that the emphasis is ondocumentation, and this is in effect the evidenceused to demonstrate that appropriate precautionsand tests were undertaken prior to the handingover of a PV system to the property owner.

There are many instruments available that aresold under the title of ‘solar testers’ so it isvital to ensure that the instruments selectedare capable of performing all of the testsrequired by the various compliancerequirements.

The absolute minimum testing that needs to beundertaken involves continuity measurements(where applicable), open circuit voltage, shortcircuit current, insulation and irradiance.

To meet the electrical test needs some contractorshave used multiple instruments that typicallyinclude an earth continuity and insulationresistance tester‚ a multimeter, DC clamp meteralong with various associated connectors and leads.

However, the danger with such ‘homemade kits’is that they may not cover all of the tests requiredby IEC 62446 and, with different PV systemelectrical tests potentially requiring the use ofdifferent testers, using such an array ofinstruments can be cumbersome and timeconsuming.

When it comes to solar PV electrical testinstrumentation, the choice for the installer istherefore between using general purposeindividual items of equipment against all in onecombination PV testers and dedicated electricaltest kits that enable measurements to be takenin a fast, safe and efficient fashion.

In this respect, given the recent reductions to solarfeed in tariffs, the ability of multi-function testersto help installers to work faster and more efficientlywithout reducing the integrity of testing is set tobecome even more important in terms ofremaining competitive.

In terms of working more efficiently dedicatedsolar PV testers can also record and provideresults in a format that is compatible with datarecording programs that assist greatly in thecreation of comprehensive system informationfolders for use in customer test certificates andsystem commissioning packs.

Compliance testing

‘IEC 62446: 2009 Grid connected PV systems– minimum requirements for systemdocumentation, commissioning tests, andinspection’, specifies the minimum requirementsfor PV system documentation‚ commissioningtests and inspections.

Although standards are not regulatory orgovernment imposed, they can be used to helpsupport regulations. They are created as a resultof experts, professionals and consumers workingtogether to set them for mutual benefit and ensurehigh quality.

In the case of solar PV systems, compliance withIEC 62446 means householders should beassured that installation they are investing in issafe and adheres to an internationally recognisedlevel of expected quality.

IEC 62446 does this by setting out the informationand documentation that should be provided tothe customer following the installation of a solarpanel system and also the initial (and periodic)electrical inspection and testing required.

In short the standard sets out measures to ensure that:

■ The PV panels and electrical supply connections have been wired up correctly

■ That the electrical insulation is good

■ The protective earth connection is as it should be

■ There has been no damage to cables during installation

Product Review




The new Solarlink Test Kit includes all the

necessary equipment to perform pre-installation

site surveys and measure the electrical safety and

performance of installed PV systems in line with

the international IEC 62446 standard and regional

requirements such as MCS MIS 3002, NABCEP

and many others.

The all-in-one kit combines the comprehensive

electrical test capabilities of the new PV150 solar

handheld tester with the advanced Solar Survey

200R multifunction environment meter.

The PV150 is the most technically advanced and

safest solar PV installation tester on the market.

In the comprehensive new kit it is accompanied

by the Solar Survey 200R environment meter

which incorporates a PV reference cell for more

representative measurements.

Once testing is completed, the USB download

of time and date stamped test results, irradiance

and temperature measurements provides full

traceability and speeds up the completion of PV

system documentation and customer handover


In addition to solar PV system installation and

commissioning, the new Solarlink Test Kit is ideal

for conducting site surveys of potential

installations, by quickly providing the information

needed to calculate estimated annual solar

irradiation and system yields of PV and solar

thermal systems.

As well as the PV150 and the Solar Survey 200R

and associated calibration certificates, the

comprehensive kit includes an AC/DC current

clamp, various test lead adaptors, test probes

and a USB download cable – with a quick start

instruction guide and video.

Special wireless Solarlink connectivitybetween the PV150 and Survey 200R enablesreal-time irradiance to be displayed andmeasured at the same time as electricaltesting is being undertaken.

This means that compass bearing and roof tiltcan be measured and irradiance, module andambient temperature can be recorded in realtime within the PV150 as the electrical testsare conducted.

The latest solar PV electrical testkit from Seaward Solar hasspecial PV systemdatalogging anddownloading capabilitiesto enable contractors toinstall new solar PVinstallations safely,thoroughly andeffectively in line withinternational standards.

call: +44 (0) 191 586 3511 (UK office)+1 (813) 886 2775 (USA office)

email: enquiry@seawardsolar.comvisit: seawardsolar.comb

Question Time

Jim Wallace of Seaward Solaranswers some typical

questions being asked aboutsolar PV electrical testing

Is periodic inspection and testing of PVinstallations necessary? If so, why?

The verification of system performance andenergy output from the panels isparticularly important and a major reasonwhy periodic verification and testing of the

system can also be very important – as well as beingessential to comply with warranty and PV systemguarantees.

Undetected faults may also develop into a fire hazardover time. Without fuse protection against such faults,elimination of a fire risk can only be achieved by bothgood system design‚ and careful installation withappropriate inspection and testing.

What are the key warning signs that asystem may not be performing as itshould?

In many cases simple electrical faults orwiring failures can cause a seriousinefficiency in the ability of the panel toproduce power. This is particularly

important for installers working on ‘roof rental’ schemeswere installation has been provided free of charge inreturn for receipt of the feed-in tariff payments.

Although metering will always give an indication ofsystem performance, effective electrical testing is alsovital not only to prove the safe installation of a newsystem but also to verify ongoing functionalperformance.

What equipment is required for testinga solar PV installation?

The absolute minimum testing that needsto be undertaken involves continuitymeasurements, open circuit voltage, shortcircuit current, insulation and irradiance.

Other tests involving the use of I-V curve tracers, poweranalysers and thermal imaging cameras are not

Simultaneous measurement and recording of irradiance,open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current (Isc)is required for the PV Array Test Report for IEC 62446.

How is solar irradiance measured?

Solar irradiance meters that assess PVmodules must have a spectral responseclose to that of a PV module in order tomeasure ‘true irradiance’ as a PV system

would. There are two irradiance measurement methodsdefined and accepted by international standardscovering the performance measurement of PV systems:

1. PyranometerHigh precision, high cost instruments using thermalsensors in a glass dome.

2. PV Reference CellEffectively a small scale version of a PV module, having the same response to solar energy.

Temperature compensation ensures accuracy is notaffected by heat. Devices such as light meters, luxmeters or devices using photo diode sensors do nothave the same spectral response as a PV module, theydo not compensate for temperature and are likely tointroduce significant measurement errors if used forsolar PV applications. They are not suitable for use onPV systems.

Is there likely to be further legislationconcerning solar PV testing?

The Standard IEC62446 is under reviewand will have modifications in the future.It should be recognised that the PVindustry has developed at such a rate that

it has moved faster than the standards makingorganisations can move and the result is the potentialfor a continual development and review of standards.

Thanks for some great questions – Keepthem coming and look out for future TechTalkarticles covering these topics.

mandatory but may be regarded as useful to carry outcertain diagnostic testing or to assess differentperformance parameters of the solar PV system.It is therefore largely up to the installer to decide whetherhe wishes to purchase individual items of equipment orselect one or possibly two instruments which provide acombination of tests to enable measurements to be takenin a fast, safe and efficient fashion.

What are the key considerations thatshould be addressed prior to selectinga piece of test equipment?

There are many instruments available onthe market that are sold under the title ofSolar Testing so it is vital to ensure that theinstruments selected are capable of

performing all of the tests required by the IEC 62446standard. The nature of PV testing is such that it can expose theinstaller to high voltages, so the selection of an instrumentwhich is capable of automatically and safely performingtests greatly improves efficiency and safeguards theinstaller.The availability of new multi-purpose solar PV testinstrumentation also means that the functions of anumber of individual test instruments can be combinedin a single tool – with consequent savings in cost andimproved practical considerations.

Why measure solar irradiance?

The electrical output will vary significantlywith changes in the level of in-planeirradiance. Solar PV panel manufacturersquote the electrical output at standard test

conditions (STC) with an irradiance level of 1000W/m2.Therefore, when commissioning a PV system, it isnecessary to measure the level of irradiance at the sametime as testing its electrical output, to know whether it isworking to its potential under the existing irradiance levels.If the electrical output is different from the manufacturers’quoted values, it must be determined whether this is dueto a fault in the PV installation, or simply becauseirradiance was different from STC.















Got a question? Send it to:


Solar site surveys

System documentation Performance and maintenance diagnostics

These special features enable the user to

accurately measure irradiance, roof pitch,

orientation and both ambient air and PV module


The compact and rugged instruments are battery

powered and the special SolarlinkTM wireless

connectivity of Solar Survey 200R enables data

to be displayed and recorded on the Solar

Installation PV150 tester.

SolarCert Elements enables USB download of

test results from PV150 or manual data entry for

the fast and simple recording, storing and

searching of all electrical test and measurements

in line with the requirements of many certification

schemes and the IEC 62446 standard.

Once entered into the SolarCert Elements

program, test data can easily be used to create

professional PV array test and system inspection

reports as well as verification certificates which

can be saved, printed and e-mailed as PDF files.

For manual paper based systems, the Seaward

Solar PV Inspection Test Reports and Certificates

documentation sets are supplied in pre-printed

pad format for the fast and simple entry of test

data on-site.

As an advanced AC/DC power analysistool, the Seaward Solar Power Clampensures optimal return on investmentfrom installed PV systems.

Suitable for effective power measurement and

diagnostic testing of inverters, the high

performance instrument assesses AC and DC

circuit power, in addition to true RMS voltage and

current, resistance & continuity, diode check,

capacitance, harmonic distortion and power

factor measurement.

The versatile devices use a precision PV cell

sensor for the highly accurate irradiance

measurement, displaying results in either

W/m2 or BTU/h/ft2. Uniquely, the new multi

function units also incorporate a digital

compass, a digital tilt meter and a dual

channel precision thermometer.

New high specification Seaward Solar Survey instrumentscombine irradiance measurement with a host of other featuresto enable solar PV and solar thermal contractors carry out sitesurveys quickly and easily.

A dedicated new software program for the solar PV industry helpssystem installers produce all electrical test documentation for clienthandover packs quickly and easily.

For more information on these or any of our other products:Email: or visit:`

Incorporates wireless SolarlinkTM

connectivity inconjunction with the PV150 tester.

Product Round-up


The short survey is available online, and for completing it you willbe automatically entered into a prize draw to win an Amazon giftcerificate worth $200* (or you local currency equivalent).

Win $200 of AmazonTM

gift vouchers

As part of a global study, Current Knowledge isconducting a survey to find out more about the PVindustry and the testing regimes of PV installersworldwide, the results of which will be published infuture issues.

(or your local currency equivalent).

*Terms and ConditionsNo cash alternative. Closing date 31st July 2012. Winner will be notified by email. Winner will receive $200 Amazon Gift Certificate or the local currency equivalent at the time the prize is drawn

How to enter

Go to

or scan the QR code for details.

A Solar irradiance meter, and then some.

SOLARF r o m S e a w a r dFind out more at

The Solar Survey 200R is the only irradiance meter with:■ Built-in PV reference cell for greater accuracy■ Built-in compass■ Built-in inclinometer■ 2 built-in thermometers, measuring

ambient and module temperature■ Built-in data log + USB port■ SolarlinkTM sends real time readings

to our PV150 installation tester■ Complies to IEC 62446■ Suitable for solar PV and thermal applications