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Peru assumed the Vice Presidency of the World Customs Organization

Peru, represented by the National Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) assumed the Vice Presidency of the World Customs Organization, which aims to facilitate commercial transactions between countries through a safe trade. The principal objective is to facilitate safe trade and business operations, driving improvements in areas such as risk analysis, non-intrusive inspection, inter alia seeking to identify reliable companies for customs.

on the other hand this business also active participation of Peruvian customs in the region, implementing a series of measures to facilitate and promote trade, strengthen our economy.

BCR reduces estimated economic growth of Peru just 3.1% for 2014

El Banco Central de Reserva (BCR) redujo el estimado de crecimiento de la economía peruana de 4.4% a 3.1% para el cierre del 2014. La nueva estimación representa una fuerte desaceleración frente al crecimiento de 5.8% del año pasado.

The president of the central bank, Julio Velarde, said the downward revision "is due in part to a supply shock in primary sectors which explains the lower growth."

Companies in Japan are using fetal babies to improve their products

It has been reported that in some Asian countries aborted babies have been dried and ground to put into capsules to then be sold on the black market as vitamins to improve sexual ability. Furthermore fetuses also are being used for cosmetics as they are added as an ingredient in foodstuffs, human fetuses and placentas are used for the cosmetic industry as lipsticks, in eyeliners in softening creams and rejuvenating in hair creams, etc, etc

these kind of companies are turning consumers of these products in CANNIBALS, because the skin absorbs all components containing these products, which are not really necessary and as a consequence of that method , this people can create an illness in their body .

United States, provides air for the first time to the Kurds with weapons

The United States has launched for the first time air weapons and Kurdish forces fighting against the Islamic State (EI) in the city of Kobani, near the border with Syria. Among the supplies, several passes thrown by a C-130 U.S. Air Force, according to the agency Efe, there are a lot of weapons, ammunition and drugs that have been "provided by the Kurdish authorities in Iraq" for "facilitate continuity of resistance against attempts to recover the EI Kobani "explained the US Central Command (CENTCOM) through a statement.

This aerial action came on the same day that Australia has announced an agreement with Iraq to deploy troops on the ground.

Fire at Plaza Dos de Mayo: Firefighters control fire in house

fire on the square May 2 originated serious damage to their homes, leaving several people injured. The Emergency Operations Center reported that one person was injured by burns, while another showed bruises. Also, five were met by smoke inhalation and four nervous breakdown, so about 240 firefighters arrived Thursday afternoon to the Dos de Mayo square to douse the flames that destroyed a house of French style of the last century, considered Heritage Nation.

The Municipality of Lima reported that the fire has consumed the homes of 15 families were the second and third floor of the house in the Dos de Mayo square.

Chiclayo: Incautan medicamentos naturales en terminal terrestre

Over five thousand soles in natural medicines, which were to be marketed in the Cajamarca province of Jaén, were seized by agents of the Fiscal Police Criminal Investigation Division (DIVINCRI) of Chiclayo. The incident occurred at kilometer 774 of the Panamericana Norte highway from the bus station outside the Nor East, where officers found five cardboard boxes ready to be uploaded to the hold of a bus that was bound to Bagua. "The boxes have as name Juana-Jaén, nothing more. It appears that the owner left the scene to avoid responsibility for the products without documents, "said a detective.

Ópera "Madama Butterfly" en el Gran Teatro Nacional

Season of operas came to the National Grand Theater, the renowned opera, "Madame butterfly" will be under the baton of Italian Lorenzo Mazzieri in conducting where portray one of the most sensitive and nostalgic pieces of contemporary opera. "Madame butterfly" will be presented on 26, October 30 and November 1 in the National Grand Theater.The cast includes Tazzieri Lorenzo (Italy); Boris (Argentina); Miki Mori (Japan); Andrés Veramendi, Rudi Fernandez and Josephine Brivio (Peru)

Pedro Suárez Vértiz appreciated the success of his recent show

Through social media, as he usually does, Pedro Suarez Vertiz thanked the artists and audiences who made the show unforgettable "When you think back," who lived at the National Stadium last Saturday. National rocker said he was happy with the great call of the show that marked his return to the music scene, this time as a producer. Then he extended his thanks to national and international bands who played the most popular hits of the national rock during the nearly 10 hours-long show.