Information Security 2014 Roadshow



Information Security 2014 Roadshow. Threats Facing Us Today Scams Phishing Social Engineering Malware What We Can Do Information Security’s Efforts Efforts You Can Make Data Classification Data Collection Risks PCI Resources. Roadshow Outline. What to Watch Out For. Web Scams: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Security2014 Roadshow

Roadshow Outline Threats Facing Us Today

Scams Phishing Social Engineering Malware

What We Can Do Information Security’s Efforts Efforts You Can Make

Data Classification Data Collection Risks

PCI Resources

What to Watch Out For

Web Scams: Always check the Address of the site Check to verify HTTPS if appropriate Check links for spoofed destinations Miss directed URLs – Bad download sites

Phishing:Do NOT click links or attachments when you do not know the senderRead the message to verify the language and contentCheck the address of the sender to see if spoofedCheck any links to see if spoofedMake sure the signature is from a valid personIf victim of phishing, RESET PASSWORD,

call HelpdeskForward suspect phishing messages to

What to Watch Out For


Ensure you are running anti-virus software at all times

Verify download sites before downloading any software. Always pull from the vendor and only install necessary components

Watch for Adware Look for browser plugins and software add-ons

during installs. Ensure you are downloading the correct software Ensure you are at the correct download site Don’t install software you do not need

With Fake-AV, power down the system. Do not try to save or perform a safe Shutdown.

What to do if Infected with Malware

What is Information Security Doing

Monitoring:• Through network equipment we

watch for potential threats and will notify if we suspect a threat.

Support:• User Services will help to

restore your system and if possible protect your data.

Education:• Through programs like this and

new CBTs we work to inform users of threats and safeguards.

Endpoint protections:• Through tools such as anti-virus

we work to protect users computers against malware threats and attacks.

What can you do if you suspect you have been infected.

Remove your computer from the network:• If you suspect you have a virus

power down your computer and unplug the network connection immediately.

Change all of your passwords:• From a different computer,

reset all of your passwords (Network, Banner, etc.).

Contact the Helpdesk:• The helpdesk is your first line

of support. They have a protocol for managing malware infected systems.

Inventory your data:• LIS makes no promises of being

able to recover locally stored data. Begin an inventory off all data and where you have it stored. This will aid in the recovery process as well as assessing where we need to look for potential corruption.

What Can be Done to Prevent an Attack

What is Information Security Doing

Education:• CBT: New CBT being developed• RoadShow: Updated InfoSec

presentation• Web:

• Working with the Helpdesk to improve response time for security issues.

Architecting a More Secure Infrastructure• Working with CSNS to improve

edge Security• PCI Enclave

Technology improvements• Auditing tools• Multi-Factor authentication• Secure communication and

messaging Governance enhancements

• New Policies: PCI, DCP• Better Auditing through

automation• Better Monitoring through

automation and more coverage

What can you do around Information Security

Always maintain your anti-virus

Stay educated and aware on information security issues

Employ best and safe computing practices

Stay aware of current security policies

Verify all software before instillation

Only download applications or data from known sources.

Data Classification – What to Collect and How

What is the Risk

Risk• Loss of Data

• Exposure of Data

• Corruption of Data

Consequences• Reputational Damage

• Fines and Loss of Revenue

• Legal Repercussions

PCI-DSS: How Schools Compare

PCI-DSS: What Does it Mean to Middlebury and You

• Compliance with PCI determines our ability to process credit cards

• A data breach could include your data.

• A breach could result in penalties and fines as well as reputational damage.

• As a data processor or an MDRP you are partially responsible for the protection of the card holder data.

• Middlebury has committed to PCI through policy and practice.

• Middlebury will not accept payment cards by email or fax and does not store card data in written form.

• A part of PCI-DSS includes education which will help you better understand the security concerns

Resources on Information Security

Policies:• Privacy Policy =Confidentiality

of Data

• Network Monitoring Policy = Protection of College Technology Resources

• Technical Incident Response Policy = Response to Information Security Events

• Data Classification Policy = Defines Data Types

• Red Flags Policy = Identity Theft ProtectionNot presently in hand book

• PCI Policy = Payment Card Data Handling

Web Sites:• Middlebury’s Information


• Phishing Information

• Protect Yourself On-line

• Parents Resource for Kids On-line

• Best Practices for Home and Work

Discussion and Links

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