IN YOUR HEAD!have a room that needs cleaning in your home, an hour after you begin cleaning, the...


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Dr. Donna F. Smith, Ph.D.

Wichita Falls, Tx

(940) 761-4045


Case History

JW of Vernon, Tx, was

diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue,

Immune Dysfunction Syndrome

and Fibromyalgia in 1994 at age

60. He was disabled and

almost bedfast. He was in a

wheel chair when I met him at a

FMS Seminar sponsored by

Breland-Henslee Physical

Therapy Clinics in 1998 where I

was invited to speak on the

Clinical Nutrition Link in FMS.

JW – Case

History (cont.)

His wife reported, “Within a few

months of clinical nutrition

therapy, Joe could shop, work in

the yard, play golf using a cart

and was enjoying a life he

thought was gone forever.”

JW’s FMS clinical nutrition

therapy was successfully

concluded in eleven months..

Let’s look at JW’s numbers


Tender Points

Initial Appt. 6/18/98 11 of 18

3-Mo. Eval. 9/15/98 3 of 18

8-Mo. Eval. 2/05/99 2 of 18

11-Mo. Eval.5/27/99 0 of 18

Let’s look at his symptom


FMS Symptom

Survey for JW

Dates 6/98 9/98 2/98 5/99

Chronic Aching 8-10 0 0 0

Chronic Fatigue 9 4 2 2

Stiffness 3 1 1 1

Sleep Disturbances 2-3 1 1 1

Pain 4 1 1 0

Anxiety 3 1 1 0

Depression 4 0 0 0

GI Disturbances 5 8* 1 0

Soft Tissue Swelling 4-5 0 0 0

Cardiovascular Problems 1 1 1 0

Range from 0-10 with 10 as most severe; 0 is no symptoms

* Gastro-Intestinal disturbances increased in 9/98 due to cleansing signs from detoxification of waste and other toxins from intestines and from balancing acid-alkaline state of digestive track. Cleansing signs are temporary signs of healing activity, they are not signs of illness or disease.

JW’s Blood



Medical Nutritional Homeostasis

(Abnormal) (Abnormal) (Perfect Health)

6/98 5 * 17 17

9/98 1 11 26

2/99 0 13 25**

5/99 0 18** 20**

8/99 0 10 28

Goal 0 0 38

*you can see why a medical interpretation of your blood test does not

generally give you the answers you need in relationship to FMS. As in JW’s case, his medical interpretation revealed only 5 abnormal chemistries; whereas, our nutritional analysis of the same blood tests revealed 17 abnormal nutritional chemistries. Most routine medical tests are normal for FMS; a nutritional analysis is required for insight into those factors affecting FMS.

** As the body heals, some test results and symptoms appear to get worse before they get better – this is all part of the process of the body returning to homeostasis, perfect health. Much like when you have a room that needs cleaning in your home, an hour after you begin cleaning, the room looks worse than it did before you started. To get all things in order, you must first pull things out of places they do not belong and stack them around the room till you can put them where they do belong. Same thing applies to the healing process.

FMS Clinical


This clinical nutrition study

was presented at the

American Association for

the Advancement of

Science 9/96 and the

International and American

Associations of Clinical

Nutritionists (IAACN) 9/97

by Russell M. Jaffe, M.D.,

Ph.D., C.C.N.

FMS Clinical

Study (cont.)

Control Subjects maintained usual lifestyle of diet and

medications, whereas the subjects in the treatment

group underwent a program of avoiding reactive

substances and took specific vitamin/mineral

supplements for nutritional repletion.

Reactive substances were found using Elisa/Act to test

340 items to determine sensitivities to common

medications, foods, preservatives, etc.

Modest improvement in first 3 months; and reported

feeling markedly better than they had in years at the 4th


6th month – subjects reported 50% less pain, 40% less

depression, 50% more energy and 30% less stiffness

than at start of program

6th month – control group reported no improvement.

Study Outcome: Clinical Nutrition is a key to improvement fo

FMS by reducing the load of immuno-reactants and

restoring vitamin/mineral reserves in the neuro-immune

control systems.

All Truth Passes

through 3 Stages

FIRST – It is ridiculed (You were told it was all in your head, I.e. psychological or hypochondriac)

SECOND – It is violently opposed. (Medical field rejects idea that FMS exists because drugs and surgery does not cure it; and standard medical testing shows normal)

THIRD – It is accepted as being self-evident. (Medical field is slowly accepting the fact that FMS does exist.)

NOTE: This is what you, as sufferers of FMS, have been going through as the medical community catches up to the fact that FMS is a nutrition-related syndrome, not a medical disease.

Diet & Nutrition

These two terms are often used interchangeably; however, they are not the same.

Diet is what you eat and drink, i.e. ingested.

Your Diet

Consists of

Macro-nutrients and Micro-nutrients

–Macro-nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats/oils

–Micro-nutrients are vitamins, minerals and water

Nutrition is….

Nutrition is what happens inside the body as a result of what you have ingested, in other words, it is the metabolism of ingested substances.

Metabolism is the digestion, absorption, assimilation, distribution of nutrients and the elimination of its waste, in other words, the transport of nutrients to and waste from the cells and tissue.

Clinical Nutrition is nutritional science that provides clinical tests to identify and correct the adverse internal affects of dietary and nutritional factors on health, I.e., its impact on all biochemical processes and organ/gland functions which precede all diseases.

No Medical


When physicians tells you there is no cure for this disease or that disease, including Syndromes, like Fibromyalgia and any other Immune Dysfunction or Degenerative Diseases, what they mean is that “drugs or surgery” will not cure it.

And so if drugs and surgery will not cure it, what else is left? It is a logical next step that when you have ruled out all possible medical causes, and found none, that you would then seek testing from a Clinical Nutritionists to identify nutritional factors, since you now know there are no medical factors affecting your health.

Must Everything In

HealthCare Be

Validated Through


“If ‘experimentally proven’ is the single criterion for a ‘non-quack’ medical practice, then almost all modern medicine is pure quackery.

Less than one in five of all currently accepted medical practices have been proven effective in well-controlled, replicated studies over time.

The remaining 80% of everything that is commonly done to us by doctors and hospitals has never been thoroughly and conclusively researched.”*

*Pearsall, Ph.D., Paul, Miracle in Maui, Inner Ocean Publishing

(1991) p. 33

No Known Cause

Have you noticed how many

medical brochures – say No

Known Cause – No Cure.

If my plumber told me he

could fix my leak even if he

did not know what caused it

or where the water was

coming from, I would switch


Medicine is

Not An Exact


Yet American’s continue to see their

physicians to treat symptoms that even their

own literature tell you that medicine does not

know the cause of your symptoms and has

no cure for them.

Then before they treat you, they have you

sign a release that that lists multiple risk

factors and side effects from the treatment

they are about to give you.

And the release includes a note that says

‘medicine is not an exact science and there is

no guarantee regarding the treatment.’

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Your Body Can

Heal Itself of

Any Disease

The human body is capable of healing itself of every disease known to man, when it is given the substances it requires for healing and when you learn how to stop interfering with its healing process.

Meet Dr. Percival

15 minutes

Video Tape = Teaming Up for A

Healthier You.

Start at Dr. P says,

– “Let’s now take a look at some

graphic models that demonstrate

the integrated approach to


– First time shown Health Potential


End after triangle over man just

after forms

Let’s look at

symptoms of

Liver Dysfunction

Depression - Bloating

Great Fatigue - Reflux

Sugar Cravings - PMS

Hypoglycemia - Candida

Constipation - Allergies

Diarrhea - Dry Skin

Irritable/Anger - Acne

Itchy Skin - Edema

Gall stones - Nausea

Body Odor - Cellulite

Yes, there is more –

much more!

Bad Breath

Unexplained weight gain

Poor digestion / heartburn

Menopausal symptoms

Liver spots


Gall bladder disease

Hormone Imbalance


Brain Fog


High cholesterol

High-blood pressure


Skin Rashes


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Joint Pain

Autoimmune diseases

Liver Symptoms

& You

When on long-term drug therapy,

have you noticed that you or a loved

one eventually have many of the

symptoms of liver dysfunction?

Also, when you look at this long list of

liver-related symptoms, how many of

them are also listed among those

symptoms associated to your

Diagnosed disease or syndrome?

Do think perhaps a dysfunctional liver

may be at the root of your health

challenges and all


Ever notice….

How many TV Drug Advertisements warn against using their drug if you have liver problems?

Have you ever been or know of someone who has to have regular blood testing for their liver because of their prescribed medication(s)?

How Are Prescription

Drugs Tested Safety?

The following information

and statistics are derived

from numerous medical

journals, including the

Journal of American Medical

Association (JAMA), The

New England Journal of

Medicine and Lancet.

Drugs tests

Safety ctd.

– “Drug companies can conduct multiple studies

on new drugs, and then select and publish the

most favorable ones while suppressing the


– “Drug companies can choose research study

designs that are more likely to reproduce

favorable results rather than designs that

might provide more accurate results.”

– “Drug studies can measure a drug’s

effectiveness in multiple ways, then select and

publish only the best results. Sometimes

these favorable results have little to do with

whether drugs will help patients.”

– “Drug companies hire high-profile experts to

place their names on drug company-

generated articles, although the experts have

not participated in the studies and their

financial connections with the drug companies

are not disclosed. “1

Drugs tests

Safety ctd.

The FDA relies on the drug manufacturer’s research reports to approve a drug; no independent testing is done or required.

USA Today found that 54% of the time, experts hired to advise the FDA on which medicine should be approved for sale have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic they’re asked to evaluate.2

“It is simply not possible to identify all the adverse effects of drugs before they are marketed,” say three medical doctors writing in the New England Journal of Medicine.3

Drugs tests

Safety ctd.

In fact, “Overall, 51% of

approved drugs have

serious side effects not

detected prior to approval.”


References 1 Cohen, M.D., Jay, Overdose, The Case Against Drug Companies.

2 Cauchon, Dennis, FDA Advisers Tied to Industry, USA Today


3 Wood, Alastair, J.J. et al, Making Medicines Safer—The Need for

an Independent Drug Safety Board, New Eng. Journal Medicine.


4 Moore, Thomas J. et al, Time To Act on Drug Safety (JAMA


How Are Side Effects

of Prescription

Drugs Monitored?

There are no mandatory reporting of drug side

effects for physicians or hospitals.

Drug Companies and medical institutions have

their own reasons for under-estimating the full

scope of the side-effect epidemic. Dr. David

Bates, an associate professor of medicine at the

Harvard Medical School, wrote in JAMA:

– ‘Hospitals have had strong incentives not to identify

too many of these adverse drug events. Reporting

large numbers of adverse events and any serious

preventable event brings intense scrutiny from

regulators and the public. Thus most hospitals have

relied on spontaneous reporting, which only

identifies about 1 in 20 adverse reactions and

leads to the perception that injuries from ADR’s are

less common than they really are.’” 5

5 Cohen, MD, Jay, Overdose: The Case Against the Drug Companies.

How the FDA

Monitors Drugs…

The FDA monitors drug approval and safety, and

here is how:

– The FDA has about 1300 employees

processing new drug applications and working

toward drug approval:

The Review Team

– The FDA has 72 employees tracking drug


The Safety Team

– The FDA has a total budget of between $10

and $15 million per year. That is less than Eli

Lilly spent on its promotion of Prozac in 1997,

according to The New York Times as

reported in the Washington Monthly. 6

6 Pomper, Stephen, Drug Rush, Editor of the Washington


Injuries & Deaths

from Drugs

Prescription Drugs

– “Side effects from properly prescribed

drugs are the 4th and 5th leading cause of

death in the U.S.” (JAMA/NEJM)

This does not even include deaths

from improperly prescribed drugs,

deaths from in-hospital errors, and

unreported drug deaths.

If these were thrown into the

statistics, drug treatment in general

would easily be in the top three

causes of death in the nation. 8

8 Lee, MD, John, Sava, PHD, David & Hopkins, Virginia,

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast

Cancer: How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your

Life, Warner Books (2002) p20.

Injuries & Deaths

from Drugs, continued

In 1998, JAMA reported that more than 100,

000 people die each year from properly

prescribed prescription drugs, and each

year 2,216,000 people require hospitalization

for life-threatening or permanently disabling

side effects of properly prescribed drugs.

These stats are for hospitalized patients. No

numbers exist for the larger group of non-

hospitalized patients.

This amounts to over 300 deaths per day and

6,000 hospitalizations (only the most serious

side effects were tabulated in this study) from

properly prescribed drugs.

Injuries & Deaths

from Drugs, continued

Add to this another 100,000 people who die annually from hospital-generated infections. That is, infections contracted during a stay in a hospital, unrelated to the original reason for being hospitalized.9

No other industry in this country would be allowed to continue doing business with even a fraction of these mortality and morbidity statistics.


Injuries & Deaths

from Herbs

“According to the FDA, between

1993 and 1998 federal, state

and local agencies reported a

total of 184 deaths, most of

which were associated with

weight loss formulas.”10

10 Goldberg, Burton, The Science of Deceit, in The John Lee Medical

Letters, April 2002.

Drugs / Whole Food Vitamin,

Minerals & Herbs

Treats The Symptoms Only.

Kills pain by numbing nervous system, stimulates or manipulates the body

Multiple Side Effects – harming more areas than the one for which drug is taken.

Harmful to the Liver

Body treats drugs as harmful foreign matter

Gives false illusion of healing without getting to the cause

Made of chemicals which interfere with nutritional biochemistry


Studies are selective, misleading, incomplete, and in time show more side effects than in its original studies.

Causes injury, even death, even when properly prescribed.

Symptoms leave because real

cause is addressed.

Nourishes whole body to the

Cellular/Tissue level.

Side Effects – if have allergy to

certain foods, can have allergy

to that same food in

supplements. Cleansing signs

of detoxification mistaken for

side effects.

Healthy for the liver

Body recognizes them as whole

nutrients and uses them for

healing and repair.

Assists in healing the body by

getting to the cause.

Whole foods and supplements

are whole plants/herbs, not

altered or chemically derived.


Over 2000 years of historical use

plus current clinical studies

Injury or death has been due to

any contamination or misuse –

not from actual food or herb.

Both Medicine and

Whole Food Nutrients


Work When Used Appropriately!

Few people are aware of these statistics regarding drugs and medical research.

My purpose for sharing this with you is to bring to focus a more realistic view of medicine and to appeal to you to –

– First, use clinical nutrition (whole foods, whole food vitamins/minerals, and pure herbs) on a daily or regular basis to assist the body in healing and maintaining health

– Second, use medicine appropriately – for emergencies only, such as short-term use in the case of a broken bone or uncontrollable bleeding,

Instead of its present overuse due to either ignorance of the facts or neglect in the nutritional care of the human body.

Your Body Can

Heal Itself of

Any Disease

The human body is capable of healing itself of every disease known to man, when it is given the substances it requires for healing and when you learn how to stop interfering with its healing process.

Meet Dr. Percival

15 minutes

Video Tape = Teaming Up for A

Healthier You.

Start at Dr. P says,

– “Let’s now take a look at some

graphic models that demonstrate

the integrated approach to


– First time shown Health Potential


End after triangle over man just

after forms

What Causes


Are the light bulbs starting to come on that the Cause of your Fibromyalgia or other immune and degenerative diseases is not just one thing – it is the end result of multiple factors in your lifestyle and toxic exposures?

Factors which have been occurring internally for years, that may be accelerated by a trauma (emotional or physical injury), however, at some point when the body can’t manage these factors any more, it breaks down. You can’t get out of bed, everything is an effort, a good day is one minute of being pain free.

– Some “experts” think that the trauma or injury is the total cause. However, more often it is just the straw that broke the camel’s back or rather it was a Big Added Burden on an already weakened body system!



Of the three factors Dr. Percival identified that cause distress, inflammation, dysfunction, and disease,

– trauma,

– toxicity and

– insufficiency, today we are going to focus on the last factor –

Nutrient Insufficiency.

Trauma =


Trauma or Stress (whether mental, emotional, physical or electro-magnetic) depletes the body of vitamins and minerals. It takes a lot of nutrients to meet the demands of trauma and stress.

– Ex: deficiencies of B Complex Vitamins and minerals, which are required for the Energy Pathway to function properly, leads to the body’s inability to produce sufficient energy to meet your stress which then causes chronic fatigue.

– Day in/Day Out pushing yourself (beyond your limits) just to get through the day overworks the adrenal glands and leads to chronic fatigue and depletion of nutrient/energy reserves.

– Electro-magnetic stress short-circuits the body’s electrical system and communication system preventing or delaying transport or exchange of nutrients to/from cells and tissue. Ex. Hair analysis reveals people with calcium leaving the body instead of going to the bones.

Toxicity =


We live in a Toxic World – we have

chemical additives in our foods, air

pollution and chemicals in our water.

Toxins deplete the body of vitamins

and minerals, thus

– Interfering with the body’s ability to

heal, adapt and meet the stress of

its environment.

– And lead to injury, decay or death

of healthy cells and tissue.

Have you ever tested your tap

water at home or work?

Toxicity Leads to

Liver Problems

Toxins overburdens the Liver

– Read “Why Do I Feel So Lousy?” –

Medford. This book is so important that it

is required reading for all my clients and I

have copies here, which are available at a

discount, when purchased at this


– When you read in this book the list of

symptoms due to liver dysfunction, you

will think you are reading a list of your

symptoms for Fibromyalgia.

– I have also provided a Detoxification

Educational Slick that shows what

happens in a healthy and unhealthy liver.


The Greatest

Challenge Our

Body Faces Today is the effective

management of


Toxicity is…

Remember from Dr. Percival’s video, he

stated that Toxicity is..

1) Quality of being poisonous

– Accidental poisoning

– Food Poisoning (spoiled food)

– Overuse of stimulants like refined sugar,

chocolate, colas and coffee

(consumptions should be none or special

occasions only)

2) The degree of severity of toxic microbe or

chemical substance

– Microbes – germs and worms

– Chemical substances in food, water and

air. For example, (in food as

preservatives to make food last longer on

the shelf; in water, such as to kill bacteria)

Looks to Die For


Insufficiency Leads

to Malnutrition

– Malnutrition is Long-Term

macro-or micro-nutrient

insufficiencies or deficiencies

that cause biochemical

imbalances, then

organ/gland dysfunction, and

eventually lead to all


– 95% all diseases are

nutrition-related; 5% are due

to accidental injury or




98.5% of the U.S. Population is

unhealthy - U.S. Statistical Abstract

of 1992.

68% of all deaths are nutrition-related

- Surgeon General’s Nutrition and

Health Report, 1988.

50% of Americans are nutritionally

deficient - HANES II 1974-1975, US

Dept. HEW.

50% of Americans now use

complementary or alternative

healthcare (JAMA/Journal of

American Medical Association, July




If the Surgeon General’s and HANES II reports were updated today, it is estimated that these percentages would be considerably higher, even as much as 20-45%, i.e., 80-100& of Americans are nutritionally deficient and dying pre-maturely of nutrition-related diseases.

Let’s look at the

Pathways of


inside a cell

Insert Diagram

Pathways of


The micro-nutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) are required to metabolize the macro-nutrients: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats/Oils

Vitamins and Minerals are required for all organ and gland functions of the body

Without sufficient vitamins and minerals organs/glands will not function.

The Key to Staying Healthy (and restoring ill health) is to obtain clinical nutrition testing of your vitamins/mineral deficiencies and correct all deficiencies by eating whole foods and taking whole food vitamins.

What Are Whole

Food Vitamins?

The body can only heal itself when it has a whole food diet and whole food supplements is right for your metabolism.

Vitamins and minerals sold over-the-counter or through direct mail are synthetic or crystalline extracts.

-- therapeutic whole food supplements available only through Clinical Nutritionist

The only supplements you should purchase over-the-counter are herbs – however, be sure to read labels as some have fillers and realize that their potency is 12-30% which is sufficient for health maintenance, but not for clinical use.

Refer to Author and Clinical Nutritionist Lorrie Medford book, “Why I Need Whole Food Supplements.” Copies of this book are available at a discount if purchased today.

What is

in an


Whole Food

Vitamin C - Less is


A small apple contains only 5.1 mg of Vitamin C. But the same contains polyphenols and flavonoids-beneficial food compounds that equal the effect of 1,500 mg of vitamin C.

So each time you pick up a vitamin bottle that says 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, realize two things – 1) this is only Ascorbic Acid, not a

complete Vitamin C complex and

– 2) you know it is synthetic because if the ingredient was a whole food, like an apple, it would say 5.1 mg.

Nature, volume 405, page 903

C & E Complex

As you can see from the next two diagrams, – Ascorbic Acid is only one of six

nutrients in a complete Vitamin C Complex, and

– the four tocopherols are only four of 11 nutrients in a complete Vitamin E Complex.

Therefore, when you take in an incomplete vitamin or mineral, the body must pull from its cells and tissues the rest of the vitamin complex to complete the nutrient so it can be used, and this leads to a deficiency in the very vitamin you are thinking you are taking.

The Perfect

Dietary Lifestyle

Micro-nutrients - Mostly I have been talking about micro-nutrients today – I.e., vitamins, minerals and water -- because whole food supplements are the key to your health improvement.

Macro-nutrients – You are told to eat a balanced diet, but few professionals, much less the public, understand what that means. Today, I am going to show you how to calculate the exact amount of Proteins to Carbohydrates to Fats/Oils that you need to be healthy.

The Perfect Diet in the 21st Century consists of eating whole foods in the right ratio of Pro/Cho/Fats/Oils and supplementing your diet with whole food vitamins, and drinking RO purified water (1/2 body weight in oz. Daily.)

Before we go


Before we calculate your individual balanced macro-nutrient diet, I want to share some information about Fats/Oils because they are highly misunderstood today.

And the misinformation out there about them is also contributing to FMS and all immune dysfunctions, and degenerative diseases.

Essential Fatty

Acids (EFAs)

These are the GOOD fats/oils that are

essential to the body (which means

your body can’t make them so you

must get them from your diet) and are

important for cell membrane function.

Yet they are being taken out of our

food and substituted by Trans-Fats.

Trans-fats make “stupid” cell

membranes that do not function

properly. Trans-fats are found in

butter substitutes, margarine, fried

foods, etc. (Hydrogenated oils are

trans-fats – avoid these.)

Let’s look at What Good

Fats/Oils (EFA)

Do For You

Maintain cell membrane fluidity and stability

Important for proper cell division and genetic expression

Oxygen transfer

Energy Production

Immune functions

Conversion into compounds involved in all body functions including local hormones governing inflammatory responses

EFAs = Your Body’s



Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids are required to make the anti-inflammatory hormones – Eicosanoids, prostaglandins and


Without EFA’s you will always be in BIG PAIN! – Note: Steroids/Cortisone may kill

pain, but they also kill the body’s ability to heal where its injected.

– The late Dr. Templeton of Vernon, Tx, stated that steriods turn bone to powder. Given to a person with a fracture can cause a coma.

Speaking of


Here is a typical

Medical Scenario

in the life of a

Modern Woman

Omega 6

Found Mostly In

– Plant Oils

Canola (rapeseed)




– Nuts

– Seeds

– Soybeans (if on HRT avoid

soy products until after Saliva

Hormone Nutritional Analysis)

Omega 3

Found Mostly in

– Cold Water Marine Animals



Anchovies (Organic Pizza



– Cod Liver Oil

– Flax Oil

– Canola Oil and Soybeans

have a little

Saturated to


Fats/ Oil Chart

This chart lists all the oils and which ones contain the

most to the least of Mono-unsaturated fats, Poly-

unsaturated fats, And Saturated fats

– As you can see Canola oil is the healthiest.

– When using oil for stir-fries, use Sesame Oil.

How to Purchase Healthy Oils

– Must be refrigerated

– Must be in Dark Bottles

– Must be cold-pressed

Right now in Wichita Falls, the only place where you can

get all the healthy oils is Dr. Smith’s office as

– The only oil that meets these standards that can be

purchased in grocery and health food stores is flax


– Dr. Smith has canola, sesame, safflower, olive, flax,

almond, etc. and will continue to have these

available for her clients and the public until the

stores in this area become educated and thus carry

healthier oils.

Trans-Fat Slide

Avoid Food

Containers that Say

No or Less Fat

Without out essential fatty

acids your carbohydrates

will turn to fat in the body.

Low Fat foods and High

Carb diets (USDA’s food

Pyramid) has lead

American’s to being the

most obese country on


Food Pyramid


When the U.S.D.A. designed the Food Pyramid, Clinical Nutritionists were originally delighted at the idea since the four food groups had been misguiding people for years; however, the U.S.D.A. still missed the mark, and in fact, if you follow it, it will lead you to diabetes and many other high carbohydrate-related diseases.

The next slide will show my revised Food Pyramid.


Diet &

Enclosed is a PEP Step titled, Macro-Nutrient

Balance Packet, you will use these following tools

in your notebook to calculate your lean muscle

mass. Then with your lean muscle mass, follow

the instructions in your packet to determine the

correct ratio of Proteins to Carbs to Fats/Oils,

which is the true definition of a balanced diet.

– Tape measure and these sheets:

Body Fat % sheet

Female Lean Body Mass % sheet

Conversion Constants To Predict

Percentage of Body Fat - Women

If you still have questions on how to do this, you may

make a 30-minute appointment and I will show you how

to do this one-on-one.

Computing Lean

Body Mass for

Women Only

Measure Hips, Abdomen

(Waist) and Height and write

it down on some paper.

Use Hips/Abdomen/Height

Chart to find Constant A, B,

and C, respectively, per

inches for each.

Body Fat %

For Body Fat


Constant A (Hips)

+ Constant B (Abdomen)

= Total

- Constant C (Height).

= Body Fat %

Female Lean

Body Mass %

For Female Lean Body

Mass Percentage:

Total Weight in Pounds

X Body Fat %

= Fat in Pounds


Total Weight in Pounds

- Fat in Pounds.

= Lean Body Mass in Pounds


Balance PEP

How To Calculate Your

Daily Proteins using the

– The Anti-Inflammatory Macro-

nutrient Equivalent Chart

– Carbohydrate Classification

of Fruits and Vegetables

Clinical Nutrition


Now we will review some of the clinical nutrition tests used to identifies the nutritional deficiencies causing biochemical imbalances and organ/gland dysfunction as it relates to FMS

TISSUE MINERAL HAIR ANALYSIS – identifies minerals, both individual and ratios required for proper metabolic function, and interferences with toxic, heavy metals. This also provides information on the minerals affect on thyroid, blood sugar, adrenal and hormone function.

ADRENAL SALIVA ANALYSIS – identifies adrenal function, and hormone insufficiencies – the key to producing energy.

FEMALE SALIVA TESTS – identifies balance of estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, etc., important for bone, joint, emotional and hormonal health

NUTRITIONAL BLOOD CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS - provides insight on germ-factors, toxicity, etc.

Your Body Can Heal Itself

When Given the Tools To Do So


– First, make an appointment with a Clinical

Nutritionist to obtain Clinical Nutrition Testing

(blood, urine, saliva or hair) to determine your

specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Now if Dr. Smith was not here in Wichita Falls,

you would have to go to Dallas, Austin, Amarillo

or Tulsa, OK – as she is the only Clinical

Nutritionist in this area. Her clientele

encompass a 350-mile radius around WF.

Since 1981, by mail and the Internet, we have

had the privilege of assisting clients in 34

States/four International Countries. With a track

record of over 90% in assisting clients in

improving health, our outreach continues to


Step 2 – To Improve

Your Health

Second, based upon these

clinical tests, I will recommend

therapeutic whole food

supplements that will raise

these deficiencies and assist

your body in improving

biochemical balance and

organ/gland function.

(Caution-Nutrition Professionals

recommend synthetic /

crystalline their health, my


Steps 3-6 To Improve

Your Health…

Third, then I design a therapeutic food chemistry

dietary plan based upon your metabolism

(fast/slow oxidization) and the principles of food

chemistry (foods that work with your biochemistry)

Fourth, I will coach you on how to develop a

principle-centered healthy lifestyle to support your

improved nutritional biochemistry so you can

maintain optimal healing as you achieve it.

Five, I will also identify where you are interfering

with your body’s ability to heal itself and assist you

in working with, instead of against your body’s

innate healing process.

Six, I will evaluate other factors affecting your

health – electro-magnetic stress, environmental

toxicity, etc.

Call Dr. Smith Today To Get Started

at (940) 761-4045 or email at
