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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA

Negeri 10 Bulukumba )


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of education in English department


10535 2865 07







Alhamdullilahi Robbil ‘Alamin, first of all the writer would like to express

the researcher deepest praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given me His

blessing and merciful to complete this thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to

the final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The writer realized that many people had given their helps and useful

suggestion for the finishing of this thesis. Without the assistance of them, this

Thesis would never have existed. Therefore, the writer would like to express her

appreciation and sincere thanks to:

1. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd., the rector of University of Muhammadiyah


2. Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M. Hum, the dean of teacher training and education


3. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd, the head of English Education Department of FKIP

UNISMUH Makassar.

4. Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa , M.Hum the researcher first consultant who has

spend a lot of time to give guidance, suggestion and advice in the

accomplishment of this thesis and Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The

researcher second consultant who has helped the researcher in correcting this

thesis and also the researcher examiners who have give me suggestion and

correcting this thesis.

5. All English lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH whose name cannot be mentioned

one by one because due to limited space. Thanks for all knowledge and advice

that given to me, Allah SWT bless you forever.

6. The researcher beloved parents ……………….., …………………, who have

given support, motivation, prayer and working hard to see their son success

to finish her study.


7. All the researcher friends in English Department Students Associations 2009,

for their support and encouragement every time and everywhere, always help

in anything, give advisement and attention ‘’ keep our togetherness and

friendship forever’’.

May Allah SWT always be with us and give us power and guidance in

our life. Amen

Makassar, September 2015



FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Telp. (0411) 866972 Makassar 90221


Title : Imroving the Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Musical Drama

at the ninth Grade of SMA Negeri 10 bulukumba ( A

Classroom Action Research)


Reg. Number : 10535 2865 07


After being checked and observed this thesis been fill qualification to be


Makassar, Oktober 2014


Consultant I Consultant II

Dra. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, M.Hum Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd

Dekan of FKIP Head of English

Unismuh Makassar Education Department

Dr. A. Sukri Syamsuri, M.Hum Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd

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Reg Number : 10535 2865 07


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Imroving the Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Musical Drama at

the ninth Grade of SMA Negeri 10 bulukumba ( A Classroom Action


Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd

Day/ Date Chapter Note Sign

Makassar, Juni 2015

Approved by:

Head of English

Education Department

Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd

NBM. 860 934



TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... … ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................. iii

LIST OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... .. iv


A. Background .............................................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statement ................................................................................... 3

C. Objective of the Research ......................................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research...................................................................... 3

E. Scope of the Research……………………………………………………. 4


A. Concepts of Musical Drama ………………………………….............. 6

B. Concept of Speaking ……...…………………………………………… 11

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 21


A. Research Design ………………………………………………….……. 24

B. Research Variables and Indicators ……………………………………… 27

C. Research Instrument ……………………………………………………. 27

D. Procedure of Data Collection …………………………………………... 28

E. Procedure of Data Analysis ……………………………………………... 30

BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................... 32






A. Background

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving, and processing information. In teaching speaking process, the

teacher should be able to make students are active during the class. Hence, the

teacher should choose approach, method, strategy or technique in speaking so that all

students in class are active and able to participate.

Learning English means that learning language. Language should be

applied orally. One skill to apply language is speaking. Speaking skill is one of the

main points to master English because it is required to communicate ideas, opinion

and comments with other people in discussion situation. So that’s way the researcher

will focus on speaking skill.

Most difficult part of the task of the teachers in the teaching English

especially in speaking class laid on how to encourage students to speak. The student

often reluctant to speak when they in valve in speaking class activities. Why are the

students reluctant to speak English? Actually there are several factors determine it.

Some of them are motivations, needs, attitudes, and students learning style which are

called internal factors. The other factor is external factor, such as environments,

family, teacher and learning process in the class.


Based on the observation of the first year students of MTs Muhammadiyah

Tallo, the researcher found that the skill of students in writing is still low. The

researcher was given a speaking test (diagnostic test) and the students’ mean score in

writing ability was 61 rates, this score under expected by Successful Minimal Criteria

(KKM) is 70. According their teacher, it is happened because the students have poor

motivation in learning English. Although, the teacher has an approach of learning

process in the classroom, but it could not make the students’ interest.

Facing the problem above, the researcher would like to introduce a Method

that could be used by teachers to increase their teaching approach (In teaching

English specially) and can help the students to have better practicing in learning

English speaking, it is Musical Drama.

Using Musical Drama as a technique I teaching speaking in the classroom will

be helpful the students to speak up. In this case, the teacher introduces drama musical

as fun technique, next the students makes discuss how to make a musical Drama’s

script including the intonation, voice, stressing and character of then actress in the

dialogue and the lat the students practice their musical drama’s performance.

Considering the previous description, the writer conducts a research under the

title “Improving the students’ Speaking Ability by Using Musical Drama at the

eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba ”.


B. Problem Statement

In relation to the issues as process of problem identification, the researcher

formulates the research question as follows:

1. How does the Musical Drama improve the students’ speaking ability viewed

from accuracy at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba?

2. How does the Musical Drama improve the students’ speaking ability viewed

from fluency at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba?

C. Objective of the Study

Relating to the problem statement mentioned above, the researcher states

that objective of the study are:

a. The improvement of the students’ speaking accuracy through Musical Drama

improve the students’ speaking ability viewed from accuracy at the eleventh grade

of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba.

b. The improvement of the students’ speaking fluency through Musical Drama

improve the students’ speaking ability viewed from accuracy at the eleventh grade

of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba.

D. Significance of the Study

a. For the student, the researcher expects that it can have benefit for improve the

students’ ability to be master in speaking ability.

b. For teacher, this research can give contribution for English teacher to develop the

students’ speaking skill by Musical Drama.


E. Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is limited to increase the students’ speaking

proficiency at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba which covers:

accuracy and fluency. Accuracy cover by vocabulary & pronunciation, while fluency

smoothness and content by using Musical Drama.




A. Concepts of Musical Drama

1. What is Drama Musical

According to Hymes (1974: 53-62) Drama is often combined with music

and dance: the drama in opera is generally sung throughout; musicals generally

include both spoken dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have incidental

music or musical accompaniment underscoring the dialogue (melodrama and

Japanese Nō, for example) In certain periods of history (the ancient Roman and

modern Romantic) some dramas have been written to be read rather than

performed. In improvisation, the drama does not pre-exist the moment of

performance; performers devise a dramatic script spontaneously before an


According to Hodgson (1972) Drama is now commonly used to refer to a

genre of film or television which is more serious than comedy. An older meaning

of 'drama' was the specific mode of fiction represented in performance.[1]

The term

comes from a Greek word meaning action which is derived from the verb meaning

to do or to act. The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage

before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a

collective form of reception.

The structure of dramatic texts, unlike other forms of literature, is directly

influenced by this collaborative production and collective reception. The early

modern tragedy McLachlan (2008) by Shakespeare and the classical Athenian


tragedy Oedipus the King are among the masterpieces of the art of drama. A

modern example is Hanley (2001)

2. The Procedures of Musical Drama

According to Berry (1973) states that in implementation Musical Drama

role-play in the classroom, the teacher should follow some steps in teaching

speaking activity. Teaching speaking activity divided into three steps: pre, whilst,

and post activity. Those are:

a. Pre-teaching Activities

1) The teacher greats the students first, the teacher start to orientation the

general thing on the material that the students will be learn (asking the

general things about drama)

2) The teacher starts to illustrate what musical drama is about; the teacher

should deliver it in simple explanation in order to make the students

able to catch the point.

3) The teacher shows the slideshows that show a picture of people at doing

a musical drama

4) After showing the picture, introduce the lesson through asking about

what the students show and experience with the picture.

5) The teacher can pick some students randomly and asking their opinion

about the picture that they already saw.

b. Whilst- speaking activity

In whilst speaking activity, the teacher increase the progress of the

technique Musical Drama in running this activity into four stage:


1) Orientation or introduction the Musical Drama and divided the students

in to some groups

2) Detail discussion; the groups already to choose the title of Musical

Drama and the students explores their intonation, voice and the

expression of the actress.

3) Set up and concept plan; the teacher and students have to discuss the set

and the concept plan in musical drama.

4) Final perform; the teacher remains the time that allocated to the

students performance and the teacher prepare the scoring sheet.

There are some genres of reading texts are narrative and recount. With use

Musical Drama as a technique in teaching speaking.

c. Post-speaking activity

In the Post-speaking activity the teacher give the feed back to he

students performance by giving applause, command and reward by giving a

better score for them, after that the students make comment and evaluated the

other group performance.

3. The Advantage of Using Drama to Teach English

According to Kabaso (2003) states that music is an international language

that crosses all barriers. It is a way to reach out to people of any background who

struggle to express themselves as the result of communication impairments.

Communication is the ability to request/reject, socialise and simply participate in

life. Without it, one becomes incredibly isolated. Music has been shown to assist

communication rehabilitation in people with strokes, brain injuries,

developmental delays, autism, language/intellectual/hearing impairments,


dementia neurological/degenerative conditions (e.g. Parkinson's Disease), voice

disorders and stuttering. There are also the endless mental health benefits that

arise from both the use of music and the subsequent ability to communicate

According to Berry (1973) states that it is well-documented that music is

the foundation of communication, a concept that is of great interest to Speech &

Language Therapists. Speech includes rhythm in the form of syllables and melody

in the form of intonation. Early language development is naturally supported by

singing nursery rhymes to young children, as there are limited key words and lots

of repetition to encourage imitation. Music is fun and motivating and therefore

contributes to social development and rehabilitation.

It is unlikely that anyone would disagree that the most effective way to

teach ESL children is to provide them with opportunities to learn English in the

context of everyday situations with the emphasis on communicational skills.

According to Bailey (1994) states that drama is the ideal technique to use to

achieve this. Some of the aspects we will be looking at include:

a. Student‟s natural proclivity for drama and some of the reasons

b. Why teachers are nevertheless hesitant to use this method of teaching

c. The role drama can play in language learning

d. The problem of motivating children to learn and how drama can help

e. Choosing suitable plays

f. Some tips for preparation & performance


4. Tips for preparation and performance in Drama Musical

Once you have decided on the play it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty

of rehearsals. While older and more capable students can be given copies of the

play to read this is generally not advisable for younger and less capable children.

For all students, no matter what level they may be on, the emphasis should be on

speaking, acting and movement, not on reading lines.

a. Pre-learn the vocabulary first. Use it in songs, on flash-cards, in games like

Spolin's circle game and those in 161 English Language Games for

Children; chant the words, stamp out the syllables, act them out

individually – this is really fun when using words describing emotions and


b. Once the children are familiar with the separate words let them start

practicing the lines in the play. This, too, can be done as a game. The idea

is not to have individual children word-perfect in their own roles but to let

the whole class experience using the vocabulary in context.

c. You will find that if you give the children props too soon they will become

very absorbed in them and take a lot of time arranging them and so forth

instead of getting on with saying their lines! Therefore give out the props

when the play runs fluently. The addition of props is then a novel element

to keep the children's interest right through to the final performance.

d. Once all your efforts have been rewarded and the children are able to run

through their lines fluently, confidently and with the appropriate

movements and expression, arrange at least one performance, even if it is

only for the class next door! This is absolutely vital. Usually it is possible


to invite parents to arrive earlier to collect children from the last lesson of

term if you give sufficient notice, or arrange a special time. One can often

perform the play at the school, during assembly, or for a special

performance. School heads are generally proud to show off to parents so

even if you are a visiting teacher running after-school classes the head of

school still sees this as a plus that the school has to offer to prospective

pupils and parents.

e. Preparation of posters, invitations etc. could form the basis of another

English lesson. If the prospective audience has limited English skills

perhaps a translation of the play could be made available to them. I was

once asked for subtitles by a parent, which surprised me as the language in

the play was so basic, but in fact afterwards I realized that it is polite and

helpful to acknowledge the audience in this way.

f. Finally, if at all possible, take a video of the play. Not only will the children

love seeing themselves act, it will enable you to give them feedback later

and will provide you with a benchmark against which further development

can be determined.

B. Concepts of Speaking

1. What is of Speaking

According To Harmer (1991:12) states that when two people are talked to

each other, it means that the speaker makes a define decision to address someone.

Speaking forced on him in some way probably but still can say that they want or

intend to speak or he will keep silent. He has some communicative purpose namely


speaker says things because they what something to happen because of what they

say. He select from his language store. The teacher has an alternative capacity to

create new sentences if he is a native speaker.

Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Gay

(1981: 13) states that Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning

through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. Despite

its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and

English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of

drills or memorization of dialogues. Meanwhile, stated that the purpose of speaker

to speak is to communicate the message rather than to be nice listener. So, the

primarily of spoken is frequently concern to get things done in the real world.

Consequently, the listener must hear and understand what the speakers say in order

that the speak reach their goal.

Furthermore, Hopkins (1993:14) speaking is more direct, social and

prestigious than the other language skills. Most of act of communication through

speaking are performed in face-to-face interaction in which the interlocutors can

directly say their message, and some information and negotiate with their listener.

Additional, through the role of speaking we can utter or articulate sounds, words,

thoughts, opinions, and emotions orally. Speaking is also meant the interactive

process of constructing meaning which involves producing, receiving and

processing information.

Based on the description above, it can be inferred that speaking is an

activity of transmitting thoughts, opinions, and other information conveying


message through oral form that employs linguistic features and non-verbal


2. Elements of Speaking

Kayi (2003: 100) proposes three elements that are used as the parameters in

assessing the speaking skill. Those are accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility.

a. Accuracy

Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary (2008) states that accuracy is

the ability to do something without making mistake so that in conjunction

with speaking, accuracy is the study of a piece of grammar, a pronunciation

exercise, an accurate using language or some vocabulary work.

Thornbury (2005) conveyed indirectly that accuracy is the ability to

speak without mistaking features and rule of language such as vocabulary,

word formation, sentence formation pronunciation, spelling, and linguistic

semantic those are selecting to convey the intended meaning. Thus the rule

of language is also called grammatical patterns of English. As well as

using the grammatical patterns of English.

Accuracy refers to the preciseness of language or the use of

structure or grammar. One is able to speak English well if he/she has

capacity in using structure. But until nowadays, mastering structure is

usually the main handicap of the learners in speaking English. They are

afraid of making structural mistakes in their speaking.

In developing communication competence by accuracy and fluency

should be blended to develope students‟ communication competence.


Furthermore, he affirmed that the quality of students‟ speaking ability will

be better if they have good structure.

Widdowson (1985) stated that the criteria is used for defining

accuracy in most standardized tests includes components such as grammar,

vocabulary, and pronunciation. Accuracy refers to producing correct

sentences by putting correct vocabulary and grammar. Additional, teachers

who emphasize on accuracy will help the learners in producing

grammatically correct written and spoken English. The components like

grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, are described below:

1) Pronunciation

Layman (1972) states that in employing words from particular

language we have to obey the rules surrounding it. This is to avoid the

ambiguity or misunderstanding of meaning that may arise. The way in

which a particular word or language is pronounced is called


2) Grammar

According to Webster‟s (1996:9-11) the types of grammar as in

the following:

a) Concerned with labeling sentences with parts of speech. Analyzing

sentences mean labeling the parts their names and giving rules that

explain verbally how they may be concerned. It‟s called traditional



b) Concerned with how words go into phrases structure. Which shows

how some words go together in the sentences and some do not. To

the native speaker‟s knowledge of language. It‟s called structure


c) Perspective grammar, grammar that prescribes what people should

say. It is the rules found in school-books; say the warning against

final preposition in sentences.

According to Allen (1983) grammar as in the following:

a) The study of the language which deals with the forms and the

structure of words or we are called morphology, and with their

customary arrangement in phrase and sentences or we are called


b) The system of words structures and word arrangements of a given

language at a given time.

c) One‟s manner of speaking or writing it has to be learned because the

valuable transmission in speech through the understanding of

structural patterns.

d) A system of rules for speaking and writing a given language. And a

book containing rules.

Form the definition above, the writer concludes that correct grammar

refers to correct use of syntactical rules with interweaves the conveying

meaningful words in the context.


3) Vocabulary

In practice of language teaching there are kinds of vocabulary,

according to Harmer (1991:159) kinds of vocabulary consist of two types, as


b) Active vocabulary is referring to vocabulary that the teacher has taught

to the students or the students have learnt it. They are expected to be

able to use that vocabulary.

c) Words which the students will recognize when they meet them but

which they will probably not be able to produce. That is called passive


According to Good (1995:645) in the dictionary of education give some

definition as the following:

a) Vocabulary is the words having meaning when heard of seen over

though not produced by the individual him self to communicate with


b) Vocabulary is the content function words languages, which are learned

so strongly that they become part of a child‟s understanding, spelling,

later reading and writing vocabulary.

From the some definition above, the writer concludes that

vocabulary mastery refers to the conveying meaningful words in the

context use. Concerning to whom, what, where, and when the speaker



b. Fluency

According to Johson (1989: 90) states that Fluency means be able to

speak, write smoothly, easy to read to an easy word are flow or fluency is

to be able to communicate with base it suggested the flow an accomplished

speaker and writer. It is usually a tern of commendation. Fluency is the best

achieved probably by allowing the “stream” or speech to “flow”. There are

three the main factor in assessing ability, they are: fluency, Intelligibility

(accuracy), and Appropriateness (comprehensible). They will be explained

as follows:

1) Smoothness.

According to Nuttal (1982) states that oral communication is two

ways process between speaker and listener and native the productive

skill of speaking and the receptive skill understanding. It is important

to remember that receptive skill not imply passive both in listening and

reading. Language users are actively involved in the process of

interrupting and negotiating meaning.

a) Content

According to David in Hasriati (2004: 22) oral communication is two ways

process between speaker, listener and involve the productive skill of speaking and

the receptive skill understanding. It is important to remember that receptive skill

not imply passive: both in listening and reading, language users are actively

involved in the process of interrupting and negotiating meaning.


Both speaker and listener has positive function to perform simple terms,

the speaker has encoded the message He wish to convey in appropriate language,

while the listener has decode interpret and message. So content speaking skill is

ability to interpret and the message in appropriate language.

According to Heaton (1989, p. 115), the main factors in assessing ability, as


1) Fluency refers to how well a learner communicates meaning rather than

how many mistakes that they make in grammar, pronunciation and

vocabulary. Fluency is often compared with accuracy, which is

concerned with the type, amount and seriousness of mistakes made.

Therefore, fluency is highly complex ration relate mainly to smoothness

of continuity in discourse, it is include a consideration of how sentences

pattern very in word order and omit element of structure and also certain

aspect of the prosily of discourse. For example: A learner might be

fluent (make their meaning clear) but not accurate (make a lot of


2) Intelligibility (accuracy) refers to how correct learners use of the

language system, include grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.

Accuracy is often compared to fluency when we talk about a learner‟s

level of speaking and writing. Therefore, accuracy is essential

depending on the recognition of the word and sentences pattern of

speech. It therefore, involves us in considering the phonetic character of

conventional English, particularly from the point of view segmental


(vowel and consonant) system. For example: in the classroom, language

manipulation activities can help to develop accuracy. These include of

controlled practice, drills, study and application of grammar rules and

activities can help the students to „notice‟ their own mistakes.

3) Appropriateness (comprehensible) refers to suitability of language to

situation. It is also about the way in which informality is expressed by

choice of vocabulary, idiom system. Therefore, comprehensible is a

language input that can be understood by listeners despite but not

understand all the words and structures in it. According to Krashen‟s

theory of language acquisition, giving learning is the kind of input to

help them in acquiring language naturally.

a) Accent

For English as a second language, actually their accents are

different each other. Accent depend on their culture; the accent of

Javanese is diffrent to accent of Sundanese. In this world, there is no

speaker who can be taken to represent a particular accent or dialect.

b) Grammar

According to Simon and Schuster (1978, p. 792), grammar is

defined in the following:

1) The study of language, which deals with the forms and the structure of

words (phonology) and with the customary arrangement in phrases and

sentences (syntax).


2) The system of words structure and words arrangement of a given

language at a given time.

3) A system of rules for speaking and writing a given language.

4) A book containing rules.

5) One of speaking and writing, it has to be learned because the valuable

transmission in speech through the understanding of structural patterns.

C. Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework of this research in the following diagram:

Speaking Material

Musical Drama

Classroom Action Research

Cycle 1









Cycle 2

Accuracy and Fluency


The conceptual framework that will be the basic from this research and can

be visualized in figure above. The figure shows the activity process of the teaching

and learning process through Small Talk to activate the students‟ ability in


The main components above describe as follows:

Input : Refers to the students‟ material in speaking ability. There are two

factors should be focused to improve the students‟ speaking skill.

They are fluency and accuracy.

Process : To improve all of them, there is a method of teaching speaking skill

will be applied in this research. The students or the learners will be

taught using Drama Musical.

Output : As the output of the process, it refers to the improving of students‟

speaking ability, student can speak English well and fluently.




A. Research Design

This research applied a Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was

conducted through two cycles to observe the students’ skills to write English

through Musical Drama. Where, the realization of the second cycle was

continuing and repairs from the first cycle. It consisted of planning, action,

observation, and reflection. The classroom action research was carry out by

researcher and English teacher as collaborator. The concepts in every cycle were:

Cycle 1

Cycle I consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection as


1. Planning

In this phase, the observer made:

a. The teacher made lesson plan after getting the problem in the class by

Musical Drama

b. The teacher made instrument evaluation that used in classroom action

research cycle

c. The teacher made observation sheet


2. Action

The activities that had been done in this stage were:

a. Pre-teaching Activities

1) The teacher greated the students first, the teacher start to orientation

the general thing on the material that the students will be learn (asking

the general things about drama)

2) The teacher started to illustrate what musical drama is about; the

teacher should deliver it in simple explanation in order to make the

students able to catch the point.

3) The teacher showed the slideshows that show a picture of people at

doing a musical drama

4) After showing the picture, introduce the lesson through asking about

what the students showed and experience with the picture.

5) The teacher chosen some students randomly and asking their opinion

about the picture that they already saw.

b. Whilst- speaking activity

In whilst speaking activity, the teacher increased the progress of the

technique Musical Drama in running this activity into four stage:

1) The teacher gave orientation or introduction the Musical Drama and

divided the students in to some groups

2) The teacher asked the students to make detail discussion; the groups

already to choose the title of Musical Drama and the students explores

their intonation, voice and the expression of the actress.


3) Set up and concept plan; the teacher and students had to discuss the set

and the concept plan in musical drama.

4) Final perform; the teacher remained the time that allocated to the

students performance and the teacher prepared the scoring sheet.

There are some genres of reading texts were narrative and recount. With use

Musical Drama as a technique in teaching speaking.

c. Post-speaking activity

In the Post-speaking activity the teacher gave the feed back to he

students performance by giving applause, command and reward by giving a

better score for them, after that the students made comment and evaluated

the other group performance.

3. Observation

a. The situation of teaching and learning activity.

b. The students’ activeness in learning by using check list.

c. The students’ competence in applying “Musical Drama ”.

4. Reflection

After collecting the data, the observer evaluates the teaching

process. Then do reflection by seeing the result of the observation, whether

the teaching learning process of speaking text through Musical Drama .

The successful of this indicated in the first action.


Cycle II

1. Planning

a) Continuing the activities that have been done in first cycle to next cycle.

b) Repairing the weakness in the first cycle.

c) Designing lesson plan base on the results of reflection in cycle I.

2. Action

In this stage, action was done to improve the result based on the cycle I

reflection and focused in pronunciation and smoothness. The step cycle II

follow by:

a) The teacher asked the students made a dialog with their group

b) The teacher asked the student to practice their speaking performance

c) The teacher identified the students pronunciation error and their


d) In the Post-speaking activity the teacher gave the feed back to he

students performance by giving applause, command and reward by

giving a better score for them, after that the students make comment and

evaluated the other group performance.

b. Observation

In this phase, the teacher had observation the students’ activity in

learning process by using checklist observation to know the students ability in

speaking. After applying Musical Drama in action, the teacher gave evaluation

to the students to know the students speaking skill in cycle 1.


c. Reflection

Reflection was the activity of evaluating critically about the progress or

changed of the students and also the teacher. In this step, researcher observe

activity was result any progress and also about the positive and negatives in

learning. The reflection was success. The researcher did not need to continue in

the next cycle.

The score of the observation steps gathered for data analysis and

evaluation by the observer and then the observer can reflect herself about

successful of action research. The observers will evaluate in every cycle.

B. Research Variables and Indicators

1. Variables

In this research use two variables, they are:

a. Independent variable

The independent variable in this research is implementation of Musical

Drama . It is as the method use by the teacher when teaching the material in the


b. Dependent variable

The dependent variable is the students’ speaking skill in narrative paragraph

with the indicators is accuracy and fluency

2. Indicator

a. Indicators of accuracy consist of vocabulary and pronunciation of the

speaking .


b. Indicators of fluency are the content and the smoothness of the speaking .

C. Research Instrument

In this research data instrument consisted of some test speaking and

observation the researcher use those to get data about their ability and attitude in

the learning speaking through Musical Drama . Collecting data in this classroom

action research as follow:

1. Speaking test : use to measure the students’ ability in speaking

2. Observation Sheet: use to measure the students participation in learning..

D. Procedure of Data Collection

1. The researcher uses observation sheet to find out the students’ participant

in teaching learning process through Musical Drama . It would be do in

every cycle. It is summed at the end of cycle one and two.

2. The researcher gives test to students to find out their improving the

students’ speaking ability by using Musical Drama in learning and

teaching process. Researcher gives a test to students by following the step


The assessment of accuracy:

a. Pronunciation

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 They speak effectively and excellent of


Very good 5 They speak effectively and very good of



Good 4 They speak effectively and good of


Fairly good 3 They speak sometimes hasty, but fairly good

of pronunciation

Fair 2 They speak sometimes hasty, fair of


Poor 1 They speak hasty and more sentences are not

appropriate in pronunciation.

(Morris, 1991)

b. Vocabulary

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 They speak effectively and excellent of using


Very good 5 They speak effectively and very good of using


Good 4 They speak effectively and good of using


Fairly good 3 They speak sometimes hasty but fairly good of

using vocabulary

Fair 2 They speak sometimes hasty, fair of using


Poor 1 They speak hasty, and more sentences are not

appropriate using vocabulary

Morris, (1991)

c. Smoothness

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 Their speaking is very understandable

and high of smoothness.

Very good 5 Their speaking is very understandable


and very good of smoothness.

Good 4 They speak effectively and good of


Fair Good 3 They speak sometimes hasty but fairly

good of smoothness.

Fair 2 They speak sometimes hasty but fair

of smoothness

Poor 1 They speak hasty and no smoothness

Morris, (1991)

b. Procedure of Data Analysis

The data analysis in the classroom action research from the test will be

analyzed with:

1. To find out the mean score of the students’ achievement in speaking

through Musical Drama by using the following formula ;

X = ∑

X = Mean Score

∑ = The sum of all score

N = the total number of sample

(Gay, 2006:320)

2. To know development of the students’ speaking skill, the researcher

used percentage technique.



P : percentage of the students

X : the first mean score

X : the second mean score

3. To analyze the percentage technique by using this formula:

P =

P = Percentage

F = Number of Correct

N = Number of Sample

( Sudjana in Zainuddin, 2007:32)

3. Calculating the percentage of the students’ increase speaking skill.


Note :

P = Percentage

X1 = Cycle I

X2 = cycle II

1. From the basic standard above the writer formulates the standard score

for the total value of the students’ speaking by calculating the standard

score given, as follows:

a. Scores 90-100 is classified as excellent.

b. Scores 80-89 is classified as very good.

c. Scores 70- 79 is classified as good.


d. Scores 60-69 is classified as fair.

e. Scores 0-59 is classified as poor.

(Dekdikbud in Saleha, 2008: 22)




A. Findings

This chapter particularly presents the findings of the research that cover

with the description of the students’ improvement accuracy speaking skill and

critical speaking skill through Musical Drama

The results of the findings indicate that teaching reading skills through

Musical Drama can improve the students’ achievement in reading skill. For

further interpretations of the data analysis are given below:

1. The Implementation of the students in Musical Drama

The activity in action stage for cycle I is the implementation of the lesson

plan. It means that the implementation of every steps of the learning process

through Musical Drama which have been arranged in the planning stage.

In this research the researcher did some implementation there were; the

first meeting in cycle I, the teacher starts to orientation the general thing on the

material that the students will be learn (asking the general things about drama).

The second meeting in cycle I, The teacher starts to illustrate what musical drama

is about; the teacher should deliver it in simple explanation in order to make the

students able to catch the point, the third meeting in cycle I, introduce the lesson

through asking about what the students showed and experience with the picture .

The fourth meeting in cycle I, the researcher asks them to prepare their speaking



The result after applying action of Strategy showed the students’ score

was improving. This score was taken from students speaking test and calculating

through Musical Drama, mean score and data analysis after that the researcher

used the score of test to find out the students improvement but the mean score still

low was 55.75 so the researcher decide to continue cycle II. The eight meeting in

cycle II, the researcher ask the students to answer the question of the text that

contains some question of Accuracy speaking skilland critical speaking skill

Fifthly, the researcher asks them to re-check before submitting their assignment.

Then, the activities in the second cycle are: firstly, The teacher asked the

students made a dialog with their group. Secondly, The teacher asked the student

to practice their speaking performance . The activity in the second cycle is almost

same with the first cycle. Where, before taking action, the teacher previously

makes planning and implies it in the action stage. The difficulty that the

researcher find in the cycle I is the students still difficult to speak up about how to

pronounce the sound some vocabularies. So that, the researcher emphasize it at

the second cycle.

The result of revision is planning to resolve the students’ difficulty in to

speak up about how to pronounce the sound some vocabularies. Besides providing

some interesting topics the teacher also reforms many aspects such as more

relaxed in teaching, gives the students motivation before entering the main

learning material, explains the learning material clearly, raises the voice, and re-

corrects the class management, and time management. The teacher also gives the

students chance to ask the question, explains the students’ mistakes in speaking


(pronunciation, fluency and understanding) and guided the students in how to

speak well.

2. The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Accuracy through Musical


The use of Musical Drama in the form of teaching method of English

speaking skills could improve the students’ accuracy. It was proved by the reading

test as it was indicated by the significant difference between the score of the result

of diagnostic test and the result of test cycle I and cycle II in the following table

Table 1. The Students’ Improvement in Accuracy Speaking skill

No. Indicators

Cycle I Cycle II



Score Score %

1. Vocabulary 53.75 82.5 54.32

2. Pronunciation 48.75 78.75 61.53

∑X 102.5 161.25 115.85

X 51.25 80.625 57.925

The data in the table above shows the students’ speaking skill in accuracy

as the result of calculating cycle I reading’ test at the students’ speaking skill by

using Musical Drama . Where the students’ improvement of vocabulary from

cycle I to cycle II is 54.32%, and the students improvement of vocabulary from

cycle I to cycle II is 61.53%. The assessment of cycle I is greater than cycle II

(80.6255%. > 51.25%) .


Based on the percentages above there are significant improvements of the

students by using Musical Drama. To see clearly the improvement of the students’

speaking skill, the following graphic is presented.

Figure 1: The improvement of the Students’ Accuracy

The chart above shows the improvement of the students’ accuracy in

vocabulary from cycle I to cycle II is 54.32% and pronunciation 61.53%, so the

students accuracy improvement from cycle I to cycle II (54.32%). Therefore there

is the improvement of the students’ in accuracy and the target can be achieved.

Finally, the using Musical Drama is effective for students the vocabulary and

pronunciation in their accuracy in speaking skill.

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency

The application of Using Musical Drama in improving the students’

fluency in speaking is dealing with smoothness and content. The

improvement of the students’ fluency dealing with smoothness and content

can be seen clearly in the following table:






C I - C II







Table 2: The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency.

No. Indicators

Cycle I Cycle II



Score Score %

1. Smoothness 50 80 60

2. Content 50 73.75 47.5

∑X 100 153.75 107.5

X 50 76.87 53.75

The data in the table above shows the students’ speaking skill in fluency as

the result of calculating the students’ test in speaking skill by using Musical

Drama , where the students’ score is different in cycle I and cycle II. The mean

score cycle I is 50 and cycle II is 76.87. The achievement of cycle II is greater

than cycle I (76.87% > 43. 50%) .

To see clearly the improvement of the students’ fluency, the following

chart is presented:

Figure 2: the improvement of the Students’ Fluency





C I - C II

60 47.5




The chart above shows the improvement of the students’ accuracy

comprehension in smoothness from cycle I to cycle II is 60% and content 66.85%,

so the students accuracy improvement from cycle I to cycle II (63.42%).

Therefore there is the improvement of the students’ in accuracy and the target can

be achieved. Finally, the Musical Drama is effective for students the word

meaning and sequence of details in their fluency in speaking.

2. The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking skill

The implementation of Musical Drama in improving the students’

speaking skillcovered accuracy and fluency. The improvement of the students’

speaking skillcould be seen clearly in the following table: fluency

Table 3: The improvement of the students’ Speaking skill

No. Variables Cycle I Cycle II



Score Score

1. Accuracy 51.25 80.625 57.30

2. Fluency 50 76.87 53.74

∑X 101.25 157.495 111.04

X 50.62 78.74 55.52

The table above indicates that there is improvement of the students’

speaking skill cycle I to cycle II. Which in cycle I the students’ speaking skill is

50.62% and categorized as fair and cycle II (78.74%) which categorized as good.

The improvement of students’ speaking skill from cycle I to cycle II is 55.52%.


There is also significant improvement of the students the accuracy and fluency in

their speaking skill

The table above proves that the use of Musical Drama in teaching and

learning process is able to improve the students’ reading ability after taking action

in cycle I and cycle II.

To see clearly the mean score improvement of the students’ speaking

skill, following chart is presented:

Figure 3: The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking skill

The table above indicates that there is improvement of the students’

speaking skill from cycle I and cycle II. which in cycle I the students’ speaking

skill becomes (57.3%) and categorized as fair and cycle II (53.74%) which

categorized as good. The improvement of students’ speaking skill achievement

from cycle I to cycle II (55.52%)









C I - C II






3. The Observation Result of Students’ Activeness

The implementation of Musical Drama in improving in The

Observation Result of Students’ Activeness could be seen clearly in the following


Table 5: The Observation Result of Students’ Activeness


I 58,7 V 41,17

II 67, 5 VI

III 77, 5 VII 83, 7

IV 88,7 VIII 95

The result of the students’ observation in teaching and learning

process improved significantly through Musical Drama in improving the

students’ speaking skill. It is proved by the improvement of students’

participation in the first meeting of cycle I was 48,52% and in the last

meeting of cycle II students’ participation became 83,08%. It indicates that

the application of Musical Drama can stimulate the students’ activeness in

teaching and learning process.

B. Discussion

In this part, the discussion covering the interpretation of finding derived

from the result of findings is based on the problem statement, they are: 1) How

does the Musical Drama improve the students’ speaking ability viewed from

accuracy at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba? 2). How does the


Musical Drama improve the students’ speaking ability viewed from fluency at the

eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba?

The researcher conducted planning before the action, where he prepared

the lesson plan through implementing Musical Drama, teaching material, and

evaluation for students.

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Accuracy

The result of the data analysis through the reading test shows that the

students’ Accuracy in term of vocabulary and pronunciation improved

significantly. It is indicated by the percentage of the result of the students’

diagnostic test and the percentage of the result of the students’ test in cycle I

and II that are difference one another. The mean score of the students’

diagnostic test was 34.5. It is lower than the mean score of the students’ in

cycle I was 51.25. and cycle II was 72. 5. These scores got from two

indicators; vocabulary and supporting idea. The improvement of such two

indicators is explained in detail as follow:

a. Vocabulary

The result of the data analysis presented in the finding above

shows that the mean score of the students’ vocabulary was getting

higher from diagnostic test to cycle I and cycle II. In the diagnostic test

the mean score was 36. 25. This result was lower than the result in the

cycle I was 52. 5. The improvement is 44. 82%. Then in the cycle II the

students’ mean score was 75. By seeing the result of the students’ in the

cycle II that was higher than both diagnostic test and cycle I indicate


that the application of Using Musical Drama could improve the

students’ ability to identify the sequence details in speaking skills


b. Pronunciation

The result of the data analysis showed that the mean score of the

students’ in term of pronunciation was getting higher from diagnostic

test to cycle I and cycle II. In the diagnostic test the mean score was

32.5. This result was lower than the result in the cycle I was 50. The

improvement is 53.84%. Then in the cycle II the students’ mean score

was 70.. By seeing the result of the students’ in the cycle II that was

higher than both diagnostic test and cycle I indicate that the application

of Using Musical Drama could improve the students’ ability to identify

Pronunciation in speaking skill significantly.

In order to see the students’ score achievement of accuracy in any

level of scoring classification, it is presented as follow:

2. The Improvement of the Students Fluency comprehension

The result of the data analysis through the reading test showed that the

students in fluency in terms of smoothness and content improved

significantly. It was indicated by the percentage of the result of the students’

diagnostic test and the percentage of the result of the students’ test in cycle I

and II that were difference one another. The mean score of the students’

diagnostic test was 30. It is lower than the mean score of the students’ in

cycle I was 43.75 and cycle II was 71. These scores were got from two


indicators; vocabulary and pronunciation. The improvement of such two

indicators are explained in detail as follow:

a. Smoothness

Based on the result of data analysis, it showed that the mean score

of the students’ in term of smoothness was getting higher from

diagnostic test to cycle I and cycle II. In the diagnostic test, before the

application of Using Musical Drama, the mean score was 30. This result

was lower than the result in the cycle I was 43.75 with the improvement

is 45.83%. Then in the cycle II the students’ mean score was 70 with


b. Content

The result of the data analysis showed that the mean score of the

students in terms of content was getting higher from diagnostic test to

cycle I and cycle II. In the diagnostic test the mean score was 5.05. The

students’ mean score then got improved after conducting the action for

four meetings. It was proved by the higher score of cycle 1 than

diagnostic test was 30 with. The improvement is 45.83%. Then in the

cycle II the students’ mean score was higher than cycle 1. It became 70

.By seeing the result of the students’ in the cycle II that was higher than

both diagnostic test and cycle I indicate that the application of Using

Musical Drama could improve the students’ ability.

In order to see the students’ score achievement of fluency in any level

of scoring classification, it is presented as follow:


3. The Implementation of Musical Drama

The result of the students’ speaking skill in teaching and learning

process improved significantly through Using Musical Drama in accuracy

and fluency in speaking skill. In accuracy and interpretative speaking skill in

the first meeting of cycle I was under score and categories as poor and in the

last meeting of cycle II was higher and classification as good and the

students’ participation became good It indicates that the application of Using

Musical Drama can stimulate the students’ activeness in teaching and

learning process.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that the

application of Using Musical Drama in teaching speaking skill could improve

the students’ ability in accuracy comprehension and fluency comprehension

significantly. So, the target that was stated in the background to improve the

students’ mean score until 7.00 could be successfully achieved. In the other

word, teaching speaking skill through Musical Drama is able to improve the

students’ achievement at class XI of SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba.




A. Conclusion

After conducting the research about the implementation of Drama Musical at

SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba in class XI, based on the research finding in the previous

chapter, the researcher can make conclusion as the following:

1. The use of Using Drama Musical is able to improve vocabulary and

pronunciation of the students accuracy at the second year students’ of SMA

Negeri 10 Bulukumba in cycle1 and the improvement vocabulary is 54.32%.

and their pronunciation is 61.53%.

2. The use of Using Drama Musical is able to improve content and smoothness

of the students’ fluency at the second year students’ of SMA Negeri 10

Bulukumba in cycle1 and the improvement smoothness is 47.5%. and their

content is 60%.

3. The Use of Using Drama Musical is able to improve accuracy and fluency of

the students’ reading comprehension at the second year students’ of SMA

Negeri 10 Bulukumba in cycle1 and the improvement accuracy is 57.30%.

and fluency is 53.74%.


4. The implementation of Using Drama Musical is able to improve the students’

reading comprehension at the second year students’ of SMA Negeri 10


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the study by applying Musical Drama had been

effective to improve the students’ speaking ability, the suggestions are given to the

reader as following:

1. This is suggested to the English teachers that through Musical Drama as

the alternative teaching techniques in the teaching and learning process.

2. In order that the teacher can improve the students’ motivation because this

method includes of active, creative, and effective. The students are not be

pushed to memorization but they can find their learning result by


3. The researcher suggests to the next researcher not only focus in teaching

material but more creative to make the students interest in speaking.


1. Instrument (Speaking Test )

2. Lesson plan

3. Teaching Material

4. Attending List

5. The Result of Observation of Students’ Activeness

6. The Result of D-Test, Test Cycle 1 & 2

7. Observation Result of Students’Observation Sheet

8. Lembar Pengamatan Proses Belajar Mengajar



The 1st meeting

Procedure in the classroom

1) The teacher greats the students first, the teacher start to orientation the

general thing on the material that the students will be learn (asking the

general things about drama)

2) The teacher starts to illustrate what musical drama is about; the teacher

should deliver it in simple explanation in order to make the students able

to catch the point.

3) The teacher shows the slideshows that show a picture of people at doing a

musical drama

1) After The teacher gives orientation or introduction the Musical Drama

and divided the students in to some groups

2) The teacher asks the students to make detail discussion; the groups

already to choose the title of Musical Drama and the students explores

their intonation, voice and the expression of the actress.

3) Set up and concept plan; the teacher and students have to discuss the set

and the concept plan in musical drama.

4) Final perform; the teacher remains the time that allocated to the

students performance and the teacher prepare the scoring sheet.

4) showing the picture, introduce the lesson through asking about what the

students show and experience with the picture.

5) The teacher can pick some students randomly and asking their opinion

The 2nd


In whilst speaking activity, the teacher increase the progress of the technique

Musical Drama in running this activity into four stage:

1) The teacher gives orientation or introdu ction the Musical Drama and divided

the students in to some groups

2) The teacher asks the students to make detail discussion; the groups already to

choose the title of Musical Drama and the students explores their intonation,

voice and the expression of the actress.

3) Set up and concept plan; the teacher and students have to discuss the set and

the concept plan in musical drama.

4) Final perform; the teacher remains the time that allocated to the students

performance and the teacher prepare the scoring sheet.

The 3rd


In whilst speaking activity, the teacher increase the progress of the technique

Musical Drama in running this activity into four stage:

1) The teacher gives orientation or introduction the Musical Drama and divided

the students in to some groups

2) The teacher asks the students to make detail discussion; the groups already to

choose the title of Musical Drama and the students explores their intonation,

voice and the expression of the actress.

3) Set up and concept plan; the teacher and students have to discuss the set and

the concept plan in musical drama.

4) Final perform; the teacher remains the time that allocated to the students

performance and the teacher prepare the scoring sheet.

Post-speaking activity

In the Post-speaking activity the teacher give the feed back to he students

performance by giving applause, command and reward by giving a better score

for them, after that the students make comment and evaluated the other group


The 4th


The teacher gives test/evaluation cycle 1 for the student to measure the

student speaking ability \

After the teacher know about the weakness/problem based on the

test/evaluation cycle 1, the researcher will continue the next material.


Cycle II

The 5th


The teacher gives the students new item text

The teacher asks the students to discuss the text below .

The teacher Asks the students to point out what types of information are

covered in the text. For example, some students may notice a graphic

explanation, while others may point out the boldface definitions


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Auretto, all people lived peacefully

there. One of them was Charlita, the king’s daughter who was assumed as the most

beautiful and kindest Princess of Auretto.

One day, Charlita looked blue. Because of that her father got confused.

“What’s the matter my beautiful daughter? Why are you so sad?” asked King

Fernando. Charlita was just silent. She did not say anything.

Then, King Fernando decided to make a competition to cheer Charlita again. After

that, the palace representative announce: “I will make a competition. The aim is to

make my daughter, Princess Charlita to be happy and laugh again. Everyone who

can do it, will get a prize. It will be held tomorrow when the sun rises. Sign: King


The following morning, everybody came to the palace, tried to give their best

performance. They seemed happy and laugh, but not for Princess Charlita. She was

just silent and still looked sad.

King Fernando started to give up. No one amused his daughter. Then, there

came a young handsome man. “Excuse me King Fernando. I would like to join your

competition. But, would you mind if I took Princess Charlita for a walk?” said the

young man gently. “As long as you make my daughter be happy again, it will totally

alright.” said King Fernando. The young handsome man took Princess Charlita for a

walk in a beautiful blue lake with a green forest around it. Princess Charlita smiled

and looked happy after that. Every body looked happy, too. “I know why are you so

my beautiful daughter. Now, I promise I will environment green. I regret for always

destroying it. Finally, the environment around the kingdom became so beautiful and

green, full of plants. Then, the young handsome man got a prize from the king. “I will

marry you off my daughter.” said him. “That is the prize I promise for you. Thanks

for keeping our environment well. Thanks for making my daughter happy again.”

Answer the question based on the text

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

2. W here is the located Mount Merapi?

3. What is magma?

4. What is techniques the vulcanologist to measure the changes ?

The 6th


The teacher gives the students new item text

The teacher asks the students to discuss the text below .

The teacher Asks the students to point out what types of information are

covered in the text (Check). For example, some students may notice a

graphic explanation, while others may point out the boldface definitions

After check the important information, the student makes Line on the

paragraph/ sentences.

The Wolf and The Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his

lips at the thought of a fine goat dinner.

“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice, “aren’t you afraid you

will fall down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me

on safe, level ground.”

“No, thank you,” said the goat.

“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would

be warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area.”

“No, thank you,” said the goat. “But the grass tastes better down here!” said

the exasperated wolf, “Why dine alone?”

“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is my dinner

you are worrying about and not your own?”

The 7th


The teacher asks the student "What do you know about the text”?

The teacher asks to looking for the general structure of the

narrative text below.

The teacher asks the students to answer some question after read

the text below

Asks the the students to Line main idea and supporting idea

“Snow White”

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with

her aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.One day she heard her uncle

and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted

to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White. Snow

White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if

she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her aunt and

uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. Then, she saw a little

cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside.

There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the

dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “What’s your name?” Snow White said, “My name is

Snow White.” Doc, one of the dwarfs said, “If you wish, you may live here with

us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the

dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever





Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII/ Ganjil

Pertemuan Ke : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan

monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk Narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk Narrative.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:

Memahami dan mengungkapkan bentuk lakon dalam musical drama.

II. Materi Ajar :

Memperkenalkan tentang Drama musical

III. Metode Pembelajaran

Musical Drama Method

IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

Apersepsi/ motivasi

Memberi salam

Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Mengecek kesiapan belajar siswa

Memberi stimulus pelajaran lalu

Menyampaikan SK/ KD

Menjelaskan secara singkat

2. Kegiatan Inti

Guru memperkenalkan kepada siswa tentang drama musical

Guru memberikan ilustrasi tentang darama musical

Guru menayankan sebuah contoh drama musical tentang Cinderella

Guru Meminta siswa untuk mengungkapkan pendapat tentang tayangan

yang baru saja ditampilkan

Guru meminta beberapa orang untuk mengungkapkan pendapatnya tentang tayangan tersebut

3. Kegiatan Akhir/ Penutup

Melakukan refleksi bersama terhadap pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan.

V. Media Pembelajaran

Buku Th. M. Sudarwati dkk, 2006, Look Ahead. Erlangga


VI. Evaluasi/Penilaian

1. Teknik:

Tugas individu/praktek

2. Bentuk instrumen :

Uraian singkat

Contoh instrumen :

Ask the students to give opinion about the slide show of cinderella

Bulukumba, September 2015


Mustawaf Ansar

10535 3028 07



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / Ganjil

Pertemuan Ke : 2

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan

monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk Narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk Narrative.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:

Melakukan monolog dalam bentuk narrative text.

II. Materi Ajar : Narrative text

“Cinderella” Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her

father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her at all.

All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters.

Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every

home comfort. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses,

only her stepsisters’ hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No rest and

no comfort. She had to work hard all day. Only when evening came was she allowed to

sit for a while by the way.

III. Metode Pembelajaran

Musical Drama Method

IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

Apersepsi/ motivasi

Memberi salam

Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Mengecek kesiapan belajar siswa

Memberi stimulus pelajaran lalu

Menyampaikan SK/ KD

Menjelaskan secara singkat

2. Kegiatan Inti

Guru memberikan siswa sebuah naskah tentang Cinderella

Siswa diminta untuk mendiskusikan isi cerita tersebut

Guru menjelaskan tentang cara bermain peran dengan drama musical

Guru meminta siswa untuk mebagi diri dalam beberapa kelompok

Guru meminta siswa untuk memilih peran dalam cerita Cinderella

Guru meminta siswa berdialog sesuai dengan jalan cerita yang ada

dalam naskah

3. Kegiatan Akhir/ Penutup

Melakukan refleksi bersama terhadap pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan.

V. Media Pembelajaran

Buku Th. M. Sudarwati dkk, 2006, Look Ahead, Unit 6 hlm 160. Erlangga


VI. Evaluasi/Penilaian

1. Teknik:

Tugas individu/praktek

2. Bentuk instrumen :

Uraian singkat

Contoh instrumen :

Make a dialoq with your group

Bulukumba, September 2015


Mustawaf Ansar



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / Ganjil

Pertemuan Ke : 3

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan

monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk Narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk Narrative.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:

Melakukan percakapan dengan percaya diri.

II. Materi Ajar :


One day in the Kingdom of Arendelle, there lived two daughters named Elsa

and Anna. They live happily together with both their parents. Elsa, who has the

power to freeze anything she touches. Anna loved the snow. Almost every day he

invited his sister to play snow.

Anna : Hey, Elsa. Do you wanna build a snowman?

Elsa : Yes, let’s go.

Anna : Let’s build a snowman.

Elsa : Ta..daa.. Hi, I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.

They were playing in a room. Anna really liked the snow so much that she

slipped. Elsa intended to help Anna, but Elsa’s strength makes Anna’s head hurt.

Anna was unconscious. So she was brought by her parent to saw the trolls. Anna still

can be cured because the ice was not hit her heart. But her memories about Elsa’s

magic will be removed.

Since that time, the King locked the gates, reduced the staff, limited his

daughters contact with people and keep Elsa’s powers hidden from everyone,

including Anna.

III. Metode Pembelajaran

Musical Drama Method

IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

Memberi salam

Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Mengecek kesiapan belajar siswa

Memberi stimulus pelajaran lalu

Menyampaikan SK/ KD

Menjelaskan secara singkat

2. Kegiatan Inti

Guru memberikan siswa sebuah naskah tentang Frozen

Siswa diminta untuk mendiskusikan isi cerita tersebut

Guru menjelaskan tentang cara bermain peran dengan drama musical

Guru meminta siswa untuk mebagi diri dalam beberapa kelompok

Guru meminta siswa untuk memilih peran dalam cerita Frozen

Guru meminta siswa berdialog sesuai dengan jalan cerita yang ada

3. Penutup

Melakukan refleksi bersama terhadap pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan.

V. Media Pembelajaran

Buku Th. M. Sudarwati dkk, 2006, Look Ahead, Unit 6 hlm 162. Erlangga


VI. Evaluasi/Penilaian

1. Teknik:

Tugas individu/praktek

2. Bentuk instrumen:

Uraian singkat

Contoh instrumen:

Ask the students to make sentences that use Degrees of Comparison

(Adjective) based on the picture then tell the plus, minus, and interesting


Bulukumba, September 2015


Mustawaf Ansar



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 10 Bulukumba

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII / Ganjil

Pertemuan Ke : 4

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan

monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk Narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk Narrative.


Melakukan monolog dalam bentuk describing people.

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa dapat:

Melakukan monolog dalam bentuk narrative text

II. Materi Ajar :


(In a city, there is a grandfather Gepetto’s shop doll makers)

.Gepetto : "How happy I, if this sweet doll being a kid."After the grandfather

said this, there was a miracle

Pinocchio : “ Good afternoon, Dad!“ doll is talking and start walking.

Gepetto : “Starting today, you are my son. I gave you name “Pinocchio”! In

orderfor you to be a bright boy, you're starting school tomorrow,

yes!” (With veryexcited.)

(The next morning, Grandpa Gepeto sell his clothes and with that money

hebought a book of ABC for Pinocchio.)

Gepetto : "I will sell these clothes, to buy the book for you."Gepetto: "Learn

all right with this book!Pinocchio: "Thank you, Dad. I go to

school, and will study diligently

Gepetto: "Careful!"

(But, from the opposite direction of his school, there is voice, "Drum,

dum,dum, dum")

Metode Pembelajaran

Musical Drama Method

III. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal

Apersepsi/ motivasi

Memberi salam

Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Mengecek kesiapan belajar siswa

Memberi stimulus pelajaran lalu

Menyampaikan SK/ KD

Menjelaskan secara singkat

2. Kegiatan Inti

Guru memberikan siswa sebuah naskah tentang Pinokio

Siswa diminta untuk mendiskusikan isi cerita tersebut

Guru meminta siswa mencatat kata-kata sulit dalam naskah

Guru meminta siswa untuk mebagi diri dalam beberapa kelompok

Guru meminta siswa untuk memilih peran dalam cerita Pinokio

Guru meminta siswa berdialog sesuai dengan jalan cerita yang ada

3. Kegiatan Akhir/ Penutup

Melakukan refleksi bersama terhadap pembelajaran yang sudah dilakukan.

IV. Media Pembelajaran

Buku Th. M. Sudarwati dkk, 2006, Look Ahead, hlm 125. Erlangga


V. Evaluasi/Penilaian

1. Teknik:

Tugas individu/praktek

2. Bentuk instrumen :

Uraian singkat

Contoh instrumen :

Ask the students to describe someone orally in front of the class, then tell

the plus, minus, and interesting aspects from the people.

Bulukumba, September 2015


Mustawaf Ansar



No Name



Smoothness Content

Mean Score

1 Std-01 50 66 33 66 50

2 Std-02 33 66 33 50 33

3 Std-03 66 66 66 66 66

4 Std-04 33 33 33 66 33

5 Std-05 50 66 66 66 58

6 Std-06 33 50 33 66 41.5

7 Std-07 50 33 50 66 41.5

8 Std-08 33 66 33 50 49.5

9 Std-09 33 50 33 66 41.5

10 Std-10 66 66 50 33 49.5

11 Std-11 33 66 33 66 41.5

12 Std-12 66 66 50 33 49.5

13 Std-13 33 66 33 50 41.5

14 Std-14 50 66 50 66 41.5

15 Std-15 33 50 33 66 41.5

16 Std-16 50 33 50 66 41.5

17 Std-17 33 50 33 66 41.5

18 Std-18 66 33 66 33 49.5

19 Std-19 33 50 33 50 41.5

20 Std-20 33 66 50 33 49.5

21 Std-21 50 33 33 66 41.5

22 Std-22 33 66 50 33 49.5

23 Std-23 50 33 33 50 41.5

24 Std-24 33 50 50 66 41.5

25 Std-25 50 66 33 66 41.5

26 Std-26 33 66 50 66 49.5

27 Std-27 50 66 33 66 41.5

28 Std-28 33 66 66 33 41.5

29 Std-29 66 33 33 50 49.5

30 Std-30 33 50 50 33 41.5

Total Score 1308 1637 1400 1500 1341.5

Mean Score 43.6 54.56 46.66 47.33 44.71


1. Grammar

X = ∑


= 43.6

2. Vocabulary

X = ∑


= 54.56




WAKTU : 29/September /2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 A

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 A

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=30 1 18 11




WAKTU : 01/Oktober /2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=30 3 18 9




WAKTU : 06/Oktober/2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √ √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N0.30 13 17




WAKTU : 08/Oktober /2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N= 30 5 22 3





P : Rate Percentage

F : Frequency of the correct answer

N : Total Number of subject (students)

4 : The maximal score




WAKTU : 13/Oktober/2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 S

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 A

25 Std-25 √ √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=30 16 14




WAKTU : 15 /Oktober /2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √

26 Std-26

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=30 10 17 3




WAKTU : 20 /Oktober/2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 S

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25 √

26 Std-26 √

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=25 11 19




WAKTU : 22/Oktober /2015

















1 Std-01 √

2 Std-02 √

3 Std-03 √

4 Std-04 √

5 Std-05 √

6 Std-06 √

7 Std-07 √

8 Std-08 √

9 Std-09 √

10 Std-10 √

11 Std-11 √

12 Std-12 √

13 Std-13 √

14 Std-14 √

15 Std-15 √

16 Std-16 √

17 Std-17 √

18 Std-18 √

19 Std-19 √

20 Std-20 √

21 Std-21 √

22 Std-22 √

23 Std-23 √

24 Std-24 √

25 Std-25

26 Std-25

27 Std-27 √

28 Std-28 √

29 Std-29 √

30 Std-30 √

N=30 21 9





P : Rate Percentage

F : Frequency of the correct answer

N : Total Number of subject (students)

4 : The maximal score



No Name



Smoothness Content Mean


1 Std-01 66 66 50 50 66

2 Std-02 50 83 50 50 66.5

3 Std-03 66 66 50 66 66

4 Std-04 66 66 66 66 66

5 Std-05 66 66 66 66 66

6 Std-06 66 50 50 83 58

7 Std-07 50 50 50 83 50

8 Std-08 50 50 66 83 50

9 Std-09 50 66 50 50 58

10 Std-10 66 66 50 50 66

11 Std-11 66 66 50 50 66

12 Std-12 50 83 50 66 66.5

13 Std-13 50 83 50 50 66.5

14 Std-14 66 83 50 50 74.5

15 Std-15 50 50 66 50 50

16 Std-16 66 66 83 50 66

17 Std-17 66 66 83 50 66

18 Std-18 50 50 66 66 50

19 Std-19 50 50 66 66 50

20 Std-20 50 50 83 83 50

21 Std-21 66 50 83 83 58

22 Std-22 83 50 83 83 66.5

23 Std-23 83 50 66 83 66.5

24 Std-24 66 66 50 83 66

25 Std-25 66 66 50 50 66

26 Std-26 83 83 50 50 83

27 Std-27 83 83 66 50 83

28 Std-28 83 83 83 50 83

29 Std-29 66 83 83 50 74.5

30 Std-30 50 83 66 66 66.5

Total Score 1889 1973 1500 1500


Mean Score 53.75 48.75

50 50 64.36



No Name Grammar


Smoothness Content

1 Std-01 83 83 66 83

2 Std-02 83 83 66 83

3 Std-03 66 66 66 83

4 Std-04 83 83 66 83

5 Std-05 66 83 66 83

6 Std-06 66 83 66 83

7 Std-07 66 83 83 66

8 Std-08 66 83 83 83

9 Std-09 66 83 66 83

10 Std-10 66 83 66 83

11 Std-11 83 66 66 83

12 Std-12 83 83 66 83

13 Std-13 66 83 66 83

14 Std-14 66 83 100 83

15 Std-15 66 83 83 83

16 Std-16 66 83 83 66

17 Std-17 66 66 83 66

18 Std-18 66 66 100 83

19 Std-19 83 83 83 83

20 Std-20 83 83 83 66

21 Std-21 83 66 83 66

22 Std-22 100 83 100 83

23 Std-23 83 83 83 83

24 Std-24 83 66 83 66

25 Std-25 83 66 83 66

26 Std-26 100 100 100 83

27 Std-27 100 100 83 83

28 Std-28 100 100 83 66

29 Std-29 66 83 83 66

30 Std-30 66 83 100 83

Total Score 2445 2375 2400 21

Mean Score 82.5 78.75 80 73.75


Story of FROZEN



One day in the Kingdom of Arendelle, there lived two daughters named Elsa

and Anna. They live happily together with both their parents. Elsa, who has the

power to freeze anything she touches. Anna loved the snow. Almost every day he

invited his sister to play snow.

Anna : Hey, Elsa. Do you wanna build a snowman?

Elsa : Yes, let‟s go.

Anna : Let‟s build a snowman.

Elsa : Ta..daa.. Hi, I‟m Olaf and I like warm hugs.

They were playing in a room. Anna really liked the snow so much that she

slipped. Elsa intended to help Anna, but Elsa’s strength makes Anna’s head hurt.

Anna was unconscious. So she was brought by her parent to saw the trolls. Anna still

can be cured because the ice was not hit her heart. But her memories about Elsa’s

magic will be removed.

Since that time, the King locked the gates, reduced the staff, limited his

daughters contact with people and keep Elsa’s powers hidden from everyone,

including Anna.

Anna : (Knock Elsa‟s door.) Elsa, do wanna build a snowman? Come on let‟s go

and play.

Elsa : Go away, Anna.

Anna : But, why? Please, tell me why. We used to be best buddies, and now we‟re


Elsa : Please, Anna.

Anna : Oke, bye.

Until one day, their parents died. The royal throne was replaced by Elsa. Anna

was very happy because finally the gates open. Many guest will come to the palace.

Her dreams to met a prince will come true.

Elsa : Hi.

Anna : Hi me…? Oh. Um. Hi.

Elsa : You look beautiful.

Anna : Thank you. You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller. But more beautiful.

Elsa : Oh, thank you. So, do wanna dancing with our guest?

Anna : Should i?

Elsa : Of course.

Hans : Princess Anna, will you dancing with me?

Anna : With pleasure.

They finally dance all the night and both of them fell in love.

Hans : Can I say something crazy…? Will you marry me?

Anna : Can I just say something even crazier? Yes.

Anna : C‟mon. Elsa should know this.

Anna : Elsa! I mean… Quen… May I present, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

Hans : You Majesty. We would like… your blessing… of… our marriage!

Elsa : Marriage?

Anna : Yes.

Elsa : I‟m sorry. I‟m confused.

Anna : But why Elsa? We have a crush.

Elsa : I‟m sorry Anna. I don‟t agree. (Leave Anna)

Anna : Wait! (Anna didn‟t deliberately opened Elsa‟s glove and Elsa also

accidentally showed his strength in front of his guests.)

Elsa frightened. She left the palace and went to a mountain of ice where no one

was there.

Anna : This is my fault. I had to chase her.

Hans : Anna, no. It‟s too dangerous.

Anna : Elsa‟s not dangerous. I‟ll bring her back and I‟ll make this right.

Hans : I‟m coming with you.

Anna : No. I need you here to take care of Arendelle.

Hans : On my honor.

According to his promise, Hans keep well Arendelle. Meanwhile in the middle

of the journey, Anna met a handsome man and a deer.

Anna : Hi. I‟m Anna. I‟m the prince of Arendelle. Did you see a queen walk in the

snow storm?

Kristoff : Hi, I‟m Kristoff and I never see a queen walk in the snow storm.

Anna : Oh, okay. Would you accompany me to find my sister in the mountain?

Instead, I will replace your broken sled.

Anna and Kristoff arrived in an ice-based empire.

Anna : Wooww. So wonderful.

(Olaf come)

Olaf : Hi, I‟m Olaf and I like warm hugs.

Anna : A snowman? You can speak? Wait… Olaf? Olaf!!

Olaf : Yes, you certainly Anna. Want to meet with Elsa? Here I accompany.

Anna : (Knock the door) Elsa. Elsa… I know you‟re in there. It‟s me Anna.

Elsa : Anna?

Anna : Wow. This place is amazing.

Elsa : Thank you.

Anna : I‟m sorry about what happened. If I‟d known…

Elsa : No, it‟s okay. You don‟t have to apologize. But you should probably go,


Anna : But, why? Arendelle‟s in deep deep deep snow.

Elsa : What?

Anna : It‟s okay, you can just unfreeze it.

Elsa : No, I can‟t. I don‟t know how…

Anna : Sure you can.

Elsa : Go away, Anna. (The magic regarding Anna‟s heart.)

Kristoff : Anna, are you okay?

Elsa : I‟m sorry. Just… you have to go.

Kristoff : Anna, I think we must go.

Anna : I can‟t go without Elsa.

Elsa : Yes, you are

(They‟re leaving the ice-palace)

Kristoff : Anna, your hair is turning white.

Anna : Really? Does it look bad?

Kristoff : No, you look be… Um.

Olaf : Look beautiful!

Kristoff : Olaf! Um, Olaf said also true.

Anna : I was freezing.

Olaf : Only true love can heal you Anna.

Anna : True love?

Hans sent some people to catch Elsa. Elsa locked up in a prison in the


Elsa : Why did you bring me here?

Hans : I couldn‟t just let them kill you.

Elsa : But I‟m a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna.

Hans : Anna has not returned. If you would just stop the winter, bring back the

summer… please.

Elsa : Don‟t you see? I can‟t. You have to tell them to let me go.

Hans : I will do what I can.

Anna situation was getting worse. She was immediately met with Hans.

Anna : She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.

Hans : Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you. As

thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn‟t stand a chance. I know

I‟d have to marry into the throne somewhere…

Anna : What are you talking about?

Hans : If I should get married, I would choose Elsa, a queen of Arendelle. You

don‟t have anything. Now, I have to lock you in this room.

Anna : Please, somebody help. Please, please!

Olaf : Anna. Oh no. I will make a bonfire.

Anna : No!

Olaf : So this is heat… I love it.

Anna : Please Olaf, you can‟t stay here, you‟ll melt.

Olaf : I‟m not leaving here untul we find some other act of true love to save you.

I have an idea. Kristoff, he loves you. He will return to save you.

Kristoff back to check Anna’s condition, and Elsa who had escaped from

prison. Suddenly a storm override Arendelle.

Hans : Elsa, you can‟t run.

Elsa : Just take care of my sister.

Hans : You sister? She was died. She said you froze her heart. I tried to save her,

but it‟s too late. Your sister is dead… because of you.

Elsa : No! Anna.

A snowstorm suddenly stopped. Elsa saw Anna who looks weak. She

happy because her sister was still alive.

Elsa : Are you okay? Oh, Anna. Don‟t leave me alone. (Elsa hugged Anna. Anna‟s

body doesn‟t freeze anymore.)

Anna : I love you, Elsa.

Olaf : An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.

Elsa : Love… will thaw? Love… of course.

Arendelle kingdom wasn’t frozen anymore. Elsa and Anna lived happily

with Kristoff, Olaf, Sven and Arendelle residents who love them.


This is story of Cinderella. Once upon a time there live beautiful young girl. Called

Cinderella. Her mother is dead, but her father Lord Basil, has second wife now. Her

name is Sybil She is a horrible woman. She has a daughter her name is Alice. She is

horrible too and very ugly They live in same house. Some day Cinderella’s father

went work to another country and leave her alone with her step family. Her step

family pretended Cinderella like a servant.

#Scene 1 : in the Cinderella’s house

Alice : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…!

Cinderella : Wait, I‟m coming. Why do you call me?

Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.

Cinderella :okay i will take a broom in terrace

Alice : no ... no.. you must ironing my dress first.

Cinderella : i will ironing your dress after cleaning the floor

Alice : you didn't hear me. you must ironing my dress first . i have rule that

you must obey. If you didn't duty you know what will happened to you !

Step mother : What‟s happen in here?

Alice : No, mom. Nothing. Look at that, that‟s rat, rat…

Step mother : Kill it now!

Cinderella : Don‟t touch it. Let it go away

Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure….

Cinderella : I‟m sure mom. If we let it go, it won‟t come back to here.

Step mother :What do you talking about? I wouldn‟t say it. I would say „are you sure

want to get new punish?

Cinderella : a…, a…, a…

Step mother : Okay, let it go away. Then clean the floor and cook some food

quickly. And you can‟t dinner tonight

Cinderella : okay, mom.

It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday

#Scene 2

One day in the castle, there was a charming prince.

His named Prince. His parents wanted him to marry quickly, But he always

disagree. After that, The kingdom will make a party to choose a wife for prince.

T hen the Castle Guard spread that party to all houses in that country. Every

lady could come to that party.

Then, the Guard had come to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard 1 : Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invited you to come to

his dance party. Every lady can come. That party will be at Saturday night this week.

Thanks for your attention.

Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unluckily, her step mother didn’t give

her permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes.

At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she

couldn’t do it. Her step mother didn’t let her went there.

Cinderella : Mom, I have finished to wish the dashes and clean the floor.

Step mother : Alright…, now, clean the window.

Cinderella : But I have done last three hours, mom

Step mother : Oh…, DO IT AGAIN!!

Cinderella felt very sad by do the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The

Fairy wanted to help Cinderella.

Cinderella :Oh, God. I want to come to that party. But I can‟t. I have to finish it

first. Hey, what is that? W-who a-are y-you?

Fairy : Don‟t be afraid. I‟m just a fairy. I come to help you.

Cinderella : Thank you.

Fairy : Now, wish your face.

Cinderella ; Okay

Fairy : Then, this…

Fairy : Now, you can go there. But, remember, my magic just can until

twelve o‟clock this midnight. So, you have to go home before the bells ring.

Cinderella : Okay, Miss. But how about my task and punishes?

Fairy : Don‟t worry. I will have done when you go.

Cinderella1 : Thank you.

Fairy : You‟re welcome. Let‟s wear it! I‟m in here. Then, you can go there.

#scene 3

In the palace there was a big party. many beautiful young lady attended the

party. . In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to dance with

them. But the Prince didn’t want to do it.

Alice : Will you dance with me?

Prince : I‟m sorry, but I can‟t. Thanks for your invitation.

Alice : Don‟t worry. I can dance with my friends.

Alice : That‟s impossible. I‟m more beautiful than the other girls in the

room, but he didn‟t want with me.

Step mother :honey maybe the prince was nervous because youre very beautifull

Cinderella went to the party Cinderella came lately; the Prince surprised with

her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was Cinderella, except

Cinderella, God and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like

a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country.

Prince : Oh, God. Thanks. You give me a pretty woman.

Prince : Hi, lady. Will you dance with me?

Cinderella : Sure

Alice : Look at that mom. The girl try to attracted my prince. Mom .what

must i do?

Stepmother : be calm my honey , u must still calm down. My beautiful daughter

must look elegant in prince‟s eyes.

Alice : but mom, the girls is beautiful. Look the dress is expensive and

beautiful And i....??

Stepmother : u know honey in this whole party, who is the most prettiest girls?

Alice : who‟s mom?

Stepmother : hello honey .. its you. My daughter is the most beautiful girl.

Because your mother is really beautiful

the music begins again and everyone is dancing. Time is running so fast and then

they hear the clock strike 12 midnight.

Cinderella : oh, its midnight already. I have to go. No, I have to run. Goodbye. I

really had a great time.

Prince : Wait! What is your name? Where do you live? Do I know you‟re your


As Cinderella is running, she loses one of her glass slippers. The prince picks it

up and decides to keep it so that he can find this beautiful lady again. Prince

commanded to all the guard to take around the glass slippers and go to every

houses to find the mysterious lady.

#scene 4

In the next day, Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe.

But, no one can use that shoe. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard : Excuse me….excuse me…excuse me.

Step mother : wait…wait… I‟m coming. Oh, Prince why are you come here?

The Guard : Prince will look for the owner of it. Prince will marry with the

owner. Did your daughter come to the party last night?

Step mother : Oh, yes. They came to that party

The Guard : Call them now.

Step mother : Alice…, come here!

Step Sister : Why do you call me, Mom? Oh, Prince.

The Guard : Okay, try it.

Alice : Look at me The princess is me. (Alice couldn‟t fit )

(Something felt in the kitchen)

Prince : What is that? Let me check it.

Prince : Hey, who are you?

Cinderella : I‟m Cinderella.

Prince : Who is she?

Step mother : „A… just a servant

Prince : Try it.

Step mother : But, Prince, she just a servant.

Prince : I don‟t care. (Cinderella could use it)

The Guard : Wonderful!! Prince, she is your lady.

Prince : Cinderella, will you marry me?

Cinderella : Sure.

Prince : Okay. Lets we go to the castle!

Cinderella : yah, but….

Prince : hmm. Okay. If in your depend it‟s good for you, why not?

Cinderella : Thanks, Prince.

Prince : I‟ll do anything for you.

Step mother : a…., Cinderella. Now you can live happily with him and live in the

castle. So, we‟re sorry for our pretended to you.

Alice : Yes, Cinderella i have been jealous to you.

Cinderella : Don‟t worry. I have forgiven you in the first time. And I want you to

live in the castle with us.

Alice : Oh, Cinderella. You are a perfect lady. Thank you very much,


Cinderella : You‟re Welcome.

Prince : Cinderella! Let‟s go.

Cinderella : Yes, Prince.

#scene 5

Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Finally, Cinderella and Prince married.

Cinderella’s steps family lived with them in the castle. They didn’t pretended

Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the



Story of PINIKIO



In a city, there is a grandfather Gepetto’s shop doll makers

.Gepetto: "How happy I, if this sweet doll being a kid."After the grandfather said

this, there was a miracle

Pinocchio : “ Good afternoon, Dad!“ doll is talking and start walking.Gepetto :

“Starting today, you are my son. I gave you name “Pinocchio”! In

orderfor you to be a bright boy, you're starting school tomorrow, yes!”

(With veryexcited.)

The next morning, Grandpa Gepeto sell his clothes and with that money

hebought a book of ABC for Pinocchio.

Gepetto: "I will sell these clothes, to buy the book for you."Gepetto: "Learn all right

with this book!Pinocchio: "Thank you, Dad. I go to school, and will study


Gepetto: "Careful!"

But, from the opposite direction of his school, there is voice, "Drum, dum,dum,


Pinocchio: "What's that noise?" As to where the sound originated.Pinocchio: "The

drama dolls? I will sell this ABC book to buy tickets for the show. "and

even, Pinocchio watch the show.

Inside the tent theater, a doll's daughter would have been besieged swords

soldiers Because compassion, theater owner release the Pinocchio and gave him


coins.Owner Plays: "Use this money to purchase your lesson books."Pinocchio :

“Thank you.”

Then Pinocchio went to buy books. But on the way, Fox saw the situation.

Fox: "Good afternoon, good Pinocchio. If the gold coins add a lot, sure your

Daddefinitely more fun, right!

"Pinocchio: "How do I add this gold?"Fox: "Easy. You can put it under the magic

tree. Then go to sleep, then when youwake up, the tree will bear fruit a

lot of gold coins. "

Then Pinocchio escorted by Fox invest his gold under the magic tree.

WhenPinocchio began to take a nap. Fox digging gold and hung in Pinocchio on

atree, after that he went.

Fox: "Feel that!! Basic stupid kid. "

When it wakes up and find himself hanging in a tree,

Pinocchio: "Help!!!!"

A Blue Fairy Pinocchio saw the situation, sent an eagle to help him.

Blue Fairy: “Hi, Eagle! Save that boy! And bring it here! "

Eagle brings Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the

BlueFairy has been waiting for. The Blue Fairy lull Pinocchio in bed and gave

hersome medicine.

Blue Elves: "Well, take this drug then you will get better soon. After that come home,


"Pinocchio: "Better to die than drink bitter medicine!" The Pinocchio continues tore


Finally Blue Fairy became angry,And, "Plak...Plak...." Blue Fairy slap

Pinocchio. Then came four rabbits thatcarry the coffin.Pinocchio was shocked,

he quickly drank the bitter medicine.

Pinocchio : “Well ... well ... I drank the medicine.”

Blue Fairy : “Pinokio, why do not you go to school?”

Pinocchio : “Hmm .. on the street, I sell my books for poor children who arestarving,

and bought bread for him. Therefore I can not go to school.”

Suddenly , “syuut” Pinocchio's nose began to elongate

Pinocchio : “Why did with my nose??”

Blue Fairy : "Pinocchio, if you lie, your nose will be elongated up to the sky."

Pinocchio : "I'm sorry. I will not lie again. "Blue Fairy : "All right (smiling).

Woodpecker, peck his nose is."

Pinocchio's nose alsocome back again.

Blue Fairy : "Let's hurry back to the house, and learning to school!"

On the way home, Pinocchio meets the world to play with trains. Pinocchio

could not resist the temptation to ride.

Pinocchio: "Woww ... train the world play? I'll play until satisfied."

Pinocchio had forgotten his promise to the Fairy, every day he was just playing

around it. One day, Pinocchio was surprised to see his face in water.

Pinocchio : “Ah! My ears are so donkey ears! I too bear!” with a shout.

It turned out that other children have also become a donkey. Finally Pinocchio

becomes a donkey and sold to the circus. Pinocchio has broken his promise to

the Fairy, then he'll be punished. Every day he was beaten, and had to jump

over a hot fire circle. Although afraid, Pinocchio jumped fixed. Finally he fell

until he broke his leg. The circus owner became angry.

The owner of the circus : “Basic stupid Donkey!!! Better disposed to sea.”

Pinocchiothen thrown into the sea.

“Blup blup blup” Pinocchio sank to the seabed, the fish came to bite him. Then

the donkey skin off, and from it emerged the Pinocchio.

Pinocchio : “Thank you fish.” Actually Fairy see that Pinocchio has realized

hismistake and ordered the fish to help him.

While swimming,

Pinocchio : “(Pinocchio promised to himself) This time, after I came home I

wasgoing to school and study hard. I also will help jobs at home and keep Dad.”

At that time, “Hrrr,,, “ A big whale came close with a creepy voice.

Pinocchio : “Help!!!” Pinocchio is swallowed by the big whale

Inside the whale's stomach really dark. But a beam of light visible in the

distance. Apparently it was the grandfather Gepetto.

Pinocchio : “Daddy!”

Gepetto : “Pinokio!” They both hugged each other

Gepetto : “I went to sea to find you, and I swallowed the whale was. But it was here I

met you. Fortunately we survived!”

Pinocchio : “Come on, we're out of here!”

Gepetto : “My body is weak. You go!”

Pinocchio : “I do not want if not together Daddy.”

When the whale was sleeping, Pinocchio escape from the mouth of the whale

with arms Gepeto, grandfather on his back. With as hard as he swam until here

ached the shore. They rented a cabin nearby farmers. Taking care of

grandparents, Pinocchio works every day. Grandpa finally become healthy


Gepetto : "Pinocchio, because you're the one I was so healthy like this. Thank you!

"Pinocchio : "Daddy, from now on I will be more by again."

Suddenly a bright light around them,

Blue Fairy : "Pinocchio, you have to be a good boy."

The Blue Fairy appears, and change the puppet Pinocchio to become a human

child. Eventually, Pinocchio be a good boy.





Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

A long time ago, there live a couple husband and wife. Them have a very

beautiful daughter, the name is Bawang Putih. Her father was a seller, he like a long

trip. Them have neighbor is a widow and her daughter name Bawang Merah.

The Mama Red was jealous to the Mama White because Mama White is rich.

Same like Bawang Merah, Bawang Merah was jealous to the Bawang Putih because

Bawang Putih is more beautiful than her. One time Papa White want to go to the


Papa White : “Mama, I will go to the city for a some days.”

Mama White : “I just want to say be carefull in there!”

Tomorrow morning......

Papa White : ”Mama, Bawang Putih, I go first, take care your self.

I love you.”

Mama White : ”I love you too, and be carefull, Papa!”

Bawang Putih : “Be carefull dad, I love you too!”

And, Papa White left them. A few days later, When Bawang Putih going to

the river, Mama Red and Bawang Merah start their evil plan.

Mama Red : “Bawang Merah, what if we poisoned Mama White?”

Bawang Merah : ”Yes, I agree. We must kill her right now!”

Mama Red give a poison to the foods her made. And her give the poisoned

food to Mama White.

Mama Red : “Mama White, I made a food for you.”

Bawang Merah : “Ya, Eat quickly.”

Mama White : “Ouh... Thank you very much!”

Mama White carry that food to inside the house and eat it. But, she felt

dizzy and faint.

Mama White : “Help me...... Help!”

A few minutes later, Bawang Putih come back from the river and see her

mother faint on the floor.

Bawang Putih : “Mama... Why you sleep here?”

Mama White : “Umh... Bawang Putih....”

Bawang Putih : “Mama...Mama, are you okay?”

Mama White : “Bawang Putih..I‟m sorry..I can‟t keep you again..

take care yourself,kid!”

Bawang Putih : “Mama.... don‟t leave me,Ma!”

Bawang Putih‟s cry heard by Mama Red and Bawang Merah, them laught

happily. A few days later Papa White came.

Papa White : “Hello everybody....!! I‟m home...!”

Bawang Putih : “Papa...Mama...Mama, pa...!”

Papa White : “Calm down... What‟s wrong with Mama?”

Bawang Putih : ”Mama has been past away..”

Papa White : “...”

A few month ago....

Papa White : “Bawang Putih, I want to tell you something.”

Bawang Putih : “What is that?”

Papa White : “I want to marry with Mama Red, so she will to take

care of you.”

Bawang Putih : “... Okay, if that you want.”

And Papa White marry with Mama Red, and then their live together. Not

long after their marry, Papa White want to go to the city again.

Papa White : “Mama Red, I want to go sell something in the city.

Please take care Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih.”

Mama Red : “Okay, darling. I will take care them well.”

Papa White : “Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah, what you

want from the city?”

Bawang Merah : “I want many beautiful dress, shoes, and jewelry.”

Bawang Putih : “I just want a white rose and your safe.”

PapaWhite : “Okay.. I will get you ask. Bye..bye.. all!”

MR, BP, BM : “Bye..bye,papa!”

After their father go to city, Mama Red and Bawang Merah begin to rude

Bawang Putih.

Mama Red : “Putih! You must wash clothes, plate, and all kind of


Bawang Merah : “Wash my clothes until clean like new!”

Bawang Putih : “Y..yes, mom!”

MR and BM : “Quickly!!!”

Every day, Bawang Putih always abused by Mama Red and Bawang

Merah. When Bawang Putih go to the river, she feel miss to her mother. Then hear a

sound of a gold fish...

Gold Fish : “Help...Help me! Can you help me the sweet girl?”

Bawang Putih : “Who and where are you?”

Gold Fish : “I‟m here. Can you take down this thing from my mouth?”

Bawang Putih : “Ha?? You can talk? Oh, okay..okay I will help you!”

Gold Fish : “Puah..! thank you very much good girl! My name is Ikan

Mas, what‟s your name?”

Bawang Putih : “ Putih. How you can talk?”

Gold Fish : “Forget it, Bawang!

Bawang Putih has a new best friend. One day, Bawang Merah saw Bawang

Putih chatting with fish. Then she catch the fish and fried it. After that, she give the

bone of Ikan Mas to the Bawang Putih.

Bawang Putih : “What are you dong to my friend?”

Bawang Merah : “Friend?? That‟s fish! Are you crazy?”

Bawang Putih make a grave for her friend. And then, a miracle happened,

on the fish grave turn up a gold plant. And the news heared by the kingdom. The

kingdom sent a guard to take the gold plant for medicine the Queen.

Guard 1 : “We from the kingdom want to take the plant for Queen


BM and MR : “Yes, take it.”

Guard 2 : “Okay, I will take it. Ugggh... I can‟t.”

Guard 3 : “‟re tired! Let me try! Uggggh...hah..hah..

It‟s very hard.”

The guard and Bawang Merah and Mama Red can‟t take the gold plant.

Then, came Bawang Putih.

Bawang Putih : “Let me take it!”

Mama Red : “Bawang Putih!!! You must...

Guard 2 : “Ssssstt....”

And, Bawang Putih can take the plant and give it to the guards. Bawang

Merah and Mama Red give a angry face to Bawang Putih. 3 days later, the Queen has

been recover.

Prince : “How your feeling?”

Queen : “I‟m better now, I think you need go to the girl and

say thank you!”

Prince : “Yes, mom. I will go there. Guard get me to that house!”

Guard 1, 2, 3 : “Okay, prince..”

(In Bawang Putih‟s house)

Guard 1 : “Excuse me!”

Bawang PutiH : “Yes..”

Guard 3 : “This is it, Prince! The girl who plant that tree.”

Prince : “Really?”

Bawang Putih : “Yes,I‟m.”

Prince : “Thank you. Because the plant my mother has been

recover. And, I promise Will marry with a girl who

has been make my mother recover. So, i Purpose

to marriage you.”

Bawang Putih : “Immpossible, you must been wrong.”

Prince : “No, you‟re the girl. Are accept my purpose?”

Bawang Putih : “Yes, I accept.”

Bawang Putih carry to the palace to meet the queen.

Prince : “Mom, this is the girl.”

Queen : “Is that you, sweet girl?”

Bawang Putih : “Yes, Queen.”

Prince : “Mom, I purpose to marry her. Are you blessing us?”

Queen : “Of course,son. I blessing you.”

Tomorrow morning, the wedding ceremony is marry.

Bawang Merah : “Mom, why Bawang Putih Marry with the prince,

why not me??”

Mama Red : “I don‟t know, stupid girl!”

Bawang Merah : “Arrrrrghhh......”

Finally, Bawang Putih and the prince live happily forever.




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