Ice Melting Methods for Overhead Lines



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Ice melting methods for overhead lines


Masoud Farzaneh, Professor , UQAC, CanadaTechnical Vice-President , IEEE DEISExecutive Committee Member , CIGRÉ Canada

Outline of presentation1) Introduction2) Anti-icing and de-icing systems (AI/DI)

for overhead lines3) Thermal techniques

- Conductor de-icing- Ground wire de-icing

4) Summary

Introduction Heavy ice or snow accretion may lead to major outages of

almost any type Two different strategies may be used to protect overhead

lines against extreme icing: - Constructing stronger towers and cables- Mitigating the effects of heavy ice accretion

The most practical approach is monitoring ice loads and mitigating them before they reach dangerous proportion

This approach resulted in the development and implementation of AI/DI systems in several countries

Definition of AI and DI systems

AI Techniques are used to prevent or reduce ice and snow accumulation on exposed structuresDI techniques are used to remove or reduce

ice accretion on exposed structures

Classification of AI/DI methods

Passive methods Active coatings Mechanical methods Thermal methods

Combination of rings and counterweights forwet snow removal from conductors (Saotome 1988)

Top: Snow rings. Bottom: Counterflow wires added to conductors to provoke snow shedding (Higuchi 1972)

These methods do not require an externalsource of energy


Passive methods

Passive Icephobic coatings

Etched Al oxide /MOx/RF-sputtered Teflon®

Anodized and etched Al alloy + Teflon® impregnation.

ARFAl = 3.56

ARFAl = 3.4 to 6.3

Silver nanoparticles passivatedwith Zonyl 8740 on Al

ARFAl = 2.5 to 4

Icephobic Coatings

Active coatings and devices

Snow-melting magnetic wire developed in Japan

These coatings or devices require some electrical energy to be effective.

Example of evaluation result of LC Spiral-Rods

Mechanical methodsThese methods involve breaking the accreted ice to provoke its shedding. They are classified as follows:

Scraping methods Shock wave methods Vibrating devices

De-icing using DAC

Thermal methods

[Prud’homme 2005]

These techniques are based on the concept of heating line conductors with electrical current to force ice melting and shedding

Classification of thermal methods

Joule-effect methods- Conductor de-icing- Wire de-icing

Other methods-Dielectric losses, radiative waves, externalheat sources

Example of thermal de-icing




r R t

RAC : Conductor AC resistance (in /km)LF : Latent heat of fusion (in J/kg)ρI : Ice density in kg/m3)rC : Radius of the conductor (in m)rI : Outer radius of the ice sleeve (in m)CpI : Specific heat of ice (in J/kg/C)TI : Variable expressing the temperature of the ice (in C)TA : Ambient temperature (in C)Δt : Required time for melting (in s)

VMELT: Volume of ice sector to be melted above the conductor (m3)


Current required for ice melting

Current required for de-icing different conductors

[Prud’Homme et al., 2005]

Conductor de-icing

Load shift method Reduced-voltage short-circuit Contactor load transfer Pulse electrothermal de-icer

Load shift method

The scope of application depends on the systemconfiguration, power load available and ambient conditions

This method requires no additional equipment Because it may be difficult to control the power load, this

method needs a well-defined strategy and decision tools

The basic idea is to force more current through aparticular circuit as the HV lines do not generallyproduce enough heat to melt ice

Reduced-voltage short-circuit

DC is more advantageous for long TL with large cross-section conductors because reactive losses are eliminated.

This method requires the circuit to be disconnected from the network.

The basic idea is to connect a line to a source with the other end shorted, which requires to disconnect the circuit to be de-iced from the network.

Contactor load transferThis method is based on the use of switching modules installed on bundled conductors to control the current flow within the bundle. In de-icing mode, the switching modules force the current

through one subconductor only.

The process is repeated for the other subconductors of thebundle until complete de-icing is achieved.

Pulse electrothermal de-icer

Average power can be reduced bya factor of 100 as compared to acor dc current.

Requirements for significantmodification of the conductor andits thermal limitation duringsummer time, limit the applicationof this method.

Dielectric layer


External conductive c layer

This de-icer uses the current pulse to heat anexternal conductive coating surrounding theconductor

Ground wire de-icing

It requires a current source as well as the electricalinsulation of GW at towers.

Costs associated with the insulation installation are partlycompensated by the elimination of induction losses.

In remote areas, it ispossible to use an auxiliarydiesel generator to de-iceGW.

Other thermal methods

Method that uses steam as a heat source

Summary (1/2)

The AI/DI techniques include passive methods,active coatings and devices, mechanical and thermalmethods.Choosing the most appropriate method for aparticular line depends on the applicability of themethod, the basic energy requirement and theefficiency and cost of the infrastructure.

Summary (2/2)

Non-thermal methods are generally limited to local intervention

Thermal methods, for AI and specially DI, are recognized as the most efficient engineering approach to minimize the consequences of severe icestorms on overhead lines.

Recent publications

Thank you for your attention!


Thermal methods- Conductor de-icing

Reduced-voltage short-circuit The basic idea is to connect a line to a source with the

other end shorted, which requires to disconnect the circuitto be de-iced from the network.

As an approximate rule, for applied voltages of 12, 25 and69 kV, it is possible to get the required current intensity(1000 – 1500 A) for circuit lengths of 12, 25 and 69 km,respectively
