IAS Mains General Studies



Two Markers Sample Answers

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IAS Mains General Studies Sample AnswersHere in this section aspirants can understand the answer writing concepts and approach to answer a question in appropriate manner. These are our prominent contributor's model answers of some past years question, which asked from General Studies papers for CSE Main examination conducted by the UPSC

Topics & Model Answers

Main Recommendations of PFA adopted at the Beijing Women Conference, 1995

What is Lokpall Bill?

PM's 5 Points agenda for India's Development as a Knowledge Society

Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

President is not bound by the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers

Main Determinants of Voting behaviour in India

Regionalism and effects in Indian polity

Constitution and Sources of Indian Constitution

Nature and Causes of Growing Slum Problems in India

Technological changes and Sift in use of transport corridors in India

Himalayan and the Tibetan Highlands - Development of South-West Monsoon

Contribution of Revolutionary Terrorism Represented by Bhagat Singh

Mahatma Gandhi's support to Khilafat Movement

Salient Features of the Government of India Act 1858 and 1909

Crisis of the colonial order during 1919 and 1939

Character of Socio-Religious Reforms in 19th Century

Why reverse osmosis become popular in India?

Bio-refinery versus Fossil Fuels

Nanoscience & Nanotechnology have

Crippling the king in Nepal

Sources of Industrial Finance in India, Benefits from Developments

Panchayati System Implementation - Restructuring of the Indian polity

Distinguish between judicial review and judicial activism in India

Union and States Financial relations in India

Political / Regional boundaries need to be co-terminus

Factors to need for water harvesting in rural and urban India

Resource bases for Economic Development of Jharkhand and Uttranchal

Congress come to accept the partition of India.

Contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in India’s freedom

Montagu-chelmsford Report

Subordinate Union Towards Princely States Policy

Positive Steps taken by the British to Modernise India

IAS Main GS Model Answer: Important Topics (Set-5)

Non-cooperation Movement gave new direction and energy to the National Movement

Discuss the British vision of India had no single coherent set of ideas

Discuss the Emergence of Social Classes in British India

Economic backwardness as a major Challenge in Indian democracy

revolutionised Modern Technology

What is optical computing? Why it much better than electronic computing?

Right to Freedom of religion as enshrined in the Indian constitution

Constitutional limitations on the free movements of the country

States tackled the trade-off between environment & development

Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education in India

Disaster Management, Steps to tackle Natural Disasters

Eco-tourism, Measures to promote in India

Information Technology in Health Management in India

Soils Erosion & Its Control in India

Sethusamudram Project

India’s Effort for Permanent Seat in the UN Security Council

Indo-Iran Gas Pipeline (Political Economic Implications)

Afghanistan - Developments in Post-Taliban period

Functions of European Free Trade Association

Ramifications of Hunger in Africa

Reasons for Industrial sickness in India

Indian Economy - Role of External Financial Assistance

Objectives of Latin American Reserve Fund

India, China & Russia's Grand axis: Challenge the Unipolar Supremacy

China-US Textile War

Sources of Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiations & Effects

Digital Convergence - Implications For

Constitution Amendment Bill and Ordinary Legislative Bill

Inter-State Council Establish Co-ordination between States

High Courts Power to issue 'writs' wider than Supreme Court

Social and Economic Consequences of Abolishing Child Labour in India

Implication of Intellectual Property Clauses after joining the WTO

US Policy on Iran’s Nuclear Programmer

Terrorism Sources in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Crippling the king in Nepal

Sources of Industrial Finance in India, Benefits from Developments

Panchayati System Implementation - Restructuring of the Indian polity

Distinguish between judicial review and judicial activism in India

Union and States Financial relations in India

Political / Regional boundaries need to be co-terminus

Factors to need for water harvesting in rural and urban India

Resource bases for Economic Development of Jharkhand and Uttranchal

Congress come to accept the partition of India.

Contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in India’s freedom

Montagu-chelmsford Report

Subordinate Union Towards Princely States Policy

Positive Steps taken by the British to Modernise India

Non-cooperation Movement gave new direction and energy to the National Movement

Modern Society

Government of India Act, 1935 & constitutional Development in India

Similarities between Lord Curzon and Jawahar Lal Nehru

Environmentalists Regard Asbestos and Plythene as Pollutants

Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru's views on Indian Nationalism

Indian Renaissance: Characterise the Main Features

Right to Life & Personal Liberty. How Courts expanded its meaning?

How a member disqualified from House of Parliament?

Attitude of Industrialists towards Indian National Congress

'Strategic Partnership' between India and USA & Its implications

Economic backwardness as a major Challenge in Indian democracy

Constitution Amendment Bill and Ordinary Legislative Bill

Inter-State Council Establish Co-ordination between States

High Courts Power to issue 'writs' wider than Supreme Court

Social and Economic Consequences of Abolishing Child Labour in India

Discuss the British vision of India had no single coherent set of ideas

Discuss the Emergence of Social Classes in British India

Implication of Intellectual Property Clauses after joining the WTO

US Policy on Iran’s Nuclear Programmer

Terrorism Sources in Pakistan and Afghanistan

General Studies 2 Markers

IAS Main GS - 2 Marker Question Answers (Set-1)

IAS Main GS - 2 Marker Question Answers (Set-2)

IAS Main GS - 2 Marker Question Answers (Set-3)

IAS Main GS - 2 Marker Question Answers (Set-4)

IAS Main GS - 2 Marker Question Answers (Set-5)

IAS Mains General Studies Sample Answers

Two Marker Sample Answer

PART - 1

(a) Indian in China: Indian businessmen are opening production facilities in China with increasing trade. The number of Indians in China is also increasing due to greater liberalization of both the economies.

(b) Cyber-terrorism: Hacking, stalking and entering viruses are form of cyber-terrorism to create economic strategic loss and Political propaganda. This is spread through internet and computers.

(c) Military rule in Myanmar: Myanmar is ruled by State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) dictated by military generals. The chairman in Than Shwe and recently the liberal Prime Minister Khn Nyunt was removed. There is a movement for democracy under Aung San Sunkyi against military rule.

(d) Camp Davis Accord of 1978: The USA mediated Peace agreement between Egyptian President, Sadat and Iserael’s PM Mechanem begin to maintain peace in the middle-east.

(e) Future of Indian expatriates in the Gulf: Return of many expatriates to India from Gulf countries due to restrictions placed on migrant communities, but there are other field opening like knowledge sector and IT, where there is growing demand for Indians in the Gulf.

(f) Full convertibility: It refers to the total freedom by which a domestic currency may be converted into a foreign currency and vice-versa.

(g) Physical Quality Life Index: Jim Grant has propagated this index. It was following indices:(i) Life Expectancy.(ii) Infant Mortality Rate(iii) Adult Literacy.

(h) Differences between absolute poverty and relative poverty: When a person is deprived of basic minimum needs, it is termed as absolute poverty. According to UN parameters earning less than $1 per day is treated as absolute poverty. Relative poverty is in relation to other strata of the society.

(i) India-US Nuclear Pact: India was agreed to put its all civilian nuclear facilities under the IAEA Inspections and Safeguard while the USA agreed to supply. India with fuel for them under Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Pact.

(j) Medical Tourism: India promoting itself as an effective, cheap destination for health and medical solutions especially providing super-specialty services in medicine.

PART - 2

(a) Mekong-Ganga co-operation: It is a group of six nations, India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Combodia, of the rivers Ganga and Mekong region for economic cooperation, established in 2000 in Vientiane, Laos.

(b) IFC: International Finance Corporation, an organ of the Work Bank group aimed at growth of private government enterprises.

(c) Crude oil price and Indian economy: Rapidly rising crude oil prices has led to increase in import bill and has an adverse effect on improving balance of trade in Indian economy.

(d) Gandhian Economy: Gandhiji concepted for village and agriculture based economy, village industries and allied activities to grow, making villages a self-sufficient units with full employement.

(e) Second Green Revlution: Rapid improvement in the productivity of diverse crops which is environmentally sustainable and promotes balanced regional growth.

(f) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yojana: This scheme was launched to set up residential schools for elementary level education in 2004-05 for SC, ST, OBC and minorities girls.

(g) Euro-Control: Emission norms regarding vehicular pollution having different stages viz. Euro-I, II, III. These norms are known in Indias Bharat-I, II, III etc.

(h) Dow Jones: Dow Jones is New York based stock exchange. In this exchange shares listed are very sensitive.

(i) ‘Bluetooth’: A wireless technology to connect one device to another, e.g. computers, multimedia kits, mobile phones for a short distance and transmitting data to one another.

(j) MFN status to India by Pakistan: MFN status will and discrimination in trade, Pakistan has not accorded MFN status to India.

(k) Notion of development of under development: This is the concept of negative growth where the GDP is declining e.g. in Sub-Saharan Africa the new areas e.g., falling life expectancy due to AIDS and hunger.

(l) Cost-push inflation: Cost-push inflation indicates rise in price due to increase in the cost of production. It because of rise in prices of raw material, imposition of heavy taxes, rise in wages, and rise in profit margin. All or some of these factors are responsible for the cost-push inflation.

(m) Green GDP: Guidelines to renew development goals by tracking economic output and take environmental issues into account.

(n) Terms of reference of the Abid Hussain Committee: This committee was set up to suggest measures for growth of small scale and village industries and remove weaknesses from it.

PART - 3

(a) Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM): GEM is a concept based on a composite Index. Three areas are included in it:(i) Economic resources,(ii) Political participation,(iii) Economic participation and decision making