i B r - NYS Historic...


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j :

OGDENSBUBGH ACADEMY.»t Bating recently held of tbe Patron* ofitmrgh High School, for,*>me tune pool

_ _ ^fa*i|«r«iten,aBBceo|Ctt»BeT.I»»Pettibon*»;and the Patron* of tha Ogdensburgh Academy, forK»njf y«»r» wpetmtended by Mr-Josiah Perry, itwM*e»oJTed nnwunyawly, t u t these two institu-tions »hpuld be »nd they hereby ana muted, underthe n»me of tha Ogdensburgh Academy, under theaupurmtendcnc* of the Her John A. Savage itwill.m&ddttionto, theWpertoion otthe whole,takespecial charge «f the classical denartmeht, either per-*on*U»^ by an *»w»tanl teacher Mr. Jomah Perry,Vilm wB bo*» long knownHn. £h»*nd the adjoining

vaS»n enterprising and swcewFol teacher,1 *peci»l,.chwge or the English, department;do depar,tnient is committed to the care of

a, Who is already well known to our com'

"government and discipline <if the school m. all-





!bft *M*&

of * cetttin


effect-ftaiti bust?

;es his whole


and Commissiou Businewi, from tbe

vnW»ter-8,treet,QpposiieE.Lusher'sMansion House, B e ^ |>Jpem ed tpjforrward all property that may i e consigned

roe fof Montreal or other-places on theSt» Lawrence riv;er with despatch and onas reasonable teims as any other reBpousi-

H o u s e . ' • •.. -. :. - • •• •>

, ^nts \wll as nearly^ as. pwblo be made, - ^ j paternal, characterised by culdoeas combinedftb.firinne«3 awl corporeal punishment, except©

cijtrctne "CMes wijt bV avoided. Torp«rent» anagMsidiaMTinimejJiatefjr at tho WWNty of Ogdens*burgh, it us unnecessary for jthe trustee to give *«JPattupuice*-, »» the teachers are too well known to-wo«»»*nr, 1V> t h w abroad, the Board beg lea.veV«ajf towy W* aJTthat aHnnteietted, that they; ^.fetaOT^oTlEta

committed to the. bosom of this, institution, will have Sall that ewe Jtatovred upon their mtsllectiwl alia Q'tuoni CBlUy*9»fi~which can be securedaVany otherji*tltotwtt in tliis region of country.

Ud o g r p y , reading, mental, arithmetic, and Serfesawi in geography per quarter, $8 00e abov«i studies and geography th th

w g g p y p q t ,Ybe abov«i studies, and geography with, the

«9«of globe*, English grammar, practipal^ a^rthmetiCj penmanship, history ^.rhetoric

ana composition,,Book-keeping, tiatural and moral p

h ^ b i f t h l > t

4 00'

uniting, embroidtf ry,Latin>, Greek,:h languages, : .

'Aft.ipportunity will be furni9hed tcfjshr to acquire a knowledge of-music,

inst^Ktwa oC.Mr. Dana, who is an accomplices.©erformer in jyocal and instrumental music Jtfr.lOana" yyilleive Tesons on tbe piano forte and organ,at^IOperquarter.

The school will be opened on the 20th iflst in.' theAcademy rooms, hitherto occupied by JVfi; Fiwhichiiave been rented for th^jpurpos^ i t veil ..4<*ti*ctlj Understood, thaf no student need appljiforadatiwon for a less term than the time between/tab-flay of entrance and the- conclusion of the quarter. . ,

A boarding house is attached to the Academy,-Where those who may desire. itk can be accommd-

in c6nneSi'ot Wth the New-York Loek,i*a tit.iata eateft^vHead"":. . : "


iaisrtsite'VeiBieriofeiihisical• tlfe- „..._ _ 4

1 .at .ib<M%psalatoiiDr.

^ a ^ M i M i a f l y a^Mvl „s impression none need "despair

[ d ii!d;ciaB^i}tion ^y


JOHU FlKB,B> S. Dorr,

* G. ST SBo^

-OgdanAurgh, AI»y3ff,



. WHITAKER haa.esta"blished a school irifireeof Ogdenstiurgb, at therooms formerly occisf

j y Mr. Petbbone.for the Ogdensburgh High,Schooi* ItHflUder the Immediate care ofJUr VVJ>|6.*ker and his daughters All the diflerent branchesef •Education usually taught in Academies and Higli&hool» are here taught »ith success. The under«

T«gued hare h«d children taught in. the school, sinceits cc*nmeucement,*Dd can conSdenily recommeiKjit a*-worthy the. confidence and patronage of the

^public In thorough and effective fnstrtfetion in alltfe'Brancbe* of * useful and polite education j ingotAotitt, mild and paternal government and irt:itsmonttnAoenoe ott the mind* of youth, we are nnr-

~eu*de4 no tchool in the Northern put of this State**ce«d«jfc~ a


•ffiediftrent branches of EnjlUhEducation . $400T5e»a»e,-with Latin and Greek . .» SO0

ttt TKITtUKI SXr JLKTXKHT.Orthopaphy, Reading, JTenlalAnthmetic.ind

gilt f f i i n i n f!rnfir>rTiT . . . . . . , . . . * . - . . 800n^lxr tc . . with Penmanship, JButory, Geog-

hy, Engluh Grammar,. Arithmetic, BoU-dt EUtThe abore, with Drawing, Painting, Embrmd-d O t m d l k 500

i t i f p T S n j S c h o I a r e u l ba«« JLcssonsmtha Kano Forte, either from Mr Sana, or ifrs.Church, though neither of these Tcichertare conuecWI with the School. — ': •BOA.1U> in Mr. Whitaker's family, mclnding

L d 6 kincwmg | l> ' ^e t

- - lTb*BestQuarterwiUcomminctoathejQurteenlhd«TofAugiMt ensuinjt- Persons wishing: t o sendScholars to a Boarding School will find numerousadrantager in placing them flitder the care of Mr."HUUtAlwrand haramrfjr.t Apateitjal care will beeonitvittjrexerciwd«^«rt^Btt. "TBe Scbool RoomsareinasatmdaiWUfeatkBtiwrSif the village. AbeSehaht* WiUhttTe-hiefar* them examples of tho rnost

l)*ftniifr of Mr, Whitakerand tbeir style

*». W



X3J* thii Tiliag* on Snnday the 29th ult.

. a caikll .Calf Skin Wallet, containingone Ml* of feaitd, of #25, payabte on thel f t* f J*n»«T next,t« Pfaiflip Peterson,jdvm by TfcottiM Greene, dated Rich mond,%.«?. itMr-per*o« baring found the same•ft* wm te*»« ItTt ljbi» office wiirbejuil

W d i

- s * STORIE, ha> jut received a

Be«r «*feawal aanrtatebt of*

v j>sy GOODS,fihoes, CrockeTy.Glass and HardOH and Oroo«rto«,aitf »gK*t vwnbitf of«<her article* too no-JMUW to a«cotiM, which be will wit ai

a#tb« «*«*pe«t for ready pay/ AlloiFj«i«ee take, for Goodi.«' * ' * L.MORRIS.

»»|»toBlMr g, 1833.

Cheese,fifeer.for which

P. C. OAKLEF.3,1833.

*VS»r"l>' mmp«ttppJy,I*te from New Yorks

W tt» W>r. or gallon, Selling from * toiaUoB. at th« O«en Store; Ford-«t.* i,.MGBBIS.

1833. ,jy,

M * m * * , ; be foond-m - W.B. MARSHALL1 S.

g».^Vire.;> Agent,

er^ati6a|, 4j l S i ^^J|uteahteearI«Jirea ft) 'orainaiQf'caseaviiad Hie tnost-hon-b t all' tltneaitfM^ o t e d I i i

r ._ jnd ifteSsti&nliy vrhtuigJ igictf r&jiecfiire'sifaatipnSi atidin'iedri

litabie for thele cases carefully fotwaWe€.to

south and

j t^ ji. «xce'|it Sritotdays, for the^'viavSoBveirutuif and W

5s received ftoni the:| i | S

ycuings. , „ . .. • _. .,, ..- , .'-'K' nfall is alsP made up every evening,

.eieejifc Saturdays; for Ih© iiorlb> vift. Wad-dingto^; to FortrGonnglorij aurt for Mpfitreal-an'd'places in Lower Canada, and oniis received from that directibn every e\enIng eS'cepVMdtio*ay^evening*;. • • '_.__- "A «««J ikais& nitde up «Very Sunday;

^ p y gg 1 i t Canio i j Antf alsp for Denmark

andotherplacesijouib, via.Morristown andHaminond: Aud mails are leceiycd from\hese airectioDs Tuesday, Thursday andS t a d iy g y

A mail Is also made up every day exceptSundays fitf Prescott n^d places in tjpjserCanada,.»t J^-A« JKLS And received froraP y 1J* O. e?«?ry day excepit Stt

M ; ^ - ' - - ' ; * • • " • '

at If,jQt|>er*veiiiiigs *t 9,The Post-Office is opened onSundnys a

8 A. M. and C P. M. and remains openeach tiinte, pne'jjiour; ..--.--


•Sale,. .issued out oi e g , n and

p j p t y of St. Lawrence^ to me directed and delivered, against (he hods and|l>'^ettt«of Jtner «i!es?. t fVall

. m.ShtKifih^ Sale,

BY virlae of »n pxeculion ithe Court of*!DonHnor» Pi


thfesecpnddayb f l inext, a t ihe Louse oi*

Haskin, in tho village of Ogdeniburgh, a(tyro o'clock in the afternoon, all the.estate,

~ title, interest or property of the saidin andfrt tUe follovyiDg piece or par-

cel of laud: AH that certain piece, parcelflfeifttoPlaud *H«ate';iu the town of Oiwp-gstchie, in I ne tract commonly called theninuteen tliofisaDd acre tract, on tho north-

rly side of t he OsvT^pjjjxihie river, bounded

by Kin^Hallioine, a* follows :—Beginnlagata. B«clT»Iike-on. the noahjide «f oastbrendjof said river at a point where ffcie•aid east, branch crosses t7;e eait line of thetown of. Omegalchte aforesaid; thencealong; iaid lioe noitb twenty-ninft, degree*:west, twenty-tv?p chains aud thirty itnki

Lemlock ttalce; thence south sijgr^s westjlwe^ly-ljts chaip* and

i«]«,4«-* birch tree; thence,south tvnine degrees east, twenty-eight ch»i4« aridforty link? |a' a small 'beechjree bfi tJ6cbank of the said river; thence northeastalong the njargiu-of-lbe said river "as itwind* to tiE place ojf beginning, containingfifty-three icre* and serenty hiindredths ofan acre of land more or less,—Dated Og-densfaurgh, September 13, [833.

. • "•- " hkkqph Byp*L, Sheriff.38-B * B^S & t j§

Woodlard1* Cabinet "Factory, Iwhet* lie yrm. 0\pM« Ihe

MAKWG #mmm$;: M y ,«ua ttRccommodiiie ill- who wilt ple*«e to favorhim with their cniitbih.' " ' ' ' ':

ORdensburghi Jahniry 18,1833. 4tf

T-uiii& ' - J1heion,hundired-or boshel, b

r Mzmt

uud for aale


s" "'5,

200 Barrel! bc»t brandsfor ftmily aw. 100 Will,r e i ^ d a d f o r »ale,


Joseph.Anderson,nesi ftoljoii,; 2

Hirato Bacon, ./ames JBowne," ifVey Bresee,


Goueemeur,a^r ' I , ^flf, '••."

Hiram burdock,Bernard i f c^an.ers 2Mary McNeighteu, ^

Samuel S. Read,Aaron Rhodef>,ift• » , » , - ft' TTl- "-tV* ** .



^ •->•?*


l ^ l v e U i h Swing stock.nt Warttcles cattedi for

iniiis trade, and i» disposed to sell extreme-cash, or most kinds of produce


| - | ^ B A S ;

iiie &a-> s t J 4ARSj

Sogaxi&nte ikiid[ rtew-Prfeaiw Boofasses.Pure strained hVri^cofle'e, jxepjier,SpiWvi»n^r;s^rai«sv»t«ohVjDljpcplite, rice, t | | le salt, y ^ s h « v i n g"^^Wd^B^P^A^^cf i .^fe 'rd ,Cocoa, cIo

subscribers cpjjtintie.„ and foi ward, all deicHptii

pertvjtd the Northern, Southern !ern tasrketsj on the most favor1-*their old stand, No. 3 & 4 « :^£¥i^%-

ALLEN ft ^ARIffEiR,Qgdensburgh, May 1,1833. "

James Sipftfclf,trasier, iBynian^iilihi

oodrich) James. vSHeluor,J6lji.n % Gitman, F . it>.7

1f'P*n»0i)d,~ ~ iRetj 1fens«e)«e>Tiboer,

Grifliu, A. S. VawiDttzier,nsey, •'•'".' if. S- Winchel^ 2Haven, Elder M.Wilkie,

Miss Amanda Hough,\Vestertr W. Wager.41 "4 «

'; - Idst of Iiettera, -.Remqimngin the Post Office at Pattdam,

October, Steplieu K, ^

Brush,;B«?tseyBarber, JoSiahBacbo, RuthBe»n, SatnuelBushj-JuniesB 1 b

1 3 -Healey, JabezJohnson, R HLyroan, DeaconMiller, Asenirti

faJlfey,CpButker, HiiamBrown, JasonBurgiss, PatrickBuck-nian, HannahB | t J

Msirs}},Jfiratn 2Murry, MargaretMeacham, Moses •Oltnsted, Lesterplmsted, Hiifus HP ,PUce, Thomas'$ik A l V

l i r , ChestertJJark, if enryC l k j A djfCary, Bvruabasfiultord, JohnCb»Mhcrlain, Law.Cogswell, JesseDennis, PeterJ E ) B b 2

% r > f |Pidraer, ErastusPostj AlapspnPaine, DavidPeterson, JohnPease, TftirzRich, MartinReed, D»vidSpears, JohnSmith, John 2

Daniels, Charlotte " 'Shaw, Daniel Jr 2portncly^Putrick Simmons, George H

Smith, Isaac 4 .outhworth, PGoddard, Marvin

H*theway, Almira tp y ,raith/Theodacius

Wood, Solomon« # %



Br«fl^y,Jtu;n^;Ho;l}«ha and Xn?|rica»!Gin:

MaWga, yoora and Smyrna rauins;

B 300 ^ Calf Sklns ._f lie abo^"cpnfs5^nieht will Be sold at suchprices as willH»sarevpurch«se_rg stock on asrood terms as tlioy can oblaiu them fromAlbany or JTew-York. Those who buy togell again will be satMefd of ym tt^'lfr'mining pur prices, ahtfcaii depehd « ^ | ^plief-of jny ^aiitity they may retjuilij isout'wrargement will give us at afl titties «full assortment.


j l ^ ,iits anft cocoa

"•"'"• ••• '• ' f

Mackerel,P!ckte,d d


mat iowef p | ; ^ , y # f t (mentofihekii idinthis part of the country,

AH Idnda?i»f PfPHuce^keBKiiJ^paylbeht^kJpylbeht

ThankfuI to his customers and a generoupublic for past fnvors.heh'ioipes, by keepingconstantly'on hand a general supply^ *n'dselling on the most reasonable torins, timerit-r*i»d receive, a- continuance of thei

"• £ . MORRIS.Ogdensburgh, Seplemhef 3,1833.


r Saleand fine Flour

arro, 1arrojS

Hough, Caleb42-3


IS hereby given, that In the month ofJfaHwt, J gave, tajf son Charle* *«w-

ar?iTi!iume,and any bargains he may havecontracted since that time are not lubjectto my coptol 7' " '

Oiwegatchie, October 2,1833. 41-3


JLigl»tS--siire fire—for *ale... W. EL* HAR-SHALL*

v i $ 3 3 . • • - - . . . •:;:. ; • ' - » - ? " • . . :

TO DISCHARGE FROM DEBT.TT>URStJAK5<JoJRevise4 Statutes, partJT#«cond, chap. fiv«; Title first; art. 3d,relating to voluntary assignments, made pur-suant to the application of an insolvent andM»cj^i«»% j^edjrijpkMiikr, noj8c# firstpubliahed September 24,1833, creditor* toappear before Ho'n.John Fine, FiritJudgeof St. Lawrence Contmoq PJeas,and coun-sellor of Supreme Couftrat the Court-housein CantODujn the county oT ?l. Lawrence,

BUSH, SHEPARD tf CO's Partner—1 ship hating expired by limitation^—

J. €LBtJSH& QEO. W. SHEPARtt wjlreceivo the p«ymentxjn the demands due,

|urgn, Dec. l»t» 1832. ' - ^ *"*J.C.BUSH,G. W. SHEPARD,

on the seventeenth Atf p(. December;at nine o'clock in the forenoon. 189-- 3 ? - ? ^

• • . 8her i fPs Sa le . . ^ " •• • •

BY virtue of an execution, is<ued ottt ofthe Supreme Court of J«dicature of

the people of the State of New-Yorki tome directedand delivered, against the laudsand* fenementi, real estate and chattelsreal, of Harry Esilman, I have levied enand ahill expose to sale, at the presentdwelling house of Whitman^. Haskin, inthevillige of Ogdensburgh, on the seventhday of November next, at ten o'clock inthe forenoon of that day, all the estate,right, title and interest, of Harry Easimah,u> the following described premise* to wit:JLH that piece, parcel or lot of land, sitaatein the town of Madrid, county of St. Law^rence and State of New-York, being a partof a certain lot of land which tippn« mapand 8Uft»y of tbe township of Madrid ndeiigTiated by nuaiber fifty of the Iota laidout on Oral* River, beginning at the mid-dle of the highway on the line bctweeaG R i l N f ^ i h d fifGr»a River lot* No* forly-eiglit iod fifty,theace north fifty-twa degrees and tfairtyminotei weH, (even ehaiataiid tirentr-fire

T gPork,

QO^ Salt, •6 ido. « FisKj, '" ">•• y

•* VO'^BSxai Hyson and Hyson Skin Teas100 Kegsfpbacco, • "200. Boxes Gigirs,

2000 lbs. Cbfifee, - '400 Sides Sple and Upp

30 to>^)^t»w^{50 Potash* fettles, _

150 Boxes Soap and Candles.Swedesf Engfoh and Mod Iron,&i^flidfctyfapjl£fy*b

•• : age% 0<t%m± (s&.—litso,SMrtiniji, Wettings, BaUini.Ttekingt, %50 pieces Got'n Duck, Fo. 4 to-l6

And a general assortment ofGJROOSRlMS--at Wholesale.December 25 ,1832; ' ' -• •

^.DENlSbN.^»^BB Suhwribett will continue businesaJL under tHe firm of '

mm 4- sttiiipAaD.Thankful for parst ftvori iff the forwardingand commission businew, they tender theirservices on as favorable terms as anv othorJwMJse in their linev

i. c*


PJFilbertei MaaeiraJBTutt, Pea ]NutsCoco* Nute, and Walnuts, now ret*jlin»•*•"* ^ W.M MARSHALL.

Copper, , and Sheet IronFactory.

Mike Sign qfthepMtUoci, Foti-ttiett,

JASON C.PEIRCE, tenders his sincerethanks to his friends and the publick

generally, for the liberal patronage he hasreceived, and hopes by strict attention tohir businecs to merit a Cotitinuance ot the•feme. He has on baud a general assortmen



of good materials and finished workman-ship. He also makes to order on aborflotiee Copper Stills and Worms# FarmiceB

' % | E t t l % ' d ttt, and twenlyfire , . „ w

hnka, to a stake and atPoe; tbeace toott Kettle*, &c. kc. all of which will be ioldthitty-ieven degree* aiid thirty miVotesW«t,on« chain and thirty-eight link, to a•take and stone; thence »ottth filty-tirb de-greea and thirty minutes eait, ae»eo chikuand ttrenty-five liolc* id tbe middle of thehighway; thence north thirty^eirea de-f rce* md thirty mindtei eat h if rce*


y ;md

Biog, ewtaiW

ymindtei east, one ehaifl

link* to the phnet f btffrone acre of ltnd, striet»* o e k ] > d

on as reasonable tern^sas can be purchased,in this place or elsewhere.

Jobbing and repairing attended to at all»f!l»i»*»«a» «pull, a general assortmentof Cook, Box, and parlPr 8toye« and StorePip*, at wholesale or retail. (Qr* LiberaldiMfcnnttiorCiBiorCaiB.

Ogd»n*bargh, Jam 15,1833.

gdensbiirgji, Moy, I3jh JLeather at reduced Price*.

3CMI Sitfea Sole Leather,' " ':„• iw fa Uppt* ao.>

ipp; do. Harness fto*10Q do. {Jalcutt* U

XUST received, S t r o n g ZiidUt r Brandy,Rvtm,GJn,8t Wines of all kinds,of the best quality, for skit by "


y Mm .Mfm#^eg^iiftpj^ to |je|l-Ve*y, cjieapjor

ln orapprqved 4t$<m» AmM^P^fully invitesall those, wishing,to5 purchaseto caji and examine fpr th.emsely(fs;


, tpjeceassortment of

. »e WitHids # i/re >$<»•#«,and most articles used in the business, direct frpni New-York and Albany,*warrant,ed,jind JT411 ieli tliem at a small advance

g p p ^ .Iiinseed Oily

N» B. One She»rins; Machine and onNiipping and Teazl^Machine^ for sale vetjjpw, t • I»^0TEiIf|S,;

4^,... Green Storey iPord-M^OgdeniiurghJuly |5Ui, 1833, ^-. '--_,


DEALER in »Pork, ildur,Slt d GR&miti&SSaltj and

? Agent foF

, Medferd £?roum mass,Keeps constantly on hand ii good supply oi

t the Factory prices adding transportationJune 14,18^3. V , ;

T by the single tor number of jinundsfof»aleby- W.m MARSHALL.

JulyS, 1833. • ,—

_ JJuane's American Steel.A SiMPLE.of tliiis fldicM i» for ne]

JEJsj- bv the subscribers, who feel.greatpleniure in introducing so valuable an arti-cle irom tte JUines spf 4tis State^ thitSteel w .injd6 by one process only from thiore, and is found to possess all the qualitie,req!«ir.edfprany.«se, edge tool* not eC3t«;ep!ed.- It is-particularly 'r<scbminenibr Pjiringij ^§cythe»t and wraith wbrfegeneral^ It will b^tept cpnstasdjAjrt.at $li-per kundred, and 14 cents for smalparcels, by

December 24, 1832.

nj^HEaubscriber wishes to inform lii)JL lflends-and customers, th*,t v he stil

«arfie« on U jg^^F MAKISG MUSIcarries on: the•&£&&* TPnbe ota standjjn, tt* Sash shopidjoiiiing thft Pajl Jractdrv, where hei "tend* keeping Pn hand.^Sash pfsixes and dimensionf, at thecheap for re^dv pay. MLItfMS»hort_nptice and most reasonableSfeoeiriakier** Peg plocksijoii ti>nd-Jfeff ..fksubscriber, for sale; as fair an article as canbe.haiTinJie country any where,_ * A-

N,B. The afeo?e articles all warrantedPf first quality. ; , ,

"M- '•..•'. HQ&ATIOPEC?.Ogdensburgh January 18,1833. 4jf

Aelection Notice.NEftll* EtECflp|ir;t» to be

^ _ held Sit thecPttnty of St*tawreiice onthe 4th, 5th and 6th d*ys of N/pverobernext, at which will be chosen the officersmentioned in the notice from the Secretaryof Stale, nf which a copy is annexed,-—Dat-ed at Canton, August 13,1833. **

BUCK, Sheriff.STATE or

\Ao. T t . .-Aoguat 10,183S.

Sir-^l hereby giye you. notice, tjiit «tlie next General Election is this State, |pbeheld on the 4lh, fith and 6th days ofNovember next, a Senator j« to be chosen4n the Fourth Senate Distiict, id place ofliaae Gere, whose terra of service will«prreori the l**t day of December next._Notwe Is al» given, tfc,t at the laidElection the following proposed imend-menu to the Constitution of this Stale willConstitution obe submitted to the People

1' "PLf1^1 * *¥^ ^ * ¥ %*or«fitMbytbeet«ctor«tb<treof.»»

authorising the ki l »


2dt risingreduce the dmiei on «lt.»



..ansiFor smaller

Wheat, Ryeraud Corn, for salei l t mill. * J

" 1,25,1832.

""iklVIAijijNDS, preser^d h\ svigaf, i

BK l, JT

• L '

C u s , ofTor,sale cheapj.by;;

^ tqua l i f l .


ChampUiu Glass,at factory J>riej?s,


att 1833.

U^^ faugj££mp^^ ^ fyf the Faculty, of Shysi-

• c|ptjis.,j[6£;curing Goughs, CpldS, Asthinis,and Consumptions. ..;.••..-. : .,•,...-pHESE DroRi imtn?di»lely remoTe difficulty

tthiriK? Hgotnew pr^ rifctuw aotoj*b » t i frtf l « W ffvbTM), q » r u e » ffrtf «lc«« ilpWtfie

Lun(?f,piiinin.the«Tde oreheil, «ncl ipiuing of 1blood. Vfhe follniwing *ertiffeiHe»- *nd recoijl* • '"mend»tip|i»»re»elected fronv«gre«t number i»>}ke;\ha^r.or4Jtfr^rpfrtetori'l!td^i^sj>«ctfu!ir'•ubmitted,' 1*liH;^iersfoiS)%—Sir—fair "»brafert

ib R ^ WelchP:

„ , . ,

*liH;^iersfoiS)%—Sir—fairpast I ha»e pretcribiSd ~Bi,RC l h todin

dCoujfhi, . T,breathing, and pt|ier diienc* of the breaitaml:lunjE»r (Bj eclaiiy iht Irifiaeiijtar wbfcl\ fi** pre», _yaileu as an epidemic (TuringWe preseni>»)nte>, II have no hejiialion in ggyiilg, Uiil they itantl §

e C(ij'4l«e me*n*iliBrihe abds*djReife*i|htfteVictliem to the public.

giBsrosinFebiftaty g8,1832.Mr. H. H. »*ifir6l.jbf--ar^Thlsm.ycV-

tify thaf 1 «ririhorOurti(¥ *cqu»inte<l \»it|, the• :ii . . . l c . , . 1 . t-\\«.->-_.i«r«i^. _ »— •


efifeial *flect» Jn my practice,.. ,, .llelf^rRctty litranlted in recomnwpil*ifljr thjt* t« alt persona; iftfcteil with conjrb.colds. HKtjmin or coniumplitm», «» beinrthebeat irticle nuw before tlie publfefpr such tomTplaints.

rscribed.J f e d ^ » | ( t e;lch poughprtps iniii*nifTectioni, •« commnn cotiglu and coldly pwfiilf<h»tideorcheH.difficultj'«fbreHliinc—.nil we.h»Ve iSifta^to fee ajr|ry «»cW(it %emAf ifc-fvih«*J?ulm6iM^, # e «l«erf«jiy Ei«e it **pur opinion ihat then|«*e CoujrM Drop* art;•>'

l l l p ^ y lii flie di»t«(cifc* vliiel thejF-are recommended. - ;

P. A, f ebriiiry lO,^??* Mr^m^mtMnttil .wliere they Ikif til ;i#6rdi«*Velief

the purcha»e.«noi>ejr-wjll he*£*flioVA.,

nmxAtr EYE WATER* ?Arson* «ffliejted x«Hi fe«ik', ^oHn^tt t^

eyes,»« mvited to giw tni*%e #ater aW° ^ *? «-*h«d d i the

mpckmnime cure for th* Itch,

nveterate; % fhree.applieatipiw. ft doeihotcontain the teaat particle of Mercury orotheir-^ " ^ ' • r t ^ e n t , and may be used wllhow*

fluF abp*eMmedicinf« are nktiMfpared by Hvfi. teynohl* fe,|J6J^j); |Obwr*«th*teicji bottle h »Bt» t h d l

i j i bottle h» BB»t»*ia, »t«ihped in letter* on* & h ^

w, wbottte* -

FOR THE Habit *UK(/M AND SCALD MEAD.jrtii* ointment neveeftilji in ih* crtrf«f i>rtho»e loathjome di»e««es U»e <'S»lt k h o WS l d ahadciini,
